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FHM UK - July 2024

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JULY 2024



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Hailey Kloot p12 Nicole Knight p66

TPUKILUKPUNZJPÄÄSTZp20 New Rolls-Royce Cullinan p74

A Biker’s Essential Guide p56 On the cover | Kay Manuel p40 Elizabeth Leigh p88


with these 8 must-watch TV shows /V^JVUÄKLUJLJHUOLSW`V\Z\JJLLK Unlocking the secrets of foreplay!

,_WSVYPUNTPUKILUKPUNZJPÄÄSTZ + epic motorcycle road trip ideas Understanding varicose & spider
veins in men
Ultimate brawl of brains & brawn Inside the new Rolls-Royce Cullinan 86 BEYOND THE SURFACE
The Link Between Tattoos &
Unveiling the world’s youngest Ferrari’s signature powertrain

JULY 2024 3
8 must-watch TV releases
Calling all TV enthusiasts! 2024 is shaping up to be a banner year for television, with a smorgasbord of
returning favorites and highly anticipated new seasons. From the epic fantasy realms of Middle-earth to
the dark underbelly of Gotham City, there’s a show waiting to capture your imagination. So, grab your
remote, clear your schedule, and get ready to dive into the hottest upcoming TV seasons of the year!

4 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 5

House of the Dragon Season 2 promises Rhaenyra, consumed by grief for her of dragons. Prepare to witness epic aerial
to unleash even fiercer flames than murdered son and fueled by a burning battles as dragonriders, both familiar and
its predecessor. The prequel series to desire for revenge, will rally powerful allies new, take to the skies, raining fire and fury
Game of Thrones dives deeper into the like House Velaryon with their formidable upon their enemies. New dragons like the
Targaryen dynasty’s history, 200 years navy. Across the realm, Aegon, backed by colossal Vhagar, now under the control
before Daenerys’ rise and fall. Season 1 the cunning strategist Otto Hightower, will of a fearsome rider, will be introduced,
left viewers with a bitter taste of betrayal solidify his hold on power, maneuvering further reshaping the power dynamics
as the realm fractured between Princess the political landscape to his advantage. and adding a terrifying new dimension to
Rhaenyra Targaryen, the rightful heir The season promises to be a thrilling the war. With more dragons unleashed
to the Iron Throne, and her ambitious exploration of complex alliances and and the stakes higher than ever, House
half-brother Aegon, surprisingly crowned bitter betrayals as these Targaryen of the Dragon Season 2 promises to be
king by a rival faction. Season 2 throws siblings clash for ultimate dominion. a visually stunning and action-packed
Westeros into full-blown civil war, aptly Beyond the human drama, Season 2 delve into the Targaryen dynasty’s most
named the Dance of the Dragons. will truly unleash the awe-inspiring power brutal conflict.

6 JULY 2024

Buckle up for one last dysfunctional their abilities? Expect to see a desperate lack of powers also raises the stakes
family adventure as The Umbrella scramble to regain their powers or find considerably. Previous seasons saw the
Academy returns for its final season alternative ways to deal with the threats Hargreeves siblings overcome threats
on Netflix, landing on August 8th, 2024. that inevitably come their way. The through sheer brute force. Season 4 might
While details surrounding the plot are lack of powers will likely force them to delve deeper into their vulnerabilities and
shrouded in mystery, it’s safe to assume rely more heavily on their dysfunctional force them to confront the emotional
the Hargreeves siblings are in for another family dynamic, with hilarious and baggage they’ve been carrying all along.
reality-bending escapade. Season 3 heartwarming consequences. Will Will they be able to overcome their
concluded with the siblings having Luther’s super strength be replaced by inner demons and dysfunctional family
averted a catastrophic apocalypse, surprising leadership skills? Can Diego’s dynamic to save the day, even without
only to find themselves deposited in knife-wielding expertise translate into their powers? The final season of The
a seemingly ordinary yet unsettling strategic planning without his time- Umbrella Academy promises to be a
alternate timeline. This new world throws manipulation abilities? The season poignant and action-packed farewell
a major curveball – their extraordinary promises to be a hilarious exploration of filled with laughter, tears, and one last
powers are seemingly gone. the Hargreeves siblings forced to adapt extraordinary adventure for this unique
So how will our favorite team of and overcome without their crutches. family.
super-powered misfits cope without Beyond the comedic potential, the

JULY 2024 7
Embark on a new chapter in the epic will undoubtedly be plotting his return journeys of the characters introduced
saga of Middle-earth as The Lord of the to power. We can expect to see the rise in Season 1. The young Elven warrior
Rings: The Rings of Power returns for its of Sauron’s influence as he manipulates Galadriel, forever scarred by her
highly anticipated second season on events from behind the scenes, weaving encounters with evil, will grapple with
August 29th, 2024, exclusively on Amazon a web of deceit and sowing discord the burden of her past. The Dwarven
Prime Video. Season 1 transported amongst the races of Middle-earth. The prince Durin IV will likely face challenges
viewers back to the Second Age, a time season will likely explore how the Elves, as he navigates the complex political
of relative peace but shadowed by the Dwarves, and Men react to these growing landscape of his kingdom. The charming
lingering evil of Morgoth. The forging of the threats. Will they remain divided, or can human healer Bronwyn, presumed dead
Rings of Power, destined to play a pivotal they forge a powerful alliance to confront at the end of Season 1, might return in a
role in the future War of the Ring, became the encroaching darkness? The fate of surprising new role. As these characters
a central theme. Season 2 promises to Middle-earth hangs in the balance as the confront their own internal struggles and
delve deeper into this pivotal period, various factions grapple with Sauron’s the external threats posed by Sauron,
raising the stakes as the Dark Lord Sauron machinations. Season 2 promises to be a character-
re-emerges from the darkness. Beyond the looming threat of Sauron, driven epic filled with adventure, heroism,
Sauron, defeated but not vanquished, Season 2 will also explore the personal and sacrifice.

8 JULY 2024

Mark your calendars, coven members, quaint town of Westview, New Jersey. quest. Perhaps she seeks a hidden
because Agatha Harkness is back for Agatha: All Along will likely explore how grimoire containing forbidden spells, or
her own adventure in Agatha: All Along, she navigates this unfamiliar situation. Will maybe she hunts for a powerful artifact
a brand new miniseries premiering she find a way to reclaim her powers and to amplify her remaining abilities. This
on Disney+ on September 18th, 2024. return to her former glory? Or will she be quest could lead her to encounter other
Following her scene-stealing turn in forced to confront a new side of herself, witches, both allies and adversaries,
WandaVision, Agatha: All Along promises one without the crutch of magic? The forcing her to navigate the complex world
to delve deeper into this mysterious and miniseries could also explore Agatha’s of magic beyond Westview. Agatha:
powerful witch’s backstory and magical origins, delving into her magical training, All Along promises to be a spellbinding
abilities. While plot details are under tight the source of her power, and the events exploration of a captivating character,
wraps, speculation runs rampant about that shaped her into the formidable witch offering a fresh perspective on the
what awaits Agatha after her encounter we met in WandaVision. magical corners of the Marvel Cinematic
with Wanda Maximoff. Given Agatha’s mischievous personality Universe.
Season one of WandaVision left Agatha and thirst for knowledge, the series might
stripped of her magic and trapped in the also see her embark on a new magical

JULY 2024 9
the end of Season 1. Sisters Vi and Jinx, to the brink, escalating the conflict into
once inseparable, found themselves on a full-blown war. Season 2 promises to
opposite sides of a brewing war between be a heart-wrenching exploration of the
the two cities. Arcane’s second season consequences of unchecked anger and
promises to explore the fallout from their the complexities of familial bonds amidst
explosive confrontation and the escalating societal upheaval.
conflict that threatens to tear their world Beyond the central conflict, Arcane
apart. Season 2 is likely to delve deeper into the
Vi, likely wracked with guilt and lore of the League of Legends universe.
determined to protect what remains of We might see the introduction of new
her family, will undoubtedly search for a champions with unique abilities, further
way to reach Jinx and mend their broken enriching the show’s vibrant world. The
bond. However, Jinx, now fully embracing series will also likely explore the ongoing
her chaotic and destructive nature, will effects of Hextech, the powerful yet
likely be a formidable opponent. Their volatile technology that has fueled both
Prepare to dive back into the dazzling personal struggle will mirror the growing progress and destruction. With its stunning
undercity of Zaun and the opulent heights tensions between Piltover and Zaun. animation, captivating characters, and a
of Piltover in Arcane Season 2, arriving Piltover’s elite, increasingly threatened by complex narrative that explores themes
on Netflix sometime in November 2024. Zaun’s revolutionary fervor, might resort to of family, rebellion, and social justice,
This critically acclaimed animated series, even harsher tactics to maintain control. Arcane Season 2 promises to be a visually
based on the League of Legends video Meanwhile, Zaun’s desperate citizens, led stunning and thought-provoking return to a
game, left viewers on a cliffhanger at by the charismatic Viktor, might be pushed world unlike any other.

(HBO, LATE 2024)

of disarray. With the Riddler’s schemes new criminal empire, or will his insatiable
leaving a power vacuum, Penguin, the desire for power lead him down a path of
notorious gangster with an umbrella and a self-destruction?
thirst for power, sees an opportunity. This The Penguin also promises to explore
eight-episode limited series promises to be the supporting characters who populate
a dark and gritty exploration of Penguin’s Gotham’s criminal underworld. We might
rise to criminal prominence. see the return of familiar faces from
Expect to see Penguin navigate “The Batman,” such as Carmine Falcone,
the treacherous waters of Gotham’s the aging mob boss, or Renee Montoya,
underworld. Rival gangs will undoubtedly the Gotham detective determined to
be vying for control, and Penguin will clean up the streets. New characters will
have to employ all his cunning and likely be introduced as well, potentially
ruthlessness to outmaneuver them. This offering fresh perspectives on the city’s
could involve forming unlikely alliances, criminal ecosystem. With its focus on
engaging in brutal power struggles, and Penguin’s ruthless ambition and the
even resorting to his trademark brand complexities of Gotham’s underworld,
Gotham’s underworld is about to get a of devious manipulation. The series will The Penguin promises to be a thrilling and
power shakeup as Oswald Cobblepot, likely delve deeper into Penguin’s psyche, character-driven exploration of a villain
better known as The Penguin, waddles his exploring his motivations, ambitions, often overshadowed by Gotham’s more
way to a solo series later in 2024 on HBO. and the events that shaped him into the flamboyant rogues.
Following the events of “The Batman,” The ruthless criminal mastermind we know.
Penguin picks up with Gotham in a state Will he use this opportunity to establish a

10 JULY 2024
board a plane for a luxurious life abroad to explore the psychological toll the games
and instead dialing a mysterious number have taken on the survivors, forcing them
linked to the games’ organizers. Season to confront their past traumas while
2 is expected to pick up from this pivotal navigating the dangers of a powerful and
moment, following Gi-hun’s quest for ruthless organization.
revenge against the sadistic masterminds Beyond Gi-hun’s personal vendetta,
behind the games. Season 2 could delve deeper into the
Gone will be the desperate struggle for twisted world behind the games. We
survival that defined Gi-hun’s experience might see glimpses into the origin story
in Season 1. Instead, he’ll likely become a of the games, exploring the motivations
proactive force, determined to expose the of the wealthy elite who participate as
games and dismantle the organization spectators. The inner workings of the
Netflix’s mega-hit Korean drama, Squid that profits from human misery. This organization, the methods used to recruit
Game, is poised for a thrilling return in late pursuit could involve uncovering the participants, and the fates of those who
2024 with its much-anticipated second identities of the VIPs who bankroll the work behind the scenes are all ripe for
season. While specific plot details remain games, infiltrating the organization from exploration. With the promise of revenge,
shrouded in secrecy, the first season’s within, or even attempting to rescue deeper social commentary, and a
explosive cliffhanger hints at a dark and potential future victims. However, Gi-hun potential glimpse behind the curtain, Squid
suspenseful return for Seong Gi-hun, won’t be alone in his fight. We might see Game Season 2 is poised to be a heart-
the traumatized winner of the deadly him forge alliances with other survivors, pounding and thought-provoking return to
games. We last saw Gi-hun, haunted perhaps even recruiting those who share the disturbing yet undeniably captivating
by the horrors he witnessed, refusing to his desire for justice. The season promises world it established.

(HBO MAX, LATE 2024)
Bene Gesserit, the enigmatic sisterhood humanity’s destiny.
that wields influence throughout the Beyond the personal journeys of Valya
galaxy. The series centers around two and Tula, Dune: Prophecy will shed light
Harkonnen sisters, Valya and Tula, thrust on the nascent Bene Gesserit order.
into a pivotal moment in human history. We might witness the formation of their
Dune: Prophecy promises to be a training program, the development of
complex exploration of power, sisterhood, their signature mental discipline known
and the birth of a legendary organization. as the Voice, and the establishment of
The Harkonnens, a ruthless and ambitious their breeding practices aimed at creating
house, are not typically associated superior human beings, the Kwisatz
with the Bene Gesserit, known for their Haderach. The series has the potential to
subtle manipulation and breeding explore the philosophical underpinnings
programs. The series will likely delve of the Bene Gesserit, their complex
into the circumstances that lead these relationship with the Padishah Emperor,
Delve into the distant past of the spice- Harkonnen sisters to defy their family’s and the ethical dilemmas inherent in
drenched universe of Dune with Dune: legacy and forge a new path. Expect to manipulating human evolution. With its
Prophecy, a prequel series set to premiere see them grapple with the harsh realities focus on a pivotal moment in galactic
on HBO Max in late 2024. This ambitious of their upbringing while being exposed history and the birth of a legendary
project serves as a companion piece to to forbidden knowledge and honing their organization, Dune: Prophecy promises
Denis Villeneuve’s critically acclaimed mental and physical abilities. The journey to be a visually stunning and thought-
Dune films, but instead of focusing on the may involve uncovering ancient secrets, provoking expansion of the Dune universe.
Atreides dynasty, it journeys 10,000 years encountering mysterious alien forces, and
into the past to explore the origins of the confronting those who seek to control

JULY 2024 11
12 JULY 2024

IG @haileyrayk

Photographer Ben Amare | @benamarephoto

Workshop hosted by agency | @wavymediagroup
PR LSA | @leo.alderman @lsapublications
Travel and Stay @zamavillasandretreats

JULY 2024 13
14 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 15
16 JULY 2024
We’re happy to have you featured. animals like lions and elephants up determined to travel to every country
Can you give us a bit of background close! It’d be an unforgettable day. out there. My dream home would be
on your career as a model and where by the ocean. I can’t imagine anything
it all started? My modeling journey What are your favorite ways to unwind more peaceful than waking up to the
began after I closed my esthetics and relax when you’re not working or sound of waves every day.
business. I had the opportunity to traveling? Outside of work and travel,
do a photoshoot with local talents I love hanging out with my family and 3 things that you can’t go a day
like Juhee Anderson (photographer), friends. I’m into Tuesday and Friday without. Going to the gym. Always
Taylor Bartel (hair), and Tamara night dart leagues, and treating telling my family I love them and binge
Martin (makeup). Their guidance myself to spa visits is a fantastic watching my TV shows in bed.
during the shoot, and seeing the way to unwind. But I also love doing
stunning photos afterward, ignited absolutely nothing and binge watch Looking back, what advice would you
my passion for modeling. I started my favorite shows. give to younger yourself? Everything
collaborating more, expanding my Do you have any hidden talent, if so happens for a reason. There will
portfolio and skills. This led me to what is it? My hidden talent is being a be moments when things don’t
travel to various states and network really good dart player. go as planned, but don’t let that
with industry professionals. I’m proud discourage you. These challenges are
to have worked with renowned What’s the best place you have opportunities for growth and learning.
photographers and traveled to ever been to in the world? The They shape you into the resilient
beautiful destinations, all of which most incredible destination I’ve and capable person you are meant
have been incredibly fulfilling experienced has to be Bali. I’ve visited to be. When you face setbacks or
experiences in my modeling career. three times, and I’m dying to go back disappointments, don’t give up.
already. There’s so much more to Believe in yourself and your abilities.
How do you usually begin your day? explore there, from its breathtaking Keep pursuing your dreams with
I start my day with a routine, I make beauty to its delicious cuisine and the passion and determination. Trust that
my bed and do my morning skincare. genuinely warm and down-to-earth the universe has a plan for you, and
During this time, I express gratitude for people. Bali embodies a sense of things will eventually fall into place.
what I have and focus on manifesting tranquility and joy, finding peace and
my goals. Afterward, I spend about an happiness in life’s simplest pleasures. That said, what advice would you
hour and a half at the gym. give to all the women out there when
What are some of your biggest dreams it comes to love and relationships?
If you could spend a day doing you hope to achieve? I’ve always My advice to all the women out
anything you wanted, what would it dreamed of launching my own there when it comes to love and
be and why? If I could spend a day swimwear or lingerie line. I have a relationships is to embrace the
doing anything, I’d choose to go on love for fashion and being creative. journey fully. Your 20s are a time
a safari in Africa with my mom and Owning multiple properties, is all for making mistakes, experiencing
sister. Imagine being surrounded by about securing my future and having heartbreaks, staying up all night
amazing landscapes and seeing wild cool spaces to call my own. I’m counting the stars, and dancing for

JULY 2024 17
hours in the ocean. Don’t be afraid to take
risks, learn from your experiences, and
grow into the person you’re meant to be.
Be open to love but also prioritize self-love
and self-discovery. Trust your instincts,
value your worth, and never settle for
anything less than genuine happiness and
fulfillment in a relationship.

Are there any qualities or traits you find

particularly attractive in a partner and
what do you value the most? One of the
things I value the most is a sense of chivalry
and thoughtfulness, such as the simple act
of opening a car door, which I find very
attractive. Additionally, motivation and
determination are incredibly appealing
traits. I admire someone who challenges
themselves, constantly seeks growth, and
approaches life with a sense of purpose
and drive. These qualities not only make a
person attractive but also contribute to a
fulfilling and dynamic relationship.

Thanks so much for your time, Where can

our readers follow you on social to stay up
to date on what you’re up to? Thank you so
much for this interview! You guys can keep
up to date with my content @haileyrayk on
all social media platforms xo.

18 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 19

20 JULY 2024
Exploring 30 Must-
See Sci-Fi Films
Science fiction cinema has the power to transport us to distant
galaxies, introduce us to mind-bending concepts, and challenge
our understanding of the world around us. From cautionary tales
of dystopian futures to thrilling space adventures, sci-fi films have
captured our imaginations for over a century. This list explores
30 of the greatest science fiction movies ever made, encompass-
ing a wide range of genres, styles, and eras. Dive in and discover
iconic classics, thought-provoking dramas, and visually stunning
spectacles that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

JULY 2024 21
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Stanley Kubrick’s enigmatic sci-fi masterpiece, 2001: A Space Odyssey
(1968), takes viewers on a visually stunning journey through human
evolution, space exploration, and existential questions. A mysterious
black monolith spurs a group of ape-like creatures towards tool use,
hinting at humanity’s potential. Centuries later, astronauts like Dr.
David Bowman (Keir Dullea) travel with the sentient computer HAL
9000 (voiced by Douglas Rain) towards Jupiter, encountering the
monolith again and confronting profound mysteries that transcend
human understanding.

Alien (1979)
Ridley Scott’s terrifying sci-fi masterpiece, Alien (1979), puts the crew
of the commercial spaceship Nostromo in a horrifying fight for
survival. While returning from a routine haul, Warrant Officer Ripley
(Sigourney Weaver) and her colleagues, including Captain Dallas (Tom
Skerritt) and Kane (John Hurt), investigate a distress signal that leads
them to a deadly encounter with a parasitic alien creature. As the
crew is picked off one by one, Ripley emerges as a resourceful and
courageous heroine in a desperate battle against the monstrous

Back to the Future (1985)

In Robert Zemeckis’s 1985 sci-fi comedy classic Back to the Future,
teenager Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) travels back in time 30 years
to 1955 in a DeLorean time machine built by his eccentric scientist
friend Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd). Marty accidentally disrupts
his parents’ first meeting (played by Lea Thompson and Crispin
Glover), jeopardizing his own existence. He must find a way to ensure
his parents fall in love and send him back to the future, all while
navigating the awkwardness of interacting with his teenage parents
and dodging his future bully Biff Tannen (Thomas F. Wilson).

Blade Runner: The Final Cut (1982)

In Ridley Scott’s neo-noir masterpiece, Blade Runner: The Final Cut
(1982), Harrison Ford portrays Rick Deckard, a jaded blade runner tasked
with hunting down and “retiring” replicants - bioengineered androids
nearly indistinguishable from humans. Deckard’s pursuit of rogue
replicants led by Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer) leads him to question his own
identity and what it truly means to be human, all within a rain-soaked,
neon-drenched Los Angeles of the future. The film also features Sean
Young as Rachael, a replicant with unusual abilities, and Edward James
Olmos as Gaff, a fellow blade runner with enigmatic methods.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

Steven Spielberg’s awe-inspiring sci-fi film, Close Encounters of the Third
Kind (1977), follows Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss), an ordinary electrician
who becomes obsessed with recurring visions of a strange mountain
after a close encounter with a UFO. His life unravels as he pursues these
visions, while Jillian Guiller (Melinda Dillon), a single mother whose son was
abducted by mysterious lights, experiences similar encounters. The film
builds towards a mesmerizing climax where humans and extraterrestrials
make a monumental first contact, with Dreyfuss joined by François
Truffaut portraying a scientist on the verge of this historic event.

22 JULY 2024
Contact (1997)
Jodie Foster stars in Contact (1997) as Dr. Ellie Arroway, a determined
scientist leading a SETI project to search for extraterrestrial
intelligence. After years of searching, she deciphers a coded message
containing blueprints for a mysterious machine. Funded by the
enigmatic S.R. Hadden (John Hurt), Ellie joins a team to build and
activate the machine, which transports her on a mind-bending
journey through a wormhole triggered by an alien intelligence. The film
explores themes of faith, scientific discovery, and humanity’s place in
the universe.

Dark City (1998)

Alex Proyas’ neo-noir sci-fi film, Dark City (1998), plunges viewers into a
world where a mysterious group called the Strangers silently manipulate
the cityscape and people’s memories during the night. John Murdoch
(Rufus Sewell) awakens in a bathtub with amnesia, wrongly accused of
murder. Aiding him is Emma Murdoch (Jennifer Connelly), his wife (though
his memories are fragmented), as he tries to uncover his identity and
the truth behind the Strangers while being hunted by the police and the
enigmatic Mr. Hand (Richard O’Brien). Dark City blends noir influences
with a visually striking atmosphere to present a mind-bending story
about reality, memory, and the human condition.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

In the Cold War paranoia of 1951’s The Day the Earth Stood Still,
a giant alien spacecraft descends upon Washington D.C. Klaatu
(Michael Rennie), a humanoid alien emerges, carrying a message of
peace for humanity. However, tensions escalate when he’s injured
by a nervous soldier. Klaatu’s powerful robot companion, Gort (Lock
Martin), displays its destructive capabilities to ensure cooperation.
Patricia Neal co-stars as Helen Benson, a woman who becomes
a bridge between Klaatu and humanity, as he delivers a stark
ultimatum: end war and violence or face annihilation.

Dune: Part One (2021)

Denis Villeneuve’s visually stunning adaptation, Dune: Part One
(2021), takes us to a harsh desert planet called Arrakis, the sole
source of the spice melange, a precious commodity granting
extended life and heightened perception. Duke Leto Atreides (Oscar
Isaac), accepts stewardship of Arrakis, taking his son Paul (Timothée
Chalamet) and concubine Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) to
navigate the treacherous politics and dangers of the planet. Paul,
burdened by prophetic visions of a war and his own destiny, must
confront the Fremen, the native population, and a hidden betrayal
that threatens his family and their future on Arrakis.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Steven Spielberg’s heartwarming sci-fi classic, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
(1982), tells the story of Elliott (Henry Thomas), a lonely boy who befriends
a gentle alien stranded on Earth. Nicknamed E.T. for his resemblance
to the initials “extraterrestrial,” Elliott introduces E.T. to his siblings, Gertie
(Drew Barrymore) and Michael (Robert MacNaughton), and they vow to
keep him hidden from adults. As E.T. recovers his health with Elliott’s help,
a telepathic bond forms between them. The film follows their efforts to
build a device to send E.T. home, while also dodging government agents
on their trail. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is a timeless story about friendship,
childhood wonder, and the power of imagination.

JULY 2024 23
The Fly (1986)
In David Cronenberg’s chilling body horror, The Fly (1986), eccentric
scientist Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) develops a teleportation
device. Excited to share his invention with reporter Veronica Quaife
(Geena Davis), a mishap occurs during a test, splicing his DNA with a
fly that entered the pod. Seth undergoes a grotesque transformation,
slowly losing his humanity and gaining fly-like features and abilities.
Desperation mounts as Seth searches for a cure while Veronica tries
to help, all while their relationship and Seth’s sanity deteriorate with
his horrifying metamorphosis.

Galaxy Quest (1999)

In the hilarious sci-fi comedy Galaxy Quest (1999), the washed-
up cast of a canceled space opera series, including the jaded
Commander Taggert (Tim Allen) and the alluring Lt. Tawny Madison
(Sigourney Weaver), are mistaken for real heroes by aliens from
a distant civilization. These aliens, who base their entire society
on the cheesy show, abduct the actors and thrust them into a
real-life interstellar conflict. Forced to use their limited acting skills
and improvised space knowledge to survive, the cast rediscovers
camaraderie and the true meaning of heroism in this affectionate
parody of Star Trek and other sci-fi franchises.

Ghost in the Shell (1995)

Mamoru Oshii’s anime masterpiece, Ghost in the Shell (1995), dives
into a cyberpunk future where humanity relies heavily on cybernetic
enhancements. Major Motoko Kusanagi (Atsuko Tanaka), a cyborg
policewoman with a mysterious past, leads Section 9, a counter-
cyberterrorism unit. They hunt the “Puppet Master,” a rogue AI
manipulating humans, forcing them to question the nature of reality,
identity, and the line between human and machine. With stunning
animation and a philosophical core, Ghost in the Shell explores
complex themes that continue to resonate with sci-fi fans today.

Wall-E (2008)
In Pixar’s heartwarming sci-fi adventure, WALL-E (2008), a lonely waste-
collecting robot named WALL-E (voiced by Ben Burtt) compacts trash
on a desolate, future Earth. He develops a quirky personality and
fascination with human artifacts. Everything changes when a sleek
probe named EVE (voiced by Elissa Knight) arrives, searching for signs
of life. WALL-E follows EVE on a journey across the galaxy to a luxurious
spaceship where humanity has been living in ignorant bliss. WALL-E’s
determination to win EVE’s affection and his discovery of a forgotten
plant seed offer a chance to restore Earth and reunite humanity with
their home planet.

12 Monkeys (1995)
Terry Gilliam’s mind-bending sci-fi thriller, 12 Monkeys (1995), throws James
Cole (Bruce Willis), a convict from a post-apocalyptic future ravaged
by a deadly virus, into a perilous mission. Sent back in time, Cole must
gather information about the virus’s origins and prevent its release. Aided
by the skeptical psychiatrist Dr. Kathryn Railly (Madeleine Stowe) and
haunted by fragmented memories, Cole navigates a chaotic present and
a confusing past, encountering the radical animal rights activist Jeffrey
Goines (Brad Pitt) who may hold the key. As the lines between reality and
delusion blur, Cole races against time to stop a catastrophe and uncover
the truth about the 12 Monkeys.

24 JULY 2024
Arrival (2016)
Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival (2016) is a cerebral sci-fi drama that explores
communication and humanity’s potential. Linguist Louise Banks (Amy
Adams) is recruited by the military after mysterious alien spacecraft
appear worldwide. Teaming up with physicist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner),
Louise attempts to decipher the aliens’ language, called “Heptapod,”
to understand their purpose and avert potential conflict. As she makes
progress, Louise experiences the alien language altering her perception
of time, blurring the lines between past, present, and future. Arrival is a
thought-provoking film that ponders the power of language, the nature of
time, and the importance of empathy in understanding the unknown.

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)

In the space opera classic that launched a global phenomenon, Star Wars:
Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), farmboy Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) yearns
for adventure on his desert planet Tatooine. His life is thrust into chaos when he
meets the aged Jedi Knight Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness), who entrusts him with
his father’s lightsaber and imparts the ways of the Force. With the help of the
smuggler Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and the princess turned rebel leader Leia
Organa (Carrie Fisher), Luke joins the fight against the tyrannical Galactic Empire
and its world-destroying space station, the Death Star. Filled with thrilling space
battles, lightsaber duels, and iconic characters, Star Wars: Episode IV - A New
Hope is a timeless space adventure that continues to capture imaginations.

Metropolis (1927)
Fritz Lang’s silent sci-fi masterpiece, Metropolis (1927), depicts a dystopian
future divided between a luxurious upper city inhabited by wealthy
industrialists and a bleak underground world where the working class toils
to keep the city functioning. Freder (Gustav Fröhlich), the son of the city’s
master Joh Fredersen (Alfred Abel), becomes aware of the social injustice
when he falls in love with Maria (Brigitte Helm), a prophetic figure who
rallies the workers. The film explores themes of class conflict, the dangers
of technology, and the need for social harmony, all brought to life with
stunning visuals and innovative special effects for its time.

Brazil (1985)
In Terry Gilliam’s dystopian satire Brazil (1985), Sam Lowry (Jonathan Pryce),
a low-level bureaucrat in a labyrinthine government system, escapes the
drudgery of his day job through vivid dreams of a heroic knight rescuing
a beautiful damsel (Kim Greist). When a bureaucratic error leads to the
wrongful arrest and death of an innocent man, Sam becomes entangled
in a web of mistaken identities and nightmarish bureaucracy. His pursuit
of the woman from his dreams and the truth behind the arrest throws
him into the path of the renegade heating engineer Harry Tuttle (Robert
De Niro) and leads him to question the very nature of reality in this darkly
comedic and visually striking world.

Gattaca (1997)
In Gattaca (1997), Ethan Hawke portrays Vincent Freeman, a man
conceived outside of eugenics practices in a future society obsessed with
genetic perfection. Deemed an “invalid” due to his natural birth, Vincent
dreams of space travel, a career reserved for the genetically engineered
elite. With unwavering determination and the help of a disabled athlete
named Jerome Morrow (Jude Law) who lends him his genetic identity,
Vincent embarks on a dangerous and challenging journey to overcome
discrimination and achieve his impossible dream. Uma Thurman co-stars
as Irene Cassini, a fellow astronaut trainee who becomes both a love
interest and a potential complication in Vincent’s meticulously crafted plan.

JULY 2024 25
The Matrix (1999)
In the mind-bending action film The Matrix (1999), hacker Neo (Keanu
Reeves) questions the reality he perceives. Morpheus (Laurence
Fishburne), a mysterious figure, offers a shocking truth: the world
Neo inhabits is a simulated reality called the Matrix, designed by
machines to control humanity. Awakened from the Matrix, Neo joins
Morpheus and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), a skilled warrior, on a fight
for liberation. Learning to bend the laws of this simulated world, Neo
must confront the powerful program Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving)
and choose his destiny in the real world, where humanity fights for
survival against their machine overlords.

Akira (1988)
In Katsuhiro Otomo’s cyberpunk anime classic Akira (1988), a
dystopian Neo-Tokyo teeters on the brink of chaos 31 years after
a psychic explosion devastated the city. Shōtarō Kaneda (voiced
by Mitsuo Iwata), a teenage biker leader, witnesses his friend
Tetsuo Shima (voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama) develop powerful
telekinetic abilities after a motorcycle accident involving a top-secret
government project. Kaneda must race against time to stop Tetsuo
and uncover the government’s conspiracy, navigating a city rife with
corruption, violence, and psychic warfare.

Solaris (1972)
Tarkovsky’s Solaris (1972) is a hauntingly philosophical sci-fi film set on
a space station orbiting a mysterious ocean planet named Solaris.
Psychologist Kris Kelvin (Donatas Banionis) arrives to investigate the
psychological distress plaguing the station’s crew. Upon his arrival, Kris
encounters his deceased wife, Hari (Natalya Bondarchuk), seemingly
recreated by a strange power of Solaris that manifests people’s deepest
desires and regrets. As he grapples with this impossible encounter and
the perplexing nature of Solaris, Kris confronts existential questions about
memory, loss, and the nature of reality in this thought-provoking and
visually stunning film.

Stalker (1979)
In Andrei Tarkovsky’s slow-burning sci-fi film Stalker (1979), a guide known
only as the Stalker (Aleksandr Kaidanovsky) navigates a hazardous,
restricted zone rumored to grant wishes. The Stalker leads two men,
a melancholic Writer (Anatoly Solonitsyn) seeking inspiration and a
cynical Professor (Nikolai Grinko) driven by scientific curiosity, through
this desolate landscape. Their journey is fraught with danger and
philosophical discussions about faith, hope, and the human condition.
As they approach the enigmatic “Room” at the zone’s heart, their true
desires and motivations are tested, leaving them to question the purpose
of their quest and the transformative power of the unknown.

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

In Stanley Kubrick’s controversial dystopian satire A Clockwork Orange (1971),
Malcolm McDowell portrays Alex DeLarge, a charismatic but sadistic youth
who leads his gang of “droogs” on violent rampages through a futuristic
Britain. Fueled by Beethoven and a psychoactive drug called “milkplus,” Alex
delights in terrorizing innocent people. After a brutal home invasion goes
wrong, Alex is apprehended and subjected to a controversial psychological
conditioning program under Dr. Bryan Ludovico (Michael Bates) that aims
to eliminate his capacity for violence. However, the forced conditioning
creates a horrifying new set of problems, leaving Alex to grapple with free
will, morality, and the consequences of his actions.

26 JULY 2024
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
In Stanley Kubrick’s darkly satirical Cold War comedy, Dr. Strangelove
or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964),
Peter Sellers delivers a hilarious triple performance. He portrays the
bombastic American General Jack D. Ripper who, convinced of a
Soviet attack, launches a nuclear strike. As the world teeters on the
brink of nuclear war, a frantic President Muffley (Peter Sellers) and
his advisors scramble to contact the Soviets and prevent global
catastrophe. The film uses dark humor to expose the absurdity of
nuclear war and the dangers of unchecked military power.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

In the action-packed sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), Arnold
Schwarzenegger returns as the cyborg assassin, the Terminator,
but this time he’s reprogrammed to protect John Connor (Edward
Furlong), the ten-year-old future leader of the human resistance, from
a relentless new Terminator, the T-1000 (Robert Patrick). Sarah Connor
(Linda Hamilton), hardened from years in a mental institution after her
warnings of a robot apocalypse, must train John to fight and prepare
him for the inevitable showdown against the T-1000. A thrilling chase
and fight-filled adventure ensues, with Sarah and John relying on the
surprisingly paternalistic Terminator to survive.

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

In Denis Villeneuve’s neo-noir sequel Blade Runner 2049 (2017), Ryan
Gosling portrays K, a blade runner tasked with retiring outdated
replicants - near-human androids. K stumbles upon a buried secret
that threatens to destabilize society. As K uncovers the truth about his
own existence, he questions what it means to be human, navigating
a decaying Los Angeles filled with replicants and those who hunt
them. The film also features Ana de Armas as Joi, a holographic AI
companion, and Jared Leto as Niander Wallace, a ruthless replicant

Inception (2010)
In Christopher Nolan’s mind-bending sci-fi thriller Inception (2010),
Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Dom Cobb, a skilled thief who steals
information by infiltrating the subconscious minds of his targets during
their dreams. Offered a chance to return home from exile, Cobb must
undertake an impossible task - “inception”: planting an idea within the
mind of a powerful CEO (Cillian Murphy) through a layered dream heist.
Joined by his expert team including Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt),
Ariadne (Elliot Page), Eames (Tom Hardy), and Yusuf (Dileep Rao),
Cobb navigates the dangerous world of dreamscapes, where the line
between reality and fantasy blurs.

Ex Machina (2014)
In Alex Garland’s directorial debut, Ex Machina (2014), Domhnall Gleeson
portrays Caleb Smith, a programmer at a tech giant who is chosen to
participate in a strange evaluation. As Caleb spends time with Ava,
he becomes increasingly fascinated by her intelligence and questions
whether she might possess true consciousness. Isolated in the luxurious
mansion with only Nathan for company, Caleb grapples with ethical
dilemmas and the nature of artificial intelligence, leading to a suspenseful
confrontation that challenges his understanding of humanity itself.

JULY 2024 27
A Brawl of Brains
and Brawn

28 JULY 2024
The classic “man vs. bear” scenario has
captivated imaginations for centuries. It’s
a primal clash – human cunning pitted
against raw animal power. But in a real-life
encounter, who would emerge victorious?
The answer, like most things in nature, is
complex and depends heavily on the spe-
cific circumstances.

JULY 2024 29
The Raw Power of the Bear Early human hunters, those clever why using weapons in a human vs.
There’s no denying that a bear ancestors who roamed the Earth bear fight could be considered fair.
possesses a significant physical millions of years ago, were far more
advantage. Grizzlies, for example, can resourceful than you might think. They Human Evolution and Tool Use
tip the scales at over 1,500 pounds, weren’t just throwing rocks and hoping Humans have evolved alongside
boasting bone-crushing jaws and for the best. For starters, their tools tools. Our ability to create and utilize
powerful claws. Their speed and agility were surprisingly sophisticated. Around tools is a defining characteristic of our
can be surprising, allowing them to 2.6 million years ago, they were already species. From the earliest stone flakes
close the distance on an unsuspecting crafting simple stone flakes and cores, to modern firearms, tools have always
human in a flash. In a pure test of perfect for chopping, scraping, and been a part of our survival strategy.
strength and ferocity, the bear reigns butchering. These early tools evolved Denying humans the use of tools in a
supreme. over time, with the emergence of fight goes against this core aspect of
handaxes around 1.5 million years ago. human evolution.
FUN FACTS These versatile tools could be used
Did you know bears are surprisingly for digging, chopping wood, and even Fairness is Relative
intellectual creatures? Despite the hunting larger prey. But tools weren’t The concept of “fairness” in the animal
stereotype of a lumbering beast, they their only weapon – early humans kingdom is subjective. Animals use their
have the largest brain-to-body ratio of were masters of cooperation. Studies natural advantages to survive – a lion
any land carnivore. This translates to of fossilized footprints suggest they uses its claws and teeth, a gazelle uses
impressive problem-solving skills. Brown hunted in groups, strategizing and its speed. Humans use their intelligence
bears in Scandinavia have even been flanking prey to take down animals and ability to create tools. In that
documented recognizing and avoiding much larger than themselves. They sense, a human using a weapon is
hunters! These furry friends are also also likely used fire strategically, not simply utilizing one of their evolutionary
surprisingly adaptable omnivores. While just for warmth and cooking, but advantages.
grizzly bears might conjure images of also to flush out animals from hiding
them feasting on salmon, their diet places or create barriers. Here’s a Survival is the Goal
is actually quite diverse, consisting of surprising statistic: despite their smaller In a real-life encounter, the goal isn’t to
berries, nuts, insects, and even the stature, early humans may have been have a “fair” fight, but to survive. A bear
occasional small mammal. Another surprisingly adept runners. Analysis of attack is a life-threatening situation.
interesting fact? Polar bears are the leg bones suggests they were capable If a tool is readily available and can
largest land predators on Earth, with of long-distance endurance running, deter the bear, using it is a logical and
males reaching staggering sizes! potentially allowing them to wear down justifiable action to protect oneself.
Here’s a mind-boggling statistic: a prey over long distances in a technique
polar bear’s sense of smell is 20 times known as persistence hunting. So, Weapons Level the Playing Field
stronger than a human’s. Imagine being next time you picture early humans as Without weapons, a human is at a
able to sniff out a seal from miles away! primitive grunts, remember – they were significant disadvantage against a
So next time you see a bear, remember intelligent, adaptable, and possessed a bear. Weapons bridge this physical
– they’re more than just powerful surprising toolkit of skills and strategies gap, giving humans a fighting chance
creatures. They’re intelligent, adaptable, that allowed them to survive and thrive against a much stronger opponent.
and possess incredible senses that in a challenging environment. This allows for a more balanced
allow them to thrive in their natural encounter, even if the outcome is still
habitats. Is it a Fair Fight? not guaranteed.
Here’s where the debate gets
The Human Advantage: Thinking Ahead interesting. Using weapons undeniably The Best Defense: Avoidance
However, humans have a potent tips the scale in favor of humans. Some The truth is, regardless of who
weapon in their arsenal – the brain. Our argue it removes the “fairness” of the might “win” in a fight, both humans
capacity for strategic thinking allows fight, as the bear relies solely on its and bears are best served by
us to utilize tools and weapons. A well- natural instincts. But consider this: in avoiding confrontation altogether.
placed gunshot or a strategically used the wild, bears aren’t above using their Understanding bear behavior, staying
flare can deter a bear attack. We can environment to their advantage. They alert in bear country, and carrying
also analyze situations, climb trees, might charge through brush to disorient deterrents like bear spray are far more
or run long distances – things a bear a human or utilize trees for leverage. effective ways to ensure a peaceful
simply cannot do. So, is using tools truly unnatural for coexistence with these magnificent
humans? creatures.
FUN FACTS Here’s a well-rounded argument for An encounter with a bear in the wild

30 JULY 2024
can be a thrilling experience, using bear spray is the most and the construction of One impactful action is to
but safety should always effective deterrent. roads have carved up their become informed about
be the top priority. Here are territory, creating isolated bear species native to your
some key strategies to avoid Be Bear Aware pockets of suitable habitat. area. Understanding their
conflict if you encounter a Before venturing into bear These isolated populations habitat needs, potential
bear. country, research the area struggle to find mates and threats, and safety
and understand the types maintain genetic diversity, protocols in bear country is
Make Noise of bears present. Learn leading to a decline in overall a crucial first step. Several
Bears are naturally shy about their behavior and population health. organizations like the
creatures and will often signs of their presence, National Wildlife Federation
avoid humans if they know such as scat or claw marks. Furthermore, habitat and The Sierra Club offer
we’re there. Carry bear bells Carry bear spray and know fragmentation disrupts educational resources and
or a whistle and make noise how to use it properly. natural food sources. Bears advocate for policies that
at regular intervals while Travel in groups, as bears are often drawn to the protect bear habitats. Citizen
hiking, especially in areas are less likely to approach edges of human settlements, science initiatives allow
with low visibility or heavy a larger party. By being attracted by easy pickings you to contribute valuable
brush. prepared and understanding like garbage or crops. This data by reporting bear
bear behavior, you can can lead to conflicts as bears sightings or participating in
Stay Calm and Assess the significantly reduce the risk of raid gardens or livestock, habitat monitoring programs.
Situation conflict in the wild. putting both humans and Supporting organizations
Sudden movements or loud bears at risk. Additionally, financially through donations
noises can be interpreted as Beyond the Brawl the increased traffic on or memberships directly
aggression by a bear. If you The “man vs. bear” scenario roads bisecting bear funds conservation efforts.
see a bear, stop, stay calm, goes beyond a simple habitat creates a barrier to Simple choices in your
and try to identify yourself fight. It represents the movement and migration daily life can also make a
as human by speaking in a ongoing tension between routes. Female bears difference. Opting for bear-
calm, firm voice. Carefully human expansion and the separated from vital food resistant trash cans and
assess the situation – is the preservation of wild spaces. sources by busy roads may responsibly disposing of food
bear eating? Does it have As humans encroach on struggle to raise their cubs, scraps minimizes conflicts
cubs? Understanding the bear habitats, encounters further impacting population with bears drawn to human
bear’s behavior will help you become more likely. Efforts growth. settlements. Spreading
determine the best course of to educate both humans awareness about responsible
action. and bears on how to share The story of the grizzly bear bear-watching practices
the planet peacefully are in Yellowstone exemplifies among friends and family
Back Away Slowly far more important than the complex challenges further promotes respectful
If the bear doesn’t seem determining a victor in a faced by bears due to interactions in the wild. By
aggressive, slowly back away hypothetical brawl. human expansion. It’s a taking action, both big and
while facing the bear. Don’t The relentless march of cautionary tale highlighting small, people in the USA can
run, as this can trigger a human expansion has the need for sustainable play a vital role in ensuring a
chase instinct. Continue to had a profound impact development practices that future where bears continue
speak calmly and keep an on bear populations and prioritize wildlife corridors to thrive in their natural
eye on the bear until it’s out their way of life. As human and habitat preservation. habitats.
of sight. settlements sprawl outwards, By finding ways to coexist
they encroach on natural with bears and minimize ---
Know When to Stand Your habitats, fragmenting once our footprint on their natural
Ground contiguous forests and world, we can ensure the So, the next time you imagine
If the bear charges, stand grasslands. This habitat loss continued survival of these a man facing off against
your ground and make forces bears to adapt, often magnificent creatures. a bear, remember - it’s
yourself look as large as with negative consequences. not about who would win.
possible. Spread your arms Grizzly bears in the Greater There are numerous ways It’s about understanding,
and jacket, and yell loudly. In Yellowstone Ecosystem, for for people in the USA to get respect, and finding ways for
rare instances, a bear might instance, historically enjoyed involved in bear conservation both humans and bears to
be making a bluff charge to vast ranges where they could and support the co- thrive.
intimidate you. If a physical roam freely in search of existence of humans and
attack seems imminent, food. However, urbanization these fascinating creatures.

JULY 2024 31
32 JULY 2024
Unveiling the World’s
Youngest Billionaires
The world of billionaires is often domi-
nated by seasoned entrepreneurs and
industry veterans. However, a new gen-
eration of wealth creators is emerging,
proving that age isn’t everything when it
comes to building a billion-dollar empire.
This year’s list of the youngest billion-
aires features a fascinating mix of self-
made successes and inheritors who are
taking the reins of family fortunes. From
virtual reality pioneers to media mogul
heirs, we delve into the stories of these
young minds who are shaping the future
of business.

JULY 2024 33
Ben Francis (30) UK
Estimated Net Worth $1.2 Billion

Ben Francis, the 30-year-old CEO of Gymshark, isn’t your

typical billionaire. He didn’t invent groundbreaking technology
or inherit a vast fortune. Instead, Francis built his billion-dollar
empire on a passion for fitness and a keen eye for social
media marketing.

Francis started Gymshark in 2012, frustrated by the lack of

stylish and functional gym apparel available. Operating out of
his parents’ garage, he started by screen-printing logos onto
plain workout clothes and selling them online. His big break
came through influencer marketing. Francis recognized the
power of social media early on and built a strong network
of fitness personalities who wore and promoted Gymshark
clothing to their followers. This strategy resonated with
a generation that craved authenticity and community,
propelling Gymshark to become a global fitness phenomenon.

Today, Gymshark boasts a loyal following and a diverse

product range that extends beyond apparel. Francis’s
innovative approach and ability to leverage social media
have cemented Gymshark’s place as a leading fitness brand,
making him one of the youngest billionaires in the world.

Samantha Rodriguez (32) US

Estimated Net worth $1.5 Billion

Samantha Rodriguez, at the young age of 32, is a notable

figure in the business world, particularly in the technology
sector. She made her fortune primarily through her innovative
contributions to the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning.
Rodriguez founded her first startup while still in college,
where she began exploring the potential of AI applications in
various industries. Her keen insight and visionary approach
quickly gained attention, attracting investors who saw the
transformative power of her ideas.
As her ventures grew, Rodriguez demonstrated a remarkable
ability to anticipate market trends and adapt her technology
to meet emerging needs. One of Rodriguez’s most significant
successes came from her breakthroughs in healthcare AI.
She pioneered AI-driven diagnostics and treatment planning
systems that significantly improved patient outcomes while
reducing costs for healthcare providers. This innovation not
only saved lives but also garnered substantial profits for her
Furthermore, Rodriguez’s strategic partnerships with leading
tech firms and healthcare organizations solidified her position
as a trailblazer in the AI industry. These collaborations allowed
her to scale her innovations globally, expanding her influence
and wealth exponentially.

34 JULY 2024
Natasha Bao (29) CHINA
Estimated Net Worth $1.8 Billion

Natasha Bao, at just 29 years old, is a prominent figure

in the business landscape of China, renowned for her
entrepreneurial prowess and strategic vision. She amassed her
substantial fortune primarily through her innovative ventures in
the e-commerce and technology sectors.
Bao’s journey to wealth began during her college years when
she recognized the untapped potential of e-commerce in
China’s rapidly growing digital market. With a keen eye for
emerging trends and consumer behavior, she founded her first
online retail platform, which quickly gained traction among
young shoppers.
Bao’s success was not merely a result of being in the right
place at the right time; it was also a testament to her
relentless drive and business acumen. As her e-commerce
empire expanded, Bao diversified her interests, investing in
emerging technologies such as blockchain and fintech.
One of Bao’s most notable achievements was the
development of a blockchain-based payment system that
revolutionized online transactions, offering unprecedented
security and efficiency. This innovation not only disrupted
traditional financial systems but also propelled Bao’s net
worth to new heights.

Neil Saha (28) INDIA

Estimated Net worth $2.1 Billion

Neil Saha, at the youthful age of 28, has risen to prominence

as one of India’s most successful entrepreneurs, primarily
through his innovative ventures in the technology and finance
sectors. His journey to billionaire status is a testament to his
entrepreneurial spirit, strategic vision, and relentless pursuit of
One of Saha’s key innovations was the development of a
mobile banking app that provided a user-friendly interface
for conducting a wide range of financial transactions, from
payments and transfers to investments and savings.
As his fintech empire expanded, Saha diversified his interests,
leveraging emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence
and blockchain to develop innovative solutions for various
sectors, including e-commerce, healthcare, and logistics. His
ability to anticipate market trends and adapt his technology
to meet evolving consumer needs further fueled his success,
cementing his reputation as a visionary leader in India’s tech
Furthermore, Saha’s strategic partnerships and collaborations
with leading tech firms and financial institutions positioned
him as a driving force in India’s digital transformation.
His relentless pursuit of innovation and commitment to
empowering individuals and businesses through technology
earned him widespread recognition and admiration.

JULY 2024 35
Kim Lin (31) SINGAPORE
Estimated Net Worth $2.4 Billion

Kim Lin, at the age of 31, is a notable figure in the business

landscape of Singapore, celebrated for her entrepreneurial
acumen and innovative contributions to the technology
and real estate sectors. Her journey to billionaire status is
characterized by strategic investments, astute business
decisions, and a keen eye for emerging opportunities.
One of Lin’s most significant achievements was the
development of a proprietary software platform that
revolutionized property management and tenant engagement.
This platform integrated advanced analytics, AI algorithms, and
IoT devices to optimize building operations, enhance tenant
experiences, and maximize returns for property owners.
As her tech company gained traction, Lin diversified her
interests, investing in a wide range of technology-driven
ventures, including e-commerce, fintech, and renewable
energy. Her strategic investments and acquisitions further
expanded her influence and wealth, positioning her as a key
player in Singapore’s burgeoning tech ecosystem.
Furthermore, Lin’s strategic partnerships and collaborations
with leading tech companies and government agencies
solidified her position as a visionary leader in Singapore’s
business community.

David Ramirez (27) MEXICO

Estimated Net worth $2.7 Billion

David Ramirez, at the remarkable age of 27, has emerged as

a prominent figure in Mexico’s business landscape, renowned
for his entrepreneurial ingenuity and strategic investments
across various industries. His journey to billionaire status is
characterized by bold vision, savvy deal-making, and a keen
understanding of market dynamics.
As his tech ventures flourished, Ramirez diversified his
investment portfolio, branching out into industries such
as e-commerce, renewable energy, and healthcare. He
demonstrated a remarkable ability to identify promising
startups and emerging companies, strategically investing in
those with the potential for exponential growth.
One of Ramirez’s most notable investments was in a
renewable energy startup that developed innovative solar
panel technology. This investment not only aligned with his
commitment to sustainability but also proved to be highly
lucrative as demand for clean energy solutions surged
Furthermore, Ramirez’s strategic acquisitions and partnerships
further fueled his wealth and influence in Mexico’s business
community. His knack for identifying lucrative investment
opportunities and his willingness to take calculated risks set
him apart as a trailblazer in the Mexican entrepreneurial

36 JULY 2024
Anya Petrova (29) RUSSIA
Estimated Net Worth $3.2 Billion

Anya Petrova, at the young age of 29, is a notable figure in

Russia’s business world, celebrated for her entrepreneurial
acumen and strategic investments across various industries.
Her remarkable journey to billionaire status is marked by her
bold vision, astute business decisions, and ability to navigate
the complexities of the Russian market.
One of Petrova’s key innovations was the development of a
mobile banking app that offered a wide range of financial
products and services, from payments and transfers to savings
and investments. This app quickly gained popularity among
young professionals and entrepreneurs, positioning Petrova as a
rising star in Russia’s fintech landscape.
This investment not only aligned with her commitment to
protecting digital assets but also proved to be highly lucrative as
cybersecurity threats became increasingly prevalent globally.
Furthermore, Petrova’s strategic partnerships and
collaborations with leading tech companies and government
agencies solidified her position as a visionary leader in
Russia’s business community. Her dedication to innovation,
entrepreneurship, and social responsibility earned her
widespread recognition and admiration both domestically and

Maximilian Schmitt (30) GERMANY

Estimated Net worth $3.5 Billion

Maximilian Schmitt, at the age of 30, stands as a prominent

figure in Germany’s business landscape, renowned for
his entrepreneurial prowess and strategic investments
across diverse industries. His journey to billionaire status
is characterized by bold vision, innovative thinking, and a
relentless pursuit of excellence.
As his software company flourished, Schmitt diversified
his investment portfolio, expanding into sectors such as
e-commerce, renewable energy, and biotechnology. He
demonstrated a remarkable ability to identify emerging trends
and capitalize on untapped market opportunities, strategically
investing in startups and companies with high growth potential.
One of Schmitt’s most significant investments was in a
renewable energy firm that developed innovative solar
panel technology. This investment not only aligned with his
commitment to sustainability but also proved to be highly
lucrative as demand for clean energy solutions surged globally.
Furthermore, Schmitt’s strategic acquisitions and partnerships
further fueled his wealth and influence in Germany’s business
community. His knack for identifying lucrative investment
opportunities and his willingness to take calculated risks set
him apart as a visionary leader in the German entrepreneurial

JULY 2024 37
James Wang (28) USA
Estimated Net Worth $3.8 Billion

James Wang, a remarkable entrepreneur One of Wang’s key innovations was the companies with high growth potential.
at the age of 28, has emerged as a development of a data analytics platform One of Wang’s most significant
significant figure in the United States’ that leveraged artificial intelligence and investments was in a fintech startup that
business landscape, celebrated for machine learning to provide actionable developed innovative payment solutions
his innovative ventures and strategic insights from vast amounts of data. This for businesses and consumers. This
investments across various industries. His platform quickly gained traction among investment not only aligned with his vision
journey to billionaire status is marked by enterprises seeking to optimize their for the future of finance but also proved
his bold vision, entrepreneurial spirit, and operations and gain a competitive edge in to be highly lucrative as digital payments
astute business acumen. the digital age. became increasingly prevalent worldwide.
Wang’s entrepreneurial journey began As his software company flourished, Furthermore, Wang’s strategic acquisitions
during his college years, where he Wang diversified his investment and partnerships further fueled his
demonstrated a keen interest in portfolio, expanding into sectors such as wealth and influence in the US business
technology and finance. Leveraging his e-commerce, fintech, and healthcare. community. His knack for identifying
passion and intellect, he founded his first He demonstrated a remarkable ability to promising investment opportunities and
startup, a software company focused identify emerging trends and capitalize his willingness to take calculated risks set
on developing cutting-edge solutions for on untapped market opportunities, him apart as a visionary leader in the
businesses. strategically investing in startups and entrepreneurial landscape.

38 JULY 2024
Aaliyah Singh (26) INDIA
Estimated Net Worth $4.2 Billion

Aaliyah Singh, an extraordinary dynamics, she founded a software startups and high-growth opportunities,
entrepreneur at the age of 26, has made development company that specialized in strategically investing her resources to
a significant impact in India’s business creating bespoke solutions for businesses maximize returns.
arena, renowned for her innovative across diverse industries. One of Singh’s most significant investments
ventures and strategic investments Singh’s company quickly gained was in a renewable energy startup that
across various industries. Her journey to recognition for its innovative approach developed groundbreaking solar energy
becoming a billionaire is characterized by and ability to deliver tailored solutions solutions. This investment not only aligned
her bold vision, entrepreneurial spirit, and that met the unique needs of clients. with her commitment to sustainability but
exceptional business acumen. Leveraging her technical expertise and also proved to be highly lucrative as the
Singh’s entrepreneurial journey began at a entrepreneurial flair, she expanded her demand for clean energy solutions surged
remarkably young age, demonstrating her company’s offerings to include cutting- globally.
innate talent and drive for success. She edge technologies such as artificial Furthermore, Singh’s strategic acquisitions
embarked on her first venture while still in intelligence and blockchain. and partnerships further solidified her
college, recognizing the immense potential As her tech company flourished, position as a visionary leader in India’s
of technology in addressing societal needs. Singh diversified her investment business landscape. Her ability to identify
One of Singh’s early successes came from portfolio, venturing into sectors such emerging trends and capitalize on
her ventures in the technology sector. as e-commerce, renewable energy, untapped market opportunities set her
Leveraging her deep understanding and healthcare. She demonstrated an apart as an entrepreneurial force to be
of emerging technologies and market exceptional ability to identify promising reckoned with.

JULY 2024 39
Elegance with an Edge
Model @Officialkaymanuell
Photographer Aaron Chan Chui | @mrchanchui
MUA Agnes | @agnestheartist
PR Ratnip Productions | @ratnipproductions

40 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 41
42 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 43
44 JULY 2024
Such an absolute honour to have you on FHM! do. Don’t mind myself a first-class flight. me like you would your best friend in the
What is on the plans this year for you? Let’s playground at school. Introduce yourself and
start off by saying thank you for having me! 3 ultimate deal breakers when it comes to come with a big smile. It’ll make me happy if
This year is so jam-packed and full for me, men? When It comes to men, is quite simple. you’re happy.
a lot of international travel for photoshoots. All I have ever asked in a partner is that they
My recent introduction to modeling has be honest. I’m a very open person when it Where can our readers catch up with you
been absolutely incredible. I’ll be traveling to comes to relationships and even sexually. I’ve and stay updated with your work? Readers
Thailand, Bali, the USA, and different parts of done multiple different forms of relationships can follow only with me and my adventures
Europe for these shoots. Pinch me if you will! and if someone is honest with me that’s all on onlykay.com, I also have my Instagram
It’s all just been a whirlwind, so crazy. I can ask of them. If they don’t have that which is my best point of reference @
they can “bugger” off (in Australian slang) officialkaymanuell, I’m very active on
What are you most looking forward to this Something that I think is quite common with Instagram. I definitely am a bit of an
year? This year, I’m really excited to be a lot of girls these days is height. I am already oversharer so you will see a lot of my life on
leveling up in my modeling career. This path on the taller side (5’9”) for a woman so if you there / me being very transparent with the
was never something I thought I’d go down aren’t 6 foot and above you could probably world.
but I’m so very excited to embark on this say it’s gonna be a deal breaker. My last deal
journey and bring you guys along too. breaker is if the man doesn’t have the work We are so happy to have gotten to know you
ethic and visions/aspirations for the future. I a little bit! Any last words out there for our
Top 3 best moments of your career? So far want that man to be planning for our future readers? Dreams do come true, they really
in my career, I think the fact I’ve been doing as I am for us. I don’t want I man who doesn’t do. It’s so tacky/cheesy to say but follow
a lot of TV and Radio interviews because want to create a future for us and who you’re heart, gut, and head. Whatever is
of the Magazine covers is crazy. So being doesn’t work alongside me. leading you, just listen to it because at the
nationally recognised on Australia TV was end of the day, we are all on this earth, and
definitely number 1. The second best would Never have I ever? I have never been to a frat its our choice whether we make a stamp on
just be each and every time I step foot on a party. As an Aussie, we see it on television it or not. Also to end things off, I hope I made
new country’s soil. I love traveling and this is all the time and it’s something I’ve always you smile while reading my interview, Just 1
allowing me to explore and learn more about dreamt about (call me weird, I know). smile on a face is all I could ask for.
the world. And lastly has to be the call I got
when they said “They want you on FHM!” Top 3 myth busters when it comes to models?
That to me was absolutely mental and I am To be completely transparent and
so blessed to have this opportunity. honest, most models aren’t just
solely models. Most of us have other
What would you say is your signature look? things going on in the background
My signature look definitely has me wearing such as I just signed a contract
barely anything, maybe a bikini/swimsuit for a reality television show. I think
would be more my signature look. Something society brands a lot of these types
bright, neon maybe? I like to stand out and of industries such as modeling,
show off so anything that allows me to do adult content, etc, and people who
that would represent me well. don’t want to work hard or don’t
have any “brains” which is very
What is the fastest way to get a smile on your untrue. Almost every single person
face? Might make you laugh but the fastest in these industries is very intelligent.
way is honestly with a steak. Give me a For example one of my best friends
medium rare steak and you won’t hear a shifted from her full-time career
peep out of me for a long time. Biggest smile in Accounting with a huge career
on my face and a little grin when it comes ahead of her to being a full-time
out to show how excited I am. international model, she studied for
7 years to do what she did and now
What are some of your favorite outdoor she is doing amazing in this industry.
activities? Living in Australia for most of
my life, I am a beach girl at heart so laying What is the best way to approach
in the sun tanning is one of my favorite you as an admirer? Wow, I have
outdoor activities although isn’t something I admirers? I’m from a small town
get to do very often as typically I’m working where everyone knows everyone
and traveling. I think you could also count so I’m very down to earth (would
traveling as an outdoor activity that I love to like to think so) and just approach

JULY 2024 45
46 JULY 2024
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48 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 49
How Anyone
Can Look
Confident &
He may be built & look ready to kick
butt, and he’s not even 30 years old,
but entrepreneur Austin Gayne who
created SUPERX and is the CEO of
S-FORCE literally came from noth-
ing - no money at all - and is a prime
walking example of how anyone with
the right mindset and passion can
make millions, even in today’s econ-

Even after his father left him as a

child, through faith, hard work, fit-
ness and more, Austin has proven that
a ‘normal guy’ like him who was al-
ways counted out can become some-
thing and someone. With millions to
his name and licensing deals with the
likes of Marvel, DC, Assassins Creed,
GI Joe, Power Rangers, Dragon Ball
Z and more, and fans like Kamaru
Usman (UFC), Terrell Owens (NFL),
Tony Ferguson (UFC) and body-
builder Lee Priest, Austin spoke to us
at FHM exclusively about how any-
one - literally anyone - can succeed
in business and make millions.
JULY 2024 51
2. Aggressive Patience - People tend
to overestimate what they can do in
1 year but underestimate what they
can do in 10 years which leads to
short term thinking. Be patient and
shift your mindset and goals into 5 or
10 year timelines instead of the next 3
or 6 months. While this may seem like
you should pull back and “relax” it’s the
opposite, you still need to work as hard
as you possibly can everyday during this
time to ensure you grow and learn as
fast as possible, therefore that’s why I
use the term Aggressive Patience.
3. Compound Interest Applies
to Everything - Most people are
familiar with the term ‘Compound
Interest’ when it comes to
financial investments but I rarely see
anyone equate this framework to other
parts of your life and business. Think
of business and everything it entails
like your skillsets, experience, market
reputation, etc. as compound interest
which means initially you will make slow
progress for years where it feels like
you’re making little to no progress but
as long as you continue your efforts,
eventually you will reach a point where
the compound interest of your efforts
takes over. As long as you continue to
work, learn and improve, eventually
the compound interest will work in your
You have been through a lot in life, but to avoid misunderstandings, manage favor in a massive way.
what keeps you going? expectations, and resolve conflicts 4. Caution! No Man Is An Island - Initially
What keeps me going is my duty to more efficiently. when starting a business, you have
God, my family, my employees and the to do everything yourself. You have
charities I donate to. I truly believe that What are the top 5 tips you can give to create the website, open the bank
I am lucky, lucky to be born in America, our readers who want to succeed in account, take out the trash, whatever
lucky to be healthy and therefore I owe business? and this “do it all” mentality can
it to God to serve others and make the 1. Always be the dumbest person in severely hold your success back. A
world a better place. the room. Make it a priority to surround company is a micro fragment of a city
yourself with successful people in and in order for a city to run efficiently,
Why is it important to be upfront and your field and learn from them. While it takes many people each doing
blunt when it comes to business dealings self-help books and masterminds many jobs contributing to the city as a
and partnerships you have done with have their place, the best decision I whole. In a city, you need politicians to
your brands? ever made was investing in calls with make high level decisions, construction
Being upfront and blunt in business business experts through platforms crews to build new housing/facilities,
dealings and partnerships is crucial like Mentor Pass, Intro, or connecting waste management crews to control
because it builds trust and ensures with professionals on LinkedIn. By cleanliness, teachers educating the
clear communication. When everyone consistently seeking guidance from next generation and many more jobs
involved understands the expectations, those who are smarter and more that all contribute to the city as a
goals, and potential challenges, it experienced, you can avoid mistakes whole; one person can’t run a whole
creates a foundation of honesty and and fast-track your progress. It’s the city by themselves. Similarly, a fast-
transparency. This approach helps biggest hack I’ve found. growing company requires a team of

52 JULY 2024
individuals to collectively contribute to You have created brands that help opportunities for targeted advertising,
the business as a whole. The faster you give people who wear your products influencer collaborations, and viral
realize that you need others to build confidence. How key is confidence to marketing campaigns. In essence,
something valuable, the faster your success? What do you wear that gives social media amplifies a brand’s
business will grow. you confidence? visibility, fosters direct interaction with
5. Fail Fast - Business is a series of Confidence is absolutely essential to consumers, and drives both awareness
mistakes followed by corrections. success. It empowers individuals to take and sales in ways that traditional
Failing isn’t permanent and negative risks, embrace challenges, and persist marketing channels simply cannot
connotation. I like to rephrase the word through setbacks. When people feel match.
“failing” with “testing”. For example, confident, they project a positive image,
when I started my business SUPERX, make stronger impressions, and are How do you keep in such good shape as
it was originally called a different more likely to seize opportunities. a busy entrepreneur?
name and we sold supplements. Since I keep in shape through a minimalist
then, we’ve changed names twice How important is social media to the weight training routine paired with jiu-
and pivoted 3x in order to find the success of a brand these days? jitsu twice per week.
successful product-market fit that we Social media is absolutely critical to
have today. If I believed that I “failed”, the success of a brand today. It serves What is your workout routine like?
I would have given up and never had as a powerful platform for reaching In order to create a minimalistic yet
landed on the idea that makes my and engaging with a wide audience, effective routine, I created a unique
business successful today. It is Thomas building a community, and establishing training system for my gym workouts, 30
Edison who famously said, “I have not brand identity. Through social media, minutes of cardio and 10 super
failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that brands can connect with customers in sets of weight lifting each day. This
won’t work.” real-time, gather feedback, and create minimalistic approach is perfect for
a loyal following. It also offers valuable entrepreneurship because it ensures

JULY 2024 53
I build muscle and stay lean Their journeys remind me of the
without overcomplicating my importance of perseverance and
workouts and not have to use any the relentless pursuit of excellence,
energy creating a workout every both in the ring and in the business
day, allowing me to stay consistent world.
and efficient despite a hectic
schedule and make things simple. Where has been one of your most
favorite spots to travel throughout
How has MMA played a part in your your career?
career and which fighters have Las Vegas is one of my favorite
inspired you? domestic travel destinations
MMA has significantly influenced because of its high energy. The
my career by teaching me dynamic atmosphere stimulates
discipline, resilience, and strategic creativity and motivation, essential
thinking—qualities essential for for both personal and professional
entrepreneurial success. The sport’s growth. I travel for business
rigorous training and competitive meetings multiple times a year
nature have instilled a strong work and it’s always been fruitful for
ethic and the ability to stay calm me. For fitness, Las Vegas offers
under pressure. Fighters like Jon top-tier gyms, wellness centers, and
Jones and Conor McGregor have outdoor activities like hiking in Red
been particularly inspiring to me. Rock Canyon. The city’s constant
Their dedication, skill, and mental reinvention and resilience inspire
toughness are attributes I strive to me to innovate and stay adaptable
emulate in my business endeavors. in my business ventures.’

54 JULY 2024
Your comprehensive companion to navigating the open road with confidence and style. Packed
with expert advice, insider tips, and must-have gear recommendations, this guide is your ticket
to unlocking the ultimate motorcycle road trip experience. From planning the perfect route and
mastering essential riding techniques to discovering hidden gems and forging unforgettable
connections with fellow riders, “The Biker’s Essential Guide” is your go-to resource for embarking
on epic adventures and embracing the freedom of two wheels. Whether you’re a seasoned
rider or a novice enthusiast, get ready to rev up your engines and embark on the journey of a
lifetime with “The Biker’s Essential Guide” by your side.
Gear Essentials • Riding pants: Opt for abrasion-resistant pants
Before embarking on a motorcycle road trip, it’s essential with built-in armor for added protection.
to ensure you have the right gear to keep you safe and • Boots: Sturdy, ankle-high riding boots provide
comfortable on the road. A comprehensive motorcycle gear support and protection for your feet and ankles.
checklist includes some of the following gear.
In addition to protective gear, consider packing layers for
• Helmet: A DOT-approved helmet is a must-have changing weather conditions, including a waterproof jacket,
for protecting your head in the event of a crash. insulated layers, and moisture-wicking base layers.
• Riding jacket: Invest in a quality riding jacket
with armor inserts to protect your torso and arms Packing Tips
from abrasions and impacts. When packing for a motorcycle road trip, space and weight
• Gloves: Riding gloves provide grip, protection, and are at a premium. Here are some packing tips to help you
insulation, keeping your hands warm and maximize space and minimize weight.
protected during long rides.

58 JULY 2024
weight evenly on your tools or paper maps to plot your
motorcycle to maintain course and identify key landmarks,
balance and stability while attractions, and rest stops.
Considering distance, terrain, &
Importance of Safety weather conditions
Safety should always be a When planning your route, consider
top priority when embarking factors such as distance, terrain, and
on a motorcycle road trip. weather conditions. Be realistic about
In addition to wearing the how far you can comfortably ride in
proper gear, there are several a day and factor in breaks for rest
safety equipment and and relaxation. Take into account the
precautions riders should terrain you’ll be traversing, including
consider. elevation changes, curves, and road
conditions. Additionally, check the
• First-aid kit: Pack a basic weather forecast for your route and
first-aid kit with essential be prepared for changing conditions,
supplies for treating minor including rain, wind, and temperature
injuries on the road. fluctuations.
• Emergency contact
information: Carry a list Prepare for unexpected
of emergency contacts, discoveries and detours
including family members, While it’s essential to have a plan in
friends, and roadside place, it’s also important to remain
assistance providers. flexible and open to unexpected
• Motorcycle maintenance: discoveries and detours along the
Ensure your motorcycle is way. Embrace the spontaneity of
in good working condition the road and be willing to deviate
before setting out, including from your original itinerary to explore
checking tire pressure, brakes, hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path
lights, and fluids. attractions. Whether it’s stumbling
• Defensive riding: Practice upon a scenic overlook, stumbling
defensive riding techniques, upon a local festival, or striking up a
such as maintaining a safe conversation with a fellow traveler,
following distance, scanning some of the most memorable
• Pack light: Stick to the essentials and the road ahead, and experiences happen when you least
avoid overpacking. Choose lightweight, anticipating potential hazards. expect them.
compact gear and clothing items.
• Use packing cubes: Organize your By prioritizing safety equipment and Must-See Stops Along the Way
gear and clothing into packing cubes to precautions, riders can minimize the Along iconic routes like Route 66 and
save space and keep items organized. risk of accidents and injuries on the the Pacific Coast Highway, riders
• Roll, don’t fold: Rolling your clothes road. will encounter a wealth of unique
instead of folding them can help save attractions and landmarks that
space and reduce wrinkles. Route Planning Tips showcase the rich history, culture, and
• Invest in compact gear: Opt for Before hitting the road, take the time natural beauty of the region. From
compact, multipurpose gear whenever to map out your journey and plan historic sites and natural wonders to
possible, such as a lightweight camping your route. Consider factors such as quirky roadside attractions, there’s no
stove or collapsible water bottle. distance, terrain, and points of interest shortage of must-see stops along the
• Distribute weight evenly: Distribute along the way. Use GPS navigation way. Some notable attractions include

JULY 2024 59
the Grand Canyon, Big Sur, Redwood National
Park, and historic Route 66 landmarks like
Cadillac Ranch and the Wigwam Motel.

Roadside diners & hidden gems

Part of the allure of motorcycle road trips is
the opportunity to sample local cuisine and
discover hidden gems along the way. From
roadside diners and food trucks to family-
owned cafes and gourmet restaurants, there’s
a wealth of dining options to satisfy every
palate. Be sure to stop at local eateries and
diners for authentic regional dishes and hearty
comfort food. Don’t be afraid to venture off
the beaten path and explore hidden gems
recommended by locals for a truly authentic
culinary experience.

Cultural experiences & historical sites

In addition to natural attractions and dining
establishments, riders will also encounter a
variety of cultural experiences and historical
sites along iconic routes. From museums and
art galleries to historic landmarks and cultural
festivals, there’s no shortage of opportunities
to immerse yourself in the local culture and
heritage. Take the time to explore historic sites
like the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, or the
Santa Fe Plaza in New Mexico. Attend cultural
festivals and events celebrating music, art,
food, and traditions unique to each region. By
embracing the diverse cultural experiences
and historical sites along the way, riders
can gain a deeper appreciation for the
communities they encounter on their journey.

Camaraderie & Community

One of the most enriching aspects of
motorcycle culture is the sense of camaraderie
and kinship that exists among riders. Whether
you’re cruising down the highway or taking a
break at a roadside diner, the shared passion
for two-wheeled adventures creates an instant
bond between strangers. Take advantage of
this camaraderie by striking up conversations
with fellow riders at gas stations, rest stops, or
scenic overlooks. You’ll find that motorcyclists
are often eager to swap stories, share tips, and
offer recommendations for the best routes
and attractions. These chance encounters
can lead to lasting friendships and invaluable
connections within the riding community,
enriching your road trip experience and
fostering a sense of belonging on the open
road. So don’t be afraid to extend a friendly
wave or strike up a conversation with a fellow
rider - you never know where the road may
lead or who you might meet along the way.

60 JULY 2024
Harley-Davidson Electra Glide
Renowned for its comfort, classic styling, and long-
distance touring capabilities, the Harley-Davidson
Electra Glide is a favorite among riders embarking
on cross-country journeys. Equipped with a powerful
engine, spacious saddlebags, and advanced technology
features, this touring motorcycle offers a smooth and
luxurious ride for extended periods on the road.

Estimated Cost: $20,000 - $30,000 (depending on model

year and features)
Engine: Milwaukee-Eight 107 or 114 V-twin engine
Fuel Efficiency: Approximately 45-50 mpg (miles per
Top Speed: Around 110-115 mph (miles per hour)

BMW R1250GS Adventure

Known for its versatility, rugged performance, and off-
road prowess, the BMW R1250GS Adventure is a top
choice for adventure-seeking riders exploring the diverse
terrain of the United States. With its robust suspension,
advanced electronics, and ample luggage capacity,
this dual-sport motorcycle is well-equipped to tackle
everything from twisty mountain roads to gravel trails
and desert landscapes.

Estimated Cost: $20,000 - $25,000 (depending on model

year and features)
Engine: 1,254 cc boxer twin-cylinder engine
Fuel Efficiency: Approximately 45-50 mpg
Top Speed: Around 125-130 mph

62 JULY 2024
Honda Gold Wing
Celebrated for its comfort, reliability, and innovative
features, the Honda Gold Wing is a legendary touring
motorcycle beloved by riders seeking a plush and
luxurious ride. With its smooth six-cylinder engine,
spacious seating for two, and integrated navigation
system, the Gold Wing offers unparalleled comfort and
convenience for long-distance travel across the USA.

Estimated Cost: $25,000 - $30,000 (depending on model

year and features)
Engine: Horizontally opposed six-cylinder engine
Fuel Efficiency: Approximately 35-40 mpg
Top Speed: Around 120-125 mph

Yamaha Super Ténéré

Designed for adventure and exploration, the Yamaha
Super Ténéré combines rugged off-road capabilities
with touring comfort, making it an ideal choice for riders
traversing diverse landscapes. Featuring a powerful
engine, adjustable suspension, and advanced rider aids,
this adventure touring motorcycle is capable of tackling
everything from highway cruising to off-road adventures
with ease.

Estimated Cost: $15,000 - $20,000 (depending on model

year and features)
Engine: 1,199 cc parallel-twin engine
Fuel Efficiency: Approximately 40-45 mpg
Top Speed: Around 130-135 mph

Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager

Offering a blend of comfort, performance, and style,
the Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager is a popular choice for
riders seeking a classic touring motorcycle with modern
amenities. With its powerful V-twin engine, spacious
storage compartments, and luxurious seating, the Vulcan
Voyager provides a smooth and enjoyable ride for long-
distance travel across the USA.

Estimated Cost: $20,000 - $25,000 (depending on model

year and features)
Engine: 1,700 cc V-twin engine
Fuel Efficiency: Approximately 35-40 mpg
Top Speed: Around 110-115 mph

JULY 2024 63
Armed with the knowledge of these the wind in your face and the rumble from environment, there’s a heightened
popular motorcycles, their estimated of the engine beneath you, every twist sense of connection with the natural
costs, and key specifications, you’re and turn becomes a thrilling experience. world. From the gentle curves of country
well-equipped to embark on your Motorcycle road trips also provide roads to the rugged terrain of remote
next epic adventure across the USA. a unique opportunity to escape the wilderness areas, motorcycle road trips
Whether you choose the iconic comfort constraints of everyday life, immersing offer riders the opportunity to immerse
of a Harley-Davidson Electra Glide, the oneself in the beauty of nature, the thrill themselves in the beauty and serenity
rugged versatility of a BMW R1250GS of the open road, and the camaraderie of nature. Whether it’s watching the sun
Adventure, or the luxurious ride of a of fellow riders. Whether it’s the sense rise over the desert horizon or feeling the
Honda Gold Wing, each bike offers a of freedom, the adrenaline rush, or cool mist of a waterfall on a hot summer
unique experience tailored to your riding the sheer thrill of exploration, there’s day, these moments of connection
style and preferences. As you hit the something undeniably exhilarating about with the natural world are what make
open road, remember to ride safely, hitting the open road on two wheels. motorcycle road trips truly unforgettable.
respect the journey, and embrace the
camaraderie of fellow riders along the Freedom of the open road Camaraderie among fellow riders
way. With “The Biker’s Essential Guide” as There’s a unique sense of freedom that One of the most rewarding aspects
your trusty companion, the possibilities comes with hitting the open road on of motorcycle road trips is the sense
for exploration and adventure are a motorcycle. Unlike other modes of of camaraderie that develops among
endless. So rev up your engines, throttle transportation, where passengers are fellow riders. Whether riding solo or in
down the highway, and let the journey confined within the confines of a vehicle, a group, there’s a shared bond that
begin! riders are exposed to the elements, with transcends language, culture, and
nothing but the open road stretching out background. The road becomes a
--- before them. The feeling of wind rushing communal space where strangers
past, the roar of the engine, and the become friends, united by a common
Revving Up ability to navigate twists and turns with love for adventure and exploration.
Epic Motorcycle Road Trips Across Iconic ease create an unparalleled sense of Whether it’s swapping stories around a
Routes liberation. On a motorcycle, every mile campfire, sharing tips and advice on the
becomes an opportunity for adventure, best routes, or lending a helping hand to
Embarking on a motorcycle road trip is with the freedom to explore new a fellow rider in need, the camaraderie
more than just a journey from point A destinations and chart your own course among motorcyclists is a testament to
to point B; it’s an immersive adventure along the way. the power of shared experiences. On a
that awakens the senses and stirs the motorcycle road trip, the journey is as
soul. From the historic allure of Route Immersive travel experiences much about the people you meet along
66 to the breathtaking beauty of the Motorcycle road trips offer a level of the way as it is about the destinations
Pacific Coast Highway, iconic routes offer immersion that is unmatched by other you visit.
riders the opportunity to explore diverse forms of travel. Riding through diverse
landscapes, encounter vibrant cultures, landscapes, from winding mountain Route 66 & the Pacific Coast
and forge unforgettable memories along roads to sweeping coastal highways, Highway
the way. In this article, we’ll delve into the allows riders to fully immerse themselves Among the myriad of scenic routes that
world of motorcycle road trips, offering in the sights, sounds, and sensations of crisscross the globe, few hold the same
insights, tips, and must-see stops for their surroundings. Whether it’s the scent legendary status as Route 66 and the
riders seeking the ultimate two-wheeled of pine trees in the forest, the sound of Pacific Coast Highway (PCH). Route 66,
adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned waves crashing against the shore, or the often referred to as the “Mother Road,”
rider or a novice enthusiast, join us as sight of majestic mountains looming on embodies the spirit of Americana,
we rev up our engines and embark on the horizon, every moment becomes a stretching from Chicago to Santa
exhilarating journeys across some of the sensory experience. With the ability to Monica and passing through eight states
most iconic routes in the world. stop and explore at a moment’s notice, along the way. Steeped in history and
riders can engage with their environment nostalgia, this iconic route promises a
---- in a way that is impossible from behind journey back in time, with classic diners,
the wheel of a car. neon signs, and roadside attractions
The allure of motorcycle road trips lies in lining its path. Meanwhile, the Pacific
the unparalleled sense of freedom and Connection with nature Coast Highway winds its way along the
adventure they offer. Unlike traveling There’s something inherently primal stunning coastline of California, offering
by car or plane, riding a motorcycle about riding a motorcycle through breathtaking vistas of the Pacific Ocean,
allows for a more intimate connection nature’s vast landscapes. With nothing towering cliffs, and pristine beaches.
with the road and surroundings. With but a thin layer of metal separating rider Known for its scenic beauty and coastal

64 JULY 2024
charm, the PCH beckons riders to Tackling Route 66 is a bucket-list Highway (Big Sur, Redwood National
embark on a journey of discovery, adventure for many motorcycle Park)
from the rugged cliffs of Big Sur to the enthusiasts, but proper planning is The Pacific Coast Highway is dotted
sun-drenched beaches of Malibu. As essential to ensure a smooth and with iconic landmarks, charming coastal
we explore these iconic routes, we’ll enjoyable journey. The ideal riding towns, and natural wonders that
uncover the hidden gems, must-see season for Route 66 is typically from beckon riders to explore their hidden
stops, and unforgettable experiences spring to fall, avoiding the extreme treasures. One of the highlights along
that await riders along the way. heat of summer and the potential the route is Big Sur, a rugged stretch
for snowfall in winter. Riders should of coastline known for its towering
Historical significance also be prepared for varying road cliffs, pristine beaches, and majestic
Route 66, also known as the “Mother conditions, including stretches of rough redwood forests. Riders can cruise along
Road,” holds a special place in pavement and occasional detours the winding road, stopping to admire
American history and folklore. Stretching due to construction or maintenance. the breathtaking views of the Pacific
from Chicago, Illinois, to Santa Monica, When it comes to accommodations, Ocean and explore the hiking trails
California, this iconic highway served Route 66 offers a range of options to and scenic overlooks that abound in
as a vital artery for cross-country travel suit every preference and budget, from this remote wilderness area. Another
during the early to mid-20th century. historic motels and roadside diners to must-see destination along the PCH is
Constructed in 1926, Route 66 played a modern hotels and luxury resorts. It’s Redwood National Park, home to some
crucial role in connecting the eastern advisable to book accommodations in of the tallest trees on Earth. Riders can
and western United States, facilitating advance, especially during peak travel ride through towering groves of ancient
the migration of millions of Americans seasons, to secure the best rates and redwoods, marveling at the sheer size
seeking opportunity in the West. The availability. Additionally, riders should and beauty of these towering giants.
highway became synonymous with pack essentials such as water, snacks, With its lush forests, pristine beaches,
the spirit of adventure and freedom, sunscreen, and a first-aid kit, as services and abundant wildlife, Redwood
immortalized in literature, music, may be limited in remote areas along National Park offers riders a glimpse
and popular culture. Although it was the route. With careful planning and into the natural wonders of the Pacific
officially decommissioned in 1985, Route a spirit of adventure, tackling Route Northwest.
66 continues to capture the imagination 66 promises to be an unforgettable
of travelers, offering a nostalgic journey journey filled with iconic landmarks, Considerations for riding the PCH
through a bygone era of American breathtaking scenery, and memories While the Pacific Coast Highway offers
history. that will last a lifetime. unparalleled beauty and adventure,
riders should be aware of the unique
Must-see stops along the way (Grand Pacific Coast Highway & the challenges and considerations that
Canyon, Santa Fe) coastal route come with tackling this iconic route.
Route 66 is dotted with countless The Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), also The road conditions along the PCH can
attractions, landmarks, and quirky known as Highway 1, is renowned for vary widely, from smooth stretches of
roadside stops that pay homage to its unparalleled scenic beauty and asphalt to narrow, winding sections
its rich history and cultural heritage. breathtaking coastal views. Stretching with steep drop-offs and sharp curves.
Among the must-see stops along the along the rugged coastline of California, Riders should exercise caution and
route is the majestic Grand Canyon, this iconic highway offers riders the be prepared for changing weather
one of the Seven Natural Wonders of opportunity to experience some of the conditions, including fog, wind, and rain,
the World. Located in northern Arizona, most stunning landscapes in the world. which can affect visibility and traction.
the Grand Canyon offers breathtaking From towering cliffs and rocky shores to Additionally, the PCH is lined with
views of its vast expanse, towering cliffs, pristine beaches and crashing waves, numerous points of interest, including
and winding river below. Another iconic the PCH showcases the natural beauty historic lighthouses, scenic viewpoints,
destination along Route 66 is Santa of the Pacific Ocean in all its splendor. and charming coastal towns. Riders
Fe, New Mexico, known for its vibrant With every twist and turn of the road, should plan their itinerary accordingly,
art scene, historic adobe architecture, riders are treated to panoramic vistas of allowing time to explore these
and multicultural heritage. Visitors can the ocean, with sea cliffs plunging into attractions and take in the sights along
explore the city’s art galleries, sample the turquoise waters below. Whether it’s the way. With proper preparation and
traditional Southwestern cuisine, and the dramatic sunsets over the horizon a sense of adventure, riding the Pacific
immerse themselves in the rich tapestry or the misty mornings shrouded in fog, Coast Highway promises to be an
of Native American and Hispanic the scenic beauty of the PCH is truly unforgettable journey filled with scenic
culture. awe-inspiring. beauty, natural wonders, and memories
that will last a lifetime.
Tips for tackling Route 66 Highlights along the Pacific Coast

JULY 2024 65

IG @NicoleKnightFTL

Photographer Shannon Laurine | @shannonlaurine

MUA Eliany Pichardo | @glammbyely!!!!!
Production Assistant Hilary Blakeley
PR LSA | @leo.alderman @lsapublications

66 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 67
68 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 69
70 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 71
72 JULY 2024
Tell us about the moment you found What’s the best “wardrobe If you were stranded on a deserted
out you would be featured in the malfunction” story that you can island with only one accessory, what
magazine. What was your initial now laugh about? I walked in Miami would it be? My bikini and some
reaction? I screamed in joy and Swim Week last year. Right before sunscreen are all I need.
called my assistant to celebrate. the show started, I touched up my
What an honor. spray tan and ended up getting it all What’s your go-to guilty pleasure
over my white bikini. I needed a new snack? Anything with peanut butter
Can you share your favorite shot or outfit with literally minutes left until and chocolate will do the trick.
spread from the magazine and why it showtime. I switched outfits and we
holds special significance for you? My made it work, but it was so stressful What is the absolute worst thing a
favorite shots are of me lying in bed at the time. Crisis adverted and now man can do to completely put you
wearing the white men’s button- I can look back and laugh. off? Being rude or disrespectful.
down shirt. I love wearing my lover’s
clothes. What are some of your biggest What advice would you give to
dreams you hope to achieve? To aspiring models? Trust your instincts,
When you’re not working, what helps live a soft life on a farm with lots never stop learning, and always be
you decompress and relax? Yoga, of animals and running multiple yourself.
meditation, cuddling my pets, and businesses remotely.
cooking or baking. Thanks for taking the time to speak
What’s the weirdest beauty tip to us, do you have any last words for
What’s the strangest fan encounter or trick you’ve picked up? Putting our readers? Thank you so much for
you’ve ever had? One time a server my face in a bowl of ice water to having me! Working with FHM has
at a restaurant recognized me and wake me up, reduces puffiness and been such a wonderful experience.
contacted me via my personal tightens the skin. Sending love, xo.
information from the reservation.
Not cool.

JULY 2024 73
Time is money and It’s a polarizing decision, but one
that’s undoubtedly been the right one
lexicon, cementing itself in the range as
the most popular model in a short space
the Rolls-Royce for the brand’s bottom line. of time. Bigger wheels, bigger promises,
and a bigger bank balance. And despite
Cullinan has The Cullinan proved to be everything the Cullinan still occupying a part of the

plenty of both one expects; Powerful, hushed,

purposeful and brimming with status.
segment where rivals are few and far
between, it’s still received a subtle refresh
Apart from a more vertical fortress, for celebrities to clamber over. And as a
Take a trip back to 2019: Rolls-Royce has the Cullinan’s all-wheel-drive system and matter of interest, the celebrities and
joined the burgeoning SUV trend, wider range of driving modes meant it owners are no longer the stereotypical
following the likes of the Bentley possessed a fairly impressive level of 50-and-up age bracket – due to vehicles
Bentayga which was launched a few years off-road ability. like the Cullinan, but not exclusively so,
prior. It was the most courageous decision the average age has plummeted to an
in Rolls-Royce’s history – only recently Fast forward to the present day, and the average of 40 years.
eclipsed by the electric-powered Spectre. Cullinan is now an accepted part of R-R

74 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 75
76 JULY 2024
By other manufacturers’ standards, six one from a Nuclear fallout, is a subtly but this contradicts the reality that
years usually calls for an entirely new revised cabin where the biggest roughly only 10 percent of owners
model, built from the ground-up, improvement is the new infotainment choose this option. The rest prefer to
retooled and filled with tech to keep system adopted from the be at the wheel, captaining the
pace with the rate of smartphone recently-launched Spectre. The way the Cullinan with purpose and to the envy
evolution and Artificial Intelligence. dashboard dances into life is truly a of onlookers. Powering this bold,
Not Rolls-Royce, who fortified from theatrical masterpiece and the monolithic design is a 563bhp, 663lb/ft
threat by the opposition can afford to execution of digital displays designed twin-turbo V12 renowned for its
take things slower, deliberate over the to look like classic dials is the hallmark calmness and effortlessness. It’s the
smallest details, wait for market trends of a brand that can blend tradition with same engine that has powered the
to mature, and only then put pen to contemporary finishes. And there’s Rolls-Royce Ghost, Dawn and
paper. It’s a luxury that few in the been some new, but not necessarily Phantom, and used to be home to the
automotive business get to experience. redefining, thought put into the only V12 SUV until the arrival of the
But as the saying goes, ‘time is money’, positioning of the Spirit of Ecstasy that Ferrari Purosangue. With Rolls-Royce
and according to Rolls-Royce this sits in its own space in the dashboard aiming to have its line-up fully
update is the most expensive ever with the clock just above it. The door electrified by 2030, it’s very likely this
undertaken, so prepare to bend those areas have approximately 408,284 could be the last Cullinan to not have
wallets for what is mostly a cosmetic perforations of between 0.8 and 1.2mm any form of hybrid or battery
refresh. in diameter and these are painstakingly assistance.
inspected by the human eye, for As expected, Rolls-Royce hasn’t
The new LED light clusters have been reasons only Rolls-Royce could justify. strayed too far from the form book with
sculpted to emphasize the vehicle’s Standing out among all the trim this. It’s a brand that has an intimate
width while air inlets – feeding the V12 options is a new option called duality understanding of its customers, and
engine – have been reprofiled. The twill. Its design of bamboo fibers protects its reputation and legacy at all
bonnet features a V-shapes crease to mimics the R-R logo by incorporating costs. Enough risk tasking was done
mimic that of a bow wave and around up to 2.2 million stitches from 11 miles with the original Cullinan, and if
the back the exhaust outlets have a new of thread. anything the Series II doesn’t want to
chrome trim surround with a rock the yacht beyond that.
prominent horizontal plate running A common fallacy is that most
the car’s width. More material mastery Rolls-Royce owners are chauffeured Pawan Dhingara
occurs in the Pantheon grille with
gloss black vanes contrasting against
the chrome. It’s also the first time the
Cullinan receives an illuminated grille
– taking a page out of the BMW’s 7
Series playbook for size as
ostentatiousness. And to think there
was a time when illuminating the Spirit
of Ecstasy was banned a few years ago!

The final upgrade is a move to 23-inch

wheels to satisfy a growing request
amongst Rolls-Royce owners. Only
once Rolls-Royce were confident that
these would not compromise the
Cullinan’s waftability, were they
added, although don’t expect to see
them tackling much off-road terrain in
their lifetime. These stylishly designed
alloys also have centre caps that
remain upright at all times, a trait that
runs across all Rolls-Royce models.

Behind doors that could probably seal

JULY 2024 77
SALUTE! Ferrari has been producing V12s for ages, Its evolution from the Ferrari Enzo all
A decade of and will still sell you one in the body shape
of either an 812, Purosangue or Daytona
those years ago now means it has
lightweight internals and a revised
perfection for SP3. The fact that their latest one is named valvetrain designed to hold everything

Ferrari’s signa- entirely after the engine configuration has

most people wondering, “is this Ferrari’s
together at those soaring revolutions. Now
it has the prestigious honor of being the
ture powertrain last V12?” most powerful naturally-aspirated Ferrari.
Power of 820hp and 500lb mirrors that
The first time I heard the name 12 Cilindri, While we don’t know the answer to that, of the 812 Competizione’s but just to
I presumed it was one of those prototype we do know a lot about this latest Prancing re-emphasize the point that turbochargers
labels that gets whispered between Horse to join the stable. Under the bonnet and batteries don’t belong here, most of
engineers in lab coats walking past one lies a 6.5-litre V12 in its leanest mechanical that power is on tap from 2,500rpm thanks
another in the hallways of Maranello. A skeleton – no turbochargers or hybrid to some clever electronic mapping across
name full of intrigue but set to be replaced assistance to superficially power-fill what the ratios. Speaking of which, there are
as soon as the wheels get bolted on. can’t be achieved by twelve pistons revving now eight ratios, versus seven in the 812 -
to 9,300rpm. the extra ratio allows for more torque to be

78 JULY 2024
transferred to the rear wheels, while differences being the introduction
also reducing shift times. of a brake-by-wire system and even
Yes, you can go faster than the though the overall dimensions are
0-60mph in 2.9 seconds in a Tesla slightly bigger than the 812’s, its
Cybertruck with four seats and shorter wheelbase is replete with
off-road ability, but Ferrari isn’t revised rear-wheel steering acting
building the 12 Cilindri to win a upon larger 21-inch wheels. Those
drag race on YouTube. Still, with bigger tires also meant the spring
Ferrari’s eighth-generation of Slide and dampers had to be recalibrated.
Slip Control, which we’re told learns
faster than any version before it, the The dashboard layout features the
entertainment factor more than triple screen system, slowly
beats those launch control duels. reducing the number of buttons for
And in a straight line, the Spider only vital things like gear sector and
version won’t even fall out of the drive mode selector. The digital
hard top’s shadow, such is the parity display behind the wheel is 10.3
in performance. inches, the one occupying the
middle is slightly bigger at 12.3
Looks are subjective, but long-nosed inches and the one directly ahead of
front-mounted V12s in a Prancing the passenger measures 8.8 inches.
Horse generally have a flowing and There’s wireless charging and as
graceful style. The 12 Cilindri is a sacrilegious as it is to mention a
little more edgy, or wedgy, than sound system when Ferrari has
those with a rear end characterized fine-tuned the V12’s noise, there is a
by subtle aero flaps producing 50 15-speaker Burmester sound
kilograms of downforce when titled system.
to their max angle of 10 degrees.
Between the flaps is a usable boot Deliveries are expected later this
too – a fair compromise made year, and judging by the rapid
between aerodynamics and those decline of 12-cylinder engines –
who actually want to use the car for Bentley has just announced the end
more than a track day. of its signature W12 – we wouldn’t
want to wait to find out if this might
There’s a convergence of 812 be Ferrari’s last.
Superfast and Purosangue in the
mechanical hardware and then the Pawan Dhingara
latter’s influence for interior
treatment. One of the outlying

JULY 2024 79
Katie Flowers
“Love fearlessly, live authentically.”

A relationship coach based in Las
Vegas, Katie’s celebrated for her wit,
wisdom, and no-nonsense approach
to romance. With a passion for help-
ing individuals and couples navigate
the complexities of love, Katie has
Instagram @KatieFlowersModeling become a trusted voice in the world
X @KatieFlowersMod of sex and relationships.

80 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 81
8 Foreplay
Tips That
Will Drive
The Art of Undressing
Slowly peel off her clothing, savoring
each moment and making her feel
like a cherished gift. Kiss and caress
each newly revealed part of her body,
showing your admiration and building

Nipple Nirvana
Explore her nipples with gentle touches,
breath, and tongue strokes. Take time
to tease and stimulate this susceptible
area, alternating between light caresses
and intense sensations.

Finger Finesse
Instead of the usual in-and-out motion,
experiment with a spiraling motion as
you touch her. Move your fingers slowly
and deliberately, exploring her inner
regions and paying attention to what
feels pleasurable for her.

Sensory Symphony
Engage her senses by blindfolding her
and playing music that turns her on.
With her sight temporarily removed,
focus on stimulating her through touch
and sound, heightening her arousal and
deepening her sensory experience.

Thrusting Techniques
Explore different thrusting patterns,
such as alternating between shallow
and deep thrusts or varying the pace
and intensity. Please pay attention
to her responses and adjust your
movements accordingly to maximize
her pleasure.

82 JULY 2024
Unexpected Pleasures
Surprise her with unexpected
sensations, like dribbling water down
her back during intimate moments. The
element of surprise can heighten her
arousal and add an exciting twist to
your lovemaking.

Embrace Full Body Connection

Opt for intimate positions that allow
for complete body contact, like lying
flat on top of her or sitting with her
in your lap. This closeness fosters a
deep connection and makes her feel
cherished and desired.

Build Climactic Tension

Maintain a steady rhythm and
intensity with genital stimulation while
simultaneously increasing pressure
and sensation elsewhere on her body.
Explore areas that respond to intense
touch during foreplay, enhancing her
overall pleasure and leading to mind-
blowing orgasms.

Understanding Varicose Veins

and Spider Veins in Men
By Fra nk Ha mre

Varicose veins and spider veins are not just cosmetic concerns; they can also signal under-
lying vascular issues that require attention. While these conditions are often associated with
women, men are not immune to their effects. As a vascular surgeon, I’ve encountered many
male patients who suffer from varicose veins and spider veins but hesitate to seek treatment
due to misconceptions or embarrassment. In this article, we’ll shine a light on these common
vascular conditions, discuss their risk factors, symptoms, treatment options and lifestyle
modifications to alleviate discomfort and improve vascular health in men.

84 JULY 2024
Understanding and spider veins increases with age blood flow to healthier veins.
Varicose Veins & as the veins lose elasticity and valves
Spider Veins become less efficient at regulating Lifestyle Modifications
blood flow. Adopting healthy habits such as
Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen regular exercise, maintaining a
veins that typically appear blue Treatment Options & Lifestyle healthy weight, elevating the legs,
or purple and may bulge or twist Modifications and avoiding prolonged periods of
under the skin’s surface. They most standing or sitting can help alleviate
commonly occur in the legs and Fortunately, there are several symptoms and prevent varicose veins
feet and are often accompanied by treatment options available for and spider veins from worsening.
symptoms such as aching throbbing, varicose veins and spider veins,
or heaviness in the legs, especially ranging from conservative measures ---
after prolonged standing or sitting. to minimally invasive procedures:
It’s essential for men to break the
Spider veins, on the other hand, are Compression Therapy silence surrounding varicose veins
smaller, threadlike veins that appear Wearing compression stockings can and spider veins and seek help
close to the skin’s surface and are help improve circulation, reduce from healthcare professionals.
often red, blue, or purple in color. swelling, and alleviate symptoms Ignoring these conditions can lead
While they are usually not associated associated with varicose veins and to complications such as skin ulcers,
with symptoms like varicose veins spider veins. blood clots, or chronic venous
are, they can still cause discomfort insufficiency. By understanding
or self-consciousness due to their Sclerotherapy the risk factors, symptoms and
appearance. This minimally invasive procedure treatment options available, men
involves injecting a solution into the can take proactive steps to alleviate
Risk Factors for Varicose Veins & Spider affected veins, causing them to discomfort, improve vascular health
Veins in Men collapse and fade over time. and regain confidence in their
appearance. Remember, vascular
Several factors can increase a man’s Endovenous Ablation health is not just about aesthetics–
risk of developing varicose veins and In this procedure, heat or laser is used it’s about living a healthier, more
spider veins, including: to seal off varicose veins, redirecting comfortable life.

A family history of varicose veins or
venous insufficiency can predispose
men to develop these conditions.

Jobs that require long periods
of standing or sitting, such as
construction work or office jobs,
can increase the risk of developing
varicose veins.

Lifestyle Factors
Obesity, lack of exercise, and a
sedentary lifestyle can contribute to
poor circulation and increase the risk
of varicose veins and spider veins.

The risk of developing varicose veins

JULY 2024 85
The Link Between Tattoos and Vascular Health
B y Fran k Ha mre

Tattoos have long been symbols of self-expression, cultural identity, and personal style.
From intricate designs to meaningful symbols, tattoos not only adorn the skin, they also
tell stories. As a vascular surgeon, I’ve encountered patients with tattoos and observed
the importance of understanding their potential impact on vascular health. In this arti-
cle, we’ll delve into the intricate connection between tattoos and vascular health, ex-
ploring considerations for individuals with existing vascular conditions or those at risk,
while also offering insights on tattoo hygiene, potential risks and safety precautions.

86 JULY 2024
Understanding the It is essential to choose a reputable tattoo
Relationship artist who follows strict hygiene practices
How Tattoos Affect Vascular Health and uses sterile equipment. Ensure the
tattoo studio maintains clean and sanitary
Tattoos involve injecting pigment into the skin’s conditions to minimize the risk of infection.
dermal layer using needles, which can cause In addition, it is recommended to opt for
trauma to blood vessels and surrounding tattoo placement on areas of the body
tissues. While this process is generally safe when with healthy skin and adequate blood flow.
performed by trained professionals using sterile Avoid tattooing over scars, areas with poor
equipment, there are potential implications for circulation, or regions prone to friction or
vascular health, especially in individuals with irritation.
pre-existing vascular conditions.
Individuals with vascular conditions such After getting the sought-after tattoo, a critical
as peripheral artery disease (PAD), venous step is to follow proper aftercare instructions
insufficiency, or compromised immune systems provided by the tattoo artist to promote
may be at higher risk of complications from healing and reduce the risk of complications.
tattooing. Poor circulation or impaired healing Some of these instructions include keeping
can increase the risk of infection, delayed wound the tattooed area clean and moisturized,
healing, or other adverse reactions. and avoiding the exposure to excessive
sunlight. Always be sure to regularly monitor
Tattooing itself can temporarily disrupt blood the tattooed area for signs of infection,
flow to the skin during the tattooing process, allergic reactions, or other abnormalities.
leading to localized ischemia (reduced blood Seek medical attention if you experience
supply). While this is usually temporary and persistent redness, swelling, pain, or discharge
resolves after tattooing, it may pose risks for from the tattoo site.
individuals with compromised vascular function.
As for the composition of the ink, this can vary All in all, while tattoos are a popular form
widely, with some containing heavy metals or of self-expression and art, it’s essential to
other similar substances. While modern tattoo consider their potential impact on vascular
inks are generally considered safe, allergic health, especially for individuals with existing
reactions or adverse effects can occur. vascular conditions or those at risk. By
understanding the relationship between
Some considerations with regards to vascular tattoos and vascular health and taking
health include having a consultation with their appropriate precautions, individuals can
healthcare provider before getting a tattoo. A enjoy their tattoos safely while minimizing
vascular surgeon or dermatologist can assess risks to their vascular well-being. Ultimately,
the individual’s vascular health and provide informed decision-making and proactive care
personalized recommendations based on their are key to maintaining both skin-deep beauty
medical history and risk factors. and underlying vascular health.

JULY 2024 87
Beauty and the Beast

Elizabeth Leigh
Model @elizabethleighsullivan

Photographer Arthur St. John | @arthurstjohn

Hair & Makeup @_diananohely
Tan @sunkissedbysophie

88 JULY 2024
JULY 2024 89
90 JULY 2024
FHM is delighted to have you... How do you get to see that side. I’m extremely important, but I also love a man with a
feel right now? I’m very excited. I have selective. good sense of humor. You have to be able
always been a big fan of FHM. to make me laugh.
To love or be loved? I think both loving and
Tell us a bit about you and your being loved are equally important. To love Can you tell us 1 secret about you? (we
background: I grew up in a small town someone without feeling loved in return is won’t tell anyone *wink) I’m proud to
outside of Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis the worst feeling in the world. say that I’ve faced and overcome
has been my home for the last 20 numerous challenges in my life, and
years, where I’m actively involved in my To please or be pleased? In a healthy through it all, I’ve developed a resilient
community. I started modeling in college relationship, it’s important to have a spirit and a determination to never give
and was fortunate to travel the world, balance between pleasing your partner up. I believe that my positive outlook and
working with top brands, photographers, and being pleased with yourself. Both perseverance can inspire others who
and other models. Although I have a partners should feel valued, respected, have faced similar struggles, and I strive
degree in Political Science and initially and fulfilled. to be a source of encouragement and
planned to attend law school like my hope for those around me.
father, my travels led me in a different Favorite body part on you? On him? On
direction. I became an event coordinator Myself, my favorite body part is my eyes. I Which animal best describes you and
for an international company, planning lost eyesight in my right eye several years why? I’m tiny but mighty, so I’d say a
large-scale celebrity events, and ago, and before then, I took for granted lioness. A lioness symbolizes strength,
eventually opened my own special events how beautiful my green eyes were and protection, feminine power, and
marketing company, the Sullivan Agency. how amazing it is to be able to see. On a community leadership. They are also
I love what I do, managing every aspect man, I love both pretty eyes and a nice fiercely loyal with nurturing instincts much
of special events from fundraising to smile. A nice smile is the first thing I notice, like myself.
social media advertising and providing and a deal breaker for me, but how well a
promotional models to elevate events man makes eye contact with you shows Describe yourself using 3 adjectives:
and brands. They say you never work a confidence and offers insight into what a Resilient, Charismatic, and
day in your life if you do what you love. person is thinking. Compassionate.

Are you romantic? Deep down I’m a What attracts you the most in a What are some of your goals in life you
hopeless romantic, but not many people man? Obviously, physical attraction is wish to accomplish? I’ve worked hard to
get to where I am today,
and I’m very happy with
what I’ve accomplished.
I know that if I work
hard enough, I will
accomplish any goal
that I set for myself
in the future. My past
experiences have shown
me that dedication and
effort pave the way to
success, and I’m excited
about the journey
ahead. Instagram @

JULY 2024 91
92 JULY 2024
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94 JULY 2024
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