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High Voltage 2017/2018

Important MCQ

The correct statement about the Chubb–Fortescue method:

1. It is used for the measurement of a.c peak voltage
2. It is used for the measurement of d.c peak voltage
3. Both of these
4. None of these

The transient phenomenon is ____________ function of time which lasts for _________
1. Aperiodic, short
2. Aperiodic, long
3. Periodic, short
4. Periodic, long

The switching surge can be best explained as:

1. D.C in nature
2. A.C in nature
3. Very long duration transient voltage
4. Short duration transient voltage

The rectifier which generates high voltage d.c from a.c:

1. Half-wave rectifiers
2. Full wave rectifiers
3. Voltage doubler type rectifiers
4. All of these

Hall effect generators are used to measure:

1. Direct current
2. High-frequency alternating current
3. Both of these
4. None of these

The impulse test of the transformer is done by using:

1. Full wave standard impulse
2. Half wave standard impulse
3. Both of these
4. None of these
While installing sphere gaps, smaller sphere gaps are installed in:
1. Horizontal configuration
2. Vertical configuration
3. Any of these
4. None of these

The standard shape of impulse wave as specified by the American standard is 1.5/40 μsec.
The number 40 is:
1. Wave front
2. Wave tail
3. Wave head
4. Wave footing

Under standard atmospheric conditions the breakdown voltage for an air gap of 5 mm in a
uniform field is:
1. 22.52 kV
2. 16.40 kV
3. 765 kV
4. 987 kV

____________ is the input to impulse generator:

1. DC Supply
2. AC Supply
3. Impulse
4. Triangular a.c

The term wave front is associated with ____________:

1. Sin
2. Triangular
3. Square
4. Impulse

The term wave front time represents the time taken to:
1. Reach from zero to its maximum peak value
2. Reach from 0.7 of peak to peak and again back to 0.7 after
3. Reach from 0.8 of peak to 0.9 of peak
4. None of these
An overhead line has a surge impedance of 100 ohms. It is terminated by a resistor R.
Value of R which should be used to avoid reflection is:
1. 10 ohms
2. 100 ohms
3. 400 ohms
4. 1036 ohms

____________ is widely employed for measuring HV voltages:

1. Field gap
2. Sphere gap
3. Rod gap
4. All of these

High ohmic series resistance micrometer is recommended for measuring:

1. D.C High voltages
2. D.C High current
3. A.C High voltages
4. A.C High currents

Impulse ratio of a material depends on:

1. Shape of wave
2. Polarity of impulse wave
3. Both of these
4. None of these

The high voltage test which is performed on transformers:

1. Impulse test
2. Induced overvoltage test
3. Partial discharge test
4. All of these
5. None of these

Squirrel cage shunts are _________ and they dissipate __________ as compared to
coaxial shunts:
1. High ohmic shunts, smaller energy
2. High ohmic shunts, larger energy
3. Low ohmic shunts, smaller energy
4. Low ohmic shunts, larger energy
The ripple voltage of half wave rectifier is:
1. Smaller than full wave rectifier
2. Larger than full wave rectifier
3. Equal to full wave rectifier
4. Half then full wave rectifier

During the dielectric power factor test on the cable, it is noticed that the source is not able
to supply the required charging current, the optimal solution is to connect:
1. Series capacitor
2. Series inductor
3. Shunt capacitor
4. Any of these

The most recommended gap under usual conditions for measuring the voltages is:
1. Field gap
2. Sphere gap
3. Rod gap
4. All of these

sphere gaps can measure:

1. Peak value of d.c
2. Peak value of a.c
3. Both of these
4. None of these

The design of Marx multistage impulse generator involves the condensers which are:
1. Charged in parallel and discharged in series
2. Charged in series and discharged in series
3. Charged in parallel and discharged in parallel
4. Charged in series and discharged in parallel

Chubb–Fortescue method of measurement of a.c peak voltage values contains:

1. A capacitor, two diodes, an ammeter, a Resistor and an overvoltage protector
2. An inductor, two diodes, an ammeter, a Resistor and an overvoltage protector
3. A capacitor, one diode, a voltmeter, a Resistor and an overvoltage protector
4. An inductor, two diodes, a voltmeter, a Resistor and an overvoltage protector
A capacitance-resistance circuit is used to measure the ripple voltages in d.c system. During
this process the important condition which should be met is:
1. ω CR >> 1
2. ω CR << 1
3. ω CR = 1
4. ω CR = 0

Large size sphere gaps are installed in:

1. Horizontal configuration
2. Vertical configuration
3. Any of these
4. None of these

The criterion for determining the number of stages for maximum output voltage in
Cockcroft – Walton is:
1. Frequency of input
2. Capacitance of each stage
3. Required kVA
4. None of these

______________ is a type of surge diverter:

1. Rod gap
2. Valve type of lightning arrester
3. Protector tube
4. All above

The worst gap for measuring the voltages is:

1. Field gap
2. Sphere gap
3. Rod gap
4. All of these

Impulse tests are performed on transformers:

1. To determine insulation ability against transient voltages
2. To test the moisture content in fuel
3. Both of these
4. All of these
The gas which is employed as insulating material:
1. Oxygen
2. Sulphur Hexafluoride
3. Tetrafluoromethane
4. Ethylamine

Usually, the impulse voltage is:

1. Unidirectional
2. Bidirectional
3. Tridirectional
4. Quadridirectional

The input voltage in Cockcroft-Walton circuit is 50 kV, the load current is 125 mA and the
supply frequency are 50Hz. Each capacitor 10 nF. The optimum number of stages required
to achieve the maximum output voltage is:
1. 1
2. 4
3. 8
4. 16

The high ohmic series resistance micrometer can utilize ____________ for protection
against resistance failure:
1. Paper gap
2. Zener diode
3. Both of these
4. None of these

The standard shape of impulse wave as specified by the American standard is 1.5/40 μsec.
The number 1.5 is:
1. Wave front
2. Wave tail
3. Wave head
4. Wave footing

Generally, _____________ are avoided in construction of impulse measuring voltage

dividers because they ___________:
1. Capacitors, might possess stray capacitance
2. Inductors, can induce stray capacitance
3. Capacitors, carry capacitive impedance
4. Inductors, are very expensive
Peak to peak ripple is defined as
(a) the difference between average dc voltage and peak value
(b) the difference between maximum and minimum dc voltage
(c) the difference between maximum ac and average dc voltages
(d) the difference between ac (rms) and average dc voltages

In a voltage doubler circuit peak to peak ripple is if C: capacitance, I :

load current, and f=frequency)
(a) = (3If/C)
(b) = 2If/fC
(c) = 3I/fC
(d) = I/fC

Optimum number of stages for Cockcroft Walton voltage multiplier circuit

are (if Vmax= supply
voltage, f= frequency, I = load current, C = stage capacitance)
(a) = √𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 /𝐼𝑓𝐶
(b) = √𝐼𝑓𝐶/𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥
(c) = √𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑓/𝐼𝐶
(d) = √𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑓𝑐/𝐼

An oscillatory impulse waveform is represented by

(a) 𝑒 −𝑎𝑡 cos bt
(b) 𝑒 +𝑎𝑡 cos bt
(c) 𝑒 −𝑎𝑡 - 𝑒 −𝑏𝑡
(d) 𝑒 +𝑎𝑡 - 𝑒 +𝑏𝑡
To minimize the inductance in impulse current generator circuits
(a) capacitor are connected in parallel
(b) capacitors are subdivided into smaller units
(c) air core inductors are used in series
(d) discharge path is made into a rectangular path

A Van de Graaff generator has a belt speed of 2.5 m/s, charge density of
10 μc/m2 and a belt width 2 m. The maximum charging current is
(a) 50 μA
(b) 5 μA
(c) 2 μA
(d) 12.5 μA

The nominal rating of a testing transformer in kVA is given by (if ω =

supply frequency, C = capacitance loading and V= output voltage)
(a) 0.5 𝑉 2 ωC
(b) 𝑉 2 ωC
(c) 1.5 𝑉 2 ω C
(d) 10 𝑉 2 ω C

In testing with a resonant transformer, the output voltage is

(a) rectangular wave
(b) triangular wave
(c) trapezoidal wave
(d) pure sine wave

Parallel resonant transformer test system is used when

(a) large test voltages are needed
(b) stable output voltage with high rate of rise of voltage is needed
(c) large current is needed
(d) when high frequency test voltage is needed
Voltage stabilizers used for regulating high dc voltages are
(a) series type
(b) shunt type
(c) both series and shunt type
(d) shunt or series or degenerative

Impulse current generator output wave-form is

(a) damped oscillatory wave
(b) overdamped wave
(c) critically damped wave
(d) can be damped waved or damped oscillatory wave

To minimize the inductance in impulse current generator circuits

(a) capacitor are connected in parallel
(b) capacitors are subdivided into smaller units
(c) air core inductors are used in series
(d) discharge path is made into a rectangular path

In an impulse current generator, the capacitors are connected in

(a) series
(b) parallel
(c) connected in parallel while charging and in series while discharging
(d) connected in series while charging and parallel while discharging

Time to front of an impulse voltage wave-form is defined as

(a) 1.25 times the interval between 0.1 to 0.9 of peak value
(b) time interval between 0.1 to 0.9 of peak value
(c) 1.67 times the interval between 0.1 to 0.9 of peak value
(d) 1.25 times the interval between 0.3 to 0.9 of peak value.
The approximate value of time to front in an impulse voltage generator
(a) 3 R1 C1
(b) 2.3 R1 C1
(c) 3R1

(d) (0.7) (R1+R2) (C1 + C2)

An impulse voltage generator has a generator capacitance of 0.01 μF,

load capacitance of 1 nF, front resistance of R1 = 110 Ω and tail
resistance of R2 = 400 Ω. The tail time is
(a) 40 μs
(b) 55 μs
(c) 50 μs
(d) 10 μs

The value of charging voltage used in a medium-size impulse generator is

(a) 10 to 50 kV
(b) 50to100kV
(c) 500 kV
(d) any value

The voltage efficiency of a normal impulse generator for generation of

switching impulses is
(a) less than 30%
(b) 80 to 90%
(c) 40 to 60%
(d) 10 to 90%
A 16-stage impulse voltage generator has stage capacitance of 0.125 μF
and a charging voltage of 200 kV. The energy rating in kJ is
(a) 40
(b) 50
(c) 80
(d) 640

Sphere-gap measurement of peak voltage has an error of

(a) <±1%
(b) 5 to 10%
(c) 3 to 5%
(d) <3%

With a series capacitor voltmeter, a large error will result in when the
(a) capacitance is larger
(b) meter used is an electromechanical meter
(c) voltage to be measured is non-sinusoidal and contains harmonics
(d) none above

To measure a high-voltage of peak value about 150 kV, the suitable

sphere gap would be (diameter
in cm)
(a) 5 or 10
(b) 10 or 15
(c) 15 or 25
(d) 50 or 100

Secondary arm of a resistance impulse voltage divider consists of

(a) a few resistors connected in series
(b) a few resistors connected in parallel
(c) a single wire wound resistor of very high-power rating
(d) a linear resistor in parallel with a non-linear resistor of high-power rating
Shunts used for measuring impulse currents, in the range 10 kA-50 kA
will have a resistance of the
order of
(a) 10 to 25mΩ
(b) 0.1 to 1 mΩ
(c) 100 to 500 mΩ
(d) 0.1 to 1.0Ω

An R-C voltage divider has hv an arm capacitance, C1 = 600 pF,

resistance = 400 Ω and equivalent ground capacitance Cg = 240 pF. The
effective time constant of the divider in nanoseconds is
(a) 108
(b) 90
(c) 69
(d) 32

Rogowski coils and high frequency current transformers have

bandwidth of about
(a) 100 KHz
(b) 10 MHz
(c) 1.0 MHz
(d) 1100 Hz

For measuring high impulse currents, the best type of shunt is

(a) squirrel cage
(b) bifilar strip
(c) disc
(d) coaxial tubular (Park type)
Hall generators are normally used to measure
(a) impulse voltages
(b) unidirectional impulse currents
(c) any type of impulse currents
(d) large ac currents

The surge impedance of a measuring cable with its resistance neglected,

Cg is (if L and C are inductance and capacitance of cable per unit lamp
(a) √

(b) 2√𝐶
(c) 2√𝐿𝐶

In a pure capacitive divider, the ground capacitance Cg is represented by

adding additional capacitance from central point of hv capacitor to the
ground and is equal to
(a) Cg
(b) Cg/3
(c) 2Cg/3
(d) Cg/2.

A series capacitance voltmeter can measure

(a) dc voltages
(b) ac voltage (rms value)
(c) ac voltage (peak value)
(d) impulse voltages
CVT when tuned does not have
(a) ratio error
(b) phase angle error
(c) both ratio and phase angle errors
(d) temperature error

Electrostatic voltmeters can measure

(a) only dc voltage
(b) both dc and ac voltages up to high frequency
(c) impulse voltages
(d) ac, dc and impulse voltages

Sphere gaps are used to measure

(a) dc voltages
(b) ac peak voltages
(c) dc, ac peak and impulse voltages
(d) only dc and ac peak voltages.

Sphere gap measurement is linear and valid for gap spacing less than or
equal to
(a) radius of the sphere
(b) diameter of the sphere
(c) half the radius of sphere
(d) two times diameter of the sphere

The main factors that affect the sparkover voltage of sphere gap are
(a) humidity and waveform
(b) nearby earthed objects and atmospheric conditions
(c) diameter of the sphere
(d) gap spacing, diameter and waveform
For an RC divider to be compensated, the condition is
(a) R1C1=R2C2
(b) R1C2=R2C1
(c) R1C1 = R2 Cg
(d) (R1+R2) (C1 + C2) µs.

Compensated capacitance divider for high voltages (1 MV) generally has

a bandwidth of
(a) 10 MHz
(b) 1 MHz
(c) 100 MHz
(d) 1000 MHz.

Thank you
Part (2) and final part
Eng. / Mohamed Tayseer
Good Luck and Best Wishes

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