Latest Amendments in IRC Codes 2
Latest Amendments in IRC Codes 2
Latest Amendments in IRC Codes 2
Notification No. 62
Amendment No. 1/IRC:79-2019/July, 2023 (Effective from 1st October, 2023)
IRC:79-2019 “Recommended Practice for Road Delineators” (First Revision)
Notification No. 63
Amendment No.5/IRC:112-2020/July, 2023 (Effective from 1st October, 2023)
IRC:112-2020 “Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges” (First Revision)
(Page No. “Welded bars including tack “Reinforcement bars, joined by either welding or mechanical
49 of Indian welding, butt joints and connectors”
Highways May, Mechanical connectors”
2021) Add a note (c) below Table No. A8.2 as below:
Notification No. 64
Amendment No.2/IRC:SP:65 /July, 2023 (Effective from 1st October, 2023)
IRC:SP:65-2018 “Guidelines for Design and Construction of Segmental Bridges (First Revision)”
shear keys, carefully pack the voids left by the depressions with
the epoxy glue during segment gluing process as approved by
the Engineer. With the Engineer’s approval, an alternate method
of repair may be used. The Engineer may consider the segment
unsatisfactory for use if more than 40% of the total contact
surface of all shear keys in any one web/flange is broken,
spalled or honeycombed. Use an Engineer approved method for
repairing damaged shear keys. The segment shall be considered
unsatisfactory for use if more than 50% of the total contact
surface of shear keys in any one element of the web/flange is
broken, spalled or honeycombed.
6 Clause 4.1 Add Clause 4.1.4 A mock-up of precast segment (including shear keys) to check
Page No. 6 congestion of reinforcements and prestressing ducts, concrete mix
including characteristics like workability, etc. shall be prepared
in the casting machines/moulds which are proposed to be used in
the project prior to taking up the actual production of segments
and reviewed by the Engineer.
7 Clause 4.1 Earlier Clause 4.1.1 Renumbered as Clause to 4.1.5
Page No. 6
8 Clause 4.1 Add Clause 4.1.6 The strength & integrity of all the diaphragm/ anchorage segments
Page No. 6 shall be confirmed through visual inspection and suitable NDTs prior
to transporting the segments. Type, number and location of tests
shall be decided by the Engineer. For the remaining segments, the
Engineer shall decide frequency and type of tests to confirm strength
and integrity based on visual inspection of the segments. All such
information shall be documented and joint records maintained.
9 Clause 4.1 Add at the end of earlier It should be ensured that the segments are supported at the web
Page No. 6 Clause 4.1.1, now locations to ensure that top/bottom slabs are not subject to undue
change to Clause 4.1.5 concentrated stresses. In case of multilayer stacking (maximum two
layers), three-point stacking system shall be devised, simultaneously
ensuring design safety during stacking. In extreme circumstances
more than two layers of stacking may be permitted with appropriate
precautions with the approval of the Engineer. Fig A indicates one
possible arrangement for the same.
Fig A: Two Tier Stacking of Segments ( Ref. fib Bulletin no. 82)
10 Clause 4.1 Add Clause 4.1.7 The segment being transported shall be adequately tied to the
Page No. 6 transportation trailer to ensure that the same does not move / tilt
during transportation. Use of low bedded trailer shall be employed in
order to ensure stability during transportation. Segments in the trail
or shall be placed on three point supports similar to the configuration
in the stacking yard.
11 Clause 4.1 Earlier Clause 4.1.2 Renumbered as Clause to 4.1.8
Page No. 6
12 Clause 4.1 Add at the end of Clause Lifting points should be specified in the good for construction
Page No. 6 4.1.3, now change to drawings on the basis of structural adequacy including the
Clause 4.1.9 dynamic effects which shall be followed at the site without any
13 Clause 4.1 Earlier Clause 4.1.4 Change to Clause 4.1.10
Page No. 6
14 Clause 4.9 Add Clause 4.10 after 4.10 Stability during erection
Page No. 9 Clause 4.9 and update the
It should be properly ensured that the superstructure is transversely
further Clauses & Sub- as well as longitudinally stable at all stages of construction. Special
Clauses by one point care is needed in the superstructures constructed as temporarily
simply supported, made continuous later (through deck continuity or
full depth continuity). In such cases, stability condition of temporary
stages may be different from that when the continuity has been
established. In case the superstructure is supported over permanent
bearings, there should be temporary or permanent restraint in both the
horizontal directions in a way that the superstructure is horizontally
restrained at every stage of construction. Such temporary restraints
shall be designed for the applicable wind/seismic forces subject to
a minimum horizontal force capacity equal to 5% of the respective
superstructure weight. Such temporary restraint shall be removed
after the continuity is established.
15 Clause 4.9 Add Clause 4.11 and 4.11 Handling of Overhead Suspension
Page No. 9 further update further In case of suspension / underslung support system of segments of
Clauses & Subclauses by launching girder, stress cables, just enough to withstand the self-
one point weight, and provide suitable arrangement to ensure that the span
starts resting over the respective end supports (either temporary or
permanent), so that the span does not remain supported at intermediate
suspenders / supports. This aspect shall be specified in the good for
construction drawings. Subsequently, the remaining cables may be
stressed as per the good for construction drawings.
16 Clause 4.13 Add Clause 4.16 after 4.16 Monitoring using CCTV Camera
Page No. 11 Clause 4.13 now changed CCTV system shall be installed at the casting yard and erection
to Clause 4.15 locations for effective monitoring of all activities. These recordings
shall be maintained for as long as a period as defined in the
construction specifications, subject to a minimum of 3 months after
the respective activity.
Notification No. 65
Amendment No.1/IRC:SP:71 /July, 2023 (Effective from 1st October, 2023)
IRC:SP:71-2018 “Guidelines for Design and Construction of Precast Pretensioned Girders for Bridges”
(First Revision)
5 Clause 4.9 The title: Handling and Stacking, Handling and Transportation of Precast Girders:
Page No. 13 Transportation of Precast Girders
6 Clause 4.9 Add a Para between 2nd and 3rd The girders are usually designed in a way that they should
Page No. 14 Paras only be supported at the two end supports at transfer of
prestress, as the applied prestress would need the entire
girder self-weight bending moment to be available. Unless
designed otherwise, the girders should be supported at
the two ends, preferably at the locations of the intended
bearing locations (see Fig 8). In case of multi-layer
stacking, upper stack should also be supported at the ends,
simultaneously ensuring local bearing stress limitations
at the contact points. No of stacks should, preferably, be
limited to two for safety. Lateral stability of girders at the
stacking yard in all stages of stacking shall be adequately
ensured (see Fig 9). A girder is designed in a way that it
must remain vertical during all operations. In case of loss
of verticality during stacking, the girder may fail as the
reduced stiffness of the girder in the vertical direction due
to its inclination from vertical may not be able to bear its
Amendment No. 4/IRC:SP:114-2018/July, 2023 (Effective from 1st October, 2023)
IRC:SP:114-2018 “Guidelines for Seismic Design of Road Bridges”
a part of preliminary
investigations at the
project preparation
Help from
geological /
expert with enough
experience will be
required to calculate
fault movement.
4. In zone IV and V, if the Site specific 4. In zone IV and V, if the Site specific spectrum
soil condition is poor, spectrum shall be soil condition is poor, shall be obtained for
consisting of marine obtained. consisting of marine clay bridges with individual
clay or loose sand with or loose sand with little or span exceeding 60 m
little or no fines (e.g., no fines (e.g., where the and /or pier height
where the soil up to 30 m soil up to 30 m depth below exceeding 30 m in
depth has average SPT ground level for non-scour Zone IV and V.
N value equal to or less case and Maximum scour
than 20) level for scour case, has
average SPT (N values-
5. Site with loose sand or Liquefaction uncorrected) equal to or
poorly graded sands analysis is required less than 20)
with little or no fines, (Details given 5. Bridges on sites Refer Clause 8.4 for
liquefiable soil in all Appendix A5). susceptible to liquefaction design of foundation
seismic zones. in all seismic zones as per
6. Horizontally Curved Carry out three Appendix A-5.
Bridge having ≤ 100 m dimensional 6. Horizontally Curved Carry out three-
radius, Bridge with high Modelling including Bridge having d i m e n s i o n a l
skew ≥ 30 degree in all substructure and Modelling including
≤100 m radius Bridge
seismic zones foundations of substructure and
with high skew-
bridge considering foundations of bridge
skew angle. ≥ 30 degree in all seismic considering skew
Torsional motions zones angle. Torsional
of the bridge about motions of the bridge
a vertical axis under about a vertical axis
seismic action shall under seismic action
be considered. shall be considered.
Possibility of Possibility of
unseating of unseating of bridge
bridge deck about deck about acute
acute corner to be corner to be checked
checked and ruled and ruled out. In single
out. In single span span bridges Bearings
bridges Bearings shall be designed to
shall be designed resist torsional effects
to resist torsional
** For type of analysis under above conditions, reference to
effects Table 5.3 shall be made.
Fig. 4.3 (c) Effective Piles Spacing for Irregular/now-Uniform Pile Groups
4 Page No. Note below Fig 4.3 (b) :- Note below Fig 4.3 (C), :-
42 of Indian In case of pile foundation, the total 1) In case the ratio of pile spacing (S) to diameter (D) is up
Highways hydrodynamic forces calculated based to 3, the enveloping cylinder as shown in Fig. 4.3 (b) shall
January, 2019 on above formula shall be equally be considered for calculating hydrodynamic force on pile
shared between piles covered within group.
enveloping cylinder.
2) In case, S/D is more than 5, each pile shall be treated as
independent cylinder (as per Fig 4.3 (a)) and hydrodynamic
force on pile group shall be calculated accordingly.
3) For ratio of S/D between 3 to 5, the hydro dynamic force
on pile group shall be obtained as follows:
F=Fg (5-S/D)/2 + Fi(S/D-3)/2
Fg = force on pile group considering hydrodynamic
force on group of piles as per Note (1) above.
Fi = force on pile group considering hydrodynamic
force on individual piles as per Note (2) above.
4) For pile groups having non-uniform pile spacing or
irregular pile groups, effective pile spacing shall be
calculated as follows (Fig 4.3(c)):
to have the respective response spectrum not below the design response
spectrum at any period in the range 0.2TL to 1.5TU. It is to be noted that
the three orthogonal components of a natural earthquake record are un-
correlated, therefore, the same accelerogram should not be used in two
orthogonal directions, simultaneously. However, horizontal and vertical
components from two different records are allowed to be mixed and
matched with the corresponding spectrum in a single time history analysis.
In case, recorded time histories are not available, artificial or simulated
spectrum compatible time histories are allowed to be used for linear
analysis, only. Each component of ground motion shall be developed to
have the respective response spectrum not below the design response
spectrum at any period in the range 0.2TL to 1.5TU. The accelerograms used
to apply simultaneously in two orthogonal directions should be mutually
un-correlated, i.e., the same accelerograms should not be applied in two
orthogonal directions, simultaneously.
In case, recorded time histories are not available, artificial or simulated
spectrum compatible time histories are allowed to be used for linear
analysis, only. Each component of ground motion shall be developed to
have the respective response spectrum not below the design response
spectrum at any period in the range 0.2TL to 1.5TU. The accelerograms used
to apply simultaneously in two orthogonal directions should be mutually
un-correlated, i.e., the same accelerograms should not be applied in two
orthogonal directions, simultaneously. Nonlinear Time History Analysis
In case of nonlinear time history analysis, minimum 11 sets of recorded
accelerograms shall be used. The recorded time histories shall be carefully
selected from the available ground motion databases of the past earthquakes
consistent with the magnitude, distance, and source mechanism of the
governing earthquake and site class of the site under consideration. These
accelerograms shall be only amplitude scaled in time domain such that the
average of the SRSS of spectral ordinates in the two horizontal directions
are not below 1.3 times the factored design response spectrum in the period
range 0.2TL to 2Tv, where TL and Tv are the shorter and longer fundamental
periods, respectively, in the two horizontal directions of the bridge.
The vertical components of the ground motions shall be scaled separately
so that the average spectrum does not fall below 90% of the design
vertical response spectrum in the period range 0.2Tv to 2Tv, where Tv
is the vertical period of vibration of the bridge. In case spectral shape
of an individual ground motion record is very different from the design
response spectrum, the ground motion can be spectral matched using
wavelet transform based on spectral matching techniques. In exceptional
cases, when adequate number of recorded accelerograms are not available,
the required number of accelerograms can be obtained from artificial or
simulated ground motions, with due care that the accelerograms used in
orthogonal directions are not correlated. In case of spectral matching or
artificial/simulated accelerograms, the accelerograms shall be developed
to have the respective response spectrum not below the design response
spectrum at any period in the range 0.2TL to 2TU
While performing the nonlinear analysis, the applicable dead and live
loads shall be considered to be acting simultaneously with the earthquake
excitation. The geometric nonlinearity effects, secondary effects, P-Delta
effects and large deflection effects shall be considered in nonlinear analysis.
The average response obtained from the analysis for 11 (or more) time
histories shall be used to check with the performance objectives.
7 Clause 5.3.2 5.3.2 Spectrum Compatible 5.3.2 Spectrum Compatible Time History
Page No. 39 Time History
Artificial accelerograms shall The Spectrum Compatible Time Histories can be obtained from the
be generated using elastic recorded earthquake motions, using wavelet transform based spectral
response Spectra given in Fig matching techniques. A list of some common databases of past earthquake
5.1 (b) and site specific elastic records world-wide are given in Appendix-1. A list of some of the
response spectra .The duration softwares available for wavelet transform based spectral matching of
of the accelerograms shall be recorded accelerograms is given in Appendix-2. In absence of suitable
consistent with the magnitude recorded ground motions, the spectrum compatible time histories can be
and other relevant features of generated, artificially.
the seismic event underlying Artificial Accelerograms
the establishment of ag. (peak
ground acceleration). When Artificial accelerograms shall be generated so as to match the design
site-specific data are not elastic response spectra for 5% viscous damping. The duration of the
available, the duration of the accelerograms shall be consistent with the magnitude and other relevant
time history shall be not less features of the seismic event underlying the establishment of ag. (peak
than 30 Sec out of which the ground acceleration). When site-specific data are not available, the duration
strong motion duration shall of the time history shall be not less than 30 seconds out of which the strong
not be less than 6 Sec. motion duration (stationary part of the accelerograms) shall not be less than
6 seconds
The characteristics of artificial
accelerograms should observe
the following rules:
a) Minimum of 3 sets of time
history should be used.
b) The mean of the zero
period spectral response
acceleration values
(calculated from the
individual time histories)
should not be smaller
than the value of ag (peak
ground acceleration) for
the site in question.
8 Clause 5.3.3 5.3.3 Recorded or Simulated Simulated Accelerograms
Page No. 39 Accelerograms
If suitable recorded accelerograms are not available, simulated accelero-
Recorded Simulated grams can be used. These are generated through a physical simulation of
accelerograms are generated source and travel path mechanisms, taking into account seismological char-
through a physical simulation acteristics. The used simulated accelerograms should be adequately qual-
of source and travel path ified with regard to the seismogenic features of the sources and to the soil
mechanisms. The samples used conditions appropriate to the site. These accelerograms shall be scaled to
are adequately qualified with the design peak ground acceleration for the site under consideration.
regard to the seismic genetic
features of the sources and to 5.3.4 Spatial Variability of Ground Motion
the soil conditions appropriate Spatial variability of seismic ground motion causing different ground
to the site. There values are motion time histories to occur at various supports, especially in long
scaled to the value of ag for the multi-supported structures, can be mainly attributed to one or more of the
zone under consideration. following causes:
Scaling shall be carried out so • differences in arrival times of seismic waves at different supports
that peak ground acceleration (wave passage effect);
shall not lower than 1.3
• multiple reflections / refraction as seismic waves propagate
times the 5% damped elastic
through inhomogeneous soil medium (incoherence effect);
response spectrum of the
design seismic loads in the • change in the amplitude and frequency content of seismic ground
period ranging between 0.2 T1 motion due to different local soil conditions (local soil effect).
and 1.5 T1, where T1 is natural
period of the fundamental
mode of the structure.
Bridges with seismic devices (Shock All Spans All heights EqLTHA(6) / EqLTHA(6) / Site Specific spectrum
Transmission Units (STU), Seismic isolation EqLRSM(6) EqLRSM(6) to be used as applicable
or Seismic dampers etc.) which can be as per Clause 2.6.1 &
represented by the equivalent linear load- Table 2.1.
deformation relationship Site period(7) to be
considered in case of
bridges with seismic
Bridges with seismic devices (Shock All Spans All heights NLTHA NLTHA Site specific
Transmission Units (STU), Seismic isolation spectrum to be used
or Seismic dampers etc.) which cannot as applicable as
be represented by equivalent linear load- per Clause 2.6.1 &
deformation relationship Table 2.1
Site period (7) to be
considered in case
of bridges with
seismic isolation.
ESAM - Elastic Seismic Acceleration Method;
ERSM –Elastic Response Spectrum Method;
EqL RSM – Equivalent Linear Response Spectrum Method;
NLTHA-Non-Linear Time History Analysis. Number in superscript refers to Notes below:
1) Bridges having 0 to 15 m span and where overall length is less than 60 m, falling in Seismic Zone II and III no seismic
checks need to be considered.
2) Linear Time History Analysis (LTHA) is required to be performed in case of bridges for which it is not possible to
account for 90% of seismic mass, using practically reasonable number of modes.
3) Geological discontinuity is a plane or surface that marks a change in physical or chemical characteristics in a soil or
rock mass. A discontinuity can be in the form of a bedding plane, joint, cleavage, fracture, fissure, crack, or fault plane.
4) The adjacent piers having difference in stiffness by more than 25%.Percentage of difference shall be calculated based
on lesser of the two stiffness.
5) Liquefaction potential to be assessed according to Appendix-A5.
6) Equivalent Linear Response Spectrum Method (EqL RSM) is similar to Elastic Response Spectrum Method (ERSM)
except that force - displacement behave or of certain non-linear elements/soil is modelled as equivalent linear force -
displacement behave or. Similarly Equivalent Linear Time History Analysis (EqL THA) is required to be performed
in case of bridges for which it is not possible to account for 90% of seismic mass, using practically reasonable
number of modes & displacement behaviour of certain non-linear elements/soil is modelled as equivalent linear force
- displacement behaviour
7) Site period is the period of vibration of soil column at the location of foundation derived from shear wave velocity
profile. Site period to be obtained using an approved experimental or numerical method, considering the full depth of
soil strata at the site. Site Period shall be used for the purpose of developing site-specific spectrum.
Methods of Analysis recommended above are the minimum requirements. However, design engineer has an option to
carryout higher order analysis for the optimization of seismic response.
5. PESMOS (Program for Excellence in Strong Motion Bihar, Sikkim, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar,
Studies), IIT Roorkee, India: Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Assam. 20
instruments out of 300 are installed in Delhi, the national capital of India. Primary goal of this project is to acquire
The Department of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute Strong Ground-Motion (SGM) data for various studies
of Technology Roorkee, India (previously known as the in the field of earthquake engineering and seismology in
University of Roorkee) is operating a nationwide network general and in particular to understand propagation and
of instruments for recording strong ground motion. Total site response characteristics of the sediments that underlie
300 instruments are installed in seismic zone III, IV and and are thought to produce large site amplification and
V along Himalayan belt in the states of Himachal Pradesh, seismic hazard. The data recorded by these instruments is
Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, available for public use through the website
(Clause 5.3.2)
df is the distance between two farthest fixed support in a continuous bridge as illustrated below.
a) Continuous spans having intermediate fixed supports and all other free supports within two expansion joints: df is the
distance between two outermost fixed supports.
b) Continuous/Fully integral bridges with no expansion joints: df is the distance between the outermost supports.
c) Continuous spans with expansion joint at the center of the span: df is the distance between two farthest fixed supports
on either side of the expansion joint.
d) df is not applicable where there is only one fixed support and movement is allowed on all other supports between the
expansion joints.
FX = Fixed/monolithic support
FR = Free to move
EJ = Expansion joint
df in Transverse direction
Generally, all spans are restrained in transverse direction. df shall be considered between farthest piers within successive
expansion joints.
The IRC has recently brought out the following 13 New/Revised Publications. These prestigious publications will be quite useful to
the Road Engineers in their day to day working.
S. No. Title of the Document Price Packing & Postage
1 IRC:73-2023 “Geometric Design Standards for Non-Urban Roads” 500 40
(First Revision)
2 IRC:82-2023 “Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Roads” 800 30
(Second Revision)
3 IRC:135-2023 “Guidelines for Development of Bus Ports in India” 600 40
4 IRC:SP:85-2023 “Guidelines for Variable Message Signs” (First Revision) 800 30
5 IRC:SP:90-2023 “Guidelines for Grade Separators and Elevated Structures” (First Revision) 500 30
6 IRC:SP:99-2023 “Manual of Specifications and Standards for Expressways” (First Revision) 1500 40
7 Special Report No. 26 “State of the Art: Mobile Routine Maintenance Facility for Flexible Pavement” 500 30
8 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 1400 50
“Guidelines for Slope Protection & Embankment with Advanced Technology” Part-I Main Text
9 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 1800 50
“Guidelines for Slope Protection and Embankment with Advanced Technology” Part-II Appendix
10 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 300 30
“Guideline for Planning”
11 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 800 40
“Guideline for Mountain Bridge with Advanced Technology”
12 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 800 40
“Guidelines for Tunnel on Arterial Roads in Hill Area”
13 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 900 40
“Guideline for Operation and Maintenance”
Copies of these publications can be obtained from IRC Office against cash payment or by sending Demand draft drawn in favour of “Secretary
General, Indian Roads Congress”. For more details, please contact + 91 11 2338 7759, 2338 4543 and E-mail: sale.irc-
These publications can also be ordered through making online payment by visiting our website under the column “Sale of
On the invitation of Government of Gujarat, the 82nd Annual Session of the Indian Roads Congress will be held at
Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) from 2nd to 5th December, 2023. The Invitation Booklet containing the Tentative
Programme, Registration Form, Accommodation Form etc. will be available in our website shortly.
Accommodation is available on first come first serve basis. All members of IRC are invited to attend the 82nd Annual
It is expected that more than 4000 Highway Engineers from all over the country and abroad will attend this Session. During
the Annual Session of IRC, there has been a practice for various firms/organizations to make Technical Presentations
on their products/technologies & case studies (with innovative construction methods or technologies or having special
problems requiring out of the box thinking and special solutions). The presenters will get an opportunity to address a large
gathering of highway professionals from Private Sector as well as decision makers in the Govt. Sector. These presentations
evoke lively interaction among the participants.
A time slot of about 12-15 minutes is normally allocated for each Technical Presentation. Time is also given for floor
intervention. During such Technical Presentation Session, no other meetings will be held parallel so as to ensure maximum
attendance during the Technical Presentation Session. The stakeholders are, therefore, requested to participate in the
event and book slots at the earliest.
Interested Organizations may write to IRC conveying their willingness for participation and send the topics of their
Technical Presentation by or through Speed Post alongwith a
Demand Draft for Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand only) drawn in favour of Secretary General, Indian
Roads Congress, New Delhi latest by 17th November, 2023 so that necessary arrangements can be made by IRC.
For any enquiry about the 82nd Annual Session like Registration, Membership & Technical Presentation etc. please address
to Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110022. For assistance
the contact details are given as under:
Registration Membership Technical Presentation
Shri Rajneesh Katoch Shri Anil Kumar Sharma Shri Sunil Ishrawat
Section Officer Section Officer Section Officer
Phone +91 11 2338 7140 Phone + 91 23387759 Phone +91 26185315 /26171548
Mobile +91-7078193056 Mobile +91 9891060148 Email:
Local Organising Secretary Accommodation Technical Exhibition
Shri J.A. Gandhi Shri P.K. Sanghvi Shri H.C. Modi
(Local Organising Secretary) (Chairman, Accommodation Committee) (Chairman,
Chief Engineer (N.G.) & A.S. & MD Chief Engineer (STC), R&B, GSRDC Technical Exhibition Committee)
GSRDC Ground Floor, Nirman Bhavan, Chief Engineer, NH, R&B, GSRDC
Ground Floor, Nirman Bhavan, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagar-382010 Ground Floor, Nirman Bhavan,
Sector 10-A, Gandhinagar-382010 (Gujarat) Sector 10-A, Gandhinagar-382010
(Gujarat) Mobile +91-9879554857 (Gujarat)
Phone +91 079 -23251824 Email: Phone +91 079-232-51811
Mobile +91-9978406482 OR Mobile +91-9099954236
Email: Miss. Ria P Modi Email: Superintending Engineer (I.C.) OR
City Circle Ahmedabad Shri R.N. Mathur
Phone +91 079 –27910623 Superintending Engineer (NH, Circle)
Mobile +91-9725312891 Gandhinagar
Email: Phone +91 079–232-22235
Mobile +91-9409302980