This credit note is from Nuricon Petroservices to Al-Tariq Constructors for services and materials provided for a heat tracing system project. The credit note provides a list of 10 items supplied, including self-regulating heating cable, power junction boxes, end seal kits, line sensing thermostats, and other components. The total credit amount is 1,470,573 Pakistani rupees. The materials were supplied against a delivery challan dated March 8, 2011 for work on the Qadirpur Permeate Compression Project.
This credit note is from Nuricon Petroservices to Al-Tariq Constructors for services and materials provided for a heat tracing system project. The credit note provides a list of 10 items supplied, including self-regulating heating cable, power junction boxes, end seal kits, line sensing thermostats, and other components. The total credit amount is 1,470,573 Pakistani rupees. The materials were supplied against a delivery challan dated March 8, 2011 for work on the Qadirpur Permeate Compression Project.
This credit note is from Nuricon Petroservices to Al-Tariq Constructors for services and materials provided for a heat tracing system project. The credit note provides a list of 10 items supplied, including self-regulating heating cable, power junction boxes, end seal kits, line sensing thermostats, and other components. The total credit amount is 1,470,573 Pakistani rupees. The materials were supplied against a delivery challan dated March 8, 2011 for work on the Qadirpur Permeate Compression Project.
This credit note is from Nuricon Petroservices to Al-Tariq Constructors for services and materials provided for a heat tracing system project. The credit note provides a list of 10 items supplied, including self-regulating heating cable, power junction boxes, end seal kits, line sensing thermostats, and other components. The total credit amount is 1,470,573 Pakistani rupees. The materials were supplied against a delivery challan dated March 8, 2011 for work on the Qadirpur Permeate Compression Project.
Al-Tariq Constructors (Pvt.) Ltd Suite # 1301 - 1302-, 13th Floor, UNI Centre ATL/216.1/173 I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi-74000 Dated: Feb 22, 2011 Karachi Attn: Finance Department S.NO. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS & SERVICES UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Pak Rupees Pak Rupees
A Services for Design, Engineering of Heat Tracing System for
Qadirpur Permeate Compression Project
Consist of following:
1. SELF REGULATING HEATING CABLE 20QTVR2-CT MTRS 125 7,075.00 884,375.00 2. SINGLE ENTRY POWER JUNCTION BOX JBM-100-EP EA 2 89,000.00 178,000.00 3. END SEAL KIT (BTV/QTV) E-06 EA 14 2,407.00 33,698.00 4. LINE SENSING THERMOSTAT RAYSTAT-EX-02 EA 2 148,200.00 296,400.00 5. SUPPORT BRACKET FOR THERMOSTAT SB-100 EA 2 11,350.00 22,700.00 6. CABLE GLAND FOR JUNCTION BOX GL-38-M25-METAL EA 0 0.00 7. CABLE GLAND FOR THERMOSTAT GL-33 EA 0 0.00 8. PIPE STRAPS (2"-20") PSE-280 EA 8 1,150.00 9,200.00 9. GLASS ADHESIVE TAPE (1 ROLL = 16 MTR) GS-54 ROLL 15 2,900.00 43,500.00 10. WARNING LABLES (ENGLISH) LAB-I-01 EA 9 300.00 2,700.00
Material supplied against Delivery Challan no. 0395 dated March 8, 2011.
Total Credit Note Amount 1,470,573.00
(Pak Rupees One Million Four Hundred Seventy Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Three Only)