Reactive Dyeing
Reactive Dyeing
Reactive Dyeing
Of various methods of achieving wet fastness in dyeings, direct chernical linkage of the dye to the fibre
has not hitherto been employed in practice. The Procion dyes are a new class of dyes, which will react
with cellulose in presence of alkali. The evidence for chemical reaction is reviewed. Being dyes of small
molecular weight, their affinity for cellulose is low and diffusion inside cellulose fibres rapid, so that cold
dyeing becomes feasible. Also, side-reaction of the dyes with water is minimised at low temperatures. The
importance of these properties in determining the preferred dyeing methods ia discussed.
Procion dyes can be applied in practice by continuous processes, including a method which entails
only padding and drying. Novel batch dyeing methods have been developed. The dyes can also be
applied by printing with a suitable thickener, and again a novel non-steaming printing style has been
evolvcd and a particularly interesting stylo using white and vat-dye-illuminated resists under Procion dyes.
The fastness properties characteristic of chemical linkage are briefly reviewed.
Thus both existing methods of attaching dyes to quaternary bases with cellulose under dry baking
fibres have their disadvantages, and interest in the conditions 3 , while recently it has been shown that
third possible mechanism- chemical reaction- certain sulphonic esters of dyes will react with
is of long standing. This interest arises from the cellulose at high temperatures4.
general supposition that, if a dye could be attached Naturally, the search for more practical methods
to a fibre by a covalent link, it should become part of using reactive dyes has continued, and this work
of the fibre, and, therefore, should have high wet- has now culminated in the production of a new
fastness properties. Perhaps this view exaggerates range of dyes- the Procion (ICI) dyes- which
the stability of chemical linkages, as an ester link, are water-soluble but contain a reactive group
for example, might hydrolyse fairly rapidly under capable of combining with cellulose under alkaline
alkaline soap boiling conditions. Rubbing fastness conditions. The dyes are not so highly reactive as
with chemically linked dyes should present no t o be unstable in water a t room temperatures, but
problem, for the dye could be rubbed away only yet they are sufficiently reactive t o avoid the need
by removal of the fibre substance itself. for drastic fixation conditions. Reaction will
Such considerations form the justification for occur in presence of sodium carbonate solution
attempting to link dyes chemically t o fibres. One even in the cold, although stronger alkalis can be
of the earliest attempts in the case of cellulose used if desired. Reaction with cellulose under such
fibres was that of Cross and Bevan‘, who in 1895 mild conditions seems so contrary to previous views
carried out the following series of reactions- that it is desirable to review the evidence that a
chemical reaction between dye and fibre does take
Collulose place.
J. + Caustic soda
J + Heiizoyl rhloride CELLULOSE
Benzoylcellulose The occurrence of a chemical reaction between
J + Nitric acid Procion dyes and cellulose is indicated by the
Nitrobenzoylcellulose following facts-
4 + Ammonium vulphide
Aminobenzoylcelliilose (1) Procion dyes are highly soluble in water,
and the solubility is conferred on the molecule by
J Diarotivation
the presence of sulpho (-S0,H) groups. There can
be no question, therefore, of a temporary solubilisa-
J Couple with phenolic compounds
Ary lazobenzoylcelluloses
tion phenomenon. If cotton is padded or printed
with a neutral solution of a Procion dye and then
Regarding the last stages in this process, Cross and dried, the colour can be removed almost completely
Bevan state: “. . cellulose amidobenzoate was diazo- from the fabric by water washing. If, however,
tised and combined with amines and phenols to the impregnated fabric is treated with alkali, a
form red and yellow colouring matters, the reacting large proportion of the dye is fixed and is resistant
residue remaining more or less firmly combined t o soap boiling. This can be demonstrated very
with the cellulose.” simply by cutting a printed but unfixed fabric into
This process was, of course, merely of academic two parts, immersing one half in sodium
interest in the study of cellulose structure, but bicarbonate solution, and then ironing the fabric.
many attempts were made subsequently to simplify When boiled in soap solution, the alkali-treated
the process t o something of practical value. fabric retains its colour, whereas the dye is washed
Cellulose itself or soda cellulose was treated with out of the untreated fabric. Since the dye molecule
acid chlorides, alkyl halides, heterocyclic halides, still contains its water-solubilising groups, this
chloroacetophenone, etc. 2 to yield derivatives which behaviour can be explained only by reaction with
could react further with dyes or intermediates t o the fibre.
give coloured fibres. None of the processes was of (2) Cotton dyed with direct, vat, or azoic dyes
practical value because of the severity of the can be stripped by boiling with a solvent such as
reactions, which degraded the fibre, and because pyridine, o-chlorophenol, or chloroform. These
of the general need to use a t some stage expensive solvents do not extract Procion dyes from dyed
non-aqueous reaction media with all their attendant cellulose, which suggests that some force other
difficulties. than adsorption or mechanical retention is holding
The reason for this comphcated approach to the the dye on the fibre.
problem was the belief that the hydroxyl groups of (3) Polyvinyl alcohol may be regarded as
cellulose were relatively inert, so that drastic similar in nature t o cellulose from the point of view
conditions were needed to promote reaction. The of reactivity. If aqueous solutions of polyvinyl
alternative approach of using a highly reactive alcohol, containing on the one hand a Procion dye
grouping in the coloured molecule was similarly and on the other an acid or a direct dye, are
considered impracticable, unless, again, a non- poured on t o the surface of a solution of caustic
aqueous system could be used, since a grouping soda saturated with salt, a film is formed. The
highly reactive toward8 hydroxyl groups would film containing the Procion dye can subsequently
probably be hydrolysed by water. On this theme be boiled in water and will not disintegrate,
attempts have been made to develop a practicable although it swells somewhat, whereas the film
single-stage process by reaction, for example, of Containing a n acid dye rapidly dissolves.
(4) I n a similar manner, cellulose which has reactive dye (S-R.X) as reactive dye, the dye
been dyed with Procion dyes under certain condi- combined with cellulose as bound dye, and the
tions swells but does not dissolve in cuprammonium hydroxy derivative (S.R.OH) as loose dye.
solution, whereas direct-dyed cotton dissolves At first sight there seems no reason why reaction
rapidly. This fact and the behaviour of the of the dye with cellulose should take place prefer-
polyvinyl alcohol film suggest very strongly that entially, but in practice the degree of fixation
reaction with the hydroxyl groups of the polymer attained usually exceeds 70% of the dye present
has occurred to change its solubility. in the system under recommended conditions of
(5) The colour of Procion Yellow R is due t o the application. Above that figure the actual fixation
presence of an azo group. Consequently this dye depends on the particular dye employed and upon
can be reduced on the fibre by sodium hydro- the temperature, the pH, and other constituents
sulphite to two amine-containing products. If the of the dye liquor at the time of fixation. In general,
dye has reacted with the fibre before reduction, high temperatures and strong alkalis favour the
one of these products should remain anchored t o side-reaction and lead to lower fixation. Under no
the fibre and should resist washing out. Such a conditions ao far examined has the occurrence of
“discharged” fibre can in fact be diazotised and the side-react,ion been entirely prevented.
coupled with another phenol or amine t o produce A possible explanation for the preferential
a new dye, and this process can be repeated reaction with cellulose is that reaction can proceed
indefinitely. Again, this is very strong evidence more easily when the dye molecule is adsorbed on
that the Procion dye is combined with the fibre. a cellulose surface. To confrm this hypothesis
Considering all these points together, it may be attempts have been made t o measure the actual
concluded that the occurrence of chemical reaction rates of reaction of the dyes with water and with
in the dyeing of cellulose with Procion dyes is cellulose. Cellulosic material which has been dyed
well established. from neutral solution with Procion dyes has been
plunged into alkaline solution, and then after
THE 1)YEING PROPERTIES OF REACTIVM D Y E S varying times transferred t o acid solution t o stop
A satisfactory process of dyeing with any the reaction. It has not been found possible to
reactive dye must consist of two stages- entry of obtain a definite estimate of the rate, as the
dye into the fibre and chemical reaction within reaction is complete in less than 5 sec. even a t
the fibre. It is possible t o devise dyeing methods room temperature. It may be concluded, therefore,
in which both processes are going on at the same that for practical purposes the reaction of adsorbed
time, and these will be discussed later, but in dye with cellulose is instantaneous, and that
order to get the clearest picture of the mechanism overall rates of fixation in practice will be deter-
of the process, it is best to study the two stages mined by the rates of diffusion of the dyes into the
separat,ely. In the case of Procion dyes this is fibre or by the rate of diffusion of hydroxyl ions
comparatively easy, for reaction occurs only in the into the fibre.
presence of alkali. Hence it is possible to investi- The reaction of Procion dyes with water has
gate first the application of the dyes in neutral been followed by calorimetric determination of the
solution, when they behave as non-reactive dyes, heat evolved in the process and is much slower:
and then to study the reactions which occur when Procion Brilliant Red 2B, for example, has a time
alkali is added. of half decomposition around 20min. at .room
The most interesting feature of a reactive system temperature. Details of the reaction rate a t
is, of course, the actual process of combination different temperatures are shown in Table I, and
between dye and cellulose. The structure of a the comparative rates of reaction with cellulose
Procion dye may be represented as S-R-X, where and with water in Fig. 1.
S represents one or more sulpho groups conferring
solubility on the molecule, R is the coloured
organic molecule, and X is a reactive halogen atom.
As already mentioned, i t is difficult to conceive of
any system which will react with the hydroxyl
groups of cellulose and yet will not react with water.
It may be anticipated, therefore, that in the
fixation process two reactions will proceed simul-
S.1z.X + €IO.Cell + S.R.O.C!ell + HX (1)
removing loose dye. After washing, the final drying final concentration of 15-30 g./litre in the dyebath.
presents no difficulty, as the dye remaining is fully During this stage the dye is salted on t o the fibre
bound and cannot migrate. smoothly and uniformly in the same way as a
An alternative technique is to use the Standfast direct dye. Because of the much greater rate of
molten-metal dyeing machine for the heat- diffusion of these dyes, it is possible to carry out
treatment stage, the alkali-salt solution being this process cold (below 30"c.) in about 30 min.
floated on the entrance leg of the machine. All these and yet obtain satisfactory Penetration with most
methods have been employed successfully in fabrics. The use of a low temperature is also
practice, and the most serious difficulty en- beneficial in avoiding premature reaction with the
countered has been to overcome migration in the fibre. The exhaustion attained a t this stage is still
intermediate drying stage. low with Prociom lted and Blue, but quite high
The dye solutions used in the above methods are with the Yellow, which illustrates the different
neutral and are reasonably stable. If a n attempt affinity of this dye. The levelling properties of all
is made to add alkali to the solutions in order to three dyes up to this point are excellent, as would
obtain a one-stage padding process, it is found that be expected in view of the low exhaustions.
the solutions are too unstable t o be of practical When the neutral dyeing has proceeded for
value. However, sodium bicarbonate can be added about 30min. sodium carbonate is added to the
without serious instability, and when fabric dyebath. In the case of Procion Yellow R most of
impregnated with such a solution is heated to t l e dye is already on the fibre, and the alkali
100"c. or higher, reaction with the Procion dye produces fixation in situ. With the Red and the
takes place. Consequently a very simple dyeing Blue, however, fixation of the adsorbed dye is
process consists in padding the cloth through a followed by a further take-up of dye by the fibre.
solution of the Procion dye containing sodium As already noted (p. 240), it is for this reason that
bicarbonate (10-20 g./litre) together with some the fixation stage also is best carried out cold,
electrolyte or sodium alginate as a migration so that decomposition in the dyebath is minimised
inhibitor, then drying, washing off, and drying while further diffusion into the fibre is occurring.
again. Fixation occurs during the first drying, A further dyeing period of 1 hr. is sufficient,
which may be carried out in a flue drier or on cam. although with the Yellow alone the process can be
Again great care must be taken to get uniform completed in a much shorter time. The behaviour
drying, and if cylinder drying is employed the of the Procion dyes in this process is clearly shown
temperature of the first few cans must be carefully in the rate-of-dyeing curves (Fig. 2 4 ) .
controlled to avoid actual boiling of the liquor on
the fabric. This process has also been used I00
successfully in bulk working, especially with
viscose rayon fabrics.
The bicarbonate method may also be combined 7s
with the crease-resisting process in tl sequence
such as-
Pad in dye 1 NaHCO, 5
'3 50
4 c
Dry w
Pad in crease-resisting liquor 25
Wash off 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 75 90 I20
Time, min.
J. -0- Procion Yellow RS
Dry -A- Procion Blue 3GS
-0- Procion Brilliant Red 2BS
No intermediate washing is required between -__ Sodium carbonate (lg./litre) added
drying and entry into the crease-resisting liquor, FIG. 2- Itate of D>riiig of Virrow Rayon with Proriori 1)yr.s
any loose dye being removed in the final washing (liquor ratio 30.1. t t w p W c , 30 g qiilt per Iitrc)
off. It is noteworthy that basic crease-resisting In Fig. 2 the rate-of-dyeing curves for the three
resins generally promote the retention of loose Procion dyes are displayed. The similarity in
dye, presumably in the same way as they would behaviour between the Brilliant Red 2B and the
an acid dye; but this is not likely to be serious, as Blue 3 6 and the effect of the higher affinity of the
any loose dye which is retained will not stain Yellow R are clearly shown. Fig. 3 shows the
adjacent cellulosic fabrics during domestic washing. effect of temperature on the dyeing of Procion
Brilliant Red 2B. It will be seen that at the higher
2. BATUHWISE DYEINQ temperature a state of equilibrium is reached
I n general, a two-stage process is most suitable more quickly in the first stage, but the exhaustion
for batchwise dyeing with Procion dyes. The dyes is lower. When alkali is added, reaction is
are first applied to the textile material from neutral quicker a t the higher temperature and is soon
solution, salt being added gradually t o build up a complete, but the final amount of dye fixed is much
In printing with Procion dyes one of the first
problems encountered was that of finding a suitable
thickener. Since most of the common thickening
agents are carbohydrates, i t is only t o be expected
that, under any conditions which will lead to
fixation of these dyes on the fibre, reaction with
the thickener will also occur, and this is in fact
observed. The effect is either to give t~ poor colour
yield, since some of the dye is not available to
combine with the fibre and is removed in a bound
form when the thickener is washed off, or else to
(i) Viscose rayon insolubilise the thickener in the same way as in the
(ii) Mercerised cotton
(iii) Cotton experiment with polyvinyl alcohol (p. 238), so that
PIU.4- Effect of Fibria it cannot be readily removed from the fabric and
gives prints with a harsh, stiff handle. The only
less owing to the greater decomposition in the dye- solution to this problem which has been found so
bath. Finally, Fig. 4 shows the relative dyeing far is the use of alginate thickener. It seems
properties on cotton, mercerised cotton, and probable that the value of this product lies in the
viscose rayon, indicating that the behaviour is in carboxyl groups in the polymer, which ionise and
general similar t o that of direct dyes, the best repel the similarly charged dye ions and so prevent
fixation being achieved on viscose rayon. reaction. This effect will also promote the transfer
This general process can be used t o apply of the dye from the thickener into the cellulose.
Procion dyes to cellulosic fibres in most types of The printing process is based, again, on the use
dyeing machinery with only slight modifications. of sodium bicarbonate. The Procion dye is dis-
No difficulty is encountered in yarn dyeing in the solved in a solution of urea (to improve solubility
beck or in machines of the Hussong type as regards a t the high concentrations required for printing)
levelness of dyeing. I n package-dyeing machines and added t o the alginate thickening. Finally, the
both the salt and the sodium carbonate should be sodium bicarbonate is added, if possible just prior
added in portions in order to obtain the maximum to printing. The fabric is then printed in the usual
levelness, and the rinsing, scouring, and washing way, steamed, washed off, and dried. The steaming,
off processes must be particularly thorough. Care for 2-15 min., is not critical, and the presence of air
must be taken not to leave the finished dyeings does not affect the yield.
in an alkaline condition, as the colour is adversely The very rapid fixation which is possible with
affected. Winch dyeing may be employed for many these reactive dyes a t high temperatures has led
with a thickened solution of sodium carbonate or Effect on dyeing ... 5 5 4-5 5 5 4-5
Staining of cotton ... 4-5 5 6 5 5 5
bicarbonate, and then fixed merely by drying on Staining of wool or silk 5 5 5 5 5 5
steam-heated cans. Finally, the goods are washed
off and dried. 5 x 100°C. 5 x 100"~.
Effect on dyeing ... 5 3-4 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
The various complexities which the practical Staining of cotton ... 4-5 5 5 5 5 4-5
printer will bring into these simple processes by Shining of wool or silk - - - 5 5 4 5
trying to print Procion dyes alongside other
clttsses of dyes are legion but of no direct interest FASTNESS TO DnY CLEANING
to the study of reactive systems. The main No change in colour of dyeing and no staining of adjac-ent
material detectable
features of such mixed styles are determined by
the pH sensitivity of the Procion dyes and by the in the table represent the values for Procions
chemical stability of the dye molecules from which Yellow R, Brilliant Red 2B, and Blue 3G in that
they are derived. Thus the existing Procion dyes order. These fastness figures confirm the behaviour
are not stable to reducing agents, which severely which might be expected of a reactive dye in
limits their use alongside vat dyes, although giving high all-round wet fastness and fastness to
coloured resists under Procion dyes may be solvents. It is notable also that this fastness is
obtained with vat dyes. maintained a t very pale depths of colour, whereas
In general, it is the fact that Procion dyes will the majority of other dyes show a considerable
fix only under alkaline conditions which is of drop in light and/or wet fastness as the depth is
major importance in mixed styles. Naturally, they reduced.
cannot be applied in any style which requires acid CONCLUSIONS
steaming, nor can they be very conveniently used
alongside dyes which are liable to liberate acid on The work which has just been described and the
steaming. Thus, although they can be printed fabrics which have been dyed and printed
alongside Alcian dyes, special precautions must be demonstrate that the chemical reaction of dyes
taken to avoid contamination of the Procion- with cellulose is no longer a mere theoretical
printed area with acid or with sodium acetate from speculation but a very practical proposition. The
the Alcian print paste. Obviously, Procions Procion dyes place in the hands of the dyer a n
cannot be used alongside azoic compositions which entirely new method of attaching dyes to cellulose
are to be developed by acid steaming, or alongside and open a new field of investigation and invention
solubilised vat dyes developed by the clromate- on the application side. Being completely novel,
acid age process. They can, however, be used with the process has its advantages and disadvantages
neutral-steaming azoic dyes or with solubilised vat as compared with conventional methods of dyeing,
dyes applied by the thiocyanate process. By and its full potentialities have not yet been
including an excess of sodium bicarbonate in the explored. The use of reactive dyes of the Procion
print paste, Procion dyes may be used as illumina- type provides one answer t o the age-old problem
ting colours under solubilised vat dyes applied by of making a dye which will be soluble in water and
the thiocyanate process, as the sodium carbonate which will have good levelling and penetration
formed during steaming is sufficient t o resist propertics and so be easy t o apply, and yet at the
selected solubilised vat dyes. same time give dyeings of the highest wet tastness.
The most surprising and gratifying feature is that
FASTNESS PROPERTIES O F PROCION DYES these effects can be produced with only minor
The fastness properties obtained with Procion modification of conventional dyeing methods, and
dyes fall into two groups- those determined by that no highly unstable compounds, drastic
the chemical stability of the dye molecules which conditions of reaction, or unorthodox solvents are
form the basis of the Procion dyes, which are required. An additional, rather unexpected,
independent of the method of linkage, and those feature i s the possibility of low-temperature
which are largely determined by the method of dyeing arising from the rapid diffusion of these
linkage. The existing Procion dyes show a number dyes into fibres and the ease of reaction. This
of deficiencies in the former types of fastness, process is attractive by virtue of the saving of
among which may be mentioned their lack of fuel and the general improvement in working
resistance t o hypochlorite; however, such pro- conditions in a dyehouse which i t can produce.
perties are not, of course, characteristic of reactive The Procion dyes themselves must be regarded
dyes as a class, but only of those members so far as the first members only of a potentially very
developed. There is every reason t o hope that large class of dyes. There can be no doubt that,
improved products will be found later. now the practical utility of the principle has been
On the other hand, the wet-fastness properties established, the use of reactive dyes is here to
are probably broadly representative of what can stay, and that the future will see enormous develop-
be expected from reactive dyes, and are summarised ments in this field, which may well revolutionise
in Table V. The three figures given in each position certain sections of the dyeing trade.