Fast Adventures Generator

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Create casual adventure and let imagination do the rest! Roll: 1d4 if scene RES is 1; 1d6 if 2; 1d8 if 3; 1d10 if 4.
1. Roll 1d4 to determine the scenery and rooms/steps/other; RES EVIL NPC
The Butcher: ruthless, rude and violent
2. Roll 1d4 to determine the scene and 1d4 to Scenery Effects; 1
Will not kill maidens; High HP/damage
3. Roll on Evil NPC to determine a possible villain of the plot;
The Hag: impulsive and choleric
3. Roll on Encounters Table to animate the scenery; 2
Uses dark magic to destroy life; misogynist
4. Roll 2d6 to generate a dungeon from upper sheet’s frame The Deer: a poweful noble now fell in ruin
(if needed; 1° d6: map + possible trap’s symbol; 2° d6: length x Sly, know how to take advantage from terrain
3 times PC’s movement) and a d6 from lower for treasures. The Temptress: rancorous and mendacious
Noble who gathers troops of fallen knights
The Pig: lurid lustful, brute and vulgar
1. FOREST (journey: roll 1d6 if short; 2d6 medium; 3d8 long) 5
Well armed troops; Very high HP
1. The Lach Pal forest has always been a source of inspiration
The Bolt: ferocious fighter with no pity
for the tales of the minstrels, who weave incredible praises 6
Expert executioner; High AC
on those who once lived there... Snod’s Dog: only appears to bring ruin
2. The forest of Galor hides an ancient secret in the dense Cloaked in mystery; nobody knows his face
and luxuriant vegetation, but it is difficult to make your way The Viper: lewd and cruel, has no restraint
through the bush... Knows everything about poison
3. The forest of Tuk-Nagor is an insidious and dark place, Malor’s Nail : born to generate chaos
Army of children; discord as weapon
from which the madmen who enter it never return...
Stor’s Scourge: brings death where arrives
4. The forest of Malor is the death sentence of those who are 10
No one can kill him; He’s the Evil itself
exiled there: anyone wishes to perish by poisonous miasmas,
and not by the hand of the obscenities that inhabit it...
Roll: Village 1d4; Cavern 1d6+2; Forest 1d6+6;
2. CAVERN (rooms: roll 1d6 if short; 2d6 medium; 3d6 long)
Castle 3d4+4. Roll 1d6+16 for friendly encounters.
1. A mine: in its depths could be found riches waiting to be
brought to light...
Group of goblin without control
2. It is rumored that the cave is haunted: the wages are good, 1
Trees, well, cavern, river, pillages
but those who ventured earlier have returned to die in pain... Group of soldier/brigands at service of...
3. The underground streets of Yal Balug were once an 2
Trees, cavern, pillages, extorsions
important link between the cities of Nessa and Calach: after Some ghouls dissacrate dead’s graves
the collapses only who dares to cross the darkness goes it... Cemetery, mound, night, trail of blood
4. A descend into the bowels of the earth: words of death are A nefarious spirit claims vengeance
engraved on the entrance. There is no hope of return... Cemetery, mound, macabre, disappearances
Haunting cultists officiate a black mass
Profane, occult, macabre, sacrifices
3. VILLAGE (houses: roll 2d4 if small; 3d6 medium; 4d8 big) A hag kidnaps children and eat them
1. The village of Caran Ach rises between the slopes of the 6
Silence, darkness, fear, atrocious, infamous
Svaltjor mountains: its strategic position is a cause for A fallen knight: will stop only if killed
exhausting struggles between many parts... Dishonor, redoutable, ruin, exile, damned
2. The village of Foldev has long been abandoned, but 8 RES 4 + RES 6
disturbing presences roam around it when night falls... A Troll wreaks havoc encountered creatures
3. There is no news of the village of Garvad: the terrible Savage, feral, monstrous, brutal
10 RES 1 + RES 9
plague of which it was said about could have reached it...
Sacred spirits corrupted by Evil, now mad
4. The village of Snod does not appear on the maps. A feeling 11
Sacred, ancient, tradition, sin
of unease pervades those who run into his disturbing vision... 12 RES 3 + RES 11
Bloodthirsty mercenaries
4. CASTLE (rooms: roll 4d4 if small; 4d8 medium; 8d6 big) Dishonor, violence, death, pillages
1. Lord Donovald's manor has been attacked: aid of all kinds 14 RES 2 + RES 13
is urgently needed. Aberrant creature: it cannot be conceived
2. A terrible death has thrown Fort Stonegrave into darkness: Aberration, obscene, death, madness
Lord Vvulf claims the executioner's head. 16 RES 5 + RES 15
17 A holy fighter in search of his lost faith
3. Farlor’s manor is cloaked in a darkness that the sun cannot
18 A merchant in search of a precious thing
penetrate. Unholy forces branch out from within to plague
19 1d4+2 fighters companions (low-mid level)
the surrounding lands... 20 A gentle maiden who makes a gift to the PCs
4. Stor’s castle has been in ruins since time immemorial: Evil 21 Someone once PCs saved from bad situation
has chosen it as its home, and it grows there without 22 The spirit of a beloved one PC (few moments)


1 Quiet: advantages/bonus to long time PCs’ actions 1 Sunny/Quiet: a PC can reroll a single die or +4 extra HP/day
2 Normal: nothing particular influences PCs’ actions 2 Clear sky/Normal: nothing particular happens
3 Obscure: disadvantages/malus/afflictions to PCs’ actions 3 Rainy/Dark: each PC develops a terrible fear of…
4 Overwhelming: rush against time or terrible end + RES 3 4 Stormy/Oppressive: 2 x damage received + RES 3

1. SwordWeapons; 2. ShieldArmors; 3. Potions; 4. Spells; 5. Gems and gold; 6. Magic item

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