Lesson Plan January 4,2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX. Zamboanga Peninsula
Piñan, Zamboanga del Norte

21ST Centurty Literature from the Phippines and the world

Lesson Plan in English (4 A’s Approach)

Teacher : JOCELYN T. PATA Duration: 1 hr

Learning area/ 21st Century Literature from Time and Date: January 4,2023
Quarter: Philippines and the world/ 2nd 7:40-8:40/8:40-9:40
Quarter 11:00-12:00/3:00-4:00

CONTENT STANDARD The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary text in various
genres across national literature and culture.

PERFORMANCE The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
STANDARD century literature of the world through:
Write a close analysis paragraph and critical interpretation of a literary text in
terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research;

LEARNING Compare and contrast the two text types that share the same theme

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

 Compare and contrast the two text types that share the same theme
 Distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary
 Give value to the importance of life in general and the life of a helpless
baby in the mother’s womb

II. SUBJECT Topic: Literary Selection: From the Unborn Child

MATTER Literary Sample: A Prayer from the Womb by Saju Abraham
Non-Literary Sample: A Letter from an Unborn Baby
Instructional Materials: Laptop, PPT maker, Marker
References: Textbook: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World,
Teacher’s Manual: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world. 21st
Century Philippine and World Literature for Senior High School, Ma. Lourdes G.
Tayao et al, C&E Publishing Inc.
(God’s Creation video)
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
III. PRELIMINARY A. Opening prayer
ACTIVITIES B. Classroom management
C. Checking of attendance
D. Review of previous lesson

IV. MOTIVATION 1. Group yourself into 2 groups.

2. The group will answer in 30 seconds and to those who got a correct
answer will have 10 points in quiz
 How would you define God’s creation?
 What are the examples of God’s creation?
 What are 7 Days of God’s creation? Can you recall the list according to
the picture posted on the board?

7 Days of Creation:
Day 1: Light
Day 2: Atmosphere / Firmament (Heaven)
Day 3: Dry ground & plants
Day 4: Sun, moon & stars
Day 5: Birds & sea animals
Day 6: Land animals & humans
Day 7: The Sabbath of rest
V. LESSON  Poem/Selection Critical Reading
PROPER (Oral Reading by the class)
A. ACTIVITY  The teacher groups the students into “singers, artists, dramatists, &
 Each group is provided with the activity sheets which include copies of
the poem & the selection and the possible tasks:
1. “A Prayer from the Womb” (also posted on the board)
2. “A Letter from the Unborn Baby”
 She also gives instructions about the activity, verbally.
 Each group will read the poem and the selection silently and discuss the
Unlocking of Difficulties: “A Prayer from the Womb”
1. What do you do when you “let someone be?”
2. Give an equivalent term (synonym) of the following:
a. Am I so unagreeable?
b. Why did you tear me off you?
Unlocking of Difficulties: “A Letter from the Unborn
1. What is the purpose of Spiritual Retreat?”
2. What does hypothetical mean?

PRESENTATION of different tasks assigned per group. (3 min/grp)


(see Rubrics at the latter part of the plan)

Teacher has to instruct the class with the below tasks enclosed in the
corresponding activity sheets (envelope):

 Singers: prepare a song presentation about loving yourself.

 Artists: Make a poster about anti-abortion. Explain your output
through creative interpretation
 Dramatists: present to class a short skit on how you can be a
good influence to others by promoting LIFE
 Orators: present to class a “speech choir” that shows
encouragement to people who have lost their hopes in life (early
 IT Specialists: present a video clip and give an interpretation

B. ANALYSIS For the group of Singers

1. What is your experience in reading the poem? Is it easy or difficult?
2. How about the second text in the form of a letter? How did you find it?
3. Based on your comparison and contract of the two texts, how can you

For the group of Artists

2. What is the shared theme of the two texts read?
3. Who is the persona in the two texts?

For the group of Dramatists

3. Which text is considered nonliterary text? Why?

For the group of Orators

4. Which one is an example of a literary text? Why?

For the group of IT Specialists

5. What is the tone of the poem?

C. ABSTRACTION Distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary

 What Is a Literary Text and Non-Literary Text?
Give appropriate examples

Express your appreciation on the importance of life in general and the life of a
helpless baby in the mother’s womb in particular.

1. Life in general is good. We have been created in the image of God and
so our bodies are considered HIS holy temple. We need to take care of

We should value life even at a point of conception.

2. I appreciate the NON-STOP campaign of PRO-LIFE advocates that

give people social awareness of the pros and cons of teenage pregnancies
or out-of-wedlock pregnancies. It’s NEGATIVE effect on the mother’s
welfare and most especially the CRIME of killing a precious and innocent

Thus, as students, we need to be cautious of our actions as REGRETs will always

come in the end. Consequences have long term effect. SAY NO TO
D. APPLICATION  In your own opinion, which text is more successful in communicating its
message to the readers? Why?

 In recent social issues (Drugs, Abortion, Poverty) our government is

facing right now, what contributions you will give as students to be a
positive impact to others and to our society?

VI. EVALUATION DIRECTION: In the blank provide before each number, write P if
the remark about the text refers to “Prayer from the Womb.” Write
L if it refers to “A Letter from an Unborn Baby,” and PL if it has
to do with the two selections.
_________1. Addressed mainly to the mother
_________2. Contains remarks made during the different stages of
_________3. Questions the mother’s decision for the abortion
_________4. Contains remarks made during the different stages of
_________5. Forgives the mother for the decision she made
_________6. Raises pleas for help from the mother

VII. AGREEMENT Do a research about ABORTION. List down at least 5 logical and rational
argument about your stand on this prevalent social issue.

Write 4 to 5 paragraph-critical analysis about your views on this matter.

Rubrics for Group Activity

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Needs Score

4 3 2 1

Participation Group Members Group Group members Group members did

participated members have have not participate in
fully in every participated in participated in any discussion and
discussion and almost every few discussion decision.
decision. discussion and and decision.

Contribution All students Almost all Few student Student did not
contributed students contributed very contributed to the
greatly to the contributed little to the final final presentation.
final adequately to presentation.
presentation. the final

Oral Student spoke Student spoke Student spoke Student did not
presentation clearly, clearly, clearly, present or not
concisely and concisely and concisely and prepared at all.
/Delivery rehearsed their seemed to did not
part in the practice a rehearsed their
presentation. little in their part in the
part of the
presentation presentation

Group The whole The whole The whole No group

collaboration group work group work group did not collaboration.
incredibly well well together. work well Everyone work on
together. together. their own.

Timeliness The group The group The group The group did not
finished ahead finished on exceeds on time finish at all.
of time. time. allotted.

Total Score:



Prepared by:


Checked by:

SHS Principal

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