Fundamental Geo - Technical
Fundamental Geo - Technical
Fundamental Geo - Technical
C hapter 01
Soil Compressibility
& Settlement Analysis
Practical Situations
Soil compressibility
Settlement components and Classical
Settlement Analysis
Immediate settlement
Primary consolidation
Secondary consolidation
Rate of consolidation
Oedometer testing & result interpretation
Introduction to Janbu’s Modulus Concept &
Settlement Analysis
Soil Compressibility
Any structure built on the ground causes increase of pressures
on the underlying soil layers. The soil layers are unable to spread
laterally as they are confined by surrounding soil strata. Hence
they must adjust to the new pressures by vertical deformation
The compression of the soil mass leads to the decrease in the
volume of the mass, which results in the settlement of the structure,
built on the mass.
Settlement is, therefore, the sinking of a structure due to a
compressive deformation of the underlying soil mass.
The vertical compression of a soil mass under increased pressures
is thus made up of the following components.
»Deformation of the soil grains (small, can be neglected)
»Compression of water and air within the voids
»An escape of water and air from the voids
The solid matter and the pore water relatively are incompressible
Compressible soil mostly found below water table, considered
fully saturated, and the change in volume of a mass under imposed
stresses is only due to the escape of water.
As pore fluid squeezed out:
Soil grain rearrange themselves -stable & denser configuration
Decrease in volume - surface settlement resulted
How fast? -depend on permeability of soil
-Compression of sand occurs instantly
-Consolidation of cohesive soil is very time depend process
How much rearrangement & compression?
-depend on the rigidity of soil skeleton
i.e. A study of compressibility of soils is necessary to be able to
forecast the probable settlement of structures on different types of
In some material
In other materials strains are developed
a certain amount of time
Non elastic
Theory of elasticity
where Hav is the average height and H0 and Hf are the initial
and final heights, respectively, under the current loading.
If drainage were permitted from only one face of the soil, the
n Hdr=Hav . Shorter drainage paths will cause the soil to comp
lete its settlement in a shorter time than longer drainage pat
Effects of Loading History
Primary Consolidation Settlement of Normally Consolidated Fi
ne-grained Soils
consider a site consisting of a normally consolidated soil o
n which we wish to construct a building.
We will assume that the increase in vertical stress due to t
he building at depth z, where we took our soil sample, is Δ
The final vertical stress is
6.2.3 Primary Consolidation Settlement of Over consolidated
Fine-grained Soils
Primary consolidation ends with ΔՍ =0 .
Secondary compression is the change in volume of fine-gr
ained soils caused by the adjustment of the soil fabric (int
ernal structure) after primary consolidation has been comp
The rate of settlement from secondary compression is very
slow compared with primary consolidation.
We have separated primary consolidation and secondary c
ompression. In reality, the distinction is not clear because
secondary compression occurs as part of the primary cons
olidation phase especially in soft clays.
The mechanics of consolidation is still not fully understood
and to make estimates of settlement, it is convenient to se
parate primary consolidation and secondary compression.
Primary consolidation ends with ΔՍ =0 .
Secondary compression is the change in volume of fine-gr
ained soils caused by the adjustment of the soil fabric (int
ernal structure) after primary consolidation has been comp
The rate of settlement from secondary compression is very
slow compared with primary consolidation.
We have separated primary consolidation and secondary c
ompression. In reality, the distinction is not clear because
secondary compression occurs as part of the primary cons
olidation phase especially in soft clays.
Secondary Compression
Primary consolidation ends with ΔՍ =0 .
Secondary compression is the change in volume of fine-gr
ained soils caused by the adjustment of the soil fabric (int
ernal structure) after primary consolidation has been comp
The rate of settlement from secondary compression is very
slow compared with primary consolidation.
We have separated primary consolidation and secondary c
ompression. In reality, the distinction is not clear because
secondary compression occurs as part of the primary cons
olidation phase especially in soft clays.
The mechanics of consolidation is still not fully understood
and to make estimates of settlement, it is convenient to se
parate primary consolidation and secondary compression.
Basic Concepts of Terzaghi’s Theory of
To understand the basic concepts of Terzaghi’s theory of
consolidation, consider a clay of thickness 2H located below the
ground water level and between two highly permeable sand layers
as shown in Fig below.
Hdr = H
2H t=t3
z Clay
t= t= t2
t= t
Hdr = H B D
Basic Concepts of Terzaghi’s Theory of
To understand the basic concepts of Terzaghi’s theory of
consolidation, consider a clay of thickness 2H located below the
ground water level and between two highly permeable sand layers
as shown in Fig below.
Hdr = H
2H t=t3
z Clay
t= t= t2
t= t
Hdr = H B D
Progress of consolidation process at a given point in the
soil is indicated by Uz.
u u u
Uz = o 1
uo uo
where: Uz = percent of consolidation at a point
Uo = Initial hydrostatic excess pressure
u = hydrostatic excess pressure at time t
k k (1 e)
v m a
Where: C
v v
2u o Mz M 2T
u sin e …..2
m 0 M H
Where: u = excess pore water pressure ,
m = is an integer ,
uo = initial excess pore water pressure ,
M ( 2m 1) , time factor (dimensionless)
2 H 2dr
• The average degree of consolidation U for the entire d
epth of the clay layer at any t can be written as
U = Avg. degree of consolidation
St 2H udz St = Settlement of the layer at time t
U 1 u / uo 1 o
S = ultimate settlement due to primary
S uo consolidation.
m0 M
Often the first term(with m=0) provides a solution of sufficient precision for
practical purpose, and tabular values can be made once and for all in terms of
percent consolidation U and T by rearranging and solving the above equation for T ,
to obtain
T = ln(2/M2) – ln(1-U)
• The average degree of consolidation U for the entire d
epth of the clay layer at any t can be written as
U = Avg. degree of consolidation
St 2H udz St = Settlement of the layer at time t
U 1 u / uo 1 o
S = ultimate settlement due to primary
S uo consolidation.
t 90 Time
Determination of the preconsolidation stress
Now that we have calculated e for each loading step, we can plot a graph of the void
ratio versus the logarithm of vertical effective stress as shown in Fig. below. We will
call Fig. below the e versus σ'zc curve. The method proposed by Casagrande (1936)
Void ra
tio, e
a. Select the point of max. curvature on the plot, say pt.C
b. Draw a tangent and horizontal line through pt. C
c. Bisect the angle formed by the tangent and horizontal line
d. Produce the straight portion of the curve to cut the bisector at D
e. The abscissa of Pt. D gives the pre-consolidation pressure, Pc
Void ra
tio, e
Numerical Example
01. A stratum of normally consolidated clay of 8m thick is located at
a depth of 10m below ground level. The natural moisture content of
the clay is 40% and its liquid limit is 45%. The specific gravity of the
solid particle is 2.65. The water content is located at ground surface.
The soil is sand above the clay stratum. The submerged unit weight
of sand 13kN/m3. The average increase in pressure at the center of
the clay stratum is 200kN/m2 due to the weight of building that will
be constructed on the sand above the clay stratum. Estimate the
expected settlement of the structure.
Numerical Problems
01: The soil profile at a site for a proposed office building consist
s of a layer of fine sand 10.4 m thick above a layer of soft normal
ly consolidated clay 2 m thick. Below the soft clay is a deposit of
soft sand. The groundwater table was observed at 3 m below grou
nd level. The void ratio of the sand is 0.76 and the water content
of the clay is 43%. The building will impose a vertical stress incr
ease of 140 kPa at the middle of the clay layer. Estimate the prim
ary consolidation settlement of the clay. Assume the soil above th
e water table to be saturated.
02: Assume the same soil stratigraphy as in Que.1. But now the cl
ay is overconsolidated with an OCR=2.5, w=38%, and Cr=0.05.
All other soil values given in Example 6.1 remain unchanged. De
termine the primary consolidation settlement of the clay
03: A vertical section through a building foundation at a site is s
hown in Fig.below. The average modulus of volume compressib
ility of the clay is mv=5×10-5 m2/kN. Determine the primary con
solidation settlement.
04: A laboratory test on a saturated clay taken at a depth of 10 m belo
w the ground surface gave the following results: Cc=0.3, Cr=0.08, O
CR=5, w=23%, and Gs=2.7. The groundwater level is at the surface.
Determine and plot the variation of water content and overconsolidati
on ratio with depth up to 50 m.
05: A soft clay layer 1.5 m thick is sandwiched between layers of san
d. The initial vertical total stress at the center of the clay layer is 200
kPa and the pore water pressure is 100 kPa. The increase in vertical s
tress at the center of the clay layer from a building foundation is 100
kPa. What is the vertical effective stress and excess pore water pressu
re at the center of the clay layer when 60% of consolidation occurs?
06: At a vertical stress of 200 kPa, the void ratio of a saturated soil sa
mple tested in an oedometer is 1.52 and lies on the normal consolidati
on line. An increment of vertical stress of 150 kPa compresses the sa
mple to a void ratio of 1.43. Determine the compression index Cc of th
e soil.The sample was unloaded to a vertical stress of 200 kPa and the
void ratio increased to 1.45. Determine the slope of the recompression
index, Cr. What is the overconsolidation ratio of the soil at stage (2)?
If the soil were reloaded to a vertical stress of 500 kPa, what void rati
o would be attained?