SWSP6033 00 2022T3 V1.0-1

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SWSP6033: Social Work Theory and

Practice (Individuals and Families)
Discipline of Social Work

Some Social Work units may be delivered Face to Face or online to ensure the health of students
and staff during the COVID19 pandemic. This is a temporary mode of delivery that has the
approval of the AASW.

Social workers acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the First Australians,
whose lands, winds and waters we all now share, and pay respect to their unique values, and their
continuing and enduring cultures, which deepen and enrich the life of our nation and communities.
Social workers commit to acknowledge and understand the historical and contemporary disadvantage
experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the implication of this for social work
practice. Social workers are responsible for ensuring that their practice is culturally competent, safe
and sensitive.

Unit Outline SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

Document Name
(Individuals and Families)

Responsibility Academic Dean

Version UO SWSP6033.V1.0

1. Unit Description
This unit explores the complexity of practice faced by social workers engaged in individual and
family work with the aim to work towards effective outcomes for their individual and social
wellbeing, and life chances. In this course you will harness your critical social work skills and
explore ethical dilemmas, cultural identity, power and gender analysis when working with
individuals and families. You will investigate the application of Anti-Oppressive theory, with a
strengths-based practice framework when working in different fields of practice, with child
protection forming the main practical focus. Students will be invited to engage in critical personal
reflection of their understanding of family, challenge the construction of what family means and
explore the changing social, cultural, political and historical context in which practice decisions are

2. Unit Information
Unit level and type Masters level core unit

Credit point value 6 (out of a total of 96)

Prerequisites Nil

Co-requisites Nil

Equivalent Units Nil

Delivery modes Online and On Campus

Course Master of Social Work (Qualifying)

3. Development of Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes

3.1 Unit Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:

a. Explore critical, strength-based and anti-oppressive theory to practice with individuals and
b. Locate individual and family issues within social, cultural and political conditions
c. Critically explore the values, assumptions and challenges in working with families that present
with complex/ multiple issues in the community, and range of social work responses.
d. Demonstrate a critical understanding of ethical challenges relating to culture, gender, age
and power and strategies to work in an anti-oppressive, strengths-based manner.
e. Apply practice skills, assessment skills, resource & networking skills to working with
individuals and families.
f. Consider the challenge of working critically within the current socio-political culture of
managerialism and neo-liberalism.

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

3.2 Course Learning Outcomes

This unit, SWSP6033, covers the learning required to deliver the following Course Learning Outcomes:
Values and 1.1 Practice in accordance with the AASW Code of Ethics
Ethics 1.2 Manage ethical dilemmas and issues arising in practice
Professionalism 2.1 Represent the social work profession with integrity and professionalism
2.2 Behave in a professional manner and be accountable for all actions and
Culturally 3.1 Work inclusively and respectfully with cultural difference and diversity
Responsive 3.2 Respect and strive to understand and promote the right of Aboriginal and
and Inclusive
Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures
Knowledge for 4.1 Understand higher level systemic influences on people with respect to
Practice area of practice
4.2 Understand and articulate social work and other relevant theories and
4.3 Understand the role of research and evaluation in obtaining and
generating new knowledge for practice
4.4 Understand and articulate how and when theories, knowledge bases and
knowledge sources inform practice
Applying 5.1 Assess and analyse needs to inform practice
knowledge to 5.2 Work collaboratively
5.3 Use a range of social work methods and techniques appropriate to the
area of practice
5.4 Apply critical and reflective thinking to practice
Communication 6.1 Communicate with a diverse range of people
and 6.2 Communicate the details and nature of the service offered to people
Skills 6.3 Work with others in a team environment
6.4 Use information technology to communicate and provide services
Information 7.1 Record and manage information appropriately
Recording and 7.2 Keep and maintain information in accordance with ethical principles and
relevant legislation

Professional 8.1 Actively participate in professional supervision

Development 8.2 Engage in continuing professional development
Supervision 8.3 Where appropriate, contribute to the professional development of others

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

3.3 ACAP Graduate Attributes

Successful completion of this unit also contributes specifically to the development of the following
ACAP Graduate Attributes:
• GA1 COMMUNICATE: Apply effective communication skills with others in diverse contexts
and through multiple modalities
• GA2 SUSTAIN: Sustain an intentional commitment to maintain currency and further develop
knowledge and skills over their lifetime
• GA3 THINK: Apply critical, creative and flexible thinking to contribute and respond
constructively across diverse settings
• GA4 ENGAGE: Engage effectively with contemporary and traditional knowledge across
multiple contexts
• GA5 WELLBEING: Utilise skills and knowhow to maintain resilience, personal and
professional wellbeing when responding to challenges and opportunities
• GA6 EQUALITY: Enact inclusive practices that deliver social justice and equality of
• GA7 INTEGRITY: Apply integrity and ethical standards to study, research and practice
• GA8 COMMUNITY: Use teamwork and leadership knowledge and skills to advance teams,
groups and communities
• GA9 GLOBAL: Apply culturally sensitive professional knowledge and skills to contribute to a
sustainable global future

4. Learning and Teaching Process

This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
a) Lectures and critical discussion
b) Tutorials and skill development activities
c) Online pre-learning activities
d) Online post-learning

Depending on the delivery mode, this unit’s content is delivered to students via
• A weekly 3 hour learning session [via Zoom or On Campus]. One hour will be
didactive material delivered in lecture format. Two hours will be interactive class time, for
discussion of the lecture, readings, assessments and class activities.

In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal
study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The
total individual workload of this unit will be around 9 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study
and reading).

5. Student Attendance: Social Work

The Discipline of Social Work expects that students maintain 80% attendance for each unit of study.
Students are responsible to provide supporting documentation for missed classes. Students are also
required to provide evidence of how they have kept abreast with the course content, this will be
assessed by submitting a 500-word outline summarising the content of each missed session.
Students who miss more than three (3) sessions for a class offered weekly or one (1) session for a
weekend block will not be able to pass the unit. In circumstances where attendance requirements are
not met, the result ‘Fail Incomplete’ will be awarded. For more information refer to the participation
and learning policy: Student Participation and Attendance Policy

5.1 Trimester Key dates

The Trimester Key Dates can be accessed at https://www.acap.edu.au/current-students/key-dates/

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

6. Weekly Schedule
Week Topic Assessment

1. Theories for working with families: Overview of the social, cultural,

legal, historical and political conditions shaping families.

2. Psychological theories for engaging and assessing children and

infants: child development, family life cycle, attachment theory

3. Theories for practice with families

Intergenerational and family of origin, structural, circular questions

and strength-based approaches: narrative, solution focused, cognitive
behavioural and community approaches

4. Contexts and issues in working with families: Child protection,

legislation and statutory contexts

5. Children of parents with a mental illness or drug and alcohol Assessment 1

addictions (Literature Review)

6. Domestic violence in families

7. Break Week: no classes

8. Youth justice, engaging young people: LGBTQI+

9. Diversity and cultural sensitivity, complexity and cultural differences

when working with refugee, migrant families

10. Working alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

11. Loss, grief and trauma in families in perpetual crisis, Assessment 2 Part
A & B (Role Play &
Reflection) due
12. Older family members and family members with a disability Assessment 2 Part
A & B (Role Play &
Reflection) due
13. Self-care and supervision

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

7. Assessment Overview
The assessment in this Unit has TWO components as listed below.

Assessment Type Due Date Weighting Length

Assessment 1: Week 5 a,b,c,d,e,f 50% 2,500 words

Literature Review Sunday
by 11.55pm

Assessment 2: Weeks 11 - 12 a,d,e 50%

15-20 minutes
Part A: Group roleplay Sunday
1,500 words
Part B: Individual by 11.55pm
Reflection AEST/AEDT
* Students must achieve at least an overall Pass grade in order to pass the unit.

8. Assessment Policy and Procedures

The Assessment Policy and Procedure located on the ACAP website is a full statement of the
principles and practice which inform the design, development and implementation of assessment at
ACAP. All policies are available via https://www.acap.edu.au/current-students/managing-my-
course/a-z-policies/. Application forms such as the extension request, academic considerations and
appeals against grades are available via https://students.acap.edu.au/current-students/managing-my-

8.1. Assessment Practice

Academic integrity and professional standards
Plagiarism is the inclusion of another person’s work within your submission without acknowledgement
or permission. Plagiarism is regarded as a form of cheating. The penalties associated with misconduct
are severe, and plagiarism may result in failure or variation of grade in the Unit. All ACAP students
must familiarise themselves with the Academic Integrity Statement, and the Academic Misconduct

Submitting Assessments
Assignments are submitted via the class space by the due date in the Assessment Overview. Unit
educators will provide instructions and demonstration of the submission process prior to the due date
for the first assessment in the unit. Students who experience technical issues when attempting to
submit their assignment should contact ACAP IT Support and email their educator.

Examinations and presentations must be attended as scheduled, unless by prior arrangement via
Academic Consideration in Assessment. Non-attendance at a scheduled assessment may result in
a Fail grade for the assessment and may impact a students’ ability to demonstrate an assurance of
learning against each learning outcome.

Late submission of assessments

Should a student without an approved extension fail to submit an assessment piece by the due date,
they will attract a 5% penalty for every calendar date the assessment is submitted late. The late
penalty is deducted from the total marks available for the assessment piece, not the mark awarded.
For example, an assessment worth 50% will incur a late penalty of 2.5 marks per day. No assessment
will be accepted after 10 calendar days from the due date unless an extension has been granted.

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

Should a student require an extension they must apply in accordance with the Official Assessment
Extension Guidelines (refer to Attachment 2 of the Assessment Policy and Procedure). All students
apply online via the official Assessment Extension Request Form.

Academic Consideration in Assessment

Students may submit an application for Academic Consideration in Assessment based on
unforeseeable adverse circumstances which have impacted their ability, or one or more members of
their group’s ability, to meet assessment deadlines (refer to Attachment 4 of the Assessment Policy
and Procedure.

Receiving marks for assessments

Students will be notified of marks for individual assignment via the class space.

Appeals against grades

Each student has the right to appeal against an assessment decision. The student is the only person
who can lodge an appeal. In the case of an assessment appeal, the student must approach the unit
Academic Teacher directly first and every attempt should be made to resolve the issue at this level. If
there are grounds for a more formal appeal, access the Assessment Appeal Application Form.

9. Prescribed and Recommended Readings

9.1. Prescribed

There is not set textbook for this unit

9.2. Recommended

Refer to the readings list located on the online class space.

• Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
• Australian Social Work
• Australian Journal of Social Issues
• Children Australia
• Critical Social Work
• Critical and Radical Social Work
• Family Process
• Journal of Social Work (UK)

Australian Institute of Family Studies https://aifs.gov.au/
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare https://www.aihw.gov.au/
The Bouverie Centre https://www.bouverie.org.au/

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

10. Learning Resources and Support

Academic and Learning Support

Students’ first point of contact for academic support is their unit educator. Contact details for the staff
in this unit are available in the class space. Here students will find consultation hours for this unit and
the best means for contacting individual staff.

Comprehensive library services are available to support and enhance your learning experience at
ACAP. The ACAP Library site (https://libguides.navitas.com) provides access to book collections,
including electronic books and professional journals listed in this unit. ACAP librarians can help with
your research needs in person at our Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane campuses, and by email or

User guides, IT policies and Technical Support

For user guides, IT policies and technical support: https://students.acap.edu.au/current-

The Student Learning Support (SLS) service

To access the Student Learning Support, follow this link https://sls.navitas-professional.edu.au/The
site provides information on effective study habits and information that will assist you to structure,
format and reference an assignment successfully. It also provides information on a range of
workshops and tutorials to support students with study skills, academic writing and language learning.
SLS Advisors offer consultations online or in person at selected on campus locations.

Smarthinking is an assignment review service available in many Diploma and Bachelor level units.
Check the class space for links to the Smarthinking service.

Personal Support
ACAP counsellors provide free confidential support and personalised assistance to help students
manage their personal issues and develop strategies to concentrate on their studies. Sessions are
available online or in person at selected campus locations. Find more information via

Administrative Support
The Student Engagement team can assist with administration matters. For more information

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

11. Appendix: Assessment Detail

Assessment 1

Week Due Sunday, Week 5 by 11.55pm (AEST/AEDT)*

Assessment Type Literature Review

Weighting 50%

Aligned Learning a. Explore critical, strength-based and anti-oppressive theory to

Outcomes practice with individuals and families.
b. Locate individual and family issues within social, cultural
and political conditions
c. Critically explore the values, assumptions and challenges in
working with families that present with complex/ multiple issues
in the community, and range of social work responses.
d. Demonstrate a critical understanding of ethical challenges
relating to culture, gender, age and power and strategies to
work in an anti-oppressive, strengths-based manner.
e. Apply practice skills, assessment skills, resource &
networking skills to working with individuals and
f. Consider the challenge of working critically within the current socio-
political culture of managerialism and neo-liberalism
2,500 words
*Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)/Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT).
Check your time zone to ensure that you submit your assessment on time. If required, use a time
zone converter.

Assessment 1 Details and Instructions

A literature review examines and critically evaluates the most relevant, recent and scholarly research
on a particular topic. It synthesises the contributions of different authors, to identify the key theoretical
positions and debates about the topic. It is a review of what others have written, not an essay on the
topic. That means that instead of just describing what other authors have written, you need to compare
and contrast their viewpoints, connect, interpret and critique their ideas and present your own analysis
and interpretation of the key and other points. https://sls.navitas-professional.edu.au/literature-review

Choose a topic from below and review at least ten refereed journal articles, book chapters (at
least 5 should be Australian published since 2019) to review what social workers argue in
response to one of these topics:
• Child protection and the importance of culturally safe interventions
• Homelessness and gender based issues
• Impact of domestic violence on families and the role of men in stopping it
• Grief, loss and trauma and the impact on refugee and asylum seeker families
• Mental health and the use of stimulants
• Indigenous versus non Indigenous ways of working with families
• Caring for elders in different cultures

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

In your literature review include the following

• Topic title and Abstract – provide an overview of your findings from your review of the
literature review
• Introduction – introduce your topic and outline what you looked for in your literature review ie
your ‘search’ words and sources
• Themes – identify 4-5 themes that emerge in your search and compare and contrast different
authors’ arguments. Identify what is missing in the literature
• Conclusion – draw your own conclusions about the topic based on your review
• Recommendations – make recommendations about what implications your finding have for
social workers towards positive outcomes for the topic you chose

Assessment 1 Criteria

1. Abstract identifies topic and summarises the key finding from scholarly social work literature
2. Literature review clarifies key concepts, definitions and terminology
3. Identifies 4-5 key themes and compares authors’ debates and contentions about current (from
2016 on) Australian, social work scholarly literature
4. Identifies problems or gaps in existing knowledge ie critiques non critical social work
5. Review is well structured and argument evolves (including clear introduction, body and
conclusion) to answer the question and academic literacy, APA, minimum of 10 contemporary
references, from social work perspectives

How to do well in Assessment 1

1. Read the set readings
2. Attend all classes with active participation in class discussions and roleplays
3. Use resources from this unit including books and journal articles

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

Marking Criteria: Assessment 1



Very Good


1. Abstract identifies topic that relates to social work
and families and summarises the key finding from
scholarly social work literature review

2. Conveys contested terms and concepts definitions

and terminology within the literature.

3.Critically discusses 4 to 5 themes and debates

within and between the literature and evaluates how
authors present them. Reviews current literature
(from 2016 on) about families and social work.
4. Identifies problems or gaps in existing knowledge
ie critiques non critical social work perspectives

5.Academic literacy, APA 7, Minimum of 10

contemporary references, from social work
Total Mark: /50


Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

Assessment 2

Week Due Weeks 11 & 12, Sunday by 11.55pm (AEST/AEDT)*

Assessment Type Part A: Group role play (in class)

Part B: Individual reflection (Due one week after your roleplay)

Weighting 50%
Part A: 20%
Part B: 30%

a. Explore critical, strength-based and anti-oppressive theory to practice with

individuals and families.
Aligned Learning d. Demonstrate a critical understanding of ethical challenges relating to
outcomes culture, gender, age and power and strategies to work in an anti-
oppressive, strengths-based manner.
e. Apply practice skills, assessment skills, resource & networking skills to
working with individuals and families

Part A: Role Play: 15-20 minutes (in class)

Length Part B: Reflection: 1,500 words

*Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)/Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT).
Check your time zone to ensure that you submit your assessment on time. If required, use a time
zone converter.

Assessment 2 Details and Instructions

Part A: Role play in class, 20-30 minutes.
In groups, you will choose an approach to working with a family and prepare an introduction and role
play to demonstrate it in action in class. You may choose to demonstrate a Family Group Conference,
a family interview using circular questions, a collaborative Case Conference, intervention in a family
where there is domestic violence or child abuse or Signs of Safety: working with a family using the
NEWS model, a supervision session where you debrief and discuss your case with a supervisor,
engaging a family of cultural difference who is unaware that their practices are abusive e.g. belting
children, child marriage, female genital cutting. Each group will role play their example to demonstrate
a critical social work, family sensitive, child-focused approach. Choose names for the family members.
You will explain to the class what you are demonstrating, based on the theory from this unit.

Part B: Reflection 1500 words (Due one week after your Class roleplay)
You will reflect on four aspects:
1. The theory behind your role play and the family approach. This should be well researched
using at five references from this unit.
2. How your role play complied with sections of requirements of the AASW Code of Ethics
3. Your experience of playing the character or social worker in the role play. Describe what
informed your way of playing the role, IE what you read or did to prepare yourself and reflect
on your experiences of being in or working with that family. analyse the power dynamics
between family members, the culture of the family, the gender roles, interactional patterns
and the relationship and interactions between the social worker and the family.
4. How your group prepared the role play, the role you played in planning and creating the role
play with your group, any difficulties your group encountered and what actions you took to
resolve them.

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

Assessment Criteria

Part A. Group Roleplay (20%):

• Understanding and application of the family approach for inclusive and respectful social work
with diverse families with cultural differences
• professional practice compliant with the AASW Code of Ethics
• use of theories and practices from this unit

Part B Reflection (20%):

• Understanding and articulation of the theories behind the social work approaches and other
relevant theories and concepts, including culturally inclusive principles and practices
• Use a range of social work methods and techniques appropriate to the area of practice
• Critical and reflective insights about the person you played and the family dynamics
• Your insights on your contributions to a positive group experience and peer support

Part C. Academic integrity (5%)

Evidence of your own work, accurate APA referencing, well written, references from this unit

Part D Professional Practice (5%): attendance in and participation in class discussions

Assessment 2 Part B, C and D are graded together on the class space, and collectively contribute 30%
of your grade for this unit.

Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

Marking Criteria: Assessment 2


Not Satisfactory

Very Good

1. Group Roleplay Understanding and application
of the family approach for inclusive and
respectful social work with diverse families with
cultural differences compliant with AASW
Mark: _______/20

2. Reflection
• Articulation of theories behind the family
approach and other social theories, including
culturally inclusive principles and practice
• Critical reflective insights about the person you
played and the family dynamics
• Insights on your contributions to a positive
group experience and peer supervision
Mark: _______/20

3. Professional integrity Academic literacy, 10

references minimum in APA 7
1500 words + or – 10%
Mark: _______/5

4. Attendance and class contributions

Mark: _______/5

Grade: _____/30
Overall mark: ______/50



Unit Outline: SWSP6033 Social Work Theory and Practice

(Individuals and Families) V1.0 (02/09/2022)

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