1. This document is a Diploma Supplement that accompanies a nursing degree from Widya Husada Semarang University.
2. It provides information about the degree holder such as their personal details, dates of study, degree awarded, and the university that granted the degree.
3. It also outlines the nursing program requirements, including the required qualifications for admission, evaluation system used, language of instruction, and access to further study opportunities.
1. This document is a Diploma Supplement that accompanies a nursing degree from Widya Husada Semarang University.
2. It provides information about the degree holder such as their personal details, dates of study, degree awarded, and the university that granted the degree.
3. It also outlines the nursing program requirements, including the required qualifications for admission, evaluation system used, language of instruction, and access to further study opportunities.
1. This document is a Diploma Supplement that accompanies a nursing degree from Widya Husada Semarang University.
2. It provides information about the degree holder such as their personal details, dates of study, degree awarded, and the university that granted the degree.
3. It also outlines the nursing program requirements, including the required qualifications for admission, evaluation system used, language of instruction, and access to further study opportunities.
1. This document is a Diploma Supplement that accompanies a nursing degree from Widya Husada Semarang University.
2. It provides information about the degree holder such as their personal details, dates of study, degree awarded, and the university that granted the degree.
3. It also outlines the nursing program requirements, including the required qualifications for admission, evaluation system used, language of instruction, and access to further study opportunities.
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UNIVERSITAS WIDYA HUSADA SEMARANG Surat Keputusan Pendirian : Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik
Indonesia Nomor 459/M/2020
Certificate of Establishment Decree of The Minister of Education and Culture of The Diploma Supplement Republic of Indonesia Number 459/M/2020 Surat Keterangan Pendamping Ijazah (SKPI) Nama Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Widya Husada Semarang Nomor : 46/SKPI/NERS/UWHS/IX/2020 Name of University Widya Husada Semarang University Nama Fakultas : Fakultas Keperawatan, Bisnis dan Teknologi The Diploma supplement accompanies a higher education certificate providing a standardized description of the Name of Faculty Faculty Of Nursing, Business And Technology nature, level, context, content and status of studies completed by its holder Nama Program Studi : Profesi Ners Program of the study Surat keterangan pendamping ijazah sebagai pelengkap ijazah yang menerangkan capaian pembelajaran dan Jenis Pendidikan : Profesi prestasi dari pemegang ijazah selama masa studi Classification of Study Profession Jenjang Pendidikan : Ners Education Level I. INFORMATION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT HOLDER Jenjang Kualifikasi Sesuai KKNI : Level 7 INFORMASI TENTANG IDENTITAS DIRI PEMEGANG SKPI Qualification Level Based on KKNI Level 7 Nama Lengkap : WHENY SEPTIA DAMAYANTI Persyaratan Penerimaan : Sarjana Keperawatan dan Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Name Access Requirements Undergraduate Nursing and Student Selection Test Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Kendal, 3 September 1996 Bahasa Pengantar Kuliah : Bahasa Indonesia Place and Date of Birth Kendal, September 3rd, 1996 Language of Study Indonesian Sistem Penilaian : A=4; A-=3,75; AB=3,5; B+=3,25; B=3,0; B-=2,75; Nomor Induk Mahasiswa : 1808046 Evaluation System BC=2,5; C+=2,25; C=2,0; C- =1,75; CD=1,5; D+ =1,25; Student Registration Number D=1,0; D- =0,75; E=0 Tanggal Masuk : 08 Oktober 2019 Lama Studi : 1 Tahun Date of Entry Oktober 8th, 2019 Study Period 1 Year Tanggal Lulus : 01 September 2020 Jenis dan Jenjang Pendidikan Lanjutan : Magister Date of Graduation September 1st, 2020 Access to Further Study Postgraduate Study Nomor Seri Ijazah : A3894 Certificate Serial Number Semarang, 31 Oktober 2020 Gelar : Sarjana Keperawatan Ners (S.Kep, Ners) Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik Title (Vice Rector of Academic)
Rinayati, S.Si.T., M.Kes
NIP. 19820109200310204
INFORMASI TENTANG IDENTITAS PENYELENGGARA PROGRAM 1. Ketrampilan Umum 1. General Skills pengembangan hasil kerja profesinya a. Bekerja dibidang keahlian pokok untuk jenis a. Working in the field of core skills for the l. Meningkatkan kapasitas pembelajaran secara pekerjaan yang spesifik dan memiliki specific type of work, and have a minimum mandiri kompetensi kerja yang minimal setara working competence which is equal to work dengan standar kompetensi kerja profesinya; competency standards of his/her profession. B Additional Information b. Membuat keputusan yang independen dalam b. Making independent decisions in carrying Informasi Tambahan menjalankan pekerjaan profesinya out the work of his/her profession based on berdasarkan pemikiran logis, kritis, logical, critical, systematic and creative 1. Kegiatan Softskill yang pernah diikuti : 1. Softskill activities that been followed : sistematis dan kreatif; thinking a. Pelatihan Basic Trauma and Cardiac Life a. Basic Trauma and Cardiac Life Support c. Menyusun laporan atau kertas kerja atau c. Arranging reports or working papers or Support pada tanggal 31 Oktober-03 Training on October 31th-November 03 rd menghasilkan karya desain dibidang producing design work in his/her field of November 2019 2019 keahliannya berdasarkan kaidah rancangan expertise based on design rules and standard b. Seminar Nasional Keperawatan dengan b. National Seminar on Nursing with the theme dan prosedur baku serta kode etik profesinya procedures, as well as the ethics of his/her Tema " Young People and Mental Health of Young People and Mental Health in a yang dapat diakses oleh masyarakat profession which can be accessed by the in a Changing World" Changing World akademik academic community d. Communicating ideas/arguments or Semarang, 31 Oktober 2020 d. Mengkomunikasikan pemikiran/argument innovative works that are useful for Dekan atau karya inovasi yang bermanfaat bagi professional development, and (dean) pengembangan profesi dan kewirausahaan entrepreneurship which are proved by the yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara accountability scientifically, and profession ilmiah dan etika profesi kepada masyarakat ethics, to the community especially his/her terutama masyarakat profesinya profession Maulidta Karunianingtyas Wirawati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. e. Increasing his/her profession skill through NIP. 198611142009112076 e. Meningkatkan keahlian keprofesiannya pada training and work experience bidang yang khusus melalui pelatihan dan pengalaman kerja f. Being responsible for work in the field of f. Bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan dibidang his/her profession in accordance with their profesinya sesuai dengan kode etik ethics profesinya g. Holding critical evaluation toward the work result and decisions making in performing g. Melakukan evaluasi secara kritis terhadap job for themselves and the colleague hasil kerja dan keputusan yang dibuat dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya oleh dirinya h. Leading a team in solving the problem sendiri dan oleh sejawat dealing with the profession h. Memimpin suatu tim kerja untuk i. Holding a team work with interprofessions memecahkan masalah pada bidang in solving problem deal with the profession profesinya i. Bekerjasama dengan profesi lain yang j. Developing and keeping the network with sebidang dalam menyelesaikan masalah association and clients pekerjaan bidang profesinya k. Documenting, saving, auditing, protecting, j. Mengembangkan dan memelihara jaringan and refinding the data and information to kerja dengan masyarakat profesi dan improve working result according to the kliennya professionalism k. Mendokumentasikan, menyimpan, l. Increasing learning capacity independently mengaudit, mengamankan dan menemukan kembali data dan informasi untuk keperluan