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Lab experiments and projects

Work Item Management:

o Create a new Agile Project
o Export work items from old projects and import them into the newly created
projects and change the path and iterations {Make sure you have sufficient
work items to achieve the below task}
o Setup multiple paths /development, /production and /testing
o Setup minimum 5 iterations with 2-week durations
o Customize the working hours to Monday-Saturday {6 days working}
o Create a query to fetch only User stories that belong to /production paths
o Create a delivery plan to include both projects

o Initialization of local git repository
o Setup email and username using git config
o Create multiple branches Develop, Release and Master
o Do merge between branches
o Try the git cherry-picking concept
o Try the git reset –hard and –soft
o Try the git stashing concept

Azure Repo:
o Create a new remote repository in Azure Repos
o Create multiple branches like develop/release and main
o Make random commits in the newly created branches
o Try different merge types Basic/Squash/Rebase and Semi-linear
o Try cherry-picking through Pull Request
o Try reverting through a Pull request
o Set up TAGS to the latest commits
o Setup branch policies and create PR to test

Agent Pools:
o Create a self-hosted agent pool on the Local system
o Test the newly created local system by running the release pipeline

Azure Key-Vault:
o Create an Azure Key Vault on Azure Cloud
o Add a secret in the newly created Vault {UserName, Password}
o Create a Variable Group in the Library
o Integrate the newly created KeyVault with the Library
o Test it but link the Variable Group into the pipeline

Project-1 (ASP.NET Web Core Application):

o Create an ASP.NET Web Core application using the Visual Studio IDE tool
o Create an ASP.NET build pipeline using YAML script from scratch
o Include ARM templates in the build pipeline {Created in the earlier sessions}
o Run the build pipeline and make sure .zip artifact is getting created in the drop
o Create a single-stage release pipeline to deploy the .net application
o Convert the single stage into multi-stages using Variables

Project-2 (JAVA - Maven Web Application):

o Create an ASP.NET Web Core application using the Visual Studio IDE tool
o Create an ASP.NET build pipeline using YAML script from scratch
o Include ARM templates in the build pipeline {Created in the earlier sessions}
o Run the build pipeline and make sure .zip artifact is getting created in the drop
o Create a single-stage release pipeline to deploy the .net application
o Convert the single stage into multi-stages using Variables

Project-3 (SQL DB Automation):

o Download the pre-shared dacpac file, used during the session
o Create a database repository and cloned it on your local system
o Create Azure managed SQL server on Azure cloud
o Create SQL Server project under cloned repository and import dacpac file
o Add SQL scripts under the project and create post (insert) scripts under the
SCRIPT folder
o Push all your changes to a remote repository
o Create database build and release pipelines
o And try deploying your changes to Az SQL server

o Create Ubuntu VM on Azure Cloud
o Setup Docker runtime on Azure VM
o Create a DockerFile to create a custom .NET image
o Create a .NET container using a custom image
o Create Azure Container Registry to host custom images
o Setup Azure CLI and login to Azure Cloud on Ubuntu VM
o Push the custom image into Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Azure Kubernetes Services

o Setup single node AKS cluster on Azure cloud

o Create a Nginx Pod using Kubernetes imperative command

o Create Services, type NodePort to access the above Nginx Pod from Internet
o Connect to ACR to access custom image through AKS Nodes
o Create deployment and service yaml files to deploy .NET Application on
AKS through Declarative approach

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