Adventure Starter The Curse of Drazhu
Adventure Starter The Curse of Drazhu
Adventure Starter The Curse of Drazhu
What here is not what it seems? When all questions have had a die assigned to
1. The king is a puppet dancing on another’s them, set the two remaining dice aside and
strings spend some time to extrapolate the results and
2. A monster hides in human skin flesh out the world.
3. The swirling fog... it seems alive
4. You possess a dangerous, valuable secret Starting Disposition
5. You’ve been pretending to be aligned with the Next, ask any or all of the following:
enemy since your arrival here ☠ Which one of you, if any, is in charge?
6. A malevolent force has corrupted an ancient ☠ Which of you are natives to this country? What has
order become of your home?
Who or what is really in control here? ☠ Which of you were old friends long before the rest?
1. Chaos, the mob and a populace bent on revenge ☠ Which of you are clearly out of place in this land?
2. The curse recently laid upon the party What marks you as an outsider?
3. Dark powers at the Crimson Temple of Krandor ☠ Why did you heed the call and come to this place?
4. The mysterious count who sent you on this
mission Now, take the 2 remaining dice and total them up:
5. The twisted lich Drazhu 10+ You start play with the initiative—there’s an
6. A great evil from beyond this world opportunity for you to seize, time to make a
plan, and/or an opening to exploit.
What should we be on the lookout for? 7-9 You start play facing down danger, but things
1. Roving bands of goblin bandits
haven’t gone south just yet—it’s tense!
2. Perdix’ soldiers enforcing martial law
6- You start pinned down, imprisoned, or on the
3. The reanimated bodies of the recently dead
4. Carriers of a nasty disease
5. Unnatural beasts… deformed by magic
6. The Cult of the Ungu, hunting what’s theirs The GM will set the scene. What do you do?
GM Toolkit
Forces and Factions
The Order of the Silver Thorn, The High Court of Villager Names:
Perdix, Gogamok’s Dogs, The Apostles of Ungu, Kristjan, Heiti, Sten, Egert, Kass, Erko, Vosu, Vallo,
The Fellowship of the Crimson Mantlet, The Kalle, Kotka, Valdeko, Kappa, Kardo, Sibul, Ardi,
Daughters of Dust, Gary’s Boys, The Grey Minders, Padar, Kaie, Flanz, Katariina, Valjas, Irma, Levandi,
The Knights of Temperance, The Black Queen’s Epp, Korjus, Elo, Mustin, Minna, Klavan, Dagmar,
Cavaliers… Nurme, Katre, Ille, Looke, Liia, Soosaar…