Lab 5
Lab 5
Lab 5
To practice the assembly of the given components by using Solidworks.
This lesson discusses the following:
Adding parts to an assembly
Moving and rotating components in an assembly
Creating display states in an assembly
6. Under Direction1:
a. Set End Condition to Blind.
9. Click Fillet (Features toolbar) and select the four edges shown.
10. In the PropertyManager, under Items to Fillet, set Radius to 10.
5. Click .
with Edges
on the
View toolbar.
3. Click .
A set of lines is added to the sketch, offset from the outside
edge of the selected face by 2mm. This relation is maintained
if the original edges change.
You might need to click Flip side to cut to place the cut on
the outer face of the part.
6. Click .
The material between the two lines is cut, creating the lip.
pointer changes to .
1. Click Mate
(Assembly toolbar).
The Mate
2. In the graphics area, select the top edge of Tutor1, then select
the outside edge of the lip on the top of Tutor2.
The Mate pop-up toolbar appears, and the components move
into place, previewing the mate. The edges are listed in the
Entities to Mate box under
Mate Selections in the PropertyManager.
4. Click OK .
5. Save the assembly.
8. Using Display States
You can change the display settings of the components and save the
settings in a display state.