Term Council Tax Letter

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Student's Address: University of Hertfordshire

Surya Yeachuri AL10 9AB
30 Sibley Grove UK
30 tel +44 (0)1707 284000
London www.herts.ac.uk
E12 6SE

University Reference: 20007103


Full Name of Student: Surya Yeachuri
Date of Birth: 19 May 1998
Course Title: MSc International Business with Advanced Research
Course Start Date: 26 October 2020
Course Completion Date: 30 January 2023

I certify that the above named person is following a course of education at the University of Hertfordshire as a Student or
Student Nurse, as defined in Schedule 1 of The Council Tax (Discount Disregards) Order 1992 (some further clarification /
expansion is below).



4.-(1) A full-time course of education is, subject to subparagraphs (2) and (3), one-
(a) which subsists for at least one academic year of the educational establishment concerned or, in the case of an
educational establishment which does not have academic years, for at least one calendar year;

(b) which persons undertaking it are normally required by the educational establishment concerned to attend (whether at
premises of the establishment or otherwise) for periods of at least 24 weeks in each academic or calendar year
(as the case may be) during which it subsists, and

(c) the nature of which is such that a person undertaking it would normally require to undertake periods of study, tuition or
work experience which together amount in each such academic or calendar year to an average of at least 21 hours a
week during the periods of attendance mentioned in paragraph (b) above in the year.

Signed by

Sharon Harrison-Barker - Secretary and Registrar

Date of issue: 11 March 2022

Any queries should be referred to the Student Information Service team at above address.
(Tel: 01707 284800)

A Charity Exempt f rom Registration under theSecond

Schedule of the Charities Act 1003

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