Tao of React (Alex Kondov)
Tao of React (Alex Kondov)
Tao of React (Alex Kondov)
You are drawn to UI development for a reason. Maybe you’re a visual person
and you want to see the impact of your work. Perhaps you want to work on
things that are closer to the user - nothing more user-oriented in the product
than the UI. Maybe it’s a bit of both.
I always got satisfaction knowing that people are interacting with my work
daily. They’re pressing the buttons I designed, filtering data using my logic,
and experiencing bugs that I’ve written.
Some developers switch to the front-end looking for a fresh challenge.
Building the interface of a large application is a solid test for any developer. It
could also be just a new project at work. You decided to pick this book to
improve your skills and knowledge before you dive in.
Regardless of why we started, we are all crafting UIs with React and we are all
facing the same problems. We go through the docs, we take a course and
we’re still left with the same questions about application structure and best
I had a lot of those when I started working with React in 2016. Back then the
technological landscape was different. Most developers were still wrapping
their heads around the idea of component-based development. When most
people saw JSX for the first time they closed the browser. At least I did.
React’s core philosophy, to focus on single elements was groundbreaking.
Before that, the unit of work was the whole page. Tools like AngularJS were
inspired by the traditional MVC model and aimed to recreate that pattern in
the UI. React expanded this and made the unit of work the component. It
established that the UI shouldn’t be described as a collection of pages but as
small elements that pass data between each other. It was also closer to the
language than the alternatives. While other frameworks added their own
syntax for loops and conditionals, React stuck to plain JavaScript.
Nowadays React powers thousands of applications and has a great
community behind it. It’s proven to be a reliable tool to build feature-rich UIs
with. As the demand for React developers grows, there are still conflicting
ideas about how the technology should be put to use.
There are so many amazing courses and books that can teach you the
fundamentals. The syntax, state management, passing props, hooks, and all
the rest. You can start with zero knowledge and finish with a portfolio of
projects to showcase. A simple Google search will reward you with many
pages filled with quality content on those topics. So why have I written this
book then?
Most available materials will teach you the little pieces. But the content that
shows you how to put them together is still scarce. There aren’t enough
materials on project architecture and software design. React suffers from the
lack of a golden path. There are multiple ways to achieve the same outcome
and while this gives freedom it can also be confusing. So where do you go
once you’ve covered the fundamentals?
Throughout the years I’ve had both successful and not-so-successful
projects. Some were well-organized others were a nightmare to maintain. Trial,
error, and advice from great people helped me form a set of principles. This
book is a collection of them.
Every React developer must know a few things about structuring a project,
designing components, and common anti-patterns. You will learn a lot of
things the hard way when you start building applications. I know I did. I want to
save you some time and let you learn them at my expense.
Conversations about architecture and design philosophies can be too abstract
and daunting. As developers, we’re used to working with specifics so those
conversations can be too vague. Does it matter that much how we name a
component? Will the number of props make that big of a difference? Don’t
custom hooks make my code more complex than it should be?
A project is never built and done. It needs to be extended and modified. We
can all create but how many of us can maintain and update a creation for
years? We also rarely work alone. Even if we understand our code well, will the
person who reads it in a couple of months understand it? Will we understand it
after some time?
Tao of React holds all the rules and guidelines that I’ve followed to build
extensible projects that one can work on productively. Each rule specified in
the book has proven to be effective in my practice. Some of them may have
better alternatives based on the domain, but in all cases, they will have a
positive effect on your codebase. Put simply - you won’t be wrong if you
follow them.
When you’re going through the rules, keep in mind that I have formulated
those opinions based on my experience. I’m confident in teaching them but I
do know that there are things I’m yet to learn. There’s more than one way to
build software so if you’ve found alternative approaches to mine, that is great.
Either way, I’m sure you’ll find inspiration in these pages or something to
incorporate in your work.
I wrote this because this is the book I wish I had when I started working with
How to Use This Book
Tao of React is split into four chapters - architecture, components, testing,
and performance. I think those are the four most important topics for any
React application. You need to establish both high and low-level rules. You
need to be able to validate that everything works. And you need to know that it
works with acceptable speed.
The chapters are just groups of short and self-contained rules. They focus on
a specific problem and describe a way to solve it. Most rules have an example
of a non-ideal approach so you can compare it with the proposed solution.
Each rule can be read in isolation, the book is not meant to be read from cover
to cover. You can open it in the middle, read a random rule and it will make
There are also some general ideas to keep in mind that I’ve added at the end.
They provide more context about the importance of software design so if you
want to get more insight into the topic, make sure to go through them as well.
They too are short and straightforward.
Notes About the Remastered Edition
Tao of React's first edition came out in the spring of 2021 with the promise
that it will be the default, up-to-date resource on React project architecture.
That's not an easy promise to hold up. Even though React's APIs have mostly
stayed the same ever since hooks were introduced, the best practices around
it are constantly evolving.
In the last couple of years, developers have pushed back against the misuse
of the useEffect hook, server-side rendering is becoming even more
important, the React team is recommending starting new projects with meta
frameworks like Next by default, and server components were finally
introduced in a stable environment. All these changes will, without a doubt,
affect how we build and structure applications. Moving more and more
responsibilities to the server means we will have to rethink state management.
Modern meta frameworks' layouting and routing functionality will push us to
rethink application structure and data fetching. At the time of this writing, web
development is much more mature than it used to be. The front-end industry
has not only grown but is also pushing back on over-engineering practices in
favor of modern tooling focused on solving problems and delivering products.
But at the same time, we will have to approach modern React development
carefully because if we do not apply the design principles correctly, modern
tools will only replace technical problems with architectural ones.
All this may sound daunting at first, but the rules inside this book are
intentionally vague enough to be applicable in any environment, and focused
enough to be actionable immediately. In the Remastered edition, we will focus
on some of the modern problems in React and analyze how we can take
advantage of evergreen software engineering principles to solve them.
Reading this book will give you the up-to-date best practices together with
the context of how and when to use them.
Table of Contents
How to Use This Book
Notes About the Remastered Edition
Table of Contents
1. Architecture
1.1. Create a Common Module
1.2. Use Absolute Paths
1.3. Put Components in Folders
1.4. Group Components by Route/Module
1.5. Manage Dependencies Between Modules
1.6. Wrap External Components
1.7. How to Design a Module
1.8. Project Structure Should Tell a Story
1.9. Keep Things Close to Where They’re Used
1.10. Don’t Put Business Logic in Utility Functions
1.11. Separate Business Logic From UI
1.12. Modules Should Own Their Routes
1.13. Avoid Single Global Contexts
1.14. Shared Libraries and Design Systems
1.15. Run the Application with a Single Command
1.17. Pin Dependency Versions
1.18. The Styling Dilemma
1.19. Avoid Hardcoding Links
1.20. Add Your Own Touch
1.21. Use TypeScript
1.22. Create Layout Components
1.23. Don't Wrap Context Providers
1.24. Consider Client-Side and Server-Side Rendering
1.25. Should You Use a Framework
1.26. Abstract Framework Details
2. Components
2.1. Write Deep Components
2.2. Naming Components
2.3. Structure Component Files
2.4. Structure the Component Function
2.5. Use Context as an Implementation Detail
2.6. Create Custom Hooks
2.7. Abstract Reducer Details
2.8. Avoid Short-Circuit Conditional Rendering
2.9. Avoid Nested Ternary Operators
2.10. Avoid Long Conditional Chains
2.11. Use Component Maps for Complex Conditional Logic
2.12. Avoid Top Level Conditionals in JSX
2.13. Create a Common Error Boundary Component
2.14. Use Error Boundaries for Non-Critical UI Sections
2.15. Use Reducers for State Management
2.16. You May Not Need a State Management Library
2.17. Use Data Fetching Libraries
2.18. Favour Functional Components
2.19. Write Consistent Components
2.20. Always Name Components
2.21. Don’t Hardcode Repetitive Markup
2.22. Organise Helper Functions
2.23. Favour Small Components
2.24. Write Comments in JSX
2.25. Always Destructure Props
2.26. Be Careful With the Number of Passed Props
2.27. Assign Default Props When Destructuring
2.28. Pass Objects Instead of Primitives
2.29. Avoid Spreading Props
2.30. Move Lists in Components
2.31. Avoid Nested Render Functions
2.32. Favour Hooks
2.33. Model Components as Stateless and Stateful
2.34. Favor Multiple Smaller useEffect Calls to a Single Big
2.35. Favor Focused useEffect Calls to Granular Ones
2.36. Whenever Possible, Don't Fetch Data in useEffect
2.37. Don't Handle Events in useEffect
2.38. Avoid useEffect Calls for Computed Data
2.39. Put The Component Body in a Custom Hook
2.40. Consider Component Composition Before Contexts
2.41 Extract a Component For Repetitive Logic
2.42. Don't Extract Custom Components Without Purpose
3. Testing
3.1. Arrange Act Assert
3.2. Don’t Test Too Many Things at Once
3.3. Don’t Rely on Snapshot Tests
3.4. Test The Happy Path First
3.5. Test Edge Cases and Errors
3.6. Focus on Integration Tests
3.7. Don’t Test Third Party Libraries
3.8. Don’t Focus on Coverage Percentage
3.9. Consider Removing Unnecessary Tests
3.10. Keep Tests Close to The Implementation
3.11. Refactor With Tests
3.12. Tests Are Not Quality Assurance
4. Performance
4.1. Avoid Premature Optimisation
4.2. Use the Rules of Laziness
4.3. Use Code Splitting
4.4. Rerenders - Callbacks, Arrays and Objects
4.5. Memoize Computed Data & Anonymous Functions
4.6. Improve the Business Logic Implementation
5. Things to Keep in Mind
5.1. Why is Software Design Important?
5.2. Avoid Analysis Paralysis
5.3. Don’t Postpone Architectural Changes
5.4. Consistency is Most Important
5.5. Make the Back-End Do the Work
1. Architecture
1.1. Create a Common Module
Conversations about architecture can be vague. We can argue about the
benefits of one structure over another. We can debate using a state
management library. But there’s one thing that is guaranteed - we will have
logic that will be used all across the project.
The reusable code in React applications consists mostly of components but
it’s not limited to them. Custom hooks, business logic, constants, and utility
functions that are reused need a place to live. So one of the first things that
we should do is create a common module that keeps them together and
communicates that they’re used across the whole application.
Reusable components are usually buttons, input fields, and content containers
like cards. But often they include business-specific components as well. An
analytics application will most likely have reusable chart components.
Media websites may have a configurable component for text formatting. The
same goes for utilities and hooks. Some of them will be generic. For example,
you can create one to track element visibility on the screen. That’s a behavior
that may be needed in many components. Other hooks will be domain-specific
- they will deal with data fetching or data manipulation.
Depending on the domain of your application you may store business logic in
there as well (more on that in rule 1.5. and 1.11.). Common operations, like
calculations and formulas, that are used often should be implemented once,
tested, and reused.
You need to plan what you’re going to do with those reusable pieces from the
start. If we don't create a place for them, they will clutter the project and we
will end up with multiple implementations of common functionality.
Create a module that will host all of those components and logic. Then
reference them from there. It doesn’t have to be anything complex - a folder
named common would work fine (check rule 1.7. for an example module
structure). Developers can contribute and update it when necessary.
I’m a big advocate of Storybook because it improves the visibility of your
reusable components and doubles down as a documentation tool. It makes
browsing the common module much easier and gives managers and designers
quick access to them. However, keep in mind that such a tool comes with a
non-negligible maintenance cost. Each time a component changes you will
have to update Storybook as well. Each change to props, each new use case -
they need to be reflected there. Otherwise, you won’t be getting advantage of
the tool. My advice would be not to use Storybook unless you have the
resources to maintain it.
Make sure that your common module doesn’t get too bloated. If it grows too
much it will become hard to navigate and manage. To avoid that you can split
the functionality into smaller, more specific modules that are meant to be
1.2. Use Absolute Paths
Making things easier to change should be one of your main goals when we’re
creating our application’s structure. Most of us use reference paths when
we’re importing something but they are not ideal in larger projects. If you need
to move files around or reorganize a module you need to modify a lot of import
import Input from "../../../modules/common/components/Input";
This is not necessarily a bad practice but it leaves some ambiguity. Can you
tell if this hook is specific to a component, or if it’s in the root of the module?
Even if the source can be derived out of context or you don’t expect to change
the folder structure, I would always advocate for clarity.
import { Input } from "@modules/common";
import { useAnalytics } from "@modules/instrumentation";
With absolute paths, we make sure that change would be easier and everyone
would know where something comes from with a glance at the imports
For this to work you will need to modify your Webpack configuration so it
knows where to look for your files. You can define a prefix like @modules
and tell Webpack to look in a directory named "modules" for such paths.
That’s the whole change. The pattern I follow is to prefix them with @
because that’s closer to the regular package naming conventions. I’ve seen
people use ~ as well to make sure internal imports are easily noticeable. As
long as you use absolute paths, use whatever convention makes more sense
to you.
Implementing absolute paths is not a complex thing to do but it may differ
greatly depending on your setup. The most important thing you need to do is
tell your module bundler where it should look for imports starting with your
prefix of choice. If you happen to be using Webpack you can look at the
resolution aliases in its documentation. The exact syntax may differ depending
on the version you’re using.
But there are more tools that we need to make aware of our decision to use
absolute paths. We need to make sure our IDE or editor understands that as
well since or it will mark them as unresolved. Tools like eslint and Jest need to
be configured as well.
The setup itself is not complex, it comes down to adding a few lines in JSON
configuration files but the syntax depends on the tools you’re using.
1.3. Put Components in Folders
Most components are not implemented in a single file. There’s one for the
actual implementation, one for the tests, the styles, utility functions, and
hooks if needed. If we need to split some of the logic into smaller
subcomponents that count grows even more. Putting all components with
their additional files in the same folder quickly becomes messy. To distinguish
what files are used by what component you will have to open the
implementation. This takes unnecessary time.
├── components
| ├── Header.jsx
| ├── Header.scss
| ├── Header.test.jsx
| ├── HeaderItem.jsx
| ├── HeaderLogo.jsx
| ├── Footer.jsx
| ├── Footer.scss
| ├── Footer.test.jsx
| ├── hooks.js
| ├── utils.js
| ├── constants.js
But the problem with repetitive paths remains and they don’t look nice. To
alleviate that we can still create an "index" file that will just export the main
component in the folder. Keep all other files that are only used by that
component inside its folder. We should put everything related to them there -
tests, styles, hooks, and even utility functions. That way a component
becomes a small self-contained module on its own.
1.4. Group Components by Route/Module
The conventional way to structure your application is in containers and
components (also known as smart/dumb). This architecture is a safe choice
that you can apply for most applications and it will work well. I like to compare
it to the MVC architecture for back-end applications. It’s generic enough to
work in most contexts. It splits components into two logical groups.
Containers are usually the pages or larger logical sections of the application.
Components are the smaller elements that only visualize markup, handle
minimal logic, and don’t keep state.
├── containers
| ├── Dashboard.jsx
| ├── Details.jsx
├── components
| ├── Table.jsx
| ├── Form.jsx
| ├── Button.jsx
| ├── Input.jsx
| ├── Sidebar.jsx
| ├── ItemCard.jsx
I’m not a fan of this structure for multiple reasons. First, any non-trivial
application will be hard to navigate with this composition. Most projects
quickly outgrow it with the number of components they require. Your
“containers” folder will keep a small number of files but the “components”
folder will become a mile long in no time.
Second, it encourages bad component design. Developers tend to give too
many responsibilities to containers. When things start doing too much they
become large and hard to manage. Introducing bugs becomes easier and
testing becomes harder (think about how many things you will have to mock to
test a specific behavior).
It doesn’t tell anything about the application. When you’re looking at a project
with this structure can you tell what it does at a glance? An application’s
structure should tell you its story and this doesn’t say anything besides that
it’s a React app. Imagine being a new developer that will be building a feature
in a large project designed this way. How will she know where to start looking?
Instead, group the application into smaller self-contained modules.
├── modules
| ├── common
| | ├── components
| | | ├── Button.jsx
| | | ├── Input.jsx
| ├── dashboard
| | ├── components
| | | ├── Table.jsx
| | | ├── Sidebar.jsx
| ├── details
| | ├── components
| | | ├── Form.jsx
| | | ├── ItemCard.jsx
Each module should represent a logical part of your application. Initially, you
can start by splitting your application based on your top-level routes. This sets
clear boundaries between the different parts of your application. It makes it
clear where everything is used and improves navigation.
The thing I like the most is you can find out what the application does by
opening its modules. Then if you need to work on the dashboard, for example,
it’s much easier to locate the files that are relevant to your task.
As an alternative, you can use a hybrid approach that puts the reusable
components, hooks and functionality on the top level of the application, and
groups the rest based on the application's page structure. This is a
compromise for those teams who find the presence of the common module
confusing or want to achieve additional separation between reusable
functionality and logic which is specific to parts of the application. With this
structure, again, each folder inside modules represents a separate page.
├── components
├── hooks
├── utils
├── modules
| ├── dashboard
| | ├── components
| | ├── hooks
| | ├── utils
| ├── details
| | ├── components
| | ├── hooks
| | ├── utils
With this structure, everything which is used in two or more places sits on the
top level of the project, leaving the modules directory to represent specific
parts of the application. To some engineers this is preferable, because the
modules becomes a direct mirror of the app structure. Alternatively, I've
noticed teams use screens or pages instead of modules with this
approach because it's closer to what the contents represent. I'd argue against
using pages because it's already an established naming convention in a
popular React meta framework, so I'd advise you to use screens if you
settle for this structure.
A last option for teams who feel strongly against this way of structuring
applications despite its benefits, is to use a top-level split but nesting the
names of the pages inside of it.
├── components
| ├── dashboard
| | ├── ...
| ├── details
| | ├── ...
├── hooks
| ├── dashboard
| | ├── ...
| ├── details
| | ├── ...
├── utils
| ├── ...
This is a compromise that I would use only as a last resort, but it's still
favorable to a split in which everything lives in the same place. It still conveys
context about the application's structure, but it requires more jumping
between folders to find related functionality. You can use it as a starting point
for restructuring an application in a messy state by first grouping things on the
top-level and then extracting them to modules.
1.5. Manage Dependencies Between Modules
The module structure raises a very important question - how to manage
dependencies between different modules. In this context, we use the word
dependency to describe one module importing something from another.
In an ideal scenario, we have some main app configuration at the top level that
puts all the different modules together. They import components and logic
only from the “common” module and don’t have a connection between them.
No module knows that another one exists.
In practice, we often need the same thing that was developed for another
module. The module that deals with a details page may need a graph that is
created for the dashboard. Is it that bad to import it directly from there? The
best thing to do in such a situation is to move that graph in the “common”
module and import it from there. If it’s needed in many places then it’s global,
right? The more practical advice is to first duplicate the logic in both modules
by making a copy of the component you need. This means building two
graphs - one for the dashboard and another for the details page.
This goes against the popular advice to avoid duplication at all costs. I
strongly believe that a little duplication is good for the codebase because it
lets it evolve. Often different parts of an application need similar components
but they start diverging with time. A graph for the details page may need
different settings than one for the dashboard.
If we make an abstraction early we may end up with a component that is too
configurable. Its implementation will require too much conditional logic and its
complexity will grow. Next time you need a similar component you will be
tempted to add a little more configuration and checks. After some time you
end up with a hard to configure and maintain component.
Managing some duplication is easier than managing the wrong abstraction.
Don’t be afraid of copy-pasting a couple of times so the idea can crystallize.
However, keep in mind that duplication is costly. When you find yourself
copying the same functionality three or more times - it’s time to do something
about it. You may have to create a new component in the “common” module or
a reusable function. This is called the “Rule of Three” - duplicate, then on the
third time you need the same piece of code, make an abstraction for it.
But not all logic fits into the “common” module. In larger projects, it may
become too big - keeping together generic UI elements and domain-specific
logic. In those cases, you may want to extract some of the domain logic in
another module. For example, if your application has a lot of forms you can
build a “forms” module that groups the different components, hooks, styles,
and validation logic related to them.
One last question that remains is how to manage this duplication across a
large application that’s worked on by multiple people. It’s easy to know what is
being copied if you’re the only developer but that’s rarely the case. In a large
team you may end up with a lot of duplication and there isn’t a technical
solution for that. It depends on good communication between the developers,
sharing information, and having a solid code review process.
1.6. Wrap External Components
The Node ecosystem is notorious for its usage of dependencies even for trivial
functionality. Yet, this is unavoidable - we all know that building everything
from scratch is impossible. That’s why we build on top of other people’s work.
We pull third-party functionality and components to solve common problems.
Referencing an external component means that all internal ones will be bound
to it. This is not necessarily bad. But it means that we couple our codebase to
the library’s API and specifics.
import { Button } from "semantic-ui-react";
import DatePicker from "react-datepicker";
Our vision for implementing a date picker could be different from the author’s.
We may want to manage the different formats with a single prop while the
author has made the API more verbose and configurable.
We can accept the library’s opinion and just pass the component the data in
the format that it accepts. But this means that our application’s logic and data
management will be influenced by a third-party component. What if that
library changes its API in a future version, in how many places will we have to
make modifications?
We don’t want external factors to shape the way we think about our
implementation. We want to have a buffer between the external components
that we use - call it an adapter or a wrapper.
We can create an abstraction on top of the external component that provides
the desired API. It can then format the data and pass it to the external
import {
} from "@modules/common/components";
This is a good way to set default values and hide complexity. You can alter the
markup, style the component and make it indistinguishable from the other
ones. This is the only place in your codebase in which the external library will
be referenced.
We mentioned that we want to make future changes easy. This approach
reduces the impact that a potential change will have in the future. If we decide
to use a different library we will only need to make the change in the wrapper/
adapter. Even if we’re happy with the library’s API and we don’t want to modify
it, it’s still better to wrap it. It gives us control over it from the start and we can
reference it like an internal component which is good for consistency.
1.7. How to Design a Module
A module is a group of files that together represent a logical unit of your
application. If you’re building an admin panel one module could be the main
dashboard that shows statistics and charts. An e-commerce application will
probably have a module for the product page and one for the home page.
If you’re not sure how to start splitting your application into modules a good
starting point is looking at the top-level routes of the application. Once you
decide the boundaries between them you are faced with the challenge of
structuring them.
There shouldn’t be a predefined structure that each module should follow to
the letter. You don’t need to fit all modules in the same pattern but apply some
limitations in which they can grow around. If a module contains only
components, there’s no need to create extra empty folders for consistency’s
sake. Shape them around the problems that they’re solving.
Most times I end up with something like this:
├── modules
| ├── dashboard
| | ├── components
| | ├── utils
| | ├── hooks
| | ├── api
| | ├── index.js
The components directory will probably be the largest one - it hosts all our
components and their sub-components (the recommended component folder
structure is described in another rule).
The utils folder will contain small reusable, generic functions that are not
specific to the business or React. Such a function validates an email, for
The hooks folder will keep the custom hooks we build. You may not be used to
seeing custom hooks everywhere but I recommend extracting as much logic
as you can in them. They are a good abstraction mechanism for any kind of
functionality - both generic and business-specific.
The api folder holds business logic that is specific to this module - functions,
and constants. This is not the same as the utility folder. The api one should
only deal with logic that is specific to the business or the domain like
calculations or data manipulation logic.
The index.js file is the main entry point of the module. It holds the main
module component - the one that defines the page structure, routes, and
subroutes. Depending on your application’s structure you may need more or
fewer folders but this is a good starting point.
1.8. Project Structure Should Tell a Story
An application’s structure should tell a story at a glance. Developers derive a
lot of knowledge about a project based on the way the files are organized.
When they open one for the first time and they see a generic folder structure
that they’ve seen ten times before, it won’t give them much insight.
An application’s contents should provide information about the domain that
it’s serving. A glance through the modules should be enough to tell you the
high-level parts of this application. It should tell you if it’s a dashboard, a
website, or an e-commerce app.
Opening a project to see folders named after libraries doesn’t help at all. The
knowledge about them could be gained by looking at the dependencies or
examining the code. They should be just an implementation detail.
When I say this I’m often asked where do I put Redux (or another state
management library) specific logic. Again, it depends on the project and the
domain. I may put it in the api folder since it’s more related to the business
logic. I may create custom hooks to access and modify the data. In all cases, I
won’t let it be the most important aspect of my project.
1.9. Keep Things Close to Where They’re Used
A pattern I see far too often is to put too many things at the root level. Utility
functions, configuration files, and business logic can often be found there
even if it’s only used in specific areas of the application. To me this has always
been confusing because I can’t know where each of those things belong or
where they’re used.
If something is not meant to be accessible globally it shouldn’t live at the root
level because it sends the wrong message. We shouldn’t put things there or
even at the module level. When we need to create a utility function we should
keep it close to where it’s used.
First, put the logic inside the component file. Then, if it gets too long and you
want to move some of it in a separate file - put it in the component folder.
Then follow the rules from the “Manage duplication between modules” rule
and move it up.
1.10. Don’t Put Business Logic in Utility Functions
Utility functions should be small tools that you can grab and use in multiple
places and occasions. You can use a hammer to put a nail on the wall but it’s
also used to put wood joints together. You should be able to lift a utility
function and use it in a different module for similar purposes.
We want to extract some of the logic from our components so they don’t
become too big or to avoid duplication. But a mistake we make too often is to
bind those utility functions too tightly to our business logic.
function sortArticles(articles) {
// ...
That makes them too specific and impossible to use outside of their current
application. In many projects, utility files are just a collection of “stuff” -
someone wasn’t sure where to put a function or a file so they jam it in the
folder containing the utilities.
Instead, create generic functions that take more parameters if necessary but
can be used in multiple places.
function sortCollectionByAttribute(collection, attribute) {
// ...
If you’d rather use a domain-specific API you can still achieve that through a
generic function. Create a business-specific function in the “api” folder that
calls the generic one underneath.
1.11. Separate Business Logic From UI
React components are naturally coupled to the domain logic they represent.
It’s natural for a component to own it since it controls the behavior. That’s fine
when it comes to UI responsibilities and any attempts to change it would bring
too much unnecessary complexity.
But often we need to go through a collection of entities and do some
operations on them. We need to make calls to external APIs and validate user
input according to business rules. This kind of logic is better to be out of the
component’s body. Most of those scenarios would fit well as custom hooks.
This way you can still stay close to the idiomatic way of writing React and
extract that logic.
Whenever possible I prefer to express the logic through a custom hook. It can
become a natural part of the component’s lifecycle this way. When I’m making
an API call or I want to track an element’s visibility with the
IntersectionObserver , a hook fits best.
Sometimes I use it just to make another hook’s API more polished. I don’t want
my components to be familiar with the structure of an external API’s response.
So I pass to them only the fields that they need in the format that they need
function useSalesAnalytics(date) {
const { loading, data, refetch } = useQuery(GET_SALES, {
variables: {
if (!data) {
return { loading, sales: { total: 0 }, refetch };
return {
sales: aggregate(data),
What if the logic can’t be written as a custom hook for some reason? If it’s up
to me I would still extract it. I usually create a folder called api and put
functions and constants there to signal that they are domain-specific.
Aim to have components clean from domain-specific logic but don’t take it as
an absolute. When you have some trivial operation that doesn’t require deep
domain knowledge it may be okay to inline it.
1.12. Modules Should Own Their Routes
Most single page applications have at least a few routes and often nested
ones as well. A common pattern is to declare all of them in a single main file in
the root. I don’t like that approach because that file can become too large.
Size alone is not a problem but it means that your application’s modules are all
leaking their details.
This transfers ownership of the application’s routing structure to the global
level. Every developer must make changes in the same place no matter what
part of the application they’re working on and that creates opportunities for
errors to sneak in.
A better way to structure this is to keep only the main route and file for each
module on the global level. The nested routes and detailed structure of the
page should be owned by the corresponding module. A change in the layout
of a page should only affect the module it lives in. This way we split complexity
in multiple places.
The big outlier for the rules in this book are small applications and prototypes.
In small SPAs I’d put all routes in the same place. But for any non-trivial or
larger project, I’d favor splitting them across the different modules.
1.13. Avoid Single Global Contexts
A common anti-pattern was the prop drilling problem in which you had to pass
a prop through multiple components so it can reach its destination. Thankfully,
we can use the Context API whenever we want to share data in different
horizontal or vertical parts of the React tree to avoid passing unnecessary
It’s easy to put all the global data we need in the same Context but that should
be avoided as well. It’s better to separate the data logically and split it across
different contexts. That allows components to pull only the data they need.
We can have a separate context for the theme, another for user settings, one
for the modal window and so on.
Following the same principle, there’s no need to wrap the whole application in
a context provider if it’s used in a single module. If the other sections of the
application don’t need to know about some data there’s no need to share it.
For example, if we have an analytics dashboard and want to make some data
accessible for all components in that module we can only wrap it in a Provider,
not the whole application.
1.14. Shared Libraries and Design Systems
A common practice in projects with multiple teams is to extract reusable
components and functions in a shared library. It’s then distributed as an NPM
module and developers can pull it in their codebase to save some time.
I think this is a great practice and helps you not to reinvent the wheel but you
need to keep some things in mind. Such a library needs to be stable.
Therefore if you’re still in the active development phase it’s better to wait a bit,
even at the cost of some duplication, and let things settle down.
Building an application and a component library at the same time is hard.
Those are two different initiatives that require resources and thought. Facing
both challenges at the same time is a recipe for disaster.
Extracting a library is good on paper but requires a lot of maintenance work.
The goal of such a tool is to reduce the amount of work so it’s better not to
rush it.
The same goes for design systems. They are every UI developer’s dream
project. Tired of all the off-the-shelf tools that we’ve been using, we wish we
get the chance to build one of our own, designed for our needs.
A design system is more than a component library. It holds the rules and
constraints that your UIs will be based on - fonts and font sizes, colours,
spacing, variants, themes. Components require a much deeper level of
thinking about API design since more people will be using them.
Also, they are not purely an engineering effort. To build a good design system
you need to work with the design and product teams. Building one is a great
challenge. Integrating it into your work is an even greater one. The companies
that have such initiatives have entire teams focused on them - building,
maintaining and fixing. A couple of people spending half their time on a design
system don’t have good chances of producing a great tool.
Small teams would be better off putting together a design guide and using a
collection of common components. Underestimating the effort to build one
will only give you trouble. If your team doesn’t have the resources to let
someone dedicate their time to it, use a tool like Tailwind instead.
1.15. Run the Application with a Single Command
Your application will have certain pre-requisites in order to run and function as
expected. Outside of dependencies, you will probably need to set up
configuration and go through a series of steps to prepare the project for your
local environment. To ensure that your colleagues have a good development
experience, the amount of steps necessary to start should be as low as
In an idea scenario your application should start with a single command and
you should have any other pre-requisites documented in the project's
README. Joining a new team only to struggle with running its application for a
few hours is a very unpleasant experience. Try to make it so running npm
install and npm start or npm run dev makes the application start.
Of course, you might need certain environment variables. Ensure that those
who can be hardcoded, are already added and the rest produce readable error
messages when they're missing. If your app requires an API key to function,
throw an error if its not set, instead of starting only to face failed HTTP
Some applications depend on a .env or .env.local file to read the
values of the environment variables. To avoid writing a complex command
each time you're running the app or forgetting to refresh them, you could
include it in the start command itself. This way when you run npm run dev
underneath it could source the new environment variables like so source
.env.local && npm start .
Alternatively, if your project requires a more complex set up, you should
consider using Docker to ensure stability across different people's
development environments. After all, we’re not building in isolation and the
larger the team the greater the impact of the environment's specifics. It’s easy
for a single developer to keep track of everything that’s going on on their
machine, but it takes a lot of effort as the number of people grows.
Docker can be daunting at first but you don’t need to become proficient with it
to use it. You can find a good preconfigured Dockerfile that works with React
applications with a simple Google search, and add your specifics on top.
Also, it makes it easier to run multiple applications at once. If you’re writing the
front-end for an application made up of multiple services you can run them all
with a few commands. A few years ago I was working on an app for a system
that was made of a few Spring Boot microservices. I had little knowledge of
how to work with them but being able to spin them up locally and configure
them made my life a lot easier.
Something you need to be careful when using Dockerfiles is server-side
rendering. If you’re making a server-side request to another container it may
not resolve. Due to how Docker’s networking works if you need to send a
request to another container you need to reference it by its name. Specifying
localhost and a port won’t work, so you will need to configure it with an
environment variable.
1.17. Pin Dependency Versions
A bug introduced in a third-party dependency can be a great roadblock for
development. It can halt a release or break an application in production. It’s
not rare to see developers running the same project with differences in the
dependency versions that they have. Not managing the dependency version
can lead to indeterministic environments that can cause hard to reproduce
Instead of debugging dependency problems by rerunning npm install, pin the
specific versions of the libraries you want to use, even the minor ones.
Thirdparty modules can have bugs slip past the maintainers. We’re all people,
we make mistakes.
But to make sure your app will always produce a working build, pin the specific
versions of the dependencies that you’re using. Keep track of outdated
modules with npm update and make sure they are getting updated
1.18. The Styling Dilemma
One of the first decisions you have to make is what styling approach to chose.
You have to pick between CSS (modules), SCSS, CSS-in-JS libraries, and
utility libraries like Tailwind. There isn’t an inherently right or wrong choice.
Your decision should be based on the team’s experience, preferences, and
philosophies. All of those technologies are proven and they can support you to
build applications of any scale.
There are countless opinionated articles about the benefits and problems of
each technology. But the bottom line is that none of them are perfect, you
need to make a trade-off and decide what problems you want to deal with
But no matter what styling tool you pick, make sure that it doesn’t add
unnecessary complexity to your application. Each technology brings some
overhead, but we don’t want to add another source of complexity to an
already complex application. What follows is my opinionated view regarding
React application styling and the approach that I use.
Nowadays I avoid working with CSS and SCSS because I don’t want to think
about classes and naming conventions. I never was a fan of BEM because I felt
it was too complex at scale. It adds another convention that you need to follow
when naming classes, writing styles, and reviewing other people’s code.
I would advise you to consider using a CSS-in-JS library or Tailwind. They
remove the need to follow a convention or create complex class hierarchies.
They help you keep the focus on building components rather than managing
CSS-in-JS libraries like Emotion or Styled Components remove classes
entirely. They allow you to describe styles in terms of wrapper components
that are a regular part of your application. To me, this is the natural way to
work with React - everything is a part of the component hierarchy. Styles are
managed via props instead of conditional statements and classes. It allows us
to be even more descriptive. But let’s focus on the problems since they are
uncovered only in practice.
First, CSS-in-JS components can take a lot of space. Usually, they are kept in
the same file as the component that uses them so you can imagine that they
can get lengthy. To avoid having to navigate giant files, I like to put the CSS30
in-JS components in a separate folder called "styles" or "elements". They can
then be imported as regular components.
Another topic of discussion is naming them. Most developers like to prefix
them with a word like “Styled” so they can be easily distinguished from regular
components. I find this unnecessary. Conventions are useful when they bring
some benefit but I don’t see how making a difference between regular and
CSS-in-JS components helps. A CSS-in-JS component is no different than a
regular one that prints its children. Some of them even take props to alter their
Then there is Tailwind. A relatively new utility class library. I started paying
more attention to it in 2021 and the developer experience is surprisingly
pleasant. It’s a complete design system that allows you to describe everything
from spacing and colors to shadows and fonts in terms of a predefined scale.
Implementing all of it on your own would take you months. What I like about
Tailwind is that it makes the UI look good and symmetrical by default. But it’s
not without its problems too.
It’s not that hard to learn but people need to get used to the mental model.
You still need to put together all the utility classes and they can get hard to
read when they’re many. That’s the tool’s biggest problem - when you open a
component and see long class names made up of abbreviations it’s hard to
wrap your head around how each element fits in the picture. That’s the
problem with utility classes - they explain how the component looks but not
what it is.
To avoid confusion we can extract components with long class names. Even if
they don’t do anything besides rendering children. This way we can provide
more context about specific elements and their importance. It’s better to see a
named component than a long string. When we need to conditionally add or
remove any of them we can hide that complexity in the component too. The
idea is to spread the complexity in many small components, not keep it all
together when we need to manage complex styling.
When I’m starting a new project I usually pick CSS-in-JS or Tailwind
depending on the team. If you’re not familiar with them I’d encourage you to
give them a try with an open mind, you might be surprised. If their ideas don’t
resonate with you, then you can go the conventional way with CSS/SCSS - a
proven approach.
1.19. Avoid Hardcoding Links
Whether it’s the links of your application’s pages, the path to redirect after
authentication, or the URL of a REST API that we need to fetch data from, we
need to work with addresses. Managing them is one of the most common
things that we do as UI developers. But too often we leave them hardcoded in
components and hooks which makes them harder to maintain and modify.
We should be treating them like any other constant of high importance, keep
them in a central place, and reference them from there. We can keep the main
URLs for REST APIs as environment variables that can be configured. We can
then extract the paths and reference them as constants so we won’t have to
work with hard-coded strings.
But URLs have a nested structure that will require a lot of constants to
represent. They can get lengthy, naming them would be a challenge and it
doesn’t solve the problem with string interpolation. We will probably need to
construct dynamic links to access specific data. To solve this we can build a
small utility object that represents the link structure.
const links = {
about: "/about",
contact: "/contact-us",
articles: {
list: "/articles",
single: (id) => `/articles/${id}`,
const endpoints = {
articles: {
list: `${SERVICE_URL}/articles`,
find: (id) => `${SERVICE_URL}/articles/${id}`,
Our goals when designing a codebase are to avoid ambiguity, improve
readability and make things easy to change. With those helper objects, we
have a more descriptive way to use links and we limit possible changes to a
single place in the codebase. We can use them as follows:
// Usage in anchor tags
<a href={links.articles}></a>
<a href={links.articles.single(id)}></a>
Avoid putting checks for empty strings in those functions, though. This
shouldn’t be their responsibility. The check that an id, for example, adheres to
the required format should be done beforehand. Don’t put complexity in them,
they should act as more descriptive placeholders for the URLs.
I wouldn’t even test those functions since the only thing they do is string
interpolation. Yes, not being able to navigate because of a bug is a big
problem but it would be better caught in an integration test instead.
In terms of ergonomics, this helps reduce line length. Longer lines stretch the
imagination of tools like Prettier and they’re not that pleasant to look at.
1.20. Add Your Own Touch
The architectural rules in this chapter will give you a good foundation to build
upon. I’m confident that if you stick to them you will have a productive
codebase that can grow and be extended.
But each domain has its specificities. You may reach a point in which the
structure, for example, is limiting to you. If there isn’t an obvious place to
implement the logic you’ve probably reached the limits of your current
Don’t stress it, this is completely normal. Architecture isn’t immutable. Add
your own touch and shape the application in a way that will support its future
growth. Add more files, change the directory layout or add naming
conventions if you’re confident they will help. Keep in mind that the changes
you make now will also need to change in the future.
I can’t give you specific advice here because all domains are different. But if
you find yourself lost, see if you can reach out to other developers working in
the same field. In my experience, people love to help. Companies in the media
industry, for example, have reached pretty similar conclusions regarding how
they use React. If it works for another company, chances are it will work for
yours as well.
1.21. Use TypeScript
I have kept this book focused on React without stretching out into
technological choices and opinions about tooling. But one topic I can no
longer ignore is the importance of using TypeScript in a professional
environment. In 2016 many teams were reluctant to introduce it because its
support needed to be improved, the ecosystem and typings were largely
missing, and it added a time cost with an unclear return on investment.
Nowadays, TypeScript is stable, and it's proven more productive to develop
with than pure JavaScript (at least in a team environment). Its biggest plus is
that more context about your domain and application gets stored in the code
itself. You won't have to document as much or rely on colleagues reminding
you of the expected values of an object or function.
Put simply, you will have fewer things to remember.
If your team is inexperienced with TypeScript or hasn't had prior encounters
with static types, some initial learning curve will be required. You will spend
time scratching your head over TS errors that don't make sense at a glance.
But the more time you spend using types, the more you recognize how the
compiler is protecting you from common errors and edge cases. You will
notice how easy it is to come back to an older codebase if it has types.
And most importantly, you will see a correlation between static types and
reduced bug count. I won't go as far as claim that they will reduce the errors
you experience, but if used properly, TypeScript will make you think deeper
about how data flows through your application. React has excellent support
for it, and its testing, styling, and utility tools do too.
To avoid turning this into a TypeScript manual, I will only give a single piece of
advice to people new to it - avoid using the any and as keywords. When
TS was first introduced, these keywords were added as a measure to allow
teams to gradually adopt it in a JavaScript codebase. They are a way to turn
off the compiler's safeguards and tell it that you know better. And even though
they're useful in cases when types are not present, nowadays, this is rarely a
problem. You should follow TS's warnings and errors and favor adding checks
when necessary instead of silencing the error with any or as .
Another point that's worth stressing is that the more your TypeScript code
looks like JavaScript, the better. This can be very counter-intuitive at first.
After all, we want to use static types and get the benefits of validating them,
why would we want to keep our work looking like the inferior language?
The TypeScript compiler can infer a lot of the types for you, making it
unnecessary to write down type annotations everywhere. For example, if the
returned value of a function is of type string, you don't have to explicitly
specify it on the function's definition. TS will infer that this function will return
a string and automatically assign the same type to the variable in which you're
storing the function's result. The more work the compiler can do for us, the
better. On one hand we reduce the unnecessary type noise in our code - there
are even eslint rules that remind you to delete unneeded annotations. But
most importantly, we make sure that we're not cheating the compiler or
ourselves with a type annotation somewhere.
1.22. Create Layout Components
Most UIs try to maintain a sense of consistency across their pages. Not only
throughout their colors, spacing, and fonts, but through the position of
elements on the screen. Perhaps the content will be centered in a container
with a certain width, or there will be an ever-present sidebar with filters that
ease the user's browsing.
To make sure this structural consistency is kept in the application, it's best to
create layout components that enforce it. Each one should be responsible of
creating the page's skeleton, add context providers, set up SEO tags, and
render its children in the proper place on the screen.
A mistake that I keep seeing is teams trying to put too much logic into a single
layout component and have it change its structure based on configuration. For
example, they will pass a type prop that specifies whether it should render a
centered or two-column layout. In reality, you'd be better off with multiple
different layouts that handle the specifics of each different page structure.
There will undoubtedly be some duplication between the layout components,
but don't rush to create additional abstractions. The repetitive code in these
components will rarely cause problems, because they are not changed often.
Duplicated code can be detrimental when you often have to make changes in
multiple places, but layouts are usually set up once and left untouched for
long periods of time.
In an ideal scenario, you should be able to wrap your page in a layout and get
all the structural, style-related and configurational aspects that the page
needs. Follow the rules we defined about modules when you're wondering
where to put them. If a single page needs a specific layout, keep it in its folder.
If more than one does, then move it to the shared module or at the root
level of your application (depending on what structure you're using).
1.23. Don't Wrap Context Providers
The number of contexts each page has to be wrapped with can get out of
hand, especially for large applications. This will quickly make your page or
layout components, depending on where you do the context setup, get the
shape of a Christmas tree. The markup will be heavily indented and if any of
the providers require a more complex setup, the logic could clutter the
Because of that, some teams are favoring an
ApplicationContextProvider that wraps all the context setup and
leaves the page or layout with a single provider, removing all the indentation
and complexity. While I'm perfectly fine with this approach, I'd rather have the
verbosity of all the contexts inlined instead of abstracted.
I'm stingy with my abstractions, and I don't think that wrapping the contexts
gives enough value to warrant creating one.
Managing complexity is hard when you have a frequently-changing
environment, but your context providers are most often set up once and
forgotten. You may add another one, every now and then, but you will almost
never interact with your context setup, once it's in a working condition.
Because of that I'm not too worried about them going out of hand, and I'd
rather have the additional clarity, even at the price of verbosity.
Perhaps the best advice would be to put them high enough in your component
tree so you don't have to interact with them frequently.
1.24. Consider Client-Side and Server-Side
In a book full of concrete rules, this one will be more subjective. There is no
concrete answer about when you should use client-side or server-side
rendering, but there are directions we can follow to make a decision that fits
our needs. Before we dive into the specifics, I need to point out that there is
no favorite between the two - both approaches are applicable depending on
the circumstances.
To make the correct choice, you need to analyze the product you're building
and understand the business behind it. Without knowledge of the domain and
the problems you're solving with this app, you won't be able to make an
informed choice about your rendering approach.
Here are some pointers on when client-side rendering would be a better
1. Highly dynamic content - if you're building an interactive application
like a diagramming tool or a chat, you will do most of your work in the
browser either way. Rendering the initial HTML on the server would
bring little benefit at the cost of higher complexity.
2. No need for SEO - if your application is not open to the public and is
not meant to be crawled by search engines, then client-side
rendering would be a suitable approach. This is the case for most
dashboard applications and anything behind a login screen. A back-
office UI built for a team in your company doesn't need to be
perfectly optimized.
3. Faster initial response - if putting something in front of the user
quickly is higher on your priority list, then client-side rendering can
help show that something is happening on the page. Delivering the
initial HTML is a lightning-fast operation. If you keep your assets in a
CDN, loading the JS bundle and starting to fetch data won't take too
much time. However, this means that your users will see an
incomplete UI while the application and its data are loading. The time
to interactive (TTI) will be higher.
4. Simpler development - rendering on the client means you only have
one environment to consider. Your application will only ever run in the
browser, so you will have fewer corner cases and compatibility
issues. All your data will be fetched through API calls, and you won't
have to consider hydration and managing a server.
However, server-side rendering can solve another set of problems.
1. SEO-friendly - by rendering your initial HTML on the server, it will
contain all the content in the response to the browser. This will allow
it to be easily crawled by search engines, and you will be able to
provide the necessary SEO tags to help your site rank higher. Also, if
your application's pages are frequently shared on social media, you'd
need control over how they look there. Setting all the og tags on the
server will help you do that.
2. Initial page load - the time it will take to display something in front of
the user will be higher than CSR - that's a fact. But when the page
loads, it will display a complete page with all the content the user has
requested in a fully interactive manner. This can be a plus if your user
base has a bad network connection or slower devices.
3. Presentational sites with widgets - SSR allows you to take the best of
both worlds - you will be able to deliver content to your users with the
initial load, and you will have the ability to have interactive widgets
working on the page. Many media companies are not building SPAs
(single-page applications), but they still use React and SSR, so they
can add interactions to the pages when necessary.
4. Better UX - Overall, showing a complete page when it's initially
loaded provides a much better user experience. No application
wouldn't benefit from that. The price we pay is additional complexity
to deal with, so we must consider if dealing with that is worth it based
on the business's problems.
SSR has many benefits, and I'd rather have it for most applications. Even
GitHub, an app you can only access after you've logged in, is utilizing it. Open
a page and consider what the user experience would be if you had to see five
loading spinners on the page while your data was loading in the browser. But
the fact is that a lot of the software built with React will do just as fine with
simple client-side rendering. A startup fighting for survival with its SaaS
product will do better with a new feature rather than a better initial loading
experience. Your users can live with a couple of spinners if you solve their
problems well.
The bottom line is that I don't have a clear answer for you. You must look into
your business needs and make an informed choice. Your domain should
dictate your architecture. Much like the structure of your application should be
based on your product's pages, your rendering strategy should be picked for
its needs.
1.25. Should You Use a Framework
At the time of this writing, meta frameworks like Next are gaining more traction
and becoming the de facto way of using React for many developers. By
solving the problems of SSR, data fetching, and routing, they reduce the
number of technical problems we have to deal with so we can focus on the
domain logic instead.
Like any other technology, I would only use a framework if it's solving a
problem that I'm expecting to have. Any application requiring SSR would
benefit from a battle-tested solution like Next's. Rolling it out on your own is a
complicated and time-intensive endeavor that will often leave you with a half-
baked solution. Trust me, I've done it, and it's not pleasant. Using mature
technology will give you access to a wider community and libraries that will
speed up your development.
It's important to note that using a framework increases the level of abstraction
that you will be working on. The technology, no matter how unopinionated it's
trying to be, will make some decisions for you, and dealing with their
consequences can be problematic because you don't have fine-grained
control over the internals. Having your own setup might be easier if you have
specific needs related to the build process or the routing. But most modern
React applications would benefit from having an off-the-shelf solution to
some of their problems.
I bootstrap most of the applications I'm building with Next. Even if I don't need
their features at the time being, being able to take advantage of SSR, routing,
or a library that's specific to Next would save me a lot of time and effort. I'm
not affiliated with Next, but they work closely with the React core team.
Knowing that you're using a tool whose vision is aligned with the underlying
technology is important for my decision-making process. I have yet to work
with any other meta frameworks, so I will abstain from commenting on their
There are three cases, however, in which I wouldn't use a framework - if I'm
building something that would never need SSR if I'm building something very
simple or too complex. Not having to render on the server takes away a lot of
the benefits of the meta frameworks. A proof of concept or a prototype would
never need anything too complex to warrant running them. And an overly
complicated application would require granular control over the internals,
which you can't trust to a third party. For any other case, I'd be more than
happy to use one.
1.26. Abstract Framework Details
Turning to a framework to resolve common problems is something we’ve been
doing for quite some time. It’s the productive thing to do. But I’ve found that
it’s even more important to continue following good design principles, or you
will just trade one set of problems for others.
The question that you're probably asking yourself as you read the framework-
related rules is whether using a tool like Next would affect the rules about
application structure this chapter started with. Next's router, for example, is
file based and its layouting feature is too based on file location.
This is bound to have significant impact on how we build applications.
But I believe that by following evergreen development principles, we can
design our apps in such a way that they are (mostly) oblivious of the
framework or environment they run in. We can apply the same practices
described in this book to confine the frameworks in a way that allows us to get
the most out of them, but still have a productive domain-focused application
One of the most important principles in software design is the one of co-
location. Ideally, you want things that work together to live together. But Next’s
router is file-based and this immediatelly throws a wedge in the previous idea.
├── app
| | ├── page.tsx
| | ├── layout.tsx
| | ├── dashboard
| | | | ├── page.tsx
| | ├── settings
| | | | ├── page.tsx
Even if we organize the rest of our application into modules based on the
domain, some of the functionality will live in the pages - data fetching,
analytics, components, and at least some state.
export default function Page({ user }: PageProps) {
const { items, isLoading } = useItems()
return (
<Layout title="All items" user={user}>
renderItem={(item) => <ListItem item={item} />}
This leads to fragmentation in the structure because even if you use modules
to organize your logic, a significant part of each one of them will be outside.
You will have to think of where exactly to put hooks, reusable components,
and utility functionality. We can deal with this problem by adopting an idea
from hexagonal architecture, and using Next’s file-based router as an adapter
over our logic.
We can leave all our logic living in a module, and only expose a page
component which can be rendered in Next’s pages.
├── app
| | ├── page.tsx
| | ├── layout.tsx
| | ├── dashboard
| | | | ├── page.tsx
| | ├── settings
| | | | ├── page.tsx
├── modules
| | ├── items
| | | | ├── ItemsPage.tsx
| | | | ├── components
| | | | | | ├── ...
| | ├── dashboard
| | | | ├── DashboardPage.tsx
| | | | ├── components
| | | | | | ├── ...
| | ├── settings
| | | | ├── SettingsPage.tsx
| | | | ├── components
| | | | | | ├── ...
return (
<Layout title="All items" user={user}>
renderItem={(item) => <ListItem item={item} />}
You can say that this component is highly configurable and flexible. It gives
you a lot of options. But does it provide any value? This abstraction doesn’t
hide any details. How is using this component different than putting a regular
button in place?
This is an example of a shallow component - all its details are exposed
through props. Those are the kind that we should avoid. Not because they’re
an anti-pattern but because they bring little value. It’s an extra layer that
doesn’t remove any complexity.
Components often become shallow because we try to make them do too many
things. But the fact that we need a button on most pages doesn’t mean they
should all use the same one. It’s better to work with multiple smaller but
deeper components instead of one large shallow one. A way to avoid
shallowness is to provide sensible defaults and expose props that can control
more functionality underneath.
icon={<UserIcon />}
onClick={() => {}}
state={/** "idle" | "loading" | "error" */}
Each button only takes the props it requires and provides good default
behavior that abstracts the details of its inner workings. We leave it to the
button to manage the icons for the loading and error states, specifying only
the main one. It will also manage the text it displays together with the disabled
state. The best components are those that provide powerful functionality yet
have simpler APIs (props). Their internal complexity becomes invisible.
2.2. Naming Components
Naming is one of the two hardest things in computer science. Thinking of
good names for variables is hard because they often represent things that
can’t be reasoned about. Thankfully, each React component represents some
visual item. We can see it and understand its purpose on the screen. Still, I
sometimes feel confused and unsure how to name my components.
Finding the balance between a generic name and one that is too specific is
hard. Reusable components like buttons and input fields are easy since they
don’t depend on the domain. But when you’re building something specific
you’d like the name to provide more context. We want the component to be
distinguishable from all the others.
One way to solve that is through the module structure described in the first
chapter. Since components are grouped depending on the part of the
application that they belong to it’s easier to derive context. You at least know
what part of the application they’re used in.
But looking at a component named Widget in the analytics module doesn’t tell
you much - it can mean anything. LivePaymentsWidget gives you the idea that
it’s probably showing real-time payment data. A component named Form in
the user module can again refer to multiple things. It can be about
authenticating, updating data, or something specific to the business. If we
name it UserDetailsForm points to the idea that it’s probably used to update
the profile.
The rule I follow is that if a description of the element on the screen doesn’t
provide enough information, I prefix the component with context. You may
have components with similar purposes and you want to distinguish them. If
you rely only on the module what happens if you need to open two forms in
your IDE? It gets confusing looking at two files with identical names and
checking where they belong.
The only downside is you can sometimes end up with names that are too
verbose. Longer component names can feel like reading a sentence but I think
that’s a good trade-off. Having some extra characters on the screen to remove
some ambiguity from the codebase is a bargain.
2.3. Structure Component Files
I had worked with React for years when I realized that my mental model for
structuring a component wasn’t ideal. Early in my career, I developed the habit
to place all helper functions and additional functionality before the component
and export it at the bottom of the file. I think I adopted this practice from my
Node.js projects where the module.exports statement is at the bottom of the
The turning point was when I got into a Reddit debate trying to defend my
position. I was sure that exporting components at the bottom was the ideal
way to structure a file and I reasoned that all the additional functionality that
needs to be used in the actual component needs to be defined before it.
But the person said something that completely changed my view. When we
open a JSX we’re looking for the component, not the helper functionality. We
should make access to it easy by putting it directly in front of the reader’s
eyes. Then if they want to see the details they can read through the helper
functions and components.
That immediately made a lot of sense and even though I’d been exporting at
the bottom for years I decided to make amends. The thing is that many
components have a lot of functionality living with them - functions, interfaces,
constants, configuration, styled components. Putting them at the top means
that the reader needs to scroll through everything to find what they’re looking
for. The file simply becomes too noisy.
Instead, put the most important bits first - imports, interface, and the exported
component. Pull everything crucial for that piece of functionality up so it can
be seen immediately. If you feel that a constant or a configuration object
needs to be there you can make an exception for them too but try to avoid
// Import statements
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import useRouter from 'router'
// Put the interface here if you're using TypeScript/Flow
// It carries important information for the component
The setup is where you define state and hooks. The logic is the body of the
component where you prepare data to be displayed in the markup. If this part
becomes too long that is a sign that some of it can be extracted and done in
the setup part (as a custom hook).
Guard clauses are used to short-circuit the rendering process. They’re
conditional statements that decide whether you should render the component
or something else. In case you’re still waiting for data or there’s an error you
will most likely want to display a message or a loading indicator. It’s a good
practice to put them before the return statement to reduce the amount of
conditional logic in the markup. Otherwise, you will have to make a lot of
checks. Then you have the happy path of the component - the JSX that you
want to render in normal circumstances.
2.5. Use Context as an Implementation Detail
The React Context is a powerful tool to share data between different parts of
the component tree. It’s a solution to the prop drilling problem and allows us to
build better component hierarchies that are not deeply nested.
It’s important to note that Context on its own is not a state management tool.
It’s a form of dependency injection - it’s used to inject data or functionality in
different parts of the application. Combined with useReducer it can be used to
manage complex state that is beyond regular state management capabilities.
React Context’s setup and usage are considered verbose by many. That’s the
reason many developers avoid it - if they have to work with context they’d
rather use an external library that has a better API. But we should keep in mind
that many of the state management libraries actually use context under the
I always prefer to stick to pure React whenever possible and I don’t use state
management libraries unless the nature of the project absolutely demands it.
They will affect our application’s structure and logical flow and I want to avoid
that whenever possible. Also, we don’t have control over their APIs.
Using Context directly can be confusing and verbose so it’s best to use it as
an implementation detail. To get the most of it we should build a light layer
around it that wraps its complexity and exposes a simpler API. We have
complete control over what we want to expose and what we want to hide. We
can make that functionality blend into our existing structure rather than alter
Then when we need to pull something from Context, we can use a simple
custom hook that gives us direct access to the values. The components don’t
need to be aware of where those values are coming from. They don’t need to
know that there’s a Context involved at all.
const StateContext = React.createContext();
const reducer = function () {
// ...
const initialState = {};
return (
<StateContext.Provider value={contextValue}>
// ...
Let’s refactor this. We can extract that logic in a custom hook. The component
doesn’t have to know the details of how the toggle works. Extracting it in a
custom hook allows us to provide a more declarative API.
function useToggle() {
const [state, setState] = React.useState(false);
const handlers = React.useMemo(
() => ({
on: () => setState(true),
off: () => setState(false),
toggle: () => setState(!state),
return [state, handlers];
This hides all the complexity in a small easy-to-read function which can be
used like this:
const [toggleState, { on, off, toggle }] = useToggle();
When you’re only using two pieces of state it would be simpler to keep them
directly in the component. But if you need to implement logic around them it’s
better to extract it and let the component work with the API. We have the habit
of giving components too many responsibilities. Instead, they should be the
place where all logic for this element comes together. It doesn’t have to be
fully implemented in the component.
This toggling logic can be reused in many places across your application.
Modal windows, toast popups, loading spinners require such functionality.
Instead of implementing it for each one, you now have a generic toggling hook
that you can put to use.
Don’t shy away from creating abstractions when they could bring value.
2.7. Abstract Reducer Details
Reducers are great when you need to manage complex state. But as
complexity grows, the reducers leaks details in the implementation. Your
components get cluttered with verbose dispatch calls and you need to
manage the actions’ names with constants.
Suddenly, you find yourself implementing your own Redux. This becomes a
bigger issue if you need to pass the dispatch function down to child
components. The whole component tree becomes coupled to the
To avoid this, create an abstraction over useReducer as a custom hook.
Contain the complexity there and export functions with the dispatch type
predefined. Avoid calling the dispatch functions directly. It should be used as
an implementation detail and wrapped in another function.
function useBooks() {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
return {
books: state,
selectBook: (index) =>
dispatch({ type: "select book", payload: index }),
updateBook: (book) =>
dispatch({ type: "update book", payload: book }),
This way the component can access the state and update it using simple
functions that are easier to use. It doesn’t require knowledge of the underlying
implementation. It reduces the possibility for errors when setting the dispatch
type and makes adding new actions more safe.
function Component() {
const { books, selectBook, updateBook } = useBooks();
// ...
2.8. Avoid Short-Circuit Conditional Rendering
The most concise way to render conditionally is the short-circuit approach.
function Component() {
const count = 0;
return <div>{count && <h1>Messages: {count}</h1>}</div>;
But in some situations, short-circuiting may backfire and you may end up with
an unwanted “0” in your UI. Why is that? Isn’t 0 a false value?
The way comparison operators work in JavaScript is they don’t return “true” or
false - they return one of the values of the comparison. In this case, the
returned value is 0 and since it’s a number it will get printed on the screen.
To avoid this, use ternary operators by default. This way you explicitly provide
the desired result in both scenarios. The only caveat is that ternaries are more
function Component() {
const count = 0;
return (
<div>{count ? <h1>Messages: {count}</h1> : null}</div>
This is harder to read than the short-circuit approach, especially in cases with
long markup. But in this scenario, we want to reduce the chance for possible
errors and remove ambiguity. Ternaries provide more clarity because both
results are visible to the developer.
Usually, it’s better to go with the more concise option. Less code means fewer
opportunities for bugs to sneak in and less code to test. But the fact that
something is more verbose doesn’t make it a bad approach. In some cases,
short implementations make incorrect behavior less obvious because the
developer doesn’t have to think about the details. In such cases, I favor clarity
and safety over simplicity.
2.9. Avoid Nested Ternary Operators
Sometimes the conditional logic is too complex to be handled with a single
ternary operator. The chain of checks gets longer and if we chain ternary
operations, it won’t be easy to read. Yes, you could always format this to look
better but I don’t want to write code that is readable only in specific
isSubscribed ? (
<ArticleRecommendations />
) : isRegistered ? (
<SubscribeCallToAction />
) : (
<RegisterCallToAction />
Instead, separate the logic in its own component and use guard clauses. Avoid
using if-else blocks as well, they don’t differ that much from the ternaries.
Instead, return early - it’s only a single logical path this way. It also makes
extending easier - just add another if statement.
function CallToActionWidget({ subscribed, registered }) {
if (subscribed) {
return <ArticleRecommendations />;
if (registered) {
return <SubscribeCallToAction />;
return <RegisterCallToAction />;
It’s always better to be obvious in our intentions. This is more verbose but it’s
easier to follow and is abstracted in its own component. It removes the
complexity from the parent one.
2.10. Avoid Long Conditional Chains
When a component has complex conditional logic, the number of guard
clauses can become too high to handle. The component becomes too
imperative and may rely on the specific order of conditions that we want to
When this happens, we can use an object as a component map and drastically
reduce the amount of logic we keep in the body of the component.
function Prompt({ state }) {
const Component = PromptComponents[state];
return <Component />;
const PromptComponents = {
guest: GuestPrompt,
registered: RegisteredPrompt,
subscriber: SubscriberPrompt,
promotion: PromotionPrompt,
pro: LatestStories,
I find it even easier to follow than using guard clauses. Instead of writing logic,
adding another component is just a matter of configuration. The component
function is even simpler. ` Component maps also communicate that all those
conditional cases are equal in importance. Guard clauses may be understood
as exceptional cases when the golden path can’t be rendered. When using a
component map, it’s obvious that the purpose of this component is only to
decide what to render.
When using TypeScript you can use an enum to make sure that the passed
prop always corresponds to an existing component in the map. If you can’t
add a static type, consider adding a check and throwing an error, or
communicating that a wrong identifier was provided.
2.11. Use Component Maps for Complex
Conditional Logic
Using a simple object for a component map is great when the only thing that
varies is what we want to render. However, often we want to modify the
behavior as well, we may want to call a different function based on the passed
identifier. There may be additional places in the markup that we want to alter
as well.
To avoid creating multiple maps or a complicated conditional chain we can
unify the behavior in a single, more complex object.
function Prompt({ state }) {
const { title, Component, handler } =
return (
<Component />
<button onClick={handler}>Submit</button>
const PromptComponents = {
guest: {
title: "Register to read 3 free articles",
Component: RegisterPrompt,
handler: handleRegistration,
registered: {
title: "Subscribe for unlimited content",
Component: SubscriberPrompt,
handler: handleSubscription,
// ...
This approach allows you to manage more complex scenarios without
increasing the complexity of the implementation too much. In all cases, you
want to avoid having conditional logic for exceptional cases in the markup. The
map should provide you with the pieces and the component should just fill in
the blanks. It shouldn’t be making any decisions because that beats the
purpose of this approach.
In situations in which only one component in the map differs in
implementation, it’s tempting to make that using an inline conditional check.
But even in those cases, it’s better to be explicit and keep all the logic in the
2.12. Avoid Top Level Conditionals in JSX
When deciding whether to render a component or not, avoid using top-level
conditional rendering. The return clause of the component should specify its
happy path - the markup that it wants to render when everything with its data
and configuration is fine. All the conditionals that validate its behavior should
be used before the final return statement.
function Component({ loading }) {
return loading ? null : <div>...</div>;
Use guard clauses and return early when a condition is met instead. Loading,
errors, insufficient access - in all those cases you will want to cancel the
execution. More often than not you will want to return a different component
or a message and using guard clauses provides the most clarity.
function Component({ loading }) {
if (loading) {
return null;
return <div>...</div>;
But most importantly, they separate the main execution path from all the
exceptional ones. When a developer opens the component file, looking to
check something, they know where to focus. With this approach, we achieve
extensibility (new guard clauses can be added easily), simplicity (no complex
conditionals), and clarity (the main execution path is obvious).
2.13. Create a Common Error Boundary
We can take one thing as an absolute - things will fail. It’s impossible to create
something which is 100% reliable. Even if we handle all cases, there’s still the
chance that something goes wrong in the network and our API call fails. In
some cases, it’s beyond our capabilities to prevent errors.
Failures are common. We call them exceptions but there’s nothing more
common than them. We shouldn’t be avoiding them or working around
problems. We should embrace them and make them a part of our normal
development process. We should plan for them, design for them, and
implement the business logic always keeping them in mind.
In large projects, one of the first common components you should make is an
error boundary. This is a component that can catch an unhandled error so
your application doesn’t fully crash. It limits the impact of the problem and
allows you to handle the error however you see fit.
message="Oops, something went wrong"
fallback={<CartErrorMessage />}
<Cart />
The React docs have described how to implement error boundaries in detail
so I won’t be repeating them. It’s best to implement such a component early to
avoid ending up with multiple implementations and encourage the team to use
It should print out a default message, GIF, or image that will communicate
there was an error even if it’s not configured. However, you should accept a
message or a fallback component to display in case anything goes wrong. For
example, you may want to display a form to contact an administrator if a
dashboard chart throws an error for some reason.
2.14. Use Error Boundaries for Non-Critical UI
The reason we use error boundaries is that we don’t want to take down the
entire UI because of a single error. There are rare cases in which we want to
do that - critical data is missing or the most important component breaks. In
those situations, we want to make the application unusable.
But most of the time, we can manage the error on the component level. The
question is where exactly to put an error boundary. When you take a look at a
page split it into logical parts - header, sidebar, details section, widgets, etc.
Then consider which of those do complex data manipulation, calls to external
APIs, or rely on user input. All those are potential opportunities for the
application to crash.
Wrap the non-critical sections but make sure they don’t break the UI when
they’re missing. We shouldn’t break the layout if a widget is missing because
of an error. Make sure that your layout supports not having elements wrapped
in error boundaries. A better alternative is to always return some wrapper
element as a fallback to make sure it fills the space on the page.
When you’re managing the error you can also fall back to the same
component but give it some basic props or render it in “preview only” mode.
This way we can put the page in a working state. Usually, I add an error
boundary on the top level as well. I want to make sure that the user doesn’t
see a blank page if something goes terribly wrong.
An error can be an opportunity for engagement as well. Make your product
team flex their creativity and see how you can use error boundaries to your
2.15. Use Reducers for State Management
No matter how granularly you split your components some of them will need
to manage higher complexity than others. The biggest factor is the internal
state. Even in functional components, managing state is not only about
displaying and calling the update function. Usually, it requires additional
handler functions and logic. The more pieces of state a component needs to
manage, the more difficult it is to follow how they change.
function Component() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const [type, setType] = useState(TYPES.LARGE);
const [phone, setPhone] = useState("");
const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
const [error, setError] = useState(null);
const TYPES = {
SMALL: "small",
MEDIUM: "medium",
LARGE: "large",
const initialState = {
isOpen: false,
phone: "",
email: "",
error: null,
function Component() {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
// ...
Boilerplate is the biggest downside to this approach. But in exchange for that,
you get the ability to manage more data descriptively. To extend the logic you
only need to add another action in the reducer instead of modifying the body
of the component. As a general rule, when you find yourself using multiple
pieces of state - refactor to a reducer function instead.
2.16. You May Not Need a State Management
State management libraries will have a great impact on your application’s data
flow, design patterns, and mental models. You will need to manipulate and
access data in line with the library’s philosophy.
Most applications can be implemented with the built-in state management
capabilities that React provides. Most small and medium projects don’t need
external libraries anymore, especially since the introduction of useReducer
and Context. But there is a line in which they start hindering you and you need
a more powerful tool.
State management libraries shine in large applications or complex ones with
many interactions. There isn’t a clear threshold that signals when using an
external tool is a good idea but here are some pointers.
Your application’s state is large and it updates frequently. We’re not talking
about a theme and some user settings but large quantities of data that are
used in multiple places. If it needs to be updated often using a tool will make it
The logic to update the state and create side effects is too complex. Making
API calls in response to an event is easy when the interactions are not that
many. But at scale you need a standardized way to do that and picking a
library is a good bet.
You’re building a large project with many people. State management libraries
bring a standardized development flow. Everyone familiar with the tool will
describe their logic in the same way.
You want to understand the way your application’s state changes over time
and some of the state management libraries provide powerful introspection
tools. This book won't give advice on what specific library to use but I would
strongly encourage you to consider Recoil, Jotai and Zustand. They are all
implemented around the basic ideas of atoms and provide idiomatic-to-React
ways to interact with state via hooks. They are all quite minimalistic and won't
have an effect on your application's structure or design.
2.17. Use Data Fetching Libraries
React doesn’t come with an opinionated data fetching mechanism. Each team
creates its implementation usually involving a service module that exposes
functions to communicate with the API.
This gives us a lot of freedom but it also means that we need to manage
loading states and handle errors on our own. Most data fetching logic consists
of boilerplate around those two scenarios - managing spinners and showing
error messages.
The implementation is trivial but we don’t want to clutter our components with
the same repetitive logic. This is an ideal case to create a common abstraction
in the form of a custom hook. Thankfully, there are open-source libraries that
have done exactly this.
Modules like React Query, SWR, or Apollo Client (if you’re using GraphQL)
make communicating with a server a natural part of the component lifecycle.
We can use a simple hook that manages loading and error states for us. We
just need to handle them in our UI by showing the appropriate component.
A big reason to use state management libraries in the past was data fetching.
They made managing states and caching easier. Data fetching libraries, like
the ones mentioned above, are lighter alternatives that come with everything
we need and don’t alter our whole application’s structure. The only thing that
we need to provide is a fetcher function that pulls the data. It is best kept as a
part of the business logic inside the "api" or "core" folder in your module.
Also, remember that you should always follow the “Create Custom Hooks”
rule. Whenever possible we want to use hooks because they can be
composed together. If there’s additional complexity involved in the data
fetching (aggregating or formatting the data) we can make a custom hook that
uses React Query underneath and returns the formatted data to the
2.18. Favour Functional Components
Class components are more verbose and the different lifecycle methods
introduce extra complexity. In the past, they were our only option whenever we
wanted to work with the state.
class Counter extends React.Component {
state = {
counter: 0,
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 });
render() {
return (
<p>counter: {this.state.counter}</p>
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>
I prefer functional components for consistency - they can all follow the same
structure making them easy to understand. It makes refactoring easier as well.
If you need to add state to a stateless component you only need to use the
hook. Otherwise, you’d have to refactor it to a class.
Hooks make the code easier to read since each render executes it from top to
bottom. Lifecycle methods give you more precision but the logic jumps from
method to method. Each one takes different arguments and has a different
effect on the returned value. With functional components, it’s just state,
props, and returning markup.
The only exception to that is error boundaries, you still need a class
component for them since they can’t be implemented with a hook (I expect
that to change in the future).
2.19. Write Consistent Components
Some of the rules in this book describe good practices about component
structure and design. But even if you don’t follow them to the letter it’s
important to be consistent in your codebase. You want to keep helper
functions in the same place across all your components. You want to follow
the same naming patterns, the same overall design for your component.
Consistency is important because it reduces the mental load that each
developer will have to take to understand your codebase. You want all
components to look as if they were written by the same person even if there’s
a team of ten working on the codebase.
Imagine reading a book where each chapter was written by a different author.
It would take you some time to get used to their writing style and word choice.
It’s the same in programming. There aren’t any real benefits of one coding
standard over the other. It’s all in the eyes of the beholder. But you won’t get
benefits out of any style guide if you apply the rules in it selectively.
Maybe you feel uncomfortable writing comments on someone’s pull request
because of a small stylistic inconsistency. But you should treat those as a
code smell. If they deviate from the agreed standard that everyone follows you
should ask for the code to be reviewed. Inconsistency hurts your codebase in
ways that are not obvious. If we could find a way to calculate the amount of
lost time per year because of inconsistent structure, we would start taking it
The exception to this is if you inherit a codebase. You are thrown in a product
with established practices that don’t adhere to your team’s understanding.
You may not be able to refactor everything but you can improve it. Create new
components formatted with a consistent structure. Whenever you need to
touch the old ones, try to get them closer to the new standard. Aim to leave
things better than you found them (also known as "the boy scout principle").
2.20. Always Name Components
At the time of this writing, I still find codebases with components implemented
using anonymous functions. I’ve never understood this practice - it doesn’t
save you a lot of writing but can leave you in perplexing situations.
export default () => <form>...</form>;
Even if we can live with the bad error messages, we won’t be able to see the
components’ names in React DevTools. We’d have to explicitly provide them
but I wouldn’t do that if the names can be inferred from the component
function’s name.
The last problem is related to developer experience. We rarely work on a
single component. Most times I have multiple JSX files open at any time. If the
component function is not named I would always need to look at the file name
to make sure I’m editing the right things. In the rare cases in which we have
multiple components named the same way (e.g. form components in different
modules), we’d have to check the file paths and that is not ideal.
2.21. Don’t Hardcode Repetitive Markup
When you’re building a list of filters, a navigation, or some other repetitive
component whose contents are not dynamic, it’s tempting to hardcode the
items in the markup.
function Filters({ onFilterClick }) {
return (
<p>Book Genres</p>
<div onClick={() => onFilterClick("fiction")}>
<div onClick={() => onFilterClick("classics")}>
<div onClick={() => onFilterClick("fantasy")}>
<div onClick={() => onFilterClick("romance")}>
const GENRES = [
identifier: "fiction",
name: Fiction,
identifier: "classics",
name: Classics,
identifier: "fantasy",
name: Fantasy,
identifier: "romance",
name: Romance,
The alternative is to use a configuration object with a strict format and render
the data from it. This way we only define the markup once and we change it in
a single place. Also, when adding or removing filters we don’t risk breaking the
markup. We just add or remove a field in the object.
The configuration approach improves the extensibility of the implementation.
The filters example is simple but if the hardcoded entries require a new field
that would involve a lot of manual work. Copying and pasting is easy when it’s
done in a couple of places. If you have to do it more than that you increase the
possibility for errors.
2.22. Organise Helper Functions
Many of your components will implement some kind of behavior. Whether it is
event handlers, requests to external APIs, or transforming a piece of data.
When that logic is short and easily grasped it can be placed inside the
markup. It won’t break the reading flow and it even provides more context to
the person reading the code.
But when those functions are long or complex it’s better to extract them from
the markup and keep them separated. If people want to get familiar with their
workings they can scroll and read through the function. Otherwise, they can
look at them as a black box.
function Component({ date }) {
function formatDate() {
// ...
return <div>Date is {formatDate()}</div>;
If a function is inside the component’s body it will be able to access its whole
state. We want to be explicit about where each piece of state is used and what
a change in it will affect. Because of that, it’s better to keep all the helper
functions outside, bellow the component implementation and pass the values
they need as arguments.
We should aim to reduce the size of the component implementation and
putting the functions outside is a good first step. By working with pure
functions we make it easier to spot bugs and extend the functionality in the
2.23. Favour Small Components
React applications are easier to manage when they’re built from many small
components. Components are just functions - they take input (props) and
return a result (JSX). The good thing about React is that it’s closer to the
language. It is subject to the same software design rules that we use in other
Functions need to be small and do one thing (have one responsibility). In the
same way, each component should render an element on the screen and put
together the logic for it. When designing our components we should actively
be looking for opportunities to split larger elements into multiple smaller ones.
The more granular our UI is, the easier it will be to work on.
We can judge a component’s responsibilities by its length. It signals how much
a component is doing and how many responsibilities it has. Smaller
components are focused on one thing. That makes them easy to read - there
are fewer branching conditionals and side effects. It’s easier to test since
there are fewer edge cases and less logic. You can be more confident when
making changes - you’re not affecting anything else because the component
has only one responsibility.
There isn’t a strict limit on how long a component should be. Line count is not
an objective measure. Sometimes a component can be lengthy because it
renders complex markup. Think about responsibilities instead. Ask yourself
what the component is doing. If you need to use the word "and" in its
description then it may be a sign that it needs to be split.
But what do you do with complex components that represent a whole page or
a larger widget? They’re bound to have more logic in them. Yes, they can be
the main entry point but they don’t have to implement all the functionality
themselves. They should be the place where all the logic comes together but
it should be split across different child components. That way the complexity
is spread across many layers and even those main components that represent
a page are easy to understand.
2.24. Write Comments in JSX
When building UI applications we describe a large part of the business logic
through markup. Take conditional statements for example. You decide what to
render depending on the user’s data and preferences. Even stateless
components hold a piece of the domain knowledge when they fire off events.
We’re used to writing comments in regular functions. We describe their
highlevel purpose before the implementation and provide more context inside.
But when it comes to components we don’t have that habit because the most
complexity is usually held in the markup. I encourage people to write
comments, even in JSX, when they can make the implementation clearer to
someone who isn’t familiar with it.
function Component({ user }) {
return (
{/** Only authenticated users can shop. */}
{user.anonymous ? <AuthPrompt /> : <Cart />}
I believe that comments are a great tool when used properly. Many people
advocate for self-documenting code that doesn’t need comments but for all
my years as a software engineer I’m yet to find such code. We’re not domain
experts from the start and comments are helpful for anyone new to the
Programming languages are limited. Their vocabulary is many times smaller
than that of the English language. Comments should tell you “why” something
is done. The code should describe "how" it works. It’s impossible to do both
with the vocabulary of your programming language.
It’s better to be explicit in your intentions than have someone scratching their
head two years later when they inherit the codebase. When something needs
more clarity - provide it.
2.25. Always Destructure Props
The best thing about React is that it’s close to the language. Its main building
block, the component, can be expressed with a simple JavaScript function. It
takes props, returns JSX, and occasionally produces a side effect or two.
In a regular function, the arguments are passed separately. React components
are different in that regard. They receive only one argument - props.
Everything passed to the component is inside that object and it can be
accessed by name.
This design decision was made because components can accept a lot of
props. Imagine the component function taking six or seven arguments. Also, it
would make the props order specific and that approach is prone to errors
when the number of arguments is high.
function Input(props) {
return (
<input value={props.value} onChange={props.onChange} />
This makes it clear exactly which fields of user object this component is using.
If the object is large and we’re only accessing selected pieces from it, it’s
better to be explicit and pass them like that. Even if the implementation is
more verbose.
But when we are using most of the data from an object, we should pass it
directly and let the component deal with it. It can destructure it and still use
the values directly so it won’t affect its implementation. This also reduces the
changes that need to be made if this object gets an extra field in the future.
<UserProfile user={user} />
2.29. Avoid Spreading Props
One practice that I avoid is to spread an object when I want to pass its fields to
a component. To me, this is a bad design decision because it doesn’t make it
clear what values are passed to the component. It’s not obvious if the
component uses the whole object or just some values from it. It saves you
from writing a few extra lines of code but increases the level of obscurity.
<Article category={category} author={author} {...article} />
What is the difference between this and grouping fields together (the
approach in the previous rule)? They seem the same at first but the intention
is different. When we’re passing a whole object to a prop, the component has
communicated that it wants to be passed an object. We use the component’s
API and let it deal with pulling the properties it needs.
When we’re using the spreading approach, it’s not clear what props we are
passing to the component. Instead, either modify the component to accept
the whole object or explicitly pass the fields that are needed.
2.30. Move Lists in Components
One of the most common things we do as UI developers is to display lists of
data. Rows in a table, products in an online shop, even the tags in a blog - they
are all dynamic lists that we need to map over and turn into markup.
function Component({ topic, page, articles, onNextPage }) {
return (
{articles.map((article) => (
<img src={article.image} />
<div>You are on page {page}</div>
<button onClick={onNextPage}>Next</button>
It’s not a complex operation, it’s one of the most trivial ones. But when we
have to map over a collection in a component that already has long or deeply
indented markup, the listing will further hurt its readability. If you have more
than a single loop and a few conditional statements here and there, the
markup will become a puzzle or braces and curly brackets.
But the problem with lists is not just the length of their markup, they often
carry a lot of complexity with them. We often need to filter or enrich the
collection before rendering it. We may need to implement an event handler as
well. To avoid putting too much complexity in one place, I extract lists in their
own component, even if the markup isn’t much.
function Component({ topic, page, articles, onNextPage }) {
return (
<ArticlesList articles={articles} />
<div>You are on page {page}</div>
<button onClick={onNextPage}>Next</button>
The parent component doesn’t have to know the details of the list. It just
passes the data as a prop and it's the child component’s responsibility to
handle it from there. It should deal with parsing and rendering. If it needs to
communicate an event to the parent it can accept a prop.
The exception to this rule is a simple component where displaying the list is
one of the only things they are doing. If there isn’t much markup or there is
only a single level of indentation it should be okay to keep it there. It’s a matter
of feel but when you’re in doubt - extract it.
2.31. Avoid Nested Render Functions
It’s surprisingly common for React developers, even experienced ones, to
create nested render functions inside the component. They are usually
responsible for a section of the markup and the logic and state related to it.
Those functions are nested to communicate that the markup is specific to this
component only.
function Component() {
function renderHeader() {
return <header>...</header>;
return <div>{renderHeader()}</div>;
If there is one pattern that you should avoid - it’s this one. We extract
functionality because it's long or complex. But since components are just
functions, nesting such a function is the equivalent of defining another
component inside the main one. The drawback is that it relies on a closure
instead of communicating the data it needs via props. It doesn’t hide any
complexity since the logic is still in the parent component.
The nested component has access to all of the parent’s state instead of the
fraction it needs. This practice hurts readability because it scatters JSX all
over the component. When I find JSX I subconsciously know that I’ve reached
the return statement of the component. But this is not the case with nested
functions. We should aim to write components that can be read from top to
bottom. This is not possible because you have to jump up and down in the
same file to follow the logical flow.
I haven’t found any benefits of using nested functions. We don’t keep multiple
components in the same file, so we shouldn’t define them in the same
import Header from "@modules/common/components/Header";
function Component() {
return (
<Header />
Instead, extract the logic in its own component. React is close to the language
so we will still be using a function. But instead of relying on closures, we will
be using the new component as a pure function. It will define the props that it
needs to render properly and we will have a more descriptive way to use them.
It will hide the new child component’s complexity and make the parent one
easier to read. If we want to communicate that the child component is private
to the parent one, we can place it inside a components folder in the directory
of the parent.
2.32. Favour Hooks
In some cases, we need to enhance a component or give it access to an
external state. Historically, there are three ways to achieve this - higher-order
components, render props, and hooks. We won’t cover the basics of each of
those approaches since they are well described in the docs. Instead, we will
focus on the design decisions around them.
The trouble with higher-order components is that they make it unclear where
the data is coming from. Everything is passed as props. It’s impossible to
compose a few of them together, you need to create a hierarchy much like in
object-oriented programming. That is known to cause problems if one of the
components in the chain doesn’t propagate props properly.
Render props put too much complexity inside the markup of the component.
They force your logic to be handled there while this should be a decision left
for the developer. I prefer to prepare my data in the body of the component
and only render it in the returned JSX. Using render props leads to increased
indentation and bad readability.
function Component() {
return (
{({ values, setValue }) => (
onChange={(e) =>
setValue("name", e.target.value)
onChange={(e) =>
setValue("password", e.target.value)
useEffect(() => {
// Data fetching
const fetchData = async (filter) => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching data: ", error);
// Cleanup function
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize);
clearInterval(countdownInterval); // Stop the countdown when
the component unmounts
}, [filter]); // Run the effect when the component mounts and
`filter` changes
This useEffect call has three distinct responsibilities - it fetches data and
sets state, sets up a global event listener, and a countdown interval. There are
multiple reasons why we want to avoid practices like this, but the biggest one
is complexity. Handling all these use cases together forces us to think jointly
about operations that should have nothing in common in the first place.
Since the whole effect function executes each time, we have to rely on
conditional statements to control logic that we want to run only once. To
accomplish this, we will need to check for the contents of the data object,
which may not be the most reliable signal if the component has mounted.
Alternatively, we could set up a flag to check if the component has
successfully mounted, but this raises the complexity even more.
We should favor multiple smaller useEffect calls to resolve all these
// Data fetching
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async (filter) => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching data: ", error);
}, [filter]); // Run when the componen mounts and `filter`
window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize);
// Cleanup function
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize);
}, []); // Run only once when the component is mounted
// Cleanup function
return () => {
clearInterval(countdownInterval); // Stop the countdown when
the component unmounts
}, []); // Only run the effect when the component mounts
The only functionality that depends on the filter is the data fetching, and by
splitting the effect calls into multiple smaller ones, we ensure that the other
ones don't need to know about it. We remove all the conditional statements,
make the hook calls more readable and easier to debug, and for those focused
on performance - we reduce the amount of work that our application will do
(even though this will rarely be a cause for concern).
2.35. Favor Focused useEffect Calls to Granular
Even though the name of this rule may sound in conflict with the lessons from
the previous one, its purpose is entirely different. While some engineers tend
to put too much functionality in a useEffect call, those who go to the other
extreme and put too little are still harming the design of their applications.
Granular effects often lead to chaining calls when one effect triggers a
second, the second triggers a third, and so on. This makes the logic of the
component hard to follow, leaving you scrolling up and down through the
component body, trying to figure out where exactly a piece of data gets set.
const [users, setUsers] = useState([]);
const [processedUsers, setProcessedUsers] = useState([]);
// Fetch data
useEffect(() => {
const fetchUsers = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching users:", error);
}, []);
// Process data
useEffect(() => {
const processUsers = () => {
const mappedUsers = users.map((user) => ({
fullName: `${user.name.first} ${user.name.last}`,
if (users.length > 0) {
}, [users]);
This is a pattern I've found frequently in React applications - having one effect
to fetch the data and another to format it. But I believe that if you're chaining
effects that work on the same piece of data, you're splitting your
responsibilities too granularly. In this example, we need an extra piece of state
for the raw data, so the second useEffect can get triggered, even though
we won't really use it in the component body.
Instead, have each useEffect be focused and encapsulate an entire logical
operation. This way, you remove complexity, improve the readability of your
hook calls, and make them easier to test.
const [processedUsers, setProcessedUsers] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchAndProcessUsers = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(
const users = await response.json();
}, []);
As a side note, I have to point out that this is one of the main reasons why
useEffect is claimed to be too complex of a primitive. But I'm convinced
that the problems with the hook are not related to its API but how people use
it. Having your useEffect calls maintain focus without making them too
bloated eliminates 90% of the potential design problems you may face.
2.36. Whenever Possible, Don't Fetch Data in
Perhaps the most common use case for useEffect is to fetch data the
component needs to render when it mounts on the screen. But, whenever
possible, you should initiate the data fetching as early and as high in the
application hierarchy as you can. Fetching in useEffect leads to the
famous waterfall rendering problem in which components further down the
chain can't initiate their data fetching until their parent renders fully. This
leaves a trail of spinners that doesn't provide the best user experience.
A few years ago, showing loading spinners was all the craze. Marketing people
loved showing that something was loading, and it must have shown higher
conversion rates than a slow-to-load page. But from a technical perspective,
we moved data fetching closer to the components that use that data. And no
application wouldn't benefit from its data being fetched all at once.
Now, accomplishing this depends greatly on the environment in which you're
using React. Here are some of the common scenarios.
If you are using React Router, you can utilize their loader API to fetch data
on the route level and then access it deeper into the component sub-tree.
Those who use Next.js have the opportunity to preload the data on the server
in getServerSideProps , or if you're using the latest release with React
Server Components, you can fetch on the page component level and pass the
value down. Alternatively, there are data fetching libraries like react-query
that allow you to pre-fetch the data early and only pull it from their in-memory
cache in the component.
There are many options to fetch data early nowadays.
However, if your application doesn't focus on improving UX or you cannot do
this, I wouldn't go out of my way to implement early data fetching. Many SPAs
are dashboards and admin panels running in a corporate environment that
doesn't optimize for user retention. I'd argue that, realistically, showing a few
spinners to deliver something faster would be a good trade-off. If your app is
already running in production, and you have a full backlog of features, bugs,
and improvements, I wouldn't prioritize this immediately. After all, it requires
additional complexity that will take time and effort to implement properly.
But if you're just setting up a new project and have complete control over the
tech you're running, I'd absolutely consider it.
2.37. Don't Handle Events in useEffect
The useEffect hook is meant to be used for handling side effects that arise
as a result of the component being rendered. But because of the wording, we
sometimes use it for all possible side effects, including ones unrelated to
I've seen (and implemented) event handlers that set up a flag tracked by an
useEffect dependency array. Then that effect checks the state of the flag
and fires off a request if it's set.
const Component = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [fetching, setFetching] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (fetching) {
service.getNextPage().then((nextPageDaata) => {
setData([...data, ...nextPageDaata]);
}, [fetching]);
return (
<Dashboard data={data} />
<button onClick={() => setFetching(true)}>
Load More
All variations of tthis pattern are complexity hotbeds that can be easily
eliminated if we remove the useEffect call altogether.
const Component = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
return (
<Dashboard data={data} />
<button onClick={handleLoadMore}>Load More</button>
useEffect(() => {
}, [users]);
return (
<h1>Users List</h1>
<h2>Total Users: {userCount}</h2>
{users.map((user) => (
<li key={user.id}>{user.name}</li>
In this particular example, we’re adding an extra piece of state, and an effect
for something that could be inlined inside the returned JSX instead. We’re
adding complexity for no real gain. We would be better of just using
users.length inside the component body, instead of managing it in an
extra piece of state.
const UsersList = ({ users }) => {
return (
<h1>Users List</h1>
<h2>Total Users: {users.length}</h2>
{users.map((user) => (
<li key={user.id}>{user.name}</li>
The same goes for more computationally heavy operations. You would be
better off using usesMemo for them than handling them in useEffect .
2.39. Put The Component Body in a Custom Hook
One principle that I keep stressing in this book is how important it is to create
light abstractions around our logic. Another area where we can apply this is for
the helper methods we often have to define in the component's body. We
need to handle events or run some other kind of business logic, that we can't
always inline in the JSX. Together with that we have state definitions, and
const ShoppingCart = () => {
const [cart, setCart] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchCartContents = async () => {
const data = await cartService.getContents();
}, []);
It's easy for the component body to grow in size and complexity if we define
all its functionality in the component body, but the more we mix business and
visualization logic, the harder it will be to maintain. Generally, a React
component should stay as close to the idea that it should accept data and
return JSX. It should focus on displaying the correct elements depending on
the data it gets and firing off the right events. But I don't subscribe to the idea
that the component should be aware of the details around how these effects
If we extract this functionality to a custom hook, we will make the component
oblivious about what set gets set and what APIs get called, making it leaner
and easier to test.
const ShoppingCart = () => {
const {
} = useShoppingCart();
return (
<h1>Shopping Cart</h1>
{cart.map((item, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<button onClick={() => removeItemFromCart(item)}>
<button onClick={clearCart}>Clear Cart</button>
<ProductList onClick={addItemToCart} />
function DashboardHeader() {
return <header>Dashboard Header</header>;
But this creates additional complexity and confusion in the components that
pass the data through. They become aware of application details they don't
need, and in a large component, it will take a lot of work to figure out what
data it truly needs and what it's just passing down the chain. You will have to
mock that prop when you're testing, even though the component itself doesn't
actually use it.
To avoid this, we're often quick to jump to contexts. They are the most
practical way to pass data implicitly between multiple levels in the component
tree. But an often overlooked technique is to use component composition. You
can leverage the fact that a component accepts children to pass down the
prop multiple levels without explicitly defining it everywhere.
export default function App() {
const [user, setUser] = useState({ name: "John" });
return (
<div className="App">
<DashboardHeader />
<WelcomeMessage user={user} />
function DashboardHeader() {
return <header>Dashboard Header</header>;
If you have logic checking the user's status in multiple places in the
application, it would be good to extract a utility function and manage the
status message in a single place for consistency.
const getStatusText = (status) => {
return status === "online" ? Online : Offline;
But this leaves a problem unsolved - we still have to manage the markup. If
every component that needs to display the user's status has to write their own
<span> and call the utility functions, then we haven't hidden that much
complexity. We can wrap all this functionality in a single function instead.
const displayStatus = (status) => {
return status === "online" ? (
<span style={{ color: "green" }}>Online</span>
) : (
<span style={{ color: "red" }}>Offline</span>
But here we've reached a point where we're using a regular function to return
JSX, and every time we have to do something like this, we'd be better off
defining a React component instead.
const UserList = ({ users }) => {
return (
{users.map((user) => (
<UserStatus key={user.id} user={user} />
With this approach the JSX in the UserList component becomes easier to
read and we hide the decision-making details around displaying the status
inside a custom component. Note, however, that the UserStatus
component doesn't return a <li> HTML element, but a <div> instead.
This is so we don't couple it to this specific call-site. We don't want to force
each component that needs a UserStatus to display it in a list.
2.42. Don't Extract Custom Components Without
Creating components is a powerful way to define your own markup language
that makes sense for your company or domain. Having reusable pieces that
you can put together quickly is something I recommend every team invest
time into. But going overboard with this and creating too many custom
components is a form of over-engineering that has more drawbacks than
const Header = ({ user }) => {
return (
<WelcomeMessage name={user.name} />
<p>Enjoy your stay.</p>
This is the simplest possible scenario, simulating an event and validating the
component’s reaction to it. It’s a simplistic approach and you may be
wondering how to cover more complex tests. You may want to make multiple
actions and make assertions after each one of them.
Those are tests that you would want to break up into smaller ones. Tests still
follow the software development best practices, including the single
responsibility principle. You will get more value out of your suite if you have
more granular tests rather than few large ones. They will give you better
insights into what is breaking. This is another reason why I don’t like code
coverage as a metric of testing quality but there’s a separate rule for that.
3.2. Don’t Test Too Many Things at Once
You’ve done all the preparation for a complex component and now it’s time to
write the assertions. You simulate an event and validate its state. It’s tempting
to continue with more changes and assertions in the same method. But this
can be problematic - tests that do too much should be avoided.
The single responsibility principle states that a function should be doing only
one thing. This is in full effect when it comes to testing as well. Tests should
validate a single encapsulated flow. Otherwise, when a test fails you wouldn’t
know where exactly the problem is.
test("Checkbox changes the text after click", () => {
const checkbox = shallow(
<Checkbox labelOn="On" labelOff="Off" />
This test seems simple and well-written. But you will notice that it validates
the default behaviour of the component together with its changed state.
Those should be two separate tests.
test("Checkbox renders with default props", () => {
const checkbox = shallow(
<Checkbox labelOn="On" labelOff="Off" />
test("Checkbox changes the text after click", () => {
const checkbox = shallow(
<Checkbox labelOn="On" labelOff="Off" />
This gives us a default value for each prop, allowing us to only specify the
props that are significant for each test. This gives more clarity and makes the
arrangement phase of the test much easier.
3.3. Don’t Rely on Snapshot Tests
The first test written for each component is often a snapshot test. It renders
the whole component and saves its markup in a file to validate against. It helps
us catch unwanted changes to the component by checking the rendered
Snapshot tests sound like a great tool in theory but I avoid using them
anymore. Even since I started working with React, I’ve only had one situation in
which a snapshot test caught a real problem in a component. A colleague was
creating a date incorrectly and it kept defaulting to the current one each day.
There wasn’t a regular test to cover it and the snapshot caught the problem.
This example aside, most developers just run the command to update the
snapshot when their build fails and proceed with their work. I judge a test by
its usefulness and so far snapshots have mostly been wasted time for the
teams I’ve worked with.
They shouldn’t be used as a replacement for regular assertions. I’ve seen
tests in which the developer has decided to avoid writing explicit checks and
used a snapshot instead. Unfortunately, this doesn’t give us reliable
information on what was tested and where the problem is. Each change to the
component would make the whole suite turn red, making it hard to find which
snapshots to update and which have caught an error.
Snapshot tests are fine to use as a sanity check. They can signal to the
developer what parts of the application are affected by their change and there
may be a situation in which you have overlooked something. Still, they are no
replacement for proper testing.
3.4. Test The Happy Path First
The most important thing a test suite should validate is whether a component
renders properly and works as expected. You want to validate that it produces
the expected result when passed all the props with correct values and types.
The happy path is going to be used 80% of the time and you want to make
sure it works well. If we introduce a regression in it, it will have a greater
impact than a problematic edge case. In those first few tests, we should
validate that the component renders correctly with default props (if it has
such) and with passed props. We should validate that all critical elements are
on the screen and conditional statements work as expected.
The functionality related to user interactions is also on the happy path.
Components change their state or call callback functions passed as props. We
should simulate events like clicking and typing to make sure they are reflected
in the component’s state. We should use mocks to make sure callback
functions are called the exact number of times we expect, with the values we
Those tests are the backbone of our suite. They aim to give us confidence that
the main logical flow of the component is covered. In conditions with limited
time, it’s better to have a few tests that validate the happy path for most
components than extensive tests for a few of them.
3.5. Test Edge Cases and Errors
Once the happy path is covered we want to turn our focus to unpleasant
scenarios in which our components may behave unexpectedly or throw errors.
There are two main causes for that - incorrect props or uncaught exceptions.
We want to make sure that our components work well with empty collections
or objects with missing properties - when those cases are viable, of course.
Pass empty arrays to make sure that the component is not throwing an
exception by trying to access an element by index without checking. Pass an
object with missing nested properties to test whether we’re checking for their
existence before using them.
The error handling flow is often overlooked since failures are not that
common. There are numerous reasons why an API call could fail, for example.
We don’t want to be left surprised by our application’s behavior in such cases.
In a long enough timeframe, exceptions are guaranteed, so they shouldn’t be
something "exceptional" in our codebase. They should be a firstclass citizen,
a normal logical flow that shouldn’t be frightening.
Validate that the component can recover when a network request fails. Make
sure that this is reflected in its state or it calls the appropriate callback to
signal for this. Another common opportunity for errors is parsing a deformed
response object. Imagine that a bug sneaks into the production environment
of the API we’re calling. If we get an invalid response object we want to be
able to recover. Depending on your application’s domain there may be other
causes for errors that you need to cover.
3.6. Focus on Integration Tests
When we test a single component in isolation we write unit tests. They validate
the smallest logical unit - its behavior and rendered response. But unit tests
are not a sufficient indicator of our application’s quality. In some cases, even if
they are all green, we could still experience bugs.
This is because the integration between the components may be incorrect.
Each one of them may be implemented perfectly but their interactions may
not be implemented properly. Those are the kind of problems unit tests can’t
catch. To make sure that a whole feature works as expected we need to write
integration tests that test it as a whole.
In most teams, I would advise starting with integration tests, especially in a
startup environment. Integration tests give the most value for the effort that
you put into them. They can validate the behavior of a whole widget, a form, or
an entire page - a complete logical flow. They won’t give you precise feedback
on where the problem is but you know that when they are green, your
application works as expected.
A failure in a unit test will tell you where exactly the problem lies (if the test is
written well) but not what it affects. On the contrary, a "red" integration test
will show you what parts of your product are failing but you will have to
diagnose where the problem lies. They produce the most value, though. The
implementation cost is not high but the benefit of immediately knowing if
there is a problem with our application is high.
When pressed with deadlines and limited time, focus on integration tests. Use
them to test your application as a black box and go to production with
confidence. A tool that you can use for your integration suite is Cypress. You
can run a set of tests locally against your local environment to check for
unexpected regressions.
Another good idea is to schedule tests that run against your environment each
day. You could use your staging environment (if you have one) to validate the
complete logical flows. You could schedule tests on production as well but you
need to be more careful with the data you generate there. You need to make
sure you won’t make a mess, so tread carefully.
3.7. Don’t Test Third Party Libraries
Be careful not to get carried away and test functionality that is beyond your
application’s responsibilities. A common mistake is to write tests that validate
an external library’s behavior. A question I usually ask at interviews is how to
test a component connected to a Redux store.
The library already has an extensive test suite. We can take for granted that it
will work as expected if we follow its rules. Still, it’s not uncommon to find
tests that go beyond the component’s functionality and test the library’s
responsibilities. This is not a good use for our time and not a valuable test to
have. Instead, we should be focusing on our component’s integration with
We should test our components’ integration with external modules without
touching the internals. But those boundaries often get blurry when we deal
with state management libraries. A better way to approach such testing is to
mock the external functionality and validate the component’s behavior up until
the point of interfacing with the library.
You can simulate an event and validate that the state management library’s
function was called with the proper values in response to it. To continue the
Redux example, you can mock a store and validate that the component’s
actions are reflected in it but that is not a true representation of your
application, just a small fraction of it. Those are your component’s limits,
anything beyond them goes in the area of integration tests. In an integration
test, you can validate a whole feature, implicitly testing the integration with the
Most UI applications use many third-party dependencies. Some of them we
rely on explicitly, like the state management ones. Others are small modules
that other libraries have dragged in. We can’t and we shouldn’t test all of
them, that’s not a good use of our time. The stability of those libraries is
handled by their competent maintainers. Our responsibilities are to implement
the business logic of our application. So we should be writing tests that focus
on it, it’s the only thing we can control.
3.8. Don’t Focus on Coverage Percentage
Code coverage is a metric that most modern testing tools can generate. It
shows what percentage of your code is covered by tests. The more complex
tools can even produce a visualization, showing you which branches of your
logic have been tested and which aren’t.
Coverage percentage is often held as a badge of honor and used as a
requirement when making pull requests. Imposing such arbitrary requirements
is not a productive way to think about testing because it sets a minimum
threshold that everyone is aiming for. ] Code coverage measures quantity, not
quality. It sounds like an excellent idea and a sign of high engineering
standards. It implies that most of your logic has been tested and your
application works as expected. But it’s not a sign that we have tested the right
things. We can have good coverage, yet still, experience errors because
important functionality isn’t covered.
I’ve worked on projects with more than eighty percent code coverage that still
throw errors in production. The test suite consisted mostly of unit tests and
that satisfied the requirement. Yet the components’ integrations remained
unchecked and that lead to errors. Coverage percentage is just a number that
the developer keeps in mind, it’s a target. Too often once we reach it we
commit our code without considering the quality of our tests.
The extent to which something should be tested depends on its importance
and complexity. A stateless component with a few conditionals in it shouldn’t
have the same weight as a stateful one with complex logic. Our focus would
be better spent testing the latter.
Too often we need to work with limited time and faced with that scarcity we
need to make trade-offs on testing. Some developer teams completely
disregard testing if they don’t have the resources to impose a high coverage.
Testing is not all or nothing, each test can be valuable. It’s especially important
when dealing with deadlines - we should focus on the most critical parts.
Tests are code that needs to be maintained. Make sure you get value out of
the time you put in them.
3.9. Consider Removing Unnecessary Tests
Many software projects, especially larger ones, carry what is known as dead
code. Some functionality that is no longer useful (or used at all) but it’s still in
the product because people are afraid to remove it. No one is sure why it’s
there in the first place or what damage removing it could cause. This is often
the case with tests as well.
There may be a couple of tests on the project you’re working on right now that
fail randomly. The application is still working fine and restarting the test suite
usually fixes the tests. Yet, we still keep those tests in our codebase and even
update them when we implement new functionality. With time we learn to
ignore them and we pass that attitude to new members of the team.
No one wants to remove them because they may catch a potential problem
down the line. But the irony is that everyone dismisses them, so even if they
find an actual problem, chances are no one will care. The person unlucky
enough to face the “red” test may finally add the keyword to skip them and
restart the build. This is how bugs sneak into production.
A failing test should be a sign of a problem. Something in our application
doesn’t work the way we expect it to. With such inconsistent tests, we don’t
get any valuable feedback. Instead, they are confusing us and dragging
maintenance costs with them. The reasons why those tests fail differ but often
it’s because of a race condition when testing async logic incorrectly.
I’ve always followed the principle that fewer well-written tests are better than
many unreliable ones. When you find such tests you have two options -
removing or reworking them. Before doing anything it’s best to gather as much
context as possible. Why were they written? What are they validating?
Why are they failing? Then if you don’t see value in them, just delete the tests.
You’ve gone so far without them anyway. The alternative is to rework them.
That implies that you’ve found a way to fix the problem and you’ve found value
in keeping the tests.
Both options are good. Leaving the tests in the codebase is the only wrong
thing to do. If you can’t rework the problematic tests at this moment, just
remove them. If you happen to need them in the future you can always find
them via source control, fix the problems, and add them again.
3.10. Keep Tests Close to The Implementation
When proper UI engineering was still in its infancy, writing tests was an
afterthought. The developer community was still figuring out how this kind of
engineering would look at scale so it inherited a lot of practices from other
One such practice was to separate tests from implementation functionality so
they don’t clutter the heart of the project. This comes from the idea that
testing and development are somehow separate and encourages that way of
A React application may have tens of components. Keeping all of them
together will quickly create a mess. An unstructured list of files is so hard to
browse that more often we’d use the search capabilities of our IDE to find the
file instead. The alternative would be to replicate the structure of the
application in the testing folder but that leads to double work each time
something in the project is changed.
Keeping tests separate means we must rely on a naming convention instead of
colocation. As software projects become larger, the community is moving in a
direction in which writing tests becomes a normal part of the development
lifecycle. Because of that, it’s natural to keep tests closer to the
implementation This pattern can be seen in other programming languages like
We should keep the testing file together with the component of functionality
they are written for. It makes it easy to see what is tested and what isn’t. Each
change is going to be contained in a single folder and it will encourage the
developers to write tests as they create new components.
3.11. Refactor With Tests
Writing software is not that different from writing a book - it becomes better
with each refactor. The version of Tao of React you’re reading has undergone
three rewrites. In the same way, implementations will be “edited” multiple
times before they reach their final state. When you see a well-designed
component you can be sure its first implementation was a mess.
Refactoring is a normal part of development. No software architecture is ever
final. No component design can take all things into consideration. Often an
unexpected change in the business requirements will mean that we need to
alter our implementation.
But refactoring is tricky because we aim to make a change to the design of the
code without altering its functionality. In the end, we want to have the same
result but with a different structure. There are two reasons we might want to
refactor something. Too often we do it because the code has become
unpleasant to work with. Maybe it was put together in a hurry or it wasn’t
designed well. The second reason is when the current structure is not made to
be modified to such an extent. An example of that is refactoring a component
to use a reducer instead of a simple state.
It’s tempting to dive right in and make amends. But before we do that, we
need to have a way to validate that the behavior is still the same after the
refactoring. Even a small change in the structure is enough to introduce a bug.
To avoid this we must make sure that the component has been tested. The
most important tests are those that validate its rendered result and side
effects like callback invocations. We want to make sure it works well as a black
box. Tests that validate its internal logic won’t do us much good when we’re
changing it. If we don’t have such a suite our first job should be to write it.
Then we can run them in watch mode and start refactoring with confidence.
3.12. Tests Are Not Quality Assurance
It’s important to know that tests are not a measure of quality. We write tests so
we’re confident that our components work as expected. But there’s always a
chance that our tests were written around our bugs. Most regressions that
reach productions have gone past the testing suite. If we don’t understand the
logic of the feature well, we won’t write tests that validate it.
A test suite will only validate that the code works in the way we expect it.
They’re guard rails but it’s our responsibility to put them where they can help.
Tests can uncover problems if used correctly. That’s the whole philosophy of
Test Driven Development. We start by describing the end state in the test.
Then we write the implementation that adheres to it. I’ve caught problems with
my implementation writing them this way.
At least for now, I haven’t managed to integrate TDD into my workflow. There
are many benefits of applying it but it’s not how my mind operates. Since I’m
not using it personally I won’t advocate for it. I just want to highlight that the
existence of a test suite is not a sign of great quality.
Regressions are a sign that a problem wasn’t understood by the developer. If
someone implements incorrect behavior, the tests will validate the incorrect
behavior. The bottom line is that bugs can’t be caught without a clear
understanding of the problem we’re trying to solve.
Sadly, this is not a purely technical problem to solve. It’s not about automated
checks, formatting tools, and code coverage requirements. It’s about cultural
change. The best way to catch problems is to create a culture in which people
care and understand their products. A culture in which code reviews are not
just scrolled through but deeply examined. Quality is an organizational effort,
not purely a technical one.
4. Performance
4.1. Avoid Premature Optimisation
The larger the application we’re working on, the more we need to consider its
performance. Such problems are unavoidable and products of a bigger scale
have more opportunities for them to surface. But before we invest time and
effort in performance optimizations we must make sure there’s a reason.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil and following best practices
blindly is a waste of time and effort. Improvements put to use without need
can backfire and create problems where they didn’t exist. Caching and
memoizing have benefits for large data sets. Using that practice for light
computations will use more memory and increase the load time.
We don’t need to micro-optimize every single component. It’s important to
write code with performance in mind but it shouldn’t be the leading factor in
our design decisions. Writing components that are easy to maintain and
extend is most important. Write readable and well-structured code - such
implementations are easy to improve if needed.
When that dreaded day comes and you get feedback that your application is
slow, don’t rush. Don’t memoize everything. Pinpoint the problem first. For
example, there’s no reason to optimize the rerender count if the bundle size is
If the application’s performance suffers a big hit after a release, there’s a big
chance that a bug was introduced in it. We can get a better result if we review
the latest released code. I’ve experienced such situations first hand and the
problem was fixed with a two-line change.
Most times there isn’t a single performance issue to be dealt with. Measure
which problems have the greatest impact. Start with the low-hanging fruit so
you can release improvements quickly and give a notable improvement to your
application. Don’t dive into the most complex problems immediately. This
improves the user experience and buys you time to solve the harder ones.
4.2. Use the Rules of Laziness
There are two general rules that I keep in mind when it comes to performance.
They are aptly named "the rules of laziness" since they’re about doing less
work. They are general principles to keep in mind in any situation where
performance is an important factor. I no longer remember where I learned
about them so I can’t credit their inventor.
First, if we don’t do something we won’t have to waste resources on it. If an
operation isn’t critical for the product or the user at this point in time - don’t
spend time and memory on it. The best way to improve performance isn’t to
speed things up - it’s to do less. A great example is sending a big bundle of
JavaScript code to the browser. Even unused code takes its toll - it still has to
be parsed and executed.
Second, if we can do something later, never do it now. At any point in time, we
want to be doing the least amount of work necessary. It’s common to split our
application into small bundles and send the user only the files required for the
application to operate. Load files, assets, and data only when you’re sure that
they’re needed to reduce the initial loading time.
4.3. Use Code Splitting
The single biggest factor that will affect your application’s performance is the
amount of JavaScript you’re sending to the browser. We can talk about all
kinds of optimizations and improvements but if your application is delivered as
a single file, a few megabytes large, it won’t matter.
The applications we are working on tend to grow. A successful business will
add more features and this will always have an impact on the size of the
application. We don’t want to build products that become slower and less
pleasant to use as they are growing.
There are two costs that we need to keep in mind when we talk about
JavaScript size. First, it’s the cost of delivery - sending the files to the
browser. Second, the cost of parsing and executing that code.
The application can be blazing fast, but chances are no one will find out about
this if they can’t download it. A common technique that addresses both of the
costs we mentioned above is code splitting. In the past, we used to ship a
single JS file but the size of modern applications and the advancements like
http2 make splitting the application into multiple small files a better choice.
The philosophy behind this technique is to allow the user to download the
least amount of code required to run the application. If they are opening a
single page, we should only send them the code for that page. There is no
need for them to download the code related to other functionalities of our app
since they may not get to use them at all.
The question that people usually have is which parts of the application to split
in separate chunks. A good starting point is to make a separate bundle for
each route. This change alone will have a solid impact on your application’s
performance. Then, look for a non-critical part in each page that you can split.
Those can be components that are not visible initially - opened in a separate
tab or a modal window or visually heavy components like charts.
4.4. Rerenders - Callbacks, Arrays and Objects
Before we go into the details of render optimizations, I want to point out that
the majority of React applications won’t suffer a performance impact because
of that. Implementing a good code-splitting strategy will have a far greater
effect than micro-optimizing components.
With that said, it’s good to keep some things in mind when developing
components. If many of them need to render too often this may create laggy
and unpleasant behavior. When building a dynamic application with many
interactions, you want to have good control over what renders and when. The
reason why a component may rerender unnecessarily is when it accepts props
that are compared by reference - arrays, objects, and functions.
Passing a callback function directly is often cited as a potential performance
problem. Each render creates a new function that gets passed down the
component chain and triggers rendering even if there’s no reason for it.
I am honest in telling you that I’ve never had performance problems in any
application because of callback functions. Perhaps I have never worked on
anything on such a large scale, but in reality, most people don’t. Don’t worry
about them unless you’ve covered everything else and you still need to
squeeze out any possible improvement. Focus on making your code clear and
readable. In most cases, passing an anonymous function is the right thing to
Passing arrays and objects as props fall into the same category of potential
performance problems. They are compared by reference so they will trigger a
render if passed inline. Again, those will rarely exceed the performance budget
of your application but I have a design problem with arrays and objects that
are passed directly. If it’s a static variable it’s much better to define it as a
constant somewhere outside the component and use it from there. That
allows you to name it so it can communicate its purpose and as a side effect
avoid performance problems.
4.5. Memoize Computed Data & Anonymous
As a general rule, the less computation that we do in the UI the better.
Whenever possible, get the data you need in the format that you need to
display it in and avoid formatting it in the browser. Unfortunately, most times
this is not an option. We may not have control over the services that provide it
or we may need to structure it in a format acceptable by a library.
When we have to do complex grouping, filtering, or sorting operations on large
quantities of data we should consider memoizing it. One option is to use
React.memo which will cache the whole component for a given set of props.
An alternative is to use the hook useMemo and store the value of a function
In the first case, the component will rerender only if its props fail a shallow
comparison. In the latter, we need to provide a list of depending variables that
will trigger the function when changed.
Those are powerful tools that we can put to use when dealing with large
datasets but we shouldn’t use them too carelessly. Caching comes with a
cost. It introduces some overhead because React needs to do a lookup before
rendering or returning the data. That’s why we don't wrap every single
component in React.memo. In the same way, we shouldn't wrap every function
that maps over an array with useMemo. For smaller data sets that would
actually cripple our application’s performance. Performance-related changes
applied incorrectly can backfire.
Sorting a collection of a hundred items is better off not being memoized.
Caching that will lead to a slower execution than running the functionality
directly. This form of caching gives benefits only if used for expensive
operations or for components that need to render frequently. The same goes
for useCallback. You don't want the optimization to cost more than the code
it's optimizing. Put this hook to use only if you’re passing the cached result to
an expensive component whose rendering you want to control completely.
Don’t use it to pass an event handler to a button.
But each time you have a problem with rendering and you’re thinking of using
caching, consider whether your component structure is not the actual
problem. Too often we are trying to fix logical and structural problems with
technical solutions. If we don’t want to rerender a component too often it may
be better to move it to a different place of the component tree.
In some cases, this is not an option but it’s always worth exploring. Often there
is some unrelated piece of state that gets updated and that triggers the whole
branch of the React tree. We should look for opportunities to lift expensive
components above or at the same level of the tree in which that unrelated
state resides. This way we don’t have to implement caching and fret about its
impact but alter the hierarchy a bit.
4.6. Improve the Business Logic Implementation
When we’re talking about performance improvements we usually focus on the
technology. We’ve talked about the speed of delivery of our application. We’ve
addressed React’s specifics that we need to keep in mind. But to build
effective products we need to pay attention to an often-overlooked factor -
the business logic.
React’s interactions with the DOM are fast. Unless we’re actively avoiding the
best practices we will get sufficient performance. Few software products work
on a large enough scale that will push it to its limits. When Concurrent Mode
becomes stable it will unlock the door to even more complex UI applications.
But React’s speed is only related to rendering. If we write inefficient algorithms
our application will be slow regardless of the technology. We can follow the
rules to the letter but the users’ screens will still block and be dominated by
loading spinners. If the logical flow of our application is not designed well
enough, it will still have an odd feel even though it’s technically sound.
Managing data fetching is the biggest factor because it needs to be
communicated to the user - usually done with a loading spinner. But showing
loading indicators too often can lead to an unpleasant user experience.
Whenever possible, consider using optimistic updates. If the user’s interaction
is not critical, immediately show them a successful result even if we haven’t
got a response from the server. That makes the UI feel responsive and snappy.
If the action is not successful we can revert to the previous state and show a
Gaining knowledge of the business domain can help us make good trade-offs
and implement operations in a more performant way. We can keep data in
memory to avoid server round trips and provide instant feedback. We can
communicate with the back-end developers and consider caching on complex
Making those decisions requires an understanding of the domain and
knowledge of the infrastructure. Of course, we have limited control over the
logical flow of a business. Sometimes the best we can do is communicate to
the user that we’re loading data - show a spinner and hope for the best.
But even if we can’t make larger improvements to the user experience we still
need to make good decisions when implementing the business logic. We
should aim to write efficient algorithms and fetch data in a non-blocking
5. Things to Keep in Mind
There’s more to building software than writing code. Our industry is still young
and we’re figuring things out as we create. They say that software is eating
the world but we’re still arguing about fundamental principles and we don’t
have established ways to build products.
We work in an imperfect world where best practices don’t always hold up.
Things seem straightforward in the books but no plan survives first contact
with reality. Features and changes often come with hidden complexity that can
ruin a well-designed architecture.
The problems with building software are not always down to logic and
creativity. Sometimes they’re more art than science. Especially when it comes
to software design and architecture.
When you read the principles in this book you will be itching to apply some of
them. This chapter will give you more details about doing that and
approaching the conversations about software design with your teams. The
next points are not specific to React - I’ve found them to be true regardless of
the technology or company.
5.1. Why is Software Design Important?
It’s hard to make analogies between the software world and the analog one. As
developers, we’re not bound by the same rules. Our work is flexible and ever-
changing. We rewrite and refactor so often that we overlook the application’s
structure and design - after all, it will change. We rush to create and build
without putting constraints on those processes.
To put things in perspective, imagine that you’re building a house. Would you
start laying bricks straight away? No, you take measurements, you make
preparations, you consider how the rooms will be laid out.
It’s the same when we’re building software. Thinking about the design of the
system or the structure of the codebase makes you go through the whole
problem before you start the implementation. We want to think about the
problems in advance while we’re still on the conceptual level. If we don’t, we’ll
still face them but without any prior preparation. You don’t want to find out
that your foundations are not sufficient while you’re building the second floor.
If a builder gets to work without making sketches and plans of the process
you’d think they’re insane. But way too often we dive into a technical problem
without considering even the basic architectural challenges. Okay, structure
and modularity are important, but should we be paying that much attention to
naming and API design? Does it matter that much how many props my
components take or how I name them?
Let’s go back to the house metaphor again. It’s not just a matter of physics
and calculations - it’s about beauty as well. You want to have a nice view from
the bedroom, a well-equipped kitchen, and a spacious living room. Maybe
you’d like to have a porch where you can spend the evening with a loved one.
You can live in one big rectangular space with everything together but you
want a more pleasant living experience. That’s why API design and naming are
You can put all your components in a single file and flatten the folder structure
so everything can be on the same level. It will work, you will be able to build
something this way - but it will be neither pleasurable nor productive to work
in such an environment There are many successful ways to build software but
you want to have a good development experience. You want the people who
join your team to stick around and have fun, not to complain about the state of
the codebase (at least not too much).
Everyone can solve a problem and leave it behind. But creating an application
that is going to be extended and modified requires more thought and care.
You want to build a codebase that is flexible, reusable, understandable,
testable, and extensible. This doesn’t happen by accident, it requires
deliberate thought and action.
Is this only important for the developers? No, it’s important for the project, it’s
important for the business. Successful products live longer and throughout
their life, they change and evolve. If the application’s architecture doesn’t
support that, product development will suffer. Developers will have to find
workarounds or take massive amounts of tech debt for each next feature.
That’s why how you write is as important as what you write.
5.2. Avoid Analysis Paralysis
I’ve stressed the importance of planning and designing but that too should be
done in moderation. The things we write today will be refactored or rewritten
as the business changes. No architecture is going to be suitable forever, so
make decisions based on what you know at the moment and don’t overthink it.
When you plan the structure and design you can find yourself engaging in
endless discussions that don’t seem to have the right answer. Every choice
has a downside that will be quickly pointed out to you. If you’re trying to find
an approach that won’t require a compromise you will be left disappointed.
There are no right answers. Even those that seem irrefutably correct now may
change in the future. No architecture stands the test of time and our job as
builders is to make changes easier to happen. Businesses pivot, market
conditions change and ideas get left behind - we can’t plan for everything.
When you find yourself paralyzed, weighing all the different options, and not
being able to make a call, remember that no decision is going to be right in the
long term. A debate on architecture is healthy but when it goes into deep
philosophical topics on the nature of software you’ve crossed the line that
gives good returns.
This is not a problem specific to React or UI development. Software projects
can become a field of heated discussion. The rules in this book will help you
start with a good foundation for your products and unblock you so you can
start building.
5.3. Don’t Postpone Architectural Changes
Change is inevitable. The business decides that they want to add another
module to the application and you have not foreseen that. You realize that
some aspects of the structure are not ideal. Some of your decisions may start
hindering you instead of helping you.
When this happens, don’t wait to make the architectural change. Don’t
postpone and build on top of shaky foundations. If the complexity of your
application is about to rise and you decide you need a complex state
management tool - integrate one. If you build the new functionality with your
current structure you will probably be left with it.
The more you build on those foundations the harder it would be to alter them
in the future. If you can’t make time to change something now you won’t be
able to do it in a few months when there’s more functionality to refactor. There
are ways to adopt those changes gradually. If you use the module structure
described in chapter one, you will be able to integrate a tool like Redux in a
single module of your application. Then you can start refactoring the other
Most projects don’t end up in a bad state because of a single critical decision.
No, they’re a result of numerous small compromises and "insignificant"
mistakes that compound through time. Whenever you need to make a change,
consider how much you’re deviating from the initial design. If you go too far
from it, chances are it’s not ideal for what you’re building at the moment.
The technical changes are not the hardest part of this effort, it’s
communicating the need to do them with your management. It’s important to
approach the discussion by showing that this change is in everyone’s best
interest. Be prepared to talk about estimates and how that could impact work
on features. The longer you wait before making the change the more
resources it will take so have the uncomfortable conversation early and start
5.4. Consistency is Most Important
I want to emphasize that no matter what practices you follow, the most
important thing is to be consistent and follow them in the whole application.
More problems and confusion arise from inconsistency than anything else. In
an ideal world, you want your whole codebase to look as if it was written by a
single person. That reduces the size of the mental model that every developer
needs to keep in their head.
You learn the rules of the project once and you apply them everywhere. You
can focus on writing code and implementing business logic instead of
deciphering every colleague’s style. The code is a reflection of a person’s
mind. The more of it we can standardize, the better. Let people show their
creativity in the implementation rather than code structure and component
After all, we spend more time reading code than writing it. When you start a
book by a new author it takes some time to get used to their style. Imagine
having to do that three times a day as you’re looking for something in the
codebase. Make it easier for the team and follow the same principles.
Developers derive most of the information about a project from the codebase.
Inconsistencies make that harder.
There isn't a correct naming convention, there isn't a correct code formatting
standard. No matter what everyone tells you, there aren't great benefits of one
over the other. Most approaches are "good enough”, what matters is
5.5. Make the Back-End Do the Work
If you're responsible for both the front-end and back-end of your application
or working in a cross-functional team that spans both layers of the stack, try
to make the back-end do as much work for you as possible. Doing heavy
computational work in the UI can make the rendering process slow. If your
front-end is very dynamic and the browser has to aggregate large quantities
of data it will lead to a choppy user experience.
One way to avoid this is to offload some work to the back-end. Consider
whether the data you visualize can be pre-aggregated and formatted from the
API. This will leave the React application to only decide what and when to
render. This is a good option if you're fetching and restructuring data
afterward. In this scenario, the back-end can effectively save you a lot of work.
But abstain from adding additional API requests just to handle data
manipulation. The latency and potential network failures will just change one
set of problems for another.
Another symptom of the same problem is if your front-end is overfetching
data i.e., loading a large collection from the server, wasting bandwidth, and
slowing down the response, only to render a couple of fields from every item
in the list. Alternatively, we often have to aggregate data from multiple external
sources to gather everything we need to visualize a page. You need to make a
request for an article, for example, and then make two more requests to fetch
related articles on the same topic and today's most read ones.
This is not only a potential performance problem but also a design one. The
front-end is becoming aware of how the data is stored and what parts of the
system are responsible. Any change in these endpoints or the data structure
must be synced with the UI. Now, if a mobile application also uses these APIs,
then the problem exacerbates even more.
To resolve this, you should consider adding an intermediate layer to do the
aggregation work for the front-end or strip away unneeded data. In recent
years, GraphQL has proven to be a reasonable solution for these two
problems. I abstain from recommending it to teams because running a
GraphQL server is not easy. You'll have to deal with schema management,
query complexity, and maintain another critical service. But if you are starting
to face these problems, then it would be better to handle them in a place
better equipped than the front-end.