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SL RSC ID-11570 RSC ID-23053 RSC ID-24571

CAP-36,(LPS) Need Metal Bonding with (LPS) Need Metal Bonding with LPS for Field information has no/less
1 LPS for all metal structure like AC frame, all metal structure like AC frame, Fire
reflection in existing SLD.
Fire Pipe Pipe

CAP-38, (SLD) Need to rectify Earthing Lightning Protection System (LPS) is

2 arrangement & Breaker according to CAP-1, SLD, CAP-8, MCCB Adjustment not installed as per standard where
accepted SLD the risk index equal or greater than 40
(According to BNBC).

No policies for PPE & LOTO (Lock-Out-

Tag-Out) are introduced for safety of
CAP-49,(Hotspot) Need to remove all the (Hotspot) Need to remove all the the personnel during any kind of the
Hotspot Hotspot personnel during any kind of
maintenance work.

CAP 26-Exhaust Fan Control without Thermographic survey is not

4 Exhaust Fan Control without DOL performed for whole panel board
(partially done on circuit breaker).

Store wiring at Garments 6th floor, WTP CAP 28- Store wiring at Pringting Electrical panel board installed at
2nd, 3rd, 4th Floor Basement & Gnd floor, Chemitex, noncompliant location (Storeroom).
Sample Godown

6 Individual Protection for Iron Table

CAP-27, Individual Protection for Iron Panel body is not connected to earth.
Table Earthing bar installed on insulator.

Cables in service are joined (splicing)

7 BBT Plug Point Seal BBT Plug Point Seal between terminations.

Combustible material attached with

8 Maintenance Schedule Cable Bending at ETP cable channels/ducts/BBT.

9 500 KVA Diesel generator Body Earthing Uncovered/Perforated type cable tray/PVC pipe used for wiring in storage area.
BBT Tap Off Boxes (TOB) has openings
10 Panel Body Ecc on Insulator Panel Body Ecc on Insulator which allows ingression of lint, dust or

11 Uninsulated electrical tools are used by maintenance personnel in the factory

12 Inconvenient access to electrical/control panel of lift Room (fall hazard).

13 Electrical power cable and florescent light must be covered by non-flammable materials in store area.

14 Light load and machine load are connected in same circuit breaker.

ield information has no/less Field information has no/less

eflection in existing SLD. reflection in existing SLD.

ghtning Protection System (LPS) is Existing LPS need to modify in

ot installed as per standard where some point to comply with
he risk index equal or greater than 40 standard.
According to BNBC).

o policies for PPE & LOTO (Lock-Out-

ag-Out) are introduced for safety of
he personnel during any kind of the Power Cables are hanging without
ersonnel during any kind of proper support.
maintenance work.

hermographic survey is not MCCBs are not adjusted according

erformed for whole panel board to load demand.
partially done on circuit breaker).

lectrical panel board installed at

oncompliant location (Storeroom). Power cables are bent excessively.

anel body is not connected to earth. Panel permanent identification

arthing bar installed on insulator. marking missing in several panel

ables in service are joined (splicing) Burning Sign observe inside the
etween terminations. panel.

ombustible material attached with In Production floor, multi load

able channels/ducts/BBT. (machines) connected in circuit

Flammable items are hanging with

C pipe used for wiring in storage area. the cable tray.
BT Tap Off Boxes (TOB) has openings Comb-bus bar arrangement aren’t
which allows ingression of lint, dust or maintain as per standard.

Proper 1m clearance aren’t

available in front of panel board.

Some panel board need to install/

re-arrange in compliance location.

rials in store area.

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