Magnetism and Matter Notes by Amit Sir

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Magnetism and Matter 151

Magnets and their Properties, Magnetic Field Lines, Bar
an Equivalent Solenoid, Magnetic Field Magnet as
Dipole Along its Axis and PerpendicularIntensity due to a Magnetic
to its Axis, Torque on a
Magnetic Dipole in aUniform Magnetic Field
1. Magnets
Magnets are of two types () natural magnets, and 5. Magnetic Ficld Strength at a Point due to a Bar
(Gi) artificial magnets. Magnet.
Natural magnets are
irregular in shape and weak in strength. On generally B= Ho M
1+3 cos0
hand, artificial magnets have desired shape andthe other 4n

strength. A bar magnet, a horseshoe magnet, a desired where r is the distance of the point from the centre of
needle, etc. all are artificial compass the magnet, is the angle between the magnetic moment
vector and r.
2. Properties of Magnets
(i) Attractive property: Special cases:
A magnet can attract the
magnetic substances like iron, steel, cobalt, etc. (a) Magnetic field on axial line of a short bar magnet.
(i) Directive property. Baxial
(iii) Unlike poles attract and like poles repel. 4n (²
where M=m 21 [m is pole strength].
(iv) Magnetic poles exist in pairs.
(v) Force between two magnetic poles (b) Magnetic field on equatorial line due to a short bar
Square law.
obeys inverse magnet,
3. Magnetic Field Lines
(i) The magnetic field lines of a magnet are the Bequi 4n (2+132
imaginary lines making closed continuous loops. 6. Torque on a Magnetic Dipole in a Uniform Magnetic
(i) The tangent to the magnetic field lines at any point
gives the direction of the magnetic field at that A magneticdipole (e.g., a bar magnet) of dipole moment
M when placed in a uniform magnetic field B (e.g.,
point. earth's magnetic field at a place), experiences a torque.
(ii) Two magnetic field lines cannot intersect each T= MB sin 0
(iv) The crowded magnetic field lines represent a Here is the angle between M and B.
stronger field and vice versa. Vectorially, t = M x B
4. Magnetic Dipole and Dipole Moment 7. Time period of Oscillation of Bar Magnet in External
Two unlike magnetic poles of equal strength separated Magnetic Field
by a small distance make a magnetic dipole. T= 2T
Abar magnet has two magnetic poles known as the north MB
pole and the south pole each of pole strength m. If the here I = moment of inertia of a bar magnet.
separation between the poles, also known as magnetic 8. Potential Energy of a Current Loop in a Magnetic
length, is I then the bar magnet is said to have a magnetic Field
dipole moment. When a current loop of magnetic dipole moment,
M= ml M= INA is held in a uniform magnetic fieldB in such a
way that the direction of M makes an angle with B,
The direction of the magnetic dipole moment is from
the the potential energy of the dipole is given as
the south pole of the bar magnet to the north pole of
bar magnet. U= -MB =- MB cos 0
ina Uniform
152 a9ether witk Physics--12 Magnetic Dipole
9. Work donein
Rotating a M
where the zero of potential energy corresponds to Magnetic Ficld rotating a magnetic
0= 90°. done in position A
amount of work 0, to angular sense
(a) When = 0°, U= -MIB and is minimum. IIis the angular position natural
Moreover, T = 0for = 0. dipole from accelerationagainst its
without angular
So, 0 = 0° is the orientation or position of stable
rotation. (cos , - cos 0.)
equilibrium of a current loop (or amagnetic dipole) W= AU= - MB Bar Magnet
Like a
in uniforn magnetic field. Solenoid Behaves Exactlyfixed while in solenoid poles
(b) When = 180°, U= MB and is maximum. 10. polesare direction of current.
Though t =0 for =180° also. In a bar magnet, by reversing the
reversed fixed, but in
So, = 180° coresponds to the position or orientation can be pole in a bar magnet is
Pole strength of a changed by changing the magnitude
of unstable equilibrium of a current loop or a solenoid itcan be
magnetic dipole in uniform magnetic field. of current.

(c) field varies
perpendicular to the axis of
Multiple Choice (d) field is Mis: aligned in equilibrium
magnet of dipole moment s
Questions 1Mark 6. A magnetic field of intensity B. The work
positionin a
throughan angle 0 with the magnetic
1. A circular current carrying coil produces a magnetic done to rotate it
field B, at its centre. The coil is rewound so as to have field is
(b) MB cos
three turns and the same current is passed through it. (a) MB sin 0
The neW magnetic field at the centre is: [CBSE 2021| (d) MB (1 - sin )
(c) MB (1- cos )
B B and B is magnetic field
(a) 3Bo (6) 3 (d) 9B, 7. If M is magnetic moment
given by
2. Essential difference between electrostatic shielding intensity, then the torque is
by aconducting shell and magnetostatic shielding is (a) M.B. (b)
(c) M× B (a) MB
due to
(a) electrostatic field lines cannot end on charges and
conductors do not have free charges. Answers
(b) lines of B can also end but conductors cannot end
them. 1. (d)
(c) lines of B cannot end on any material and perfect 2. (c) As magnetostatic shielding is done by using an
enclosure made of a high permeability magnetic
shielding is not possible. material to prevent a static magnetic field outside
(a) shells of high permeability materials cannot be used the enclosure from reaching objects inside it or to
to divert lines of B from the interior region.
confine a magnetic field within the enclosure
3. A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic
3. (c) As magnetic needle experiences both torque and
field. It experiences force in a non-uniform magnetic field, because
(a) a torque but not a force.
unequal and non-linear forces are exerted on its
(b) neither a force nor a torque. poles.
(c) a force and a torque. 4. (b) Since, W=-MB(cos , -cos ;)
(d) a force but not a torque. =-MB (cos 60° - cos 0°)
4. A magnetic needle suspended parallel to a magnetic MB =/3 J
field requires /3 J of work to turn it through 60°.
The torque needed to maintain the needle in this Also, = MB sin 60° = MBY-/3x/3 =3J
position will be
5. (b) At any point on the right bisector the potential due
(a) 2/3 J (b) 3J (c) 3J ) J to the two poles are equal and opposite.
5. At a point on the right bisector of a magnetic dipole, 6. (c), At equilibrium position = 0,
the magnetic
(a) potential varies as Work done, W= MB sin d = MB(1-sin )
(b) potential is zero at all points on the right bisector. 7. (c) Torque, t = M×B
Lort Answer Type [] Magnetism and Matter 153
Questions 2 Marks
Ans. Consider an clectron revolving around the nucleus of
The magnettc an atom. The clectron is in a uniform circular motion
eurrens I, having moment of a
cireular coll around the nucleus of charge +Ze. This constitutes a
ind the magnetic turns, ench of radiusearrying
N current.

nwound and rewoundmoment of the sume collr, ifisit M.Is . ()

for the same into a coll having 2N
Initial magnetic ICBSE
momnt of the coil, M, = NIA
Ifit is unwound and
moment, M= 2NIA rewound into a coil, then magnetic
M,= 2M,
diagrams given the figure (a)
magnetic field lines
and (b) show
(thick lines in the
Point out what is wrong
If r is the orbital radius of the electron and 'v' is the
oy describe with Some ofwrongly.
them orbital speed, then the time period is given as
electrostatic lines correctly. Point
out which ones. field
From equations (i) and (ii), we get
I= ...(üi)
As the magnetic moment is given by
We have evr

Multiplying and dividing by m, in above equation, we
evm, L
2m, 2m,
where L is the angular nmomentum of the electron.
Ans. (a) Wrong. The Iines should curve out at both Since magnetic dipole moment and angular momentum
ends, and meet eventually to form closed loops are oppositely directed,
otherwise, it will violate the Ampere's circuital AL
(b) Wrong. Magnetic field lines between two pole
pieces cannot be precisely straight at the ends. Some
fringing of lines is inevitable. Otherwise, Ampere's
law is violated. This is also true forelectric field lines.

Short Answer Type []| 2n

Questions 3 Marks According to the Bohr hypothesis, the angular
momentum can have discrete values only.
10. Anelectron of mass m, revolves around a nucleus of i.e.
charge +Ze. Show that it behaves like a tiny magnetic L=
dipole. Hence prove that the magnetic moment enh neh
So, 2r (2m) 4Tm
associated with it isexpressed as u = e_1. where
2 me In this case it is directed into the plane of the paper.
L is the orbital angular momentum of the electron. 11. Two identical thin bar magnets, each of length L and
Give the significance of negative sign. pole strength m are placed at right angles to each
Or other, with the north pole of one touching the south
Deduce the expression for the magnetic dipole moment pole of the other. Find the magnetic moment of the
system. |HOTS]
of an electron orbiting around the central nucleus.
Magnetism and Matter 157
or /= Pole strength Paramagnetic Materials. Such materials get
Area of cross-section of the material in the direction of the magnetising field, magnetised
The SI unit of Iis Am-l So, their relative permeability, though feebly.
A Megnetic Susceptibility. The magnetic susceptibility
susceptibility and
intensity of magnetisation are positive (> 1, but close
(Y) of a specimen is a measure of the ease with to it). For example, Platinum,
Aluminium, Manganese,
which the specimen can be magnetised. It is defined
as the ratio of intensity of magnetisation induced in Ferromagnetic Materials. Such materials get strongly
it and the strength of the magnetising field, i.e. magnetised in the direction of the magnetising field. So,
their relative permeability, susceptibility and
H intensity
of magnetisation are positive (much greater than 1). For
2. Classification of Magnetic Materials example, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, etc.
Diferent materials are known to behave differently 3. Curie's Law in Magnetism
in external magnetic field called the magnetising field According to Curie's law, the intensity of magnetisation I
and accordingly they are categorised as diamagnetic, (defined as the magnetic dipole momentper unit volume)
paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials. of a paramagnetic material is directly proportional to the
Diamagnetic Materials. Such materials get magnetic intensity H, called the magnetising field and
ina direction opposite to the direction of the magnetised is inversely proportional to absolute
field. Hence, their susceptibility and intensity material.
temperature of the
magnetisation are negative and theirrelativepermeability or I c
I-c,equivalently Xm=
is lessthanl(4,<1). For example, Bismuth, T
Water, etc.
Antimony, T
Here, Cis a constant known as Curie's

Multiple Choice (c) attract N, and N, strongly but repel N,.

Questions 1Mark () attract N, strongly, N, weakly and repel N,
5. Curie temperature is the weakly.
1. Which among the following is not attracted by temperature above which
magnets? (a) a ferromagnetic material
(a) Cobalt becomes paramagnetic.
(6) Iron (b) a ferromagnetic material becomes
(c) Copper (d) Nickel diamagnetic.
L. Sis the surface ofa lump of (c) a paramagnetic material becomes
material, then diamagnetic.
(a) Lines of B are not necessarily (d) a paramagnetic material becomes
(0) Some lines of B must be
continuous across S. 6. Curie law XT =
(c) Lines of H discontinuous across S. constant, relating magnetic
are necessarily continuous across S.
(a) Lines of H cannot all be
susceptibility and absolute temperature (T) of
3. continuous across S. magnetic substance is obeyed by
solenoid has 1000 turns per metre and carries (a) all magnetic substances.
of 1 A. It has a soft iron core
Ihe core is heated bevond the of H,= 1000. (b) paramagnetic substances.
Curie temperature, 1ç
(0) The Hfield in the solenoid is (nearly)
(c) diamagnetic substances.
but the Bfield decreases (d) ferromagnetic substances.
(b) The H drastically.
and Bfields in the solenoid are nearly 7. If the magnetising field on a ferromagnetic
(c) Theunchanged.
magnetisation in the core reverses direction.
is increased, its permeability
(a) is decreased.
4. ThreeThe m
magnetisation in the core does not diminishes. (b) is increased.
Magnetism and Matter 157

or / =m" =
Pole strength Paramagnetic Materials. Such materials get magnetised
Area of cross-section of the material in the direction of the magnetising field, though feebly.
Am-! So, their relative permeability, susceptibility and
The SI unit of I is intensity of magnetisation are positive (> 1, but close
I Magnetic Susceptibility. The magnetic susceptibility
to it). For example, Platinum, Aluminium, Manganese,
(y) of a specimen is a measure of the ease etc.
which the specimen can be magnetised. It is defined
Ferromagnetic Materials. Such materials get strongly
as the ratio of intensity of magnetisation induced in
magnetised in the direction of the magnetising field. So,
it and the strength of the magnetising field, i.e.
their relative permeability, susceptibility and intensity
H of magnetisation are positive (much greater than 1). For
example, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, etc.
Classification of Magnetic Materials
3. Curie's Law in Magnetism
Diferent materials are known to behave differently
According to Curie's law, the intensity ofmagnetisationI
in external magnetic field called the magnetising field (defined as the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume)
and accordingly they are categorised as diamagnetic,
of a paramagnetic material is directly proportional to the
paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials. magnetic intensity H, called the magnetising field and
Diamagnetic Materials. Such materials get magnetised
is inversely proportional to absolute temperature of the
in adirection opposite to the direction of the magnetising material.
field. Hence, their susceptibility and intensity of H
magnetisation are negative and theirrelative permeability
or I c
T equivalently .m H T
is less than 1(4,<1). For example, Bismuth, Antimony, Here, C is a constant known as Curie's constant.
Water, etc.

(c) attract N, and N, strongly but repel N,.

Multiple Choice (d) attract N, strongly, N, weakly and repel N, weakly.
Questions 1Mark
5. Curie temperature is the temperature above which
1. Which among the following is not attracted by (a) a ferromagnetic material becomes paramagnetic.
magnets? (b) a ferromagnetic material becomes diamagnetic.
(a) Cobalt (b) Iron
() Copper (d) Nickel (c) a paramagnetic material becomes diamagnetic.
b Sisthe surface of a lump of magnetic material, then (d) a paramagnetic material becomes ferromagnetic.
(a) Lines of B are not necessarily continuous across S. 6. Curie law xT = constant, relating magnetic
(0) Some lines ofB must be discontinuous across S. susceptibility () and absolute temperature (T) of
() Lines of H are necessarily continuous across S. magnetic substance is obeyed by
(a) Lines of H cannot all be continuous across S.
3. Along solenoid has 1000turns per metre and carries (a) all mnagnetic substances.
(b) paramagnetic substances.
acurrent of 1 A. It has a soft iron core of 4, = 1000.
The core is heatedIbeyond the Curie temperature, 1. (c) diamagnetic substances.
(a) The Hfield in the solenoid is (nearly) unchanged (d) ferromagnetic substances.
ferromagnetic material
but the B field decreases drastically. 7. If the magnetising field on a
(b) The H and B fields in the solenoid are nearly is increased, its permeability
(c) The magnetisation in the core reverses direction.
(a) is decreased.
(b) is increased.
(d) The maagnetisation in the core does not diminishes.
(c) is unaffected.
4. Three needles N,, N, and N, are made of a
may be increased or decreased.
158 ogetker ntk Physics-12
9. The best material for the core of a transformer is 10. (c) Ferromagnetism is cxplained on the
(a) stanless steel (b) mild steel formation. bnsis of donain
(c) hard steel () soft iron I1. (6) Since susceptibility (x) of
10, Domain formation is the necessary feature of
(a) diamagnetism. (6) paramagnetisnn.
deereaseS with increase in ferromagncticundmateria
curie temperature 1,, it lemperaturc
becomes above
(c) ferromagnetism. («) all of these. 12. (a) paramagnetic.
1. The variation of magnetic susceptibility with the 13. (a) Diamagnetism is the
temperature of a ferromagnetic material can be substances. universal property of all
plotted as
Al Short Answer Type [UJ
(a) (6) Questions 2 Marks
14. State Curie's law. How does the
the relative permeability of susceptibility and
vary with the temperature?paramagnetic substancee
Ans. Curie's Law in Magnetism
T According to Curie's law, the intensity of magnetisation /
(d) (defined as the magneticdipole moment per unit volurme)
of a paramagnetic material is directly proportional to the
magnetic intensity H, called the magnetising field and
is inversely proportional to absolute
material. temperature of the
or I c
equivalently xm H
T,’ T Here, C is a constant known as Curie's constant
12. In which type of material the magnetic
does not depend on temperature?
susceptibility Both magnetic susceptibility and relative
decreases with increase in temperature till the
(a) Diamagnetic (b) Paramagnetic specimen
reaches the saturation value. Beyond this, Curie's law is
(c) Ferromagnetic (a) Ferrite no longer valid.
13. The universal property among all substances is 15. Out of the two magnetic materials, Ahas relative
(a) diamagnetism. (6) paramagnetism. permeability slightly greater than unity while Bhas
(c) ferromagnetism. (d) allof these. less than unity. Identify the nature of the materials
A and B. Will their susceptibilities be positive or
Answers |Delhi 2014]
Ans. The relative permeability , = (1 + x), where
1. (c) Xm = magnetic susceptibility.
2. (d) For paramagnetic substances, H,>1 and x is positive.
3. (a) At normal temperature, a solenoid behaves as a For diamagnetic substances H,<l and x, is negative.
ferromagnetic substance and at the temperature .:. Magnetic material A is paramagetic, its X willbe
beyond the Curie temperature, it behaves as a positive and B is diamagnetic, its
paramagnetic substance.
will be negative.
16. Show diagrammatically the behaviour of magnetic
4. (d) field lines in the presence of (a) paramagnetic and
5. (a) A ferromagnetic material becomes paramagnetic (6) diamagnetic substances. How does one explain
above the curie temperature. this distinguishing feature? |Panchkula 2019; AI 2014|
6. (b) Ans. (a) Paramagnetic substance
B 1
7. (a) Since, u = H H
8. (c) Since, for diamagnetic -1< <0
9. (d) Since, soft iron has high permeability and low When a paramagnetic substance kept in an external
retentivity. magnetic field, the dipole moments are induced
in the direction of magnetic field. As a result, the
Mapnetism and Matter 159
number of magnctie field lincs passing through the
20, Define magnetlc susceptlblity of a material.
paramagnetie:substance increases, and the substance two elenments, one having positlve susceptibility and
attracted by the magnetic tield from its weaker to the other bavlng negatlve susceptibility. What does
ctnnger part. For the paramagnetie substance, the negative susceptiblity slgnify? |KVSI
sCeptibility (x) has a small positive value. Ans. Magncticsusceptibility is the property ofamaterial which
(0) Diamagnetie substance determines how casily it can be magnetiscd when kept
in the magnetising field.
Magnetic susceptibility is the ratio of the intensity of
magnetisation () produced in the material to the intensity
of magnetising field (H).
when a diamagnetic substance kept in an external I
magnetic field, it gets feebly magnetised in a
direction opposite the direction of magnetic field.
The number of magnetic field lines passing through Positive susceptibility: paramagnetic material e.g. Al, Ca.
the substance decreases, and it is repelled by the Negative susceptibility: diamagnetic material e.g. Bi,Cu.
magneticfield rom its stronger to weaker part. The negative susceptibility signifies that the material is
For the diamagnetic substance, - 1s Y<0. diamagnetic in nature.
Givetwopoints to distinguish between a paramagnetic 21. The following figure shows the variation of intensity
9nd a diamagnetic substances. of magnetisation versus the applied magnetic field
|Similar Delhi 2019; Foreign 2014] intensity, H,for two magnetic materials A and B:
Paramagnetic materials move from weaker to (a) Identify the materials A and B.
stronger part of a non-uniform magnetic field. (b) Why does the material B, have a larger
Diamagnetic materials move from stronger to susceptibility than A, for a given field at constant
weaker part of a non-uniform magnetic field. temperature?
() For paramagnetic materials, the susceptibility has B
asmall positive value, i.e 0 < x<e, hereeis a
fraction. A
In case of diamagnetic materials, the susceptibility
has asmall negative value, i.e. - 1<x<0.
18. The susceptibility of amagnetic material is -2.6x 105
Identify the type of magnetic material and state its Ans. (a) As
two properties. |Delhi 2012] H
The slope of the line gives the magnetic
Ans, As the susceptibility is negative (-ve), we conclude that susceptibilities.
material is diamagnetic.
For the magnetic material B, it is giving
The following are its two properties:
higher positive (tve) value. So, the material is
() It has tendency to move from stronger to weaker ferromagnetic.
part of the external magnetic field.
For the magnetic material A, the slope is positive
(i) It gets feebly magnetised in the direction opposite b (tve) and lesser than that for B. So, the material
to that of the applied magnetic field. b i s paramagnetic.
19. The relative magnetic permeability of a magnetic (b) The larger susceptibility is due to a characteristic, i.e.
material is 800. Identify the nature of magnetic
'domain structure'.The more number of magnetic
material and state its two properties. |Delhi2012]
moments get aligned in the direction of magnetising
Ans, The nature of the magnetic material is ferromagneticC.
field in comparison to that for the paramagnetic
The following are its two properties: materials for the same value of magnetising field.
) It gets strongly magnetised when placed in an 22. Draw a plot showing the variation of intensity
external magnetic field. of magnetisation with the applied magnetic field
") nas strong tendency to move from the region of intensity for Bismuth. Under what condition does
Weak magnetic field to strong magnetic field, i.e. diamagnetic material exhibit perfect conductivity
It gets strongly
attracted to a magnet. and perfect diamagnetism?

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