Second Language Acquisition Stephen Krashen
Second Language Acquisition Stephen Krashen
Second Language Acquisition Stephen Krashen
This hypothesis states that adults have two distinct and independent ways
of developing competence in a second language. The first way is language
acquisition, a process similar, if not identical, to the way children develop
ability in their first language. Language acquisition is a subconscious process;
language acquirers are not usually aware of the fact that they are acquiring
language, but are only aware of the fact that they are using the language for
"knowing about" a language, known to most people as "grammar", or "rules".
Some synonyms include formal knowledge of a language, or explicit learning.
The Monitor hypothesis implies that formal rules, or conscious learning,
play only a limited role in second language performance. The 'monitor' acts in a
planning, editing and correcting function when three specific conditions are
The Affective Filter hypothesis states how affective factors relate to the
second language acquisition process. Research over the last decade has
confirmed that a variety of affective variables relate to success in second
language acquisition.
Most of those studied can be placed into one of these three categories: (1)
Motivation: Performers with high motivation generally do better in second
language acquisition. (2) Self-confidence: Performers with self-confidence and
a good self-image tend to do better in second language acquisition. (3) Anxiety:
Low anxiety appears to be conducive to second language acquisition, whether
measured as personal or classroom anxiety.
The Acquisition-Learning hypothesis According to this theory, the optimal
way a language is learned is through
According to Krashen, there are two ways of natural communication. As a second
developing language ability. Acquisition language teacher, the ideal is to
involves the subconscious acceptance of create a situation wherein language is
knowledge where information is stored in the used in order to fulfill authentic
brain through the use of communication; this purposes. This is turn, will help
is the process used for developing native students to ‘acquire’ the language
languages. Learning, on the other hand, is the instead of just ‘learning’ it.
conscious acceptance of knowledge ‘about’ a
language (i.e. the grammar or form). Krashen
states that this is often the product of formal
language instruction.
The Monitor hypothesis As an SL teacher it will always be a
challenge to strike a balance between
This hypothesis further explains how encouraging accuracy and fluency in
acquisition and learning are used; the your students. This balance will
acquisition system, initiates an utterance and depend on numerous variables
the learning system ‘monitors’ the utterance including the language level of the
to inspect and correct errors. Krashen states students, the context of language use
that monitoring can make some contribution and the personal goals of each
to the accuracy of an utterance but its use student. This balance is also known
should be limited. He suggests that the as Communicative competency.
‘monitor’ can sometimes act as a barrier as it
forces the learner to slow down and focus
more on accuracy as opposed to fluency.
The Natural Order hypothesis According to this hypothesis, teachers
should be aware that certain
According to Krashen, learners acquire parts structures of a language are easier to
of language in a predictable order. For any acquire than others and therefore
given language, certain grammatical structures language structures should be taught
are acquired early while others are acquired in an order that is conducive to
later in the process. This hypothesis suggests learning. Teachers should start by
that this natural order of acquisition occurs introducing language concepts that
independently of deliberate teaching and are relatively easy for learners to
therefore teachers cannot change the order of acquire and then use scaffolding to
a grammatical teaching sequence. introduce more difficult concepts.
The Input hypothesis This hypothesis highlights the
importance of using the Target
This hypothesis suggests that language Language in the classroom. The goal
acquisition occurs when learners receive of any language program is for
messages that they can understand, a concept learners to be able to communicate
also known as comprehensible input. effectively. By providing as much
However, Krashen also suggests that this comprehensible input as possible,
comprehensible input should be one step especially in situations when learners
beyond the learner’s current language ability,
are not exposed to the TL outside of
represented as i + 1, in order to allow learners the classroom, the teacher is able to
to continue to progress with their language create a more effective opportunity
development. for language acquisition.
The Affective Filter hypothesis In any aspect of education it is always
According to Krashen one obstacle that important to create a safe, welcoming
manifests itself during language acquisition is environment in which students can
the affective filter; that is a 'screen' that is learn. In language education this may
influenced by emotional variables that can be especially important since in order
prevent learning. This hypothetical filter does to take in and produce language,
not impact acquisition directly but rather learners need to feel that they are
prevents input from reaching the language able to make mistakes and take risks.
acquisition part of the brain. According to This relates to directly to Krashen’s
Krashen the affective filter can be prompted hypothesis of the affective filter. To
by many different variables including anxiety, learn more about creating a positive
self-confidence, motivation and stress. classroom environment.