CM2020 ASP Final

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Final Deliverable – Software Project

Final assessment – 70% of your mark for this module

As part of this assignment your group should submit all of your deliverables
(software + version control logs + report.) This is a chance to reflect on the feedback
from your midterm assessment and produce a robust report describing both your
process and your deliverable components. How you choose to structure your report is
up to you, but as a general set of guidelines you might want to include the following


Here you should detail your agenda including your aims, literature and sources of
information and the scope of your project. This should set the scene for the work that
follows including ideation steps and a brief summary of your group and process.

Planning and Research

This section should focus on evidencing the research that you have undertaken in
order to substantiate the project. This could include a literature review, some visual
evidence of milestones and process (e.g. Gantt charts) and any evidence of planning
and iteration. It should be clear to the reader how and why you have settled on
certain approaches for your project and how resources and time are allocated in
relation to the functionality of your system. There should be a detailed breakdown of
your plan in terms of a working process and set of expectations for deliverables (e.g.
dates, times, functionality etc.)

Prototyping and Iteration

Should show evidence of iteration from low, to medium to high fidelity prototyping.
There should be a clear rhetoric, justification for design decisions and a process of
systematic evaluation that results in clear improvements to the system design over
time and iteration. Equally, functional prototypes should evidence the development
of code over time including testing of input/output. Functionality should be justified
through an analytical approach to development e.g. “we added this feature because...”


This section should focus on how you have come about your design specifications
through prototyping and evaluation. You should (re)detail the specifications of your
system at this point with a clear view about what it is you are building and the
approaches that you intend to take. It should be clear what you are intending to build
and how you intend to go about producing such a build in the time frame given.

System Development

There should be a clear and concise description of the development of code, assets
and resources that make up the core components of the system. This should include
any steps or stages in your development process and testing. You can make reference
to your central git repository here, though you might want to include snippets of code
and/or processes to better describe how outcomes were achieved. You should also
describe the processes that you engaged in e.g. test-driven development, agile
techniques and how they enabled the development and iterative, incremental
changes that contributed towards the success/failure of your projects.


You should produce a comprehensive analysis of your solution(s) relating to a wide

range of resources including literature.


You should evaluate your software development as both a set of processes (ie team
working, methodologies employed) and the thing that you have built. Higher marks
will be awarded where the evaluation is critical in nature, alluding to future work
and highlighting areas for potential improvement.


You should summarise the outcomes of your project and try to place it in a space.
Here you might want to discuss where it fits in a dynamic workflow or the impact
that it might have on a community of stakeholders or users.

The marking criteria for your final assessed component (70% or 70 marks) of the
course is as follows.
Total Marks
Technical available
Code solves challenges presented in the aims/objectives 4
Iterative design 4
Approach is fit for purpose without drastic oversights 4
Elegance/aesthetics/readability of code 2
Sensible approach to structure (e.g. index.html, style.css, functionality.js) 2
Evidence of collaboration and team work. Individual submissions should
show engagement with a wide range of external resources and utilisation of
tools such as peer review and discussion. 4
Evidence of milestones and reflective updates (e.g. updated Gantt charts,
resource allocation.) 2
Difficulty of technical challenge 4
Novelty of technical challenge 4
All parts of the system working 2
UI evaluation 1
Well documented tests 1
Effective error handling 1
Systematic testing regime including design of appropriate test cases 1
Justification of testing methods 1
User evaluation involving representative stakeholders formative 2
User evaluation involving representative stakeholders summative 1
Good introduction and fair discussion of literature 2
Clear statement of problem and effective problem analysis 2
Clear structure 1
Justification of design decisions 2
Good argumentation and justification of claims/problem analysis 2
Clear documentation and user guide 1
Sufficient and appropriate references, and good citing method 2
Good layout and formatting, especially of tables, figures, formulae and code
example 2
Well written with systematic analysis/evaluation 4
Insightful discussion of results 4
Evaluation of own work in relation to original proposal and plan 4
Conclusion and discussion of future work 4

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