( Prepared By Ayyappan C, HSST Physics, GHSS
Udma, Kasaragod)
Magnetic dipole
• Magnetic dipole moment is the product To find the magnetic field at a place
of pole strength and distance between
• B can be determined by oscillating a
the poles.
magnetic needle of known magnetic
m = P × 2l where ,P - the pole strength moment (m) and moment of inertia I.
Special cases:-
Geographic Meridian
Dip or Inclination
• Thus
• where μ r = 1 + χ, is a dimensionless Diamagnetic materials
quantity called the relative magnetic
permeability of the substance. • These are substances which experiences
• The magnetic permeability of the weak force of repulsion in a magnetic
substance is μ and it has the same field.
dimensions and units as μ 0 • The atoms or molecules of a diamagnetic
μ μ = μ 0 μ r = μ 0 (1+χ) material have no magnetic moments in
the absence of external magnetic field.
Magnetic permeability (μ) • The diamagnetic substance develops a net
magnetic moment in direction opposite to
• It is the ratio of magnetic field to the
that of the applied field and hence
magnetizing field
Permanent magnets
• High retentivity