Input Theory
Input Theory
Input Theory
In 1982, he published a book systematically describing his five hypotheses on SLA and
later they were summarized as “Input Theory” [1]. This theory is regarded to be the most
thorough and significant theory in the investigation of SLA, while it also arouses a lot of
Hypothesis 1: The Acquisition-Learning Distinction
This hypothesis is built around the distinctions between “acquisition” and “learning” and
how each plays a part in the development of second language ability
There exist two separate paths that students might take to advance their second language
Children learn their mother tongue through a subconscious process called “acquisition” that
arises from natural communication of attention to meaning. The brain’s left hemisphere
houses the acquired language system, which serves as the foundation for the spontaneous
usage of language. On the contrary is the process of “learning”, which can be regarded as a
conscious process. That is, attaining language
comprehension and mastery of its grammatical concepts through classroom teachers’
instruction, complemented by deliberate practice, memory practice, and other exercises.
Although not always in the language area, the learnt language system is in the left
hemisphere of the brain.
Hypothesis 2: The Natural Order Hypothesis
According to the Natural Order Hypothesis, language structure is something that
individuals acquire in a specific order. Based on morpheme research, this theory holds that
learners acquire grammatical structures in a predictable, “natural order” that is unaffected
by the learners’ age, first language (L1) background, or environmental factors.
When the frameworks they employ have not completely mastered, students make errors or
developmental mistakes [5]. According to this theory, students can use the knowledge they
have mastered at that stage to modify their utterances and correct the mistakes appearing in
their output.
Therefore, it canbe concluded that there will always be mistakes during students’
acquisition process, so an idealendeavor to assist understudies with trying not to commit
errors is to give more info which containsthe construction being referred to.
Hypothesis 3: The Monitor Hypothesis
The Acquisition-Learning Distinction, which captures the intrinsic link between “language
learning” and “language acquisition”, is strongly related to the Monitor Hypothesis. This
theory suggests that language learning and acquisition have different processes. The true
language ability is the language acquisition system, which can be thought of as
subconscious language knowledge. In contrast, the language learning system—which is
conscious language knowledge—only supervises or modifies the use of the second
language. This monitoring activity may take place prior to or following language output,
such as speaking and writing. Three requirements must be met for it to be effective:
sufficient time, attention to the language form, knowing the rules.
He categorizes learners who constantly utilize the “monitor” as over-users, those who have
not learned to use their conscious knowledge or who prefer not to do so as under-users, and
those who use the “monitor” in the best possible way as optimal users.
Hypothesis 4: The Input Hypothesis
In this hypothesis, acquisition only happens when a student is exposed to “comprehensible
input” or second-language input that is just a little bit above his current level of language
proficiency and can concentrate on understanding meaning or information rather than
understanding form.
The Input Hypothesis says that learners acquire language by understanding information. To
say more specifically, comprehensible input is an essential environmental factor. Besides,
an internal language acquisition apparatus can be beneficial for learners to acquire a
language, too. Krashen claims that there exists a period of time from input to output in
which learners cannot make any original statements, and he refers to this period as the
“silent period”. It is interesting that students seem to need such a period to appropriately
digest information. At the point when this stage is broken, a negative attitude may appear in
students’ hearts when they are learning a new language. Krashen considers that productive
skills come from the receptive skills, hence these productive skills are supposed to receive
more attention and emphasis.
Hypothesis 5: The Affective Filter Hypothesis
According to this theory, learning a second language is influenced by a variety of emotional
elements as well as the environment, which suggests that pupils may not be able to learn
the target language well even when exposed to a lot of understandable data. Linguistic
“intake” requires the emotional filtering of linguistic input before it can be considered
language. Krashen believes that motivation is one of the affective elements influencing
language acquisition. The learning effect is directly impacted by whether or not the
students' learning purpose is obvious. Students who have a specific goal in mind can
advance more quickly; otherwise, there is minimal impact. Secondly, character. Students
that are outgoing, self-assured, and open to learning in a new environment grow
academically more quickly. The last one, state of mind. Mostly, this is talking about anxiety
and relaxation. People with greater emotional reactivity or anxiety receive less input.
Depending on learner’s mood, the affective filter “opens” or “closes”.
This guy was pressured to learned because he was almost going to fail English, his teacher
was really strict so he couldn’t learn, and he failed. But when the same guy took private
English classes, he did well in his exams and got a good note.
Estrategia Explicación
Al igual que con los recursos multimedia, una de las mejores maneras
para que los maestros se aseguren de que brindan información
comprensible es considerar el contexto de su lección. ¿Tienen los
estudiantes suficiente conocimiento para entender lo que se explica? El
Contexto y señales uso de señales visuales es una excelente manera de agregar al contexto
visuales de una lección de un segundo idioma.