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Distributor Pmpro User Guide

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1. Log On ........................................................................................................................ 3

2. The Main Page ........................................................................................................... 4

3. Find Help .................................................................................................................... 5

View Feedback ......................................................................................................... 5

Chat and Support Ticket Link……………………………………………………………………………….…6

View the User’s Guide ...............................................................................................6

4. Set User Preferences ....................................................................................................7

General Settings…………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

Product Settings………………………………………………………………………………………………….…8

User Settings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Dealer Settings…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

5. Make a Quick Part Search ...........................................................................................10

Part Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………….11

Substitutions……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Related Kits…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12

Parts Info………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

Warehouse Availability………………………………………………………………………………………….13

6. Navigate to Information ..............................................................................................14

Find Manuals………………………………………………………………………………………..………..……. 18

7. Parts Pages ................................................................................................................ 19

Features .....................................................................................................................19

Kits…………………………………………………………………… ....................................................20

Supersession ............................................................................................................20

8. Create a Picklist ........................................................................................................ 21

Features……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..… 21

9. Work with BOM (Bill of material) Information .......................................................... 24

10. Search for a Model…………………………………………………………………………………………………27

11. View Service Work History Information ..................................................................28

12. Create and View User Notes ....................................................................................30

Viewing Notes .........................................................................................................30

Adding, Editing and Deleting Notes......................................................................... 30

Multiple Regions…………………………………………………………………………………………………..32

13. Opening Multiple Jobs......……………………………………………………………………………………….33

14. Create Quotes ..........................................................................................................35

Creating quote from Workorder/Picklist..................................................................35

Create Estimate…………………………………………………………………………………………………….36

Standard Work for Emailing Quotes.…………………………………………………………………….38

1. Log On

1. Open Web application, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari

2. Type the URL - https:/passport2-pmpro.snaponepc.com/AmService/sh/IR/sso.fve

in the address bar and press Enter

IPAD users – There will be a weblink that is published on Comp Portal store. Please go in there to install
program to device

**Do not save the URL link like a normal favorite – you must manually enter the link into the favorites of
your browser. Directions are listed in PMPro Notifications.

3. Type in your username – It will be your SSO login

4. Type in your password – It will be your SSO password

4. Hit Login

Forgot your password will not do anything for you. Please file a ticket if you are having issues.

Verification may come up

Use another account if your account is not listed

Enter password

Follow instructions

2. The Main Page

1. Home Page – Will take you to the home page

2. Click to see History
3. Job Tabs
4. Search for BOM using Serial Number or Search for a Model
5. Browse products using catalogs
6. Find part# using CCN
7. Manage – Work Orders – All work orders and folders will appear
Notes – Shows the list of all Notes you and others in your dealership created
8. Settings – Application Settings
9. Help – Feedback, Chat and Support Ticket Link, Quick Reference Guide, User Guide, Misc.
10. Notifications Bell – will have URL links – When you log into PMPro, a pop-up box will display
when you have new notifications that need to be read.
Example of the URL link

11. Feedback – Can send email to PMPro support team

12. Can Create a new Job tab

3. Find Help

1. The Help button can be used for questions or issues

View Feedback

2. Click on Feedback

Please note you can also go to Feedback with the circled Icon.

3. Fill out this form and click send and it will go to the PMPro support person.

Chat and Support Ticket link – will take you to the IT Service portal

View the User’s Guide

1. Click on Quick Reference Guide or User Guide for Helpful hints

4. Set User Preferences

1. Click on Settings and then Application Settings

2. Main screen
1. General Settings – Settings are defaulted but can be changed. Please make sure to click on
save before exiting.

Navigation style - can modify the look of the Navigation page to list mode

or there is a Toggle button (underlined in yellow below) on the Navigation page where you can click and
can switch between the layout styles.

2. Product Settings – Settings are defaulted but can change language, currency, Price book.
Please make sure to click on save before exiting.

3. User Settings – Settings are defaulted but can add a Signature for emails within the system.
Please make sure to click on save before exiting.

4. Dealer Settings – Settings are defaulted. Please make sure to click on save before exiting.

5. Make a Quick Part Search
1. Go to the main screen. Click the Home icon if you need to.
2. Type in part# where it says Full Part Number in the Find by Part Box (It will not find partial
part#s, cross references, etc.)
3. Hit Enter or the Magnifying glass

4. Catalogs where the part is located could appear on the left-hand side

5. Choose one of the catalogs from your region by clicking on it

6. Click on one of the View Part Details links

7. Part Overview screen appears

The suggested list price may be shown.

Substitutions may appear – Click on that
The newest Number will appear first.
*Please note, supercession information comes from the Oracle systems.

Related Kits may appear – Click on that

You will see kits that this part# appears in

Parts Info may appear – Click on that

You will see UOM, Prime Loc, Org, EA, Region

Warehouse Availability may appear – Click on that if you want to see inventory availability.
It will automatically run. Requested date defaults to the same date and you can change that
date to a future date if needed and hit apply. You can also change Quantity if needed.

It could take a while to run. It will come back with a Y or N if it is available.

An example of an item not in stock. It will come back with an Available Date and a
warehouse message. Please ignore top part of that message, that is more internal. The
bottom part, “Cannot meet request date or latest acceptable date” is what you will go by.

It could also time out and you will receive an error message in the top right corner. You will
need to try again later.

6. Navigate to Information
This chapter shows how to navigate to parts pages using the navigation links from the Main
1. From Main Page click on Browse Product Categories link

2. Region boxes will appear, click on your region. (Please note if you changed your
Navigation settings, your screen may not have boxes, it will just list the choices)

3. Click on the machine type

4. Click on the model or horsepower

5. Click on series or serial number

6. Click on the product manual that you are needing

7. You will see the manual pages
Click on the page that you need to look at. You can scroll the pages, or narrow the list
with a word

8. You will get a side-by-side view. Some manuals will have parts illustrations, and some
will not

9. You can click on the left side number with corresponding picture, or you can click on the
number on the right side

10. Click on the part# to get further information on the part. See Section 5 Make a Quick
Part Search for more explanation. Note if part has any symbols to the left of it or any
remarks to the right.

11. If at any time you are not in the right manual/spot, you can go back to any section of the
search. Just click on the hyperlink in the header and start from there.

Find Manuals
If you need a printable manual or operators manual Click on Documents or Information

7. Parts Pages

1. Click and hold to drag this toolbar

2. Magnifying glass with + or – you can zoom in or out of the illustration
You can also use your mouse roller to zoom in or out of the illustration
3. This blows up and makes the illustration on its own page. Click on the icon again to go
back to the original SBS (side by side) view.
4. Clear Callouts – anything highlighted will get un-highlighted
5. Can print Illustration, Parts list, or both
6. Can email Illustration, Parts list, or both
7. Add a page note
8. Can adjust SBS view
9. Click the arrows to display the previous or next illustration page
10. Show only the Callouts – only items highlighted
11. Reset will bring the parts back in the parts list from the Show only Call outs
12. Narrow list – you can do a search for a part# or name in the current view
13. Enter a part number, part name or remark that you would like to search for in the whole
14. Plus sign adds the part to the pick list
If there is no plus sign, it is not sold individually. See remarks to the far right.
15. Triangle of dots – lets you know the part has related kits
16. Box with dots – shows the part is a kit
17. 2 arrows – shows the part is part of a supersession
18. Down arrow – you can copy the part#, where used in this catalog and all catalogs

View #16 Kits

Click on the Kit Contents Box

Will show the kit contents on a new screen

*Please note: Kit information comes from the Oracle Systems.

You can also get more information about the kit on this screen

You can add the parts separately to a pick list (if sold separately)

When done, click on the Return in the top right corner to go back to the SBS view.

View #17 Supersession

Click on the arrows

Means the part has been superseded, part#s will be listed oldest to newest. History shows older
part#s. If you see a plus sign in front of the part#, it means there could be parts still at other
locations. You should use up old inventory before using the new part#

You can click Return in the top right corner to go back to the SBS view.

8. Create Pick list – This feature may not be currently used by Distributors.
From a parts page, create a picklist to accumulate part numbers for a job.
Click on the plus sign next to each part that is needed for job

The plus signs will turn into green check marks and the parts will show up down below on new


1 – Clears all items in picklist

2 – Manually add a part# to picklist – Description is not needed to be entered

3 – Print picklist – You can save on your computer or print it out

4 – Email picklist – Enter email address(es) to send picklist to

Subject: Must be filled in

Message: modify as needed

Sender: Enter your name if you would like

From: Must Enter your email address

Can send a copy to yourself by clicking the Email to sender box

Click Send

5 - Create an Estimate/Quote – Distributors may not be using this feature currently

6 – Open Workorder – will go to main Manage work order screen with folders
Distributors may not be using this feature currently
7 – Save Workorder - Distributors may not be using this feature currently
Click on the Floppy disk and the folders will appear. May look different depending on
Distributor’s choice. Choose the appropriate folder to save in.
When naming work order, depends on Distributor’s choice
Comments: internal notes to distributor
Click on Save

8 – Download picklist – You can download it in excel format using CSV

9 – Delete a part from picklist – Click on and the part line will delete from picklist

10 – Custom Columns

11 – Pick the Columns you want to view

12 – Minimize picklist

13 – Maximize picklist

Prices – You can choose not to see prices on picklist by clicking on None

Helpful hint - If you need to add a part to a workorder/picklist already created,

You must navigate to the part, whether through manual or Find by part

Open workorder, then add part to picklist.

When CPQ is ready – Send Picklist to CPQ – Click on this button

9. Work with BOM Information
Go to Main Home Page or Create a New Job by clicking on the plus sign (highlighted in
yellow) (See Jobs section 13)
Type in a Serial Number – Serial Number can be partial
Click Enter or Magnifying glass

If you entered a partial serial number a list of all serial numbers in PMPro will come up
containing what you entered

Click on the serial number you need BOM information for
The BOM will appear
Shows ship date, model# and the list of parts
You can look at a part#, add a part#(s) to picklist, etc.

If you would like to sort the list alphabetically by Description. Just click on the Description it
will sort A-Z, if you click it again it will sort Z-A, and if you click again, it will go back to

You can also Narrow the list, by typing in the Narrow list field highlighted in yellow below

Please note: Tier 3 & 4 item BOMs will not be in PMPRO. Please note dates of BOMs that will
be available in PMPRO. In Navigation, use archived manuals to find part#s for these units.
Remember the parts may not be available to purchase.

10. Search for a Model
On the Main screen use the Find by Product search box. Use the Drop Down box to choose
Model search. The Model must be entered as it is listed in PMPRO. It is best to put a partial
Model Number in.

11. View Service Work History Information
Just like #9 BOM information, go to main page or open new job tab.
In the Find by Product box, enter a valid serial number (can be partial) – Hit Enter or
magnifying glass

If there has been some work done to a Serial Number, a Service Part History box will appear
along with the BOM box.

Click on the Service Part History box to see what was done to the unit and the
corresponding service work orders and dates.

You can sort by part number, description and Narrow the list, just like the BOM section#9.

12. Create and View User Notes
Please note: All users can create user notes, but the notes are not visible outside their
dealership. If you need something to appear for all users, please let the PMPro Administrator
know. Email Passport_Support@irco.com or go to Help, Feedback, and fill in the form.

Viewing Notes
The Note icon appears when a note is available. It can appear on Illustrations or in the Parts List, and
indicates that either a User Note or a Distributor Note is available.
Click the Note icon to view the note.
An example of a User Note in the Part Overview.

Distributor Note –

Tip: You can modify or delete any note you create. Manufacturer notes are available but cannot be
modified or deleted.

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Notes

Adding a Part Note

1. Click a part number in the parts list to open the Part Details window
Or do a Full Part Number search from Main Page and go to the View Part Details window
2. On the General tab, click the Add Note button (highlighted in yellow)

3. Select a Note Type:

o Select All Catalogs to add the note to other occurrences of the part
Or Select Current Catalog to add the note to the part only within the current catalog

4. Type your note
5. Click Save
It will now appear in the Part Overview, under Notes

Adding an Illustration Note

1. On an illustration, click the Add Page Note icon .

o If no notes are linked to the illustration, the Add Illustration Note window opens.

o If one or more notes are linked to the illustration, the Illustration Notes window opens.
Click the Add Page Note button to open the Add Illustration Note window.
2. Type your note.
3. Click Save.
Editing a Part Note

1. Click the Note icon to open the Part Details window.

2. On the General tab, in the Notes section, locate the note you want to edit. Click the Edit
Note icon to open the Edit Note window.
3. Edit the note.
4. Click Save.

Editing an Illustration Note

1. Click the Note icon on the illustration. The Illustration Notes window opens.

2. Click the Edit Note icon to open the Edit Illustration Note window.
3. Edit the note.
4. Click Save.

Managing User Notes

Use the Manage Notes window to edit or delete user notes.
1. At the top of the screen, select Notes from the Manage menu.

2. To edit a note, click an Edit Note icon .

o Type your changes and click Save.

3. To delete a note, click the Delete Note icon .

o Click Yes to confirm deleting the Note.
4. Click the Return button at the top of the Manage Notes window.

**Multiple Regions
If you are a user that has multiple regions and you know there should be a note in a specific
region and you cannot see it. You can add the part to a picklist. First you must navigate in
the right region. Add the part#, click on the part# and it will take you the view parts detail
screen where you can see the note.

13. Opening Multiple Jobs
New feature:
You can start a new job without closing your current job. Click the New Job button on
the top left to open a new job as a new tab

There is no limit, but eventually a “More” drop down will appear, instead of displaying
across the top of the page.

You can rename a job, by right clicking on the job. Type whatever you would like to call it.

As you navigate, each job tab title changes to reflect the current navigation path. When the
path is too long to fit on the tab, hold the mouse pointer over the tab. A tooltip displays the
complete navigation path.

IMPORTANT: Jobs cannot be saved. A job is essentially a temporary container in which you
perform a lookup. When you close the application or the browser, all jobs close without
displaying a confirmation message, and the jobs are lost.
However, you can save picklists associated with a job, and they will be there the next time
you log in.

Closing Jobs
To close a job, close the job's tab or the EPC window that contains the job. When you right-
click a job tab, a context menu provides three options for closing the job.

Option Function

Close Close the job on which you right-clicked.

Close Others Close all other open jobs except the job on which you

Close All Close all open jobs and create a single new job.

You can also close a job by clicking the Close icon on the job tab.

Confirm before closing
You can configure a confirmation message to appear before closing jobs.
1. Select Application Settings from the Settings menu.
2. When "Ask me before closing a job tab" is selected, you will be prompted to confirm
that you want to close a job.
3. Click Yes to close the current job.

Please note when closing a tab, that tab number is gone. If you open a new tab, the tab
number will increase. The numbers will not start over from 1.

14. Create Quotes – Distributors may not be using
Creating quote from Workorder/Picklist (See Section 8)

From main screen, click on Manage and then Work Orders or

From main screen, click on open work order button in yellow

You can search in the folders on the left and/or search for your name by the Narrow list field

Double click on the work order you want to create a quote from.

The picklist will appear in the bottom of the screen

You can maximize the picklist to see it all by clicking on the maximize button highlighted in
yellow above.

If you picked the wrong work order, click on the open work order button in yellow and that
will take you to the Manage work orders main screen

If you need to delete a part from picklist, please click on the in front of the line.
Make sure to save any changes you make. You can overwrite the current work order or
name it something else.

Create Estimate
Once you have a picklist

Click on create an estimate button

You can add part#s (if known) to estimate by clicking the add button in yellow

If you need to add an outside purchase part, or other misc. parts, you can also add this line
by clicking the add button. Enter “Misc Part,” “OSP,” or anything you choose for part#. Enter
qty, description, unit price.
Please note if you are using a multiplier on the quote, the unit price you entered for this
misc. line, the multiplier will apply to it as well.

Fill in the PO# and Account# (if known)

Dealer Contact – Put in your name
Dealer Message – Enter Model and Serial numbers. Any info that will be valuable to
Customer Information must be filled in when entering for the first time in PMPro. If you use
a customer a 2nd time and you start typing customer name and if it doesn’t appear, there is a
Browser security issue. You can modify your security options.

Fill in the Labor Hours and Labor Rate. If you just want a fixed Labor price, enter 1 in Labor
hours and the fixed price in Labor Rate.
Fill in shipping method if necessary, not mandatory
Shipping Price – if there is a known price, not mandatory
Tax rate – will not default, you can add a tax rate, not mandatory
Currency – will not default, you can add USD/CDN/Etc, not mandatory

You can unhide the part#s on the estimate by clicking the box (in yellow below)
Hide Multiplier (in Blue) – Defaults to hide, if you need to add a discount or uplift to all the
lines on the quote, unclick that box and a Price Multiplier field will appear.

Please note: If the value in the multiplier box is 1 or less, and the hide multiplier box is
unchecked, then the value will print on the estimate.

If the value is greater than 1, and the box is unchecked, it will NOT print on the estimate.

At any time you can keep multiplier box checked and just edit prices on the parts lines.

Download button will download the estimate to your computer and you can save it.

Save – Saves the work order –

Pick appropriate Folder Area – varies depending on Distributor’s choice

Keep work order name the same

Click on Save

Print – creates pdf you can print or save

Email – Email estimate to customer or yourself.

Standard work for emailing quotes
Send To: Enter email address - mandatory
Send CC: not mandatory
Subject: **Mandatory
Message box: Modify as needed
Sender: Enter your name if you would like
From:** Must Enter your email address
Email to Sender: Check the box if you would like a copy sent to you.
Click on Send

Click on return to return to main

If once you return to the main page and the picklist still appears at the bottom of your

screen, make sure you saved it, then you can clear it out by clicking on the
highlighted in yellow below.


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