Apache Spark

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Top 50+ Apache Spark Interview

Questions and Answers

1. Best Spark Interview Questions and
The Big Data technology is an umbrella term. It is emerging with
time. Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark is the framework for dealing with
this. The revenue of Big Data is increasing exponentially. To become a part
of Bigdata industry I hope these Top 50+ Apache Spark Interview
Questions and Answers will help to get an edge in Bigdata Market.

As a Bigdata professional, it is necessary to know the right buzzword, and

the right answer to frequently asked Spark Interview questions and
answers. The Apache Spark Interview Questions and answers mentioned
below revolves around the concept of Spark Core, Spark Streaming, Spark
SQL, GraphX, and MLlib.
Hope this blog will act as a gateway to your Spark Job.
So, let’s explore top Spark Interview Questions and Answers.

2. Top Apache Spark Interview

Questions and Answers
Here we are going to discuss the list of Spark interview questions and
answers. We have classified these Apache Spark Interview Questions
according to Spark ecosystem components-

a. Apache Spark Basic Interview Questions and

Here are some Frequently asked Spark Interview Questions and Answers
for freshers and experienced.

Q.1 What is Apache Spark?

Apache Spark is open source, wide range data processing engine. It is data
processing engine with high APIs. It allows data worker to
execute streaming, machine learning or SQL workloads. These jobs need fast
iterative access to datasets. Spark provides API in various languages
like Python, R, Scala, Java. We can run Spark by itself or on various
existing cluster manager. There is various deployment option in Spark. For
example, Standalone Deploy Mode, Apache Mesos, Hadoop YARN.
The design of the Apache is so dynamic that it can integrate with all the Big
Data tools. For example, Spark can access data from any of
the Hadoop data source. It can also run in Hadoop data cluster. Spark does
not have its own storage system. It relies on HDFS or other file storage for
storing the data.

Q.2 Why does the picture of Spark come into existence?

To overcome the drawbacks of Apache Hadoop, Spark came into the
picture. Some of the drawbacks of Hadoop that Apache Spark overcomes
• Hadoop used only Java to build applications. Because it uses Java
there were some security concerns as Java is prone to cyber
• Apache Hadoop was apt only for batch processing. So, it does not
support stream processing which was overcome in Spark.
• Hadoop used disk-based processing which results in slower
retrieving of data. Spark overcomes this by in-memory
Q.3 What are the features of Spark?
Some of the features of Apache Spark are:

• The processing speed of Apache Spark is very high.

• Apache Spark is dynamic in nature. There are about 80 high-level
operators, thus, using which we can build a parallel application.
• We can reuse code for join stream against historical data or for
batch processing.
• Through RDD we achieve fault tolerance. Thus, the data recovery
is possible in RDD.
• Spark support many languages like Java, Scala, Python, and R.
Thus, makes it more user-friendly and is dynamic in nature.
• It can run independently and also on other cluster managers like
Hadoop YARN.
• Apache Spark is cost effective solution for Big data problem.
While Hadoop needs large storage and the large data center
during replication.
Q.4 What are the limitations of Spark?
• Does not have its file management system. Thus, it needs to
integrate with Hadoop or other cloud-based data platforms.
• In-memory capability can become a bottleneck. Especially when
it comes to cost-efficient processing of Bigdata.
• Memory consumption is very high. And the issues for the same
are not handled in a user-friendly manner. d. It requires large
• MLlib lack in some available algorithms, for example, Tanimoto
Q.5 List the languages supported by Apache Spark.
Apache Spark Supports the following Languages: Scala, Java, R, Python.
Q.6 What are the cases where Apache Spark surpasses Hadoop?
The data processing speed increases in the Apache Spark. This is because
of the support of in-memory computation by the system. Thus, the
performance of the system increase by 10x-1000x times. Apache Spark uses
various languages for distributed application development.
On the top of spark core, various libraries are present. These libraries
enable workload that uses streaming, SQL, graph and machine learning.
Some of these workloads are also supported by Hadoop. Spark facilitates
the development by joining them into the same application. Apache Spark
adopts micro-batching. Which is essentially used for handling near real
time processing data model.
Q.7 Compare Hadoop and Spark.
• Cost Efficient – In Hadoop, during replication, a large number of
servers, huge amount of storage, and the large data center is
required. Thus, installing and using Apache Hadoop is expensive.
While using Apache Spark is a cost effective solution for big data
• Performance – The basic idea behind Spark was to improve the
performance of data processing. And Spark did this to 10x-100x
times. And all the credit of faster processing in Spark goes to in-
memory processing of data. In Hadoop, the data processing takes
place in disc while in Spark the data processing takes place in
memory. It moves to the disc only when needed. The Spark in-
memory computation is beneficial for iterative algorithms. When
it comes to performance, because of batch processing in Hadoop
it’s processing is quite slow while the processing speed of Apache
is faster as it supports micro-batching.
• Ease of development – The core in Spark is the distributed
execution engine. Various languages are supported by Apache
Spark for distributed application development. For example,
Java, Scala, Python, and R. On the top of spark core, various
libraries are built that enables workload. they make use of
streaming, SQL, graph and machine learning. Hadoop also
supports some of these workloads but Spark eases the
development by combining all into the same application. d.
Failure recovery: The method of Fault
• Failure recovery – The method of Fault Recovery is different in
both Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. In Hadoop after every
operation data is written to disk. The data objects are stored in
Spark in RDD distributed across data cluster. The RDDs are
either in memory or on disk and provides full recovery from faults
or failure.
• File Management System – Hadoop has its own File Management
System called HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System). While
Apache Spark an integration with one, it may be even HDFS.
Thus, Hadoop can run over Apache Spark.
• Computation model – Apache Hadoop uses batch processing
model i.e. it takes a large amount of data and processes it. But
Apache Spark adopts micro-batching. Must for handling near real
time processing data model. When it comes to performance,
because of batch processing in Hadoop it’s processing is quite
slow. The processing speed of Apache is faster as it supports
• Lines of code – Apache Hadoop has near about 23, 00,000 lines
of code while Apache Spark has 20,000 lines of code.
• Caching – By caching partial result in memory of distributed
workers Spark ensures low latency computations. While
MapReduce is completely disk oriented, there is no provision of
• Scheduler – Because of in-memory computation in Spark, it acts
as its own flow scheduler. While with Hadoop MapReduce we
need an extra job scheduler like Azkaban or Oozie so that we can
schedule complex flows.
• Spark API – Because of very Strict API in Hadoop MapReduce, it
is not versatile. But since Spark discards many low-level details it
is more productive.
• Window criteria – Apache Spark has time-based window criteria.
But Apache Hadoop does not have window criteria since it does
not support streaming.
• Faster – Apache Hadoop executes job 10 to 100 times faster than
Apache Hadoop MapReduce.
• License – Both Apache Hadoop and Apache MapReduce has a
License Version 2.0.
• DAG() – In Apache Spark, there is cyclic data flow in machine
learning algorithm, which is a direct acyclic graph. While in
Hadoop MapReduce data flow does not have any loops, rather it
is a chain of the image.
• Memory Management – Apache Spark has automatic memory
management system. While Memory Management in Apache
Hadoop can be either statistic or dynamic.
• Iterative Processing – In Apache Spark, the data iterates in
batches. Here processing and scheduling of each iteration are
separate. While in Apache Hadoop there is no provision for
iterative processing.
• Latency – The time taken for processing by Apache Spark is less
as compared to Hadoop since it caches its data on memory by
means of RDD, thus the latency of Apache Spark is less as
compared to Hadoop.
Spark Interview Questions and Answers – Spark Ecosystem

Q.8 What are the components of Spark Ecosystem?

The various components of Apache Spark are:

• Spark Core – Spark Core is the foundation of the whole project.

All the functionality that is in Spark, is present on the top of
Spark Core.
• Spark Streaming – It allows fault-tolerant streaming of live data
streams. It is an add-on to core Spark API. Here it makes use of
micro-batching for real-time streaming. Thus it packages live data
into small batches and delivers to the batch system for
• Spark SQL – Spark SQL component is distributed framework for
structured data processing. Using Spark SQL Spark gets more
information about the structure of data and the computation
being performed. As a result, by using this information Spark can
perform extra optimization.
• Spark MLlib – MLlib is a scalable learning library that discusses
both: High-quality algorithm, High speed. The motive behind
MLlib creation is to make machine learning scalable and easy.
Thus. it contains machine learning libraries that have an
implementation of various machine learning algorithms.
• Spark GraphX – GraphX is API for graphs and graph parallel
execution. In order to support graph computation, graphX
contains set of fundamental operators like sub graph, joinvertices
and an optimized variant of Pregel API. Also, clustering,
classification, traversal, searching, and pathfinding is possible in
• SparkR – SparkR is Apache Spark 1.4 release. The key component
of SparkR is SparkR DataFrame. Data frames are a fundamental
data structure for data processing in R and the concept of data
frames extends to other languages with libraries like Pandas etc.

Q.9 What is Spark Core?

Spark Core is a common execution engine for Spark platform. It
provides parallel and distributed processing for large data sets. All the
components on the top of it. Spark core provides speed through in-memory
computation. And for ease of development, it also supports Java, Scala and
Python APIs.
RDD is the basic data structure of Spark Core. RDDs are immutable, a
partitioned collection of record that can operate in parallel. We can create
RDDs by transformation on existing RDDs. Also by loading an external
dataset from stable storage like HDFS or HBase, we can form RDD.
Q.10 How is data represented in Spark?
The data can be represented in three ways in Apache Spark: RDD,
DataFrame, DataSet.
RDD: RDD stands for Resilient Distributed Datasets. It is also a Read-
only partition collection of records. RDD is the fundamental data structure
of Spark. Hence, RDDs can only be created through deterministic operation
on either:
• Data in stable storage.
• Parallelizing already existing collection in driver program.
• Other RDDs. RDD allows programmer perform in-memory
computations on large clusters in a fault-tolerant manner. Thus,
speed up the task.
DataFrame: Unlike an RDD, the data organizes into named columns, like a
table in a relational database. It is also an immutable distributed collection
of data. DataFrame allows developers to impose a structure onto a
distributed collection of data, therefore, allowing higher-level abstraction.
DataSet: Dataset is an extension of DataFrame API which provides type-
safe, object-oriented programming interface. DataSet also takes advantage
of Spark’s Catalyst optimizer by exposing expressions and data fields to a
query planner.
Q.11 What are the abstractions of Apache Spark?
The main abstraction provided by Apache Spark is Resilient Distributed
Dataset. RDDs are fault tolerant in nature. We cannot improve the changes
made in RDD. RDDs creation starts with the file in a file system like
Hadoop file system and then transforming it. The shared variable is the
second abstraction provided by Apache Spark. We can use this in parallel

Q.12 Explain the operations of Apache Spark RDD.

Apache Spark RDD supports two types of operations: Transformations and
• Transformations are lazy operations on an RDD that create one
or many new RDDs. For example Map, filter, reduceByKey etc
creates new RDD. RDD create a new dataset from an existing one.
That executes on demand. That means they compute lazily.
Whenever we perform any transformation on RDD, it creates a
new RDD each time.
• Action returns final result of RDD computations. It triggers
execution using lineage graph to load the data into original RDD.
After application of all the intermediate transformation, it gives
the final result to driver program or writes it out to file system.
Upon applying Actions on an RDD non-RDD values gets

Q.13 How many types of Transformation are there?

There are two types of transformation namely narrow
transformation and wide transformation.
• Narrow Transformation is the result of map, filter and such that
the data is from a single partition only. As a result, the data is
self-sustained. The RDD that we get as an output has a partition
with records that originate from a single partition in the parent
• Wide transformations are the result
of groupByKey and reduceByKey. The data that we will need to
compute the records in a single partition is kept at many
partitions of the parent RDD.

Apache Spark Narrow and Wide Transformations

Q.14 In how many ways RDDs can be created? Explain.

There are three ways to create an RDD:

• Parallelized collection – In the initial stages, the RDD is

generally created by parallelized collection. In this method, we
take the existing collection in the program and pass it
to parallelize() method of SparkContext. The thing that should be
noticed in the parallelized collection is the number of partition
the dataset is cut into. For each partition of the cluster, Spark will
run one task. Spark set a number of partition based on our
cluster. But the number of partitions can also be set manually.
Pass the number of partition as the second parameter for manual
partition. e.g. sc.parallelize(data, 20), here we have manually
given a number of partition as 20.
• External Datasets (Referencing a dataset) – In Spark one can
create distributed dataset from any data source supported by
Hadoop. For example the local file system, HDFS, Cassandra,
HBase etc. In this, the data is loaded from the external dataset. To
create text file RDD we can use SparkContext textFile method. It
takes URL of the file and read it as a collection of line. URL can be
a local path on the machine or a hdfs://, s3n://, etc.
• Creating RDD from existing RDD – Transformation converts one
RDD into another RDD. By using transformation we can create
an RDD from existing RDD. Transformation acts as a function
that intakes an RDD and produces one.
Q.15 What are Paired RDD?
Paired RDDs are the RDD-containing key-value pair. A key-value pair (KYP)
contains two linked data item. Here Key is the identifier and Value are the
data corresponding to the key value.
Q.16 What is meant by in-memory processing in Spark?
In in-memory computation, we keep data in random access memory in
place of some slow disk drives. The processing of data is in parallel. Using
this we can also identify the pattern, analyze large data Spark offers in in-
memory capabilities. As a result, this increases the processing speed
because it retrieves the data from memory in place of the disk. Also, the
execution time of the process decreases. Keeping the data in-memory
improves the performance by the order of magnitudes.
The main abstraction of Spark is its RDDs. Also, we can cache RDD using
the cache() or persist() method. In cache() method all the RDD are in-
memory. The dissimilarity between cache() and persist() is the default
storage level. For cache() it is MEMORY_ONLY. While in persist() there are
various storage levels like:

Q.17 How is fault tolerance achieved in Apache Spark?

The basic fault-tolerant semantic of Spark are:

• Since all RDD is an immutable data set. Each RDD keeps track of
the lineage of the deterministic operation that employee on fault-
tolerant input dataset to create it.
• If any partition of an RDD is lost due to a worker node failure,
then that partition can be re-computed from the original fault-
tolerant dataset using the lineage of operations.
• Assuming that all of the RDD transformations are deterministic,
the data in the final transformed RDD will always be the same
irrespective of failures in the Spark cluster.
To achieve fault tolerance for all the generated RDDs, the achieved data
replicates among multiple Spark executors in worker node in the cluster.
This result in two types of data that should recover in the event of failure:

• Data received and replicated – In this, the data replicates on one

of the other nodes. Thus we can retrieve data when a failure
• Data received but buffered for replication – the data does not
replicate. Thus the only way to recover fault is by retrieving it
again from the source.
Failure can also occur in worker and driver nodes.

• Failure of worker node – The node which runs the application

code on the cluster is worker node. These are the slave nodes. Any
of the worker nodes running executor can fail, thus resulting in
loss of in-memory data. If any receivers were running on failed
nodes, then their buffer data will vanish.
• Failure of driver node – If the driver node running the Spark
Streaming application fails, then there is the loss
of SparkContent. All executors along with their in-memory data

Spark Interview Questions and Answers – Lazy Evaluation Feature

Q.18 What is Directed Acyclic Graph(DAG)?

RDDs are formed after every transformation. At high level when we apply
action on these RDD, Spark creates a DAG. DAG is a finite directed graph
with no directed cycles.
There are so many vertices and edges, where each edge is directed from one
vertex to another. It contains a sequence of vertices such that every edge is
directed from earlier to later in the sequence. It is a strict generalization
of MapReduce model. DAG lets you get into the stage and expand in detail
on any stage.
In the stage view, the details of all RDDs that belong to that stage are

Q.19 What is lineage graph?

Lineage graph refers to the graph that has all the parent RDDs of an RDD.
It is the result of all the transformation on the RDD. It creates a logical
execution plan.
A logical execution plan is a plan that starts with the very first RDD. Also, it
does not have any dependency on any RDD. It then ends at the RDD which
produces the result of an action that has been called to execute.
Q.20 What is lazy evaluation in Spark?
The lazy evaluation known as call-by-need is a strategy that delays the
execution until one requires a value. The transformation in Spark is lazy in
nature. Spark evaluate them lazily. When we call some operation in RDD it
does not execute immediately; Spark maintains the graph of which
operation it demands. We can execute the operation at any instance by
calling the action on the data. The data does not loads until it is necessary.

Q.21 What are the benefits of lazy evaluation?

Using lazy evaluation we can:

•Increase the manageability of the program.

• Saves computation overhead and increases the speed of the
• Reduces the time and space complexity.
• provides the optimization by reducing the number of queries.
Q.22 What do you mean by Persistence?
RDD persistence is an optimization technique which saves the result of
RDD evaluation. Using this we save the intermediate result for further use.
It reduces the computation overhead. We can make persisted RDD
through cache() and persist() methods. It is a key tool for the interactive
algorithm. Because, when RDD is persisted each node stores any partition
of it that it computes in memory. Thus makes it reusable for future use.
This process speeds up the further computation ten times.

Q.23 Explain various level of persistence in Apache Spark.

The persist method allows seven storage level:

• MEMORY_ONLY – Store RDD as deserialized Java objects. If the

RDD does not fit in memory, then some partitions will not be
cached and will recompute on the fly each time needed. This is
the default level.
• MEMORY_AND_DISK – Store RDD as deserialized Java objects. If
the RDD does not fit in memory, store the partitions that don’t fit
on the disk, and read them from there when they’re needed.
• MEMORY_ONLY_SER (Java and Scala) – Store RDD as serialized
Java objects. This is more space-efficient than deserialized
objects. especially when using a fast serializer. but it is hard for
CPU to read.
• MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER(Java and Scala) – Like
MEMORY_ONLY_SER, but spills partitions that don’t fit in
memory to disk.
• DISK_ONLY – It stores the RDD partitions only on disk.
• MEMORY_ONLY_2, MEMORY_AND_DISK_2 – It replicates each
partition on two cluster nodes.
• OFF_HEAP – Like MEMORY_ONLY_SER, but store the data in
off-heap memory. This requires enabling of off-heap memory.
Q.24 Explain the run-time architecture of Spark?
The components of the run-time architecture of Spark are as follows:
a. The driver
b. Cluster manager
c. Executors
The Driver – The main() method of the program runs in the driver. The
process that runs the user code which creates RDDs performs
transformation and action, and also creates SparkContext is called diver.
When the Spark Shell is launched, this signifies that we have created a
driver program. The application finishes, as the driver terminates. Finally,
driver program splits the Spark application into the task and schedules
them to run on the executor.
Cluster Manager – Spark depends on cluster manager to launch executors.
In some cases, even the drivers are launched by cluster manager. It is a
pluggable component in Spark. On the cluster manager, the Spark
scheduler schedules the jobs and action within a spark application in FIFO
fashion. Alternatively, the scheduling can also be done in Round Robin
fashion. The resources used by a Spark application can also be dynamically
adjusted based on the workload. Thus, the application can free unused
resources and request them again when there is a demand. This is available
on all coarse-grained cluster managers, i.e. standalone mode, YARN mode,
and Mesos coarse-grained mode.
The Executors – Each task in the Spark job runs in the Spark executors.
thus, Executors are launched once in the beginning of Spark Application
and then they run for the entire lifetime of an application. Even after the
failure of Spark executor, the Spark application can continue with ease.
There are two main roles of the executors:
• Runs the task that makes up the application and returns the
result to the driver.
• Provide in-memory storage for RDDs that the user program
Q.25 Explain various cluster manager in Apache Spark?
The various cluster manages supported by Apache Spark are Standalone,
Hadoop YARN, Apache Mesos.

• Standalone Cluster Manager – Standalone is a simple cluster

manager of Spark that makes it easy to setup a cluster. In many
cases, it is the simplest way to run Spark application in a
clustered environment. It has masters and number of workers
with the configured amount of memory and CPU cores. In
standalone cluster mode, Spark allocates resources based on the
core. It has the constraints that only one executor can be allocated
on each worker per application.
• Hadoop YARN – YARN became the sub-project of Hadoop in the
year 2012. The key idea behind YARN is to bifurcate the
functionality of resource manager and job scheduling into
different daemons. The plan is to have a Global Resource
Manager (RM) and per-application Application Master (AM). An
application is either a DAG of graphs or an individual job. The
data computation framework is a combination of the
ResourceManager and the NodeManager.
• Apache Mesos – Apache Mesos handles the workload in a
distributed environment.It is healthful for deployment and
management of applications in large-scale cluster environments.
Mesos clubs together the existing resource of the machines/nodes
into a cluster, as a result from this a variety of workloads may
utilize. This is known as node abstraction, thus it decreases an
overhead of allocating a specific machine for different workloads.
It is resource management platform for Hadoop and Big
Data cluster. In some way, Apache Mesos is the reverse of
virtualization. Because in virtualization one physical resource
divides into multiple virtual resources, while in Mesos multiple
physical resources groups into a single virtual resource.

Spark Interview Questions and Answers – Hadoop Compatibility

Read about Spark Cluster Managers in detail.

Q.26 In how many ways can we use Spark over Hadoop?
In three ways we can run Spark over Hadoop: Standalone, YARN, SIMR

• Standalone – In this, we can either divide resource on all

machines or subset of machines in Hadoop cluster.
• YARN – We can run Spark on YARN without any pre-requisites.
Thus, we can integrate Spark in Hadoop stack and take an
advantage of facilities of Spark.
• SIMR (Spark in MapReduce) – Another way to do this is by
launching Spark job inside Map reduce. With SIMR we can use
Spark shell in few minutes after downloading it. This reduces the
overhead of deployment, and we can play with Spark.

Q.27 What is YARN?

YARN became the sub-project of Hadoop in the year 2012. It is also known
as MapReduce 2.0. The key idea behind YARN is to bifurcate the
functionality of resource manager and job scheduling into different
daemons. The plan is to have a Global Resource Manager(RM) and per-
application Application Master (AM). An application is either a DAG of
graphs or an individual job.
The data computation framework is a combination of the ResourceManager
and the NodeManager.
The Resource Manager manages resource among all the applications in the
system. The Resource Manager has scheduled and Application Manager. The
Scheduler allocates resource to the various running application. The
Scheduler is pure Scheduler if it performs no monitoring or tracking of the
status of the application. The Application Manager manages applications
across all the nodes. NodeManager contains ApplicationMaster and
container. A container is a place where a unit of work happens. Each task
of MapReduce runs in one container. The per-application
ApplicationMaster is a framework specific library. It negotiates resources
from the ResourceManager and continues with NodeManager(s) to execute
and watch the tasks. Application or job requires one or more containers.
NodeManager looks after containers, resource usage (CPU, memory, disk,
and network) and reporting this to the ResourceManager.

Q.28 How can we launch Spark application on YARN?

There are two deployment modes to launch Spark application on YARN:
the cluster mode and the client mode.
• In cluster mode, the Spark driver runs inside Application Master
Process and this is managed by YARN on the cluster.
• In client mode, the driver runs in the client process. The
Application Master requests a resource from YARN. And it
provides it to the driver program.

Q.29 Define Partition in Apache Spark.

Partition refers to, a logical block of large distributed Dataset. Logically
partitioning the data and distributing it over the cluster provides
parallelism. It also minimizes network traffic for sending data between
executors. It determines how to access the entire hardware resources
during job execution. RDD is automatically partitioned in Spark. We can
change the size and number of the partition.

Q.30 What are shared variables?

Shared variables are one of the abstractions of Apache Spark. Shared
variables can be used in parallel operations.
Whenever Spark runs a function in parallel as a set of tasks on different
nodes, each variable that is used in function are circulated to each task.
Sometimes there is a need to share the variables across the tasks or
between the task and the driver program.

Apache Spark supports two types of shared variables namely broadcast

variable and accumulator.
Using broadcast variables we cache a value in memory on all nodes while
we add accumulators to, such as counters and sums.
Q.31 What is Accumulator?
The accumulator is the type of Shared variable that is only added through
associative and commutative operations. Using accumulator we can update
the value of the variable while executing. We can also implement counters
(as in MapReduce) or sums using an accumulator. Users can create named
or unnamed accumulator. We can create numeric accumulator by
calling SparkContext.longAccumulator() or SparkContext.doubleAccumulator()
for Long or Double.
Q.32 What is the difference between DSM and RDD?
• RDD: In RDD the read operation is coarse grained or fine grained.
In coarse-grained we can transform the whole dataset but not an
individual element. While in fine-grained we do the
transformation of an individual element on a dataset.
• Distributed Shared Memory: The read operation in Distributed
shared memory is fine-grained.
b) Write:
• RDD: The write operation is coarse-grained in RDD.
• Distributed Shared Memory: In distributed shared system the
write operation is fine grained.
c) Consistency:
• RDD: The consistency of RDD is trivial meaning it is immutable
in nature. Any changes made to an RDD cannot roll back, it is
permanent. So the level of consistency is high.
• Distributed Shared Memory: The system guarantees that if the
programmer follows the rules, the memory will be consistent. It
also guarantees that the results of memory operations will be
d) Fault-recovery mechanism:
• RDD: Using lineage graph at any point in time we can easily find
the lost data in an RDD.
• Distributed Shared Memory: Fault tolerance is achieved by a
checkpointing technique. It allows applications to roll back to a
recent checkpoint rather than restarting.
e) Straggler mitigation: Stragglers, in general, are those tasks that take
more time to complete than their peers.
• RDD: in RDD it is possible to mitigate stragglers using backup
• Distributed Shared Memory: It is quite difficult to achieve
straggler mitigation.
f) Behavior if not enough RAM:
• RDD: If there is not enough space to store RDD in RAM then the
RDDs are shifted to disk.
• Distributed Shared Memory: In this type of system the
performance decreases if the RAM runs out of storage.
Q.33 How can data transfer be minimized when working with Apache
By minimizing data transfer and avoiding shuffling of data we can increase
the performance. In Apache Spark, we can minimize the data transfer in
three ways:

• By using a broadcast variable – Since broadcast variable

increases the efficiency of joins between small and large RDDs.
the broadcast variable allows keeping a read-only variable cached
on every machine in place of shipping a copy of it with tasks. We
create broadcast variable v by
calling SparlContext.broadcast(v) and we can access its value by
calling the value method.
• Using Accumulator – Using accumulator we can update the value
of a variable in parallel while executing. Accumulators can only be
added through the associative and commutative operation. We
can also implement counters (as in MapReduce) or sums using an
accumulator. Users can create named or unnamed accumulator.
We can create numeric accumulator by
calling SparkContext.longAccumulator() or SparkContext.doubleAccu
mulator() for Long or Double respectively.
• By avoiding operations like ByKey, repartition or any other
operation that trigger shuffle. we can minimize the data transfer.
Q.34 How does Apache Spark handles accumulated Metadata?
By triggering automatic cleanup Spark handles the automatic Metadata. We
can trigger cleanup by setting the parameter “spark.cleaner.ttl“. the default
value for this is infinite. It tells for how much duration Spark will remember
the metadata. It is periodic cleaner. And also ensure that metadata older
than the set duration will vanish. Thus, with its help, we can run Spark for
many hours.
Q.35 What are the common faults of the developer while using Apache
The common mistake by developers are:

• Customer hit web-service several time by using multiple clusters.

• Customer runs everything on local node instead of distributing it.
Q.36 Which among the two is preferable for the project- Hadoop
MapReduce or Apache Spark?
The answer to this question depends on the type of project one has. As we
all know Spark makes use of a large amount of RAM and also needs a
dedicated machine to provide an effective result. Thus the answer depends
on the project and the budget of the organization.

Q.37 List the popular use cases of Apache Spark.

The most popular use-cases of Apache Spark are:
1. Streaming
2. Machine Learning
3. interactive Analysis
4. fog computing
5. Using Spark in the real world

Q.38 What is Spark.executor.memory in a Spark Application?

The default value for this is 1 GB. It refers to the amount of memory that
will be used per executor process.
We have categorized the above Spark Interview Questions and Answers for
Freshers and Experienced-

• Spark Interview Questions and Answers for Fresher – Q.No.1-8,

• Spark Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced – Q.No.
9-36, 38
b. Spark SQL Interview Questions and
In this section, we will discuss some basic Spark SQL Interview Questions
and Answers.

Q.39 What is DataFrames?

It is a collection of data which organize in named columns. It is
theoretically equivalent to a table in relational database. But it is more
optimized. Just like RDD, DataFrames evaluates lazily. Using lazy
evaluation we can optimize the execution. It optimizes by applying the
techniques such as bytecode generation and predicate push-downs.
Q.40 What are the advantages of DataFrame?
1. It makes large data set processing even easier. Data Frame also
allows developers to impose a structure onto a distributed
collection of data. As a result, it allows higher-level abstraction.
2. Data frame is both space and performance efficient.
3. It can deal with both structured and unstructured data formats,
for example, Avro, CSV etc . And also storage systems like HDFS,
HIVE tables, MySQL, etc.
4. The DataFrame API’s are available in various programming
languages. For example Java, Scala, Python, and R.
5. It provides Hive compatibility. As a result, we can run unmodified
Hive queries on existing Hive warehouse.
6. Catalyst tree transformation uses DataFrame in four phases: a)
Analyze logical plan to solve references. b) Logical plan
optimization c) Physical planning d) Code generation to compile
part of the query to Java bytecode.
7. It can scale from kilobytes of data on the single laptop to
petabytes of data on the large cluster.
Q.41 What is DataSet?
Spark Datasets are the extension of Dataframe API. It creates object-
oriented programming interface and type-safety. Dataset is Spark 1.6
release. It makes use of Spark’s catalyst optimizer. It reveals expressions
and data fields to a query optimizer. Dataset also influences fast in-memory
encoding. It also provides provision for compile time type-safety. We can
check for errors in an application when they run.
Q.42 What are the advantages of DataSets?
• It provides run-time type safety.
• Influences fast in-memory encoding.
• It provides a custom view of structured and semi-structured data.
• It owns rich semantics and an easy set of domain-specific
operations, as a result, it facilitates the use of structured data.
• Dataset API decreases the use of memory. As Spark knows the
structure of data in the dataset, thus it creates an optimal layout
in memory while caching.
Q.43 Explain Catalyst framework.
The Catalyst is a framework which represents and manipulate a DataFrame
graph. Data flow graph is a tree of relational operator and expressions. The
three main features of catalyst are:
• It has a TreeNode library for transforming tree. They are
expressed as Scala case classes.
• A logical plan representation for relational operator.
• Expression library.
The TreeNode builds a query optimizer. It contains a number of the query
optimizer. Catalyst Optimizer supports both rule-based and cost-based
optimization. In rule-based optimization the optimizer use set of rule to
determine how to execute the query. While the cost based optimization
finds the most suitable way to carry out SQL statement. In cost-based
optimization, many plans are generates using rules. And after this, it
computes their cost. Catalyst optimizer makes use of standard features of
Scala programming like pattern matching.
Q.44 List the advantage of Parquet files.
• It is efficient for large scale queries.
• It supports various efficient compression and encoding Scheme.
• It consumes less space.
We have categorized the above frequently asked Spark Interview Questions
and Answers for Freshers and Experienced-

• Spark Interview Questions and Answers for Fresher – Q.No. 39-

• Spark Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced –
Q.No. 43, 44

c. Spark Streaming Interview Questions and

In this section, we will discuss some basic Spark Interview Questions and
Answers based on Spark Streaming.

Q.45 What is Spark Streaming?

Through Spark streaming, we achieve fault tolerant processing of live data
stream. The input data can be from any source. For example, like Kafka,
Flume, kinesis, twitter or HDFS/S3. It gives the data to filesystems, databases,
and live dashboards after processing. The working of Spark Streaming is as
• Spark Streaming takes in the live data.
• The input data stream is divided into batches of input data.
• The Spark engine processes the batches of input data. The final
result is also in batches.
Q.46 What is DStream?
DStream is the high-level abstraction provided by Spark Streaming. It
represents a continuous stream of data. Thus, DStream is internally a
sequence of RDDs. There are two ways to create DStream:
• by using data from different sources such as Kafka, Flume, and
• by applying high-level operations on other DStreams.
Q.47 Explain different transformation on DStream.
DStream is a basic abstraction of Spark Streaming. It is a continuous
sequence of RDD which represents a continuous stream of data. Like RDD,
DStream also supports many transformations which are available on
normal Spark RDD. For example, map(func), flatMap(func), filter(func) etc.
Q.48 Does Apache Spark provide checkpointing?
Yes, Apache Spark provides checkpointing. Apache supports two types of

•Reliable Checkpointing: It refers to that checkpointing in which

the actual RDD is saved in the reliable distributed file system, e.g.
HDFS. To set the checkpoint directory
call: SparkContext.setCheckpointDir(directory: String). When
running on the cluster the directory must be an HDFS path since
the driver tries to recover the checkpointed RDD from a local file.
While the checkpoint files are actually on the executor’s
• Local Checkpointing: In this checkpointing, in Spark Streaming
or GraphX we truncate the RDD lineage graph in Spark. In this,
the RDD is persisted to local storage in the executor.
Q.49 What is write ahead log(journaling)?
The write-ahead log is a technique that provides durability in a database
system. It works in the way that all the operation that applies on data, we
write it to write-ahead log. The logs are durable in nature. Thus, when the
failure occurs we can easily recover the data from these logs. When we
enable the write-ahead log Spark stores the data in fault-tolerant file
Q.50 What is a reliable and unreliable receiver in Spark?
• Reliable Receiver – A reliable receiver acknowledges to the
source on receiving data and stores it. Implementing this receiver
involves examining of the semantics of source acknowledgments.
• Unreliable Receiver – An unreliable receiver does not send an
acknowledgment to a source. It is for sources that do not bear an
acknowledgment. It is also for reliable sources when one does not
want to enter the complexity of acknowledgment.
We have categorized the above Spark Interview Questions and Answers for
Freshers and Experienced-

• Spark Interview Questions and Answers for Fresher – Q.No. 45-

• Spark Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced –
Q.No. 48-50
d. Spark MLlib Interview Questions and
Here are some Spark Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and
experienced based on MLlib.

Q.51 What is Spark MLlib?

MLlib is the name of Spark’s machine learning library. The various tools
provided by MLlib are:
• ML Algorithms: It contains common learning algorithms such as
classification, regression, etc.
• Featurization: it has tools for feature extraction, dimensionality
reduction, and selection. It also has tools for constructing,
evaluating and tuning ML Pipelines.
Q.52 What is Sparse Vector?
A local vector contains both the integer type and 0-based indices. It also has
double-typed values, which is stored on a single machine. In MLlib two
types of local vectors are a supportive namely Dense and Sparse vector. The
sparse vector is one in which most of the entries are zero.
Q.53 How to create a Sparse vector from a dense vector?
Vector sparseVector = Vectors.sparse(4, new int[] {1, 3}, new double[] {3.0,

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