Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
of ECE
Logic gates are electronic circuits that can be used to implement the most elementary logic
expressions, also known as Boolean expressions. The logic gate is the most basic building
block of combinational logic. There are three basic logic gates, namely the OR gate, the AND
gate and the NOT gate. Other logic gates that are derived from these basic gates are the
NAND gate, the NOR gate, the EXCLUSIVEOR gate and the EXCLUSIVE-NOR gate. This
chapter deals with logic gates and implementations using NAND and NOR gates followed by
simplification of Boolean functions using Boolean Laws and theorems and using K-maps.
The binary variables can have either of the two states, i.e. the logic ‘0’ state or the logic ‘1’
state. These logic states in digital systems such as computers, for instance, are represented by
two different voltage levels or two different current levels. If the more positive of the two
voltage or current levels represents a logic ‘1’ and the less positive of the two levels
represents a logic ‘0’, then the logic system is referred to as a positive logic system. If the
more positive of the two voltage or current levels represents a logic ‘0’ and the less positive
of the two levels represents a logic ‘1’, then the logic system is referred to as a negative logic
If the two voltage levels are 0 V and +5 V, then in the positive logic system the 0 V
represents logic ‘0’ and the +5 V represents logic ‘1’. In the negative logic system, 0 V
represents logic ‘1’ and 5 V represents logic ‘0’. If the two voltage levels are 0 V and −5 V,
then in the positive logic system the 0 V represents a logic ‘1’ and the −5 V represents a logic
‘0’. In the negative logic system, 0 V represents logic ‘0’ and −5 V represents logic ‘1’.
Logic Gates
The logic gate is the most basic building block of any digital system, including computers.
Each one of the basic logic gates is a piece of hardware or an electronic circuit that can be
used to implement some basic logic expression. While laws of Boolean algebra could be used
to do manipulation with binary variables and simplify logic expressions, these are actually
implemented in a digital system with the help of electronic circuits called logic gates. The
three basic logic gates are the OR gate, the AND gate and the NOT gate.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
OR Gate
A logic gate used to perform the operation of logical addition is called an OR gate. An OR
gate performs an ORing operation on two or more than two logic variables. The OR operation
on two independent logic variables A and B is written as Y = A+B and reads as Y equals A
OR B. An OR gate is a logic circuit with two or more inputs and one output. The output of an
OR gate is LOW only when all of its inputs are LOW. For all other possible input
combinations, the output is HIGH. A truth table lists all possible combinations of input binary
variables and the corresponding outputs of a logic system. Figure shows the circuit symbol
and the truth table of a two-input OR gate. The operation of a two-input OR gate is explained
by the logic expression
Y = A+B
AND Gate
A logic gate used to perform logical multiplication is known as AND gate. An AND gate is a
logic circuit having two or more inputs and one output. The output of an AND gate is HIGH
only when all of its inputs are in the HIGH state. In all other cases, the output is LOW. The
logic symbol and truth table of a two-input AND gate is shown in figure. The AND operation
on two independent logic variables A and B is written as Y = A.B and reads as Y equals A
AND B. The operation of a two-input AND gate is explained by the logic expression
Y = A.B
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
NOT Gate
A logic gate used to perform logical inversion is known as a NOT gate. A NOT gate is a one
-input, one-output logic circuit whose output is always the complement of the input. That is, a
LOW input produces a HIGH output, and vice versa. If is the input to a NOT circuit, then
its output Y is given by Y = ̅ or and reads as Y equals NOT . The logic symbol and
truth table of a NOT gate is shown in figure. The operation of a NOT gate is explained by the
logic expression
Y= ̅
NOT Gate
NAND stands for NOT AND. An AND gate followed by a NOT circuit makes it a NAND
gate. The output of a NAND gate is logic ‘0’ when all its inputs are logic ‘1’. For all other
input combinations, the output is logic ‘1’. The symbol and truth table of a NAND gate is as
shown. NAND gate operation is logically expressed as
NAND Gate is known as Universal gate as it can be used alone to implement any gate
operation. Hence it is said to be functionally complete.
NOR Gate
NOR stands for NOT OR. An OR gate followed by a NOT circuit makes it a NOR gate. The
output of a NOR gate is logic ‘1’ when all its inputs are logic ‘0’. For all other input
combinations, the output is logic ‘0’. The symbol and truth table of a NOR gate is as shown.
The output of a two-input NOR gate is logically expressed as
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
NOR gate is also known as Universal gate as it is used alone to implement any gate operation
and hence it is also functionally complete.
EXCLUSIVE-NOR (commonly written as EX-NOR) means NOT of EX-OR, i.e. the logic
gate that we get by complementing the output of an EX-OR gate. The truth table of an EX-
NOR gate is obtained from the truth table of an EX-OR gate by complementing the output
entries as shown in figure. Logically,
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
The output of a two-input EX-NOR gate is logic ‘1’ when the inputs are like and logic ‘0’
when they are unlike. In general, the output of a multiple-input EX-NOR logic function is
logic ‘0’ when the number of 1s in the input sequence is odd and a logic ‘1’ when the number
of 1s in the input sequence is even including zero.
Boolean algebra:
Boolean algebra is an algebraic structure defined on a set of elements B together with two
binary operators + and · provided the following postulates are satisfied:
4. a) · is distributive over +:
b) + is distributive over ·:
Duality Principle:
It states that every algebraic expression deducible from the postulates of Boolean algebra
remains valid if the operators and identity elements are interchanged. If the dual of an
algebraic expression is desired, OR and AND operators are interchanged and 1’s are replaced
by 0’s and 0’s by 1’s.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
DeMorgan’s Theorem:
Absorption Theorem:
The Boolean functions can be simplified by using appropriate Boolean laws and theorems.
Universal Gates
OR, AND and NOT gates are the three basic logic gates as they together can be used to
construct the logic circuit for any given Boolean expression. NOR and NAND gates have the
property that they individually can be used to hardware-implement a logic circuit
corresponding to any given Boolean expression. That is, it is possible to use either only
NAND gates or only NOR gates to implement any Boolean expression. This is so because a
combination of NAND gates or a combination of NOR gates can be used to perform
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
functions of any of the basic logic gates. It is for this reason that NAND and NOR gates are
universal gates.
a) NOT gate:
b) AND gate:
c) OR gate:
d) NOR gate:
e) Ex-OR gate:
f) Ex-NOR gate:
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
a) NOT gate:
b) AND gate:
c) OR gate:
d) NAND gate:
e) Ex-OR gate:
f) Ex-NOR gate:
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
IEEE/ANSI Symbols:
Boolean Expressions:
a) Canonical form
b) Standard form
Canonical Form:
An expanded form of Boolean expression, where each term contains all Boolean variables in
their true or complemented form, is known as the canonical form of the expression.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
is a sum of minterms expression with three variables.
Standard Form:
A simplified form of a Boolean expression which may consist of one or more number of
variables in each term in either complemented or un-complemented form, is known as
Standard form of the expression.
** Canonical form is obtained when a function is taken from a truth table. When
The primary objective of all simplification procedures is to obtain an expression that has the
minimum number of terms. Obtaining an expression with the minimum number of literals is
usually the secondary objective. The Boolean functions can be simplified by using
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
A Karnaugh map is a graphical representation of the logic system. It can be drawn directly
from either minterm (sum-of-products) or maxterm (product-of-sums) Boolean expressions.
Drawing a Karnaugh map from the truth table involves an additional step of writing the
minterm or maxterm expression depending upon whether it is desired to have a minimized
sum-of-products or a minimized product of sums expression.
An n-variable Karnaugh map has 2n squares, and each possible input is allotted a square. In
the case of a minterm Karnaugh map, ‘1’ is placed in all those squares for which the output is
‘1’, and ‘0’ is placed in all those squares for which the output is ‘0’. 0s are omitted for
simplicity. An ‘X’ is placed in squares corresponding to ‘don’t care’ conditions.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
Simplification Algorithm:
1. Identify the ones which cannot be combined with any other ones and encircle them.
These are called essential prime implicants.
2. Identify the ones that can be combined in groups of two in only one way. Encircle
3. Identify the ones that can be combined with three other ones, to make a group of four
adjacent ones, in only one way. Encircle such group of ones.
4. Identify the ones that can be combined with seven other ones, to make a group of
eight adjacent ones, in only one way. Encircle them.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
5. After identifying the essential groups of 2, 4, and 8 ones, if there still remain some
ones which have not been encircled, then these are to be combined with each other or
with other already encircled ones.
2. ∑
3. ∑
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Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
4. ∏
5. ∑ ∑
6. ∑ ∑
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
1. Arrange all minterms in groups, such that all terms in the same group have same number of
1’s in their binary representation. Start with the least number of 1’s and continue with
grouping of increasing number of 1’s the number of 1’s in each term is called the index of
that term i.e., all the minterms of some index are placed in a some group. The lowest of value
index is zero. Separate each group by a thick line. This constitutes the 1st stage.
2. Compare every term of the lowest index (say i) group with each term in the successive
group of index (say, i + 1). If two minterms differ only one variable, that variable should be
removed and a dash (–) is placed at the position, thus a new term with only less literal is
formed. If such a situation occurs, a check mark is placed next to both minterms. After all
pairs of terms with indices i and (i + 1) have been considered, a thick line is drawn under the
last terms. When the above process has been repeated for all the groups of 1st stage, one stage
of elimination have been completed. This constitutes the 2nd stage.
3. The 3rd stage of elimination should be repeated of the nearly formed groups of second
stage. In this stage, two terms can be compared only than they have dashes in some positions.
The process continues to next higher stages until no further comparisons are possible. (i.e., no
further elimination of literals).
4. All terms which remain unchecked during the process are considered to be prime
implicants (PIs). Thus, a set of all PIs of the function is obtained.
5. From the set of all prime implicants, a set of essential prime implicants (EPIs) must be
determined by preparing prime implicant chart as follow.
(a) The PIs should be represented m rows and each minterm of the function in a column.
(b) Crosses should be placed in each row to show composition of minterms that makes the
(c) A complete PIs chart should be inspected for columns containing only a single cross. PIs
that cover minterms with a single cross in their column are called EPIs.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
6. The minterms which are not covered by the EPIs are taken into consideration and a
minimum cover is obtained from the remaining PIs.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
All the minterms are covered by the prime implicants, except 7 and 15. Hence for 7 and 15,
the term is common and hence it will be included in the final expression.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
Any logic circuit can be implemented in two levels by representing the Boolean function
either in SOP or POS form. Two level NAND and NOR circuits can be obtained by
representing the expression in SOP and POS form respectively. Minimum propagation delay
will be obtained by using two level implementation. But as the number of terms increases, the
number of inputs increases for the second level gate.
NAND Implementation:
By expressing the given function in SOP form, the logic circuit can be implemented using
two level NAND gates.
{ }
NOR Implementation:
By expressing the given function in POS form, the logic circuit can be implemented using
two level NOR gates.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
[{ }]
[ ]
Multilevel Implementation:
Multi level NAND or NOR implementation of a Boolean circuit can be achieved by replacing
each gate in the circuit with the NAND or NOR equivalent circuits respectively. With this
type of implementation, very large propagation delay is achieved and only two input gates are
NAND Implementation:
By replacing each gate in the circuit with the NAND equivalent, multi level NAND circuit is
achieved. When two single input NAND gates (inverters) are in series, they can be removed.
KL University, Guntur
Basics of Digital Systems Dept. of ECE
NOR Implementation:
By replacing each gate in the circuit with the NOR equivalent, multi level NOR circuit is
achieved. When two single input NOR gates (inverters) are in series, they can be removed.
KL University, Guntur