Jobs Ui LP
Jobs Ui LP
Jobs Ui LP
Describing a job
1 Look at the jobs below. Read the job advertisements. Which job is being
described in each advertisement?
We offer a position which is This is a new position in a The FA are seeking fit under-
difficult, requiring lots of skill modern institution. We seek 35s interested in an exciting
and hard work, but which is applicants who are quick at new career. It is a job that
never boring or repetitive. You making their mind up, who can offers problems that really test
will be expected to travel and be relied on to perform their your ability. At times it can put
meet clients, and represent duties reliably and who have a you under a lot of pressure
our company and its products. first degree from university. and you need to be able to
We are looking for people who You will be working with young ignore personal criticism.
have lots of energy and an people in a job which is very However, it is a great
ability to work towards goals, satisfying, giving you a real opportunity to be involved with
people who are happy to work sense of achievement. the nation’s most popular
long hours and put in a lot of pastime.
effort, people who never give
up even when things are
difficult. If you have the
relevant experience, please
reply to the address below.
2 Use the adjectives below to rewrite the phrases in italics in the job
advertisements in 1. You may need to use the verb to be in the correct form.
Describing a job:
Personal qualities:
4 What’s the most interesting or unusual job you have ever had or heard about?
It could be your job now, of course. Prepare to describe it to your partner. Think
about the questions below.
1 What job is it, and what were responsibilities come with the job?
2 How would you describe the job? Was it demanding or rewarding, for
example? In what ways?
3 What was interesting or unusual about it?