M20 Sorcerer Final Download
M20 Sorcerer Final Download
M20 Sorcerer Final Download
Sorcerers and
The world of Mage: The Ascension 20th To the uninitiated, their tools and results are
Anniversary Edition is a dark virtually indistinguishable; however, each of these
reflection of our own. The shadows of the World of character types manifest their power in vastly
Darkness run a bit deeper, cast a bit longer, and are far
different ways.
more dangerous, as they house supernatural horrors
with inhuman appetites and arcane agendas. While Sorcerer provides rules, character options, and
most humans make their way through life under the setting information about hedge wizards and
comforting blanket of ignorance, unaware of the true psychics in the World of Darkness. While characters
nature of the world, there are some who bravely delve employing the powers and abilities detailed in this
into the darkness, seeking to understand and control book are undoubtedly magical, their powers do not
the powers that lurk there. Arcane scholars, medicine
workers, and monster hunters alike pursue secrets of
carry the life-shattering and mind-bending risks, nor
the supernatural for various reasons. Some, motivated reach the reality altering heights of true magick.
by altruism or morality, seek to protect themselves and
their communities from threats both supernatural and
mundane. Others seek power for its own sake, aiming
Hedge Wizards
to exert control over the world around them regardless Though they refer to themselves and their
of the cost. A rare few, born with insights and gifts that practices by an array of names, Sorcerer refers to
open their minds to the otherworldly, suffer with those who use hedge magic as hedge wizards.
terrible, inescapable awareness of the true nature of the Unlike mages, who alter reality on a fundamental
world. level with their arts, hedge wizards work within the
Mage players and Storytellers are familiar confines of reality, crafting magical effects that
with these concepts and setting elements. One operate on established, calculable, and predictable
could easily assume that the preceding text is principles. Most hedge magic is less flashy and
about mages. The reality-bending, magick- bombastic than true magick, but that doesn’t mean it
wielding protagonists of Mage share similar is weak or easily dismissed. A proficient and
origins, goals, and methods with the characters knowledgeable hedge wizard can achieve staggering
featured in M20 Sorcerer. An outside observer effects with their workings, given sufficient time and
would be hard pressed to spot the difference resources. Some hedge wizards become embroiled in
between a mage, hedge wizard, and a psychic the conflicts and conspiracies of the Ascension War.
using their abilities. Drawn to practices and philosophies they recognize,
6 Sorcerer
Custos, Linear Mages, and Static Mages
Since their introduction in the first edition World of Darkness books, hedge mages have
appeared under several names. In this book, we refer to them as hedge wizards or
magicians for system purposes. In the game world they go by all manner of names,
including mage, wizard, sorcerer, medicine worker, priest, wise man, wise woman, shaman,
and so on. Any term a mage might use for themselves could also apply to a hedge wizard.
Mage Revised and Sorcerer Revised introduced a setting conceit that further muddied this
nomenclature, as many of the Disciples remaining in the wake of the Avatar Storm did not
know or care about the difference between hedge magic and true magick. After all, hedge
wizards worked spells and used foci, so that was enough to earn the title of mage.
M20 Sorcerer operates under the assumption that the differences in how hedge magic and
true magick interact with the world are sufficient that even the lowliest initiate of the
Spheres can easily spot the difference between the two. Sphere magick alters reality on a
fundamental level, bringing it in line with the Awakened mage’s will. Hedge magic calls
upon established metaphysical truths to achieve effects that conform to the limitations of
earthly reality. An Awakened onlooker should have no issue spotting the difference,
provided they scrutinize the hedge wizard’s effects with Sphere perceptions active.
If you are using the Revised era metaplot options and wish to blur the lines between hedge
magic and true magick at your table, you may do so. This might require a little extra work
from the Storyteller to justify the ongoing confusion given the mechanical nature of how
each practitioner achieves
and perceives their effects. Many hedge wizards shun secret societies
altogether and prefer solitary practice. Operating
outside the concerns of factions, Affiliations, and
other conspiracies of the World of Darkness, these
solitary practitioners pursue personal goals with
sorcerers join the Traditions, the Technocracy, or the
little care for the agendas of others. Occasionally,
Disparate Alliance to further their goals and expand
such solitary practitioners will band together into
their knowledge. Each faction’s mages maintain
covens or cliques with a handful of like-minded
different relationships with the hedge wizards within
individuals for mutual benefit and protection, but
their ranks. Some, such as the Technocracy and the
such arrangements rarely rise to the complexity or
Order of Hermes treat hedge wizards as capable
dogmatic nature of a secret society.
servants who can occasionally rise to the status of
trusted companion, but never that of equal. Others,
such as the Disparate Alliance or the Kha’vadi don’t Psychics
care about the differences between a hedge wizard Sorcerer also explores and explains psychic
and a true mage, treating the hedge wizards in their phenomena. These powers of the mind are inborn
company as equals with a slightly different skill set. abilities that the psychic struggles to control and
Other hedge wizards form their own secret understand. Often unwanted, dangerous, and
societies, based on common goals and practices. disturbing, psychic phenomena grant their user
Much like the Crafts, Conventions, and Traditions of access to incredible power stemming from within.
the mages, these hedge wizard Affiliations serve as To a layperson, this is simply another way to
social groups, political alliances, and sources of work magic, but to the psychic, these powers are
potential rivals for their members. These extensions of the self which can be
organizations provide the hedge wizard with simultaneously empowering and horrifying.
resources, tools, and knowledge, but come at the While psychics can and do join secret
cost of enemies, rivalries, and responsibilities. Each societies, they are more likely to become a subject
Affiliation is a secret society in its own right. of interest or study than an actual member. Those
Dismissing them as “lesser traditions” is both folly societies that focus on
and gross oversimplification.
Introduction: Sorcerers and Seers 20. Each organization contains an overview
psychic power are often academic in nature, seeking to of scholars and scientists, while others shy away
from quantify and explore the capabilities and limitations becoming the subject of academia to avoid feeling
like a of psionic power. Some psychics revel in the attention lab rat. As a result, many psychics are lone
8 Sorcerer
mistakenly assumed they had the upper hand based Crossovers
on faulty research and poor preparation. Even the The rules presented in M20 Sorcerer are
most erudite scholar lacks basic understanding of the compatible with Mage 20. However, they’re also
social divisions, deep history, petty squabbles, or built on a foundation of independent function,
true capabilities of most Night-Folk. with the sorcerer’s knowledge and prowess
Those Affiliations that trace their origins to other creating exterior effects which resolve normally.
supernatural beings view the Night-Folk through the Once the sorcerer successfully uses a Path or
lens of their own histories and make assumptions phenomena, the traits used to adjudicate its effects
accordingly. The Children of Osiris can draw are universal among the World of Darkness 20th
historic connections from their practice to vampires, Anniversary Edition game lines. A hedge wizard
but they’re unlikely to know the difference between may use a Hellfire ritual to engulf her sword in
Clan, sect, or coterie. The Order of the Golden Fly flames, but the way those flames interact with her
draws power from an angelic being they inaccurately opponent requires no change whether they fight a
believe they’ve successfully bound. That belief vampire, a changeling, or a wraith. Keep this
invites blind spots born from bad assumptions when design ethos in mind when combining these rules
dealing with Night-Folk. In the World of Darkness with other World of Darkness games.
ignorance is deadly. Despite their strong emphasis
on scholarship, most Affiliations are woefully
ignorant when it comes to the Night-Folk.
Lone practitioners and unaffiliated covens lack
the support structures and history of large
Affiliations. As such they rarely have access to
Night-Folk lore. Unless their activities bring them
into conflict with Night-Folk, they’re unlikely to
know much more about vampires or werewolves
than any other inhabitant of the World of Darkness.
Chapter One: Hedge Magic 11
2, Kinfolk: A Breed Apart, and Ghost Hunters. These hedge wizards. If these Paths are brought into a
game Paths differ from the ones below in several minor ways, using the mechanics presented in this book,
characters most notably that the Paths outside this book have should use their own Attribute + chosen Path
Ability specified dice pools. This should be interpreted as repre- and make other modifications as necessary.
senting the specific techniques of those Fellowships and
12 Sorcerer
Aspects Distance
Most Paths have several components associated These ranges are guidelines for populated
with them called Aspects. These are variables like regions. For less populated ones, the numbers may
the number of targets, the duration, or the amount of be doubled or even tripled. Distance is used for
damage done travel, movement, and remote effects. For effects
by a given spell. When the hedge magician casts a emanating directly from the hedge wizard, such as
Awakened Hedge Magic spells,
Awakened mages and hedge magicians appear to achieve similar results by performing nearlyuse
identical actions. Both a Hermetic mage and a Hermetic hedge magician may activate the pentacleRange
of Mars to call down fire on their enemies. But while the mage channels Forces through the powerinstead.
of will, thereby risking Paradox, the hedge magician accesses Hellfire through formulae or faith.• Only
This dichotomy prevents the Awakened from ever learning hedge magic and causes hedgea few
magicians who Awaken to lose their Paths. Once a character Awakens, the linear Paths are barredfeet
to them. Their attempts to change the world are filtered through their Avatar, manifesting as•• Up
Sphere-based magick, rendering hedge magic impossible for them. to
spell, they must choose what level of each Aspect around
they want to include, with the default being zero — 20 feet
and therefore, no effect — in each. Hedge wizards ••• Up to 100 feet
can increase a given Aspect as high as the Path level, •••• Up to half a mile
and the highest Aspect determines the level of the
spell. When the spell is cast, it requires one success ••••• Up to five miles
for each rank in each Aspect. Spells may contain any Duration
of the general Aspects listed here, modified and • A few minutes
expanded by any Aspects listed in the Path’s
description. A hedge wizard only needs to purchase •• One scene
Aspects they require for the spell. A result of no ••• A day or two
effect purchased in one Aspect doesn’t impede any •••• A couple of weeks
other Aspect.
••••• Several months
Going beyond the fifth dot in an Aspect may be
possible but is the stuff of legend most magicians Number of Targets
never see, much less accomplish. • A single target
Area •• Two targets
• 1-foot radius ••• Up to 10
•• 3-foot radius •••• Up to 50
••• 6-foot radius ••••• Hundreds
•••• 12-foot radius ••••• Metaphysical Weight
25-foot radius • Simple creatures such as small, unintelligent
animals, most minor Gafflings and the
Damage/Healing smallest beings in the hosts of a heaven
For each level of this Aspect, up to two dice of or hell
lethal damage can be healed or caused. An
additional two successes spent on this Aspect •• Larger creatures such as bears or wolves,
converts the damage healed or caused to aggravated. more powerful Gafflings, ghosts that
have begun to learn to navigate their
existence but have no experience
14 Sorcerer
which can be anything from a spoken word or oneself from unwanted magic is as instinctual as an
gesture made with the object, to using a finger to eyeblink.
make rhythmic taps on a specific area of the object. Unweaving applies when a magician finds an
Once the trigger is set, anyone who knows and existing spell they want to remove from something
performs it can release the stored spell. This spell or someone. Here, they need to have the same Path
doesn’t count against the limits in Hanging Spells as the original caster for spells created through
below. However, this can only store a single spell at hedge magic or else a Path relevant to the sort of
a time. If Store Spell is cast on an object before a magic being unwoven. After choosing a relevant
previous spell is released from the object, the old Path, roll the hedge wizard’s dice pool for the
spell is lost. This ritual must be bought separately appropriate Path at difficulty 8. The hedge magician
for each Path. needs more successes than the original caster to
unweave the spell. Unweaving can be done as an
Complications extended action.
The systems above describe the basics of using By default, a hedge magician can use either sort
hedge magic. For many hedge magicians, things get of countermagic against other hedge magicians and
a bit more complicated. They often look for faster against Awakened magick, but nothing else. For
ways to cast their spells, to build more successes other sources of magic, they must have at least the
upon a ritual, or even to protect themselves from second rank of the relevant Lore/RD Data
enemy magics. Many of the following are optional Knowledge and then spend 3 XP. Possible types of
rules meant to give more flexibility, simplify magic to counter include vampiric magic
bookkeeping at the table, or keep hedge magicians in (Thaumaturgy, Necromancy, etc.), spirit Gifts and
check. Charms (including those given to shapeshifters), Fae
Cantrips, the powers of the dead, and psychic
Simplified Aspects phenomena, among others.
Aspects can be complicated, requiring
bookkeeping and making hedge magic cost many Hanging Spells
successes. Optionally, each Aspect can cost a single With how slow hedge magic can be, many
success to include at the hedge wizard’s Path rating magicians prefer to prepare their magic in advance.
rather than one success per rank. This makes hedge Powerful hedge magicians may use a ritual to imbue
magic more powerful but easier to keep track of. It a spell into an item, and Alchemists and Enchanters
also causes the primary cost of high Aspects to be can both prepare objects for later use, but every
the increased difficulty of the spell involved rather hedge wizard can attempt to hang a spell or ritual.
than the high number of successes required to attain Hanging a spell consists of the hedge magician
an effect. doing everything they need to in order to cast the
spell, but then stopping right before its completion.
Countermagic They then internalize the unfinished spell, holding it
Sometimes the most important thing for a hedge within awaiting rapid release at some point in the
magician isn’t to cast their own spell, but to stop or future.
unmake someone else’s. For that, there’s
countermagic. Countermagic comes in two varieties:
normal countermagic and unweaving.
When the target of some sort of magic, the
magician may roll the dice pool of their Affinity
Path at difficulty 8 to subtract successes from the
caster’s roll. If they reduce the incoming magic to
zero successes, then the magic is canceled. The
hedge wizard’s arcane foundation need not have
anything in common with the caster at all; defending
16 Sorcerer
One hedge magician, even with an extended leader, and all members must share a practice or the
action, may not be able to manage it. This is Ability they roll with them.
especially true at higher difficulties. Many hedge Once preparations are complete, the magicians
magicians solve this problem by working must spend the required 10 minutes/level of a ritual
together, creating more impressive spells and along with 10 minutes for each caster beyond the
rituals than they could accomplish alone. first. Each of the magicians must roll their dice pool
This sort of teamwork divides the hedge at the appropriate difficulty number for the level of
magicians into three groups. The first consists of the Path they are contributing. If all the casters
the leader, who must have the appropriate Path at succeed, the Greater Ritual goes off, and the
a high enough rank to be able to attempt the spell combined effect occurs.
on their own. The second group consists of the
assistants who have the Path — possibly at a Creating New Paths and Rituals
lower level — and either share the leader’s
Hedge magic may be a static discipline, but it
practice for it or their Path Ability. The third and
doesn’t stay the same. Paths fall out of favor and are
final group are hedge magicians who follow
lost, while clever hedge wizards develop new
instructions but cannot contribute their own
approaches over time. Most new Paths disappear
magic to the group.
relatively quickly, not spreading beyond the creator
Each hedge magician other than the leader or their immediate circle. But some end up lodging
and the first assistant increases the casting time themselves into the Tapestry, spreading beyond their
by one turn for a spell and 10 minutes for a ritual. creators as other practitioners independently work
The assistants in the second group, who can apply out their own methods for realizing identical
their mystical knowledge and skills, each make a outcomes. Rituals are much simpler. They don’t
Path roll. For each successful roll, the difficulty truly open new ground, being new configurations of
of the spell or ritual decreases by one, and for powers hedge wizards already have. They also
each botch it increases by two. Anyone involved spread over time, as one magician teaches another,
can spend Willpower to gain successes on the and just as commonly disappear when they stop
roll. being useful enough to transmit.
Once the spell or ritual is complete, the leader
makes their Path roll, with the difficulty modified
New Paths
by their assistants. If the roll succeeds, the spell The creation of a new Path is often the
or ritual goes off as expected. However, on a undertaking of a magician’s lifetime. Before they
botch, everyone involved in the casting suffers can even begin, they must have mastered a Path
the consequences, and often the consequences are completely. Until they do, attempts to blaze new
more severe than they would be for an individual trails fail miserably, but harmlessly. Once they
caster. master their first Path, however, they can truly begin
the long and demanding task of creating something
Greater Rituals new.
In addition to the usual methods of teamwork, The process begins with conceptualization.
clever and determined hedge magicians can use and Without a clear idea of what the Path does, the
develop Greater Rituals. Greater Rituals are the only magician can’t begin. They must decide if the Path
way for multiple Paths to be combined to achieve a has Aspects (and what they are) with each dot
single effect, and always require multiple magicians increasing the potency and diversity of the spells it
to work in concert. Each magician must contribute can cast, or whether there are a set of specific
the appropriate level of one Path, and each Path magics connected by a common theme. They
requires a distinct magician to cast it. Additionally, shouldn’t be too flashy and cannot be quick, those
all of the requirements for working together above both fall into the realm of Sphere magick. Instead,
must be satisfied by the group: There must be a new Paths are generally subtle, at least at first.
18 Sorcerer
This Path has no spells. It does everything Duration: Effects last for a single scene unless
through rituals called recipes. otherwise noted.
System Effects: Alchemy doesn’t have Aspects; instead,
each dot increases the practitioner’s power and
Modifiers: Once the magician successfully control. Except for the most potent recipes, they only
follows a recipe three times, the difficulty is reduced require a single success to make. Additional
by one. successes are split between providing additional
Time: Alchemy takes longer to obtain results doses and keeping those doses potent for one day per
than most Paths. Recipes require one day per level to success spent.
prepare, but this can be shortened if the Path Ability
• Distillations at this level do not appear magical
exceeds the recipe level. Each dot of the Ability
in any way. These recipes are simply more
higher than the ritual level reduces the total time
advanced versions of extant chemicals and
spent by one day. If this would reduce preparation
time below one day, instead assume several hours of
producing more potent painkillers, poisons,
applications require increasingly exotic components and extremely
glues, solvents, etc., and increasing the Toxin
specialized Tass. Though the Herbalism variant tends to be cheaper
in terms of money, it requires more Rating of the chemical by one (as per Mage 20 time and effort, with
p. 442). Higher Path levels can further alter
plants and fungi collected under strict conditions. the Toxin Rating,
increasing or decreasing the rating by one per dot.
20 Sorcerer
of Willpower or else fall asleep ••• A dust that reveals invisible objects or
immediately. They must try again (at a creatures and disrupts illusions.
difficulty of one less than the prior roll) •••• A metabolic accelerator that raises Strength
each turn until they fail, or the difficulty and Stamina by one each. Anyone who
drops below 3. Those affected sleep for takes it will be hungry during the time to
(10 - Stamina) hours. Vampires are fuel the change. This may increase
resistant, rolling at –2 difficulty and Attributes above 5.
rolling Stamina + Fortitude. Even if they
fail, they sleep for only ten minutes, •••• A regimen of drugs or potions that slows
minus one for each dot of Stamina or aging. For each year of life on this regimen,
Fortitude they possess. Werewolves in the user only
their natural form, however, are more ages one month. If they ever go off of it,
susceptible (difficulty +1). however, their age catches up at a rate of one
month per day until they die or resume the
• A cure for the common cold or flu, at
least for 24 hours. It can also halve the
recovery time for the illness. •••• A salve that can be applied to the eyes to allow
the user to see through the Shroud for one
• A drug that lets the user ignore wound
penalties up to the Injured level until
wounded again. •••• A bullet that bursts into flames on impact. It
does an additional two dice of fire damage
• A tonic that instantly sobers the drinker
and ignites anything it hits.
up, no matter how drunk they are.
•••• A powder that, when inhaled by mouth, gives
• A mirror that is nigh impossible to chip
an extra dot of Manipulation and Expression.
or break.
••••• A pungent chemical that drives back
•• An enhanced form of LSD that lets the taker
werewolves (and most humans, simply due to
either see a vision of the future or
the smell). When worn, any sort of
discover connections between disparate
shapeshifter cannot approach within ten feet
elements within the story. These
of the user. Of course, this only protects
relationships always appear in symbolic
against melee combat, they can still throw
form, making the visions difficult to
things, as some alchemists learn when they
start taunting. Similar recipes exist for other
•• A potion that doubles the running speed of Night-Folk.
anyone who takes it. At the end of the
••••• A potion that mimics the physical prowess of a
scene, the user rolls Stamina (difficulty
vampire. The user gains an extra action, an
6) or feels out of breath for the next
automatic success on Strength rolls, and an
hour, suffering a +2 difficulty on all
extra soak die for the scene. They also have
physical rolls.
quite a temper and thirst for blood. Resisting
•• An energy drink that lets the user go an provocation or the opportunity to feed on an
entire week sleeping one hour per night. open wound requires a Willpower roll
••• An extremely strong, light, and easy to (difficulty 8).
work with metal alloy. It can retain an ••••• More directly, an elixir can be made using at
edge forever; melee weapons made from least five points of vampire blood to simulate
it do an extra die of damage and have –1 three dots of Potence for three hours. It leaves
difficulty to hit. Armor made with it the user desperately hungry and suffering
soaks an extra die of bashing and lethal from bloodlust as above.
••••• A powder that allows the consumer to heal
bashing and lethal damage at a rate of one
22 Sorcerer
the target maintains the supernatural connection ritual can work on up to 10 companions, who the
to the sorcerer. A hedge magician may have a sorcerer must define when initially performing the
maximum number of targets bound this way at ritual.
once as they have dots in Conjuration.
Always Armed (•••) Conveyance
The sorcerer doesn’t have to appear armed to Whether dreaming of teleportation or flying
have a weapon at the ready. Due to the nature of broomsticks, people have always wanted to travel
this ritual, it’s nearly always hung before the quickly from place to place. No matter how quickly
sorcerer enters a potentially dangerous situation. they can manage it, it’s never fast enough, and
If they need to access the weapon, the sorcerer many turn to magic and strange sciences to get
completes the ritual by reaching into their where they’re going that much sooner. To hedge
trenchcoat or a convenient shadow to summon it. magicians, these feats may not be routine, but few
Traditionally, sorcerers used this ritual to conjure of them worry about being booked to a middle seat
swords, but in modern times it’s most common on an airline.
for a sorcerer to summon a shotgun or rifle. The Until they reach the pinnacles of Path mastery,
summoned weapon can’t be larger than a a hedge magician using the Path of Conveyance
shotgun or long sword. requires some sort of vehicle, which is prepared for
a single journey by the magician. Mystics tend to
Shitstorm (•••) favor seven-league boots, flying carpets and
The hedge magician surrounds themself and brooms, and stranger things like chariots drawn by
companions within 25 feet of them with a divine cats, while the more scientific magicians use
swirling shell of small inanimate objects. This jet packs, transforming cars, and the like. Powerful
adds +1 difficulty to hit anyone covered by the wielders of this Path, however, can cover distance
effect with a ranged attack for every 2 activation without crossing the intervening space.
successes. Additionally, anyone attempting close Teleportation need not be instantaneous, but it
combat against those affected by the ritual must tends not to need a vehicle; usually a ritual or
soak [activation successes] in damage. This is device at the point of origin will suffice to send the
usually bashing, unless the sorcerer was in a magician wherever they want to go.
room filled with broken glass, small knives, or
other sharp objects, in which case the damage is System
lethal. The sorcerer doesn’t have to target any Modifiers: +2 difficulty for each unwilling
enemy in particular for this to occur. Anyone, target, –1 difficulty for well-known locations
friend or foe, who gets too close to the flying Aspects: In addition to the Aspects of Distance,
debris is hit and must soak the damage. Travel Speed, and Passengers, the following each
Extraction (••••) increase the number of successes needed:
Another ritual commonly hung “just in • 1 success to travel to a location the magician has
case”, Extraction allows the sorcerer to take never been to.
fallen or overwhelmed companions out of battle
• 2 successes to teleport, even if not instantaneous
and to safety. The sorcerer first moves out of
This is required to attempt to use Conveyance
range of combat, typically behind cover, and
pulls their companions out of a shadow. There
isn’t a difficulty increase or success penalty if • Each barrier crossed costs one success. Barriers
the companions aren’t resisting and aren’t must be possible to bypass. This Path can’t
immediately being targeted — the chaos of penetrate hermetically sealed chambers.
combat can hide this ritual’s use. Once the
sorcerer and their companions are out of range, Price of Failure: Mishaps with the Path of
they aren’t counted as being in combat unless a Conveyance can be extremely dangerous. Failures are
combatant finds them and attacks. This powerful innocuous enough, as simply nothing happens.
24 Sorcerer
Brontë sisters. Players are encouraged to research divination methods and find one or more practices that
best suit their character and chronicle.
Abacomancy Divination using dust, sand, or ashes of the dead dropped on a surface
Astrology Studying the interactions and positions of celestial bodies to predict the future
Bibliomancy Prediction by opening books, often religious texts, to random pages
Cartomancy Using a deck of cards to predict the future — often, but not always, tarot or other
specialized decks
Casting Throwing carved rune stones, bones, or sticks and reading the patterns made
Felidomancy Observation of cat behavior to predict the future
Haruspicy Reading the entrails and livers of sacrificed animals
Oneiromancy Interpretation of dreams
Orinthomancy Observation of bird behavior for predictions. Also known as Augury.
Palmistry Divining another’s future by reading the lines on their palm
Probability Analysis Using extraordinary science and chaos math to predict probability of future events
Scrying Reading the future in pools of water, crystal balls, mirrors, clouds, etc. Videomancy Reading the
future through moving images
••••• 10 years
Some magicians — those focusing on the Path of
Summoning, Binding, and Warding — command
26 Sorcerer
spirits. Those who follow the Path of Ephemera seek a System
relationship of greater familiarity with them. To Modifiers: –2 to +2 difficulty depending on the
magicians who use the Path of Ephemera, their spirit’s opinion of the magician.
relationship to spirits is more like family and friends
Aspects: Metaphysical Weight and Spiritual Reach.
than master and servant. When they call for a spirit,
it’s an invitation, not a subpoena. Spiritual Reach
Instead of binding and commanding spirits, the • The magician can sense spirits and get their
Path of Ephemera allows the magician to negotiate attention but can do little else.
with them. This process, called chiminage, is a •• The magician is restricted to calling upon a general
give-and-take. Each spirit wants something type of spirit
different, related to their nature. The spirit’s request
depends on the power of the spirit and the size of ••• Now specific spirits can be called through
the task involved. Asking an Incarna to undertake a tailor-made rituals, and almost always
difficult and long-term task requires a lot from the show up unless the magician has offended
magician, perhaps something only possible with a them in some way.
difficult quest of their own. Asking a Gaffling to do •••• Spirits begin to approach the magician
something simple that ties directly into their nature unprompted. The magician can see into
(e.g., asking a fire spirit to light a candle) would, the Penumbra, which increases the
conversely, require almost nothing of the magician, numbers and types of spirit they can
perhaps only the opportunity to do it. This process, interact with. The magician can also fight
naturally, has a steep learning curve. Most back against spirits if they need to, though
magicians find themselves on the worse end of a most try to avoid it.
deal or two before they get a sense of it. ••••• The magician can now go to the spirits
This Path almost always focuses on the Middle instead of needing them to come to the
Umbra and, more rarely, on the Low Umbra. physical world. Though physical travel
Rumors of versions that work with the High Umbra into the Umbra is still impossible, the
are persistent but remain nothing more than magician can astrally project
28 Sorcerer
Resources Background, as well as others crafted — even if the replicated power
representing a safe and secure space to do their work offers multiple effects.
and the ability to acquire high quality and often Price of Failure: Failure usually means the
exotic raw materials. magician has wasted days or weeks of their time,
System possibly ruining the item they were trying to
enchant, but nothing worse. Botches tend to be more
Modifiers: Once a magician creates a Talisman
varied. They can result in explosions that destroy the
three times, the difficulty is reduced by 1.
workshop. Worse, though, they can result in objects
Time: Crafting time for the object, plus 1-3 days that seem to work, but have some sort of
per level of the enchantment unanticipated side effect. These cursed items tend to
Effects: Enchantment doesn’t have Aspects, be hard to destroy or get rid of, often lingering long
instead it has the following Effects: after the Enchanter is gone and even finding their
• The Enchanter can create minor items that are way into Sleeper hands.
rarely noticeably magical to those who Sample Creations
aren’t already aware of their powers. This
can add one (or, for restricted • Army surplus jacket granting two dots of
circumstances, two) dice to an Attribute or Arcane when worn.
Ability roll or decrease the difficulty by 1 • A custom handgun subtracting one from the
for an attack or skill. Other small boons are difficulty of all aimed shots.
also possible. • A stuffed animal guaranteeing restful sleep
•• More powerful versions of already possible to anyone sleeping in the same bed as it.
Artifacts offer two additional dice or a –2 • A silver chain bearing a hawk’s eye
difficulty on a task. Some of the objects medallion with a chrysoprase in that can,
created at this level can change reality in a once per day, add 2 dice to a long-distance
subtle way, being more magical than sight-based Perception roll.
previously possible.
• A silver toe-ring that, when worn on
••• Obviously magical items are now possible, otherwise bare feet, protects from
though they’ll still seem merely “very projectiles, adding 2 dice to all attempts to
weird” to the magically unaware. These dodge them.
include items that offer two additional dice
on up to three different Attribute or Ability • A colored candle that, when burned, grants
rolls, and those that confer supernatural two dots of a Background for the purposes
perceptions to the user by replicating of a one-time favor.
supernatural powers of no greater than a • An oak frame that preserves anything
single dot. placed in it for as long as it remains intact.
•••• Objects of truly superhuman power. These It can only hold flat things, like documents
can raise Attributes above 5, duplicate and photographs, and must be sealed with
powers (up to the second dot) of other almond oil and sprinkled with pure water.
supernatural beings, and otherwise warp •• A pocket flask that attracts bullets when
reality in significant ways. carried in a breast pocket. It can only take
••••• Extremely powerful items often bordering one impact, but it provides three dice of
on the mythic. Minor miracles are possible, lethal soak before being destroyed. This
and often these powers are quite blatant. enchantment is very popular among
Items created at this level can reproduce up soldiers heading onto a battlefield and may
to three dots worth of supernatural powers. have originated during World War II.
Each dot reproduced this way mimics a
single effect — chosen when the item is
30 Sorcerer
••••• An amulet of protection from physical harm. crafted object. This ritual creates unbreakable
When worn, it grants five dice of soak against blades, sweaters that don’t unravel, and similar
all damage, including aggravated. However, objects whose only enhancement is in the extreme
each use subtracts five years from the user’s quality of their crafting. These objects cannot be
life, visible on their organs, but not on the enchanted further, however. Enhanced items are not
outside. magical, but an Enchanter or Alchemist can roll
••••• An amulet hiding the user from magical Perception + Occult (difficulty 6) to recognize that
detection. When worn, it adds 4 successes to they were created in this manner. This ritual must be
the total required to find the wearer with any cast during the creation of the object, or takes 15-20
sort of supernatural power. Each use requires minutes after the fact, and costs no Willpower.
the wearer to solve a new riddle, puzzle, or
enigma, activating it for one week per success Fascination
on the Enchantment roll. Stories of the enthralling sorcerer or the
••••• A cloak that hides the movements of the user. It bewitching magician are found in folktales across
allows them to move silently and undetected the world. Devious enchanters bring the innocent
even across squeaky floors. Legends say it was under their sway, and deals struck for power entrap
developed to defeat the Nightingale floors of the hearts and minds of those so foolish as to sign
Nijo Castle. The wearer is perfectly silent until away their souls to such bargains. The kernel of truth
they speak aloud. When created, one silver to this old trope is solid as diamond. Unscrupulous
thread per success on the Enchantment roll magicians bending the minds of others to their will
is woven into the cloak, and each use have practiced this Path as long as anyone has
breaks one of those threads. When the last wished another would just act or think in an
one breaks, the magic is lost forever. agreeable manner.
The methods vary, but the result is the same:
••••• A piano anyone can play like a master once
Break the subject’s will and enthrall them. A
they give a prayer to the nine Muses (by
sorcerer employing a mystical practice may apply
makeup that makes their eyes sparkle with
••••• An animated servant, such as a homunculus entrancing radiance. They may spritz themselves
or robot. It has 10 dots of Attributes and 7 with an alluring fragrance, drawing the attention of
dots of Abilities, with human senses and anyone within wafting distance. Others may simply
Health levels (though no wound penalties). hone their confidence into a razor’s edge, impossible
It doesn’t need to eat or sleep, though most to resist. Extraordinary Citizens carry tested and
robots require some sort of recharging. approved harmonic resonators that emit a subsonic
Sample Rituals frequency that rebalances neurotransmitters to
facilitate compliance.
Eldritch Mark (•) Those with mind-altering powers already can
By inscribing a symbol or mark onto an object or resist with powers of their own if they are the
the forehead of a person, the magicians marks them specific target of a power. This goes both ways, as a
as theirs. The mark is invisible to the naked eye, but student of this Path may recognize other uses of
obvious to anyone with magically enhanced mind-altering effects and prepare themselves to
perceptions of any sort. The mark informs anyone resist or overcome them.
looking at it of the name of the magician who
created the mark. This ritual takes five minutes to System
cast and has no Willpower cost. The mark lasts until Modifiers: +1 difficulty for being disliked by
the next new moon. the target, +2 difficulty for being hated by the target
Enhance Craftsmanship (••) Aspects: In addition to the Aspects of Number
Sometimes, instead of a magic item, what a of Targets, Range, and Sympathetic Connection,
magician needs is an otherwise normal but perfectly
32 Sorcerer
loyalty do so with hesitancy and charge a premium The Arcane/Cloaking Background provides an
price. additional layer of protection against curses.
A lock of hair, a dram of blood, or a sentimental Targeting anyone with that Background without
personal effect is required to create the right their explicit permission subtracts a success from the
connection to the heart in question. When performed roll for each dot of Arcane they have.
for an individual other than the sorcerer themselves, System
some part of the client is usually required as well.
The ritual takes the form of the traditional potion in Modifiers: –1 difficulty with a weak
some practices; in others it is a sort of ritualized sympathetic connection (object owned by the target),
binding with a knotted cord. In all cases, the victim –2 difficulty for a strong sympathetic connection
is tied to the anchor point of the sorcerer or their (prized possession of target, piece of the target such
client. as hair or nail clippings)
Once performed, the victim finds themselves Aspects: Fortune uses the Duration Aspect, but
uneasy and sick to their stomach. The lingering treats all durations as one higher, with Duration 5
nausea vanishes when the anchor is near, or when consisting of spells lasting for several years.
they are performing a task that they know would Additionally, it uses the Number of Targets Aspect,
please the anchor. but all targets must be related (members of a family,
the population of a small town, etc.). The Fortune
Path also uses an Aspect called Severity, as follows:
Fate is fickle, even before accounting for the Severity
manipulations of magicians. The Path of Fortune • A minor blessing or curse, generally something
allows them to wield luck like a weapon, cutting simple, such as a Freudian slip or managing
down their enemies with curses or fortifying their to just barely catch a bus the target needs.
allies with blessings. While methods and •• A lasting but non-permanent inconvenience,
explanations may vary, from the Evil Eye, to the injury, or small benefit. Sprains, non-life-
Hand of God, to probability manipulation, the Path threatening illness, and broken objects are
of Fortune never makes the truly impossible happen, standard bad luck, whereas good luck
only the exceedingly unlikely. It’s also one of the might be as simple as avoiding the flu for a
least precise Paths: While the hedge magician sets season, a minor combat advantage, or the
Fortune in motion and controls the magnitude and resolution of a minor obstacle.
general range of potential outcomes, the effects of ••• A major setback or bonus. Temporary but
this Path often surprise them or disappear into the grave illnesses and serious social faux pas
noise of daily life. are the most common curses, while finding
Night-Folk are harder to curse with this Path helpful bureaucrats, success with gambling
than Sleepers are. They make a Willpower roll or relationships, or an additional die to
against 4 + the magician’s Path rating, and effects combat pools are the most common
without an Aspect at 5 require only a single success blessings.
to negate. Those extremely powerful curses can be
•••• Now the blessings and curses can have
ignored with only two successes, though the
serious and permanent effects. Debilitating
difficulty will be 9, making it quite challenging. To
injuries, bankruptcy, a social tragedy that
resist, the victim must be aware of the magician’s
leaves the target a pariah, winning the
curse and actively attempt to resist it. Discovering an
lottery, surviving almost certain death, or
unannounced curse can be difficult, but is possible
just a chance encounter that changes the
through supernatural perceptions, such as aura
target’s social standing are all possible.
reading. Mages with Prime or Entropy might notice
it, and magicians with the Path of Fortune can ••••• Curses at this level almost always result in a
usually recognize the work of one of their own. painful and unusual death. Targets get
decapitated, suffer incurable wasting
34 Sorcerer
social events for a year and a day, the curse dies off, possible, but they don’t advertise this. Even when so
leaving them safe. many are ignored and failed by the medical
Generational Wealth (•••••) establishment, it’s illegal to practice medicine
without a license. Beyond that, fame can be a heavy
There are only so many ways to become wealthy
burden to carry. Many eager and empathetic hedge
enough to last for generations. Other than simple
magicians begin learning the path of Healing, but
luck, all of them require a substantial sacrifice. For
few master it — they often burn out early from the
most, this sacrifice is borne by others, through
cold and thankless world, switching to other Arts if
exploitative labor practices or criminal enterprise. In
they continue practicing magic at all.
fact, due to the fickle nature of luck, exploitation has
always been the easier and more reliable path to Though not always required by their Practice,
wealth. This ritual allows luck to be tamed and many hedge magician Healers do learn some form of
guaranteed. It still requires a sacrifice; after all, medicine. Those who don’t rely on extraordinary
nothing comes for free. But rather than sacrificing science often learn forms of healing not based on
others, taking advantage of their desperation, the modern medicine. At the very least, in instances they
parent who seeks security for their family do learn the basics of modern medical science, their
voluntarily sacrifices themself. Though the sacrifice approach to treatment can be wildly different in
must be willing, few magicians are willing to philosophy and technique.
perform this ritual. Those who are willing must A healer might heal mild to moderate congenital
perform the sacrifice in some way appropriate to illnesses or deformities, but more extreme examples
their practice. The beneficiaries of the sacrifice find such as regenerating limbs or raising the recently
themselves suddenly extremely lucky, able to win dead are the realm of legend.
enough money gambling so they, their children, and System
their children’s children, will never have to work
another day in their lives. Even if they somehow Modifiers: Fast casting may only be used to
manage to throw away this vast wealth, the next stabilize lethal or aggravated damage or reduce
generation will be just as lucky and regain it. The wound penalties. All other uses must use regular
blessing lasts for seven generations, after which the spells, extended roll spells, or rituals.
descendants are on their own. • 1 additional success to fix a badly healed
Healing • +1 difficulty to heal an uncooperative patient
Wherever humanity thrives, there’s a need for
healing. Since the dawn of civilization, healers Aspects: This path uses the Damage/Healing
sprung up out of empathy and community need. Aspect. Bashing damage can be healed with one
Long before science knew what germ theory was, success per damage level. Additionally, each success
healers learned how to serve their people from can reduce a toxin, disease, or wound penalty
tradition, communing with spirits, trial and error, (caused by pain rather than a missing limb, for
and a host of other ways. Now, even when science example) by one level. See Mage 20 p. 406 for
can prevent and cure horrifying diseases, many information on wound penalties and p. 442 for the
remain without access to such techniques. In medical toxin and disease chart.
deserts and communities who have historically been Price of Failure: A failure simply means the
wronged by the medical establishment, there’s still magic didn’t work; the damage was beyond the
need. People still desperately seek healers. They sorcerer’s ability to heal. A botch can turn horrific
may not fully believe in magic or miracles, but quickly. A Healer might make the person more
between the choice of assured agony and a sliver of susceptible to the toxin they’re trying to fight off,
hope, many take the chance. increasing the effective Toxin Rating. They might
Hedge magic can achieve miraculous results. A outright cause damage or heal something incorrectly,
master healer can cure cancers and speed up the such as fusing eyelids shut or setting a bone crooked,
healing of grievous injury beyond what should be so that it needs to be re-broken later. The healer
36 Sorcerer
• Dust Storm: The spell summons a storm of start drowning (see M20 page 440-441).
dust, scouring the area (which must have at Escape from the water requires an extended
least three dots) and, in addition to damage, Strength roll, difficulty 8, with at least two
causing blindness in the area for one turn successes necessary, often more. This only
per health level inflicted. does drowning damage.
• Sleet: A stream of ice and freezing water The Special Effects above must be purchased
causes brief blindness and leaves the with Freebie or Experience Points at a cost of the dot
ground slippery. This cannot be made rating + 1.
aggravated. Price of Failure: When you play with fire
• Smoke: The caster emits a cloud of sometimes you get burned. Botching when using the
poisonous smoke that envelops the area Path of Hellfire typically results in the spell
(which must be at least three dots in the rebounding on the caster. They take whatever
Area Aspect). Everyone within the cloud damage they were attempting to inflict on their
takes one level of damage per turn unless target.
protected. A normal gas mask provides two Sample Rituals
turns of protection before becoming
useless. Beings that do not need to breathe Fire’s Weal (••)
are immune to this damage. Vision, even if Fire is one of the most dangerous hazards in the
enhanced, is completely obscured while in World of Darkness; even natural flames can easily
the cloud. cause permanent damage to powerful supernatural
•• Earthquake: the spell causes the ground to beings. With this ritual, the magician can give
split open and engulf, then crush, the target. protection against fire of all sorts. With two
They can roll Strength at difficulty 6 to try successes, the ritual allows the target to soak fire
to dig free. They need as many successes as damage, even supernatural flame, as though it were
health levels of damage they suffered. This bashing, regardless of what damage it causes.
cannot be made aggravated. Successes in excess of two reduce the difficulty on
soak rolls against fire (to a maximum modifier of –
•• Lightning: Instead of fire, the spell fires a bolt
3), so four total successes result in soaking fire
of electricity. Anyone in contact with the
damage at –2 difficulty.
target through a conductive material takes
the same damage as the target. Hellblade (••)
•• Tanglewood: Plants flail and attack the target, A flashy ritual, Hellblade attunes a weapon,
throwing thorns, splinters, and other bits of traditionally a sword, to the Path of Hellfire. Once
wood at it. With extreme luck (at least attuned, the magician can spend one Willpower to
three successes beyond the spell’s engulf the weapon in flame. The flame causes the
requirement) this can stake a vampire, but a weapon to inflict two additional dice of damage and
magician who counts on it will likely be converts its damage to aggravated. This lasts for a
badly disappointed. If the target is standing scene, though the ritual ends if the weapon leaves
in dense undergrowth, they are captured by the caster’s hand. This ritual requires a minimum of
the plants. A creature restrained in this two successes. Purification of the Inferno (•••)
fashion cannot move until they accumulate After an unfortunate encounter with a vampire,
as many successes on a Strength roll Charles Moran developed this ritual to protect
(difficulty 7) as damage dealt by the spell. himself in the future. Unfortunately, this ritual does
This cannot be made aggravated. not discriminate friend from foe, making it an
•••• Drowning Tide: This requires an Olympic extremely risky ritual to cast when the magician
sized swimming pool or larger body of might be in close quarters with others, such as in an
water. The target is pulled underwater by a elevator. Purification of the Inferno acts as a
sudden wave or undertow, causing them to defensive failsafe. The first person to touch the
38 Sorcerer
On the contrary, the caster’s perceptions are altered. Sample Rituals
Worse, most of the alterations are subtle and easily
Cruel Whispers ••
missed. For larger spells, though, there will eventually
be a substantial change, likely when most dangerous for Illusionists must often be masters of psychological
the caster to be caught unaware. warfare. They can’t create anything truly real, so they
play on the fears and anxieties of their targets to control
40 Sorcerer
•• A rainstorm is summoned, and it drains so have an easier time manifesting in the area for the
much energy from the underworld that duration the spell would have had.
ghosts are frozen in place unless they make
Sample Rituals
a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). They’re
made just corporeal enough that the Rest in Peace (••)
magician can physically move them. By summoning a thunderstorm from the
Usually, they remove the ghosts from an underworld, the magician can place nearby ghosts
area where they are unwelcome. into a state of Slumber. Slumber is similar in many
••• Calling a full-scale thunderstorm does even ways to sleep for the living. It is restorative for the
more to quiet the Shadowlands. This drains ghost’s ephemeral form and restful for their minds
the power of Oblivion from the area. and personalities. While in Slumber, the ghost loses
Ghosts are sedated as in the first rank, but awareness of their surroundings, instead
those under control of their Shadows are experiencing vivid dreams. Usually those dreams are
restored to reason. Results vary with lively and colorful, focused on the ghost’s passions,
spectres, but legends exist of hedge but with a darkness overlaying them due to the
magicians with this Path pulling a spectre Shadow. The Slumber created by this ritual brings
away from Oblivion. better, more peaceful dreams. The Shadow’s
influence over them is diminished to nothing, and
•••• Powerful storms in the world of the living, with
even Spectres find themselves having positive
gale-force winds, hail, and plenty of property
dreams for the first time since they fell to their
damage can truly sap the power of Oblivion
Shadows. A single success always puts a willing
in the Shadowlands. Spectres and other
target into Slumber, but unwilling targets (like most
deeply malicious ghosts who fail a Willpower
Spectres) roll Willpower (difficulty 6) and must
roll (difficulty 8) disappear within the barrage
achieve more successes than the ritual in order to
of wind and hail. No hedge magician knows
stay awake.
for sure what happens to these spirits, but
they are never seen in the location where the Calm Above, Hell Below (•••)
power was evoked for a year and a day. Spells for the Path of Maelstroms generally
bring Tempest energy from the Underworld into the
••••• A massive storm draining all energy from
physical world. This creates the storms above and
the corresponding region of the
calms the below. This ritual reverses that. It can only
Shadowlands. Both the area and its
be performed during a storm, and when complete,
reflection in the Shadowlands becomes
any normal storm in the area dies down. Extreme
utterly uninhabitable for ghosts. The
weather events are largely unaffected and can be
Restless Dead must flee the area, or else
used to perform this ritual several times, even
suffer five dice of damage per round until
decreasing the difficulty by one. However, it is
they do so.
rarely a good idea to sit outside in a hurricane for
Price of Failure: The magician’s control over several hours. The storm’s energy enrages the ghosts
these storms is tenuous at best. On a failure, the in the area. On a single success, they must make
Willpower is still expended but nothing happens. Willpower rolls (difficulty 6), or they begin lashing
Botches, however, result in storms that go out of out, attacking each other and even the living if they
control, both in the world of the living and the have the power to do so. If the caster achieves five
Shadowlands. When a hedge magician loses control or more successes, this additionally creates a
of the energies of this Path, they call forth a piece of Maelstrom, causing most ghosts to attempt to flee
the Tempest. This causes normal ghosts to become the area, before being attacked by the spectres such
disoriented and have difficulty moving around. disturbances inevitably attract.
Spectres, on the other hand, thrive in this
environment. These most malicious of spirits ride Shelter for the Dead (•••••)
the Tempest directly up to the Shadowlands and A powerful but only situationally useful ritual,
Shelter for the Dead can only be performed with the
42 Sorcerer
Path roll, they must win a contested Forced Medium (••••)
Willpower roll. If they do so, they can Some people are naturally easier for ghosts to
demand the ghost perform one simple task possess. These mediums may view this as a gift or a
or answer one simple question to the best of curse, but it marks them apart. These are the people
their ability. For tasks, the Duration Aspect who deal with the spirit worlds, and who ghosts will
covers how long the ghost must attempt to come to in order to either ask them to solve a
accomplish it. problem or else take over their body to compel them
Price of Failure: Failure for most Paths simply do so. This ritual gives the target the merit Medium
results in nothing happening. For Necromancy, the (BoS p. 69) for a week, along with a –2 difficulty on
despair of generations overwhelms them, resulting in attempts by ghosts to possess them.
a derangement, usually severe depression, for an Steal Life (•••••)
hour. If they have less than three temporary One of the darkest arts of Necromancy, masters
Willpower points, then the derangement instead lasts of the Path can steal the life energy from another
a week. Botches are truly dangerous, with not only living person. The caster first fills themself with
the derangements lasting longer (a full month) and death energy but doesn’t shape it directly into a
the near certainty of very angry ghosts, but the spell. Instead, before it can absorb their own life
magician runs the risk of being pulled out of his force, they push it into their victim. This transfer
body, leaving it apparently comatose while their takes with it the most recent five health levels of
mind spends the month “living” as one of the damage the caster currently suffers from. The caster
restless dead. heals those injuries. Most versions of this ritual
Sample Rituals involve carving sigils into the victim (or piercing
them with electrical wires, or any number of other
Deathsight (•) techniques) causing additional harm. Needless to
Normally, a necromancer can only see the ghosts say, very few survive this process, and those who do
around them. They can’t see the environment the often hunt the necromancer until the end of their
ghosts call home. This ritual changes that. With it, a days.
magician not only sees the Restless Dead, but can
actually peer into the Shadowlands. This effect lasts
for one minute per success on the ritual. While under
the influence of this ritual, the necromancer cannot One of the newest Paths, only discovered by
perceive the normal world; only the Shadowlands ghost hunters in the late 1990s, the Path of
are visible to them. Necronics was first studied by “Black Hat” hackers
attempting to combine their understanding of
Wrapped in a Shroud (•••) electronics with the world of the dead. They use
The Shroud separates the world of the living various techniques to manipulate their own
from the world of the dead. It can be difficult to bioelectricity, or life energy, to affect the world of
cross this barrier, a fact which protects the living and the dead in some way. Because living energy is
the dead both from each other. Usually, either a antithetical to the Shadowlands, this tends to result
necromancer must reach across from the land of the in impeding ghosts’ efforts to manage their
living to the world of the dead, or a ghost must have hauntings.
crossed to accomplish something among the living, As a new Path, there’s a lot not yet understood
in order for them to interact. For one minute per about Necronics. Almost all current practitioners use
success on this ritual, the necromancer manages to electronic devices — usually computers, phones, and
actually stand between worlds, able to interact tablets — to cast Necronics spells. Though
directly with both without further magic. Both analogues in traditional cultures exist, those Paths
human beings and ghosts can interact freely with the may or may not be the same as Necronics, using
magician, for better or for worse. lower-tech and more traditional methods. Ghost
hunters investigating Necronics tend to be fascinated
by these practices. They think studying them will
44 Sorcerer
Shut It Down (•••) complete. For this entire time, the ghost must be
Hauntings can vary in scale. For ones confined held within the same room as the caster, roughly a
to a room or two, it’s fairly simple to shut down the 10-foot by 10-foot space. Upon completion of the
powers the ghosts are using to interact with the ritual, significant changes can be made to the ghost,
physical world. More often, though, there’s a whole but each has a cost. They last for one lunar cycle by
building or larger area being haunted, and if the default but become permanent if the costs are
ghost is denied one room, they’ll just go to another. doubled. Some of the possible changes are:
With Shut It Down, a much larger area than usual • 1 success and 1 Willpower point per level to
can be quieted, such that ghostly powers are change Passions, and an extra Willpower to
impossible to use. The magician must mark the change to a different emotion.
corners of the building or area, which can be as large
as a full city block of empty land or a single • 2 successes and 1 Health Level — not
building. The ritual requires at least 3 successes, and damage, the Health Level itself disappears for
ghosts inside can only use their powers if they the duration — to add or remove a point of
succeed on a Willpower roll at difficulty 8. Angst.
Doxxing (••••) • 5 successes and 5 Willpower to overwrite the
By reading the currents generated by a ghost and ghost entirely with another specific
its movements, the magician can glean information personality.
from it. Each piece of information comes with a cost
and must be declared and paid for before the casting.
Any resources spent in this way are not refunded if
the ritual fails. No information is gained if the ritual The Realm of Dreams is a fluid place that
fails to achieve the number of successes required for responds to the mood and imagination of the
the information being sought out: dreamer. Some people, particularly those with the
Lucid Dreaming Talent (Mage 20 p. 294), can take
• Identifying a Passion — One success each. control of their own dreams, rendering normal bad
This identifies both the Passion and the dreams controllable, good dreams fun experiences,
emotion it is tied to. and other dreams possible sources of insight into
themselves. Without magic, though, the greater
• Nature, Demeanor, and Shadow Archetype —
Realm of Dreams is still locked away, with each
One success and one point of Willpower each.
dreamer confined to their own psyche.
• Identifying a Fetter — Much more difficult, Magicians who learn the Path of Oneiromancy
this requires two successes and a point of learn to walk into the dreams of others. Once there,
Willpower. they try to take control, and can glean information or
alter dreams to the benefit or harm of the dreamer.
• The True Name of the ghost — This requires At the peak of their power, oneiromancers can even
five successes and two points of Willpower. bring several people together in a shared dream.
Overwrite (•••••) According to legend, some can even make dreams
The ultimate expression of the Path of real or become capable of physically entering
Necronics, the practitioner concludes that all ghosts dreams.
are electromagnetic signals trapped in the matrix of a System
formerly living person’s personality. This explains Aspects: The Path of Oneiromancy has two Aspects:
why they’re so malleable, for good or ill. With this
Sympathetic Connection and Dreamwalking
ritual, the magician can rewrite the nature of the
ghost on a fundamental level. To do so, they must Dreamwalking
know the ghost’s True Name and possess one of the • Basic Oneiromancy allows the magician to
ghost’s Fetters. The ritual takes 12 hours and touch the dreams of others, seeing flashes
requires two Stamina rolls (at difficulty 6) to of imagery that could be interpreted to get
46 Sorcerer
(difficulty 6). This is highly risky, and only the most moment of meditation or invocation, a
well-prepared oneiromancers should try it. sorcerer determines if an area or item is
Dream Scream (••••) charged with power (whether Quintessence,
vampire blood, Gnosis, or another mystic
While powerful oneiromancers can simply send
source). With three successes, the sorcerer
dreams to people as spells, with this ritual, they can
identifies the Resonance of said energy.
send a message to several people at once through
their dreams. The magician chooses a message •• Focused Awareness: The ability to sense the
consisting of a single sentence, fixes it in their mind, ebb and flow of energy transcends local
and performs the ritual. At completion, they can surroundings and the inanimate and crosses
send the message to one person per success within a into the realm of individuals. Now the
10-mile radius. sorcerer can perceive another individual
using subtle magics and allow them to see
Quintessence Manipulation obstructed meridians or occluded energy
flows. This reveals curses left on
Nearly all sorcerers can agree on one fact. There individuals or blocked Quintessence flow
is a flow of power that fuels their works. The name through the body imposed by malicious
of that power has taken on a multitude of faces and disruptions. The ability to gauge magical
philosophies: mana, qi, gnosis, shakti, sekhem, and potential in a subject also becomes
many others. Every magician can describe the flow available. While especially useful in
of energy as they work their will on reality. Coursing identifying potential threats, the amount of
through them like charge through a powerline, it can information gleaned in this way lacks
be felt, and for some it can be directly harnessed. detailed nuance to fully define if the
Through Practices like those of geomancy and feng subject is a supernatural creature or a
shui, hedge wizards can sense and redirect the normal human with a certain aptitude.
unrefined energy of the universe.
••• Disrupt: No longer held to observing, now the
In contrast, very few sorcerers consider this to be
skilled sorcerer can begin to affect the
a Path of its own. Most look to Quintessence
Quintessence around them. Still unable to
Manipulation as a standard exercise and refinement
bend and gracefully manipulate the energy,
of their already defined craft. Each magician’s
the practitioner of this path is at least
personal style already informs them how to achieve
versed enough to cause disruptions to the
manipulations to perform all their other spells.
flow around them. With their invocation or
Wands direct the energy, drawn patterns on boxes
focus, the sorcerer can quell the flow in the
create traps to hold it, while knives cut and disrupt
local area, causing a Quintessence source to
as they perform all their other works. Yet, those who
become dormant for a time. Disruption also
focus on mastering this fundamental skill on its own
can mean diverting. A flow of
find their work is never without a source to draw on,
Quintessence may be turned aside and sent
and their mystical surroundings are rarely a mystery.
along a new path in much the same way.
System Alternatively, with some effort a
Modifiers: –1 to –3 difficulty based on practitioner can trap a mote of
distractions in the surrounding area, with –1 Quintessence in a simple object for a
representing a loud sound system playing in the limited amount of time.
same room and –3 representing Time Square at •••• Control: Mere brute force gives way to nuanced
midnight on New Years. control of the flow of Quintessence within
Aspects: Area and Duration as well as Flow themselves, the world around them, and within
listed below: the pattern of others. The flows of energy
through themselves are now flowing rivers
with metered channels and locks allowing the
• Sense Surroundings: Sensing the energies of
practitioner to harness the Quintessence in a
the area becomes a routine task. With a
48 Sorcerer
pools. Sensing Quintessence being directed, the
sorcerer can interrupt the flow of energy, prevent
ing another sorcerer from using Quintessence
of their own. Each success blocks a point of
Quintessence or Tass from empowering an effect.
Sample Rituals
Quintessence Infusion ( ••)
The ability to store and redirect Quintessence is useful
on a near daily basis for the sorcerer on the go. Thinking
in advance, a sorcerer prepares themselves for situations
where they may begin to run dry of available quintessence
by infusing drinks or snacks with their own reserves for
later use. Classically, this was a potion of great power. In
modern nights, the savvy sorcerer may decide the espresso
in a can or a protein bar may be just as handy, serving as
the perfect inconspicuous consumable. The one drawback
to this task is the fueling and the resource of the ritual.
For every Quintessence stored, another Quintessence
must be channeled to infuse the receptacle.
Shape Quintessence (•••)
Following elaborate diagrams or practices that align
with their style, the sorcerer can manipulate the flow
of Quintessence within an area. A gambling hall could
be made luckier for the house, or a particularly well-re -
spected ER could suffer higher mortality rates despite
the best efforts of the staff simply by manipulating the
ley lines beneath the surface. The energies will eventually
return to their original pattern, as the ritual holds it in an
elastic state for only so long. With proper maintenance
and continued observation, a location could be made
to take on the new aspects permanently.
Power over darkness is a cliché that some sorcerers
have no problem clinging to out of ironic giddiness
or genuine belief. One wouldn’t be remiss in guessing
the Path of Shadows as the source of the concept that
dark forces empower the mystic arts, given how often
hucksters make the claim. Regardless of its reputation,
the Path does carry a foreboding and intimidating air,
as it shapes and shifts the substance of instinctual fear
— shadows and darkness.
Practitioners have found the application of the Path
of Shadows far more malleable than other Paths. Shadows
are omnipresent, and even in the brightest days stand
out and provide contrast. The availability of shadows
and the potential of adjusting the depth of shades grants
greater possibilities than less versatile Paths.
50 Sorcerer
save for the sorcerer themselves, decreasing The biggest risk of this Path is that the human
the difficulty of Stealth tests by one. This mind is not equipped to change shapes. Every
darkness carries a weight so palpable, it may transformation incurs risk, but it’s greatest when
damage recording equipment engulfed by its making a full shift to an animal form. Then, even
influence. without a botch, the magician needs to roll Willpower
(difficulty 6) to retain their own mind, rather than
Sample Rituals losing themself to their animal nature.
Lifting Shadows (•) System
Shadows and shades hide secrets for those who
wish to hide them, but the learned sorcerer may reveal Duration: Scene
those secrets to those they trust. Smearing ink into a Aspects: None of the standard Aspects apply to
pair of contacts or funneling smoke into tight Shapeshifting. Instead, it uses:
swimming goggles, the sorcerer brings the sight of the Scale
recipient into the realm of shadows. For the next eight • Cosmetic changes only, such as eye color or
hours, night may be as bright as day. Once blessed, growing hair.
the sorcerer or their ally may treat all darkness as
•• Small but noticeable changes, such as growing
daylight when making Alertness tests based on sight.
claws or scales.
Grip of Shades (•••) ••• The magician can change a single body part to
Within every crevasse hides a little shadow. that of some other creature.
Within every shadow hides an ally to a sorcerer of the
Path of Shadowcasting. It is access to these allies that •••• Half-Shift: the magician can either change half
gives the sorcerer leverage in ways that many would of their body to an animal’s or take a form
never anticipate. By hardening the shadowstuff within halfway between human and animal.
the shadows on their person, the sorcerer may afford ••••• Full Shifting: The magician can change
themselves a modicum of protection against impacts completely into an animal.
and benefits from an advantage in hand-to-hand
combat. For 24 hours after bathing in coal-infused
oils, the sorcerer has rating 2 armor when soaking ••• The magician can only affect themselves.
bashing or lethal damage and adds two to all Brawl •••• The magician may transform another target.
and Martial Arts dice pools that involve grappling. ••••• The magician may affect two subjects at once.
Shapeshifting Disparity
••• Only a single animal feature.
Even among primal magics, the ability to change
into an animal stands out as exceptional. Many •••• The magician can take on two unrelated shifts,
monsters haunting the night have the power of such as the head of one animal and the body
transformation, including those who are true of another.
shapeshifters. Hedge magicians who study the Path of ••••• Three unrelated shifts are possible.
Shapeshifting mimic a certain amount of their power, Price of Failure: When a shapeshifter botches,
transforming first pieces of themselves and later their the best-case scenario consists of an unexpected and
entire body in dramatic ways. unpleasant transformation. They can also lose
Most think of this Path as turning oneself or themselves to their other form, functionally going
others into animals. When shapeshifting magicians feral. In a worstcase scenario, they can experience a
choose subtlety, they can be remarkable spies. They rampage similar to the Berserker/Stress Atavism Flaw
can make cosmetic changes to look like a different (Mage 20 p. 644).
person, and then supplement their disguise with
sharpened senses. They can transform into something Sample Rituals
more dangerous if their cover is blown.
52 Sorcerer
Shadowlands, or willfully collapsed by the magician can summon animals, spirits, ghosts,
navigator to close the way behind them. A demons, and other strange beings. They can also
different doorway in the Shadowlands can be defend against these beings, bind them, and compel
used to re-enter the Skinlands, but another them to obey the magician. Though overlap exists
activation of Starlight must be performed to with the Path of Ephemera, this Path focuses on
create the new threshold. There is a methods of compulsion, rather than cooperation, with
drawback to this technique; The destination the beings being called and dealt with.
in the Skinlands is difficult to know without All Summoning, Binding, and Warding magics
more capabilities as a navigator. are rituals, and rituals exist for reaching individual
•• The Shadowlands are more familiar to a beings or classes of beings. There are separate rituals
navigator of this level. Confidence swells in to summon, bind, and ward each target. This has led
their chest, and the realm of the dead seems many magicians to their doom. Though summoning a
far less frightening. While traveling in the being may intrigue it, attempting to bind them tends to
Shadowlands, the navigator benefits from –1 incur hostility, and magicians who either don’t know
difficulty on all Awareness, Leadership, or fail at casting the warding ritual often find
Survival, and Occult rolls concerning this themselves in a great deal of trouble.
environment, as well as Willpower rolls to In addition to the complications of each specific
overcome fear and intimidation. being or type of being the hedge magician intends to
••• The navigator has found a point in the work with, there are several versions of this Path
Shadowlands that is akin to their own which are learned completely separately. Variants
personal North Star. No matter where they exist for summoning material creatures (like animals
are in the Shadowlands, so long as they can and people), angels and demons, ghosts, spirits of
see this star, the navigator has a general nature, and other sentient beings. There are even
understanding of where they may exit into reports of variants focused on inanimate objects and
the Skinlands when opening a new threshold. virtual creations, allowing some magicians to ward
their computers against viruses or summon their cars
•••• The familiarity with the Shadowlands is now at need.
palpable to any traveling companions the
navigator has brought along. Traveling System
companions of the navigator benefit from a – Aspects: The three distinct parts of the Path have
1 difficulty to Willpower rolls made to separate Aspects. Warding has Duration and Strength,
overcome fear and intimidation, as well as each level of which subtracts one die from all actions
Awareness and Survival rolls made within the summoned being takes against the magician. For
the Shadowlands. three successes, Warding Strength allows the creation
••••• The navigator’s guiding light within the of a Warding Circle, which the being cannot cross
Shadowlands is visible to them even with without a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) where they
their eyes closed. No matter how deep they achieve more successes than the magician.
travel or how turned around they may get, Summoning has Duration as an Aspect.
the navigator will always be able to find their Additionally, it has Number of summoned beings (or
way to a door back to the Skinlands. swarms) and Metaphysical Weight for the summoned
Furthermore, they know exactly where their being. The summoned being is compelled to appear
exit from the Shadowlands will lead. before the magician but must still transport themself
there. Only the most powerful beings can truly travel
Summoning, Binding, and
Binding similarly has the aspects of Duration and
Warding Metaphysical Weight, as well as Binding Intensity. A
Sorcerers in both fiction and legend are well- being may spend a point of Willpower to resist a
known for their ability to summon and control others, binding, but the binding can be recast. Some beings,
both living and ephemeral. With these powers, the especially those with Metaphysical Weight 5, are
54 Sorcerer
hypothermia. Flash floods can also be ••••• The sorcerer can cause extreme effects.
deadly. Thunderstorms are well within the weather
•••• A weather worker’s storm strength increases. worker’s grasp. Destructive tornadoes and
They can now command gale-force winds, other powerful meteorological activity can
lightning, hail, and other damaging weather tear through a city. The sorcerer may cause 6
effects. They may now target individuals to + successes bashing or lethal every 15
take the brunt of the storm, and damaging minutes to those in the storm’s path. Anyone
effects do 4 + successes damage. Lightning caught in the storm also suffers maximum
causes lethal damage while bashing damage environmental penalties.
results from hail. Other effects may also Price of Failure: Even intentional weather
cause damage, within reason. Weather control effects might have unintended consequences
effects can cause moderate penalties to those on the environment both near and far. Weather pattern
caught in the storms. disruptions are no small matter. A botch, however,
unleashes terrible effects depending on the nature of
56 Sorcerer
In contrast with hedge magic (see Cyberkinesis. Psychics tend to specialize because
Chapter One), which comes from hard work, study, starting a new Phenomenon has no roadmap for
and discipline, psychic powers are innate. Some are learning through solitary study or with a teacher.
born with these strange abilities, though many While some circumstances can trigger new
develop them suddenly later in life. Hedge magic may phenomena in a psychic, these are rare, significant
be something a magician does, but psychic events for the psychic in question. Going your whole
phenomena are a part of who the psychic is. They life with the ability to move objects with your mind
behave strangely, defying most methods of can be gotten used to. But then suddenly being able to
examination, to the point where those few who know hear the thoughts of the people around you? That’s
enough to study them still aren’t sure if psychic traumatic.
powers are simply innate hedge magic or something
else entirely.
Investigators have suggested dozens of
explanations for where psychic abilities come from,
with evidence as varied as the theories themselves. No
one theory accounts for everything, leaving the truth
behind these phenomena a mystery. In the end,
whether a psychic gained their powers through alien
manipulation, possessing a genetic throwback to a lost
civilization, a bizarre mutation, or a divine gift is
unknown and possibly not even important. What
matters is that psychics exist and have real powers.
Though many imagine comic-book superpowers
when they envision psychics, the nature of psychic
phenomena in the World if Darkness is far from this.
Most psychics have only the most basic control over
their powers. They fail often and find them difficult to
develop. Sometimes, their powers even activate when
they don’t intend them to! Psychics need a clear
image in their heads of what they want to accomplish.
Then they push hard with their will to make it so.
Sometimes, it’s trivially simple, other times virtually
impossible, and few can tell which it will be before
they begin.
In the World of Darkness, aside from being
unreliable, psychic powers are limited in scope.
Though psychic phenomena have tones of barely
constrained and poorly understood power capable of
consuming their wielder, they act on a personal level.
No one uses psychoportation to travel the Solar
System or pyrokinesis to level a city. Instead, they
hone their Willpower to keep their powers under
control and to use them effectively, if at all. Even
then, they are unlikely to change the world, but they
can at least make a difference in their own lives.
Though not impossible, very few psychics have
access to multiple phenomena. Those who do tend to
develop closely related powers, like Cyberpathy and
58 Sorcerer
Psychic Powers Core Rules
In many ways, psychic phenomena are Botches can be extremely painful and, in addition to
simpler than hedge magic. Phenomena the Phenomenon-specific consequences, tend to leave have no
Aspects to worry about, no the psychic with a headache for days. rituals, and by default, no teamwork.
Willpower also controls psychic advancement. All Each Phenomenon stands on its own, Phenomena are
capped at half of Willpower, rounded with unique mechanics separating it from down. This means a
character with Willpower 1 can’t all others. Two psychics practicing the have any Psychic Phenomena at
all until they strengthen same Phenomenon may not immediately their will. It also means only the
strongest, most willful recognize each other as doing so. people can reach the fifth rank of any given
Phenomenon, While hedge magic is all about training and discipline making such psychics incredibly
and depends on Attribute + Ability dice pools, psychic Learning new Phenomena is simple: the psychic
phenomena depend almost entirely on a single trait: merely spends the XP and discovers a new talent.
However, Willpower. When the power comes directly from your this should always be tied into a story.
Learning a new mind, the strength of your will is the only thing that Phenomenon puts the psychic into a
small minority matters for making it happen. Every time a psychic tries among the already small population
of psychics. A new to activate a Phenomenon, they first spend a Willpower Phenomenon should change the
psychic in some way. point and then roll their Willpower rating against a It transforms how they see the
world as new pieces of it difficulty equal to the Phenomenon level they are using open to them, and they
realize they can do things they + 3. Unless otherwise noted, a single success suffices. couldn’t before.
Psychic Phenomena
These phenomena represent the most commonly Commune: A psychic may communicate
occurring psychic powers in the World of Darkness. with one animal the psychic can perceive
through mundane senses (sight, hearing, etc).
Animal Psychics They may issue simple commands but cannot
Some people are naturally good with animals, and command an animal to attack. The psychic
some psychics supernaturally so. This ability allows a can, however, command an animal to stand
psychic to exert their will to communicate with and down from an intended attack. Issuing a
control animals. Even the lowest expression of this command an animal was inclined to do
Phenomenon allows a psychic to put an animal at ease anyway requires no additional roll, but to
by bridging the communication gap, rendering it more command an animal to do something against
inclined to respond positively to the psychic. its nature requires a roll of Charisma +
Animal Ken with a difficulty of 9 minus the
A psychic may speak to and command an animal
psychic’s dots of Animal Psychics.
through a method of their choosing. Examples include
silently locking eye contact, imitating noises animals •• Mass Communication: As with Commune, but the
make, dressage gestures, the psychic’s native Psychic may now communicate with multiple
language, or a stream of gibberish. The method animals of the same species at once. Commands
matters much less than the psychic’s intent and force to animals may be more complex so long as the
of will. Even at its highest levels, this phenomenon psychic can adequately describe it; however,
does not affect insects or any creature, such as animals won’t typically attack for the psychic
jellyfish, which lacks a brain. unless already inclined to do so. This level may
60 Sorcerer
countering Night-Folk powers, see Mage: The A psychic’s body remains vulnerable while they
Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition page 546. are using astral projection, and the psychic cannot
The rarity of this Phenomenon represents a mixed sense what’s happening to it. It’s a common fear
blessing. While many would not anticipate the ability, among psychics with this ability that someone might
lending an element of surprise, the novelty can make move or harm their bodies while they’re away. Many
the Anti-Psychic a tempting specimen for tend to limit their use of drugs and alcohol, because
scientifically inclined supernatural entities. Whispered memory lapses can trigger the same fear.
rumors imply that the Technocratic Union uses Anti- Psychics can interact with astral spirits —
Psychics from their Extraordinary Citizens to bolster denizens of the Astral Umbra and other astral
raids on known or suspected psychics. traveling individuals. Astral Projection does not
• 5-yard radius. Add +1 difficulty to psychic confer the ability to see and interact with ghosts. For
phenomenon activation within the radius and combat while astral traveling, substitute Wits for
+1 difficulty to Mind Sphere rolls. Dexterity, Intelligence for Strength, and Perception
for Stamina. Astral travelers usually appear as slightly
•• 10-yard radius. Add +2 difficulty to psychic
idealized versions of themselves, including
phenomenon activation within the radius and
manifestations of gender or stylistic expression, freed
+1 difficulty to Mind Sphere rolls.
from physical or societal limitations on such
••• 15-yard radius. Add +3 difficulty to psychic expressions. Alternatively, those with exceedingly
phenomenon activation within the radius and poor self-image sometimes appear with exaggerated
+2 difficulty to Mind Sphere rolls. Add +1 perceived flaws. Despite potential differences from
difficulty for use of any mental-based Night physical appearance, astral travelers are typically able
Folk powers. to recognize each other should they meet again in the
•••• 25-yard radius. Add +4 difficulty to psychic physical realm.
phenomenon activation within the radius and Most psychics are only able to access the Astral
+2 difficulty to Mind Sphere rolls. Add +2 Penumbra, but the most powerful have claimed to be
difficulty for use of any mental-based Night able to travel further. Traveling into Otherworlds is
Folk powers. risky business, and more than a handful of psychics
••••• 40-yard radius. Add +5 difficulty to psychic have gone exploring, never to find their bodies again.
phenomenon activation within the radius and Some believe leaving the body uninhabited for too
+3 difficulty to Mind Sphere rolls. Add +3 long risks letting something else in.
difficulty for use of any mental-based Night • Peek: The psychic may spend up to one minute
Folk powers. per point of Stamina astral projecting and
travel up to one mile away from their body.
Astral Projection A psychic can only use sight at this level —
Astral Projection allows the psychic to split their their other senses do not function while
spirit, mind, or consciousness — or a combination of projecting. A character may also travel into
those depending on belief — from their body. The the Astral Penumbra for this amount of time.
astral form is intangible and can cover vast distances •• Errand: The psychic gains the ability to hear
in a short time, as it’s not beholden to normal laws of while astral traveling. They may travel up to
physics. Astral travelers can peer into and even visit 100 miles away from their body with a limit
the Astral Umbra’s realms of ideas (see Mage 20 p. of 10 minutes per point of Stamina.
94). The psychic using Astral Projection cannot affect ••• Journey: The psychic can travel up to 1000
the physical world through normal means, though miles away from their body and may remain
they may do so through other psychic phenomena at in astral form for 30 minutes per point of
+2 difficulty. Botching Astral Projection activation Stamina. A psychic may choose to manifest
causes a disorienting psychic backlash, preventing the as a blurry, ghost-like image of their astral
psychic from leaving their body for 24 hours. form for one turn by spending a point of
68 Sorcerer
•••• Remote Access: The Cyberpath may connect to coalesced spirit stuff flowing from the mouth and nose
any computer or device, such as external hard of the practitioner. Manifesting as slick, translucent,
drives, on the same network as their local and cold gel, ectoplasm flows weightlessly when not
device. given direction. Responding to the will of the
This power only allows the psychic to treat generator, the pliable spirit matter can take many
the remote device as if it were in front of ghastly forms to disgust or impede the unwary, while
them, and any other powers must be dissolving into nothing mere minutes after
activated separately. The psychic may access concentration is broken. Much to the dismay of
multiple devices on the same network at a witnesses, ectoplasm leaves no physical or spiritual
cost of 1 Willpower per device. If the device evidence at all once sublimated.
is capable of internet access, the psychic Possibly ectoplasm’s most useful property is that
may use this ability to access the internet, no matter how wispy, slimy, or goopy the ectoplasm
including the Digital Web. The psychic may may seem to the average person, it will be as hard and
use advanced AR devices as their point of immoveable as pure lead to the spiritual. Ghosts,
access with this power. wraiths, spirits and astrally projected souls all find
••••• Enigma: The Cyberpath becomes a living ectoplasm very solid and nigh impassable. This has a
decryption algorithm, able to crack even myriad of uses ranging from creating a barrier around
heavily encrypted systems and files with a room by smearing the walls to coating one’s hands
ease. The psychic may activate this power to in the stuff to allow the psychic to touch the
ignore difficulty increases for lower immaterial Shadowlands, whether with benevolence
Cyberpathy powers and mundane access on or violence. This Phenomenon does not allow the
secure and encrypted systems or files psychic to see into the Shadowlands unfortunately. It
previously stored using Download. The merely allows them ability to create a substance of
psychic may alternatively use activation both spirit and matter.
successes to increase Cyberpathy and • When one first starts exploring their capabilities
hacking difficulty for others on a file or as a generator, it starts with rather juvenile
device, at +1 difficulty per activation success seeming practices. Novice generators don’t
if the psychic possesses dots in Computers or find the act of creating ectoplasm difficult.
Cyberkinesis. The real difficulty lies in creating a
substantial volume and force. This leads to
Ectoplasmic Generation the fledgling generator being unable to force
the semi-liquid plasm from their orifices
There exist collections of séance photos from the
without assistance. Reaching into their
height of the occult entertainment phase of society
mouth, nose, and ears to draw forth the
that display roiling masses of translucent, weightless
substance by hand or by relying on
mucus hovering about the heads of session leaders.
peristalsis, the generator must work to bring
Most write these off as simple imperfections in the
it forth. Every success on the activation test
film and move on to appreciate the relics of
generates a softball sized volume of the
photography in their hands. True psychics know
sticky substance. It only lasts a number of
otherwise. Ectoplasm is the neutral spirit stuff of the
turns equal to the generator’s Willpower, but
ghost. A substance born from spiritual energy and
it can be applied as quickly as it is generated.
activity, ectoplasm exists as liminal evidence of
Covering an object with a thin layer of
something beyond the physical. An entertaining parlor
ectoplasm takes no extra steps beyond
trick for the initiated, this plasm is far more useful
generating it. The plasm sticks to all surfaces
than the layman may readily assume.
and does not wipe away easily. It will cling
Through concentration and sheer force of will, a and string
psychic gathers up ambient ghostly energies from
to anything touching it and only sublimates into
around them and brings it into physical being inside
nothingness when the duration expires.
their gut. This creates the unsettling sight of this
Chapter Two: Psychic Phenomena
Another novel approach users find early is the to their practice. All plasm phenomena now last
“smoking man” technique. When coaxed a number of minutes equal to the generator’s
correctly, ectoplasm can also come forth as a Willpower.
mist like vapor. Lingering licks and tendrils of A mist generated now gains a measure of
thick smoke seep from the mouth, nose, and tear responsiveness to the creators will. The psychic
ducts of the generator. Lasting for a number of can now push the mist outward into a cloud that
turns equal to the psychic’s Willpower, this moves and shifts at the generator’s mental
should be taken into account when dealing with command. The speed of the cloud is not
social interactions. Using the technique can add impressive at 10 feet per round, but it can be
a bonus die for situations such as a stage used to obscure prying eyes, imposing a +2
magician’s routine or intimidating an difficulty to Perception tests. This mist cloud
unsuspecting tough but incurs a −1 penalty to has a radius of 1 foot per Willpower of the
Abilities such as Expression or Leadership due psychic.
to the disconcerting sight of this ectoplasmic
cloud. ••• Plasm fluid generation is a child’s trick to the
seasoned generator. Each success on the
•• Once Ectoplasmic generators hit their stride, the activation roll now summons forth a gallon of
degree of advance in control is astounding. liquid in a steady flow. The force of the stream
With each success on the activation roll, a is not enough to cause an individual to lose a
psychic generates a quart’s worth of the slimy step, but it is enough for the generator to strike
fluid. With such an increased volume, the corner of the ceiling in a standard room.
assistance is not required to force the plasm out,
as it simply pours from the nasal and Ectoplasmic mists gain a degree of solidity. No
esophageal orifices of the psychic. There is no longer just smoky wisps, the mist is now solid
discomfort in this, and more than a few enough to feel like cotton candy to the living.
generators take a sick glee in others’ revulsion This is in
70 Sorcerer
concert with increased volume of 5 feet of radius retain movement. Finally, all plasmic creations
per dot of Willpower. Attempting to force past the are no longer hindered by a time limit and last as
thick semi-solid mist requires a Strength + Athletics long as the generator concentrates.
roll (difficulty 6). Thick enough now that the mist••••• Full torso-ed, free floating, vaporous apparitions
is all but opaque, it also provides visual cover and are at the pinnacle of the generator’s craft. Still
increases the difficulty of seeing and attacking puppets of the creator, shaped creations may
through it by +3, similar to a heavy smoke grenade. now fully animate as appropriate to their com -
•••• Fluid and mist are useful, but access to solid plex forms. While unable to fool someone into
mass and crafted forms expand possibilities for thinking it’s the genuine article, the shapes can
creativity tenfold. The volume does not increase, now roughly mimic people and creatures, even
but now the channeler’s output can result in solid emitting groans as pockets of air escape within
matter the consistency of heavy lard. With greater the gooey form. The forms are still limited by
structural stability, the ectoplasm can hold definite the volume generated on the roll, with an adult-
shapes that are only hindered by the generator’s sized being of ectoplasm taking three successes
creativity. These creations have a number of to fill out. The creations follow the same rules
points equal to the Willpower of the psychic to for Attribute distribution as detailed above
be distributed between Strength, Dexterity, and but have 6 health levels and suffer no wound
Stamina. The creation has 3 health levels and penalties. Ectoplasmic puppets can be possessed
suffers no wound penalties. While not capable of and controlled easily by ghosts in the area. The
complex movements, the solid ephemeral creations psychic spends 1 Willpower to hand the reins
can move through space at 30 feet per turn. The to a nearby, willing ghost. The ghost then has
creations are psychically tethered to their creator total control of the ectoplasmic construct, using
and cannot leave their physical perception and it as though it were their own body. Once the
Chapter Two: Psychic Phenomena
psychic hands the body over in this fashion, any other mental ability used before they are
it lasts for a number of rounds equal to the raised once again.
psychic’s Willpower score, after which the •• Layers of mental chaos or thicker walls of the
puppet’s ectoplasm dissipates. Other mind are built. The psychic receives 4 dice
manifestations the psychic creates are not to counter mental attack phenomena and 2
affected and remain extant as long as the dice for mental attacks from other sources.
psychic concentrates.
••• The psychic’s mind is a confusing mess or a
sturdy bunker to any invader. The psychic
Mind Shields receives 6 dice to counter mental attack
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Many psychics phenomena and 3 dice for mental attacks
live by this credo. There are people and things out from other sources. The ability to modulate
there in the world that assault the mind directly, but one’s Mind Shields becomes clear at this
some psychics are gifted with the ability to prepare level. Whenever presented with a mental
against this potential threat. Building walls against ability that attempts to interact with the
mental attacks, ensuring thoughts are too chaotic to shielded psychic’s mind, the target may
control, or just inherent mental fortitude are all decide whether to let this pass their shields or
possible sources for this defense. not. Note that this doesn’t identify every
As the name implies, Mind Shields only affect ability used, merely that an attempt is
powers that affect the psychic’s mind. Powers that underway to access the psychic’s mind. It is
originate from the mind of another but affect the up to the deductive reasoning of the target to
world around the shielded psychic are unaffected. A work out who stands before their mental
psychokinetic has no harder a time lifting and holding gates.
a psychic with Mind Shields in place than they would •••• A mental bulwark or a confounding mire of
a normal person. scattered thought greets intruders. The
Mind Shields, being a Psychic Phenomenon, have psychic receives 8 dice to counter mental
an easier time dealing with Psychic Phenomena than attack phenomena and 4 dice for mental
other forms of mental assault. A vampire who wields attacks from other sources.
Dominate taps into the mind in a different manner ••••• The psychic’s mental fortress stands
than a psychic with Psychic Hypnosis. Unfortunately, impenetrable or infinite maze unnavigable.
Mind Shields are only half as effective against mental The Psychic receives 10 dice to counter
attacks from non-psychic sources. mental attack phenomena and 5 dice for
When confronted by a mental assault or invasion, mental attacks from other sources.
the psychic’s Mind Shields provide a dice pool to
counter the effect. The target rolls these dice Precognition
(difficulty 6) and subtracts their successes from those The psychic experiences clues about the future.
of the attacker. A defender that rolls more than the The future isn’t fixed and may change depending on
attacker disrupts the assault completely, and the attack the choices people make. The more decisions required
fails. For powers that normally call for a defense roll, for an outcome, the lower the prediction accuracy. No
Mind Shields dice are added directly to the defense seer has proven 100 percent accurate, except for the
roll instead. mythical Cassandra.
• Defenses are thin, but present. The Psychic Precognition allows a psychic to judge outcome
receives 2 dice to counter mental attack probabilities with above-human accuracy.
phenomena and 1 dice for mental attacks Scientifically minded psychics rationalize
from other sources. At this point, Shields are precognition as conscious manifestations of
always active and cannot discern friendly subconscious perception analysis. Mystical-leaning
and hostile effects. The psychic can lower psychics understand precognition as a sort of sixth
their Mind Shields to allow access to a sense with no scientific explanation.
friendly psychic, but this leaves them open to
72 Sorcerer
While a psychic may activate precognition, a die to spot an ambush.
Storyteller may call for activation for story purposes, 2 The seer senses they’re in danger and
in which case no Willpower is expended for that receives simple instruction on how to
avoid it such as “duck,” or “run.” The
• Intuition: The seer gains a knack for guessing psychic gets 2 bonus dice to spot the
correctly. For purely random events (lottery,
ambush and dodges normally if the
dice rolls), the predictions can be rather
attacker remains hidden.
accurate. The psychic can intuitively know
the shortest route to a given destination and 3 The seer knows they’re in danger, how
enjoys a higher likelihood for beneficial to avoid it, and the direction of
chance meetings. The psychic experiences no the danger. The attacker doesn’t
visions, they just “have a feeling” and guess roll ambush and the attack
very well. Even with five or more successes, resolves normally.
predictions are unlikely to be entirely 4 The seer knows the details of the
attack and gets a turn of warning. The
•• Insight: The psychic experiences dreamlike visions psychic gains a turn to prepare before
during sleep and waking hours alike. Like the danger happens.
dreams, they are rarely literal. Instead, the
visions are steeped in metaphor. An enemy 5 The seer gets a turn of warning and a
might appear as a fierce dragon or figures in vision of those responsible. The
clandestine robes, where a beloved mentor psychic will be able to identify the
might appear as a longdead parent. The imagery person by sight and/or with
depends on the seer’s paradigm, and while more psychic intuition should the
successes offer detailed visions, they are always psychic see or be in the presence
subject to interpretation. of the person later. The psychic
••• Danger Sense: The seer’s connection to the future imprint also functions on
becomes an early-warning system. The psychic recordings and creations, such as
perceives this as anything from a piercing paintings or letters, made by the
temple headache, to cramps, to a creeping sense attacker.
of dread. No matter the manifestation, it’s •••• Clarity: The seer enjoys a near-perfect view
always the same for the seer. This power is of the immediate future. For every activation
always “on,” though may be subverted with success, players and Storyteller announce
certain Sphere effects or the AntiPsychic their general future plans for one turn. If the
Phenomenon. When something unnoticed psychic interferes with time — such as
targets the psychic, the Storyteller rolls Danger moving behind cover to foil an attack, the
Sense activation before rolling ambush. This future changes, and the psychic must
power does not cost the psychic Willpower to reactivate this power for updates.
••••• Roads of Time: A psychic sees more than
Successes Effect only the most likely outcomes and their
relative probabilities. As Insight, but the
Botch The seer unwittingly puts themself in psychic sees time as diverging roads
worse danger and loses their roll to branching off at decisions. The seer
spot the ambush. identifies otherwise innocuous-seeming
Failure The psychic gets no intuition about the decision points before the choices are made.
situation. This also allows a psychic to see which
future events are difficult to change and
1 The seer senses they’re in danger but
which events are most malleable.
gets no specifics. They get 1 bonus
74 Sorcerer
damage. This use of psychic healing is the trance. The target ignores incompatible
sadistic and considered torture, but in commands instead of breaking the trance.
combat, there’s not enough time to use this ••• Implanted Suggestion: A psychic implants
power to its fullest extent. Psychic Surgery suggestions that will activate outside of the
can only be used in combat to cause pain — trance. For each success, the psychic may
it inflicts wound penalties as if the psychic implant a command or condition to activate an
had wounded the target but causes no implanted command. This condition may be a
damage. The victim may spend points of time or sensory trigger. One of the commands
Willpower equal to the psychic’s activation may be to automatically enter a trance under a
successes to “heal” the damage. specified circumstance. As Suggestion, the
attempt automatically fails if it would obviously
Psychic Hypnosis result in the target’s death or conflicts with the
While modern hypnosis is a form of therapy target’s Nature. Commands aren’t recurring
anyone could learn, some psychics have a natural gift unless the hypnotist spends an extra success to
for it with effects far beyond the trained variety. With add a recurring condition.
the increase in popularity and recent research on •••• Fast Trance: The psychic instantly puts willing
hypnotherapy, psychic hypnotists can practice their subjects in a trance and may spend a point of
gifts in the open without much fear of attracting the Willpower to put an unwilling subject in a
wrong attention. trance, though an unwilling subject may roll
Psychic hypnosis is neither as fast as vampiric Willpower (difficulty 7) to resist, with each
disciplines nor as versatile as the Mind Sphere. Even success negating one of the psychic’s activation
so, a particularly gifted hypnotist can achieve many successes. The number of net activation
similar effects. successes is the number of turns the target
• Trance State: The hypnotist puts a willing target remains in the trance. The psychic may roll to
in a calming trance state, though they cannot activate additional powers starting on their next
issue commands. In this state, the target can turn.
remember events and details more clearly ••••• Sleeper Agent: The psychic performs advanced
and gains a difficulty reduction to any rolls levels of brainwashing and conditioning, the
involving memory recall equal to activation kind governments clamor for. The psychic
successes, to a minimum difficulty of 2. The implants commands for the target to do
target also regains one point of Willpower anything, even to the point of death, and the
for every activation success, though they target consciously remembers nothing said
cannot benefit from this function again until during the trance. This power takes 10 minutes
they’ve rested normally. It takes five turns to to put the subject in a trance, which cannot be
place the target in the trance and the trance shortened with Fast Trance. The target must
breaks if anyone disturbs the target. The clearly hear the psychic’s voice. Additional
hypnotist may also put themself in a trance. sounds and distractions make the use of this
•• Suggestion: The hypnotist commands a target to power impossible, so psychics with this ability
perform actions after placing them in a often designate special rooms for the purpose.
trance. The psychic may give one command The psychic spends one point of Willpower to
per success, and the command can neither use this power on an unwilling subject. Each
obviously result activation success allows one command to be
in the target’s death nor go against the target’s implanted, and each command or condition
Nature. The psychic may force the target to takes one hour to implant.
ignore pain responses and forget commands
given in the trance as additional commands if
Psychic Invisibility
the psychic spends successes to do so. Only the Psychic Invisibility is not true invisibility. This
psychic decides when the target comes out of Phenomenon is like Psychic Hypnosis on a larger
76 Sorcerer
past turn per success. It’s possible that requires one success to taste the nuanced
witnesses could forget ever seeing the palate of a person’s emotions and give the
psychic, if the observation was short. vampire a pleasant high. At three successes,
the vampire regains one lost Willpower, and
Psychic Vampirism regains an additional Willpower per success
Everyone knows that one person you can’t be beyond the third. The vampire must be
around long without feeling emotionally and within 10 yards of the victim and be able to
spiritually drained. A psychic vampire could be sense them. The victim is unnerved, and their
anything from a DMV worker, a droning professor, emotions are muted — but not absent —
the one too-eager coworker who won’t shut up at a until the end of the scene.
meeting that could’ve been an email, or something far •• Invigorate: The psychic drains a victim’s vital
more sinister. For a psychic vampire, the energy and energies to empower themself. Every
emotions they drain from their unwitting victims gives success drains one temporary Willpower
a euphoric high unlike any drug in addition to other from the victim and adds it to the vampire’s
beneficial effects. Like many drugs, the feeling can pool, up to a maximum of 10 total. Every
become addictive. Willpower over the vampire’s normal
It’s unclear whether the power develops in those maximum gives a euphoric high and fades at
prone to using others as resources, or the effects of the one point per hour. The range is 15 yards,
power once it develops greatly changes people. In and the vampire must sense the victim to
either case, this Psychic Phenomenon can bring out target them with this power.
the worst in people. Of note to those who study the ••• Leech Vitality: This extremely dangerous
supernatural, psychic vampires often have or develop power allows a vampire to use another’s life
many of the same psychological idiosyncrasies force to heal themself and experience an
Kindred are prone to. indescribable high. The psychic must touch
• Tap Energy: The vampire feeds on others’ the victim for one turn per health level of
strong emotions, both positive and negative. damage healed, up to activation successes.
The vampire senses what the emotions are as Bashing heals first, then lethal, and then
they feed and may use this power to gauge an aggravated downgrades to lethal. Every
individual’s emotions over time. It only excess success
Successes Range
Botch May not use Psychic Vampirism
on this target for one month
Failure Nothing happens
1 500 yards
2 1 miles
3 2 miles
4 5 miles
5 10 miles
6+ +10 miles for every success
above 5
Psychokinesis about these feats sit in awe and wonder of the possibility
Every once in a while, there is a YouTube video, aofTV
moving objects with the sheer force of their mind.
special, a variety show, or a book published about some Psychokinesis, or telekinesis to some, is beautiful in
enlightened master who has expanded their minds to its simplicity. There are no subtle tricks or illusory veils.
the point where they can bend a spoon or shift a book There
6 is only the simple movement of matter through
inches across a table. Every person that watches or reads
space through sheer force of will. As the psychokinetic
78 Sorcerer
grows in strength, they hone their accuracy and increase Psychokinesis grants the psychic a Strength and
the maximum weight they can set in motion. The inex - Dexterity score for their actions once activated. This only
perienced only moves small objects, and very clumsilyrequires
at one activation per instance of the Phenomenon
that. On the other hand, a master psychokinetic can lift and remains active as long as the psychokinetic maintains
massive loads and move them at startling speeds, whileconcentration or until the end of the scene. Using psycho-
also being capable of feats of fine motor skill that mostkinesis requires the psychic be able to see their intended
have trouble performing with their own hands. target with their own eyes. Each success on the activation
Chapter Two: Psychic Phenomena
roll allows for one separate target to be manipulated, with their action through sheer force. The
but the total weight of all targets cannot exceed the psychokinetic force hits like a punch from a
lifting capacity of the psychic. Any time the psychic distance using the psychic’s mental Strength
takes damage, they must make a new Willpower roll and their Brawl or Martial Arts as a dice pool
to maintain concentration. If they roll fewer successes to attack, with base damage equal to their
than the number of targets they are currently mental Strength. This attack represents
manipulating, they must select targets to release until concentrated use of the Phenomenon and
the number of targets matches the new success total. If cannot be used while performing any other
more successes are rolled, the number of manipulated psychokinetic action. This application is also
targets remains unchanged. instant and requires the full cost of activating
A psychokinetic with the power to lift a person the Phenomenon every time.
may do so unimpeded. The target is allowed a •••• The psychic’s mental Strength and Dexterity
Strength + Athletics test to grab hold of a sturdy are now 3, and they can move manipulated
anchor point if one is nearby to hold on to. If a secure objects at 11+ Wits yards per round.
grip point is not available, the target is helpless to stop
Yet another new application becomes available to
the power of the psychokinetic barring supernatural
the psychokinetic. The psychic has
advantages of their own.
internalized their psychokinetic force and
Once a target is being manipulated, actions taken now may levitate themselves regardless of
with the target use the Strength or Dexterity of the weight at a rate equivalent to their walking
psychic’s Psychokinesis and the appropriate Ability speed. This usage of the Phenomenon takes
required for the action. For example, a gun being greater concentration than most and
manipulated would call for a psychokinetic Dexterity therefore cannot be used while lifting other
+ Firearms test to fire. “Throwing” a manipulated targets.
object requires that the item be released while
••••• A psychokinetic master has a mental Strength
propelling it with an appropriate Strength + Athletics
and Dexterity of 4 and can move
test. The disconnect and lack of contact with a
manipulated targets at a rate of 15+ Wits
manipulated target causes all actions taken via
yards per round.
psychokinetic manipulation to suffer a +1 difficulty.
Attempting to perform a psychokinetic action with Both refined actions of the phenomenon receive
more than one manipulated item in the same turn upgrades at this level. Levitation is now second nature
requires the psychic to split their dice pool as normal and can be performed while lifting other targets, and
for taking multiple actions. Psychokinetic assaults may now cause bashing or
• With a mental Strength and Dexterity of 0, lethal damage.
the psychic can only lift a maximum of 5
pounds. Objects take a sluggish and clumsy Psychometry
path through space when moved and have a Psychometry is one of the more emotionally
maximum speed of 5+ Wits yards per round. taxing Phenomena to the psychics gifted — or cursed
— with it. By touching objects, the psychic can read
•• The psychic’s mental Strength and Dexterity rise
the emotional resonances left behind and see visions
to 1, and objects have a movement of 7+
associated with the object. It’s not always clear which
Wits yards per round.
objects have strong resonances: an office coffee mug
••• Growing power and understanding have could have only fleeting impressions. However, it
provided the psychokinetic with a mental could be a cherished gift from a child or even the mug
Strength and Dexterity of 2. Manipulated a worker had in her hand when she learned of a loved
targets move at 9+ Wits yards per round. one’s death.
Further unlocking their understanding of kinetic It takes mere seconds to read the resonances, even
force as a tool of the mind bears fresh fruit. if the vision seems to last much longer from the
The psychic can now make one ranged attack psychic’s perspective. The number of activation
80 Sorcerer
success dictates the level of detail the psychic insight into the owner’s current location to
receives. Many successes give clear and vivid track them. In addition to clearly seeing the
impressions, which are prone to making the psychic event with the strongest emotional resonance
feel the emotions and pain for a time, where fewer associated with the object, they also read
successes only give fleeting impressions. On a botch, emotional impressions and visions of the
the psychic becomes lost in the visions, temporarily other people at the event and their feelings.
merging in personality with one of the individuals ••••• Catalog: The psychic may use Tether on any
from the event and possibly acting it out. When a event the object was associated with, not
psychic with Psychometry touches an object with only the ones with the strongest emotional
immense emotional resonance, the Storyteller may impact.
call for a reflexive Psychometry roll.
• Impression: The psychic can get dreamlike Psychoportation
impressions of recent events involving the Psychoportation, also sometimes called
82 Sorcerer
dodged. A psychic may extinguish a flame at the feeling that their head is wrapped in an invisible
will. A bonfire or smaller flame is blanket. As the psychic’s power rises, this is more and
extinguished instantly, but any larger flame more harrowing as the brain can interpret this loss of
takes an entire turn of concentration to sense as impending suffocation. While cruel by the
extinguish. reckoning of some, it can be an especially useful tool
••••• Inferno: The pyrokinetic now commands when getting someone off your back. • Scattering the
larger and faster-growing flames, which may edges of cast shadows and disrupting sound is only
appear anywhere in the psychic’s line of sufficient to increase the effectiveness of concealment
sight. The flames consume anything inside and demoralization. Shadows become slightly longer,
them with 3 aggravated damage per turn, reach somewhat further, while sounds are all
though targets on the outer edges may dodge unnervingly stifled. All Intimidation and Stealth rolls
as Sun’s Fury. At one success, the starting have their difficulty adjusted by −1. Targets distracted
flame is a small fire, but at three successes by darkening shadows and muffled sounds suffer a +1
the flames fill a large room, to a maximum of difficulty to all rolls reliant on sight and hearing.
Willpower times 3 square yards. If the •• The shadows now grow and bend to the will of
psychic maintains concentration, the flames the psychic. Sounds now baffle and distort,
are resistant to being extinguished by having the quality of being played through a
mundane means, taking rounds equal to the blown speaker. The psychic embodies the
successes gained on the activation roll to idiom of “to darken a doorstep,” as rooms
extinguish through smothering, water, or lose light when they arrive. Intimidation and
flame retardant chemicals. If the psychic Stealth rolls are made at −2 difficulty.
breaks concentration, such as by sustaining ••• Not only do shadows grow darker, but now the
damage or being knocked out, the flames psychic’s efforts causes light sources to lose
lose all supernatural properties and may be their power. Sound travels through a room in
extinguished normally. erratic warbles, and the words that are
intelligible have a perceptible delay with the
Shadow speaker. Attempts to see the concealed
We live in a world of light and shadow. The psychic suffer a +3 difficulty. The harrowed
psychic that understands this and learns to manipulate begin to feel a swelling anxiety and must
one side of that coin is taking advantage of an ever- make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to avoid
present resource. Whether it is under an overhang, panic, suffering a -1 penalty to all actions
behind a stack of boxes, or simply within the cracks that don’t involve leaving the scene if they
and crevices of one’s face, the psychic manipulating fail.
shadows can put them to use to conceal and confound. •••• Spreading their gift of dark refuge, the psychic
Superstitious theories abound concerning what the can now cloak a small gathering of three or
psychic wielding Shadows is actually doing. The four people, possibly even a small coupe or
simple fact is they are manipulating light — and sedan.
sound to a limited degree — to dampen the world Victims of shadowy harassment must make a
around them. It may seem like the Shadow psychic is Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to avoid
wielding darkness, but it all boils down to simple panicking and immediately leaving the scene
science. Darkness grows darker and sound becomes to escape the darkness. Intimidation and
muffled as the psychic’s sheer will smothers active Stealth have a −4 difficulty in conditions that
waveforms in the environment. The spooky are ripe for exploitation. An already dark
atmosphere and reputation are just bonus. warehouse, a shadowy forest in the night, or
As much as shadows can hide, proper utilization a poorly lit parking garage all beg to have
of this Phenomenon can provide significant their deep shadows emboldened by the
distractions. Light and sound are intercepted before psychic. This amount of shadow
they can reach the target’s senses, giving the victim manipulation has an inverse effect in
84 Sorcerer
their thoughts for opinions, desires, fantasies, and exigence, is but one troubling example of the potential
emotions. for telepathic abuse.
As skill and power improve, the telepath can learn • All telepaths begin by sensing the surface
to broadcast their thoughts into others. thoughts and emotions of a subject.
Communication in this manner can be unsettling at Emotions include current mood, immediate
best to the unprepared and potentially outright desire, and mental wellbeing. Surface
scarring. Compassionate telepaths take time to inform thoughts are songs stuck in their head, active
those they intend to telepathically communicate with recollection of things like a grocery list or a
of what is coming, to avoid possible screaming and keycode as it’s punched in, or what they
incoherent confusion caused by unannounced mental think that smell was that they just sniffed.
invasion. •• Inner thoughts open to the telepath. With every
Those who have mastered their talent go one step success on the activation roll, the telepath
further and make those broadcasts seem like original may ask a single question about the target’s
thoughts, implanting ideas into the minds of their subsurface ruminations. These responses are
targets. This is not any kind of mental control or one sentence in length and as straightforward
hypnosis as one might think. At its core, this ability is as possible. Inner thoughts include political
more akin to ventriloquism — a form of ventriloquism leanings, favorite books or movies, or recent
essentially akin to psychic gaslighting, and a very memories.
dangerous and immoral act, but ventriloquism
The beginnings of telepathic communication open
nonetheless. The telepath mimics the inner dialogue of
at this level as well. For every success on the
the target and makes suggestions as though the
activation roll, the telepath can send or
thought came from the subject’s own mind. The uses
receive one sentence of mental
of this talent range from the relatively benign thought
communication. These communications
of “I could use a snack” to projections far more
happen at the speed of thought, and as such
sinister. Reading the target’s thoughts, then
do not take up any time within a round or
mimicking and repeating their darkest impulses to
require any dice pool splitting for multiple
86 Sorcerer
88 Sorcerer
O established
ccult areas of
societies influence,
employ a and a list of
variety of practices
names and reinforced
titles for and
themselves. preserved
Brotherhoo through the
ds, momentum
sisterhoods, of ongoing
salons, tradition.
orders, and Many of
cults are but these
a few of the Affiliations
most also have
common enemies
terms who oppose
bandied their goals
about in and
arcane antagonize
circles. For their
the members.
purposes of These can
this chapter, range from
we refer to friendly
these rivalries to
societies as aggressive
Affiliations. hostilities.
Affiliations Many now
offer forgotten
support to Affiliations
their came to a
members, tragic end
training in in battle
the magical with arcane
arts, and the rivals over
camaraderie the
of a centuries.
community. This
Each of the section
Affiliations presents a
in this diverse
chapter has collection
a rich and of
storied Affiliations
90 Sorcerer
R old and
i from
cultures and
t societies
around the
e globe, the
s Secret
Watchers of
the Order
tes: away scraps
Intellige of Truth
nce, within the
Wits framework
Favore of all occult
d Paths: and
Conjuration mysticism
, for when
Divination, humanity
Enchantme would be
nt, ready for
Summon, that Truth.
Binding, Master
and Agrippa’s
Warding visions
Within from the
the sacred Secret
tabernacles Watchers
of the and his
Ancient study of
Order of the these
Aeon Rites, ancient
sorcerers cultures led
study the to the
journals formation
and of the Aeon
teachings of Rites,
Master written in
Johannes Enochian,
Agrippa, the
who language of
founded the the angels.
Order in The
1873. sorcerers of
Based upon the Ancient
even older Order work
works, their magic
92 Sorcerer
duties. The the most
self- esoteric
centered mysteries.
and selfish It is
aren’t said that in
allowed to death, those
progress of the
into the AOAR who
inner have
circles of proven
the Order. themselves
Within the worthy are
next circle, accepted by
another 3 the Secret
grades of Watchers
the Order into their
oversee the ranks.
broader These
work of the Secret
society, Watchers
developing guide and
political advise the
connections Order but
, are rarely
maintaining seen.
their Master
significant Agrippa has
coffers, and appeared in
training the ghostly
newly form to
initiated, all provide
while guidance to
pursuing initiates and
greater magisters
truths and alike,
mastery of though such
Paths of manifestati
magic. The ons are
final 3 rare. Rumor
grades of abounds
the Order that the
are those Order is
who truly merely a
devote tool of
themselves Master
to study of Agrippa,
the Aeon who still
Rites, lives and
delving into pulls the
94 Sorcerer
but to seek l, serving
knowledge only as
and truth. librarians
Regardless and
of culture observers.
and source, While the
the Arcanum is
Arcanum voracious
investigates for
superstition knowledge
, myth, and will use
pseudoscien other
ce, and contacts to
strange help gather
occurrences it, they
. The jealously
Arcanum guard their
believe secrets. The
there is Arcanum
another only reveals
world that information
borders our to outsiders
own, a under
place where direction
the stories from the
told by the Executive
ancients are Committee.
real. The
Through Arcanum
study of the operates on
tales and a series of
legends of tiers,
these starting
ancients, with the
they believe academic
they can community
find the at large,
kernel of where the
truth from Arcanum
which these also does its
stories recruiting.
grow. They Within
do not those
judge this circles, the
knowledge; Arcanum is
they ascribe known
no morality simply as a
to the scholarly
supernatura society,
96 Sorcerer
Arcanum’s wise are
literature given the
and honorific of
resources, “Elder,”
as though this
necessary. has no
Neophytes relevance to
are the age or
“children” seniority
of the within the
Arcanum, Arcanum.
there to In
learn and terms of
study, but organizatio
they do not n, the
contribute Arcanum
to the society
greater reports to
conversatio the
n of the Executive
society. Committee
With at the
examinatio Foundation
n and ritual, House,
a Neophyte under
graduates to direction of
a be a full the Grand
member of Chancellor.
the The
Arcanum, Foundation
an Arcanist, House itself
sometimes is an
referred to enormous
as a estate and
Brother, boasts the
Sister, or “Axis
Sibling. Mundi,”
While not a which they
rank above claim is the
the others, most
those thorough
members library of
who have all things
demonstrate arcane and
d supernatura
themselves l. Chapter
to be Houses
knowledgea around the
ble and globe
98 Sorcerer
Balam their people
o’ob to protect
Favore them from
the dark
spirits that
come up
Xibalba, the
, Wits Otherworld,
Favore or simply,
d Paths: the Umbra.
Alchemy, Vision
Healing, trances take
Shapeshifti the
ng, Balamo’ob
Summoning into
, Binding, Xibalba,
and where the
Warding first spirit
Within they contact
the jungles becomes
of their
Mesoameri wayob. The
ca, the Wakah-
warrior- Chan, the
priests of World Tree,
the Mayans, separates
the the earth
Balamo’ob and sky but
still watch also
over their connects
people. our world
They pass to Xibalba,
down venerated
teachings in symbols
that were of effigies
ancient at made of
the height rope and
of the wood. The
Mayan magic sap
empire, of the
bonding World Tree
with their is found in
wayob, a the sap of
familiar sacred trees
animal and within the
spirit-guide, mundane
and in turn, world, as
100 Sorcerer
people now symbology
spread in order to
across the grasp
region. Few Balamo’ob
from afar magic.
— After
archaeologi learning
sts, these
anthropolog things,
ists, or when the
occult elder thinks
seekers — them ready,
have been the initiate
initiated takes their
into their first vision
mysteries. trance. This
The trance
Balamo’ob allows the
have had to aspirant to
keep their travel into
knowledge Xibalba in
secret from dream-
oppression form. The
across the great
centuries. Vision
The Serpent
teachings guides them
are passed through the
orally in final secret
Mestizo, a rites, when
dialect of the
Spanish and Balamo’ob
Mayan. meets their
While the wayob, an
language animal
itself is not spirit in the
sacred, form of
some things jaguar,
might be snake,
lost in eagle, or
translation. other, even
Along with mythical,
language animals.
studies, the From this
initiate day
must learn forward,
Mayan their study
cosmology is their
and own. The
102 Sorcerer
named Set,
The who wanted
Childre to rule at
any cost.
n of After a
Osiris but
Favore ultimately
d failed
Attribu attempted
tes: murder,
Intellige Osiris’
nce, wife, Isis,
Wits saved him
Favore with her
d Paths: magic. Set
Ephemera, became
Healing, enraged at
Herbalism, Isis
and thwarting
Oneiroman him and
cy searched
In for more
ancient cunning
Egypt, long ways to
before the counter her
pyramids power. He
stood, found
before exactly the
Pharaoh edge he
Narmer sought
united the when he
upper and was
lower embraced
kingdoms, as a
there lived vampire.
a wise and Embold
studious ened by his
mortal king new power,
from Set
western demanded
Egypt Osiris hand
called him the
Osiris. throne.
Osiris had a When
jealous Osiris
younger refused, Set
brother frenzied
104 Sorcerer
embrace. sought
When he freedom
realized from their
he’d not Beasts and
only killed sorcerers
his dear seeking to
friend but reconcile
consumed life and
his blood in death to
a hunger become
frenzy, he immortal
was without the
horrified. flaws of
Overcome vampirism.
with grief, At first, the
he blamed sorcerer
Isis and and
vowed to vampire
find a way Children
to banish were
his treated as
monstrous equals.
impulses. However,
The coven after Set
fractured in finally
two: those killed
who Osiris, the
sympathize vampires in
d with the faction
Osiris and took
those who control. The
thought him sorcerers
an became
irredeemabl servants to
e monster. their
Those vampiric
sympathetic masters,
few were though the
the first undead
mortal Children
Children of supposedly
Osiris. followed
The Osiris’
Affiliation command
grew, that they
joined by never
vampires embrace
who their
likewise sorcerer
106 Sorcerer
outside maintain a
their one-sided
temples. rivalry with
This is as the more
much a powerful
ritual Cult of Isis,
practice as though that
a health- generally
conscious isn’t
one — encouraged
when the and is
Children of considered
Osiris was a
in its distraction
infancy, the from the
only way to truth in
reliably their
prevent lice studies. The
and progeny of
potentially Set have
deadly largely left
resulting Osiris’
skin mortal
infections followers
was to alone since
shave one’s the vampire
head. Children’s
The disappearan
Children ce, but if
still his
venerate descendants
Osiris as a found a
god, sorcerer
claiming he Children of
isn’t gone Osiris
forever but temple,
took his things
rightful would get
place as ugly fast.
king of the
underworld. The
devote their Cult of
time to
study of Favore
their Paths. d
Some find Attribu
time to tes:
108 Sorcerer
beliefs and the past,
purposes. amid unrest
In and
modern heartache.
times, the The
Cult’s priestess
influence Semet
can be seen organized
in the the Cult as
teachings of street
Traditions medics,
like the nurses,
Ecstatics caregivers,
and and
Verbena, or mediators.
as The Cult
corrupted takes no
kindred points of
who now leadership
follow the and no
teachings of stance in
Set, but politics,
there is a merely
new Cult of caring for
Isis that has the
blossomed wounded or
in the wake those
of the Arab caught in
Spring of the middle,
2010. Led while
by a hoping to
magician keep any
who calls conflict
herself from
Semet, this escalating
branch of beyond
the Cult is repair. The
dedicated to symbols of
a new era Isis’
of healing horned-
and peace. moondisc
This started or her
as a small widespread
sect’s wings are
attempt to placed as
care for the guideposts
relics and for refuge
hidden and safety.
wonders of This sect of
110 Sorcerer
the globe Favore
with dozens d Paths:
of faces forConjuration
the ,
goddess. Conveyanc
Secretive e,
sects that Divination,
work social Fortune for
manipulatio the Roman
n andtemple.
control, Replace
caring one with a
sororities Path
that revere applicable
all sacred to the local
goddesses, temple’s
or some of interpretatio
the fewn of
who still
Mercury at
support Storyteller
Horus, Isis’discretion.
immortal The
son, in his Cult of
quest for
vengeance, was
all revere founded in
the ancient
goddess’ Rome
name and among
count many
themselves similar
as a Cult ofcults
Isis. devoted to
The deities in
the local
Cult of and nearby
Mercur Their first
y temple was
in the
near a horse
tes: racing track
Charism and popular
a, merchant
Stamina site, a
112 Sorcerer
without such as
local Shapeshifti
political ng for the
aspirations aspect
traveled Mercurius
and formed Artaios, a
new god of
congregatio bears and
ns as a way hunting in
to quickly south-
gain rank in eastern
the cult. As France.
the Cult of Practices
Mercury are
spread to similarly
other localized
regions with ritual
through elements
both traditional
Roman to the first
conquests congregants
and of the
merchant region.
trade, the The
cultists Cult of
likened Mercury
Mercury to suffered a
the local major blow
deities, to
claiming leadership
these other and
deities to member
simply be retention
different when
aspects and Constantine
understandi converted
ngs of the Roman
Mercury. Empire to
Accordingl Christianity
y, temples . Many who
may focus joined for
on Paths favorable
more luck figured
applicable they
to their wouldn’t be
local testing fate
interpretatio as much to
n of join the
Mercury, new
114 Sorcerer
force, but for cultists
they’re with
limited to leadership
ritual magic roles or
with no aspirations,
fewer than while the
50 average
participants cultist in a
. While a congregatio
cultist can’t n may
use spells instead
cast on the favor
fly, it’s Stamina for
customary the patience
for temples and
to prepare dedication
rituals of being a
ahead of cog in
time that massive
skilled rituals.
can finish
casting in
Cult of
may learn 2
free rituals
for every
dot in a
Herding a
n isn’t an
easy feat
with strong
Charisma is
the favored
o r
z d
e e
n r
P Attribu
r Charis
i Intellig
e ence
s d Paths:
t Healing,
s Shapeshifti
ng, Weather
o The
f Order itself
crossed the
t and Greek
h world. Its
e were
experts of
P who passed
on the
y words of
the gods
t and found
h their magic
116 Sorcerer
within the Order had
rhythm and already
rhyme of fallen from
poetry. Not grace. Their
merely a numbers
form of art, dwindled to
but an those few
expression who had
of extended
numerology their
, Pythian lifespan
practice beyond the
tied music, natural
astrology, limits of
and humanity.
mathematic By the
s together, time of the
resonating Renaissanc
with the e and
music of renewed
the spheres. interest in
They strove the classics,
to find just the Dozen
the right Priests of
poetic the Pythian
meter to Order that
encapsulate still lived
this magic, were sought
binding it to out. The
texts to few Pythian
store this texts that
power. A had found
delicate and their way to
fussy the scholars
magic, it of the age
was rare to were a
master. The marvel, and
number of the Pythian
priests of Order
the Pythian gained a
Order handful of
diminished new
over time. converts. In
When the
science and Romantic
learning period,
declined in further
Europe, the interest
Pythian swelled,
118 Sorcerer
let it die
with them
seems an Fenian
affront to Favore
the gods d
they once Attribu
spoke for. tes:
They work Manipu
now to that lation,
end, Appear
divining the ance
future and
their own
d Paths:
end of days,
to see if
ng, Weather
will arrive
to learn
from them Many
or if they sorcerers
continue who share
clinging to ancestry
their with the
tradition Celts claim
out of futile to have fae
stubbornnes blood and
s. power in
Fenian Geasa
Fenian players must work with the Storyteller to determine their geasa and whether they can be
re-negotiated or forgiven if broken. Multiple geasa with the possibility to contradict each other is a
common subject of Celtic folklore, but the certain doom that typically entails may not be suitable
for a given table. Storytellers should also be sure that the opportunity to break a geasa will come
up in the course of the game. Unless the game includes travel, a prohibition on eating a certain
type of meat likely won’t come up if the animal is unavailable in the game’s location.
Players and Storytellers should be clear with each other what the geasa entail before starting the
game. Players may feel the Storyteller set them up for failure if expectations aren’t mutually
understood or if the Storyteller backs a Fenian into a corner with conflicting geasa (if this wasn’t
agreed to beforehand). A mythical redemption story or even an epic downfall can be loads of fun
for all involved, but only if everyone
feels the their
Most of the
time, it’s
agency in either
the matter. patently
false or too
far back to
matter. The
120 Sorcerer
over the when
weather. learning a
The family new Path or
isn’t a ritual that
normal may also
family of apply to
sorcerers so their
much as a descendants
family of .
innately These
magical days, the
beings. The Fenian are
magical on the brink
contracts, of
or geasa, extinction.
were Some
tailored to speculate
each Fenian their fae
based on blood is
tradition growing too
and thin; others
personal suspect
tendencies. someone
One Fenian broke
who greatly geasa with
enjoys the the Tuatha
pleasures of Dé Danann.
life might There’s still
be hope; a
forbidden young child
from eating in the
certain family
types of named
food, while Niamh
a Fenian developed
who bucks the ability
authority to speak to
might be animals
obligated to after an
always entire
accept generation
guidance — lacked any
even if the magical
guidance is aptitude or
harmful. A predilection
Fenian can . There are
enter into a only several
geas for dozen
powers Fenian
122 Sorcerer
and derived
Warding from forn
Since seiðr, or
ancient “ancient
times, customs” of
people in the Norse.
Scandinavia They
primarily, worship
but not deities from
always, either or
practiced both of the
feminine Æsir and
witchcraft Vanir
these well-funded, but relatively fringe programs, the In addition to these comparatively mundane methods
Technocracy monitors medical facilities under Progenitor
of recruiting psychics, the Technocracy operates a secret
influence for signs of psychic activity. Many psychics
seek Initiative called the Department of
medical treatment when their gifts first manifest, fearing
Metahuman Studies. Through DMS, the Union maintains
their newfound abilities are the result of some neurological
a false front as a clandestine military group focused on the
malfunction or psychotic break. Technocratic operatives
location and training of people with superhuman abilities.
are happy to explain the truth to such unfortunates “Let
as us train you to protect a world that fears and hates you”
part of their recruitment pitch. is a surprisingly effective recruitment pitch, especially in
an era where superhero fiction dominates popular culture.
144 Sorcerer
challenges of their Art. They receive 5 dots of Freebie Points
Willpower to reflect this and may have more if you Finally, you have 21 freebie points to spend to
spend freebie points on it. fill in any gaps in your character. Are there ratings
that should be higher, to represent the heights that
Quintessence, and Paradox your sorcerer has already reached, or additional
Sorcerers do not suffer from Paradox, as they Background points to cover their history or
work within the confines of fundamental reality, additional skills? Consult the Character Creation
rather than bending reality to their will. chart for the freebie points costs. If your Storyteller
is using Merits and Flaws, this is the appropriate
time to choose them. As always, Merits and Flaws
Freebie Points
Trait Cost
Attribute 5 per dot
Ability 2 per dot
Path/Phenomena 7 per dot
Ritual 3 each
Background 1 per dot
Willpower 1 per dot
Experience Points
Trait Cost
New Ability 3
New Path/Phenomena 7
Secondary Numina (See Above) 21
Willpower current rating
Ability current rating x2
Affinity Path current rating x6
Attribute current rating x4
Path/Phenomena current rating x7
New ritual rating of ritual
Background current rating x3
146 Sorcerer
are optional and should be approved by the Storyteller • A minor Artifact (Pecos Bill’s Revolvers (–1 on
to ensure they fit the story and character. difficulty to aimed shots))
•• A useful Artifact (Anna Pavlova’s Ballet Shoes
(+2 for dice involved in movement))
After freebie points have been spent, you should
assign a specialty for each Attribute, Ability, and Path ••• An Artifact of significant power (Lillian
rated at four or higher. Any time you perform an Head’s Broom (Witch’s Steed))
action that uses an Attribute, Ability, or Path that •••• A much-sought Artifact mentioned in legends
relies on or incorporates the specialty, any 10s rolled (Skull of Merlin (Vision Skull))
are counted as two successes. For more on specialties
••••• An artifact of incredible power (Deshayes’
see Mage 20 p. 274
Finishing Touches Cup)
At this point, your sorcerer should exist
mechanically, but you should spend some time now Merits and Flaws
truly bringing them to life. What is their favorite Use of Merits and Flaws is always optional but
color? What do they even look like? Who are their can be a useful tool to provide additional bonuses or
close associates? All the things that make your drawbacks that reflect your character. The following
sorcerer into a real person. Remember that any are particularly suited for sorcerers, but work with
significant detail should have a matching trait, though your Storyteller to ensure that the Merits or Flaws you
one of the best ways to do this is to include functional picked will be relevant to the story. In addition to the
dot ratings into the description of your character. Merits and Flaws listed here, Storytellers may allow
Merits and Flaws from Mage 20 or Book of Secrets
Backgrounds at their discretion. Isolated Upbringing:
Backgrounds presented in Mage 20 p. 301-328 (2 pt Flaw)
can work for most sorcerers, but several only apply to You were raised within a reclusive environment
mages. and have had little contact with the “mundane” world.
This could mean you were the child of Arcanum
Artifact scholars, were born in a Uzome ile, or were
Artifacts are items that are inherently supernatural extensively home-schooled away from society. This
with a power of their own. This Trait allows you to gives you a limited understanding of how the
begin play with an artifact, whether it was a family “normal” world works, and whenever you are outside
heirloom, a gift from a Mentor, or a discovery that of your childhood Affiliation, you have a –1 die
someone has not taken from you. The Storyteller will penalty to all social skills.
create the Artifact based on your suggestions; a player
does not create such items without use of the Innocent: (1 pt Merit)
Enchantment Path (p. 26). Mythical artifacts of If you’ve done something wrong, you are the last
legends are not valid objects for this Trait but should to be blamed, unless evidence of your wrongdoing is
be the goals of quests. As a Background, Artifacts brought forward. This does not mean you are “an
should also include story elements like curses, innocent;” everyone simply assumes you are.
prophecies, restrictions that might hold back hidden Psychic Awareness: (3 pt Merit)
powers of the Artifact, or a rival family who wishes to Even if you have no psychic powers of your own,
reclaim what is theirs. Work with your Storyteller to you can sense the presence of recent psychic energies
figure out what might be interesting for your character within a nearby area (about a 10-foot radius) with a
to delve into. Each dot in this Background indicates Perception + Occult (difficulty 8) roll. How much
an increasingly powerful Artifact, and the Storyteller information you glean and how detailed it is depends
should ensure the Artifact is roughly equivalent to an on your successes. A single success might merely
Enchanted item made with the Enchantment Path. confirm that a psychic talent was at work recently,
148 Sorcerer
burdensome control over your talents comes greater Psi Focus: (3-5 pt Flaw)
power. Use the following table to determine the costs Your psychic power requires something beyond
and effect of this Merit (or Flaw) which cannot exceed your own mental powers to manifest, whether you
4 points: need your lucky feather, to ask pretty please, or just
+1 For every extra die you have when using the pantomime the action you need to happen. For a 3-
power. point Flaw, you have to gesture or speak an
incantation for the power to work. For a 4-point Flaw,
–1 You must make a Willpower roll (Difficulty 7) to you require a physical focus to work such as crystals,
use the power. tarot cards, or candles. For a 5-point Flaw, the power
only works with a specific focus, akin to a mage’s
–2 You can only consciously use the power
unique instrument (Mage 20 p. 588). The 5-point
defensively. (Your precognitive powers warn
version of this Flaw is also available to hedge
you of an attack using Danger Sense, or your
telekinesis can stop an oncoming car.)
Path Inept: (5 pt Flaw)
–3 You have no conscious control of the power, You have a Path that you just do not understand.
but it works more often to your benefit than not. This could be due to a curse, lack of training, or a
(Your clairvoyancy manifests in useful mental block. You must choose a Path from those that
prophetic are available to your Affiliation. When improving the
dreams.) chosen Path, you must spend one quarter more
–4 Your powers activate randomly (a minimum of experience points to increase Path levels or rituals.
once per session) and often when you least This must be a Path your character desires and plans
expect or desire it. (Telekinetically flinging to study.
books around a library while attempting to do
research.) Ritual Sleeper: (5 pt Flaw)
Magic doesn’t happen at the snap of a finger. You
Path Natural: (5 pt Merit) are unable to manifest any instant magical effects, and
You are naturally gifted to one Path of power. you are limited to performing rituals. If the rules of
This could be tied to your mundane skills that your Affiliation already require magic through only
translate easily to magic, a heritage that calls to ritual, you may not take this Flaw. You’re considered
certain power, or you have made a deal with a Sleeper if you witness an instant magical effect.
otherworldly beings to open yourself to greater power.
During character creation, chose one Path; in this
Path, you only pay three-quarters experience, rounded
Tools of the Trade
This is a list of artifacts that a sorcerer might find
down, to advance to higher levels or to learn rituals
or create. Players can select from these with the
for that Path.
Artifact Background (p. 106) or use them as
Psychic Feedback: (1, 2, or 6 pt Flaw) inspiration to create their own Artifacts.
Your psychic powers are a great gift, but they take
Eternal Light •
their toll on you. As a 1-point Flaw, you experience
Once a staple for sorcerers drafted into military
headaches or disorientation. Roll Stamina + Mediation
service, this simple magic item fell out of vogue in
(difficulty 7). On a failure, the difficulty of all actions
recent years. This is a sturdy-looking metal lighter
increases by two for one round while the pain
that requires no lighter fluid or other accelerant to
overtakes you. As a 2-point Flaw, you experience
produce a flame. Anyone may use it, whether they
light but long-term pain from use of your power. Roll
have magical skill or not. The user breathes on the
Intelligence (difficulty 6) each time you use a power
case and then flips the lid open to start the flame. The
to “soak” the power’s activation successes, which are
flame is resistant to inclement weather, but only to
treated as bashing damage. As a 6-point Flaw, the
coincidental levels. It would, for example, go out and
psychic takes this as lethal damage, with the same
option to “soak.”
150 Sorcerer
and even a few embarrassed novice writers. On the final or certain flowers according to their practice. The sorcerer
page, a skeleton flower is left pressed and affixed to theseals the bottle and incants a spell or prayer over it.
journal’s back cover. When the user wants the markings Once the sorcerer seals the bottle, they hide it on the
inside the journal to discreetly and immediately disappear, property of the person who needs protection, typically inside
they spritz water on the skeleton flower’s petals. As thea wall in the house or on the edge of the yard. The sorcerer
petals turn clear, there will be no visible or tactile tracemay also instruct the recipient to hide the magic object
of the writing or drawings inside. When the flower dries themself. So long as the witch’s bottle remains undiscovered
completely two days later, the petals return to their opaqueby the enemy sorcerer, all magic they direct at the recipient
white color, and all the writing inside returns. If the -sorwhile they are on their property subtracts one success (or
cerer needs to make the writing disappear permanently,one success per roll in the case of extended spells or rituals).
they remove one of the flower’s petals while it’s still wet.
Osiris’Resting Place •••
Witch’sBottle •• The Children of Osiris temple in Luxor boasts an
A witch’s bottle is a traditional counter-magic object ancient limestone sarcophagus intricately carved with - hi
from England and the early colonial United States. Noteroglyphics that tell the story of Osiris’ quest to overcome
typically used by the sorcerer themself, this is another magic
undeath itself. It’s decorated with gemstones, inlaid with
item, like a love poppet, most often made on commission. gold, and kept in near-perfect condition through metic-
A Sorcerer might also make witch’s bottles for their loved ulous care by the Children. They claim Osiris himself
ones, to subtly protect them from rival sorcerers. rested within the sarcophagus while he still walked the
The sorcerer fills a bottle or jar with sharp objects, Earth
often in his vampiric state. Whatever the case for this
sewing needles or rusted nails, and then pours a substance relic’s origins, it possesses powerful healing magics and
containing the enemy sorcerer’s essence over thoseitems. saved many a Child of Osiris from the brink of death.
This is typically a bodily fluid such as blood, but can be Placing the injured or sick within the sarcophagus
hair, nail clippings, or a finely shredded photograph of increases
the their natural rate of healing to twice normal
enemy sorcerer. Some sorcerers add other items like herbs
Chapter Four: Tools and Traits
speed and decreases the Difficulty of all healing the user of the poppet. Most magicians capable of
magics performed on them by 2. making these Love Poppets rarely use them for
themselves, as once that fire has been lit in a subject,
Silent Feet ••• it is hard to stop. Supernatural beings like vampires
In a world where passing without notice is often are inhuman enough for this relic to be ineffective
the simplest way to ensure survival, these charms are against them, but when used against a human, they
fantastically useful. Created as anklets, toe rings, or are hooked for life. They will continue to love and
shoes (with sneakers a common modern choice), the obsess over the object of their affection, endlessly.
Silent Feet relic silences the footfalls of the wearer This can lead to fits of jealousy and envy, and if the
after it has been activated. This silence lasts until the subject of the Love Poppet is pushed away,
wearer speaks even a word, then remains inactive potentially destructive thoughts like “if I cannot
until the following night. The silent footfalls are have them, no one can.” Sorcerers and mages who
represented mechanically by giving the wearer a five recognize the Love Poppet’s affects may attempt to
die Stealth rating or adding five dice to their existing break the hold with an appropriate counterspell or
Stealth Skill. The relic only silences the wearer’s countermagick. Breaking the Poppet’s spell requires
steps, so the user must be wary of the sound of their three successes on a single Difficulty 7 roll. A mage
clothing, actions, and their voice, the last of which or hedge wizard may attempt one such roll per
ends the charm’s powers. month.
Sympathetic Bindings ••• Vision Skull ••••
An ancient recipe that continues to be useful This macabre Artifact is a skull blackened with
today, especially for the sorcerer on the go, these ink or fire and decorated with white chalk symbols
linen bandages are soaked with sulfuric acid powder of vision and sight. The skull allows the sorcerer to
and the blood of the intended patient. When this is scry far off people and places or to shift their
complete, the target begins to heal from across the perceptions forward and backward through time.
room without needing to be bound to the injured Blood and herbs are placed into the skull, after
person. The wound appears to close on its own, which the sorcerer meditates with it, falling into a
healing faster than one might expect. The trance while consuming the blood. Letting go of
Sympathetic Bindings heal lethal damage at a rate of their body, they begin to dance, while within their
one health level per day and stave off infection. Each mind visions play out. After a few minutes, the
wound requires a different set of Bindings, and they sights fade, and their body falls into a heavy sleep.
must be used no more than one day after they have Mechanically, the skull grants the user a vision,
been prepared. After use, the bandages become similar to those achieved through the Divination
mundane blood-soaked cloth. Path. This vision is symbolic and not literal, giving
Witch’s Steed ••• hints and clues to what the user is trying to see. Each
The classic tool of European witches, this use of the skull is a separate ritual, and the sorcerer
appears to be a normal broom with no magical must rest at least 24 hours between uses.
effects. After the sun sets, the broom handle darkens Deshayes’ Fatal Cup •••••
and lengthens, and the bristles become thorny and Named in honor of Catherine Deshayes, fortune
sharp. A sorcerer atop a broom flies at 50 mph and teller and master poisoner, these cups come in a
has an Arcane rating of 5 for the duration of their variety of shapes and styles. While they appear to be
ride. normal at a glance, there is a faint inscription across
Love Poppet •••• the bottom of each cup. By rubbing fresh blood
Formed into a vague humanoid figure, these across these inscriptions, the liquid contained in the
relics are combined with personal materials from a vessel is turned into a magical, deadly poison.
subject — hair, fingernail clippings, or bodily fluids Whoever finishes the cup will die, usually within the
— to connect the doll’s magic to the subject. The next five minutes. A sorcerer may counterspell the
doll then compels the subject to fall ‘in love’ with poison (Difficulty 7), a mage may stop the inevitable
152 Sorcerer
with Life, Prime, or Matter effects, while a
shapeshifter may use Stamina + Primal-Urge
(Difficulty 7) or a healing Gift. Vampires suffer
incapacitating pain for the remainder of the scene
unless they succeed on a Stamina roll (Difficulty 7),
in which case they can act normally, if
uncomfortably. A mortal is simply doomed.
There are lesser versions of the Fatal Cup,
known as Dionys’ Chalice, which turns the liquid
into a magically inebriating or hallucinogenic drink.
This drink causes intoxication or delirium for six
hours, unless the drinker attains three or more
successes on a Stamina roll (Difficulty 8), in which
case they just have a good time.
• Streamlined and complete rules for incorporating hedge magic Paths and Psychic Phenomena into
yourMage: The Ascensionchronicle.
• Character creation rules and options to bring your hedge wizard or psychic to life.
• Twenty Affiliations for Sorcerer characters to join or oppose, including classic favorites such as
the Arcanum and Project Twilight.