Femme Fatales v03n02

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strain turns lethal for

producer Andy Sklaris

Callin your charter subscription today

and select any one of our collector's

back Issues (shown below) as our free
Or take as your free Issue our next

magazine (shown left), a cover story

on stop motion special effects maestro

Ray Harryhausen! Any way you slice
it, that’s five issues for the price
four—just $1 8 for the next four quarter-
ly Issues — less than $4 per copy, a
whopping 35% off the newsstarxj price.
Our next issue will take you back In
time to^Vhen Harryhausen Ruled the
Earth." as paleontologist Ted New-
som unearths the secrets of Dynama-
tion Dinosaurs. This in-depth retro-
spective includes interviews with spe-
cial effects magician Ray Harry-
hausen. and numerous filmmakers
and colleagues who worked with him
during his heyday. Also, with CGI
threatening to render dimensional ani-
mation extinct we ask current practi-
tioners of the form, "Has Stop-Motion
Been Stopped?"
• HONG KONG HORRORS, an inter-
view with producer Tsui Hark, the vir-
tual one-man industry who supplied
the fancifol. farttastic, and funny genre
films we just aren't getting from do-
mestic producers anymore.


the movies with DEMON KNIGHT,
the first in a series of feature films
based on the popular HBO television
series and fabled horror EC Comics
of the '50s. Our on-set report includes
interviews with actor Bill Sadler and
Spike Lee's dnematographer-tumed-
director Ernest Dickerson,

• And just in case you didn't get

enough this time—more vampires!
Take Any Back Issue
of Your Choice, Free!

VOLUME 3 NUMBER 2 The Luscious Ladies of Horror, Fantasy & Science Fiction

We regret the loss of Mark Altman as 6 Anti-staftlet

or>e of ourWest Coast correspondents.
Declining a role>in SLIVER, a non-hypocriticeil Tina Desired Berg
Mark has been hired to work on Sd-FI
Universe, an exemplary magazine that
wages war on “bimbo roles.’ / Interview by Gary Garfinkel
probes into ail media facets of the genre.
Not an easy guy to replace. Para- 10 Kathleen TURNER
phrasing that ole' Benny Hill refrain, there She sizzled on stage in Jekyll & Hyde: 1 6 years later. Turner still

was only one option: “Put more women smolders as a femme fatale. I Interview by Dan Gire
on the job!' Choices were eventually
pared down to Tina Desired Berg
(profiled this Issue), Christ! Harris, and
17 Asian action heroines
Shay Smith. Ms. ^rg, serving as one of
Moon Lee, Cynthia Khan and The Cheekbones’; meet the sexy,
our West Coast correspondents, will be
butt-kicking femmes of the Far East. / Article by Mike Leeder
Interviewing Darla Haun, actress and
hostess on the Sci-R channel. 24 Video las vegas
Ms. Harris, whose sexy but 1994 VSDA; stars and ingenues pitch sex
Highlights of the
sympathetic performance in NIGHT OF appeal and salesmanship. I Article by Gary Garfinkel
THE DEMONS II prompted FF readers to
encourage her profile (next issue), will be 27 Body of influence
writing a production diary on her current
Shannon Whirry, “Empress of the Erotic Thriller,’ reflects upon
film, SCARE CROW. Finally, 1&-year-old
her bombshell roles. / Interview by Dan Scapperotti
actress/model/ college student Shay
Smith, a Maryland femme fatale who's
making her film debut and has recently
32 At home with JULIE STRAIN
Probe into the private life of sultry Strain, “wild child’ and
posed for French publications, will be
Hollywood’s busiest B-Queen. / Profile by Gary Garfinkel
adding her youthful Insight to articles and
interviews; sample Smith’s pictorial, next
issue, for a “formal' introduction. 40 Red alert
Our pictorials, this issue, are more She’s the new “steam queen' on the block; Lisa Comshaw
subdued than usual; but, next time spices-up science fiction & erotic thrillers. / Interview by Ari Bass
around, we'll be generating more heat.
We've alerted actresses and 46 American cyborg
photographers on both coasts to She was hot as Marilyn Monroe, but Nicole Hansen really flared
augment dre scorchy luster of our photo
when her s-f role was rewritten. / Interview by Gary Garfinkel

coverage. After all no point in being
hypocritical —this magazine Illustratively
50 Produced but abandoned
underscores the sex appeal of femmes
fatales. But our publication is also a
forum for thesplans established as B- NASTY? TANTALIZER? Dream on.- Welcome to the B-boneyard.
Queens, as well as actresses who may Article by Robert Freese, Sean C. Strebin & Larry Greenberg
be on the border of an A-movie career.
Tina Desired Berg's evaluation of screen 57 Sherrie rose from the grave
exploitation sharply contrasts with Julie Actress, action heroine, producer.. .Ms. Rose resurrects phase #2
Strain's convictions; but, rather than pass of her career into the A-leagues. / Interview by Ari Bass
judgment on each other, both women
posed together for pictures.
So check out the next Issue for our
62 Femmes on rlm
Viinan Schilling, actress/author, discusses her second novel, her
new staffers and the tomld photography
resistance to doing nude scenes, and the perils of producing.
of Leon Miller, who's curreritly shooting
your favorite femmes fatales. Finally.my
best to Viviw; see you at Rick and
4 Letters
Monica's, pall
Bill George 5 Fatale attractions

Pubiisben Frederick S. Clarke. Editor: Bill George. Art Directon Joshua J. Kim Bureaus: Los Angeles/ Gary Garfinkel, Brinke Stevens. New York/ Vinnie
Mizzle. Contributors: Ari Bass, R(*ert Freese, Dann Gire, Larry Greenberg, Mike Leeder. Dan Scapperotti. Vivian SchUling, Scan C. Strebin.

Opcratkns Manager: Elaine Fiedler. Editorial Producdon: Lisa Tomczak-Walkington. Production Associate: Ruth Kopala. Publisber’s Assistant: Lisa Coduto.
CircuintioQ: Reva Patterson. Business Manager: Celeste Casey Clarke.

12T, Douslss .MM.... — ^ r

Micli»el Anuio, Sieve AnaogidL S«v« BAinen. Dimood Bravomm. Joe Bob

Wbi Bueehkf. hem DtvK,

a Picturee (John raym iSBh
V, —

Femme fatales (ISSN losz-im) 1> inUiebcd igiislecly M 7240W Rooeevell lU.. Fona Puk. IL 60130. (708) 366-5566.
Second cle« pcecs|e paid al Focesi Park. [L 60130 Aaddftiooal isaiUiig officet. POSTMASTER: Scad addfeea cfaaafea (o FEMME PATAL^. I ikPa>k.[L 60303
55lh Sl.NewYc
CODtentt copyni^CIOM by Picde FEM.ME FATALESitni b a prapnetaiy Trademark. PRINTED DS fisA


Letters Regarding
The FF(2:4) Cover
[ [

photos and behind-the-

scenes material.

Aaron Albrecht
MM does Hollywood really have
a monopoly on femmes fa-
tales? I’man actress, but
Rebecca Ferratti.
Concordia, Kansas all magazines —
Rebecca Ferratti! —
your own seem to think
REBECCA FERRATTI!!! [Aaron, check out Imagi- that LA has geographical-
REBECCA FERRATTI!!!!!!!! Movies 1:4 for a very con- ly locked in all the female
summate profile on Mar- talent.
Or have I been too subtle? tine Beswicke. I promise a
Susan Harris
Carlos Martins retrospect on the Hammer
Cleveland, Ohio
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil heroines sometime in the
future. In the meantime, [Come again? How about
June Wilkinson keep an eye peeled for Ted this issue's feature on
Just great seeing your fea- Newsom’s FLESH AND “Asian Action Heroines"?
ture on June Wilkinson (FF BLOOD, a feature-length Our new European corre-
3:1)! That's what glamour is
documentary that’s entirely spondent, Sally Ann Melia,
all about! I loved her in HOL-
devoted to Hammer. New- will be reporting on Euro-
LYWOOD BLUE with Mickey som persuaded the compa- pean actresses. Finally,
Rooney.‘Several years ago, I ny’s tantalizing troupers — check out our next issue for
saw her with Patrick Wayne Hazel Court, Raquel Welch, the fetching “Femmes
inTHE OWL AND THE Veronica Carlson, et al —
to Fatales of the East Coast,”
share their recollections on all of whom will contribute
PUSSYCAT at the Grand
The video also chroni-
Dinner Theatre in LA film.
cles the late Peter Cush-
to this magazine.]

Thanks to your wonderful Comk book horoim Brink* of Etomity will

ing’s final curtain call.]
magazine. I’m going to Toron- rotum In May '95 with a 3-lMua mlnl-oorlM. Fan Clubs
to, Canada to see [Wilkinson] Send self-addressed and
again in PYJAMA TOPS—saw Beguiling Brinee Musetta Vander, featured stamped envelopes:
it on Broadway, Las Vegas, I have become an avid fan in the company’s OBLIVION,
and here in LA
Cant wait! of your magazine. Thank has also been hired to shoot Ava Cadell cjo Five K Sales,
Thanks for a great story on Brinke Stevens for that! If it some of the Videozone wrap- 9420 Reseda Blvd. Suite 836,
a great Glamour Queen! weren’t for her pictures in arounds. This issue’s “Pro- Northridge, California, 91324
Mike Scott your first issue, I don’t know if duced But Abandoned" co- (Be sure to inquire about
LeCrescenta, California I would have given your maga- writer, Sean C. Strebin, Ava’s hot pin-up poster.
zine a second look. I'm glad I recently visited Full Moon Armed for Action.)
Wired did, because copies of your Studios to interview its reper-
Debbie Rochon magazine are forever selling tory of actresses.] Ria Coyne: 10927 Santa
Appreciate your writing out. I fiilly intend to subscribe Monica Blvd., Suite 127, Los
and FEMINIST PERSPEC- in 1995, it'll be a great Christ- Arrivederci, Angeles, California, 90025.
TIVE!! Look forward to each mas present to myself. Roberta
FF. Great Job, keep it up. My nominees to play Vam- 1 have just started reading Debra Lamb: 16633 Ventura
Toni, Jr. pirellaon film; Yancy Butler, your magazine, and I really Blvd., Suite 1240, Encino,
Editor, Hot Wire Magazine Charlie Spradling...or how eiqoy it. I am pleased that you California, 91436.
Chicago, Illinois about Brinke? She has those are going to be publishing it
great, bewitching eyebrows. more frequently. Carolyn Taye-Loren: P.O.
Hammer Honeys I would like to see articles I’m a big fan of Roberta Box 46896, Los Angeles,
How about an all-Hammer on Ms. Spradling, Sherilyn Vasquez from her Playboy California, 90046.
femmes fatales issue for some Fenn, and a feature on Full days and Andy Sidaris films.
of us fans? You could cover Moon Productions. Wonder if you could tell me if Danielle Rohn: P.O. Box 5,
many of the Hammer ladies Finally, whatever happened she has made any recent Beltsville, Maryland, 20704
you haven’t touched upon to the second Elvira movie? movies? And what are her (Though a newcomer, Ms.
yet —Martine Beswicke, Bar- Frank T. Rolapp plans for the future? would
I —
Rohn’s photo featured on
bara Shelley, Jacqueline Tacoma, Washington also like to know if Roberta last issue’s “Fatale Attrac-
Pearce, etc. And you could up- has a fan club. —
tions” page has prompted
date stories on the Hammer [Cassandra Peterson is try- Mike Hayashi readers to inquire about auto-
actresses you have previously ing to develop some invest- Westlake Vilg., California graphs, etc..)
covered (Caroline Munro, ment for her second Mistress
Raquel Welch, Veronica Carl- of the Dark vehicle, ELVIRA [“Roberta hasn’t done much Vivian Schilling: 15445
son, Ingrid Pitt). They are all VS. THE VAMPIRE WO- lately, " answers Andy Sidaris. Ventiu'a Bovd. #905, Sherman
worth a second, more in- MEN. Formerly the hostess of “She got married about a Oaks, California, 91403.
depth look. With Richard Full Moon's Videozone seg- month and a half ago."]
Donner’s recent buy-out of ments, Charlie Spradling has Brinke Stevens: 8033
Hammer Films, perhaps he been replaced by Full Moon Sexy Staffers Sunset Blvd., Hollywood,
woxild be a good source for old veteran Denice Duff(FF 2:4). Is it my imagination, or California, 90046.

All the big buzz is

one at the decade’s most cov-

about Pen-
[ M
debut in FF, write Evans for a
sample sheet and price list of his
A [

Dark? Then be sure to check out

a British fanzine devoted en-

eted roles: she's the saucy femme original work: 140 Fawcett Road, Cassandra Peterson and
tirely to
fatale in FELINE, a sensuous sci- Southsea. Hampshire, P04 OOW, her tempestuous alter ego. Editor
ence fiction movie in pre- England. KLH’s photo-illustrated journal
production. Ron Miller, the produc- e Rebekah Black, president of offers a complex chronicle of Elvi-
tion illustrator for DUNE and TOTAL AC Comics, is looking for a few ra's magazirte, TV. video game and
RECALL, collaborated on the story good women to be cast in DAWN merchandising appearances. Price
with ALIEN screenwriter/producer HUNTER and FEMFORCE: THE per copy. Air Mail £ 3.60 Surface ;

Ron Schusett. ’Pentizel is a product MOVIE. 'AC Comics characterizes Mail, £ 3.10. Be sure payments are
of complex genetic engineering,* our FEMFORCE comic book hero- In UK Sterling only. Make all orders
explains Miller. “She Is a cat, ines as woman with beauty and payable to KLH Publications, 3
shaped like a human being, but brains,' explains Black. 'Team Farm Road, Old Woking, Surrey,
she's not a mindless, ravenous members are babes, but In no way GU22 9HL England.
monster. Pentizel Is everything that bimbos.. .they do not use sex to • Before the ‘adult’ Industry
Michelle Pfeiffer Is pretending to be accomplish their ot^ectives. We are floundered In pom, a comparative
In 8ATM^ II. She's sleek and sul- looking for those qualities in the age of innocence the Softcore —
the only sympathetic chv-
try. ..arxl actresses we select for the parts... Era— prevailed during the '60s:
acter in the movie." FELINE, we think this kind of reality will add plenty of nudity, but no explicit sex.
described as ‘CAT PEOPLE believabitity to the superhero/action Science fiction, fantasy, artd horror
MEETS BROADCAST news: will fantasy concept. All actresses are were among the genres played
be photographed in Maryland, being considered, based on their straight or spoofed, what with
Virginia,and Hollywood on a pro- physical similarity to the drawn SPACE THING, THE HOUSE ON
jected S6-S7 million budget. Comic character and personality. We are BARE MOUNTAIN, KISS ME
book Illustrator Mike Kaluta Is looking for women to play these QUICK, et al. A repertory of softcore
developing production designs. The 'lead action rales' without the exterv Rene Bortd, Mar-
starlets. Including

producers are casting ‘unknowns in sive use of stunt doubles. All sha Jordan, Kathy Williams, Uschl
certain key roles, since too-familiar actresses Interviewed thus far have Digart, and Pal Barrington (ORGY
names and faces would get in the been asked about their physical OF THE DEAD) briefly enjoyed lim-
way of the audience's suspension training programs and athletic abili- ited celebrity. Enthusiasts are
of disbelief. For the time being, we'd ties.*Thus. FF appeals to its read- advised to ch^-out Highball mag- Beltimors beauty Carta Haley la a
prefer to be secretive about select- ers to not only submit suggestions azine for rtostalgic profiles of direc- corrtender for a FELINE rcria. She will
ed actresses whether they're popu- for casting, but we Invite you to tors and actresses who contributed model ae “Pentizel’ for advance eda.
laror unknown.' But FFhas learned send 8x10 glossies and resumes of toa more subdued, more sensuous
that blonde Baltimore beauty. Carle prospects who match Ms. Black's s/nema. Write to Kronos Produc- announced that Julie Strain, also
Haley, Is a stitmg contender for orte qualifications. Send ail materials to tions Inc., MPO Box
67, Oberlin, profiled this Issue, accepted an
of the leads. Final casting will be FFs Baltimore location (page 3), Ohio 44074-0067. Aficionados are engagement ring from video direc-
determined later this year. and we'll forward applications to AC also encouraged to consult Some- tor Jeff Stein.

Readers are encouraged to Comics and producer Mike thing Weird Video for a voluminous a Actress/comedienne RIa
make suggestions, and actresses Frankovich, Jr. collection of rare '60s softcore. Coyne appears with Richard Lewis
submit 8x10 glossies
are invited to • Mad over the Mistress of the Company president Mike Vraney in HBO's TALES FROM THE
arvd resumes to this magazine's has rescued “original 3Smm ar>d CRYPT Halloween trilogy (check
Baltimore location (see page 3 Antonis Doritn (DINOSAUR ISLAND) 16mm source material’ and this issue's profile on Sherrie Rose,
for address). FF editor Bill Coemfc Comfca, IHuatratsd
proinotlr>g made transfers to video. Write also cast In one of those October Irv
George, makirrg the big move to
eds pU Uorw of Comwn dw
to P.O. Box 33664, Seattle. stallments). Coyne, whose LEGAL
LA. in December, will supervise Washington, 961 33 for further BRIEFS recently debuted on the
FELINE'S front cover shoot. Information. USA cable channel, Is thrilled to
e Next Issue, we'll be unveil- e A September shoot is have been cast In BATMAN 3.
ing the work of Robin Grenville scheduled for Concorde's AT- e Antonia Dorian has enlight-
Evans, British artlsi/cartoonist. TACK OF THE 60 FOOT CEN- ened us to Roger Ckxman's Cosmic
Evans' illustrated space opera, TERFOLD. though — at press Comics, Illustrated adaptations of
Lavinia Laserblast (Knight Fea- time —producers were still cast- movies that Corman produced
Among the movies
tures, London), is scheduled for ing for an actress to play the title and/or directed.
renewal after a tvro-year stretch role. Fred Olen Ray is directing that will be transformed into art ren-

In a leading Glasgow news- Steve Armogida's sci-fi screen- derings: DEATH RACE 2000, UT-
paper. Drawing upon the gold- play which, according to one TLE SHOP OF HORRORS, WASP
en age of pulp fiction covers' for source, will afford the Invisible WOMAN, ROCK 'N' ROLL HIGH

his inspiration, Evans is 'Inter- Man a cameo scene. Michelle SCHOOL and the forthcoming Con-

ested in exploring the visually Bauer, who performed as the corde-New Horizon production,
exciting potential of strong and “centerfotd* In Ray's test/ optical BRAM STOKER'S BURIAL OF
dynamic femmes, especially In effects footage, is likely to make THE RATS. Ms. Dorian informs us
fantasy artd scler)ce fiction situ- an appearance in the film. Cast that she and BURIAL/RATS star
ations.' Evans will be Integrating Includes J.J. North and Tammy Marla Ford Introduced the comic
your favorite femmes fatales Parks. Supporting player Raelyn book series at the 1994 San Diego
into a “pulpish, s-f premise but Saalman previously graced our Comic Convention.
with a feminist twist* (wait till you pages in issues 2:4 (BLONDE A special thanks to Jonathan
see his 'vision* of Vivian HEAVEN) and 3:1 (REVENGE Zuchowskl. Jon, keep that appoint-
Schtllingl). In the event that you OF THE CALENDAR GIRLS), ment— we want you to be part of

can't wait for his American e Sorry, guys. It's just been our team for a long time.


By Gary Garfinkel

It’s a monthly ritual; Bill On the advice of her mod-

George, le homme behind eling agent,Berg auditioned
Femme Fatales, assigns for a low budget film called
yours truly to profile a porting William Smith, she
“promising” ingenue (I hate portrayed Elana, a naive
my life). Same routine; I’m
Midwesterner who is abduct-
ed and sold to a Hong Kong
furnished with her phone brothel though she gradually
number, run through the transforms into a thick-
introductory conversation, skinned survivalist. “I later
found out that this movie
arrange a meeting.. .upon
had been completed much
meeting the tanned, youth- earlier, and taken to the
ful Aphrodite, I’m blown American Film Market.
away by her beauty. But When the producers couldn’t
when I transcribe the inter- sell it, they hired a name in
view later. I’m not so inter- William Smith and a couple
ested. So when I was as- of new actresses, including
signed Tina Desiree Berg, I myself, to pretty much give
wondered, who’s Tina Desired it a complete overhaul. So
Berg? that was a good break.”
Bom in Los Angeles, Berg The American Film Mar-
grew up in a show business ket (AFM), held annually at
environment. Her parents Loew’s Hotel in Santa Mon-
wrote entertainment insur- ica, is where Berg met her
ance. After being in a Bap- second film’s director, Robert
tist high school with strict Bundle. He’d seen her in
dress codes, Berg trans- MERCHANT OF EVIL and
ferred to California Prep., a wanted her for his next pro-
high school with an alumni ject,THE HAUNT. “The
that includes Michael Jack- movie was about a demon
son and Drew Barrymore. who lives in the attic of this
By the time she turned 18, house. Over time, a series of
Berg skipped a grade in young couples move into the
high school, graduated to house but are murdered by
college, garnered a model- the demon. I play a hideous-
ing contract and launched a looking dead woman who
two-month stretch in Japan comes back to life, warning
posing for photographers. couples about the demon.”
But the homesick teen Berg calls it a “good, little
returned home, eventually movie” and appreciated the
earning a degree in Drama opportunity it gave her to
and Dance at Irvine’s Uni- show off her acting abilities
versity of California. and not just her body.



<<Woinen keep going on and on with this ‘All the
people in this town with power are men.’
Nohody, and I mean nobody, has power over
you unless you give it to them. End of story.”

and he said, ‘Oh, don’t wor- Women in Hollywood-. "All

ry, we’ll cut Tracy’s nudity. these ladies whining about
You can do the scenes in a sexual harassment is crazy.
bikini and I’ll take out the I believe you get what you
lesbian scene, because I’m ask for. I have never had a
not really fond of it, an3rway.’ problem, because I put out a
Well, maybe Don wasn’t, but vibe that doesn’t evoke that
the producers were really kind of behavior. And wo-
into it. men keep going on and on
Although contracted to with this ‘All the people in
get paid at the end of each this town with power are
day, she received nothing. men.’ Nobody, and I mean
She told director Jackson nobody, has power over you
she wouldn’t do any more unless you give it to them.
work, unless she was paid. End of story. I simply don’t
“At that point, this lawyer- play the games.
producer comes to me and “If you present yourself in
says, ‘Why should we pay the light of a professional, a
you, you haven’t taken your —
businesswoman as in This
clothes off, yet.’ And I’m is what I do for a living’
looking at this guy like, you’ll avoid all of the prob-
‘Excuse me, did I just hear lems that actresses complain
that correctly?’ I said to him, about, in terms of dealing
very bluntly, that I never with men who wiU ‘give’ you
agreed to appear nude. something if they ‘get’ some-
“They could either adhere thing. I’ve seen it time and
to the agreement, pay me time again, these actresses
and continue as the con- who act coy and intentional-
tracts were signed.. .or I ly flirt with directors and
leave. It’s that simple. I producers, and then wonder
thought about it for a minute why they get the come-on in
and then I just said, ‘You what should be a business
know what, you don’t even atmosphere. Then they
have a choice, I’m just leav- scream sexual harassment
ing. And I stormed out.” but it’s ridiculous, because
Berg was quite outspoken the actress gave out a sign
regarding exploitation and and the opportunity for it to
“Oontfuck with me, I'm fighting •terMtypM. You eon b* Mxy without strlppln’.” Tinseltown’s sexual politics: happen,”

Director Don Jackson actress’ worst professional ‘I'm Intimidating Laurie Spencer In thia ecene from HOT BLADES, a bizarre
takeoff on virtual reality. Typleal of a Don Jackeon H makea no aenae.”
(HELL COMES TO FROG- experience. “This was an- film,

TOWN), who had previously other Don Jackson film

collaborated with Bundle, called QUEEN OF LOST IS-
asked Berg to audition for LAND,” explains Berg,
HOT BLADES. She de- “about five swimsuit models
scribes the film as "a series doing a shoot on an island.
of virtual reality pieces. In This one was produced by
the film, I play this virtual two lawyers. Don asked me
reality cop who enters peo- to read the script because he
ple’s minds when they’re wanted me to play this char-
breaking the rules of the acter named Tracy, who
particular fantasy that they provided the comic relief for
are in.” Berg notes that the group. So I read it, and
Jackson resourcefully turns found an abimdance of nudi-
ambitious concepts into low ty required for my role
budget realities. including a lesbian scene. I
But then came the called Don and told him that

Nightmare every B-movie I don’t do this kind of thing.

Women’s roles: ‘'Well, I’m
damn sick of wearing a
swimsuit [lau^is]. It is fois-
trating but it’s also under*
standable to a degree. There
are women who have beauti-
ful bodies, and it’s simply a
matter of an audience who is
willing to pay to see those
bodies. It’s a money thing,
and that dictates what gets
made and put on the market.
“Initially, it didn’t bother
me; I felt, ‘Yeah, okay, what-
ever.’ But, after a while, it
gets to you. It’s like, ‘I can
be dowdy; I can be covered
up and still be effective; I
can act!’ Unfortunately, at
the B-level, there are even
fewer opportunities to really
do something as opposed to
looking a certain way.
That’s why THE HAUNT
was so great for me.
Nudity: “I think it’s a
woman’s decision that she
needs to make on her own.
For me, I don’t do it because,
most of the time, I find it
exploitative and unneces-
sary. I think you can get
farther in an acting career
by not doing it. I think it
hurts your career because, if
you look at a lot of these
girls who are doing nudity
in B-films, they’re stuck
there and nobody takes
them seriously.
“Also, it depends on
where you set your goals. If
the goal is to act at any level

now, then obviously ^you’ll —
be willing to take off your
clothes. I have career aspira-
tions that involve acting in
the big picture and over the
long run. Doing nudity, now,
would definitely hurt my
chances later on, when I’m
more established and trying
to jump from ‘B’ to ‘A.’
Unfortunately, I don’t think
most of these girls, who do
nudity, think about that or
even care about it.”
Love scenes: “Sure, I’d do
them, but only if it pertains
to the story and is tastefully
done. I have turned down
many, many roles because I

didn’t get a good vibe from

the filmmakers, or simply
because I wouldn’t be naked.
I turned down a role in
SLIVER after auditioning
for Joel Schumacher because
contlnned od page BO
By Dann Gire

Don’t expect Kathleen

Turner, femme fatale extraor-
dinaire and owner of the most
ostentatiously breathy vocal
chords in Hollywood, to jump
around nude in any more
classy film noir pictures.
She might. But don’t hold
your breath.

“It you got H,um It," My> 39 year-

old Turner. Til have chances to do

roles where I’m lees attractive later."
“I don't preclude it,” Turn- was touch and go. Turner
er said with her famous had read SERIAL MOM
pipes, “but Ihave a tendency UNDERCOV-
while filming
not to repeat myself. You ER BLUES with Dennis
know, it’s not very interest- Quaid. When she came to
ing if I’ve done it before.” the scene where Serial Mom
It was in 1981 that Turn- rips the innards out of an
er made her feature film impolite student, then slips
debut in Lawrence Kasdan’s on his quivering liver. Turn-
BODY HEAT. It was a er turned off. “It was the
seedy little scorcher, in- most off-putting part of the
spired by ’40s which
cleissics, script for me,” she ex-
set anew standard for plained. “Then I thought it
modem film noir. through and considered
This year’s CHINA what she does with the pok-
MOON, a BODY HEAT er. It was funny. Besides, it
wannabe with Ed Harris as looked like chicken liver to
a corruptible cop who falls me.” Turner would later ad-
for deceptive dame Made- mit that her favorite part of
leine Stowe, serves as a SERIAL MOM is, in fact,

reminder of how good the quivering liver scene. “I

Kasdan’s lusty melodrama think that’s funny. I know
really is. “I didn’t see the it’s terrible. But I think
movie,” Turner said. “But I that’s funny,” she confessed.
MlclwelOougiM and Tumar apoof Harlaquin romance In JEWEL OF THE NILE.
did see a clip from it, one Tlw couple probed Itie da^er aide o1 bor>dlng In WAR OF THE ROSES. Turner said she had a
where someone says, ‘If you grand time on the set of
love me, trust me.’ I thought ...the whole nine yards. when I first read
it. I didn’t
Aa SERIAL MOM: “I loll like my
1 heard that line before.” Who’da thunk that the know what to make of it, daughMr half the tjine...V'rn going to
One thing’s for sure. sweaty, slinky vixen, who quite frankly,” the actress do lomothifig nolly bod lodoy.'"
Even if Turner does another took ice baths with William said, her breathy delivery
turn in the erotic thriller Hurt, would have turned working up a full head of
genre, you won’t be seeing out so normal? steam. “It was quite puz-
her in BODY HEAT II: THE What’s more. Turner’s zling. I couldn’t stop think-
RETURN OF MATTY 1994 black comedy SERIAL ing about it.”
WALKER, “No, no," denied MOM casts the one-time cat So, she invited director/
Turner. “Not as that charac- on a hot tin roof as a well- writer John Waters to her
ter. That was such a special scrubbed suburban house- house to talk over how he
time. It was Larry’s first wife, who takes the rules of intended to make SERIAL
film. It was my first film. etiquette so seriously that MOM. He was at her door
Bill [Hurt] had done AL- any slight, seemingly in- four hours later, having
TERED STATES, but it significant infraction is pun- hopped the next train from
hadn’t come out yet. The ishable by death. Not pleas- Baltimore to New York.
three of us felt it was ant death, either. Her char- “That alone was quite flat-
against the Hollywood sys- acter, Beverly Sutphin, tering,” smiled Turner.
tem to make the film we slices and dices, beats and “Then he proceeded to talk
wanted. We were a special stabs and runs down her me right into it. He can
club. And now we all know neighbors and friends for charm the pants off any-
too much. I’m not sure we failing to comply with such thing. Then, of course, he
could ever recapture that things as proper recycling or seduced me by telling me
intimacy.” failing to rewind the video that no other actress could
Turner, 39 years old, is a cassette. pull it off. Well, there you
married woman with a kid, “I hadmy own serious go. I was stuck."
house, career, a husband trepidations about this For a while, though, it

“Women’s roles have not been

improved. The industry is scared.
Most studios want to protect
their product. You do that with
the safest materiai possibie.”

And I’m hoping for a dissi- improved. The industry is

pating effect.” scared now. Most of the
How would Turner com- established studios want to
pare Waters with Ken Rus- protect their product. You
sell, a director similarly do that with the safest
revered for his eccentricity material possible.”
and independence, who In addition to SERIAL
guided the actress through MOM, Turner also appears
the erotic thriller CRIMES in this year’s NAKED IN
OF PASSION? “It was just NEW YORK, directed by
as challenging but much one of Martin Scorsese’s pro-
more fun [to work with teges. She portrays Dana
Waters],” Turner laughed Coles, a character not-so-
with a throaty, artificially ironically close to herself
MkhMi Douglas and Tumor rolax with dlroctor Robert Zemeckis on the set of induced guffaw that typical- an aging actress who real-
ROMANCMQ THE STONE, one of Turner's more msinetream successes. ly punctuates her inter- izes that she’s on the cusp of
views. “I laughed every day. losing her sexual allure.
SERIAL MOM, supported “The rage that Beverly I looked forward to each day That’s a fairly daring role
by Waters repertory player feels whenever somebody on the set. I started feeling for any sex symbol nearing
Ricki Lake, cast as her infringes on any one of her like my daughter half the 40, which is branded by Hol-
daughter, and Sam Water- rules is, I think, very pre- —
time Tm going to do some- lywood as an actress’ “gold-
son as her husband. Actual- sent in all of us. Ten years thing really bad today.' en age.” But Turner is no
ly, Turner had only one ago, if youhad been bumped With Ken [Russell] there stranger to commercial
m^or problem with Waters’ on the street, you would be weren’t many laughs. I like risks.
material: pretending to be annoyed. Now if somebody comedy. I think it’s much True, she’s performed in
infatuated with Charles bumps you, you’d be in- more interesting on many controversy-resisteint enter-
Manson. In the movie, she censed. This has just been levels than merely convey- THE MAN
tainment like
carries around photos of building up. All of us have ing a thought. It’s much WITH TWO BRAINS and
Manson and other infamous this. Beverly doesn’t handle more difficult for me." romantic thrillers such as
killers such as Richard this very well. What I think Actually, Turner said ROMANCING THE STONE
Speck. “Oh, that photo of this film can and might do she’s been having trouble and its sequel, JEWEL OF
Charles Manson,” sighs is diffuse [the rage]. We’re finding interesting roles in THE NILE. But Turner has
Turner. “I have a visceral with this woman. We’re the mainstream, which may also tackled roles that were
reaction to that. Yechh! But hooked into her anger. Then explain her leap into the written on the periphery of
that’s where I am
in my she goes and acts on it. Waters camp. “I don’t think the mainstream. In 1987,
generation, I guess.” And We’re like, “Weiit a minute!’ [women’s roles] have been she co-starred with Sting in
what about the gushy treat-
ment of Speck? “I didn’t Stew Martin, aa tha MAN WITH TWO BRAINS (19S3), Is Irtvolvad with two woman, his bitchy wife (Tumor) and a conganlal,
dissmbodlsd brain (voica of Sissy Spacak). Tha aatira of 1950's horror/s-f flicka did lukawarm businass at tha boxoffica.
mind that as much,” replied
Turner. “I was too young for
that. But pretending to
admire Charles Manson,
that kind of got to me.”
Turner acknowledged
that she and Waters, the
subversive Baltimore film-
maker whose low-budget
comedies (PINKFLAMIN-
BLE,) have challenged good
taste,shared similar sensi-
bilities about SERIAL
MOM. “Neither John nor
myself have any desire
about how the world should
be,” she noted. “Poke fun at
it? Absolutely. Say some-
thing is out of whack! Sure.
Turner turn* eultry irt Robert ZemecUt' ROMANCING THE STONE She would leter provide the voice for Jeestoa Rebbtt In ZemecWs' WHO FRMIED ROGER RABBIT.

JULIA AND JULIA, a project which Turner’s character her life. “The script was whether I’m acting with
that abandoned conventional rams a nightstick in an un- written by Lynn Mamet, them or directing them.
The arthouse
technology. mentionable part of a john’s David’s sister,” Turner That’s a talent that I have.”
drama was shot on high* anatomy, the husbandly —
pointed out, “ although Turner has also commu-
definition video and trans- hand dropped away. “Ob, Lynn likes women.” The nicated her presence in an-
ferred to film stock. oh,” Turner remembered Showtime production has other medium. In 1991, she
Plunging head-first into thinking; nevertheless, she prompted her to direct more played Sara Paretsky’s
sexual taboos, Turner defended her role, insisting often: “Frankly, I know too Chicago detective, V.I.
played call girl China Blue it was a challenge. Eventu- much, you know? I mean, I WARSHAWSKI, which was
in the aforementioned ally, Turner recalled, her act,then they tell me to go shot on location in the
CRIMES OF PASSION spouse understood. away for two hours. Boringl Windy City. Though the
(1984). The frank and unro- “Not too many women I like being the director movie was not a financial
mantidzed sex scenes earned can carry a film,” explained every minute. I get good per- success, 'Turner has reprised
CRIMES an X-rating, forcing the actress. “I have carried formances from people the character in her record-
Ken Russell to cut an R ver- several because of my name
Tunwr's fammt tatah unite* wHh Jeck NIcitolMn'* hit man for a very unhappy
sion for theatrical and home alone. Not too many others
ending in PRIZZI'S HONOR. The black comedy was helmed by John Huston.
video markets. have that standing. Frankly,
The film, an uncompro- [women are] offered less
mising and gritty depiction complimentary roles the —
of prostitution, floundered wife, the victim. Not very
at the boxofflce. Six years challenging.”
later, PRETTY WOMAN It’s been three years
turned the oldest profession since Turner has been on
into a sanitized Cinderella the legit stage, starring as
fable (placating the public, a Maggie in CAT ON A HOT
pessimistic fade-out was TIN ROOF. She’d like to get
scrapped and replaced with back on the floorboards
a happy ending); the Julia soon. Maybe in the fall.
Roberts film was a major In the meantime, 'Turner
hit. directed a summer film
Tbrniigb most of CRIME’S LESLIE’S FOL-
short called
preview, Turner held hands LY, about a 42-year-old
with husband Jay Weiss- woman with three kids, a
man, a real estate developer marriage and an un-
and amateur bar band mu- expected pregnancy. She
sician. During a scene in must decide the course of


ings of Paretsky's novels.

“I’ve been doing them over
in England for the BBC,”
she explained. “I always
thought that Paretsky did-
n’t get a fair shake with
WARSHAWSKI, you know?
Disney forced us to cut the
film down to such a tepid
level that I always thought
the character, well, I felt I
had to make up
to her.
So, every year I go over to
England and do one of her
books on BBC 4.
“It’s terrific. It’s a full
cast. You don’t have that
over here [in American
radio] where you use one
TURNER’S Sensuous stage performance in
person’s voice. I think
people get tired of just one
HORROR Classic fires up controversy.
person’s voice. They have a
full cast with each charac-
By Steve Yeager
ter getting an actor. It’s so
much fun. In one scene,
Warshawski goes to a The time July, in the throes of writin
theatre, so half the cast is 1978. The location: The my own theatrical vei
taking off shoes and jump- campus of the Univer- sion of the Robert Loui
ing up and down on a wood sity of Maryland Balti- Stevenson novella, Di
floor to give the effect of more County. Walking Jekyll and Mr. Hydt
You just crack up.”
dancers. into acrowded multi- which I would eventual
Asked if there were any purpose site of the Sci- ly call JEKYLL i

more femmes fatales in her ence Building, I was HYDE. I had been com
future.Turner replied she’ll struck by the rich missioned to direct '

only play characters that sound of laughter ema- stage version of thi
are up to her standards. “If nating from one comer popular piece for Fell
you've got it, use it,” Turner of the room. The hall Point’s Vagabond The
smiled. “I’ll have plenty of had been set up as a atre. Located in th
chances to do roles where communication center original waterfront com
I’m less attractive later.” for artists, staff and munity of Baltimore, it'
volunteers of the “new the oldest, continuin
“Frankly, I know too much. act, than theatre compan
theatre festival.” The little
thoy toll mo to go away for two hours.
Bortngiy llko being the diroctor." conclave unified vari- in the country. Th
ous performing art playscript given to m
groups from around was one penned in 194
the world, all gathered and set in an old Eng
together for a two- lish drawing room. Th
week sojourn in the dreadfully written piec
Greater Baltimore called for Henry Jekyl
area. to make the transitio:
Back to the laugh- Billed aa M. Kathleen Turner, the actresa played to his alter ego, Edwar
had a mahogany,
ter. It Evy, the victim of Hyde's sadistic passions. Hyde, by running be
Courvoisier quality hind an on-stage folde
about it. I finally traced the ployed at a Franklin & Si- screen, throwing on a to
source of the mirth to a mon clothing store in a hat with a scraggly wi
most delightful, wildly at- county shopping mall. I was sown to the inside of th
tractive individual; Kathy immediately caught by the crown, and donning a
Turner was holding court sultry quality in her voice, overcoat with a hump at
in the will call ticket area that voice we have come to tached to the lining. Ecceh
with some of the other vol- know as Matty Walker hh\
unteers. I introduced my- (BODY HEAT), Irene Walk- I agreed to bring th
self as a fellow Baltimore er (PRIZZI’S HONOR), and J&H story into the realm <
theatre person, volunteer- Jessica Rabbit. ’70s experimental theatre,
ing time to this auspicious Kathy was unsure of her showed my
script to Kath
endeavor. Kathy, I would future in terms of theatre, and explained my concep
subsequently find out, had The last couple of semes- —
tion two actors would pla
just graduated from the ters at UMBC had not been Jekyll and Hyde and, a
school’s theatre department terrifically rewarding. It times, be on stage togethe
and was presently em- just BO happened that I was literally fighting fo

“Not too many women can carry
a film. Frankly, [women are]
offered less complimentary
roles. ..the wife, the victim. Not
the least challenging.”

Jekyll’a soul. Kathy found first few audiences, the

the idea exciting and con- Vagabond Theatre knew
sented to read for the role they had a hit on their
of Evy, the dance hall hands and a future star in
femme fatale whom Hyde their midst.
falls in love with and even- Four months after Kath-
tually murders. leen's first professional the-
The following month, at atre endeavor, she moved
the auditions, Kathy excit- to New York City and lived
ed my entire staff with the with Linda Chambers, an-
sensuality she brought to othermember of the
the reading. When she real- JEKYLL & HYDE cast.
ized the level of talent and Within six months, Kath-
the quality of commitment leen had replaced the lead
involved in the show, Kathy actress in the Broadway
agreed to play Evy. Her performance of GEMINI. A
presence was felt from the role on THE DOCTORS
very first rehearsal. Kathy soap soon followed, and
would arrive, brandy snif- then came the audition for
ter containing orange juice Larry Kasden which earned
in hand, full of enthusiastic her the ultimate femme fa-
ideas for her character. tale role, Matty Walker in
Many times, Kathy’s ideas BODY HEAT.
were incorporated into the
Turner appMit lo Ur. Hyde (Jltn
body of the show. “Uany time* Kathy’e Idea*
Scenes flowed into one were Incorporated imo the ahow."
another like dissolves in a
movie. The look of the show
was borrowed freely from
German expressionistic
films (e.g. CABINET OF
Hammer’s DRACULA
movies, and from Brecht
plays like THE THREE
some reviewers cited the
Abov«:''Th* thwtr* board waa coneamod about tba aaxuallty ot Tumafa
parformanoa." Balow; Tumar antartaina tha Vagabond Thaatra caaL
“film-like” approach de-
signed for the play. But all
of the reviewers noted
“newcomer" M. Kathleen
Turner (Kathy’s preferred
billing at the time) and her
galvanizing portrayal of
Evy. The play was so well
received, in fact, perspec-
tive customers were turned
away nightly and our en-
gagement was extended for
two weeks. Initially, the
theatre’s board was con-
cerned about the sexuality
of Kathy’s performance and
the obvious sadomasochis-
tic aide to Hyde’s malevo-
lence. But, after gauging
the overwhelmingly impas-
sioned reaction from the



By Mike Leeoer

Hollywood is suddenly self-congratula- OF FURY and THE CHINESE CON-

tory; the film capital has reconciled itself NECTION, equally combative femmes fa-
tales were matching Lee’s impact at the
to the existence of strong women: Linda
Asian boxolTice. Angela Mao Ying, who
Hamilton, Bridget Fonda, Patricia Ar- was cast as Lee’s ill-fated sister in EN-
quette, Juliette Lewis, Cynthia Rothrock. TER THE DRAGON, evolved into one of
Well, Tinseltown, here’s a cable from the pioneering action heroines via her
Hong Kong: What took you so damn roles in LADY WHIRLWIND and WHEN
While skeptics may dispute she lived
During the early ’70s, while Bruce Lee up to the acclamation as “the best Chi-
was developing his celebrity with FISTS nese actress ever,” no one can deny that

17 ^

Hsu Feng crossed into a nent marriage and retire-

male-dominated profession. VERONICA YIP ment from film. The void
After impressing critics will he filled with ingenues
with her film performances, who, contrary to Yip’s reser-
most memorably in King
^Wrth lyrics like 7our lips must talk to me of
vations, will grin and bare it
Hu’s fantasy classic A love, your heart must give warmth, but in a misguided attempt to
TOUCH OF ZEN, Hsu beckon stardom.
turned her attention to pro- your le^ can do all the naughty stuff,’ her
duction and established debut album was a major success.” Veronica Yip
Thompson Films. Launched After a less than impres-
in the early ’SOs, the compa- sive television career, Ver-
ny scored its first success onica Yip (Yip Yuk-hing)
with the “Kung Fu Kids” se- shed her clothes in TAKE
ries and recently garnered ME. Similar to Bo Derek’s
an Oscar nomination for panned comedy, GHOSTS
CUBINE. volved a recently widowed
Japan has been turning beauty who seaches for a
out vehicles for its own ac- new lover. Unlike the Derek
tion heroines. During the vehicle, the regional release
’SOs, Etsuko “Sue” Shiomi of TAKE ME was a huge
matched the profitable ap- success. Two subsequent
ER co-star Sonny Chiba, and a thriller that trans-
punching up the boxoffice lates as PRETTY WOMAN,
tally as were equally prosperous.
FIGHTER. Hardly a trend, Though christened as “the
Asian movies that stress biggest sex symbol in Hong
“women of strength” have Kong,” Yip deflected the
perpetuated their commer- bimbo image. She negotiat-
cial popularity into the ’90s. ed large shares of her boxof-
Western audiences have fice profits, and effectively
finally been enlightened to Sitting comfortably? Yo, farce. Imagine a Chinese exploited her screen image
Hong Kong’s high octane let’s go! Je tien poo kwai jal combination of THE to earn public recognition.
film industry through the il- ROCKY HORROR PIC- Opting for a singing ca-
lustrious work of John Woo, Amy Yip TURE SHOW, a Russ Mey- reer, Yip cut an album titled
Jackie Chan, Chow Yun- A certain notoriety char- er movie, and the POWER “Irresistible Sensuousness.”
fatt, and Tsui Hark. The acterizes the work of Amy RANGEI^, and you’ve got a Never mind that Yip is not
movies appear to be lavishly Yip (Yip Chi-mei), one of pretty good idea of the film’s exactly Barbra Streisand.
produced, though budgets Hong Kong’s most beloved schizophrenic crossbreed- With lyrics like “Your lips
are trimmed down to only a thespians. The voluptuous ing. ROBOTRIX! and SEX must talk to me of love, yo\ir
fraction of the cost invested Ms. Yip, affectionately & ZEN, the latter one of the heart must give me warmth,
in Hollywood’s studio prod- known as “Borbarl/Queen of late, lamented RIM distrib- but your legs can do all the
uct. The audience’s adrena- Boobs!” earned fame as a re- utor’s most successful re- naughty stuff,” her debut
line meter is pumped be- sult of her sultry perform- leases on the Chinese film record was a a major suc-
cause patrons realize that ances inEROTIC GHOST circuit, played to packed cess. Further buttressing
most of the risky stunts are STORY I & II, JAILHOUSE houses in Chinatowns her sexpot image. Yip ap-
performed by the cast, not ERO’S, GHOSTLY VIXEN, throughout the U.S. and proved roles in GIGOLO &
body doubles. and the bizarre erotic fanta- Canada. WHORE II and the uneven,
Hong Kong boasts a sy SEX & ZEN. And then The Hong Kong press has sexy comedy thriller CASH
repertory of sexy, versatile there's her trashy camp frequently painted Yip as a ON DELIVERY. While her
femmes fatales and B- classic, ROBOTRIX! I’m a scarlet woman of loose public locked Amy Yip into
queens who, though worthy big fan of this film, and not morals. Even American the sex symbol stereotype,
same acclaim as their
of the for all the politically correct fanzines have alluded to her Hong Kong audiences em-
U.S. counterparts, have reasons. Cast as a beautiful “adult film career.” But, braced Veronica Yip as a
been ignored by the Ameri- robot. Yip assists a cyborg while Yip has sustained a mainstream star. Along
can media. So prepare to cop (Japanese actress Aoya- career as sex siren, and with her aptitude for
cross over into the Hong ma Chikato) who’s on the shows more lack of inhibi- singing, Yip delivered the
Kong Zone, where beauty trail ofa homicidal cyborg. wardrobe during
tion than goods as an actress in films
queens are transformed into Provocatively attired. Yip her personal appearances, like MY BROTHER’S LOV-
actresses or action heroines goes undercover as a prosti- she has never actually ER, CALL GIRLS 1992, and
or singers; some manage to tute to not only root out the flashed the flesh! “If people the star-studded comedy
merge all three professions, killer, but identify with a see you completely naked,” fantasy EAGLE SHOOT-
and are eventually cast real woman’s passions. argues Yip, “they lose inter- ING HEROES. Co-starring
sometimes as victim, some- Featuring numerous ac- est in you!” This philosophy with Tony Leung (THE
times as an alluring preda- tion and f/x scenes, the film was validated by the com- LOVER) in the romantic

tor in films that are hy- stumbles because it procras- mercial success of her comedy ROOF WITH A
brids of the fantasy, horror tinates between selling it- movies. Recently, however. VIEW, and turning in a dra-
and science fiction genres. self as an erotic thriller or a Yip announced her immi- matic performance for

AD, Yip respectively earned “THE CHEEKBONES" was transformed, under the
Best Supporting Actress supervision of filmmaker
and Best Actress nomina- Samo Hung (Hung Kam-bo),
tions at Taiwan’s presti-
«Bri^e Urn declined a producer's offer of HK into a tomboyish femme fa-
gious Golden Horse Awards $15 million to appear topless in his movie. When tale. Directed by Corey
and the 13th Hong Kong Yuen (Yuen Kwai), Khan in-
Film Awards! a magaane printed artistic photos of Urn troduced her aggressive al-
The divine Ms. Yip’s oth- wrapped in a silk sheet, the issue sold ouU’ ter ego in YES, MADAME,
er films include the so-so which also served as Cyn-
thriller RETRIBUTION thia Rothrock’s debut film.
SIGHT UNSEEN, which Khan’s next assignment
unsuccessfully tried to dis- was the patriotic MAGNIFI-
guise itself as a sexploita- CENT WARRIORS, followed
tion film, but was actually a by ROYAL WARRIORS with
reworking of a certain Au- Japanese actor Henry Sana-
drey Hepburn movie (WAIT da and Michael Wong, the
UNTIL DARK). Yip’s star- American Chinese brother
dom surely would have ex- of NEW JACK CITY’S Rus-
panded to international sta- sell Wong. The actress obvi-
tus if HARDBOILED 2, the ously made an impression
proposed sequel to the John on Hollywood. The produc-
Woo/Chow Yun-fatt action ers of THE GOLDEN
classic) had been produced. CHILD initially contacted
The was announced in
film Khan to play Eddie Mur-
mid-1992, with Tony Leung phy’sleac^g lady; however,
reprising his role, my old the lovely and decidedly
pal Kelvin Wong cast as his non-Oriental Charlotte
nemesis, and Ms. Yip set to Lewis was cast in the role.
play the woman they love. MIchalla Khan, a formar Mlaa Malaysia and parttapa tha highaat paid “action star”
Khan decided upon the
Locations were scouted in In Hong Kong, damonavaiaa har boot woilr In PROJECT S/ONCE A COP. lightweight “caper” script
Canada, but production has EASY MONEY as her next
been postponed. CRAZY COMPANIES). She nebulous OPERATION: project; after all, she de-
also proved appealing in ac- FULL CONTACT 2. Yau served a respite from the
Chingmy You tion films, demonstrating and Jacqueline Ng (Ng visceral punishment of her
A former Miss Hong some fancy bootwork as Suet-man) portrayed pin-up action film trilogy. Unfortu-
Kong, the lovely Chingmy the' heroine of THEY girls who have to contend nately, EASY MONEY has
Yau (Yau Suk-ching) was CAME TO ROB HONG against a sexual pervert, little to recommend, ex-
associated with comedy KONG. played by Mark Cheng empting Khan’s glamour
roles (TRICKY BRAINS, Yau projected a more se- (Cheng Ho-nan). The movie, and the exotic locations.
rious and alluring image in impaired by its deficiency of Then ceune the really bad
SEX AND ZEN. an aroBe (antaay the “Cat 3” action thriller, action and exploitation, was news: it was a day that
Amy Yip, waa a huga aucca aa
In U.$. and Canadian Clilnatowna. NAKED KILLERS. 'The film an ignominious misfire. The grievously shocked the na-
isa stylish but profusely vi- publicity, in fact, proved tion. Khan announced her
olent chronicle about les- more controversial than the meirriage to Hong Kong mil-
bians who are impassioned movie. Advertisements lionaire businessman Dick-
about murdering men. But identifying the film as son Poon, and was resolute
lesbians also wind up RAPED BY AN ANGEL about retiring from the film
among the targeted prey, were branded as obscene, industry. MiUions mourned.
further confusing cop Simon prompting a ban of several The good news; following
Yam. Clarence Ford (Fok versions of the poster. her divorce in early 1992,
Yuet-leung) directed, liber- Still very active in the ac- Khan returned to the
ally drawing upon stunt- tion genre, Yau has recently screen. She selected SU-
work and sex to accelerate co-starred with Jet Lee in PERCOP!, the third install-
the story. Yau, performing KUNG FU CULT MASTER ment of Jackie Chan’s PO-
those obligatory erotic and NEW LEGEND OF LICE STORY series, to re-
scenes, relied upon strategi- SHAOUN. new her career. The Hong
cally blocked props and Kong rumor mill was in full
lighting to protect her mod- Michelle Khan gear; surely after her ab-
esty. Critics noted that co- The former Miss Ma- sence, Khan couldn’t match
star Carrie Ng was adept at laysia may hold the record the physical prowess that
playing Yau’s opponent, a as the highest paid action she demonstrated in her
p^chotic lesbian. star in Hong Kong. Michelle past films.
Yau was cast in the in- Khan (Yeung Che-keung/ Directed by the megatal-
evitable NAKED KILLERS Michelle Yeoh) debuted ented Stanley Tong, Khan
2, though the film was pro- with a minor role in OWL pulled oft enough stunts to
moted with two alternate ti- VS. DUMBO. After a simi- make the action in your av-
tles, RAPED BY AN AN- larly low key role in the erage Steve Seagal ^ck look
GEL and the even more Jackie Chan comedy TWIN- anemic; there was Khan,

hanging ofT the roof of a HIGH. In one surreal

truck during a breakneck scene, —
Khan attired in a
car chase.. .leaping from a wedding gown and beeim-
motorbike to a speeding ing virginal innocence
train. Typical for a Jackie totes around an Uzi to
Chan movie, the film discourage unwanted
concludes with “bloop- guests from crashing her
er” footage of physical wedding.
gags going awry. The out- Khan compensated for
takes reveal that Khan the mediocrity of two
and Chan endured major more action films, FOR-
bumps and severe bruis- BIDDEN DREAMS and
ing as they performed SEA WOLVES, with the
their own stunts. opulently photographed
Following her come- DEAD END FOR BE-
back movie, Khan wielded SEIGERS. Later cast in
a mean blade in BUT- the King Hu fantasy
starred with Joey Wong, played opposite Michelle
the haunting beauty of Reiss (Li Kar-yen) and
CHINESE GHOST STO- Hui Yin-hong. Davian In-
RY. Subsequent assign- ternationals invited the
ments oscillated from the actress to play a dueil role
humorous fantasy of in her first English lan-
MAIDENS (memorable FIST. Dale “Apollo” Cook,
for its predominantly fe- a six-time world kickbox-
male cast) to encoring ing champion, co-starred
with Stanley Tong for the with Khan in the apoca-
tough cop thriller PRO- lyptic black comedy.
JECT S/ONCE A COP. A Khan’s track record es-
supporting part in Jet tablished her as not only
Lee’s TAI CHI MASTER a star in Hong Kong, Tai-
was followed by Khan’s wan, and the Philippines,
topbilled role in the disap- but she achieved demigod
pointing status in Korea, where
LEGEND OF RUNG FU distributors competed for
QUEEN. her movies, sight unseen.
Khan was reunited NOW OR NEVER, set in
with her HOLY WEA- Lm YiMivw*h d*llv*r« th« gooda in SATIN STEEL StMlIng th« flim from action Mr Hong Kong during the
PON co-star Maggie Che- Jad* Leung, the actraM triumphed after a atring of lame TV and movie rolea. ’60s, further perpetuated
ung for the superb sci- Khan’s commercial via-
ence fiction fantasies THE Currently recovering bones” Lim. One problem: The actress portrayed
HEROIC TRIO and EXE- from a recurring back in- her name. It just didn’t roll a miniskirted prostitute
CUTIONERS, both pro- jury, Khan may be prepar- off the tongues of foreign who persuades herself that
duced by China Entertain- ing for her U.S. debut. The devils, myself not excluded. she’s actually a kung fu ex-
ment. Teamed up with actress is a contender for a Overseas sales and an irre- pert! Khan subsequently ap-
singer Anita Mui, the trio plum role in ELECKTRA, sistible tag line (“She’s peared in a flurry of films,
manifested the distaff side Oliver Stone’s adaptation of faster than Cynthia Roth- including INSPECTOR
of BATMAN, rumbling with the comic book. rock, tougher than Michelle WEARS SKIRTS 4. Moon
skeletal slayers, finger-eat- Khan”) prompted Yeung Lee and Hui Yin-hong
ing monsters, fascist dicta- Cynthia Khan Lai-ching to transform her- added support in the fourth
tors, and diabolic dark A couple of years ago, self into Cynthia Khan. installment of the comedy
knights. In her third and there was actually a vacan- Cast in LINE OF DUTY 3, series, which blended PO-
most recent film for China cy for another action hero- Khan tussled with a sexy LICE ACADEMY-cloned
Entertainment, WONDER Michelle Khan
ine. After all, but psychotic Red army as- humor with kung fu.
SEVEN, Khan portrayed a stepped out of the limelight sassin, played by Japanese YES, MADAME! A
mysterious assassin who to get married, and Cynthia powerlifter Michiko Nichi- SERIOUS SHOCK reunit-
squares-ofT against a legion Rothrock had returned to waki. Khan followed the ed Khan with her SKIRTS
of Chinese superheroes. the U.S. Former dancer and successful film with a sequel co-star.Moon Lee. In one of
Olympic gymnast Lee Ning, Taiwanese beauty queen (LINE OF DUTY 4: WIT- her best roles to date, Khan
cast as the commander of Yeung Lai-Chang vowed to NESS) and teamed-up with avenges her husband’s mur-
the good guys, engages in fill the void. She already “American Chinese Wushu der. Unfortunately, the
Jaw-dropping physical alter- had some experience, mak- wonderboy” Donnie Yen in killer turns out to be her
cations with Khan that ing her film debut in FLAG TIGER CAGE 2. In a best friend (Lee).
make the POWER RANG- OF HONOR/FLAG OF change of pace, Khan was Khan was once again cast
ERS stunts appear as intim- GLORY with Liu Hsiu-Lin bad and leatberclad as a DEATH
with Moon Lee in
idating as a quarrel be- and Taiwanese screen god- crime family’s “godmother” TRIANGLE, which co-
tween Moe and Curley. dess Brigitte “The Cheek- in the peculiar QUEENS starred Dido Yukari. The

same trio of actresses, in ad- movies for over twenty
dition to Michiko Nichiwaki, MICHELLE KHAN years, but Brigitte Lim (Lim
portrayed THE AVENGING Ching-hsia) — a k a The
QUARTET. Regretfully, — at «The producer of THE GOLDEN CHILD initially
Cheekbones — living testa-
by Hong Kong stan-
least ment that sex appeal grows
dards —the movie is a real contacted Khan to play Eddie Murphy’s ieading ripe with maturity. Launch-
potboiler. But its merit ing her career in Taiwan,
should be gauged in a his- lady; however, Charlotte Lewis, a decidedly she worked with Tsui Hark,
torical capacity; specifically,
non-Oriental actress, was cast in the role.’’
Chow Yun-fatt and Jackie
itmay be the only film to Chan. Her 1992 release,
unify Hong Kong’s premiere Ching Sin-tong’s SWORDS-
female talent (granted, two MAN 2, set something of a
members of the action precedent. Lim portrayed
quadrille are Japanese). A “Invincible Asia,” an evil
reunion is unlikely; after despot who transformed
the film debuted, Ms. Nichi- from male to female in
waki relocated to Los Ange- his/her quest for magic and
les and Ms. Yukari became consummate mastery of
a resident of the Philip- martial arts. This “sex sdter-
pines. ation” is compatible with
the film’s Chinese milieu of
Dido Yukari swordplay, with characters
Christian Slater’s TRUE mystically flying and per-
ROMANCE character de- forming awesome feats.
scribed Sonny Chiba as “the Lim’s role is no less engross-
world’s greatest living ac- ing than the film’s hero, a
tor.” In addition to his film martial artist known as
work, Chiba, originated “The Laughing Swordsman”
J.A.C. (Japanese Action (Jet Lee). The swordsman
Club). Dido Yukari (Yukari eventually falls in love with
Oshima) was very active his androgynous rival.
among the organization’s SWORDSMAN 2 turned
enrolled members. Often the authority of her screen volved a futuristic penal out to be the most successful
performing in TV shows persona. Chan served as colony. Nevertheless, Yuka- Asian movie of 1992, break-
that stressed a science fic- Yukari’s co-star and director ri reaffirmed her versatility ing boxoffice records in
BROTHERS. in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the
BIOMAN), Yukari made her 2, KICKBOXERS TEARS,
The actress battles Chinese Philippines. Lim was cata-
film debut in Samo Hung’s opponents and Western MISSION OF JUSTICE, pulted into megastar status,
SHANGHAI EXPRESS. hoods before going one-on- MIDNIGHT ANGEL, and and producers responded
Cast as a Samurai, she ex- one with my old friend, Jeff the grotesque but enjoyable with requests for the actress
hibited some spectacular Falcon. comedy, THE BIG DEAL. to play similar roles. The
bootwork and Chanbara- An American indepen- Yukari has been moon- best of her resultant movies
styled swordplay. dent producer, S.C. Dacy, lighting as an agent, man- is director Ronnie Yu’s
Yukari was subsequently contacted Yukari to star in aging actresses in Hong BRIDE WITH WHITE
hired for a pair of Taiwan- an action film. The scenario Kong. Her clients include HAIR/ JIANG JU: BE-
ese comedies. In BOOK OF included her confrontation Sophia Crawford (KUNG TWEEN LOVE AND GLO-
HEROES, she portrayed an with wrestler Madusa Ma- FU: THE NEXT GENERA- RY. Lim has decsribed her
undercover Japanese cop; The same project was
celli. TION), who recently relo- character as “A T-Rex, she
its humorous content originally announced as a cated to Los Angeles. Ms. just kills anyone and every-
notwithstanding, the film is showcase for Sybil Banning Crawford appeared clothed one.” The film’s action
packed with more action and Joyce (jodenzi, a former and occasionally, unclothed scenes are visual feasts, and
than World War II. As a tat- Miss Hong Kong who made in Hong Kong action thrill- the romance between Lim’s
tooed Yakuza kickboxer in a mesmerizing debut in (ESCAPE FROM THE
ers “black widow” and her suit-
FUNNY FAMILY, Yukari Samo Hung’s EASTERN BROTHEL, BIG DEAL, or (Leslie Cheung) is su-
plunges into a frenzied 20- CONDORS. But the deal CHINA HEAT). Though perbly handled.
minute finale that has to be never came together and Yukari’s star had faded in Hong Kong producer/di-
seen to be believed! Ms. Godenzi, who starred in Hong Kong, she jump-start- rector Wong Jing recently
Assigned to ANGEL, her SHE SHOOTS STRAIGHT ed her professional fortunes offered 42-year-old Lim no
second Hong Kong movie, and LICENCE TO STEAL, as a Philippine resident, less than HK$15 million to
Yukari portrayed an ambi- semi-retired from films. working under the pseudo- appear topless in his movie.
tious sadomasochistic vixen Extremely busy, Yukari nym of Cynthia Luster. The She declined. Her fans had
who battles protagonists was cast in a profusion of actress/agent is currently to settle for second best;
Moon Lee and Elaine Lui. movies that even her consid- working not only in front of when the Hong Kong edition
Whether cast as heroine or erable talents couldn’t res- the cameras, but wears still of Penthouse printed artistic
harlot, Yukari’s characters cue. She turned up as a another hat as a producer of photos of Lim wrapped in a
were developed as women of transsexual prisoner in action movies! silk sheet, the issue com-
strength. FINAL RUN and Golden Harvest’s ultra-vio- pletely sold out within
Frankie Chan’s BURNING lent but ultra-schlocky STO- ‘"The Cheekbones" hours. No doubt, this
AMBITION further fortified RY OF RICKY, which in- She’s been making continued on page 60

By Gary Garfinkel This awesome pair named
Avalon Anders and Lauren
Good food was in short Hays were promoting stuff
supply, but there was no de-
ficiency of femmes fatales at ADVENTURE. Hays was re-
the Video Software Dealers ally cool, and psyched about

of America (VSDA) conven- doing an interview. But

Anders preferred to chat
tion. The monolithic Las with a Korean business-
Vegas Convention Center man, who was attired in one
was an air-conditioned of those cream-colored wash
and wear suits. I interpret-
oasis in the middle of the
ed her apathy as, “Don’t c.ili
desert heat. It was an me. I’ll call you.” One week
later, I received this enor-
August weekend, with the mous p.r. package from
mercury boiling over 115 VMan Schilling <r) and Eric Parkinaon Anders, with a cute note at-
(I), praahtant of Hamdala Communleationa
degrees. trada quipa with fonnar praaidant Gaorga Buah and FIrat Lady Barbara Buah. tached; she writes that it
Entering the premises, was great to meet me, and
I’m nearly trampled to half a billion dollars. In one met Diaz a few years ago, can’t wait for an interview.
death by a stampede of re- press conference after anoth- when she was only an Go figure.
porters and fans, all strug- er,Smith denied that she unknown, highly paid mod- I broke for lunch and
gling to catch a glimpse of married for money. Nope, el. Auditioning for THE headed to the vile cafeteria
Guess model-turned-“ac- she was “truly in love.” I MASK, she aspired for a in the basement. On the
tre88”-turned-multi-multi- asked one of the convention little screen time as a bit menu: tiny, soggy hot dogs
millionairess Anna Nicole guides if Smith’s husband player. Five callbacks later, for $4.95. Cokes, which tast-
Smith... would be attending. “I don’t Diaz landed the leading lady ed like brown crayon dipped
Smith showed up to pro- think so,” he replied, “We role. Sounds like the sce- in water, were $3.00. 1 spot-
mote her appearance in don’t have wheelchair access.” nario of a Hollywood fairy ted this short, dumpy brown
NAKED GUN 33V3: THE I later bumped into tale, but the gorgeous Diaz •haired woman who was
FINAL INSULT. The ex- Cameron Diaz, whose film isn’t ego-driven. In fact, she about forty and wearing
centerfold recently married debut in THE MASK has ad- was one of the most con- Traci Lords’ ID badge. I
an 89-year-old elder who vanced her career to the genial actresses at the couldn’t help thinking was —
just happens to be worth cusp of stardom. I initially VSDA. Lords experiencing a bad
Among th* VSDA guest*, /oft ro right, ictress/model Csmeron Olsz, star of THE MASK (FF3:1), karat* diva Cynthia Rothroek (HONOR AND GLORY)
Vagaa Ingenues Shall* “The Belly" Ranee and Kelli “The Even Flatter Belly" HoMman, aitd aupermodel Kathy Ireland.

and body day? She
&Air. face and moved her head up and
j^iroduced herself as “Mil- down, not unlike a mari-
dred Jabowitz, independent onette. You know, if Jack-
jiroducer. But you can call son had remained a normal
se Millie.” It turns out that —
person sans surgery and
L^rds was a scheduled VBDA all that stuff— she probably
r'.:est but couldn’t attend; would have been a pretty
jaiiiie" was heir to the cool girl, the kind you could
badge- take to a hockey game on a
Surfacing upstairs, I met Sunday night. But she’s
my favorite VSDA guest, turned into this mechanical
Kathy Shower. Killer looks, creation. A mechanical crea-
even better personally. She tion that squeaks.
was promoting her latest Next morning, I arrive at
movie, MARRIED PEOPLE. a hotel on the Strip to do a
SINGLE SEX 2: FOR BET- photo shoot with Deuia Plato.
TER OR WORSE. Shower, You may remember Plato as
who launched her career Kimberly, the precocious
with a Playboy pictorial, stepsister of Gary Coleman
was so amicable that we and Todd Bridges on the
instantly bonded. But I DIFF’RENT STROKES sit-
remembered the old J. Geils com. The show survived
song about some guy’s high prime time for eight sea-
school sweetheart who sons, but the careers of its
turned into a centerfold. No juvenile cast was shorter-
matter; Shower wanted to lived. They’ve more often
be “a Femme Fatales girl,” appeared in scandal sheets
and that was good enough than TV or movies. Her asso-
for me. ciation with booze, the wrong
I concluded the day with side of the law notwith-
LaToya Jackson. Flanked standing, Plato was A-OK. —
scenes those interactive military school rather than
by four bodyguards, she was Very friendly on the road to ones with herself, Julie admitting them to that ex-
seated behind a glass desk. recovery. Strain and Rochelle Swan- hibit. The girls appeared in
Jackson didn’t really talk. Back at the VSDA, I —
son from TEMPTRESS. some no-budget films I’ve
She just kind of squeaked walked right into another But Naples declined to an- never heard of, and they
mob scene. Kathy Ireland swer, instead digressing to were dying to meet some
showed up with this huge small talk like “Gary, you’re halfway legitimate producer
assemblage of misfit nerds too funny,” and questions who would cast them in a
and Trekkies who followed like “So, when are you going real movie. God, I love
her to the Health and to do an article on me?” But Vegas... so full of lost souls
Fitness booth like a pack of I kept on hounding Naples, and found dreams. Or is it

lost puppy dogs. Ireland at least until it was pretty the other way around?
proudly Hashed this huge obvious that I was getting Cynthia Rothrock, auto-
rock of diamond mounted on on her nerves. She finally graphing pictures for her
her wedding ring, which said I reminded her of ei- legion of fans, was so tiny
sort of ruined all the fun. ther Beavis or Butt-Head. that her feet didn’t even
See,I don’t care if beautiful (“Whichever is the really touch the ground. I’ve seen
swimsuit models are mar- annoying one,” she sniffed.) HONOR AND GLORY and
ried or engaged but just Came across a couple of other Rothrock vehicles, euid
don’t let me know about it, local actresses, Shells “The realize she can belt out some
OK? Next time, Ms. Ireland, Belly” Renee and Kelli “The serious leg kicks and karate
just play along... Even Flatter Belly” Hoff- chops. Still, considering her
B-Queen Toni Naples man. Both starlets were diminutive size, I’m pretty
made the scene, and all I working in a children’s sure I could go a couple of
wanted to know about were booth, though most parents rounds with Rothrock
those menage a trois would exile their kids to continued on page 60

— —



By Dan Scapperotti

Even the most enlight- RESPONSE, HARD VICE.

ened B-film chroniclers SCORNED, COLD SWEAT,
et al. Earlier this year,
have assumed that INNER
was cast as the lead of
ized the video advent of There was speculation that
Shannon Whirry may com-
“erotic thrillers.” But the
pete with Tweed for erotic
film’s director, Fred Olen thriller sovereignty, but it
Ray, modestly denies that appears that Whirry may
have defected to less torrid
his movie was the genre’s
forerunner. “Mark Damon, Then again, she may
president of Vision Inter- have no other choice. Repli-
national which distributed cating the ruinous declen-
INNER SANCTUM, had sion of the horror film, a
previously shot SVa glut of cheaply produced
(1986) and WILD ORCHID “erotic thrillers” have satu-
(1990)," explained Ray. rated the video market. After
“Those were the erotic several years of generic
thrillers that initially “black widow” potboilers,
arrested the public’s atten- the public is no longer buy-
tion. Then the direct-to- lawsuit to be filed.” (SHEENA, A VIEW TO A ing (nor renting). Several
video NIGHT EYES, anoth- One year later, MGM KILL) floundered after crit- distributors have recently
er erotic thriller, made peo- theatrically released the ics drubbed her perfor- passed on erotic thrillers.
ple realize that a low budget plushly mounted erotic mances. Appearing in op- “That genre,” concludes
film could compete with the thriller, BASIC INSTINCT. tionally rated direct-to-video producer/director Eric Lou-
Ray dismisses the boxoffice movies (“R” and
unrated), zil, “is better suited for ca-
mejors in the video market.
“The following year, we smash as “another instance Roberts briefly renewed her ble. Erotic thrillers are no
hired Tanya Roberts, the where a m^or studio jumped celebrity as "Queen of the longer getting as much mon-
star of into the arena and tried to Erotic Thrillers” (LEGAL ey in the video market
made INNER SANCTUM. steal what little buying TENDER. SINS OF DE- there’s no advance cash.
It’sturned out to be the power there is in the inde- SIRE). Of course, there have Everyone can shoot these
highest grossing film of its pendent market." BASIC been heirs to the title, in- things on video. Distribu-
kind, selling 45,000 units INSTINCT lifted B-star cluding Monique Parent, tors want ‘big name’ value
and was the #1 most rented Sharon Stone into the major Maria Ford, Delia Sheppard and better pr^uct.”
video in the country. It was leagues, and the profusion and—the most likely succes- Whirry, in fact, declined
so successful, in fact, that of direct-to-video erotic sor to the crown, gauging to comment on films that
another film titled SECRET thrillers have turned out a the volume of her work she made subsequent to our
GAMES ripped off our ad tide of steam queens. Tanya Shannon Tweed (NIGHT original 1993 interview;
campaign which caused a Roberts’ career in A-pictures EYES II & III, SEXUAL thus we regret the omission

of her more recent releases, mercials. Unfortunately, AFTER THE FALL). Whir- mistress of Steven Seagal’s
specifically ANIMAL IN- the beverage bombed with ry earned the ’87-’88
Jean best friend, in OUT FOR
STINCTS 2, MIRROR IM- the public, prompting the Dalrymple “best actress” JUSTICE. “There was a
AGES II and LADY IN dismissal of the p.r. cam- award for her pwrtrayal of a huge cattle call with tons of
WATTING. She is currently paign. Though the ads were surrogate mother in THE people,” recalls Whirry.
co-starring with Stella scrapped, ^^irry’s experi- LATEST CRAZE. Biting the “Steven Seagal and I got
Stevens in THE GRANNY, ence horded her the oppor- hand that fed her. Whirry along, from the first
a horror film involving “a tunity to earn a coveted spoofed commercials on moment I insulted him. The
vitriolic, wrinkled matri- SAG card. Continuing to SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE character was written as
arch who rises from the support herself in commer- and was hired for a two-day having a body you needed
dead and systematically cials, Whirry prospered stint on the afternoon soap, climbing gear for, which
gives her family their just with a year-long stint as the ONE UFE TO LIVE. means it had to be moun-
desserts.” Whirry portrays “Federal Express girl,” Appearances in several tainous.
“a demure bastard grand- plugged crackers for Frito episodes of EDEN, a series “So I wore this little
child who transforms into a Lay and hawked candy bars tailor-made for the Playboy orange halter tank top, and
female warrior” (see post- for TV spots aimed at the Channel in Mexico, prelud- a little black skirt, and then
script). European market. ed Whirry’s movie debut. In I put a little yellow ribbon
(Considering her impact, Performing in regional 1991, she auditioned for the around my neck. I walked
as a stellar presence in the theatre productions (BUT- role of a cocktail waitress, in to meet Steven. He s£iid,
erotic thriller market, we TERFLIES ARE FREE, who privately serves as the ‘Hi, Shannon, how are
offeran incomplete profile you?,’and I said, ‘Fine, how
Whirry’s stage eredits Include BUTTERFUES ARE FREE. ‘Tliestre is the
of Shannon Whirry that are you?’ Then he said, ‘So,
hardM medium there Is,' she notes, “because there’s no safety net'
concludes with her “bit” in Shannon, what the fuck is
1993’8 SLIVER... the ribbon for?’ I said, 'I’m
After appearing in a trying to draw your eyes
school production of upward so when you say
SWEENEY TODD. 13-year- you’re looking at my ribbon,
old Whirry found acting to and you’re really looking at
be contagious. Graduating my tits, then I don’t have to
from high school, the Wis- beat the shit out of you.’ So,
consin native moved to New right from that moment, we
York for an eight-year got along because he likes a
tenure. Only two weeks af- person with a sense of hu-
ter her departure from the
American Academy of Dra- A production strike
matic Arts, Whirry pitched prompted a switch from
the New 7Up in TV com- New York to Los Angeles lo-
about Joanne and the way
tCThe nudity never bothered she feels about her body. It
would be impossible to do
me.. .If you think my body is so ANIMAL INSTINCTS with-
out doing nude scenes, and I
spectacular, then good for you thought that Joanne was an
and that flatters me. I’m not interesting enough charac-
ter that it was important to
embarrassed by my body.JJ do it that way.”
Two months after com-
pleting ANIMAL IN-
generally speaking.” on La Cienega. We had one STINCTS, Whirry was cast
After signing her con- day to do wardrobe and so BODY OF IN-
as the lead in
tract,Whirry received the Ricardo Delgado, the cos- FLUENCE. Once again
script oneday before pro- tume designer, and I went directed by Hippolyte, the
duction began. A quick to Trashy Lingerie and got actress portrayed Laura
study, she adapted to the all those clothes. The great Nesbitt, a young woman
limitations of low budget thing about Trashy is that plagued by dreams that
filmmaking, including a six- they have people working intertwine with her real life.
teen-day shooting schedule. right in the store. If some- She consults Dr. Jonathan
The story of her character, thing doesn’t fit you, they go Brooks (Nick Cassevetes), a
the cool and unrepentant in the back and fix it for you psychiatrist who offers ther-
Joanne Cole, was revealed at that moment.” apy to frustrated wives of
in flashbacks, with Whirry The profusion of nude power magnates. Brooks is
providing linking commen- scenes, mandated by the also a pivotal player in a
tary via interview scenes. script, never bothered the police investigation that’s
Cole recounts that her inno- actress. “I had gotten the examining a string of serial
cent attempts to regenerate script the night before,” murders.
her husband’s interests be- recalls Whirry, “and was up “Gregory Hippolyte is a
came mired in corruption all night looking at it. I was terrific director,” smiles
and blackmail. supposed to be on the set at when I sit
Whirry. “At night,
“We had to constantly 6:3() and my alarm didn’t go down and work on a scene at
Whirry moved west
cations. play catchup, which was the off.They called me and my house, I visualize how it
to perform in the Seagal hardest part of the film,” asked, ‘Where are you?’
Thank was only BODY OF INFLUENCE; Whiry "rntd*
movie and decided to re- explains Whirry. “I had a (Jod, I fif-
up dUSogu*” for hi IntanM Mon* that
main in California. Surviv- couple of days off from film- teen minutes away. I jumped ortglnally roquirad har to racita 3 ilnaa.

ing another “cattle call,” the ing before I had to do the out of bed, threw on some
actress was subsequently final stuff, which was all the clothes, and I had to race to
cast as a beautiful spouse, interviews. I had to do all get over there. I had to go
burdened with a crumbling those interviews in six right into hair and makeup.
domestic life, in ANIMAL hours, with all the different The first thing we did was
INSTINCT. Whirry was angles and all the different my scene with the cable boy.
directed by “softcore auteur” lenses. That was difficult As soon as we did the dia-
A. Gregory Hippolyte, who because it was twenty pages logue, and everything went
had already cut his teeth on of dialogue. We did all of the right into the love scene, I
erotic thrillers (CARNAL dialogue for each lens, all was so frazzled from being
CRIMES, MIRROR IM- the way through, which behind that I didn’t have
AGES). meant I had to remember time to be nervous until af-
Whirry’s stage experi- all the dialogue instead of ter we’d gotten the first
ence was integrated into her just little bits and then for- shot. By that time, I
screen roles. “If you have a get them. No, we had to go thought it was pretty stupid
good theatre background,” all the way, from point to A to go around and be
notes Whirry, “you can do point Z. Then I had to re- embarrassed and nervous
anything because theatre member what A was again. after I’d already done it.
trains you to be precise in That was quite a challenge, “The nudity never both-
the moment. In theatre, you and I really liked doing the ered me because the more
basically have one shot at it interview stuff and I really you think about love scenes,
when you’re doing it in front had a good time.” the more they’ll bother you
of an audience. In film, you Whirry’s character se- and the more they’ll make
have as many shots as it duces her husband by saun- you nervous. You have to
takes. Theatre is the hard- tering around in flimsy realize that it has nothing
est medium there is, be- attire, which results in an to do with you personally.
cause there’s no safety net. extended lingerie scene pho- Actually, it only has every-
It’s all a matter of internal- tographed in front of a mir- thing to do with your char-
izing more for film. In the- ror. “We did the ‘montage acter. If you think my body
atre, you have to bring out changing’ scene in an about isso spectacular, then good
more, but film is just a more an hour,” says Whirry. ‘The for you and that flatters me.
concentrated medium it’s— best place to get lingerie in I’m not embarrassed by my
not as difficult as theatre. this city is Trashy Lingerie body. It has everything to do


should look Id my head. ment manager who observes

Then I come up with ways I
think the scene should go, «rm doing a thriller, and then I’m tenants with video c£imeras
(the voyeurism theme was
and how I should be doing doing an action-adventure after later reprised in Whirry’s
it. I have a very good eye for direct-to-video ANIMAL IN-
how I think the camera that. So
don’t think I’m just an
STINCTS 2, directed by the
should pick it up. When I go prolific Gregory Hippolyte;
in the next day, and do the
erotic thriller actress. don’t think I
the actress played “4oanna
blocking for the camera, I of myself that way. J! Fleming, a woman who
will show the director what likes to be watched. It
I want to do. Gregory is ignites a passion within her
great because he’ll look at it that is hard to control”).
and, even if he doesn’t think Cast in a small role as a
it would work and is skepti- newlywed bride, Whirry
cal, he’ll ask to see it. And and screen spouse Kevin
usually alter he’s seen it, he Fry portrayed the building’s
loves it. only content occupants.
“It’s hard to say, ‘Well, Richard Baskin, SLIVER’s
I’m going to circle around second unit director, shot
the table and I’m going to scenes of the various cou-
lie across the table and run ples who inhabit the high-
my hands along my rise. “Richard is one of the
body, and I’m going few people who think I’m
to pull up and I’m really funny,” frowns
going to move in Whirry. “I don’t know why,
and on him .’
sit — he just does. I watched the
You can describe footage, and I’m funny
something until
you’re blue in the'
because I’m so quirky and, —
first of all, it’s all
face, but until they There was no dialogue writ-
see the movement ten. We showed up at the
with it, they don’t
Whlrry portrayed Idantical set, not knowing what we
twrtna Carrla On*ab< “wail bahavad
get it. Some direc- atudant,” and tha aaxually insatlabia Tarria In MIRROR IMAGES II. were going to film at all.
tors will just say He’d say, ‘This is the sce-
they don’t like it and do it cause she was manipulative cal; “The only dialogue that nario. These are the points I
their way. Gregory will in being really passive and was written for me were want you to hit. Go!’
work with you and change really innocent. She would three lines; 'You’re just like ‘There is an energy that
things enough so you’re draw you in, where Lana all the others,' 'You Just you get when you’re impro-
both happy with the out- would hunt you out and go want what’s between my vising, which is basically a
come. I like working with for the jugular. I liked the legs,' and 'That's why you’re save your ass energy. The
him because a lot of my way that Lana, the aggres- fucking with my mind.' I whole time, the bottom line
idea's have gotten onto the sor,played with people’s made up all the rest because isyou’re trying to save your
screen.” minds and played with their I thought there is no way butt and not look like an
The film offered Whirry emotions and turned them this scene is going to carry, asshole. It’s not the way
the opportunity to play a around. She was the most if I just say those three you’ll see it, but the way I
schizophrenic heroine; the three-dimensional character lines. So I decided that’s see the scenes I’m constant-
sexually repressed, submis- that I’ve done. I liked the how I would do it and did it. ly back-i>eddling to save my
sive Laura melts into her evil manipulator best.” “The other scene I’m ass. And it’s funny, because
femme fatale alter ego, Whirry would later play dual proud of comes right after I was saying anything that

Lana. “I never got confused roles in MIRROR IMAGES that,when you first see her came into my head. [Baskin]
between the dual roles,” II, as “Carrie and Terrie, change from Laura to Lana. handed me the phone and
insists Whirry, “except identical twins and polar She sits on the couch, then said, ‘Here, you’re talking to
where it was unclear in the opposites.” While Carrie is a goes around and lies on the your mom, you’re telling her
script. There were two mo- “well behaved” student, Ter- table, and then goes over you’re pregnant. Go.'”’
ments in the film where we rie sustains “an insatiable —
and squirms so to speak The script called for a
had questions about who sexual appetite and a habit into Brooks’ lap. I feel that food fight between Whirry
she was. veiy important
It’s for seducing her sister’s these are the best scenes and Fry; two and a half
when playing a multiple boyfriends.” I’ve ever done.” hours later, the set was a
character to be very clear Whirry is especially Whirry’s subsequent shambles. “We were a
what you’re doing. If you’re proud of two scenes in SLIVER, was
erotic thriller, mess,” she laughs. “And I’m
not clear, then the audience BODY OF INFLUENCE, a major studio release. talking covered head to toe
definitely isn’t going to be both reflective of her cre- Touted as a summer block- by the time we finished. I’ve
clear. ative participation. First, buster, the Sharon Stone never had a food fight as a
“I really enjoyed playing there’s the scene where her vehicle didn’t yield the prof- person and now I know
Lana. I really enjoy a per- character passes out in Dr. its of the preceding year’s why—because no one wants
son who is very in control Brooks' home, regains con- BASIC INSTINCT. Whirry to clean up that shit when
and very manipulative as a sciousness to learn she was describes the film as a “sex- you’re finished. We
shot sev-
person. Laura was a manip- swept into his bedroom and ual REAR WINDOW.” The en scenes in one day. I was
ulative character only be- instantly becomes hysteri- premise involved an apart- so beat up by the end of that


day, from the countless

things that we did.
“In one of the scenes, I’m
straddling Kevin’s stomach
and shooting him with
whipped cream. I had my
legs wrapped around his
stomach and then, once we
got the shot, I found that my
legs had permanently stuck
to his stomach because of all
the sugar. I went to rip my
leg off his stomach, and I
broke all of the blood vessels
on the inside of my thigh.”
The actors were required
to hit the showers and
return to character for the
next scheduled shoot
which turned out to be a
shower scene. Unfortunate-
ly, heated water was in
short supply and a shivering
Whirry had to endure one
hour’s worth of the frigid
stuff. But turnaround is fair
play; after all, it’s Whirry’s
sizzling screen perform-
ances that have addicted
continued on page 60


Typical of the genre, littgerle le
changed more often than the plot
WOOD’S Busiest

horror sequels (THE UN-

IV) you name it.
Photogenic and athletic,
Julie’s acclimation to “guy”
i rituals is almost as ingrati-
ating as her physical beauty
and anatomic perfection.
She swears a lot, polishes
off a Budweiser (straight
from the can) in two sec-
onds, and simply takes shit
from no one.
Arriving at Julie’s apart-
ment, my eyes locked on a
Samurai sword that was
lodged between the fuzzy
<<Unlike some other actresses, I want to woik.
There’s really not a script I don’t like. If it’s

great, that’s great, and decent that’s

good enough —if it’s

I’ll do it’’

legs of a pink teddy bear. down the trail. I alerted

Julie was packing her clothes Julie, who was buck naked,
into a bag that was so huge, to “Hurry up, hurry up,
it could shelter a mastodon. there’s little kids over
We couldn’t squeeze the there.” She threw on a tiny
freight into the trunk of my dress, we hopped in the car
vehicle, so Julie’s car served and made a B-line for Holly-
as the transportation of wood.
choice.Behind the wheel, was kind of a wild kid,”
she can drive like a terror. smiled Julie as she drove
When you’re Julie Strain, down the turnpike. “I paint-
you take certain liberties ed an entire car with house
with everything in life, paint and lit a hill on fire.
including the road. My parents split up for a
En route to Sunset while, it was just my mom
Ranch, located in the Holly- raising me and my brother...
wood Hills, Julie made an actually, half-brother. I
outrageous U-Tum'into four have eight half-brothers
lines of oncoming traffic and and sisters because my
finally paused at a McDon- mom got remarried three
ald’s Drive-Thru. She times and my dad got re- “JuHt't aquMlrlan •Mil* amaz*d mt, •lM‘» bMn riding alnc* ag« Mv«n."
ordered a BIG chicken sand- married seven times.
wich, a cheeseburger, large “As a matter of fact, my and
jock, playing basketball thing. I did finally meet a
fries and a Coke. Gunning dad was going to run for I broke school records in bodybuilder who was older
the engine, Julie cruised president in ’92 as an inde- track. couldn’t get laid in
I than me, and we ended up
down Holl3nivood Boulevard pendent. He wanted me to high school to save my life, moving to L.A. when I was
as I fed her morsels of junk to be his First Lady in the because I was kind of a geek seventeen. He wanted me to
food. God, I wish my high White House. Can you and soooo skinny and as — go to college, so I ended up
school huddles in Cinnamin- imagine a Penthouse Pet in —
hard as I tried no one was at Golden West College
son. New Jersey could’ve the White House? interested. Every time it where I had a 3.65 grade
seen this. “Anyway, little Mike looked like it might happen, point average and played
Upon our arrival at the DeCorta was my first boy- something would always basketball. I wasn’t the best
ranch, Julie rented a horse friend when I was a kid, but come up. The guy would get scorer playing against col-
named Pickles. Removing he got his head caught in a in a car accident or I would lege competition, but if
her shirt, she proceeded to wooden crate and was al- be drunk and throwing up, there was a loose ball, no
ride bareback. “I loved ways a little bit slow after or a huge brawl would one else was going to get it.”
horses as a kid,” she smiled that. In high school, I was a break out. Always some- Julie braked at a Holly-
while trotting around the wood theatre where a Pauly
rustic terrain. “So when I “Ho-hum. Just •nottw day et ttw F»mm Fatal** offlea," yawna writor Gaiy Shore movie, IN THE AR-
was eight, I stole one.” Jiilie
Garflnkol, aandwichad b ah wn
Tina Doalred and Strain.' MY NOW, had just pre-
invited me to mount Pickles miered. “Two years ago,” she
for a ride, but I admitted explained, “I was at the
that my experience with Penthouse mansion in New
farm animals was limited, York, when I get called to at-

to only one occasion, when I tend the premiere of ENCI-

carelessly stepped in horse NO MAN, which starred
manure. Pauly. As an ex-Pet of the
Returning to the car, I Year, I get paid just to show
changed my film and Julie up and mingle. So Pauly
changed her clothes. I tried and I really hit it off that
to avoid voyeuristically peek- night and, the next day, we
ing at the totally naked, 6'1'’ did THE HOWARD STERN
heavenly body that was only SHOW together to promote
a short distance away. But 1 Pauly’s movie. Unfortu-
gotta tell you, I peeked. Thir- nately, Howard paid more
ty straight seconds. Then, attention to me so 1 made a
out of nowhere, a Midwest- deal with him. I’d let him
ern family came scampering spank my beire ass one time,

portrayed as more an entity than a

person. There have been movies, I haven’t
worn makeup and been pretty basic. But
there’s always at least one love scene.’’

another dress. I asked her Toni Naples and Rochelle

how she performed the Swanson, that were shot for
quick change. “Off with one, TEMPTRESS. ‘Tirst of all,"
on with another,” Julie Julie beamed, “Rochelle has
smiled. “It’s easy when the greatest body. I was all
you’re not wearing anything over her, but who can blame
imdemeath.” By this time, I me? And Toni Naples, she
had clearly bonded with isn’t the youngest girl
Julie and felt bold enough to around, but she’s really,
lift up the hem of her tiny really hot. If those scenes
skirt from behind. Sure don’t get you fired up, then
enough; nothing under- you’ve got a serious problem
neath. I assumed Julie in your groin area.”
woxUd deck me, but she only I was inclined to tackle a
reacted with, “^old you so.” “taboo” topic, but wasn’t
It finally impacted me that sure if I had the balls to go
the beguiling brunette was through with it. After clear-
just totally naked in a pub- ing my throat, I finally
lic place. “Gary,” she cooed, heard myself say, “So, Julie,
for every positive plug he TAINMENT TONIGHT and “life is too short to worry I’ve heard about you liking
gave to ENCINO MAN. all the L.A. papers; after about someone seeing you girls and stuff. What’s up
Then, last year, Pauly and I kissing Shore goodbye, Julie naked.” with that?” Without flinch-
went to the MTV awards climbed on my shoulders Julie pitched the next ing, she replied, “I like to
together. So we’ve been good and I carried my passenger location, a fountain in Bev- flirt with it.. .you know, play
fiiends for a while now.” through the masses. Totally erly Hills. But we had to around. But I don’t dig
There was an elevated amazing, I felt like like wait a few minutes, because being with women. I like it
platform erected on the Muhammad Ali’s cut man a couple of cops, who were on sets, because it’s a
theatre sidewalk, and Pauly leading the champ into the chowing-down on dough- controlled environment.
Shore was leaning on a bar- ring. nuts,had seated themselves They yell, ‘Cut!,’ and you
ber’s chair that had been Back on the parking lot, I near the fountain. So we can get up and go to your
planted in center of the bent down to zip my c£imera talked in the car. I started trailer. You have to leave,
stage. Adhering to his new bag and, by the time I shot probing into her lesbian and it’s not like you have to
film’s military theme, Shore back up, Julie was clad in menage-a-trois scenes, with make the bitch breakfast or
offered to “buzz cut” the anything.” Julie accentuat-
hair of patrons. Big prob- ed that l£iBt sentence with a
lem. Julie and 1 were hardly wink. I got the message.
visible to Shore past hun- Her words should be inter-
dreds of cheering specta- preted as nothing more than
tors; even worse, it ap- spitfire generated by the
peared we’d be admitted on Julie Strain shock syn-
stage only if we volunteered drome. Every now and then,
for Shore’s scalp treatment. she’ll throw you a curve just
Security prevented Julie to see how you react.
from independently climb- Finally, the cops finished
ing on stage for some their crullers. Julie leaped
pictures. into the fountain and made
I found Shore’s publicist, the Anita Ekberg scene
whom Julie sweet-talked for from LA DOLCE VITA.
a couple of minutes. Next Next stop: a photo shoot at
thing I knew, Julie was pos- Antonia Dorian’s lush Bev-
ing with Shore while I erly Hills apartment. Easy
literally looking down at enough. I just kind of sat
scores of photographers, in- back, and fielded questions
cluding one from The L.A. from both actresses like

Times snapped some shots “Gary, do you want us in the
directlyon stage. What fol- black teddies or the red
lowed turned into a media ones?” and “I’m not sure, do
event, covered on ENTER- you think we should this

with—or without the bikim of their mother, who didn’t the blonde Tina’s light com- but the final results wound
top?” Later, Julie slipped appear too thrilled with plexion would considerably up looking like the video
into her star spangled bikini Julie’sanatomy lesson. contrast with Julie’s olive sleeve for VIXEN PENI-
and we headed for the pool. Our final stop for the day skin and black hair. Julie, TENTIARY VI. We also
Some kids were wading in was Jiilie’s place for a photo who changed into lingerie, paid homage to Andy Sidaris
the water, and I would have session with Tina-Desire4 downed a quart of ice cream with ajacuzzi, champagne,
bet they’d resist my pleas to Berg. Though both actresses and a Swanson’s Hungry guns, plenty of thigh and
clear the area. But one look appeared in something Man TV dinner. She later another roll of film. After
at the brunette bombshell called QUEEN OF LOST posed with Tina on a spiral concluding the shoot, Julie
and they just silently ISLAND, they never be- staircase for a shoot that I retired to the kitchen for
marched, single file, out of came acquainted with each conceptualized as a gift to some leftover Chinese pot
the pool and into the arms other on the set. I thought Art Nouveau aficionados; stickers, while Tina and I

<<rve been knocked off twenty times in movies,
bnt I’ve probably taken ont M or 60 people.
In BEVERIY HILLS COP, I got to shoot an AK47
and I love guns. The bigger, the better.’’

I asked Julie if she was didn’t evenhave a name.”

ever afforded the opportuni- I reminded Julie of the
ty to drop the sexbomb fatality rate inher movies;
image. “There have been she has a nasty habit of get-
movies where I haven’t worn ting killed or wasting the
make-up, and been pretty supporting cast. “Yeah, well
basic out in the dirt road. A I’m on the plus side of that
back country woods chick. equation,” ^e explained. “I’d
But there’s always at least say that I’ve been knocked
one love scene. off twenty times in the
“And I always seem to be movies, but I’ve probably
doing a film for the Sidaris taken out between fifty and
family. I recently did ENE- sixty people. In BEVERLY
MY GOLD and THE DAL- HILLS COP, I got to shoot
LAS CONNECTION, where an AK47 and I love guns.
I play a ‘hit chick.’ Both The bi^r, the better.”
times, they blew me up. Oh, And how did she rate
and in October, I’ll be on BEVERLY HILLS COP
JOE BOB BRIGGS’ DRIVE- leading man, Eddie Mur-
IN THEATRE promoting phy? “I’ve never met him. I
another Sidaris film, FIT tend to stay away from men
TO KILL. That should be who are known as womaniz-
wild.” ers because in this business,
Cast as a “cowgirl strip- until you have the power to
per” in PSYCHO COP II, deal with them at a certain
Julie described her role as level and they can respect
thumb wrestled in the part as Jay’s wife,” said “a blast. I’m being chased by you, you better not be a
living room. Julie, “because I played a the cop, for most of the bitch in in their company
Later that evening, Julie real person. I’m usually so movie, wearing tassels and and say, ‘No!’”
changed into her “industrial big and over-the-top that I red chaps with my ass hang- OK, how about some of
clothes”: long Johns, a ratty don’t even get to do simple ing out.” And how about the those other Hollywood
T-shirt and a baseball cap. things, like carry a purse or aforementioned QUEEN OF hunks? Stallone^ “No com-
While she cleaned up for have a boyfriend or man in LOST ISLAND? “I drank a ment.” Schwarzenegger?
weekend guests, I pho- my life. I’m more of an enti- potion, went nuts, swung a “Met him a few years ago...
tographed her “domestic” ty than a person. So, it was sword, killed a lot of hot wonderful guy, great guy.
alter ego and made some kind of nice to be just a chicks, ripped down trees. We work out together at the
inquiries about her career. wife.” You know, the works. I World Gym.” Bruce Willis?
She made her screen debut “Never met him. I could give
in 1991, and has subse- or take Bruce.” Robert Red-
quently appeared in over fbni? ‘Well, I like dark men.”
sixty movies. Why so prolif- DeNiro, Pacino? “Right.”
ic? Some actresses are dis- Andy Garcia? “That’s the
criminative about scripts; ticket.” Charlie Sheen? “Tin-
Julie just wants to work. touchable. He’s my room-
‘There’s really not a script I mate’s boyfriend.”
don’t like,” she explains. “If I speculated at least two
it’s great, that’s great and if hours would be reserved for
it’s decent, that’s good a review of Julie’s para-

enou^ I’ll do it.” mours. But she succinctly
Among her latest projects described her love life in one
is VICTIM OF DESIRE, sentence: “I party with the
which is “B” across the Christians and I sleep with
board; directed by Jim the Jews.” Really? “Hey,
Wynorski and produced by Julie,"I replied with guard-
Andrew Stevens, the cast ed optimism, “did I ever tell
includes Shannon Tweed, you about the time Little
Marc Singer, Wings Hauser, Hymie Cohen threw up at
Jay Richardson. “I liked my my Bar Mitzvah?”

Lisa Comshaw

By Ari Bass

Inside Holl3wood’s historic The cameras are trained

Mack Sennett Stage, crafts- on Lisa Comshaw, who was
rehearsing her Lizzy Borden
men are building cages and

thing whacking a couple of
platforms in preparation for guys with crude cutlery.
an upcoming Bon Jovi video. Tough guy Lawrence Tier-
Out in the hallway, the mur- ney is sleeping in the wings.
Cynthia Rothrock, who
mur of conversation barely plays a supporting role, has
masks the hum and crackle of already gone home. “DARK
the arc-welding machine. A RED involves a woman who
had a tragic childhood.
production assistant from Because of what happened to
DARK RED, a thriller shoot- her, she has a very negative
ing on the same site, directs view of society, and men in
me to the film’s location particular,” explains writer/
the studio basement. director T.L. Lankford, who
Comshaw mad* h*r dabut In LUKAS’ CHILD, a flltn about Satanlata—diagulaad a* low budget producara—who taad auditioning atariaU to a camivorou* demon.

previously collaborated with kills them and incorporates but there are many
setting, shaw was attending third
poverty row auteur Fred them in her artwork. All the Grand Guignol elements grade, her father, the main-
Olen Ray on 12 films, includ- guys in the film are, basical- here.”The director gauges tenance manager of a truck-
ing ARMED RESPONSE ly, symbols of her father. She Comshaw as nothing less ing company, moved the
and HOLLYWOOD CHAIN- becomes a serial killer, but than “the find of the century. family to Chicago. A few
SAW HOOKERS. she sees herself as an She’s going to be a big star.” years later, Comshaw was
“Lisa plays a modern avenger on some level. Fi- I initially interviewed yanked from seventh grade
artist who meets men and nally, she meets a guy noth- Comshaw one year ago at enrollment after her dad
seduces them, or allows ing like her father who hope- her Los Angeles apartment. signed on with another
them to seduce her,” contin- fully, can change the way She dispensed iced tea, hos- company in Massachusetts.
ues Lankford, “until one she is. It’s a GotUc story set pitality and very candid con- ‘We moved to Cape Cod," ex-
thing or another flips a against a Hollywood back- versation... plains Comshaw. ‘The new
switch in her mind, and she drop. We’ve used a modern While the Ohio-bom Com- company had some problems
Left: Comehiw InepecU a ecanned liken*** of herself on the SCANNER COP II eat Right: Poairtg with f/x wixard John Beuehler and her ‘'Inner setf,' Gayle Slade.
— —

ao heleft and bought a Dairy very intelligent and well-

Queen. You had to pass it on
the way down to the Cape, had to do a topless almost
‘<1 — spoken. He could be a politi-
cian. It’s too bad.”
but it
business. I
was still a seasonal
had fun working

nude scene. My mom and dad Bitten by the acting bug,
Comshaw plunged into dra-
there, I managed it. My dad came to the set, and talked to my ma classes and attended
fired me a couple of times, leading man, Erik Estrada, before During those sal-
cattle calls.
once for fighting with my ad da}rs, Comshaw body dou-
brother and once because we the scene. Then they stayed.” bled for Madonna in print
were sucking the gas out of ads for the abysmal BODY
the whipped cream {laughs). OF EVIDENCE (“They
I didn’t ask for the job beick. I needed someone with good
was lajdng out in the back- biceps”), and for Joan Sever-
yard, having a good ole’ time ance in Michael DeLuise’s
enjoying my summer, ’cause comedy, ALMOST PREG-
I finally didn’t have to work, NANT; however. Severance
and my mother came out called a halt to the proceed-
and said, ‘Aren’t you going to ings after overhearing crew
ask your father for your job members too flattering com-
back?’ I said, ‘Yeah, right.’ mentary regarding Com-
tjo in there, goddam it, and shaw’s physique. Then there
get your job back!" I said, was the film’s other female
‘Okay, fine.’ I worked all my star, Tanya Roberts. Com-
summers in high school. I shaw confirms rumors that
learned responsibility.” Ms. Roberts’ temperamental
After graduating high behavior generated friction
school, Comshaw vowed she among the cast and crew.
wouldn’t shiver through an- ‘*rhat was the coldest set I’ve
other Northeastern winter. ever been on,” recounts
She moved to San Diego. Comshaw. “Everyone was
“And I fell flat on my ass,” tip-toeing around.”
she recounts. “I was too Comshew demonstrotM “one of the many Grand Quigrtol elamants’' In DEEP Meanwhile, in between
young and didn’t know what RED. The “operatic, dlaaaead love story' Is currantty In post-production. dodging sociopathic acting
the responsibility of moving partners, Comshaw man-
out was. So I crawled back to LUKAS’ CHILD. The ironic who is the catalyst for his aged to land a profusion of
Massachusetts with my tail premise involved a coven of business partner’s slow de- TV work, including Vista
between my legs. At that witches who ingeniously dis- scent into psychosis. Some- Street’s DIVORCE LAW, the
point, ray parents were guise themselves as movie how, Estrada’s character Playbcy Channel sitcom. She
ready to sell the Dairy producers. Starlets, invited finds the leisure time to bait also appeared in Stephen J.
Queen so they used me as to audition for a “low budget and mate a bevy of beautiful Cannell’s syndicated series,
their patsy to sell it, because horror pic,” are abducted women, including Ms. Com- SILK STALKINGS and
this good-looking guy want- and fed to a carnival crea- shaw. “Basically, Erik meets RENEGADE. “In my scene
ed to buy it. He thought I ture-tumed-camivore called me in a bar and convinces on RENEGADE,” explains
came with the Dairy Queen The Child. Directed by Eric me to go home with him and ,
Comshaw, *1 added all kinds
{laughs). Boy, was he blown Louzil, Comshaw was cast as we get it on,” she smiles. “We of lines because they were
away when the closing day the witness to one of a “rash shot it in Phoenix, where my under pressure and they
came and I left with my par- of disappeaiing actresses.” parents live. I had to do a couldn’t reshoot it.”

ents. We decided to sell the “My character didn’t see topless — almost nude Comshaw was hired for a
house and move to some the murder, but she saw the scene. My mom and dad starring role in Vista Street’s
warm place, so we opened body being taken away,” ex- came to the set, and they QUACS, another sexy sit-
the map to the western U.S. plains Comshaw. “That was talked to Erik before the com. Six episodes were shot
and just closed our eyes and pretty much it. Then she got scene. But then they stayed. in three days, a cost-cutting
pointed on the map. 'The city it on with the detective, of Erik had a rough time and schedule which, admits pro-
we pointed to was Phoenix. course {laughs).” Though her he later told me, ‘It was real- ducer Michael Feifer, may
“I started looking for a role was minor, Comshaw’s ly intimidating, knowing explain why the show re-
secretarial job, but I eventu- lingerie-clad anatomy was that your mom and dad were mains unsold. “It’s basically
ally went to bartending plastered on the film’s p.r. watching.’ He couldn’t really a medical school fraternity
school and worked tending brochures and posters. Even have fun with it. He had to house,” smiles Feifer, “
bar. Eventually, I felt more encouraging, one of the be a good boy [laughs]. But lots of fun and perversion.
burned-out working at film ’s producers admired her he was very professional.” We shot 60 pages a day.

night I felt like a bat.” performance and insisted The film also featured That’s the Vista Street way
Comshaw moved to L.A. that Comshaw dedicate her- Dana Plato and Todd Bridges, {laughs)”
in 1987 and was hired to self to acting studies. former cast members of Tired of “bimbo parts,”
practice her secretarial skills Later that same year, DIFF’RENT STROKES Comshaw play ed th e title
but, the following year, she Louzil shot a psychological whose tragic personal lives role in HOUSEWIFE FROM
pursued a modeling career. thriller titled THE SOUNDS have often been fodder for HELL. “I did it because I
In 1991, Comshaw’s agent OF SILENCE, Former the tabloids. “Todd was so wanted a lead role for my re-
advised her to audition for a CHiPster Erik Estrada por- emphatic about how clean he sume,” she sa}^. ‘It’s a funny
low-budget horror film titled trayed a nefarious executive was,” notes Comshaw. “He’s film but, unfortunately. I’m


80 difFused in it {as a ghost] Cowtown, an old western
that I couldn’t use it for my citynorth of Phoenix that
demo. The way I look is hard “We have to start somewhere, was assembled for filmmak-
ing. “It’s got everything,
to explain unless you’ve seen
but sometimes do find it hard to
even tumbleweeds,” says
the movie.”
A featured role in Pierre iook back at some of those roies. Comshaw. “But we found out
David’s SCANNER COP, a There’s a iot of dues to pay and the tumbleweeds are nailed
thriller starring Danny down, because I tried to kick
Quinn and Richard Lynch, you may never even make it.ff one (laughs). I went down.
offered Comshaw the oppor- “In the film, I inherit a
tunity to shed the sexpot town from my grandfather.
image. "I was a scrub nurse My boyfnend and I, and an-
in that. Fm in it near the end other couple, wander around
where Richard Lynch’s head and find a letter from my
blows up. I say something grandfather. The letter sa3rs
like, ‘Doctor, are you okay?’ there’s a valuable ore in the
(laughs). It was Pierre’s firet land, and it warns us not to
time directing, so there was drink the water. Of course,
a little confusion. Lynch and we’ve all been drinking the
I were going insane sitting water. We start to have all
around that operating these hallucinations and
room.” they’re all fairly sexual...
subsequent film,
File her naturally. It’s really a cute,
KISS ME GOODBYE, under funny stoiy.”
“produced but abandoned.” Jackie Giroux, a former
“1 had some problems on actress (SWEET SUGAR)
that one,” Comshaw reveals. turned producer, cast Com-
‘They jerked me around over shaw in BEVERLY HILLS
some money for my flight to PIZZA GIRLS as “a lonely
Puerto Vallarta. It went on woman who manages a pizza
for months. I had to take joint. The place isn’t doing
them to small claims court CMherino Webw, Coiralww. Liu HulehursL tr>d SfwMy MIcholl* u
well, and we can’t pay our
and —amazing! —they paid GiRLS. The cut poowl for visiting ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT crew. vendors, so the owner de-
me the next day. I had a sup- cides he’d better close the
porting role. It was about likft we were in a PINK PAN- character, and my relation- place. So the other pizza
two guys and a girl on the THER movie—they wouldn’t ship to Stash’s ch^acter. In girlsand I drug him, and
road, shit happens, and it even let us crack a smile. the scene where I get killed, come up with a plan to save
had some comedic elements. But there wasn’t any physi- 1 wanted to get some blood the place.”
The problem was the guy cal comedy going on, either.” going. I said, ‘Come on you Peter Maris’, OBSESSION
who wrote and directed it is An American writer was dis- guys, I’m shot in the head. U: THE BEGINNING finaUy
French, and it’s very dry patched to the location for a Really blow it up!’ But they offered Comshaw the oppor-
humor. They had us acting rewrite, but wouldn’t do it and it looked tunity to test her dramatic
“The other problem is it’s kind of boring.” aptitude. “I move from
ComstMW ewitp* It up mrtth Rob E«tM a B-movie with no nudity. “There is a beautiful love Chicago to California,” she
(SILK STALKINGS) in • CBS Movi* of explains, “and buy a farm,
The lead seiid she’d do it and scene in it,” Comshaw con-
then, when she got down tinues, “It was shot outdoors sight unseen, because after
there, she decided she didn't in a bed, with propane flames my daughter dies in an acci-
want to. There was all kinds around us.” Hossowski re- dent, my husband can’t han-
of trouble on the set. The calls that the scene sparked dle it and he bails out of the
money dried up at one point, a furor with the MPAA relationship. Sam Jones
even thou^ this pictiire had (“They are so prudish in plays the real estate agent.
a budget of over a million America,” he grumbles). He’s actually snaky, but 1
dollars. The director of pho- Comshaw also auditioned don’t see it because I’m so
tography was fired during for a pivotal role in Andy hurt. I accidentally run into
the shoot, we had to reshoot Sidaris’ HARD HUNTED a couple who are the care-
scenes, it was nuts. I’m real- and FIT TO KILL. Though takers. Monique [Carrie
ly curious how the film she did a reading and three Genzel] is very sweet on the
turned out.” nude auditions for Sidaris outside, but there’s some-
She returned to the Ari- and his wife Arlene, Com- thing scary inside. I eventu-
zona desert for THE SHIN- shaw lost the character to ally become involved with
ING BLOOD, a mystical friend Ava Cadell (FF 2:1). David, Monique’s boyfriend.
road movie starring John “For the third audition,” she There’s a lot of action in the
PhillipLaw and producer/di- jokes, “I was expecting to film, and I loved doing the
rector, Stash Klossowski. have to hop up on the table fights.”
Tlnfortunately, Stash cut an for a gynecological exam.” The most physically chal-
excellent scene of mine,” Over the 1993 holidays, lenging requirement was
Comshaw. Tt was an
relates Comshaw starred in BAD written into a flashback
emotional scene that ex- DAY AT DREAMY WATER. scene; Comshaw was obligat-
what happened to my
plains The film was shot in Arizona’s ed to ride a white horse

bareback —and in the nude.
“It was fun,” Bmiles Com*
shaw, “but there were a
couple of times where the
horse lowered his head and
everyone held their breath.
He was trying to throw me
off, and it wasn’t easy to
bang on. Plus, when I dis-
mounted, I had all these
white hairs up and down my
legs. It looked like I needed
some serious Nair action.”
Earlier this year, Com-
shaw reunited with Pierre
David and Danny Quinn for
time around, Steve Barnett
directed a supporting cast
that included Patrick Kil-
patrick and Khrystyne H^}e.
Barnett claims that preview
audiences reacted so in-
tensely to the original film ’s
effects sequences, producer
David decided to “go carte
blanche” for the sequel.
According to special effects
expert John Carl Buechler,
more scanning effects se-
quences than all the previous
SCANNER films combined.”
Comshaw’s character is
scanned by the evil Volkin
(Kilpatrick) and pulled half-
way through a metal screen
door. Her upper torso lodged
in the teeth of the wire, Com-
shaw’s severed bottom por-
tion collapses to the ground.
To accomplish this illusion,
Buechler fashioned a hollow
shell of Comshaw firom a feice
eind body casting. The dimin-
utive Gayle Slade, camou-
flaged as Comshaw’s gooey,
skeletal “inner self,” was fit-
ted into the shell and con-
nected to the upper half by

“nernies” sinewy, elastic
replications of human tissue.
Slade falls back and voila.
The producer is elated with
the scene.
Making her “Movie of the
Week” debut in CBS’ Mike
Hammer spoof, DEADER
THAN EVER, Comshaw
supported Rob Estes. “It’s all
way over the top,” says Com-
shaw. ‘T play a dominatrix at
an underground club. Estes
comes in and has to get by
me. There’s a fight and I
come in and yell at the ex-
tras. The director gave me
an improv scene where I
contliiued on page 60


By Gary Garfinkel

I met Nicole Hansen at the bottle!

beer.. .from
an American Film Market Nicole Hansen was born
party.Cannon Pictures weis in Frankfurt, Germany to
an “aspirant actress” moth-
promoting the international er and a father who served
sale of AMERICAN CY- in the military. The army
BORG, which served as brat was moved to her
mother’s native Greece,
Hansen’s starring debut. though the family eventual-
The celebration was offici- ly ended up in Denver,
ated at Denim and Dia- Colorado. Hansen’s folks di-
vorced, but were subse-
monds, an L.A. club that
quently involved in a string
serves up country music of remarriages.During vari-
and dancing. Hansen was ous stages of her youth,
getting into the beat of some Hansen lived with her nat-
Travis Tritt. ural and foster parents; she
I was invited to Hansen’s tallies no less than four
apartment for her inter- mothers, five fathers.
view, and the first things I As a high school fresh-

noticed were angels! Cer- man, Hansen nominated
amic and paper mach4 herself president of the stu-
angels. All over the place. It dent body; it was more than
turns out she’s so obsessed a political denomination,
with the celestial beings considering her admission
that Hansen selected Sera- that she had “totally devel-
phim Entertainment as the oped, physically," during
name of her production com- the same period. “That was
pany. She explains that the year that 10 came out,”
“seraphim” has something Hansen recalls, “so I got my
to do with heavenly hosts hair braided like Bo Derek,
and wings and all that stuff. and my campaign motto
After I seat myself, Hansen why you
listed ten reasons
offers me a beer. Cool. Even should vote for Nicole
cooler was Hansen’s inclina- Hansen as class president.
tion to polish off a brew, At the final speech before
herself. There’s nothing bet- the election, I got all
ter than hanging out with a ~As an actrMa, you’re explolled In a kH of ways. I think mala actora ara definitely dressed up very profession-
beautiful girl who drinks treated more favorably, becauae directors arlll try to Intimidate an acbew." allyand rattled off the ten

reasons, one by one. With bows and things. Oh, and to “being too much for me to Since I couldn’t really keep
each reason, I removed one absolutely no skin. Most im- be looked at all day long. 1 up with them, I was once
piece of clothing. By the portantly, however, I gained didn’t like it, anymore.” She again in the unpopular
time I had finished, I was a lot of weight. I don’t know initiated her junior year by crowd and it was about this
down to kind of a long T- how heavy I actually got, enrolling in another school. time that I started hanging
shirt and all the kids were because I stopped weighing “I was kind of like Molly —
out with and becoming —
screaming, "Take it off, take myself at 167.” Ringwald in PRETTY IN punk rocker. I shaVed half
it off!’ The faculty and par- Hansen cut ties with her PINK because most of the of my head, and colored the
ents were freaking out, and hip colleagues, finding so- kids at this new school were remaining hair purple.
I saw my mother was about lace in the friendship of from wealthy families, and I “On the last day of my ju-
to go crazy.” Hansen didn’t nerdy classmates. She at- just got by with the money I nior year, I went to a U2
lose the T-shirt, but she won tributes her transformation made from babysitting. concert in Boulder with my
the election. By a landslide. friends and we had great
“The fact is,” she smiles, “I seats up front. To this day, I
got to be president because don’t know why, but Bono
ofmy body, but I used my kept pointing at me during
brain to really get some the show and, finally, he
good things done at the started waving me up to the
school and for my class- stage. My brother Eric was
mates. And I kept my ten pushing me up to the stage,
promises. but I was really kind of
“But at the start of my scared. But they literally
second year of high school, I pushed me up there, and
made a conscious decision to then Bono pulled me next to
be a nerd. I got braces, him and we danced together
glasses that I didn’t really for a song.. .in front of 6,000
need, and traded in my people! Bono told me to en-
spiked heels and tight jeans joy this, because I would
for dorky clothes with little probably never have a

«l read the new draft of the script and was
horrified. It was totally rewritten to include

nude and love scenes every five minutes. I

told them to get another actress.’’

never get married in a set- I had no money, not even

ting so romantic.” enough for my rent. I had
THE PREPPIE MUR- platinum blonde hair at this
DER, an ABC Movie of the time, from one of my
Week, introduced Hansen to movies, and had just bought
TV audiences as one of a tight Marilyn Monroe-
Robert Chambers’ girl- type dress. I somehow got
friends. “The director want- pushed into this Marilyn
ed to see aU the girls in lin- Monroe look-alike contest,
gerie,” she explains, “so I and all I did was kind of
went out and spent all this wiggle around and smile.
money on nice stuff. Then That was enough to win
we go back, and do this long first prize and $500,
dance for him in lingerie, which gave me rent money
and later he tells us that we and, more importantly,
should actually be wearing caught the attention of
plain, white T-shirts because video director David
that’s the way it was in reeil Fincher.” Fincher, who
was so pissed off!”
life. I would later direct ALIEN3,
Her next assignment was cast Hansen as Marilyn
THE MARRYING MAN, the Monroe in a pair of Billy
non-comedy that garnered Idol videos. One gig re-
press as a result of stars quired her to be crucified on
Alec Baldwin and Kim a telephone pole ledge. The
Basinger feuding with the scene origin^ly called for a
studio brass.“They wanted 6-foot pole but when
a body shot of me on tape, Hansen arrived on the set,
where they just pan the she was confronted with a
camera all over your body,” pole that had “grown” an
explains Hansen. “I was additional 24 feet. Against
nervous, so I just started her better judgement,
shaking my hips back and Hansen climbed into a cher-
forth while singing out, ry picker and was lifted up
chance to perform in front of ly realizes that her boy- ‘Body shot, body shot!’ The to the ledge. “The whole
this many people. So the friend is a murderer. Han- director, Jerry Rees, saw time,” she sighs, “they
whole school ended up hear- sen was later hired for THE the tape and said, ‘I have to burned tires down below me
ing about this and, basical- SLEEPING CAR, playing a have that girl.’ With that, I and my sole support was
ly, it made me a popular girl student whom teacher Jeff was cast as a French maid. this little wire for me to
again during my senior Conaway would prefer to “Then came a point when hang on to. It never would
year.” study. Her “big scene” for
Upon turning 19, Han- the 1990 horror film HariMn reports there was "constant tension" on the set ot AMERICAN CYBORG.
Shot in Israel, the scl-fl saga was produced during a period o( 2 1/2 months.
sen’s goal was to become a required Hansen to seat
movie star. She moved to herself next to the actor in
Los Angeles, but barely sur- an automobile. She drops
vived “four months of mis- Conaway at the sleeping
ery. I packed my bags, car,he enters the vehicle
moved to Athens, Texas, and is promptly eaten by a
and moved in with my nat- couch. “Jeff was a really
ural mother in an attempt sweet guy,” Hansen re-
to get to know her. It was counts. “We stayed in touch,
the best thing I could have and one day he invited me
done. We had a great time to a party. I was about to
together.” leave, when this red carpet
Three years later, Han- was rolled out and it turned
sen returned to Hollywood. out to be a surprise wedding
She was cast in ENOUGH party for Jeff and his bride.
ROPE, a student film, as a It was BO romantic, and I
photographer who eventual- kept thinking that I would


have supported me had I

fallen. When Fincher finally
yelled, ‘Cut!,’my hair was
black from the smoke and I
collapsed on the way down.
It was a miserable experi-
ence, but I did it because
the message was about how
LA. crucifies the women it
STRANGERS, a gradu-
ate thesis film, offered
Hansen the role of “a rock
’n’roll kind of girl” who’s
preparing for wedlock. Dan-
ny Cannon, who helmed the
movie, recently graduated
to director of the Sylvester
Stallone epic, JUDGE
DREDD. Hansen was subse-
quently cast in Drew Barry-
more’s horror film, DOP-
PELGANGER and “had a
wonderful time playing a lu-
natic.I was this crazy wo-
man who just rips into a
restaurant, screaming for
my husband.”
Hansen crossed'into the
mainstream, with her most
substantive role to date,
while she was negotiating
the sale of a screenplay. “I
had pitched a script c^led
Pictures,” she smiles. “They
agreed to do it, and brought
in a writer to do a rewrite.”
The same writer had com-
pleted a script titled AMER-
ICAN CYBORG and, im-
pressed with Hansen, envi-
sioned the actress as his
was postponed and Hansen
was cast in AMERICAN CY-
BORG. “I got the female
lead and was on a plane to
Israel to shoot the movie,"
she explained. “While I’m
flying, I started reading a
just-finished draft of the
script, and was horrified to
see thatit had been totally
rewritten to include nude
eind love scenes for my char- “Love ecenee...Try to Imagine a {ob where you have to be Intimate with people you have no deeire to be Intimate with.
acter. Every five minutes!
What had been a ‘Virgin director blamed me for ruin- But Hansen would have would have done it simply
Mary of the future’ was ing his movie all the way no reservations about dis- because my character would
turned into a himbo of the through the shoot. For two robing for the unproduced have done it. I could prepare
future.’ I was going crazy be- and a half months, this TRANQUHJTY. “That script myself mentally for it. It’s
cause I was stuck on that went on! Constant tension. 1 had a scene requiring me to exploitative nudity that I
plane for 17 hours, and I told them to get a body dou- walk down Wall Street, dur- have a problem with. ..like
couldn’t tell anyone. When ble for the graphic scenes, ing rush hour, while totally most actresses, I guess. I’m
we finally landed, I called but there wasn’t really time nude. Of course, I would just not interested in being
my manager to tell Cannon 6ind they ended up cutting a have been scared to death to reduced to an object.
to get a new actress. lot of scenes. I think due to actually do this scene but I “Love scenes are another
“Cannon agreed to my perseverance, there was really believe that if we had thing altogether. They’re so
change the script, but the no nudity in the final cut.” ever made that movie, I continued on page 61

111 inc uuiLK KLALnts ur inE.oniVERSE,

AN entire PLANET .



By Robert Freese
Sean C. Strebin
Larry Greenberg

The setting: a graveyard. The

camera dollies in on Julia (Linnea
Quigley), clad in a split, black dress.
A minister named Donovan (Nick
Baldasare) appears from behind a
tombstone. His clericEil position is a
facade; the good reverend is actually
a Satanic priest.

Donovan: My dear, Julia.Only

you would choose such an appro-
priate place to meet, here among the
souls who guard the gates of hell.
Julia: Reverend, you said we
needed to talk.
Donovain unfastens Julia’s dress,
slipping it down to her waist. The
couple embrace and kiss passion-
Later in the film, a fuming Dono-
van confronts Julia, who’s seated on
the desk in his office.
Julia: Donovan, I didn 't hear
you come in. (Mockinglyl Are you
reveling in your now complete glory.
IPRlSONi Reverend, satisfied knowing all
your enemies are dead and de-
feated? Or are you waiting for
tonight, when you get your chance to
taste sweet, virgin blood? Donovan,
Donovan. There is truly no end to
your maniacal reach, is there?
The minister snaps Julia’s neck
and presses her limp body against
Abev«: Jim
d«»ei1b«» ttl*
his own.
unrMllMd PtUSON Donovan: An errant disciple
PLANVT mm “ALIIPH must be punished.
wrtth eMelw. M nweuid
hav* b**n my ««r*l«n
OK, trivia experts, can you iden-
mt CHAIMIO MAT In tify the Linnea Quigley movie that
•paea.” MpM: Toni contains the aforementioned
Naploa and curvy
convIetB ganorata
Quigley was cast as juicy Julia
loch and hay. Francine, devil’s advocate, for a
made-in-Florida horror movie titled
scene was shot twice; Quigley

duceil but Abandoned
expired in lingerie for the perspective of what the au-
TV cut, and gasped topless dience might want.”
for the video version. In fact, Another drawback, notes
the remainder of her nude actor/director Richard Ga-
scenes were alternately HOT
covered for a television sale. UNDER THE COLLAR), is
FALLEN ANGELS was that “A-films already have
A color
produced in 1989. a home before they’re made.
flier later promoted the B-films usually have to look
movie as BLOOD CHURCH for one when they’re fin-
(“An evil place between ished, and there are just so

Heaven and Hell the sanc- many places on the dial
tuary of death!"). But the and just so many spots on
movie was neither released the video store shelves.”
to TV nor video; BLOOD Producer/director Eric
CHURCH remains an in- Louzil (SHOCK ’EM DEAD,
complete movie in search of THE COCO BAY BED
investment. RACE) insists, “There’s no
“The distributors don’t Brink* 5t«v«n* appMrsd In approx 10 minutas o1 tost footaga, ahol on Salam longer ahome for B’s in the
know the difference between loeatlona. for THE COVEN. Producar Frad Olan Ray latar acutttad tha profact video market. David Win-
a good film or bad film. But ters (producer of PHOENIX
they know what’s selling,” the check clears, we go medieval epic, was proposed THE WARRIOR, MAN-
notes producer/director ahead. You don’t spend the as The Big Guy’s post-'TRUE KILLERS] folded his video
Fred Olen Ray. Good, bad, money unless you have it in LIES assignment. By the operation.
or indifferent, less than 200 your hand; otherwise, you time the project was knee- Adds actress Sara Su-
studio films debut per year, follow the end of the rain- deep into preproduction, zanne Brown (FF 2:3), “The
though this number tallies bow right into the toilet. Carolco Pictures pulled the risk of a low budget is that
to twice theamount of prod- Very often, you have in- plug. The speculative budget perhaps the filmmakers
uct when combined with the vestors who just disappear. exceeded $100 million. don’t have enough backing
independently produced —
Some doctors, lawyers — Someone may have remem- to get it finished or dis-
direct-to-video output. Not want to invest in a film, be- bered that FLESH AND tributed correctly.. .or, it’s
included in the quota are cause what they really want BLOOD, Verhoeven’s previ- produced in such a way that
the casualties: films that to do is take their tootsies to ous medieval epic with Rut- the finished product is not
have been partially shot but cocktail parties and pretend ger Hauer and Jennifer Jason appealing.”
remain incomplete. ..Films they’re filmmakers.” Lei^, grossed an embarrass- Our research on “pro-
that have been completed “It’s like that film comedy ing $100,000 back in 1985. duced but abandoned” mov-
but lack a distributor.. .And called MISTRESS.” inter- But completion of a B- ies introduced us to film-
films that never passed the jects Mr. Sidaris. “The so- film in progress is very ten- makers who, though vindi-
promotional stage, existing called investors, the mar- uous, especially when the cated by past successes, are
only as ad campaigns. ried ones, have a broad that project’s survival is depen- fighting to shoot scripts that
“It’s really hard to get a they want to lay.” dent upon something as remain (temporarily) aban-
B-film released,” explains “Film comedy?" laughs fragile as private invest- doned. And then there’s a
Andy Sidaris, producer of Ms. Sidaris. "MISTRESS is ment. Even if the work is coxiple of other directors
action entertainment that more like a documentary.” finally edited into a full- who voluntarily bailed-out
unites bikinis and ballistics Proposed A-film projects length movie, several vari- of film commitments.
(GUNS, FIT TO KILL, EN- are hardly exempt from ter- ables may prohibit its sale
EMY GOLD). “The video mination, with a crop of box- to a distributor. “The pro- JOHN CARPENTER
market has gone soft, it’s office failures (not unlike ducer needs to size up the Hedirected HALLOW-
gone to shit. The majors this year’s WYATT
EARP market and look a year or EEN (1978), considered the
have overwhelmed the little and NORTH) prompting re- two ahead,” explains Fred most successful, indepen-
guy.” Sidaris’ partner and sistance to big budget invest- Olen Ray. “A lot of first time dently produced movie ever
spouse, Arlene, blames ment. Even a sure bet like producers may get their pro- made. Four years later. Uni-
aborted film projects on dis- Arnold Schwarzenegger is jects finished, but they end versal offered John Carpen-
reputable investors. “Our CRU-
vulnerable to the ax. up with something that no- ter a generous budget to
rule,” she notes, “is when SADE, Paul Verhoeven’s body wants. They lacked the shoot a remake of THE

THING (FROM ANOTHER comic book. Initially covered

WORLD). Unlike the ’61 in FF 2:2, the provocative
original, Carpenter’s inter-
‘‘It’s really hard to get a B-film
script unnerved potential
pretation was Hieronymous released. The video market has investors. “This is kind of a
Bosch inc£imate, abstractly
rendering rage and human gone gone to shit. The
soft, it’s scary project for a lot of pro-
ducers,” admits Gordon.
viscera into a living, bleed- majors have overwhelmed the “It’s a very violent movie.
ing tableau. But Carpenter’s
(very underrated) movie was
little independent produced Very sexy. But the success
of THE CROW had made
a commercial bust, taking a people much more receptive
backseat to a kinder, gentler to FAUST. For a while, it
alien that debuted the same was looking pretty bleak.

year Steve Spielberg’s E.T. People were terrified of the
At least Tlffi THING was project but, now, they see
only a boxoflice disappoint- that audiences really want
ment. Carpenter’s admirers material like this. I’m keep-
lament his career choices ing my fingers crossed that
which bounce from big bud- we’ll be able to get some-
get losers (MEMOIRS OF thing going this yeeir.”
AN INVISIBLE MAN) to Digressing from unpro-
medium/small budget losers duced scripts, I switched the
(THEY LIVE, unforgettable conversation to BODY
for combining wrestler Rod- SNATCHERS. Abel Ferrera
dy Piper with enou^ sopho- directed Gordon’s script,
moric political nnetaphors to and their collaboration was
make Sergei Eisenstein a critical success. So why
reach for the No-Doz). Cur- was the film granted only a
rently involved in post-pro- brief theatrical release be-
duction on IN THE MOUTH fore it made the transition
OF MADNESS, the director Michelle Bauer played a blackmailing nurae In DEMENTED, a horror film shot to video shelves? Gordon
seems intent on reprising 3 years ago In Tennessee. Angsts Bowie eostarred In the unrstessad movie. pegs “studio previewing” as
the formula of his earlier the problem: “Horror movies
successes. Carpenter and bleak for Carpenter’s thriller Midnight, which notoriously do not test well.
ex-producing partner Debra CREATURE FROM THE was put into turnaround by Even SILENCE OF THE
Hill recently attempted to BLACK LAGOON remake. Paramount Pictures. “I got LAMBS had a 25% walkout
reclaim the rights to HAL- “The script is a $40 million the impression when we rate when they were testing
LOWEEN. But they lost out movie that Universal is will- turned our script in, which it,because the material is so
to Moustapha Akkad, the ing to spend only $10 mil- was very faithful to the intense it’s not for every-
film’s original producer, lion on,” sighs the director. book, that no one had ever body. So if they don’t get
who’s preparing HALLOW- “It’s because they don’t read the book,” says a be- those high 98% [good/excel-
EEN 666 for Miramax think anyone watches hor- mused Gordon. “They lent] scores, they begin to
minus the participation of ror movies anymore.” Actu- thought it was much too get nervous and I think
Carpenter and Hill. ally, the concept has been strange a project for them to that’s what happened to
Nevertheless, it appears languishing for over ten do and they decided to do BODY SNATCHERS. The
Carpenter and Hill will team years. John Landis original- PET SEMATARY II in- people liked it, really liked
up for ESCAPE FROM LA., ly pitched the CREATURE stead. ..which was a very it,and those who dii^’t are
the sequel to their 1981 col- remake as a follow-up to his bad call, I think.” not the kind of audience
laboration ESCAPE FROM AMERICAN WEREWOLF Another previously an- who would buy a ticket in
NEW YORK, with Kurt Rus- IN LONDON (1981). nounced but postponed pro- the first place.”
sell encoring as antihero duction was the Dan Ack- Gordon voluntarily de-
Snake Plissken. Shooting STUART GORDON royd/Jobn Belushi action tached himself from FOR-
will have to wait until Car- Negotiating the promise comedy, PIGS. “It’s about TRESS 2, the sequel to his
penter finishes the long-de- of a final cut and an unrated two cops in Chicago who are 1993 futuristic thriller
layed VILLAGE OP THE release, Stuart Gordon re- having, I guess in a sense, which starred Christopher
DAMNED remake, which cently shot HIDEOUS (for- what you would call a Lambert. The film came and
had been previously associat- merly CASTLE FREAK) for divorce,” notes Gordon. “Two went domestically, but
ed with Robert Harmon (THE Charles Band’s Full Moon guys who work together as grossed in excess of $60 mil-
HITCHER) and Tom Holland Entertainment. Hardly partners for 15 years and lion in foreign territories.
(CHILD’S PLAY). strangers. Band released one of them decides to quit “After thinking about it for
When addressed with the Gordon’s debut film, RE- the force. They spend more a while,” says Gordon, “I
recurrent but inexplicable ANIMATOR (1985), along time with each other than thought it was more inter-
rumor that a sequel to THE with the director’s underes- their wives, so it’s a very esting to do new work. I feel
THING may be in the works. timated DOLLS (1987) stressful thing.” Formerly an- like I’ve done FORTRESS
Carpenter replies he’d love among others. nounced as a Hemdale proj- already.” In fact, the direc-
to shoot the further adven- In spite of Gordon’s track ect,Gordon hopes the film tor’s next project is SPACE
tures of the title character record, some of his projects be realized.
will eventually TRUCKERS which he de-
which have been developed remain in hibernation. Then there’s FAUST, scribes “as a sd-fi action pic-
forDark Horse Comics. The Take, for example, his adap- Cordon’s proposed adapta- ture similar to FORTRESS
future, unfortunately, looks tation of the Dean Koontz tion of the controversial in many ways, but also has

• comedic side to it, which
Tm looking forward to.” MASSACRE II and HARD
FRED OLEN RAY TO DIE, will not be back!
‘At times, there is a spur
sequel, promised in the con-
the moment enthusiasm
cluding credit crawl of
for a project, and we’re hot
to do it, but then the reali-
HARD 'TO DIE, was intend-
ed as a joke. “I’ve done his
ties bit and the film cannot
movie,” shrugs Wynorski.
be done for various reasons,”
“Twice now. I don’t want to
comments Fred Olen Ray,
do it a third time.” Never-
who has made as many films
theless, someone submitted
as he has almost made.
a treatment based only on
“Sometimes,” explains
the title. “It was pretty
Ray, “we’ll be shooting on
good, too,” laughs Wynorski.
sets that we finished using
“Orville is in a life p«I, float-
and end up shooting scenes
ing around space. After he
for another movie that well
crash lands on a planet pop-
shoot later.” While shooting
ulated entirely by women, it
on the set of BIOHAZARD,
turns into the same exact
his 1984 monster movie,
plot as the other two Orville
Ray improvised scenes for
another project (the script
Ketchum movies only with—
ray guns.”
would be written later).
The following is an
Sure enough, the makeshiit
abridged listing of “produced
footage ended up in Ray’s
but abandoned” movies and
1988 release, STAR SLAM-
unproduced scripts:
on the set of STAR SLAM-
An action-thriller with Lin-
recalls the director,
nea Quigley and Michelle
“we shot scenes of Forry Bauer. David DeCoteau was
Ackerman and Bobbie Bre- the impromptu choice as di-
see as mad scientists for a rector only four days before
feature that never got fin- Th* ttUt rot*(») of ttw PIRANHA WOMEN, • propOMd the scheduled shoot. De-
hofror flltn with a (•minist
ished called BEACH BLAN- aiant, wara navar caat; tha projact didn't axeaad tha concaptualization atapa. Coteau describes the film,
KET BLOODBATH.” which was shot in nine
A remake of THE INDE- shelves. ..well, don’t hold OF THE 50 FT WOMAN. days, as “filled with big ac-
STRUCTIBLE MAN, with your collective breaths. Those pictures of Sybil Ban- tion, big explosions, big car
Aldo Ray as a dead convict ning as the 50-ft Woman chases.” So big, in fact, that
literally shocked back to life JIM WYNORSKI [printed on the front cover the producers have been
(played in the 1956 origin£il ALIENS
“It’s basically of FF 1:2] were shot, 13 waiting around since 1988
by Lon Chaney, Jr.), is also with chicks,” laughs Jim years ago, on a friend’s to find the perfect distribu-
among Ray’s incomplete Wynorski as he describes —
roof the pictures weren’t
LorlAM UcComM that “StMniy
movies. “Sometimes we PRISON PLANET, his still- current by any means. I •MnM’ for STORMSWEPr* urmMd
shoot scenes,” says Ray, born saga of lunar lust. “It eventually took a pass on cut; both vcrctoiw rwnain unrolMMd.
“and then go back and say, would have been my version making that film for a vari-
‘Okay, can we take these of CHAINED HEAT in ety of reasons, one being
scenes with Aldo Ray and space. I wanted to have the that I no longer wanted to
make a movie that people same cast from HEAT and do it. You’re just offered so
wiU want to see and we can had Sybil Banning in mind much stuff out here in Hol-
get our money back?. ..Or, from the start.” The screen- lywood, you can’t do it all. I
should we go on to another play was written and poster never even had time to
project?’ If Aldo Ray’s name art was commissioned to write the script.”
isn’t worth much [in terms generate financial interest HBO produced its own
of boxoffice/ video appeal] for the project. “Eventually, 1994 remake of 50 FT
then, most of the time, well the backers took a pass be- WOMAN, casting Daryl Han-
go on to another project.” cause it would have been too nah Wynor-
in the title role.
The director takes emoth- expensive. Maybe it was a lit- ski, however, was unim-
er puff on a cigar that’s the tle too ambitious. It would pressed with the results. “I
size of Rhode Island. “At the have had a lot of big special cut it off after 20 minutes.
end of some of our movies, effects and action. It would They went for the camp, and

we’ll mention or threat- have been a fun film to make.” you just can’t do a movie well

en a sequel as a joke. But Taking a break during with all that campiness.”
we have no real intentions production of HARD BOUN- As we wrapp^ the inter-
of releasing one.” Thus, TY, his Western with Kelly view, Wynorski dropped a
readers who are biding their LeBrock, Wynorski recount- bomb. Orville Ketchum, the
time until SCALPS II and ed another unrealized prop- lumbering, bearded janitor
STUDENT CHAINSAW erty: “For while, I owned the /red herring who sauntered
NURSES debut on video sequel rights for ATTACK among the starlets in Wy-

tion deal. This does not bode (a pseudonym for Adam
well for DeCoteau, who ac-
cepted a low salary (under
‘‘The risk of a low budget is that Rifkin). This is another
that’s been stuck on the

$400) to participate in the the filmmakers don’t have enough shelf for three years.
back end.
backing to get it finished or OTHER PEOPLE’S SE-
APT PUPIL: Launched in CRETS: Shot in 1992 by di-
1987, Ricky Schroder and distributed correctly... or, the rector Robert Mann, star-
Nicol Williamson signed on ring Sara Suzanne Brown
for this Stephen King adap-
finished product isn’t appealing. 9 9 and Monique Parent. “It
tation. Production shut down, was a series of vignettes,”
after one week of shooting, recalls Brown. “The one I
due to lack of funds. was in was sort of a BASIC
RY: Great title, but perhaps about-you story.”
a bit misleading because the PRISON HEAT: Shot in
film lacked two critical in- Israel, thisone involves

gredients specifically, bim- fetching female students
bos and a penitentiary. Shot who are framed and exiled
directly-on-video in 1991, to a 'Turkish prison, which is
Michelle Bauer and Megan actually a front for a white
Hughes portrayed buddies slavery ring. Cast includes
in the very low budget ac- Toni Naples (DEATH-
tion-comedy. The producer STALKER II) and Rebecca
claims to be keeping the Chambers. Legal and finan-
movie in his basement, di- cial technic£ilities precluded
rectly next to his beloved the film’s release, but Can-
cub scout uniform. non Pictures vows the film
BLOOD NASTY: Origi- will debut direct-to-video
nally titled BLOOD STU- sometime later this year.
PID, this black comedy was
Cut of the unrsleued SEXBOMB (1M9) Included Urinu Quigley (above) end PULSE POUNDERS:
shot approx, five years ago. Della Shepard, who were reunited for the Incomplete NAKED AND TNE NUDE. Filmed in 1988, this unre-
Richai^ Gabai was original- leased trilogy was written
ly scheduled only to play a years. Jennifer Delora deep-sixed before the film by Dennis Paoli and direct-
leading role; however, he (FRANKENHOOKER) stars was loaded into the camera. ed by Charles Band. Story
ended up he lming the movie in this story of teens swing- “The picture was kind of segments included TRANC-
after first-time director ing in a deserted mansion. like the movies that Andy ERS II, DUNGEONMAS-
Robert Stauss bowed out on Naturally, mayhem ensues. Sidaris makes, so I really TER II, and the Lovecraft-
the first day of shooting. Re- DIGGING UP BUSINESS: don’t know why it didn’t get ian EVIL CLERGYMAN,
mainder of the cast included Shot approx, four years ago, made,” says Stevens, who the latter reuniting RE-AN-
Linnea Quigley, K£iren Rus- this black comedy hasn’t probably didn’t appreciate IMATOR cast members
sell, and Troy Donahue. dug up a distributor. Linnea thehumor of her remark. Barbara Crampton, Jeffrey
MovieStore Entertainment Quigley and Lynn-Holly THE NAKED AND THE Combs and David G£ile. The
paid an advance for the do- Johnson were cast as morti- NUDE: Also titled THE film was held up in litiga-
mestic rights, but the film’s cians. ROCK ‘N’ ROLL DETEC- tion after the collapse of
release remains in limbo. THE DWELLING; This TIVE, Linnea Quigley and Band’s Empire Pictures.
THE COVEN; The story erotic horror film was enter- Delia Shepard were sched- TRANCERS II was later
would have involved a witch ing its post-production uled to play sisters in the reshot and expanded into a
who recruits converts at a phase when FF (1:2) printed 1992 film noir comedy. FF feature-length film.
New England school for a preview story. Directed by (1:2) interviewed Shepard SEXBOlfe: Linnea Quig-
girls.Brinke Stevens recalls Glen Krai in 1992, the cast on the set, though we later ley and Delia Shepard
that a Baltimore convention included Michelle Bauer, learned the producer didn’t starred in this horror film
served as the genesis of the Sara Suzanne Brown (billed have the financing to make spoof which, sometime in
movie: “Fred Olen Ray had as Rachel Dane), and Burt a feature-length film; it 1989, was projected in an
a Bolex with him so we Ward. Krai edited together turns out he rounded-up his L.A. theatre for a single day.
drove to Salem and filmed a four-minute trailer, talked cast to shoot a product reel Bypassing home video, it
about ten minutes of me to a prospective British dis- (i.e. footage to show poten- was never seen nor heard
running around a cemetery, tributor, and announced the tial investors). Last time we from again. Director Jeff
hands coming out of the completed, 90-minute film talked to the director, he Broadstreet reunited Quig-
ground.. .It was going to be would be mastered “in full was pitching Shepard as the ley and Shepard for THE
used as a flashback for my Digital Hi-Fi sound to D-2 BARBARELLA-type heroine NAKED AND THE NUDE.
character.” Ted Digital video tape.” Alas, the of his next movie. Uh-huh. SOUL MATES: This
(THE ALIEN WITHIN) was movie has not yet surfaced. THE NUTTY NUT: Traci 1991 horror movie starred
a probable choice as direc- LADY VENGEANCE: Lords had a minor role in Melissa Anne Moore, Julie
tor, but the 1991 project was Brinke Stevens and Mo- this $5.5 million comedy Str£un, Tristen Rodgers, and
scrapped. nique Gabrielle were sup- from LIVE Entertainment. Dawn Wells. The film was
DEADLY MANOR: Jose posed to play crossbow-totin’ Early on, EVIL DEAD II substantially promoted but
Larrez directed this slasher sisters of CIA agent Stuart writer Scott Spiegel was faded away, never appear-
film that’s been sitting on Whitman. Scheduled for a fired as the film’s director ing on home video shelves.
the shelf for the past three 1991 shoot, production was and replaced by Rif Coogan Plot involved a lecturing

— —

while shooting inside that

house, it definitely had a
presence. For one thing, the
production went overbudg-
et. And the house bad to be
rented for an extra month.
Cutbacks in the crew forced
the cast to work behind the
camera.” Oh no, it’s the
ghosts of—of {will some-
body checji to see if Michael
Ctmtno and James Cameron
are still alive?) Anjnway, the
producers are still looking
for the best distribution
Stevens almost starred with
Don “The Dragon” Wilson in
this horror sequel, but the
film fell apart in its pre-
production stage.
nounced in HorrorFan mag-
azine (1989), this prospect
seemed like a sure bet.
Wrapped up in the produc-
tion package was a crisp
script,written by FF editor
Bill George, about a geneti- ing and is trying to negoti-
cally gluttonous suntan ate a sale to home video.
lotion that has a life of its Michelle Bauer, cast as a
own. Director David De- biker chick, congregates
Coteau intended to hire Lin- with other overaged kids for
nea Quigley, -then a fre- a night in a haunted house.
quently promoted B-Queen, mayhem ensues.
for the leading role. So what VIDEO PIRATES FROM
Prtproductlon art for SPACE SLUTS IN THE SLAMMER, Intondwl m a 1967
happened? It seems the MARS: Announced back in
vahlela for Unnaa Oulglay. Production tmliad to a haK aa a raauK of bankruptoy. “producers” of the project FF 1:1, the producers intended
Quigley's publicists at the to cast Brinke Stevens as
writer who tries to resurrect spirit of a lecherous slave —
time were great at claim- Evila, the character she de-
his deceased lover by prey- master” strips the unsus- ing involvement in non-exis- buted in Monsterland maga-
ing upon college girls. Natu- pecting visitors of their sex- tent movies, but actually zine. Bobbie Bresee (MAU-
rally, mayhem ensues. ual inhibitions and leads couldn’t raise a dime. Per- SOLEUM) was also tapped
SPACE SLUTS IN THE them into an array of sexu£il haps someone will restirrect for the sci-fi comedy, which
SLAMMER; Linnea Quigley potpourri.” But an even the script and cast Heather was alternately titled MARS
signed on to play a “galactic more bloodcurdling story Locklear in the Quigley role. STILL NEEDS WOMEN.
bad girl” in this kin^ sci-fi transpired behind the TERROR NIGHTS: The “We had several rehearsals,”
tale (“Beyond the Outer scenes. According to one in- producer of this horror film, recounts Stevens, “and had
Limits, they’re bound and sider, “The code words for which was shot several posters and T-shirts printed
determined”), which would this film are hush-hush. years ago, spent a ton of up. But no one wanted to
have been helmed by David Strange things happened money on its official screen- invest in the movie.”
DeCoteau. The plot of this
Nlcfc BaldMar* and Unnaa Quiglay gropaIn a gravayard for the IncotnplaW
YOUNG LUST: Starring
proposed Empire Interna- BLOOO CHURCH. Oulglay ahot 2 varaJona (nuda and attlrad) of eartain acanaa.
Mary Woronov and a pre-
tional project:Female con- NANNY Fran Drescher, this
victs, sentenced to a prison 1982 Paramount production
planet, decide it’s the sys- was a spoof on soap operas.
tem that needs reforming. The film was helmed by for-
Slated for production in mer SATURDAY NIGHT
1987, Empire’s slide into LIVE director Gary Weis,
bankruptcy bustod SPACE who previously fell from
SLUTS grace with the lame Biblical
leen Kinmont (FF 1:2), Exempting some possible
Melissa Anne Moore. Kim test engagements, this van-
Kopf, and Lorissa McComas ishing act never appeared
are among the trai^)ed occu- on video or cable. It couldn’t
pants in a deserted planta- be any worse than WHOL-
tion. sure enou^, “the LY MOSES!

By Ari Bass

Sherrie Rose is no phony. colonists, there’s something

She has no fake Hollywood behind Rose’s baby blues.
She commands attention on-
laugh. She drives an old screen but, off the set, Rose
Mustang. Blessed by good endeavors to pass unnoticed
taste and high intelligence, and unrecognized. {She
maced the author on
Rose says what she thinks,
one occasion. I learned to
albeit not more than she never sneak-up on Sherrie
wants you to know, Her Rose.)

mind is always running. There’s plenty on her

mind; “For the last eleven
When I first arranged to
months. I’ve been producing
meet Rose over coffee in a feature-length movie
West Hollywood, I was un- called THE SHOT with two
certain whether to expect the other producers. It was
hard-edged cop of MAXI- made for what most big
MUM FORCE, the sad-eyed films spend on beer. It’s
victim of UNIAWFUL EN- pretty amazing. Dana Gar-
TRY, or the sultry vixen of vey did a cameo for us, and
DOUBLE THREAT. What I T^ Raimi, Mo Gaffney and
got was a little of each when Michael DeLuise are in it.”
she seated herself at a small Rose describes THE "SHOT
table overlooking Beverly as a character-driven come-
Boulevard. dy about down-and-out
The mysterious vectors of actors trying to make it in
heredity, environment and Hollywood. ‘They steal this
chance have produced some- film from a huge director,
thing of an enigma. As we and go through tons of
talk, I study her face, taking trouble,”Rose explains. “It’s
short dips into her eyes. really very funny. I love all
Unlike most Hollywood the interaction between the

Top (o Bottom: (1.) Roa* anoozM makaup la applM for TALES FROM THE
CRYPT; DEMON KNIGHT. Poaing with William FrIadMn, diractor of her 1992
TALES FROM THE CRYPT talavfilon aptaoda, (3.) Schmoozing with UNLAWFUL
ENTRY atar Kurt Ruiirt f4J Aa 'Tha FraMc' In tha INSIDE OUT anthology.
- —

characters.” because I hadn’t met any

Rose also co-produced Holl3nvood directors before.
PREY OF INNOCENCE He was the first and I went,
with DeLuise. “He really ‘Oh shit, I’m in for a ride.”’
wants to direct,” notes Rose, Searching for more oppor-
“so I came on as producer tunity, Rose transplanted
£ind starred in it along with herself to Los Angeles.
Michael’s father, Dom “Right away, I got an action
DeLuise, and Ruth Buzz! movie with Jan-Michael Vin-
and a lot of wonderful peo- cent and Sam Jones called
ple like that. It’s the first IN GOLD WE TRUST. I
thing I’ve produced and also went straight away to Thai-
acted in. It’s an interesting land, and I was there for
story about a punch-drunk four months. When I came
fighter and his coke-dealing back, I did a bunch of MTV
brother who go and kidnap videos, then went back to

a little girl mine. It’s an- Thailand to do KING OF
other character-driven sto- THE KICKBOXERS with
ry,and it shows how one Loren Avedon, Don Stroud
generation can affect the and Richard Jaeckel.”
next in a chain reaction.” Despite her increasing
Raised in an East Hart- roster of credits, the buzz
ford, Connecticut trailer over Rose didn’t really begin
park, Rose and her family until A CLIMATE FOR
relocated to Florida when KILLING, a 1990 release
she was 14. Attending the While attending USF, “We were shooting on loca- starring John Beck and
University of Florida, Rose Rose was offered a role in tions with no bathrooms Katherine Ross. Performing
opted for a major in electri- SUMMER JOB (1988). “At and no drinking water. It a shadowy love scene, Rose
cal engineering. “In my the time, I had decided to was like camping, while try- established her trademark
third year, I auditioned for a start my own business. So I ing to look good and make a making a powerful impres-
play,” she recalls. “I had went to read for a two-line movie at the same time. I sion in a small, seemingly
gone skydiving that morn- part and I was in the lobby ended up making two more generic role. ‘"That movie
ing and, when I went in to on the phone, haggling movies for that company.” was finished,” she recounts,
audition, I had scratches all about how the corporation Back in Miami, after “then they showed it to an
over me. The lady said, ‘Are would be set up. The direc- enjoying her first taste of audience and the audience
you okay?’ You didn’t have tor [Paul Madden] came by critical success with the wanted to know who the
to do this for the part,’ be- and said, ‘You are Kathy AIDS drama, THE VIC- dead girl, that they kept
cause the part was a girl Shields.’ I asked, ‘Who’s TIMS — had a limited re-
“It talking about, was. So they
criminal {laughs). I got the Kathy Shields?’ He said, lease, but I got some good went back and shot a flash-
part, fell in love with the ‘She’s the lead [character] in reviews in the Miami Her- back scene with me, and
theatre and switched my my movie.’ The role had ald, which was really nice edited it into the movie.”
m«gor.” already been cast, so they for me” — Rose landed a Hired for BODY WAVES
gave the girl who had the minor role in Abel Ferrara’s (1991), a puerile comedy
Ray Uotta playM Rom's tormsfftor
UNLAWFUL ENTRY (19»). Off ttis
part another role, and they CAT CHASER. “Unfortu- shot for Roger Gorman’s
SSL ttis coupis bscams frisnds. gave me Kathy. It was a nately, my scene got cut Concorde company. Rose
little awkward but ended out,” she shrugs. “But it was couldn’t be intimidated into
up working out great, and great to meet some major performing starlet obliga-
we all became very good actors, Peter Weller and tions. “Through the produc-
friends.” Charles Duming. Ferrara is er, I had a little bit of an
The Miami arrival of an a fun guy, an eccentric guy. argument with Corman over
Italian film company, re- It was weird meeting him the phone, because they
cruiting casts for movies
IN GOLD WE TRUST pravUad ROM with on* ol her MrliMt action roloa. Sha
shot on Haitian locations,
ahoota traltofoua CIA aganta with Jamaa Phllllpa and JatvMIchMl VIncanL
prompted Rose’s role in
was a pretty good little
movie,” she recalls. “I was a
girl that went to the war to
sing to everybody and, in
the middle of it, the camp
gets raided and I have to get
involved in the war. / hate
when that happens. It was a
good action film. I got to
shootmy first machine gun.”
Rose decided to reenlist
for the action film titled CY
BORG. “Haiti was horrible,
it was ridiculous,” she sighs.

wanted my shirt to come off body is illustrated with a
during this pool table gag SHERRIE ROSE very authentic tattoo ren-
and I said, ‘I can’t justify dering of a serpent. “Billy
that in my brain.’ It’s one ^^Being creative is more fun than someone Friedkin is a wild man,” she
thing to do a love scene, but relates, ‘T really liked him a
to just have 3rour shirt ripped
giving me $1 million and sayii^ ‘Bny all the
went in to audition,
lot. I
off at a pool hall, I don’t shit you need.’ Growing up without lots of and he stood up and gave
know. It was this whole rig- me a big hug. He almost
marole on the set, ‘Sherrie, money made me a good producer.’’ hired me on the spot, and he
you’ll break your contract!' cancelled all other appoint-
Then we got with Roger on
the phone. Butit all worked
ments for that part and —
some big stars were coming
out and, since then. I’ve in to read for that part. It
done two movies for them.” really made me feel good.
Her next film for Gor- “I had to do a body cast
man, INNOCENT BLOOD, for the snake tattoo, and
was a rare case of damsel- then they put a stencil on
in-distress casting for Rose, me. But that rose tattoo is
who routinely utilizes her —
my own I’ve had it since I
physical prowess to earn was 14 years old. I always
vigorous roles. “I went to cover it in my movies, so
school in East Hartford and that was the first time I
when I was about ten, I have showed it.”
started feeling threatened Rose’s recent appearance
and I wanted to know how in VOYEUR enlightened
to defend myself,” she says. her to the technology behind
“Once I started studying the the burgeoning interactive
meutial arts, I found a disci- film medium. “Shooting on
pline in that
have at home. As an
I didh’t real-
Dm Cwwy <cantw) p«i1orm*d camwo In Rom's production ol THE SHOT. blue screen was very diffi-
ac- Hor Production tMm (1-0 mckidM Jud* Horowitz, Ponny Frank* wtd Dan Ball. cult,” says the actress, who
tress, Ifound that there was played the daughter of
a demand for actresses who Rose’s highly decorated cop martial arts fighting but Grace Zabriskie and Robert
could do martial arts, so that collaborates with Sam Jones was not afforded much dia- Culp. “I had to sit on things
has opened some doors.” and Jason Lively to bust evil logue. She was on-screen and grab things that didn’t
Though previous assign- industrialist Richard Lynch. long enough to a turn a cop’s exist. Everything was blue
ments that year were limit-
ed to minor parts. Rose weis
“I’d like to work for PM wife (Denice Duff, FF 2:4) — I didn’t want to wear blue
again,” she nods. ‘We’ve talk- into a widow, and later for months after that.
offered an expanded role in ed about doing some more clashed with C3mthia Roth- “It was like theatre be-
PM Entertainment’s DEAD- stuff together.” rock in a battle to the death. cause the camera stays in
LY BET (1991), a kickbox- Projecting pathos and The same year. Rose was one position, and you walk
ing movie set in Las Vegas. vulnerability. Rose was a cast in DOUBLETHREAT on a stage-like atmosphere.
A role in PM’s MAXIMUM standout in Jonathan Kap- as a youthful ingenue who You eit down on a block, and
FORCE foUowed. lan’s UNLAWFUL ENTRY. body doubles for mature lean back, and make believe
“It was a strange situa- Cast as a woman who is screen star Sally Kirkland. it’s a couch. But blue screen
tion, though, because I got humiliated and dumped by The concluding scene re- is all about money, you don’t
UNLAWFUL ENTRY in psychotic cop Ray Liotta, veals that Rose, who turns have to pay for any-sets.
June of that year but its she describes the movie as out to be Kirkland’s daugh- Most of the money goes into
production date kept getting “a good break. I get a lot of ter, conspired with to mom post-production computer
pushed back. So I wasn’t compliments that it could wipe out their mutual work. Robert Weaver, who
taking any movies, and I have been just a bimbo sleazeball lover, Andrew used to work for Disney,
was turning down a lot of scene, and I made some- Stevens. directed it and the results
writ thing interesting out of it. It “It was about a month’s are really impressive.”
“As soon as I start shoot- was my first A-movie, which shoot, pretty fast. It had the Making thetransition
ing MAXIMUM FORCE, UN- was very exciting. I had to potential to have been a from soundstage to Peru-
LAWFUL ENTRYcalls and go back five times and read much better film, but I t hink vian locations. Rose sup-
says, ‘Hey, we need you on for it. Jonathan Kaplan was we did a really good job for ported Stacy Keach and
the set in two days.’ ^ I lit- sweet to me, and he told me the money and time we had. I Rick Rossovich in another
erally ran back and forth to say goodbye to B-movies had known Andrew Stevens Concorde-New Horizons
between the two. It all Ray Liotta was
after this. for a long time and he was production. “It’s very much
worked out, and it was a big wonderful to work with as like a friend, like a brother, along the lines of MAD
education running from a an actor. We ended up dat- so it was very bizarre doing MAX, and I play a street
$26 million movie to a ing for four or five months a love scene with him.” girl in a future Los Ange-
$700,000 movie.” afterwards, and we became “On a Dead Man’s Chest,” les,” she explains. “It’s a
Despite the drop in pro- friends.” a 1992 episode of HBO’s pretty crazy movie called
duction value. Rose savored As one of Paul Johann- TALES FROM THE CRYPT, NEW CRIME CITY (1994).
the more meaty role in son’s murderoiis bodyguards introduced Rose to the hor- It seems to have come off
director Joseph Merhi’s in MARTIAL LAW II: UN- ror genre. Directed by pretty well, and since then
actioner. Recruited by rogue DERCOVER (1992), Rose William Friedkin, she por- Concorde has tried to hire
police captain John Saxon, demonstrated her flair for trayed a bombshell whose continued on psge 60


TINA DESIREE BERG SHANNON WHIRRY son (JUICE), Rose was cast in some of the real stuff, but thqy
continued from page 9 continiMd from page 31 the full-length TALES FROM caught me and they wouldn’t
of the nudity. I would turn her fans
to cold showers. THE CRYPT movie, DEMON let me.”
a role even if I had a
KNIGHT. The film reunites Cast opposite David Nan gh .
body double, because it would WHIRRY POSTSCRIPT Rose with Todd Masters, the ton, Comshaw recently com-
still reflect on me. It’s not so By Larry Greenberg special effects meister who pleted the action-adventure
much the ‘nudi^ of it, it’s the September, 1994. FF en-
recognition. I just think that
sculpted her body cast for the CATCH A FALLIN G STAR in
joyed a reunion wi^ Shannon CR’yPT
every person is entitled to
television episode. As Cozumel, Mexico. Comshaw
Whirry on the set of THE a diner waitress-turned-zom- portrays an illegal arms deal-
make their own decisions in GRANNY. Seated in the bie, Rose supports Billy Zane, er. “She’s evil.. .boy, is she evil!”
life, and to stand by those ded* makeup trailer, l^^irry was William Sadler, and ubiqui- exclaims director John Caden-
sions.” being transformed into a tous B-mqvie favorite Dick head of Comshaw’s character.
That’s Tina Desired Berg; crumbling hag. Buried under Miller. “Originally, they were “Lisa has wonderful comic tim-
straight up, no chaser. Berg is layers of Christopher Nelson’s
only auditioning heavy wom- ing,yet she’s sexy and menac-
a woman who doesn’t want to makeup. Whirry insisted that en for the part,” says Rose. ing at the same time.” Upon
be condemned by a short-liv^ I check out some of her glam-
career in B-films. She may
“My manager called and said, her return to the States, the
orous 8x10s to authenticate actress barely had time to do
‘Listen, nobody knows trailer
have already suci^eded. While she looks nothing like her
submitting this article to trash better than Sherrie.’ her laundry before going to
crone-like counterpart.
They called me in and I sold work on DARK RED.
press, I learned that Berg is So what’s with the heavy Reflecting on her career,
auditioning for DAWN HUN- makeup? “Evil,” she replies. it.”’

Despite her frantic sched- Comshaw admits, “I never

TER, Mike Frankovich, Jr.’s “Evil shows me what it’s iLce to
ule,Rose has added more tele- thought I would end up acting.
triple-A production adapted be an old spinster who’s rot-
from the AC comic book. Berg vision work to her resume. I thi^ there was a part of me
ting away.” Reminding her
is a match for any of the char- that she is closely linked with
HBO has beckoned her to spin that was afraid of the chal-
acters described by AC presi- erotic thrillers, I asked Whir-
more TALES FROM THE lenge. I used to back down
dent Rebekah Black; “The ry if THE GRANNY is indica-
CRYPT, specifically a Hal- from the competition. Some-
loween trilogy slated for thing happened along the way,
team members are babes, but tive of a career change. “I
in no way bimbos. ..They’re broadcast this October. She and I’ve gotten a lot better
liked the role,” she answered
women with beauty and recently portrayed a “calendar about it. I just don’t look at
through the cracked latex. “I where everyone is in their ca-
brains, with independence and girl” in an episode of the Dis-
justcame off a miniseries for reers and say, ‘Oh wow, I wish
self-reliance." 'That’s Tina, eiu ABC. Now I’m doing this. ney series, THE GOOD LIFE.
“I’m getting more comfort- I were where they are.’ What
right. Then I’m doing an action- matters is where you end up.”
able being more experimental
adventure after that. So I Comshaw represents living
with my choices for a charac-
VIDEO LAS VEGAS don’t think I’m just an erotic
ter.” says Rose. “You know, proof that the B-Cinema of the
continued from page SS thriller actress. I don’t think
when you make big choices, it ’90s is not merely the coi^ort-
provided, of course, a demon- of myself that way. So this is
could be a big mistake... when able bulwark of ineptitude.
stration of my Worldwide just another one of the many
“We have to start somewhere,”
Wrestling Federation training things I’m doing. Every role I you make small choices, it’s
just a small mistake. It’s a expl^lins Comshaw, “TTiere’s a
was admi^ible. take is based on the script.” Q lot of dues to pay, and you may

The Barbie ’Twins I think risk. I figure I’ve been aroimd
this long, and Fve done a lot of never even make it, but you —
it’s Shane and Sia

pulled a SHERRIE ROSE work, so I must be doing —
know what? I don’t really
coiitiAued frompage 69
LaToya on me. They both just care. There will be a reading
me a few more times. I’m hop- something ri^t."
sat there, and it’s debatable that I can either blow or make.
whether or not they can actu- ing to bring one of my scripts At this point, I just want to be
ally talk. I was introduced to tothem in the future.”
Twice appearing on IN-
LISA COMSHAW ready for the moment.”
them by someone, and the continned fran pate 46
twins just smiled a lot and SIDE OUT, the episodic Play- whip the extras. was
nodded their heads up and boy Channel/Propaganda

tered, because usually direc-

coDtinued from pafc <3
down in unison Anatomically, Films series. Rose was direct- tors like to whip their own as she undressed. I had
they’re really impressive. I ed in both vignettes by Tony talent {laughs).” written it without nudity in
mean, you just can’t believe Randel (HELLBOUND; HELL- The actress hopes she’ll order to maintain the dignity
that a human woman could RAISER II). “In the first one stand out, “like a sore thumb,” of the moment, without muck-
possibly have all that good [“The Leda”], I thought it in TOUGH AND DEADLY. ing it up with unnecessary
stuff happening everywhere would be interesting to act Hired for the sole female role, exploitation. I was given a lot
but to see it twice, that really and interact with a computer. opposite Billy Blanks and of hell over my refusal to do
blows you away. I get a lot out of the other ac- Rjwdy Roddy Piper, (ilomshaw nudity, and was told the film
And that just about wrapped tor’s eyes when I’m acting, so plays “a drunken prostitute. wouldn’t sell because of it.
VSDA 1994. I returned to my it was challenging to work But I got to play it veiy funny, Well, in spite of the predic-
hotel room at 6p.m., to take a with a computer.” stumbling around. It’s an tions of impending doom, the
one-hour nap to rest up for a The second INSIDE OUT action heavy film, so they film has experienced a
host of parties that were segment, titled “The Freak”, needed some^ng to listen it heedthy life.
scheduled throughout the is mesmerizing,
a letterboxed up.” One week later, Comshaw Some ask how I feel about
evening. Fifteen hours later, I black and white chronicle shot a scene for RAVEN- being an actress and
woke up. I was still in my about a future Earth partially HAWK, a Rachel McLish writer. ..they askwhat advice
clothes, lying on an unmade dominated by an alien race. ‘T action film produced by the I could give them. I would
bed. Back in L.A., I talked to loved “The Freak,” enthuses star’s husband, Ron Samuels. have to say, most importantly
other VSDA attendants, who Rose, “because I got to wear John deLande plays a conniv- of all, maintain your self -
informed me that I missed prosthetic makeup on my face. ing U.S. senator who will stop respect. Secondly, don’t be
some of the greatest parties I had always wanted to do a at nothing to get his hands on afraid to break the rules! If
ever thrown in the history of horror movie, and no one ever Indian territoiy. “I play a pros- they say it can’t be done be-
mankind. But that’s Vegas, no hired me to do one. I never titute again,” giggles (5om- cause everybody else is doing
one knows what may happen even got auditions for them.” shaw, “and the ^nator is plan- it a different way (pardon my
in the glitzy city. You only
hope that you’re lucky enou^
At least, not until earlier this ning all of this on the phone —
Kansas roots) bullshit! Give
summer... while I’m sitting there drink- them a run for their money,
to live and write about it. Directed by Ernest Dicker- ing champagne. I tried to drink anyway.


NICOLE HANSEN al liability. She has been sub-

eonclnued from pafe 4S
sequently cast in movies
uncomfortable, always. No
matter what. I have never

some good, some bad as a re-
splendent, tormented ghost
done a love scene, or even who is eternally seeking true
kissed any male co-star that I love and reincarnation.
was attracted to. Can you Wong’s ethereal presence has
imagine a job where you have haunted ETERNAL COM-
to be intimate with people BAT, CHINESE LEGEND,
that you have no desire to be FOXY SPIRIT, SECRET OF
intimate with? NYMPH, CHINESE GHOST
“As an actress, you're STORY II and III, and many
exploited in a lot of ways. more! She’s been so often
You’re asked to do things that identified as a ghost that, up-
aren’t normal, like stunts, on meeting Ms. Wong off the
which really should be done set, I somehow thought she
with doubles, and the health would be dressed in white
risks you’re asked to take. On robes and float away. She fi-
AMERICAN CYBORG, we did nally managed to ditch the
a lot of shooting under acid stereotype in GREEN
rain, we did several weeks in SNAKE, a fantasy film direct-
a chemical factory and several ed by Tsui Hark. Cast as evil
more in a sewage-fllled port. I “snakewomen” seeking the
was constantly sick on that opportunity to turn human,
shoot from those conditions. I Wong and Maggie Cheung
think that male actors are def- communicate a tantalizing
initely treated more favor- sexuality in their perfor-
ably, because directors will mances.
try to intimidate an ac-
tress.” Conclusion
“It gets frustrating that This retrospect would be
everyone just sees this," con- incomplete without a few hon-
tinues Hansen as she shoots a orable mentions. Actresses,
glance at her physique. “Very scheduled for future coveragCj
few people see that I have oth- include Rosamund Kwan
er things to offer.. .especially (Kwan Chilam), Loletta Li
when I’m blonde for a movie, (Lee Lai-chun), Carrie Ng (Ng
people just write me off as Ka-li), Anita Yuen, Michiki
some dumb blonde and don't Nichiwaki, Moon Lee (Lee
take me seriously. I have Chio-fong), Jade Leung (Le-
really had to fi^t to be heard ung Tsing), Maggie Cheung
and get some respect. That (Cheung man-yuk), Ewong
was especially true in Israel. Yung (Yung Hung), Ellen
You know, I don’t want to be a Chan, Fennie Yuen (Yuen
huge movie star because I’d Cheung
Kit-ying), Sharia
like to lead a normal life, too. (Cheung Man), Michelle
That’s just something Fve nev- Reiss (Li Kar-yen), Sally
er really had.” Yeh (Yip See-man) of John
Woo’s THE KILLER and
continued from poge IS OPERA BLUES, Anita Mui,
woman of talent and exquisite Sibelle Hu, Ng Seen-lin,
beauty will break the hearts Eurasian beauty Ann Brige-
of her admirers when she water of FULL CONTACT,
marries later this year. Nina Li, Wai Yin-hong.. .and
many, many more.
e/oey Wong VIsa/Mastorcard Dial:
Actresses interviewed for Special thanks to the
Femme Fatales have ex- following (off-screen) 1 - 800 798-6515

pressed a justified fear of femmes fatales: Joyce Che-

typecasting. Add Joey Wong ung, Stella Cheung, Jenus
(Wong Chu-hsien) to the list. Kwong, Julita Lui, Sylvia P.o. BOX 270, OAK PARK, ILLINOIS 60303
The former captain of Tai- Noronha and Freephy Pang.
wan’s female basketbtdl team, Thanks also to the follow-
Wong fought for the coveted ing for their help with this
role of a beautiful spirit in article; Mrs. Ann Hung,
Ching Sin-tong’s A CHINESE Mr. Russell Cawthorne, Mr.
GHOST STORY. She was fi- Tsim Tak-fatt, Mr. James
nally cast in the movie, co- Watt and everyone at China
starring with Leslie Cheung. Entertainment, City Enter-
The film, an enormous com- tainment, Davian Interna-
mercial and critical hit, has tional, Film Workshop, Gold-
even scored with overseas au- en Harvest, Golden Power,
diences. But the film’s success Mandarin Films and Movie
turned into Wong’s profesg^gjj. Impact.

r [ II m [ )

VmAN SCHILUNG: ter suited as a gunslinger!

Mind you, this is right
ond effort at
ple hats
wearing multi-
I had just been shot,
Exposing Myself after a feature-length film with a
cut, tormented and eaten higher budget than TER-
On Film in FUTURE SHOCK, so I ROR EYES. I took a lot of
was a bit hesitant as to slack because not only was I
By Vivian Schilling what exactly being a gun- a young, female writer, I
slinger entailed. Luckily was insistent on playing the
At the request of your enough, I found the only lead in my own script (an-
trusted editor, Bill George, dangers to be rolling other big “No-No” in Holly-
I’m taking my first plunge around on top of a stage- wood). Well, I did it anyway,
into journalism. He wanted an coach with two pistols and it ended up being a very
up>date, covering my past year strapped to my legs (which positive experience I’m
as an actress, writer and film I was assured were loaded grateful to have had.
producer. He also wanted the with blanks that could only Another ms^th I was fed
answers to some recurring blow a hole in my leg was that an actress/screen-
questions that the readers thank God, nothing seri- writer couldn’t possibly
seem to be asking, with topics ous), crossing a roaring write a novel. ..it was
ranging from nudity in films river strapped to the back unheard of. Well, I did and
to advice on Hollywood. While of a muscular guide (horses no lightning bolted from the
I am certainly no authority on were too smart to cross, sky and struck me down.
following Hollywood protocol, but man braves all), and Then I was told by the pub-
I can you what has and
tell standing backwards atop a lishing industry that,
hasn’t worked for me thus far. slippery crevice (advice ActTMt/autiior VIvtan Schilling I* because I was a first-time
THE UPDATE: I miracu- numero tres.. .always wear writing D»rtcwortd, h«r Mcond novel. novelist and because Sacred
lously survived the filming of sensible shoes) where, with Prey was in the “fantasy
FUTURE SHOCK, in which I a slip of the foot, I could have thing my mother and father genre," that it wouldn’t sell
was insane enough to write plummeted 200 feet to my had taught me. You’re nice to more than 5,000 copies in
myself in as a woman being death to be carried nicely and someone because you like hardback because even John
attacked by wolves (advice, neatly down the river to the them, not because of an ulteri- Grisham’s A Time To Kill sold
numero uno... never write a U.S. But, once again, I or motive. This, of course, less than that on its initial
part you would be too terrified emerged with all limbs intact. made “doing lunch” a bit un- release. Much to my delight,
to play yourself). I emerged on Deciding I needed a little comfortable. Socred Prey has long since
the last day of the shoot with break from the perils of act- Terrified that my future passed the 5,000 mark and is
countless bumps, bruises and ing, I turned to writing my lay in impressing people that in its third printing.
shattered nerves but, luckily, second novel, Darkworld. I’m I didn’t give two hoots about, I As an actress, I was told

with all limbs intact. As one of on page 124, so wish me luck. decided I needed to find some- early on that I had to do nudi-
the producers of the film, I en- NOW FOR HOLLY. thing that would put my ca- ty in order to perform in B-
countered the standard disas- WOOD PROTOCOL: After reer into my own hands. This films...that, as a woman, my
ters ranging from one of our relocating to Hollywood from is when I turned to writing. body was the surest way to
truck drivers accidentally rip- Wichita, Kansas, one of the The one consistency I seem the top. The experts cited
ping out the sprinkler system first things I learned about to keep encountering in my classic examples of successful
of a neighboring house, to the the entertainment business is lengthy stay in Hollywood is actresses who had posed in
entire neighborhood burning that you have to break the that old, pessimistic attitude Playboy and Penthouse. I have
to the ground halfway rules in order to survive. that “it can’t be done because nothing against nudity, and
through the shoot. (I swear we There was no golden key to no body else did it that way.” I am not ashamed of my body,
had nothing to do with the lat- the industry laid out for me was told that writing a but I refuse to so something I
ter! Advice numero dos... when I arrived in my jam- screenplay shouldn’t be done don’t feel comfortable with.
always have a backup plan or packed U-Haul with my Toy- without formal training and Obviously, there are times
a brilliant set designer on ota Starlet in tow. My dream that I should expect to write when nudity is necessary for a
hand.) In spite of it all, the was to be an actress, which five or six scripts before one scene, but I have not yet been
film was released earlier this meant that auditions were of actuaUy got produced. I wrote given a script containing the
year and lasted 12 weeks on the essence. Though I landed my first script, TERROR proper, motivated circum-
the Billboard rental charts. small roles, I felt saddened by EYES and along with my stances. ..and nudity, for the
Right after the filming of the whole idea of constantly partner, Eric Parkinson, we sake of sheer exploitation, is
FUTURE SHOCK, I immedi- auditioning for work and hav- produced it on a shoestring not for me. When filming
ately flew to Canada where I ing my future entirely in the budget. I learned about edit- SOULTAKER, the director
starred in the western SAV- hands of others. I was raised ing, film distribution and wanted nudity, the investors
AGE LAND, alongside Corbin to be honest and forthright what crews like to eat after a wanted nudity, the whole
Bemsen and Graham Greene. with people and the act of twenty-hour day. The film CREW wanted nudity in the
I was originally intended to “schmoozing,” which can be so returned the investor’s money bathroom scene where my
play a singer in the film, but important in Hollywood, with a tidy profit, enabling us character was being watched
the writer decided I was bet- seemed to go against every- to make another film. My sec- continued on page 61

Call in your charter subscription totlay for either four or eight quarterly is-
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