2.1.1 Notes Ocr A Biology
2.1.1 Notes Ocr A Biology
2.1.1 Notes Ocr A Biology
Microscopes and images
There is a range of microscopes for creating images of cells and
Each microscope has different limits of magnification and
Light microscopes have a magnification of 1000-2000x, and a resolution of 50-200 nm. They are used for viewing
cells and tissues.
Light microscopes are cheap and easy to use and allow us to see living things, but their resolution is limited.
Scanning electron microscopes have a magnification of 50,000-500,000x, a resolution of 0.4-20 nm, and are used
for viewing the surface of cells and organelles and providing depth in three dimensional images.
Transmission electron microscopes have a magnification of 300,000-1,000,000x, a resolution of 0.05-1.0 nm, and
are used for detailing organelle ultrastructure.
Scanning electron and transmission electron microscopes have better resolution than a light microscope, which
means it is worth magnifying the image more as the image will show more detail. Scanning electron microscopes
• give 3D images with depth of field
• are good for viewing surfaces
Electron microscopes are large and very expensive. They require trained operatives
The sample must be dried out and is therefore dead. This may affect the shape of the features seen (called an
The image is in black and white, but colours may be added later by computer graphics. These are called false
colour electron micrographs.
Laser scanning confocal microscopes have a magnification of 1000-2000x, a resolution of 50-200 nm, and are
used to produce three dimensional images with good depth selection.
Laser scanning confocal microscopes can also see living things and have the advantage that they can focus at a
specific depth so the image is not confused by other components that are not in focus. It relies on a computer to
piece together all the information from the dots of light created by the lasers. This means that the image is an
interpretation rather than a real-life image.
Cells are the basic unit of living organisms. All eukaryotic cells share a similar basic structure containing
membrane-bound organelles. Each organelle, whether membrane-bound or not, has its own function within the
Cell ultrastructure
The ultrastructure of a cell is the detail you can see using an electron microscope.
Organelle Structure Function Photomicrograph
Nucleus A large organelle surrounded by a nuclear The nuclear envelope separates the contents of
envelope (double membrane), which the nucleus from the rest of the cell. The pores
contains many pores called nuclear pores. contain the large DNA in the nucleus but allows
The nucleolus doesn’t have a membrane, it mRNA to leave. Nucleus contains the organism’s
contains RNA. genome and controls the cells operations.
Rough endoplasmic System of membranes, containing fluid-filled RER is an intracellular transport system; the
reticulum (RER) cavities (cisternae). Coated in ribosomes. cisternae form channels for transporting
substances around cell. Provides a large SA for
ribosomes for protein synthesis.
Smooth endoplasmic System of membranes, containing fluid-filled SER contains enzymes that catalyse reactions
reticulum (SER) cavities (cisternae). Is not coated in with lipid metabolism such as synthesis of
ribosomes. cholesterol.
Golgi Apparatus Consists of a stack of membrane-bound Proteins and modified by adding carbohydrates or
flattened sacs. Secretory vesicles bring lipids and repackaged into vesicles.
materials to and from Golgi apparatus.
Mitochondria Surrounded by a double membrane with a Site of ATP production during aerobic respiration,
fluid-filled space between them, inner they are self-replicating so more can be made if
membrane tightly folded unto cristae. Inner the demand for energy increases. They are
part of mitochondrion is a fluid-filled matric. abundant in cells where more metabolic activity
2-5 micrometres long. takes place such as muscle cells
Plasma Membrane Membrane found on the surface of animal Regulates movement of substances in and out of
cells and just inside the cell wall of plant cell. Also, contains receptor molecules on it when
cells/prokaryotic cells. Made of many lipids responds to chemicals such as hormones.
and proteins.
Ribosomes Small spherical organelles 20nm in Ribosomes bound to exterior of RER are mainly
diameter, made or rRNA, made in nucleolus for synthesising proteins that will be exported out
as two separate subunits which pass of cell. The ribosomes free in cytoplasm are
through nuclear envelope then combine, primarily the site of proteins that will be used in the
some remain in cytoplasm and attach to the cell.
endoplasmic reticulum.
Centrioles Consists of two bundles of microtubules Before a cell divides spindles forms from the
(all animal and lower perpendicular to each other. The centrioles and pull chromosomes to poles of cells.
plant cells) microtubules are made of tubulin protein As well centrioles are involved in the formation of
subunits and are arranged to form a cilia.
Lysosomes Small bags formed from the Golgi, each Lysosomes can keep powerful hydrolytic enzymes
surrounded by a single membrane. Contains separate from the rest of the cell, lysosomes can
digestive enzymes. Abundant in phagocytic engulf old cell organelles and foreign matter.
cells (white blood cells) that can digest
invading pathogens.
Cell Wall The cell wall is on the outside of the plasma Cell wall is strong and can prevent plant cells from
membrane, made from bundles of cellulose bursting when turgid (swollen). It provides strength
fibres. Made of cellulose(plants), and support and maintains cell shape. It also
chitin(fungi) and peptidoglycan(bacteria). maintains the shape f the whole plant,
Chloroplasts Large organelles, 4-10 micrometres long. Chloroplasts are site of photosynthesis, the first
Only found in plant cells and Protoctista. stage, when light energy is trapped by chlorophyll
Surrounded by a double membrane, inner and used to make ATP occurs in grana. Second
membrane is continuous with stacks of stage then hydrogen reduced to carbon dioxide
flattened membrane sacs called thylakoids using energy from ATP to make carbohydrates
Cilia Protrusions from the cell and are Epithelial cells lining your airways have lots of cilia
surrounded by the cell surface membrane, that sweep mucus, they also act as receptors to
each contains microtubules and are forms detect signals from its immediate environment
from centrioles.
Flagellum Flagella on eukaryotic cells are like cilia but The microtubules contract to make the flagella
longer. They stick out from the cell surface move. They are used like outboard motoes to
and are surrounded by the plasma propel cells forward, like when a sperm cells
membrane, they are like cilia where they swims.
contain two microtubules in the entre and
nine pairs around the edge.
The organelles in a cell work together to achieve the overall function of that cell. Many of the organelles are
involved in the production and secretion of proteins. The sequence of events always follows the same course:
1 mRNA leaves the nucleus via the nuclear pores.
2 It is used by the ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum to construct a protein.
3 The protein travels in a vesicle to the Golgi apparatus.
4 The vesicle is moved by the cytoskeleton, possibly using tiny protein motors that ‘walk’ along the microtubules
using them as a track.
5 The Golgi apparatus modifies the protein (often adding a carbohydrate group) and repackages it into a vesicle.
6 This vesicle is moved to the cell-surface (plasma) membrane.
7 The vesicle fuses with the membrane to release the protein from the cell (exocytosis)