GE Mac7 Service Manual
GE Mac7 Service Manual
GE Mac7 Service Manual
Publication Information
This document describes version 1.00 of MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis System, also referred to as the “product” or "system" or "device".
It does not apply to earlier product versions. Due to continuing product innovation, specifications in this document are subject to change
without notice.
MUSE, MAC, MARS, CASE, CardioSoft and 12SL are trademarks owned by GE Medical Systems Information Technologies, Inc., a General
Electric Company going to market as GE Healthcare. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
This product complies with the requirements concerning medical devices from the following regulatory bodies.
ЕСКЕРТУ Бұл қызмет көрсету бойынша нұсқаулығы тек ағылшын тілінде қолжетімді.
• Тұтынушының қызмет провайдері ағылшын тілінен басқа тілдегі нұсқаны талап
етсе, аудару бойынша қызметтерімен қамтамасыз ету тұтынушы жауапкершілігінде
болуы тиіс.
• Бұл қызмет көрсету бойынша нұсқаулығын назарға алып, түсінбегенше, жабдыққа
қызмет көрсетуден бас тартыңыз.
• Бұл ескертуді елемеу қызмет провайдері, оператор немесе емделушінің электр
шогынан, механикалық немесе басқа қауіптер нəтижесінде жарақат алуына əкелуі
CẢNH BÁO Tài Liệu Hướng Dẫn Sửa Chữa chỉ có bản tiếng Anh.
• Nếu các đơn vị cung cấp dịch vụ cho khách hàng yêu cầu một ngôn ngữ nào khác tiếng
Anh, thì khách hàng sẽ có trách nhiệm cung cấp các dịch vụ dịch thuật.
• Không được sửa chữa thiết bị trừ khi đã tham khảo và hiểu Tài liệu Hướng dẫn Sửa chữa.
• Không tuân thủ những cảnh báo này có thể dẫn đến các tổn thương cho người thực hiện
sửa chữa, người vận hành hay bệnh nhân, do sốc điện, các rủi ro về cơ khí hay các rủi ro
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• 如果维修服务提供商需要非英文版本,客户需自行提供翻译服务。
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Publication Information........................................................................................... 2
1: Product Overview............................................................................................... 15
Hardware Label Locations..............................................................................................................................15
Serial Number Label.......................................................................................................................................... 18
Serial Number Format...................................................................................................................................... 19
Front View............................................................................................................................................................... 20
Side and Rear View............................................................................................................................................ 21
2: Architecture......................................................................................................... 23
Hardware and Firmware Architecture...................................................................................................... 23
Product InterfacesExternal Connections................................................................................................. 24
Harness Diagram................................................................................................................................................ 25
3: Equipment Setup................................................................................................ 26
Insert the Battery................................................................................................................................................ 26
Connect the AC Power......................................................................................................................................27
Connect the External Barcode Reader..................................................................................................... 29
Lock and Unlock the Trolley Wheels..........................................................................................................30
Attach the Device to the Trolley.................................................................................................................. 31
Adjust the Paper Tray for Paper Size.........................................................................................................32
Insert the Paper................................................................................................................................................... 34
5: Service Tasks.......................................................................................................55
Service Screen Overview................................................................................................................................. 55
Enter Chinese Characters............................................................................................................................... 56
Display Device Information............................................................................................................................ 56
Configure Device Information....................................................................................................................... 57
Restore Configuration Data from PSoC....................................................................................................58
Restore to Factory Defaults........................................................................................................................... 59
Enable the Options............................................................................................................................................. 60
Disable the Options............................................................................................................................................62
Display Battery Metrics.................................................................................................................................... 62
Format Log Data Partition..............................................................................................................................64
Format User Data Partition............................................................................................................................65
Erase all Device Data...................................................................................................................................... 67
Configure Lead Fail Test Mode.....................................................................................................................69
Configure Wireless..............................................................................................................................................70
Print a Service Report....................................................................................................................................... 71
6: Software Upgrade.............................................................................................. 73
Upgrade or Downgrade Software...............................................................................................................73
7: Diagnostics.......................................................................................................... 75
Diagnostics Screen Overview........................................................................................................................75
Perform Touchscreen Diagnostics.............................................................................................................. 75
Perform Battery Charging Diagnostics.....................................................................................................77
Perform Battery Discharging Diagnostics...............................................................................................78
Perform Quick Battery Charge and Discharge Test........................................................................... 80
Perform External Barcode Reader Diagnostics.................................................................................... 82
Perform Display Diagnostics..........................................................................................................................84
Perform Audio Diagnostics.............................................................................................................................85
Perform Writer Diagnostics............................................................................................................................86
Perform LAN Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 92
Perform WLAN Diagnostics............................................................................................................................94
Perform Brightness Diagnostics...................................................................................................................97
Perform USB Port Diagnostics...................................................................................................................... 97
Perform KISS Pump Diagnostics..................................................................................................................98
Perform Keyboard LED Diagnostics........................................................................................................... 99
View Diagnostic Test Results...................................................................................................................... 100
Export Diagnostic Test Results to a USB Flash Drive...................................................................... 101
14: Troubleshooting..............................................................................................202
ECG Data Noise................................................................................................................................................. 202
Software Upgrade Errors.............................................................................................................................. 203
Troubleshooting USB Port Failures...........................................................................................................205
Troubleshooting LAN Communication Failures..................................................................................207
Troubleshooting Wireless Communication Failures.........................................................................209
Troubleshooting Touchscreen Failures.................................................................................................. 211
Troubleshooting Printer Door Failures....................................................................................................212
Device Disaster Recovery............................................................................................................................. 214
Product Overview
Product Overview
The MAC 7 Resting ECG Analysis System, (referred to as "the device" throughout this
document), supplies 12-lead ECG measurement and interpretative analysis, prints
12-leads of ECG, and transmits ECG data to and from a central ECG cardiovascular
information system.
The illustrations and tables in this section describe the labels and their location on
your device and its packaging.
1 Product and Back of the Regulatory and cautionary information. See Device
Rating Label device Address Label and Rating Plate for an explanation of
the label.
3 Serial Number Right side of the Device identification. See Serial Number Label on page
Label device 18 for a description of the label contents.
4 MAC device Bottom of the The MAC device address of the device.
Address Label device
5 Option Code Bottom of the Use the option codes to set up the purchased options
Label device in your system.
9 Battery Shipping On the shipping FRAGILE—Lithium Ion batteries can cause fire if
Label package damaged.
10 Environmental On the shipping Safety indicators required for shipping. For a full
Symbols package description of symbols, see Symbol Descriptions.
2 Product Mode
4 Country of Origin
6 UDI Barcode
1 Product Code A three-character code that uniquely identifies the product line.
2 Year Manufactured A two-digit code identifying the year the device was manufactured.
Values range from 00 to 99. For example: 00 = 2000, 04 = 2004, 17 =
2017 (and so on).
3 Fiscal Week A two-digit code identifying the week the device was manufactured.
Manufactured Values range from 01 to 52. GE Healthcare's fiscal weeks
correspond to the calendar week. For example, 01 = the first week in
4 Product Sequence A four-digit number identifying the order in which this device was
Values range from 0001 to 9999.
5 Manufacturing Site A one-letter code identifying the site where the device was
For example, F = Milwaukee, N = Freiburg, P = Bangalore, W = Wuxi,
H = Helsinki, S = Mexico
Front View
1 Display and Displays waveform and text data. The touchscreen enables you to
Touchscreen interact directly with the device through touch gestures.
• No light - off.
1 ECG Patient Cable D-sub 15–pin female connector for the acquisition cable.
2 USB Slot B • Used to connect a USB flash drive or USB cable. You can connect
a USB flash drive for a software update, backup/restore or export
operations, or a barcode reader USB cable.
• Standard USB connector for USB devices, for example, the external
barcode reader, USB memory stick, USB keyboard and USB mouse.
3 USB Slot A • Used to connect a USB flash drive or USB cable. You can connect
a USB flash drive for a software update, backup/restore or export
operations, or a barcode reader USB cable.
• Standard USB connector for USB devices, for example, the external
barcode reader, USB memory stick, USB keyboard and USB mouse.
Hardware and Firmware Architecture
The following diagram illustrates the system architecture of the device:
CPU Board The software application, settings and data run on the main CPU Board
located on the Module ROM07420 Qseven. The CPU interfaces with all
peripherals through the Carrier Board.
Carrier board All the peripherals, such as the display, touchscreen, LAN, Wireless, USB ports,
Printer, Battery and KISS Pump are interfaced and controlled by the CPU
through the Carrier board.
Component Description
Display Module The display is a 10.1–inch diagonal graphics LED backlight display with P-CAP
multipoint touch input, 1024 x 800 resolution, and interfaced to the Carrier
Board through the LVDS interface cable.
The Display module also contains:
- the system on/off button
- the LED indicators used for battery status
- AC mains
Power Supply The power inlet connector interfaces with the AD/DC module. The AC/DC is a
100 Watt power supply accepting a wide input AC voltage and delivering 24
DC to the Carrier Board.
Thermal Printer The printer has an A4/Letter thermal printhead, motor, paper sensors, and
door sensor.
KISS Pump A KISS pump is powered by the Carrier Board. The suction connector is next to
the patient connector in the assembly.
Harness Diagram
Parts Included In
Callout Description
FRU Description FRU Part Number
Equipment Setup
Insert the Battery
The device is shipped with one lithium ion battery with minimum charge.
Fully charge the battery before you use the device for the first time. Use the device on
AC power while the battery is charging.
1. Place your thumb on the door release tab of the battery compartment door and
gently pull it open.
2. Slide the battery into the battery compartment slots in the correct orientation
and direction indicated by the arrow.
1 Female end of the device power cord connected to the back of the device.
Before you connect the device to the power line, check that the voltage and
frequency ratings of the power line are the same as those indicated on the
unit label. If this is not the case, do not connect the system to the power line
until you adjust the power source to match the unit power requirements.
1. Connect the female end of the power cord (1) to the AC power connector on the
back of the device.
2. Plug the male end of the power cord (2) into an AC outlet.
It is recommended that you connect the device into an uninterruptible power
supply (UPS) or a surge suppressor.
3. Check the AC Power LED. If the AC Power LED is green, the device is receiving
power from the AC outlet.
1 Barcode reader
1. Insert the barcode reader cable connector (2) into the USB slot of the device.
Make sure that the cable is seated securely.
2. If you have a trolley, place the barcode reader (1) in the barcode reader holder (3)
attached to the trolley. Refer to the Compact Trolley Reference Manual.
2. Apply a pair of dual locks onto the rectangular groove (2) at the bottom of the
MAC 7 device.
3. Align the pair of dual locks at the bottom of the device with the pair on the trolley
top plate, and press firmly.
A4 Put the paper spacer vertical along the left side of the paper tray.
Modified Put the paper spacer horizontal across the rear of the paper tray:
Make sure that the spacer is aligned in the correct position. The tabs at the
bottom of the spacer must fit into the Q holes on the bottom of the paper tray.
The tabs on the two sides of the spacer are attached to the tab spaces on the
paper tray.
A4 Put the outlet spacer at the inside slot of the paper tray.
Modified Put the outlet spacer at the outside slot of the paper tray.
3. Slide the paper into the paper tray until it is fully inserted.
• If the paper has Q holes, the Q holes must be on the top left side.
• If the paper has Q marks, the Q marks must be on the bottom left side.
5. Push the paper tray to its closed position and verify that the unit is closed.
Login and Security
User Menu Options Description
The User Menu is located at the top right corner of the Acquisition screen.
1 <User> Displays the name of the user logged into the device as configured by your
administrator. Pre-defined users display as follows:
• Admin
• Service
• Default
2 Settings Displays the Settings screen used to configure the device. The administrator
must grant you privileges to access this screen.
If the user does not have access to the screen and if user authentication
is disabled or configured with Technician ID access, the Default user is
prompted to log on as a user with sufficient privileges.
3 Service Displays the Service screen used to service the device. Your administrator
must grant you privileges to access this screen.
If the user does not have access to the screen and if user authentication
is disabled or configured with Technician ID access, the Default user is
prompted to log on as a user with sufficient privileges.
4 Service The user can get a service snapshot without the Service privileges.
Snapshot Complete the snapshot to help identify a problem on the device.
5 Change The Admin user or a local user can change their password. Displays only if
Password full user authentication is enabled.
6 Lock Locks the device. Displays only if full user authentication is enabled.
7 Log Out Logs off the user. Displays only when you are logged on to the device.
8 Standby Puts the device in standby mode to save battery power without turning it
2. Click Accept.
38 MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis System 2109599-002C
Login and Security
User Authentication
The device supports different modes of user authentication.
Full authentication with The Login screen displays with these fields when the device is
STAT login powered on or unlocked.
Technician ID login The Login screen displays when the device is powered on or unlocked.
No authentication A Login screen does not display when you power on the device. You
are automatically logged on as the Default User. The Default User
cannot access the device if user authentication is enabled.
Admin user The username is Admin. The default password to log on as the Admin user is
admin123. The Admin user is prompted to change the default password immediately
after the first login.
Service user The username is Service. This username is intended for use by Service personnel. A
user with the user management privilege can set the password for the Service user.
Local users The local user profiles are managed by the device administrator. Obtain your
username and password from the device administrator.
LDAP users LDAP user authentication is available only if you configure the device to support
LDAP. The LDAP server administrator manages the LDAP user profiles. Obtain your
username and password from the LDAP server administrator. Your privileges are
based on the user role assigned to the LDAP group to which your user profile belongs.
• If the login credentials are correct, you are successfully logged on to the
device. Your username displays on the upper-right corner of all of the screens
you have access.
• If your login fails, see the following table:
The username You entered your username or Re-enter your correct username
or password is password incorrectly. and password again.
You are a local user and you Contact your administrator to
forgot your password reset your password, then log on
to the device again.
You are prompted You are a local or Admin user and Perform the procedure Change
to change your your password has expired. the User Password on page 44
password. and log on to the device again.
1. From the User Menu on the Acquisition screen, select Change Password.
The Change Password dialog box opens.
2. Enter the current password and new password, and confirm the new password.
4. Click Disable User button to enable and configure the service user profile.
5. Configure the Service user profile as per the information in the table.
Password Enter the Each character in the password displays an asterisk (*).
password for the If the password rules are not met, the Password field
user according display a red box and relevant error messages.
to the password
Allowed values:
rules listed in
the Description • User-defined value up to 126 characters
• Minimum number of characters and type of
characters allowed is set in the Settings > User
Account > Security settings screen.
No default value.
If a local user forgets the user password, a user
with the User Management privilege can change
the password for the user account in the Users
settings screen. The local user can log into the
device with the changed password.
Confirm Enter the exact Each character in the password displays an asterisk (*).
Password duplicate entry
If there is a mismatch with the password entered in this
of the password
field and the Password field, the Confirm Password
entered in the
field displays a red box. Re-enter the password to match
Password field
the Password field.
No default value.
Disable User Enable or disable • If this setting is enabled, the user is disabled from
this setting. using the device.
• If this setting is disabled, the user is enabled to
access the device.
Default value: Enabled (User Disabled)
Force User Enable or disable • If this setting is enabled, the user must change the
to Change this setting. password at the next login.
Password at
• If this setting is disabled, the user does not need to
Next Login
change the password at the next login.
Default value: Enabled
For Service user, this button is inactive.
6. Select Apply.
7. Select Save.
5. Select Apply.
6. Select Save.
4. Configure the Service user role with the appropriate privileges as per the
information in the table.
Role Name Enter the unique name of the service user role. Up to 15
characters are allowed.
Field Description
Activate ECG Simulator Default value: The Activate ECG Simulator privilege is
Access to activate the ECG simulator.
If this privilege is enabled, the Access Settings privilege is
also enabled.
View Audit Logs Default value: The View Audit Logs privilege is disabled.
View audit logs.
If this privilege is enabled, the Access Service privilege is
also enabled.
Field Description
Edit Critical Value Settings Default value: The Edit Critical Value Settings privilege is
Edit the critical values setting.
This privilege displays only if the CRIT option is purchased
and enabled. Contact GE Healthcare Service Support to
purchase this option.
If you enable this privilege, the Access Settings privilege
is also enabled.
Query Remote Patient Data Default value: The Query Remote Patient Data privilege is
Query a remote patient data.
View Patient List Default value: The View Patient List privilege is disabled.
View the patient list.
5. Select Apply.
6. Select Save.
To access the Service screen, select Service from the User Menu in the Acquisition
If you have sufficient privileges to access the Service screen, the Service screen
If you do not have the required privileges to access the Service screen, a relevant
message is displayed depending on the configured authentication mode:
Default User Log in as a user with sufficient privileges to open the Service screen.
STAT, local or Log off and log in as a user with sufficient privileges to access the Service
LDAP user screen.
2. Enter the serial number of the device in the Enter the system serial number
field. The Restore button enables when the serial number is entered correctly.
The system configuration is reset to factory defaults and all patient data records
are deleted. The device reboots. You can access the device as the Default user
without login credentials.
4. To reconfigure the device, access the Settings screen from the user menu. A
login screen opens. Log on as Admin user with the default password admin123.
Service Tasks
Service Screen Overview
The Service screen enables a user with privileges to do the following:
• Review system information
• Configure various options
• Conduct diagnostics and tests
• Review, print, and export various logs
• Format internal memory
• Manage option codes
• Update software
Software Full Version The full version of the software on this device.
The version displayed in this field provides if the software is a
development, manufacturing, or release build.
Writer Software Version The version of the PSoC software on this device.
Acquisition Module The version of the Acquisition Module software on this device. This
Software Version is displayed only when an Acquisition Module is attached to the
Serial Number Enter the serial The serial number is set by the manufacturer at the
number of the factory during initial setup of the device. The serial
device. number can be edited only if you replace the CPU board
or with a Manufacturing software. The serial number
stored in the CPU board must match the serial number
on the product label on the display rear cover.
Allowed values:
1 to 13 characters
• A to Z
• a to z
• 0 to 9
LAN MAC Enter the LAN The LAN MAC address is set by the manufacturer at
Address MAC address of the factory during initial setup of the device. The LAN
the device. MAC address can be edited only if you replace the CPU
board or with a Manufacturing software. The LAN MAC
address stored in the CPU board must match the LAN
MAC address on the label placed on the bottom of the
Allowed values:
XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format, where X is a hexadecimal
digit with values ranging from 0 to 9 and a to f.
4. Verify the hardware and software version information of the device displayed on
the screen.
6. To restore settings from PSoC memory, see Restore Configuration Data from
PSoC on page 58.
Failed to restore PSoC does not have backed- Try to restore settings
configuration from PSOC. up configuration due to again. If the error persists,
error or hardware failure. configure settings and
options manually. If you
Failed to restore The database schema is have backed up the
configuration due to incompatible. configuration data to a USB
incompatible database flash drive, you can restore
schema. Upgrade to latest the data from the USB flash
software. drive.
4. Select Restore.
A massage displays.
The enabled options are not reset when the device is reset to factory default
ACCS - Acute Coronary Enables the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) function for the
Syndrome device. This function performs an ACS analysis on resting ECGs
and 12-lead ECGs.
AECG - Auto ECG Allows the device to automatically start recording an ECG.
BRCD - External Barcode Allows you to enter patient information using an external barcode
Reader reader.
CRIT - Critical Values Enables the critical value function, which allows you to define and
Notifications configure custom alerts based on key ECG values.
DRHM - Digital Rhythm Allows you to configure the digital rhythm, mainly how many
seconds of data can be acquired.
MI12 - 12SL Measurements and Allows you to display and print global measurements and
Interpretation interpretation.
XMLO - XML Format Output Allows you to save Sapphire XML formatted record files to
external storage devices.
WRLS - Global Wireless Allows you to configure the default wireless network.
The wireless LAN country of operation needs to be set to
configure wireless settings. See Configure Wireless on page 70.
3. From the Available Options list, select the option you want to enable.
Because each option has a unique option code, you can enable only one
option at a time.
4. Enter the option code for the selected option in the Enter the 12-digit code to
enable the option field.
5. Select Save to enable the selected option. The selected option is added to the
Added Options list on the right side.
An error message displays if you enter an incorrect option code. Select OK to
close the window.
6. Repeat steps 3 through step 5 for each option you want to enable.
3. Select the option you want to remove from the Added Options list.
4. Select Remove.
A warning message displays indicating that removing the option will disable the
option from the device.
The WRLS - Global Wireless option cannot be disabled or removed.
5. Select Yes.
Battery Voltage Level (mV) The voltage (mV) level of the battery.
Battery Current (mA) The measurement of the battery current for the battery in
milliamperes (mA).
Battery Temperature (deg. The actual internal temperature of the battery in Degree
C) Celsius (C).
Ambient Temperature (deg. The actual ambient temperature of the device’s environment
C) in Degree Celsius (C).
Charge Cycle Count The number of times that the battery has been recharged.
Conditioning Required Indicates the condition of each battery. After a large number
of charging and discharging cycles, the storage capacity of
the battery reduces and the battery drains quickly. In that
case, you need to change the battery.
The conditions are as follows:
• Yes - Change the battery or condition the battery using
an external battery charger. See the Diagnostic Cardiology
Supplies and Accessories Guide, 2102946-001 for the part
number of the external battery charger.
• No - No need to change the battery.
Real-time Battery Message A message is shown for the battery that describes the current
state of the battery.
Examples of messages:
• Fully charged
• Fully discharged
• Charging in AC mode
• Temperature too high
• Voltage too high
3. Select Format in the Log Data Partition section to format the log partition.
A warning message displays indicating that formatting will erase the complete
log data from memory and asking you to confirm the action.
If Then
3. Select Format in the User Data Partition section to format the user partition.
A warning message displays indicating that formatting will erase the complete
user data from memory and asking you to confirm the action.
If Then
If Then
This option also deletes all the option codes set in the device.
4. Select Erase.
• Preparing to erase all device data message displays.
• If the device is on battery power, a message displays to connect the device to
AC power. Do the steps that follow:
a. Connect the device to AC power.
b. Select OK to close the message.
c. Restart the procedure.
• If the device is on AC power, it reboots immediately.
The Erase screen opens and displays:
• Erasing all device data. Do not disconnect the device from AC power..
• progress of completion, in percentages.
If Then
If Then
Configure Wireless
The device is shipped with a pre-configured settings for the wireles country of
option. Only the country code can be edited for the Rest of the World setting.
If the device is set to US or Cannada, the configurations cannot be altered and
Wireless option will not be available in the Service menu.
Before you begin this procedure:
Disable the Network status option in the Network > Wireless Network settings,
see the Configure Settings chapter in the MAC 7 Resting ECG Analysis Setup and
Configuration Manual. If the WLAN is enabled and you try to configure Wireless, the
following error message is displayed: Disable WLAN to set the Wireless Country of
2. Select Wireless.
The Rest of the World screen displays.
3. Configure the country code for the Rest of the World wireless option as per the
information in the table.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
3. Select Print.
A job to print the service report is sent to the printer.
• If the print job is successful, the report is printed and a success message
• If the print job fails, an error message displays.
The service report consists of the following sections:
• Device Information
• Hardware Information
• Software Information
• Option Settings
• Battery/Power Information
• Diagnostics Results
Software Upgrade
Upgrade or Downgrade Software
Perform this procedure to:
• Upgrade the software version from the current to a newer version, or
• Downgrade the software version from the current to a previous version.
Before you begin, confirm the following:
• All patient data and device settings have been saved to a USB flash drive.
• Your user role is assigned the privileges to upgrade software.
Do the following if you want to upgrade software from a shared network folder:
• Configure the shared network path in the Settings > Network > Shared Network
• Copy the software image files (<sw-filename>.tar.bz2.sign, <sw-
filename>.tar.bz2 and u-boot.imx) to the root directory of the shared network
Do the following if you want to upgrade software using the USB flash drive:
• Copy the software image files (<sw-filename>.tar.bz2.sign, <sw-
filename>.tar.bz2 and u-boot.imx) to a USB flash drive.
• Enable External USB Storage in Settings > System > Storage setting.
• Enable USB ports in Settings > Hardware > USB Port setting and select Save to
save the settings.
• Connect the USB flash drive to a USB port of the device.
6. On reboot, the system may need to perform additional software updates. If the
writer software needs update, upgrade starts automatically.
• If the upgrade is unsuccessful, an error message displays. Troubleshoot the
error. For more information, see Software Upgrade Errors on page 203. To
retry the software upgrade, select Reboot.
• If the upgrade is a success, a message displays and the device reboots.
7. After all updates are complete, the login screen displays if authentication is
enabled on the device. Log into the device and verify the software versions in the
About dialog.
Diagnostics Screen Overview
In the Diagnostics screen, a Service user or a user with Service privileges can
perform various system diagnostics.
The following figure illustrates the Diagnostics screen:
To move between screens, select the arrows at the bottom of the screen.
If the diagnostics fails, refer to the relevant troubleshooting procedure.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
4. Tap or swipe the squared areas of the touchscreen to verify that the area is
working correctly.
• If the touch sensor in the area is working properly, the square turns blue.
• If the touch sensor in the area is not working properly, the square remains
• If the test failed, select No. The test result is displayed in the Diagnostics
screen as: Failure.
4. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
4. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
If you want to cancel the test before the battery is fully discharged, select Stop
at the bottom of the Battery Discharging Diagnostics screen to return to the
Diagnostics screen. Skip to step 10.
7. Power on the device. See Power On the ECG Device on page 38.
9. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
If discharge rate is equal or greater than the minimum discharge rate, the test
result is displayed in the Diagnostics screen as: Success.
If discharge rate is less than the minimum discharge rate, the test result is
displayed in the Diagnostics screen as: Failure.
The external barcode reader is now in the proper mode of operation for use with the
device. Proceed to perform the barcode diagnostics test to determine if the external
barcode reader is functioning properly.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
If the barcode reader scans the barcode successfully, the scanned information is
shown on the screen as text, and the test result is displayed as Success.
If the barcode reader does not scan the barcode successfully, the information is
not shown on the screen, and the test result is displayed as Failure.
The test result for barcode diagnostics displays on the screen as Success or
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
4. Based on your test results, select one of the following for each tone:
• If you select Yes, the test result corresponding to the selected tone is
displayed as: Success.
• If you select No, the test result corresponding to the selected tone is displayed
as: Failure.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
4. Select the relevant button for the writer test you want to run. The following table
describes the types of writer tests.
50mm/s Multi-page Prints 5 pages at 50 mm/sec. Printing at each page begins with a
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 50 mm/sec
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
• Straight line of width 5 mm, gap of 1 mm text with count of 5 mm
straight lines printed
25mm/s & 5mm/s Prints page 1 test pattern at 25 mm/sec. Printing begins with a mark.
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 25 mm/sec
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
• Straight line of width 5 mm, gap of 1 mm text with count of 5 mm
straight lines printed
Prints page 2 test pattern at 25 mm/sec. Printing begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 25 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
Prints page 3 test pattern at 5 mm/sec. Printing begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 5 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
• Straight line of width 5 mm, gap of 1 mm text with count of 5 mm
straight lines printed
Prints page 4 test pattern at 25 mm/sec. Printing begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 25 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
50mm/s, 25mm/s & Prints 5 pages at 50 mm/sec. Printing at each page begins with a
5mm/s Multi-page mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 50 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
• Straight line of width 5 mm, gap of 1 mm text with count of 5 mm
straight lines printed
Prints page 6 test pattern at 25 mm/sec. Printing begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 25 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
• Straight line of width 5 mm, gap of 1 mm text with count of 5 mm
straight lines printed
Prints page 7 test pattern at 25 mm/sec. Printing begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 25 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
50mm/s, 25mm/s & Prints page 8 test pattern at 5 mm/sec. Printing begins with a mark.
5mm/s Multi-page
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 5 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
• Straight line of width 5 mm, gap of 1 mm text with count of 5 mm
straight lines printed
Prints page 9 test pattern at 25 mm/sec. Printing begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 25 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
50mm/s Test Pattern Prints at 50 mm/sec. Printing at each page begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 50 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
25mm/s Test Pattern Prints at 25 mm/sec. Printing at each page begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 25 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
5mm/s Test Pattern Prints at 5 mm/sec. Printing at each page begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 5 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Straight line with width 250 mm
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom
• Line Cross that covers page diagonals (210 mm x 250 mm)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
• Triangular waveform with width 50 mm and height 210 mm
Roller Test Prints at 25 mm/sec. Printing at each page begins with a mark.
• Header: Writer Diagnostics Page 1, 25 mm/sec
• Dimensions: Height: 210 mm; Width: 250 mm
• Lines starts with x, y and ends at x+2, y+210 mm. These lines are
repeated for 250 mm. The x starting position is 13 mm. The gap
between the lines is 1 mm.
1000 lines/second Test pattern 1: Prints 1000 lines per second at 50 mm/sec.
• Header: Writer Diagnostic Pattern 1000 Lines per second
• Footer: Writer Diagnostic Pattern 50 mm per second
• Straight line with width 1000 lines per second
• Scale that prints 2 mm grid on top (1000 lines per second)
• Scale that prints 2 mm grid on bottom (1000 lines per second)
• Triangular waveform with width 10 mm and height 12 mm
Test pattern 2: Prints 1000 lines per second at 25 mm/sec.
• Header: Writer Diagnostic Pattern 1000 Lines per second
• Footer: Writer Diagnostic Pattern 25 mm per second
• Straight line with width 1000 lines per second
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on top (1000 lines per second)
• Scale that prints 1 mm grid on bottom (1000 lines per second)
• Triangular waveform with width 5 mm and height 12 mm
Test pattern 3: Roller test at 25 mm/sec.
• Header: Writer Diagnostic Pattern 1000 Lines per second
Roller Diagnostic Pattern
• Footer: Writer Diagnostic Pattern 25 mm per second
A message displays next to each test pattern asking you to confirm whether the
pattern is printing.
• If you select Yes, the test result is displayed in the Writer Diagnostics screen
as: Success.
• If you select No, the test result is displayed in the Writer Diagnostics screen
as: Failure.
5. Perform the writer door sensor test while performing any of the writer
diagnostics tests as per the Table 21: Writer Diagnostics Tests on page 87,
Open the Printer door.
Observe the following error messages.
• If the printer door is open and if the error message Printer error. Door is open.
appears on the diagnostic screen, the test is passed.
• If the printer door is open and if the error message Printer error. Door is open.
does not appear on the diagnostic screen, the test is failed.
6. Close the Printer door to close the error message from the Diagnostics screen.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
5. After the Hardware, Software, and IP Configuration tests are completed, enter
the IP address of a remote device in the Enter IP Address and select Ping to
perform the LAN Ping test.
• The IP address can be a valid IPv4 address or DNS.
• The DNS should be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Example:
The connection to the remote device is established.
In the case of failure, the following message is displayed: ping test failed.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
7. Select View Supplicant logs to view the wireless supplicant verbose logs.
The Supplicant Logs screen opens.
You can perform the following actions related to supplicant logs:
• Select a log to view the log details in the right side of the screen.
• Perform the following steps to delete a log.
a. Select a log that you want to delete.
b. Select the Delete icon to delete the log.
A message displays asking you to confirm whether you want to remove
the selected log.
c. Select Yes to delete the log.
The log is deleted.
• Perform the following steps to clear all the logs.
a. Select Clear All Logs.
A message displays asking you to confirm whether you want to remove
all logs.
b. Select Yes to clear all the logs.
The logs are cleared.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
4. Test the two USB ports by inserting a USB flash drive in each slot, one at a time.
• If a USB port detects a USB flash drive in its slot, the respective USB port icon
changes from grey to blue and its test result is displayed on the screen as
• If a USB port does not detect a USB flash drive in its slot, the USB port icon
remains grey.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
Last Performed The date and time when the test was last executed.
If this field is blank, the test was not executed.
Test Status The status of the last test. The possible statuses are:
• Success: The diagnostic test was successful.
• Failure: The diagnostic test failed.
• Not Tested: The test was not executed.
3. To export diagnostic results to a USB drive, see Export Diagnostic Test Results to
a USB Flash Drive on page 101.
2. Select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostics screen opens.
Sufficient space is not available Remove files from the USB flash drive to create space or
use another USB flash drive.
Corrupt or unsupported file • The USB flash drive is corrupted. Use another USB
format flash drive.
• The diagnostic file is corrupted. Contact your GE
Healthcare Service Support representative.
Working with Logs
Audit Logs
Audit records are saved for two weeks for you to review. Records older than two
weeks are deleted. Implement a schedule to export the audit logs every two weeks to
view records older than two weeks.
You need privileges to view and export audit logs to view and export them.
View the Audit Logs
1. Open the Service screen.
Date and Time The date and time stamp is recorded in the format you selected when
you initially set up the device.
Field Description
Audit Type The name of the audit type. The audit types include the following:
• Access changes (log on, log off, user account creation or
modification, and other user-related modifications)
• Configuration changes (changes to settings)
• Patient report changes (save, edit, delete, print, or transmit)
• Task data changes (audit logs viewed, exported, or expired, files
viewed, remote application sessions opened or closed, and queues
• Event data changes (event logs viewed, exported, or cleared)
• Order changes (orders viewed, attached, or detached, and orders
manually or automatically updated)
• Patient list changes (patient list viewed and patient record added/
• Option changes
Username The identification of the user logged in to the device when the event
Where The name of the software component (module or library name) where
the event occurred.
Description Description of the event that occurred and the outcome of that event
(success or failure).
5. If the export to USB function fails, review the following table for a possible
No USB device detected The USB flash drive is not Make sure that the USB flash
inserted properly in the USB drive is firmly inserted into the
port, or the USB port is not USB port. If the USB flash drive
enabled. is still not detected, enable the
USB port in Settings > Hardware
> USB Port setting.
Save to USB failed The USB flash drive has an Remove this USB flash drive,
unknown error. insert another write-enabled
USB flash drive.
Event Log
Archived event logs are typically used to send troubleshooting information to GE
Healthcare. The maximum size for the event log is 50 MB. The device can have a
maximum of 5 event log files of 10 MB each. When the event log reaches 50 MB,
the oldest 10 MB file is deleted, and new events are written to it. The frequency with
which the event log files are deleted and overwritten depends on the number of users
and their level of activity.
You can view the event logs. You can also export the event logs to a USB flash
drive for historical reference. Export the log files on a regular basis to make sure no
historical data is lost.
View the Event Log
1. Open the Service screen.
Events in the event log are listed in the order of date and time of occurrence of
the event. The most recent event is the first entry in the event log.
Date and Time The date and time stamp is recorded in the format you selected when
you initially set up the device.
Event Type The name of the event type. Available event types are:
• Error
• Information
• Warning
Source Source of the event. The name of the software component (module or
library name) where the event occurred.
Description Description of the event that occurred and the outcome of that event
(success or failure).
3. To filter the event logs by Date and Time, Event Type, and Source:
a) Locate the filter entry field for the needed parameter.
b) Enter the value for the parameter.
c) Press Enter.
The events that match the filter criterion are shown.
If not logs match the filter, a message displays.
You can filter on only one parameter at a time.
4. To clear the filter, highlight the value in the search field, press Backspace, and
then press Enter.
The event log file is exported as a .zip file with the following file name format:
1. Open the Service screen.
5. If the export function fails, review the following table for a possible resolution.
No USB device detected The USB flash drive is not Make sure that the USB flash
inserted properly in the USB drive is firmly inserted into the
port, or the USB port is not USB port. If the USB flash drive
enabled. is still not detected, enable the
USB port in Settings > Hardware
> USB Port setting.
Save to USB failed The USB flash drive has an Remove this USB flash drive,
unknown error. insert another write-enabled
USB flash drive.
3. To clear all events from the event file, select Clear Logs.
A message displays asking you to confirm whether you want to clear all event
logs from the device.
4. Select Yes to delete all the event logs from the file.
The event log file now has only one entry. The entry shows the log for clearing
the log with the Date Time, Event Type, Source, Event ID, and a description of the
Acquisition Date/ Displays the date and time the patient report was acquired in the
Time format you selected when you initially set up the device.
Job Failure Reason Displays the reason for the job failure in the event of a failed attempt to
transmit a report.
First Retry Date/ Displays the date and time of the first attempt to send the report to an
Time external destination in the format you selected when you initially set up
the device.
Last Retry Date/ Displays the date and time of the most recent attempt to send the
Time report to an external destination in the format you selected when you
initially set up the device.
Field Description
Retry Count Displays the number of times an attempt was made to send the report
to an external destination.
Destination Name Displays the name of selected destination for the report.
3. To export the log to a USB flash drive, connect a USB flash drive to the device
and select Export.
• If the log is exported, a success message displays.
• If an error occurs, an error message displays. Troubleshoot the error and
If Then
The service snapshot is A message displays in the notification area indicating that the
generated service snapshot has been generated.
The service snapshot is not An error message displays in the notification area.
Perform the procedure again to generate the service snapshot.
3. Select Export next to the name of the log to export to a USB flash drive.
By default, the USB option is selected for export.
If there are problems with the USB flash drive, the file is not saved and an error
message is displayed. Review the following table for possible resolutions.
USB access denied The option to allow access Enable this option and repeat
to external storage devices this procedure.
is not enabled in the Enable
External USB Storage in the
Settings > System > Storage
Insert USB drive to export The USB flash drive is not Connect a USB flash drive to
logs inserted into the device. the device and repeat step 3.
Sufficient space is not The USB flash drive does not Insert a USB flash drive that
available have sufficient space. has sufficient space, and
repeat step 3.
USB write-protected USB drive is write-protected. Ensure that the USB drive is
write enabled, and repeat
step 3.
USB unknown error Unknown USB error. Safely eject this USB flash
drive, insert another USB
flash drive with write enabled,
and repeat step 3.
Once export begins, a message displays indicating that the export of logs is in
• If the export of the selected log succeeds, the following message is displayed:
Exported <Log_Type> to USB, where <Log_Type> is the type of the exported
log. For example, Exported Wireless log to USB.
The log is exported as a .zip file to the USB flash drive. If a file with the same
name exists on the USB flash drive, the previous file is overwritten with the
new file.
The log filename is <LogType>.<DeviceSerialNumber>.zip, where:
• <LogType> is type of the exported log. For example, SystemLog,
AcquisitionModuleLog, WirelessLog or ServiceSnapshot.
• <DeviceSerialNumber> is the serial number of the device.
• If the export of log fails, the following message is displayed: Failed to export
<Log_Type> to USB, where <Log_Type> is the type of the log. For example,
Failed to export System log to USB.
• If the service snapshot had not been generated, the service information will
not be available in the device memory. An error message displays indicating
the service snapshot file cannot be found.
Parts List
The Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) parts lists in this chapter supply enough detail for
you to order parts for the assemblies, stand-alone FRUs, and FRU kits considered field
serviceable. Only items, assemblies, and kits that have part numbers given in this
chapter are available for purchase as FRUs. To order parts, contact GE Healthcare
Service Parts. FRUs may not be available in all regions.
This chapter is divided into two sections:
• Part Identification
This section helps to identify the parts associated with the device and the FRU or
FRUs in which each part is available.
• FRU Lists
This section describes the contents of each FRU.
Part Identification
This section provides the information you need to identify the parts associated with
the MAC ™7 Resting ECG Analysis System. It is intended to help you identify which
FRUs to order.
The section begins with a series of exploded diagrams calling out the individual parts
of the device. That is followed by a table that identifies each part called out in the
diagrams and lists the FRU or FRUs in which the part is available.
To use this section, do the following:
1. Review the diagrams until you locate the part to be identified.
2. Note the number in the callout associated with the identified part.
3. Turn to the table following the diagrams and locate the row with the same
number as the callout.
4. Review the part description and the FRU or FRUs in which the part is available.
5. If necessary, review the associated FRU details in the FRU Lists to determine
which FRU is appropriate to order.
7. If the device is attached to a compact trolley, remove the device by pulling apart
the dual locks on the bottom of the device and trolley top plate.
1 #1 Phillips screwdriver
3 3 mm Flat screwdriver
4 Diagonal pliers
5 Anti-static bracelet
4 Screw M3×6 GB9074.4 Zinc Plated MAC 7 FRU Screw Kit (2105991-001-S)
5 Screw M4X8 GB9074.4 Zinc Plated MAC 7 FRU Screw Kit (2105991-001-S)
4 Screw M3X6 Cross Pan Head GB818 MAC 7 FRU Screw Kit (2105991-001-S)
5 Screw M4X10 Cross Pan GB818 MAC 7 FRU Screw Kit (2105991-001-S)
7 Screw M3X6 Cross Pan Head GB818 MAC 7 FRU Screw Kit (2105991-001-S)
8 IMX6 Dual 1GHZ 2GB Ram 16GB Flash Q7 MAC 7 FRU CPU Module (2087471-001-S)
V2.0 Advantech CPU Module
10 Screw M2.5X12 Cross Pan GB818 MAC 7 FRU Screw Kit (2105991-001-S)
14 ACDC Power Supply Module 100W/24V MAC 7 FRU ACDC Module (2105960-001-S)
17 8 Inch Thermal Printer Head (PRT) MAC 7 FRU Printer Head (2105942-001-S)
FRU Lists
The FRU lists are sorted by ascending Part Number.
Top FRU List
Display Unit 1
Keyboard PWA 1
Paper Spacer 1
Paper Tray 1
AC Inlet Cable 1
DC Power Cable 1
Printer Cable 1
MAC 7 Manufacturing 1
Antenna 2.4G/5G 1
Battery 1
Battery Spring 2
Rubber Ring 1
Ground Metal 1
Thermal Pad 2
Foot Pad 4
USB Door 1
FRU Replacement: Top Subsystem
Top Cover Assembly FRU Replacement
Before beginning the FRU replacement procedure, follow the instructions in Prepare
the System for FRU Replacement on page 113.
Tools Required:
• PH 1x150 mm screwdriver
Remove the Top Cover Assembly
1. Turn over the device gently.
2. Pull out the paper tray to align the hole of the paper tray with the screw.
6. Lift the top cover assembly gently and release the cable from base.
2. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the top cover
assembly to the display unit.
6. Pull out the paper tray to align the hole of the paper tray with the screw.
5. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 inReplace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
4. Remove the tape and disconnect the cable on your left side.
5. Remove the tape, then pull the holder gently to disconnect the cable on your
right side.
2. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screw to secure the cable to the
display unit.
5. Connect the cable and paste the tape on the connector on the left.
6. Connect the cable and paste the tape on the connector on the right.
7. Connect the cable to the keyboard PWA and paste the tape on the connector.
8. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 inReplace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
2. Place the top cover assembly in postion and affix it to the display unit.
3. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the top cover
assembly to the display unit.
4. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 7 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
FRU Replacement: Printer Subsystem
Printer Roller FRU Replacement
Before beginning the FRU replacement procedure, follow the instructions in Prepare
the System for FRU Replacement on page 113.
Tools Required:
• PH 1x150 mm screwdriver
• Flathead screwdriver
Remove the Printer Roller
1. Push the handle and pull out the paper tray.
3. Lift up the latch using a flathead screwdriver and pull out the paper tray entirely.
2. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the printer roller
to the paper tray.
3. Lift up the latch using a flathead screwdriver and pull out the paper tray entirely.
2. Place the paper outlet spacer in postion and affix it to the printer inner cover.
2. Remove the paper spacer. See Remove the Paper Spacer on page 141.
2. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the printer roller
to the paper tray.
3. Place the paper spacer in postion and affix it to the paper tray.
4. Place the paper outlet spacer in postion and affix it to the printer inner cover.
FRU Replacement: Base Subsystem
Antenna FRU Replacement
Before beginning the FRU replacement procedure, follow the instructions in Prepare
the System for FRU Replacement on page 113.
Remove the Antenna
1. Remove the top cover. See step 1 to step 6 in Remove the Top Cover Assembly on
page 126.
5. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 inReplace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
4. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 inReplace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
• PH 1x150 mm screwdriver
Remove the CPU Thermal Plate Assembly
1. Remove the top cover. See step 1 to step 6 in Remove the Top Cover Assembly on
page 126.
3. Press and hold the CPU module to separate the CPU thermal plate.
2. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the CPU thermal
plate and CPU module to the carrier board.
3. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 inReplace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
Remove the Battery Charge Heatsink
1. Remove the top cover. See step 1 to step 6 in Remove the Top Cover Assembly on
page 126.
2. Place the battery charge heatsink in position and affix it to the carrier board.
3. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screw to secure the battery charge
heatsink to the carrier board.
4. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
2. Place the CPU thermal plate in position and affix it to the CPU module.
3. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the CPU thermal
plate and CPU module to the carrier board.
4. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
5. Power on the device. See Power On the ECG Device on page 38.
The device boots up. You have full access to the device.
• PH 1x150 mm screwdriver
Remove the ACDC Module
1. Remove the top cover. See step 1 to step 6 in Remove the Top Cover Assembly on
page 126.
2. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the ACDC module
to the metal plate.
4. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 inReplace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
3. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the cable to the
metal plate.
4. Push the metal plate back through the hole and affix it to the base frame.
5. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the cable to the
6. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
Remove the DC Power Cable
1. Remove the top cover. See step 1 to step 6 in Remove the Top Cover Assembly on
page 126.
2. Release the cable connectors from the ACDC module and the carrier board.
2. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
2. Release the cable connectors from the printer head and the carrier board.
2. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
4. Lift up the metal plate along with the printer head gently.
2. Place the printer head in position and affix it to the cover metal plate.
3. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the printer head
to the metal plate.
4. Place the metal plate along with the printer head in position and affix it to the
5. Push the metal plate back through the hole and affix it to the base frame.
7. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
4. Lift up the metal plate along with the printer head gently.
2. Place the printer head in position and affix it to the cover metal plate.
3. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the printer head
to the metal plate.
4. Place the metal plate along with the printer head in position and affix it to the
5. Push the metal plate back through the hole and affix it to the base frame.
7. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
3. Remove the two heatsinks. See Remove the CPU Thermal Plate Assembly on page
152 and Remove the Battery Charge Heatsink on page 153.
2. Place the WLAN module in position and affix it to the carrier board.
7. Place the CPU thermal plate in position and affix it to the CPU module.
8. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the CPU thermal
plate and CPU module to the carrier board.
9. Place the battery charge heatsink in position and affix it to the carrier board.
10. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screw to secure the battery charge
heatsink to the carrier board.
12. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
13. Power on the device. See Power On the ECG Device on page 38.
The device boots up. You have full access to the device.
2. Remove the carrier board. See Remove the Carrier Board PWA on page 175.
3. Remove the ACDC module. See Remove the ACDC Module on page 160.
3. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the metal plate to
the base.
4. Assemble the carrier board. See Replace the Carrier Board PWA on page 177.
5. Assemble the ACDC module. See Replace the Carrier Board PWA on page 177.
6. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
2. Remove the carrier board. See Remove the Carrier Board PWA on page 175.
4. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the metal plate to
the base.
5. Assemble the carrier board. See Replace the Carrier Board PWA on page 177
6. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
2. Remove the carrier board. See Remove the Carrier Board PWA on page 175.
2. Lift up then press the other side of the battery door into the slot.
5. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the metal plate to
the base.
6. Assemble the carrier board. See Replace the Carrier Board PWA on page 177
2109599-002C MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis System 187
FRU Replacement: Base Subsystem
7. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 in Replace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
2. Remove the carrier board. See Remove the Carrier Board PWA on page 175.
4. Assemble the battery door. See step 1 to step 3 in Replace the Battery Door on
page 187.
8. Using a PH 1x150 mm screwdriver, fasten the screws to secure the metal plate to
the base.
9. Assemble the carrier board. See Replace the Carrier Board PWA on page 177.
10. Attach the top cover assembly. See step 3 to step 8 inReplace the Top Cover
Assembly on page 128.
Functional Checkout
Recommended Maintenance
Regular yearly maintenance, irrespective of usage, is essential to ensure that the
equipment is always functional when required.
Refer to the MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis System Operator's Manual for cleaning
procedures. The system does not require any calibration procedures.
2. To perform the visual inspections required for the repair, do the following:
a) Record the numbers in the repair’s corresponding Visual Inspections
b) Refer to Visual Inspection [as per IEC62353:2014(subsection 5.2) requirement]
on page 195.
c) Locate and perform the inspections associated with the numbers in the
repair’s corresponding Visual Inspections column.
3. To perform the functional checkouts required for the repair, do the following:
FRU Repairs
This section provides an overview of the types of FRU repairs and their associated
visual inspections and functional checkout procedures.
FRU repairs can be categorized into two types:
• Table 53: Basic System FRU Repairs on page 194
• Table 54: Optional System FRU Repairs on page 195
Battery 1, 7 1, 2 3 -
Power Cord 1, 6 1, 2 - -
KISS Pump 1, 12 1, 2 15 -
Barcode Reader 1 1, 2 4 -
Non-FRU Repairs
This section provides an overview of the types of non-FRU repairs and their
associated visual inspections and functional checkout procedures.
Software Update - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - -
ELECTRICAL HAZARD - Improper handling during visual inspection could result
in electrical shock.
To avoid potential shock, observe the following guideline at all times: Before
inspecting or cleaning the device, turn it off, unplug it from AC power, and
remove the battery.
1. Verify the device surface is free of cracks, dust collection, or other damages.
2. Inspect the patient cable, leadwires, and electrodes and verify they do not exhibit
any of the following problems:
• Defects or damages
• Metal part corrosion
• Discoloration
• Brittle wires and connectors
• Expiration
3. Verify the keyboard does not exhibit any of the following problems:
• Cuts or cracks in the keyboard membrane
• Illegible labels on the keys
4. Verify the touchscreen display does not exhibit any of the following problems:
• Scratches or cracks
• An opaque display filter (transparent part of the keyboard bezel) that impair
5. Verify the power source does not exhibit any of the following problems:
• Faulty wiring, especially the AC outlet
• Circuit not dedicated to the system
Power source problems can cause static discharge, resetting problems, and
6. Verify the I/O connectors, cables, and AC power cord do not exhibit any of the
following problems:
• Fraying or other damage
• Bent prongs or pins
• Cracked housing
• Loose screws in the plugs
7. Verify the battery pack does not exhibit any of the following problems:
• Cracked, swollen, or leaky battery pack enclosure
9. Verify the wireless antenna does not exhibit any of the following problems:
• Loose connection
• Dirt, scratches, or debris on the contacts
10. Verify all harnesses do not exhibit any of the following problems:
• Excessive tension or wear
• Loose connection
• Strain reliefs out of place
11. Verify all ground wires/wiring does not exhibit any of the following problems:
• Loose wires or ground strap connections
• Faulty wiring
• Wires pinched or in a vulnerable position
12. Verify all mounting hardware/fasteners have been replaced and secured.
Check for loose or missing screws or other hardware, especially fasteners used
as connections to ground planes on expansion boards.
13. Verify the circuit boards do not exhibit any of the following problems:
• Moisture, dust, or debris (top and bottom)
• Loose or missing components
• Burn damage or the smell of over-heated components
• Socketed components not firmly seated
• Expansion board not seated properly in edge connectors
• Solder problems: cracks, splashes on board, incomplete feedthrough, prior
modifications or repairs
14. Verify the safety related marking, labels and labeling on the product are legible
and complete.
Measuring of Protective Earth Resistance [As per IEC 62353:2014 (subsection 5.3.2)
Equipment Leakage Current [As per IEC 62353:2014 (subsection requirement]
Touch Current
Applied Part leakage current [As per IEC 62353:2014 (subsection requirement]
Operational Checks
For more information on each check, refer the MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis
System Operator's Manual.
1. Record a rhythm strip of simulated ECG data and verify it recorded successfully.
2. Record a 12-lead ECG and verify it is analyzed and recorded successfully. Use an
ECG simulator set with Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR), a known heart rate, and a
known gain, for example, NSR @ 80bpm, 1 mV R-wave.
4. Transmit a simulated ECG and verify the data was successfully received.
5. Scan a barcode using the barcode reader connected to the device and verify the
barcode reader communicates successfully with the device.
6. Lock the trolley casters and verify the wheels do not move.
Diagnostic Checks
1. Perform the Touchscreen Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform Touchscreen Diagnostics on page 75.
2. Perform the quick battery charge and discharge test and verify the test passed
See Perform Quick Battery Charge and Discharge Test on page 80.
3. Perform the Barcode Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform External Barcode Reader Diagnostics on page 82.
4. Perform the Display Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform Display Diagnostics on page 84.
5. Perform the Audio Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform Audio Diagnostics on page 85.
6. Perform the Writer Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform Writer Diagnostics on page 86.
7. Perform the LAN Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform LAN Diagnostics on page 92.
8. Perform the WLAN Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform WLAN Diagnostics on page 94.
9. Perform the Brightness Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform Brightness Diagnostics on page 97.
10. Perform the USB Port Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform USB Port Diagnostics on page 97.
11. Perform the KISS Pump Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform KISS Pump Diagnostics on page 98.
12. Perform the Keyboard LED Diagnostics and verify the test passed successfully.
See Perform Keyboard LED Diagnostics on page 99.
ECG Data Noise
Several factors can result in unacceptable noise levels on ECGs:
• Environmental factors
Interference from electromagnetic equipment (such as radios, cell phones, or other
medical equipment) can result in excess noise. Verify the environment in which the
device is being used meets the minimum EMC requirements. Refer to the MAC™ 7
Resting ECG Analysis System Regulatory and Safety Manual for more information.
• Inadequate patient preparation
Improper patient preparation or electrode placement can result in excess noise on
• Verify the patient’s skin has been properly prepared and that the electrodes
have been placed correctly.
• Check the patient’s position. The patient should remain motionless during the
acquisition of a resting ECG.
• Verify the AC filter has been correctly set according to countries and regions.
Refer to the MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis Operator's Manual for more information.
• Leadwire, cable, and electrode failure
Do the following:
• Check for defective, broken, or disconnected leadwires.
• Check for defective or expired electrodes.
You can use the Hookup Advisor to monitor ECG signal quality. It can help you
pinpoint whether the noise is caused by leadwire failure, baseline shift, muscle
artifacts, power line interference, baseline wander, or electrode noise. This can point
you to the correct areas for additional troubleshooting. Refer to the MAC™ 7 Resting
ECG Analysis Operator's Manual for more information.
Digital signature validation The software image available Ensure the software image in
failed in the USB flash drive or shared the USB flash drive or shared
folder is not digitally signed or folder is digitally signed.
Invalid software image The software image in the USB Ensure the USB flash drive or
flash drive or shared path is shared path contains a valid
invalid. version of the digitally signed
software image.
Host software image is not The software image is not Contact your GE Healthcare
digitally signed digitally signed. Service Support representative
to obtain the digitally signed
version of the software image.
Image is not found in the USB The software image is not Ensure the USB flash drive
path present in the inserted USB contains the correct version of
flash drive. the digitally signed software
Copying software upgrade The software image or digital Verify and provide RW
files unsuccessful signature in the USB flash drive permissions to the software
is not assigned with sufficient upgrade files in the USB flash
permissions to copy the files. drive.
Connect the USB drive to Software upgrade using the Connect the USB flash drive
upgrade software USB option is selected, but the containing the digitally signed
USB flash drive is not detected. version of the software image.
Software image is not found in Software upgrade using the Verify that the USB flash drive
the USB USB option is selected, but the contains the host software
software image is not found on image in the root directory.
the USB flash drive.
USB access denied Software upgrade using the Enable the option to allow
USB option is selected, but access to external storage
access to the USB flash drive is devices in the Settings >
denied. System > Storage settings. See
MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis
Setup and Configuration
Manual for more information.
Shared network folder is The network shared path is Ensure that the network
disabled in Settings screen disabled in the settings. shared path is enabled and
configured in the Network
> Shared Network settings.
See the Configuring Settings
chapter in the MAC™ 7 Resting
ECG Analysis Setup and
Configuration Manual.
Shared network not The shared path is not Ensure that the shared path
configured configured in the device. is configured in the Network
> Shared Network settings.
See the Configuring Settings
chapter in the MAC™ 7 Resting
ECG Analysis Setup and
Configuration Manual.
Software image not found in The software image is not Ensure that the shared path
shared folder present in the shared path. contains a valid version of the
digitally signed software image.
The device is not connected to The device is not connected to Connect and configure LAN or
the network the network. WLAN in the device.
Failed to download digital The digital signature file is not Ensure the network shared
signature present in the network shared path contains a digitally signed
path. version of the software image.
Installation of software image Failed to extract the software Copy the valid software image
unsuccessful image to the inactive partition to the USB flash drive and retry
during the software upgrade software upgrade.
via a shared network.
Software image not found in The software image is not Ensure that a valid version of
shared folder present in the shared path. the digitally signed software
image files is present in the root
directory of the shared folder.
Shared network folder is Software upgrade using Configure the shared network
disabled in Settings screen the Shared Folder option is path in the Network > Shared
selected, but the shared folder Network settings. See the
is not configured. MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis
Setup and Configuration
If a USB port is not working, perform the following steps to detect and troubleshoot
the failure:
1. Verify that the Enable External USB Storage option is enabled in Settings >
System > Storage setting. If this option is disabled, access to USB flash drives is
2. Verify that at least one USB port is enabled in Settings > Hardware > USB Port
setting. If this option is disabled, access to USB flash drives is blocked.
3. Perform the USB Port Diagnostics Test. See Perform USB Port Diagnostics on
page 97.
If …. Then ….
The USB flash drive is not 1. Check for physical damage of USB ports.
detected in the USB ports
2. Verify that the USB flash drive is inserted correctly in the USB
• If the USB flash drive is detected, the USB ports are
• If the USB flash drive is not detected, proceed to the next
3. Repeat the diagnostics with another USB flash drive.
• If the USB flash drive is detected, the USB ports are
• If the USB flash drive is not detected, proceed to the next
4. Replace the expansion board. If the problem persists, proceed
to the next step.
5. Replace the CPU board.
If the device is not connecting to the LAN, perform the following steps to detect and
troubleshoot the LAN communication failure:
1. Verify the wired network configuration in the Settings screen.
2. Verify the LAN cable is inserted properly in the Ethernet jack (RJ45 connector).
3. Perform the LAN Diagnostics Test. See Perform LAN Diagnostics on page 92.
If …. Then ….
LAN communication is not 1. Replace the expansion board. If the problem persists,
established proceed to the next step.
2. Replace the CPU board.
If the device is not connecting to the WLAN, perform the following steps to detect and
troubleshoot the WLAN communication failure:
1. Verify Wireless is configured on the device.
3. Perform the WLAN Diagnostics Test. See Perform WLAN Diagnostics on page 94.
If …. Then ….
If touch gestures are not working on the screen, perform the following steps to detect
and troubleshoot the failure:
Check the touchscreen for cracks or other indications of physical damage.
If …. Then ….
There are no 1. Perform the Touchscreen Diagnostics test. See Perform Touchscreen
indications of Diagnostics on page 75.
physical damage
• If touch gestures are not sensed in a specific area in the screen, the
to the screen
touchscreen is faulty. Replace the touchscreen and bezel.
• If touch gestures are not sensed in the entire screen, then the problem
may not be with the touchscreen. Proceed to the next step.
4. Replace the CPU board. If the problem persists, proceed to the next step.
2. Insert a screw driver into the hole with a horizontal angle as the figure. Insert
depth is about 4cm.
3. Move the screw driver handle to right to release the roller hook.
5. Insert the Type-A terminal to PC-USB socket where the manufacturing tool is
7. Power on the device. See Power On the ECG Device on page 38.
8. Click MAC7.vbs on your laptop to launch the manufacturing tool and flash the
device with the manufacturing software.
Once the file transfer is completed, the status in the tool is updated as Done.
13. Power off the device. See Power Off the ECG Device on page 39.
15. Disconnect the OTG Micro-USB to USB cable from the device.
16. Power on the device. See Power On the ECG Device on page 38.
The device boots up automatically. You have full access to the device.
17. Open the Service screen and perform diagnostics tests. See Diagnostics Screen
Overview on page 75.
18. Go to Service > Device Information and update the Serial Number and LAN
MAC Address of the device.
19. Update the serial number, language settings and MAC Address of the device.
20. Enable the WRLS - Global Wireless option in the Option Manager. See Enable
the Options on page 60.
a) Disable the wireless option in the Network tab of the Settings screen. See
the Configuring Settings chapter in the MAC 7 Resting ECG Analysis Setup
and Configuration Manual. If the wireless option is enabled and you try to
configure Wireless Country of Operation, the Disable WLAN to set the
Wireless Country of Operation error message displays.
b) Open the Service screen.
c) Select Wireless.
The Wireless Country of Operation screen displays.
US 1. Select US.
2. Select Save to save the configuration.
A warning message displays indicating that setting the
device to US mode is an irreversible operation and will
remove the Wireless option from the Service screen.
3. Select Yes.
The wireless country of operation is set as US.
If the configuration could not be saved, an error message
displays. Repeat the procedure.
3. Select Yes.
The wireless country of operation is set as Canada.
If the configuration could not be saved, an error message
displays. Repeat the procedure.
4. Select Yes.
The wireless is set as per the configured country code.
If an invalid country code is entered, an error message
displays, and the device is set to 00 for World Regulatory
If no country code is entered, the device is set to 00 for
World Regulatory Domain.
The US, Canada, and World Mode modes are removed from
the Wireless Country of Operation and Wireless option is
removed from the Service screen.
21. Restore configuration data from the PSoC. See Restore Configuration Data from
PSoC on page 58.
22. Upgrade the production software from the Service screen. See Upgrade or
Downgrade Software on page 73.
GE Medical Systems Information Technologies, Inc., a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare.