Class X Half Yearly Syllabus (2023-24) - 2

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CLASS X(2023-24)

S.No. SUBJECT Syllabus Marks

1 ENGLISH A. Reading Comprehension 20 marks

B. Writing Skill & Grammar 10 marks
1. Analytical Paragraph
2. Letter of Complaint(product)
Grammar 10 marks
1. Integrated Grammar
C. Literature: 40 marks
First Flight Poetry:
1. Dust of Snow
2. A Tiger in the Zoo
3. For Anne Gregory
4. Fire and Ice
1. A Letter to God
2. Mijbil the Otter
3. Two Stories about Flying
4. Madam Rides the Bus
5. Nelson Mandela :Long Walk to Freedom
6. The Sermon at Benaras
7. Glimpses of India
Footprints without Feet:
1. A Triumph of Surgery
2. The Thief’s Story
3. Bholi
4. The Book that saved the Earth

MATHS Real Number 10 M

2 Polynomials 8M
Pair of Linear Equation in two variable 10 M
Quadratic Equation 13 M
Arithmetic Progressions 10 M
Triangles 10 M
Coordinate Geometry 11 M
Introduction to Trigonometry 8 M

3 HISTORY & History 40 M

POLITICAL 1.Nationalism in Europe
SCIENCE 2. Nationalism in India including Map.
3. The making of Global
World(lntroduction+sub chapter 1 only)
4. Print culture and the modern world (sub
chapters 1-3)
Political Science
1. Power Sharing
2. Federalism
3. Gender, Religion and Castes.
4. Political Parties

GEOGRAPHY Chapter-1 Resources and Development 20 M

Chapter-2 Forest and Wildlife Resources
Chapter-3 Water Resources (including Map)
Chapter-4 Agriculture (including Map)

ECONOMICS Ch -1 Development 20 M
Ch - Sectors of the economy


PHYSICS 1.Ch-Light- Reflection & Refraction 25 M

2. Ch-Human eye and colourful world
3. Ch-Electricity(up to series and parallel

CHEMISTRY 1.Chap-1 : Chemical reactions and equations 25 M

2.Chap-2 : Acids, Bases and Salts
3.Chap-3 : Metal and Non-metal(excluding
extraction of metals, corrosion)

BIOLOGY Chp:Life Processes, Chp: Control & 30 M

Coordination, Chp: Our Environment

5 HINDI अर्धवार्षधक परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम-2023-24

10 अांक
अपर्ित गद्ाां श (10 अांक-बहुर्वकल्पी प्रश्न)
स्पशध-भाग-2 (26 अांक) (14 अांक-बहुर्वकल्पी प्रश्न + 12 26 अांक
अांक-वर्धनात्मक प्रश्न)
गद् पाि
• बड़े भाई साहब- प्रेमचांद
• डायरी का एक पन्ना- सीताराम सेकसररया
• ततााँ रा-वामीरो कथा- लीलार्र मांडलोई
• अब कहााँ दू सरे के दु ख से दु खी होने वाले- र्नदा फाज़ली
पद् पाि
• साखी - कबीर
• पद - मीराबाई
• मनुष्यता - मैर्थलीशरर् गुप्त 6 अांक

• पवधत प्रदे श में पावस- सुर्मत्रानांदन पांत

सांचयन-भाग-2 का पाि (6 अांक-वर्धनात्मक प्रश्न)
16 अांक
• हररहर काका- र्मर्थलेश्वर
• सपनोां के-से र्दन
व्याकरर् (16 अांक-बहुर्वकल्पी प्रश्न)
• पदबांर् (सांज्ञा, सवधनाम, र्वशेषर्, र्क्रया, र्क्रयार्वशेषर्
• समास (अव्ययीभाव समास, तत्पुरुष, र्िगु, िां ि,
22 अांक
कमधर्ारय, बहुव्रीर्ह)
• रचना के आर्ार पर वाक्य भेद- सरल, सांयुक्त, र्मश्र
• मुहावरे (पािोां पर आर्ाररत)
रचनात्मक लेखन (22 अांक-वर्धनात्मक प्रश्न)
• अनुच्छेद लेखन कुल अांक-
• औपचाररक पत्र
• सूचना लेखन
• र्वज्ञापन लेखन
• लघुकथा लेखन/ औपचाररक ई-मेल लेख
6 SANSKRIT क.अपठित-अवबोधनम्
सङ्केतार्ाररतम् औपचाररकम्/अनौपचाररकां पत्रलेखनम्,
र्चत्रार्ाररतां वर्धनम् अथवा अनुच्छेदलेखनम्(मञ्जूषायााः
सहायतया र्चत्रवर्धनम् अनुच्छेदलेखनां वा करर्ीयम)
सांवादपूर्तधाः / कथापूर्तध ((मञ्जूषायााः सहायतया
ररक्तस्थानपूर्तधमाध्यमेन पूर्धाः सांवादाः / कथा लेखनीया)

सांर्र् - स्वर- वृद्धि:,अयार्द, व्यांजन -

प्रथमवर्धतृतीयवर्धपररवतधनम् ,पञ्चमवर्धपररवतधनम् ,
र्वसगध-र्वसगधस्य रत्वम, र्वसगधस्य सत्वम्, समास:-
अव्ययीभाव: , तत्पुरुषसमास:- र्वभद्धक्त:, िन्द्ि:, प्रत्यय: -
मतुप्, त्व, टाप्, ङीप् , अशुद्धि-सांशोर्नम् (वचन- र्लङ्ग-
पुरुष-लकार-दृष्ट्या सांशोर्नम्), अव्ययार्न, समयाः
(सामान्य-सपाद-सार्ध-पादोन) 30अांका:


पािा: -वाङ्मयां तपाः ,.नाद्धि त्यागसमां सुखम्,.रमर्ीया र्ह

सृर्टाः एषा ,आज्ञा गुरूर्ाां र्ह अर्वचारर्ीया,अभ्यासवशगां
मनाः , सार्ुवृर्तां समाचरे त्
7 JAPANESE Section A-MCQ,Objective Type Question -
Grammar And Kanji

Grammar -Chapter 13 to Chapter 17 20 M
I. どうしのかつとうーVerbs 5M
Conjugation from Chapter 13 to
Chapter 17
II. けいようしのかつようーAdjective 3M
ConjugationーChapter 16
III. ふくし、ぎもしーAdverb、
Interrogatives 5M
IV. じょしーParticles
V. ことばをならべかえますーRearrange 2M
the sentences
VI. Odd word out 2M
VII. もじーScript-kanji to hiragana 20 M
/hiragana to kanji

Section B-Descriptive Type Question -

Reading and Writing Section

I. どっかいーUnssen Passage (3)

どっかい1-Passage 1 20 M
どっかい2-Passage 2 7M
どっかい3-Passage 3
II. さくぶんーEssay 10 M
III. かいわーDialogue writing 10 M

8 FRENCH Section A: Reading comprehension 10 M

Section B: Writing skill(20)

a. Letter writing 10 M
b. Attempt any two of the following questions 10 M
i. Message writing
ii. Put the given dialogue in the correct order.
iii. Complete the story/text.

Section C: Grammar (30)

a. Make questions
b. Negation 4M
c. Relative pronouns (simples et compound) 4M
d. Personal pronouns 5M
e. Verbs (all tenses done so far) 5M
f. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns 5M
g. Prepositions 4M
Section D: Culture and Civilisation L:2-7
20 M

9 SPANISH Aula Internacional - II

Unidad- 4 ¿Cómo va todo?
Unidad-5 Guía del ocio
Unidad-6 No como carne
Unidad-7 Nos gustó mucho

Section A Reading comprehension

1.Read the text and mark True or False 5M
2.Read the text and answer to the questions 10 M

Section B Writing skill

1.Email/ Letter writing 5M
2.Paragraph writing 10 M

Section C Grammar
1.Verbs - regular, irregular, reflexive and 7M
2.Direct and indirect object pronouns 5M
3.Present perfect tense 5M
4.Past imperfect and indefinite tense 8M
5.Past continuous tense 5M
6.Impersonal forms with “se” 5M
7.Future tense 5M

Section D

Literature 10 M
1.Felix Lope de Vega
2.Camilo Jose Cela
3.Gabriel Garcia Marquez
4.Jorge Luis Borges

Culture 5M
1.Famous monuments, festivals and cuisine of
Spain and Latin America.
2.Famous personalities of Spain and Latin
Lektion 6: Magst du Grüne Bohnen?

GERMAN Lektion 7: Die App,die den Dieb findet.


a) LESEVERSTEHEN: (Unseen passages)


Skills )

a) E-Mail

b) Dialog

3.SECTION-3: GRAMMATIK: (Grammar) 40M

a) Adjektiv Endungen (Adjective Endings)

b) Satzverbindungen (Conjunctions)

c) die Präpositionen: Lokale Präpositionen


d) Präteritum (Simple Past Tense)

e) Indirekte Fragen (Indirekt Questions)

f) Relativpronomen (Relative Pronouns)

4. SECTION-4: KURSBUCH: (Textbook)

a) Wortschatz (Vocabulary)

b) Leseverstehen (Seen passage)

11 IT

Unit 1: Digital Documentation

Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet

Unit 3: Database Management System


Unit 1: Communication Skills-II

Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-II

Unit 3: ICT Skills-II

Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-II

Unit 5: Green Skills-II TOTAL

: 50

12 AI


Introduction To AI

AI Project Cycle
Data Sciences (Theory)
Computer Vision (Theory)
Natural Language Processing

10 M

Unit 1: Communication Skills-II

Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-II

Unit 3: ICT Skills-II

Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-II

Unit 5: Green Skills-II TOTAL

: 50

13 IFM
Part A : Employability Skills 10 M

Unit – 1 : Communication Skills-I

Unit – 2 : Self-Management Skills

Part B : Subject Skills 40 M

Ch 1: Investment Basics

Ch 2: Securities market

Ch 3: Primary market

Ch 4: Secondary market

Ch 5: Derivatives
50 M

14 FP Employability skills 10 M
Ch 1 Communication skills
Ch 2 Self management skills
Subject Skills
Ch 3 Vegetable and fruit cookery 40 M
Ch 4 soups
Ch 5 salad

15 HINDUSTANI Unit-1.1 Alap, Taan. kan,meend. 5M

VOCAL MUSIC Unit 1.2 Dhrupad Tarana 5M
Unit 2 Tanpura -structure and tuning 5M
Unit-3 Raha Brindavani Sarang , khamaj and
Bhupali ,Tala-Tilwada,Rupak and Chautal. 10 M
Unit-4 Notaion of chhota khayal and
elaboration of swaras in prescribed raga 5M
Unit-5 life sketch and contribution to Music of
Miyan Tansen and Sadarang.
30 M

16 HINDUSTANI Unit 1: Define the following:Farmaishi 6M

MUSIC Chakradar Tukra or Paran, Short notes on
PERCUSSION Tripushkar Vadya.
Unit 2.1: Brief study of Delhi Gharana of Tabla
and Nana Panse Gharana of Pakhawaj. 9M
Unit 2.2: Salient features of Farukhabad
Gharana of Tabla or Nath Dwara Gharana of

Unit 3: Ability to write: Kayada or Rela,

Tukra,or Paran, in Teentala or Adi Tala and 9M
Jhaptala or Sultala with Tala Notation system.
Traditioal Kayada or Rela of anyone Gharanain
Teentala or Adital with Tala Notation system

Unit 4.2: Ability to write the Thekas of

Jhaptala or Sultala, Ektala or Chautala in Thah,
Dugun and Chaugunlaya. 6M

Total 30 M

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