Khairuddin English

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Nama : Khairuddin
NPM : 221510062
Dosen : Mhd. Johan, S.S., M.Hum.

Nama : Ketik nama penyusun.

NPM : Ketik NPM.
Dosen : Ketik nama dosen.



Praises and gratitude are offered to Allah SWT who has bestowed His mercy and
guidance. Through the blessings of His mercy and guidance, along with various efforts, the
assignment of the English for Written Business Communication course paper could be
completed well and on time.

In the preparation of this paper, it was written based on books, articles, and lecture
notes related to English for Written Business Communication, as well as information from
mass media related to English for Written Business Communication. The author
acknowledges that this paper is still not perfect. Therefore, various constructive inputs are
expected for its perfection.

In conclusion, may this paper bring benefits to the readers.

Batam, 2 December 2023

Ketik nama penyusun.


FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Formulation ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................................... 3
THEORY AND DISCUSION................................................................................................ 3
2.1 How to Choose a Topic ................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Setting Presentation Goals ........................................................................................... 3
2.3 Organizing Presentation Content ................................................................................. 4
2.4 Practicing to Master Presentation Material Effectively ............................................... 4
2.5 Dressing Appropriately and Politely to Convey A Professional Image ....................... 5
CHAPTER III ........................................................................................................................ 6
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 6
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................. 7



1.1 Background

Oral presentation is a communicative activity that plays a crucial role in various

aspects of life, whether in education, work, or social settings. In the current era of
information and technology, the ability to effectively convey information through oral
presentations is highly valued.

Considering the importance of oral presentations, both in academic and

professional contexts, knowledge and skills in creating effective presentations have
become a necessity. As a form of verbal communication, oral presentations not only
involve speaking skills but also the ability to organize content, use visual aids, and
understand the audience.

In this context, the discussion on 'How to Make an Oral Presentation' becomes

relevant to provide guidance and a deeper understanding of the steps, techniques, and
strategies that can be employed to create compelling and effective oral presentations.
Through this understanding, it is hoped that readers can develop their oral presentation
skills, enhance persuasive abilities, and overall make a positive impact in any
communication situation.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. How to choose a topic that aligns with the audience?

2. How to set presentation objectives?

3. How to organize presentation content?

4. How to train to master presentation material effectively?

5. What is the proper and polite way to dress to convey a professional image?

1.2 Purpose
1. Understanding how to choose a topic that suits the audience.

2. Understanding how to establish presentation objectives.

3. Understanding how to organize presentation content.

4. Understanding how to train to master presentation material effectively.

5. Understanding the appropriate way to dress neatly and professionally to convey a

polished appearance.



2.1 How to Choose a Topic
Choosing a topic that aligns with the audience is a crucial step in preparing an
effective presentation. Firstly, it is essential to understand who your target audience is,
including their background, interests, and needs. Identify issues or topics that are
relevant and meaningful to them. Next, consider the audience's level of knowledge and
understanding of the chosen topic. Ensure that the topic you select can be tailored to
their level of comprehension so that the information presented can be well-received.
Additionally, consider whether the topic can motivate or spark the interest of the
audience. By understanding the audience and selecting a suitable topic, you can
enhance their engagement during the presentation and make your message more
relevant and impactful.

2.2 Setting Presentation Goals

Setting presentation objectives is a key step in designing an effective presentation.
Firstly, you need to clearly understand what you want to achieve through the
presentation. These objectives can vary, such as providing relevant information,
convincing the audience, educating, or entertaining. Next, clearly define the main
message or key points you want to convey to the audience. Presentation objectives
should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This
helps you stay focused and guide the presentation content to align with the intended
purpose. Additionally, consider who your audience is so that the presentation
objectives can be tailored to their needs and expectations. By setting clear presentation
objectives, you can create a structured presentation and ensure that your message is
effectively communicated to the audience.

2.3 Organizing Presentation Content
Organizing presentation content is a crucial step to ensure that the message
intended for the audience is well-received. Firstly, identify the key points you want to
convey and arrange them logically to create a coherent storyline. Ensure each part is
interconnected and aligns with the presentation objectives. Use a clear structure, such
as introduction, development, and conclusion, to deliver a well-structured presentation.
Next, consider the use of visuals like presentation slides, graphs, or illustrations to
reinforce and convey information in a more engaging and understandable manner.
Don't forget to include specific examples or relevant stories to clarify complex concepts.
Adapt the language and presentation style to the needs and level of understanding of
the audience. Finally, practice your presentation to ensure that the allocated time for
each section is appropriate, and consider incorporating a question-and-answer session
to encourage active audience participation. By carefully planning and organizing
presentation content, you can deliver an effective presentation that is easily understood
by the audience.

2.4 Practicing to Master Presentation Material Effectively

Practicing to master presentation material effectively is a crucial step to ensure
that you can deliver your message with confidence and clarity. First and foremost, fully
understand your presentation material and identify key points that need to be conveyed.
Create brief notes or key points to help guide you during practice sessions. Next,
rehearse your presentation repeatedly to reinforce understanding and hone your
speaking skills. Focus on voice intonation, body posture, and facial expressions to
enhance both verbal and non-verbal communication abilities. Record your practice
presentations and review the recordings to assess your style and performance. Seek
feedback from friends or colleagues to gain additional perspectives. Additionally,
consider practicing in front of a mirror or facing a small audience to experience a real
presentation setting. Adjust the practice time to fit within the specified time limits. With

consistency in practice and a focus on key aspects, you can enhance your presentation
skills and master the material more effectively.

2.5 Dressing Appropriately and Politely to Convey A Professional Image

The choice of appropriate and polite attire is crucial in shaping a professional
image when delivering a presentation. First and foremost, align your clothing with the
event context and audience. Understand the dress norms in your industry or workplace,
and choose attire that corresponds to the impression you want to project. Formal
clothing such as a suit or blazer with long pants is often a safe choice for professional
presentations. Ensure your attire is clean, neat, and fits well. Opt for neutral colors and
avoid overly conspicuous patterns to prevent the audience from being distracted from
the content of your presentation.

Additionally, pay attention to accessories and additional details such as shoes,

belts, or jewelry. Make sure these accessories are not too flashy and comply with the
prevailing dress etiquette. Also, observe personal hygiene and grooming, such as well-
kept hair and nails.

It is important to remember that dressing professionally not only creates a

positive impression on the audience but also boosts your confidence when speaking in
front of a crowd. By choosing appropriate clothing and paying attention to details, you
can convey a strong professional image and support your presentation with a positive


3.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, oral presentations serve as a highly important form of
communication with broad significance in the realms of education, the professional
sphere, and social interactions. In the contemporary era of information and technology,
the skill of delivering effective oral presentations is highly valued. Recognizing the
central role of oral presentations in academic and professional domains, the acquisition
of knowledge and skills in creating impactful presentations has become a necessity.
More than just speaking abilities, effective oral presentations encompass the skill to
organize content, use visual aids, and understand the audience.

Uddin, Khai.2023. Makalah English for Written Business Communication. Batam:
Universitas Putra Batam

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