Circular Bar... XLSX Version 1
Circular Bar... XLSX Version 1
Circular Bar... XLSX Version 1
Rebate - 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000
TOTAL 50.2620 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
(1/3) (2/3) (3/3)
ESTIMATE Pak PWD Schedule of Rates, 2012
Sarhad Engineering and Electric Techni Style Engineering Naeem Khan Wazir & Co.
Co. Peshawar Services, Swat Bannu
ITEM NO. Qty Unit Rate Rs Amount Rs Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
a. 1/2'' dia 22 Ru.m 94.09 2069.98 210.00 4620 350 7700 300 6600
b. 3/4'' dia 12.19 Ru.m 114.76 1398.92 290.00 3535.1 420 5119.8 400 4876
c. 1" dia 9 Ru.m 152.26 1370.34 390.00 3510 550 4950 500 4500
Providing and Fixing 4 inches dia C.I.spun pipes
(Teepu,Alpine,Engineering Corp) soil and vent
including cutting and fitting all specials such as
T,Bend,reducer,Cowel etc) and joint with lead or lead
2 6/43 wool and spun yam Pcc 1:2:4 on burried pipes and
exposed pipes fixed with clamps, painting two coats
with enamel paint to match the colour with buildind
a. 4'' dia pipe 9.14 Ru.m 692.9 6333.11 1900.00 17366 3500 31990 1500 13710
b. 3'' dia pipe 16.45 Ru.m 602.43 9909.97 1500.00 24675 3000 49350 1200 19740
Providing and fixing 6 inches x 2 inches or 6 inches x
3 inches C.I floor trap of approved self cleansing
design with C.I screwed down grating with or without
3 8/44+10/44 vent arm complete with and including making 2 Each 436.04 872.08 578.00 1156 650 1300 1500 3000
requisite number of holes in walls, plinth and floor for
pipe connection and making good in cement concrete
Providing and fixing dia full way gun metal valves with
wheels threaded or flanged ends with rubber
washers, (standard pattern) of Anwar or Asia made.
10 4/47
a. 1/2" dia valve 2 Each 73.70 147.40 280.00 560 700 1400 400 800
b. 3/4" dia valve. 4 Each 103.40 413.60 350.00 1400 1000 4000 500 2000
c. 1" dia valve 1 Each 136.40 136.40 420.00 420 1250 1250 700 700
Providing and fixingapproved quality CP Brass toilet
11 20/45 2 Each 227.26 454.52 320.77 641.54 400 800 800 1600
paper holder.complete
Providing and fixing 24 inches x 18 inches Looking
12 6/47 mirror of imported glass 5mm thick fixing with CP 2 Each 439.12 878.24 845.02 1690.04 800 1600 1000 2000
clamps and screws. .
Providing and fixing 30'' x 3/4'' dia approved quality of
13 16/45 chrome plated brass towel rail complete with brackets 2 Each 310.86 621.72 302.75 605.5 600 1200 1000 2000
fixed with 1'' long C.P brass screw and rawal plug
a. upto 5 feet depth 18.82 Cu.m. 51.17 963.02 144.83 2725.7006 450 8469 300 5646
b. to 8 feet depth 11.29 Cu.m. 58.97 665.77 195.02 2201.7758 550 6209.5 400 4516
c. 8' to 9'6'' 5.64 Cu.m. 66.77 376.58 210.75 1188.63 700 3948 500 2820
Providing and laying 1:4:8 (1 cement 4 sand and 8 coarse aggregate)
cement concrete using crushed graded stone 1 inch and down gauge
2 7/17 in foundation including form works and its removal levelling, compacting
and curing etc.complete.
1.24 Cu.m. 1719.4 2132.06 4665.85 5785.654 4800 5952 4200 5208
Providing and laying ribbed deformed steel reinforcement bars with
guaranteed minimum yield stress of 40000 psi with and including the
(1/17+10/18) cost of specified overlap, charis, straightening, cutting, bending,
3 binding, wastage, complete in all kinds of RCC work.
10.78 Cu.m. 2339.94 25224.55 5868.69 63264.4782 7800 84084 10000 107800
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete using screened graded
crushed graded stone 3/4 inch and down gauge having a minimum
works cube crushing strength of 3000 Ibs. per sq inch at 28 days with a
5 9/26
mix not leaner than 1:2:4 in following parts of structure including form
work and its removal, compacting,leveling and curing etc. complete but
excluding the cost reinforcement
1/135+136/15 a.In raft
6 1.66 Cu.m. 2570.2 4266.53 6931.34 11506.0244 7600 12616 8000 13280
4/135+136/15 b.In Slab
6 1.02 Cu.m. 3338.32 3405.09 8880.21 9057.8142 9000 9180 8500 8670
1/2'' thick cement plaster 1:3 on soffits of ceiling,cantilever slabs, sides
and soffits of beams etc in basement, mezzanine and ground floor
6 2/95 including making edges, corners and curing etc complete
38.28 Sq.m. 95.65 3661.48 161.23 6171.8844 300 11484 350 13398
Providing and laying C.I Cover & Frame 24''x 24'' dia weight (50 kg) in
7 25/98+79/103
c.c 1:2:4 2 Each 2251.33 4502.66 3330.24 6660.48 7000 14000 6000 12000
Providng and laying in situ 1:2:4 cement concrete using crushed graded
stone 3/4 inch and down gauge in foundation, basement and plinth
including form work, compacting, curing and removal of form work
8 26/98+79/103
etc.complete, foundation and basement up to 5 feet depth and plinth up
to 4 feet height from ground level
0.19 Cu.m. 2995.69 569.18 5900.79 1121.1501 8500 1615 8000 1520
Providing G.I pipes specials and clamp etc including fixing cutting and
fitting complete with and including the cost of breaking through walls
and roof, making good etc, painting 2 coats after cleaning the pipe etc:
9 166/159
with enamel paint of ICI/Burger and testing ith water to a pressure head
of 200 feet IIL- Medium for 2'' dia pipe.
3.2 Rm 307.29 983.33 777.57 2488.224 1100 3520 900 2880
Providing RCC pipes and collars of class 'A' and fixing in trench
including cutting,fittiing and jointing with maxphalt composition and
10 61A/265 cement mortar 1:1 and back filling the excavated material in trench
including testing with water to a pressure head of 4ft above the top
heighest pipe
a. 9'' dia 1.22 Rm 200.66 244.81 1846.14 2252.2908 1300 1586 700 854
57121.89 145516.47 195937.78 214048.20
0.057 0.146 0.196 0.214
Providing and fixing C.I Cover & Frame 24'' x 24'' dia
15 2 Each
weight (50 kg) in c.c 1:2:4 as required.
2446794.71 6509876.24
2.447 6.510
(2/3) (3/3)
Techni Style Engineering Naeem Khan Wazir & Co.
Services, Swat Bannu
7706600.50 8303350.00
7.707 8.303
1247836.66 3779954.59
1.248 3.780
(2/3) (3/3)
Techni Style Engineering Naeem Khan Wazir & Co.
Services, Swat Bannu
4148671.00 4275396.00
4.149 4.275
(1/3) (2/3)
Sarhad Engineering and Electric Techni Style Engineering
Co. Peshawar Services, Swat
Rate Rs Amount Rs Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.)
383682.08 1019653.41
0.384 1.020
(2/3) (3/3)
Techni Style Engineering Naeem Khan Wazir & Co.
Services, Swat Bannu
(2/3) (3/3)
Techni Style Engineering Naeem Khan Wazir & Co.
Services, Swat Bannu
Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
1567869.60 1033231.00
1.568 1.033
CST for Construction of Se
Providing and laying ribbed deformed steel reinforcement bars with
guaranteed minimum yield stress of 40000 psi with and including the
(1/17+10/18) cost of specified overlap, charis, straightening, cutting, bending,
3 binding, wastage, complete in all kinds of RCC work.
Providing and laying first class solid burnt brick masonary set in cement
mortar 1:4 in straight or curved walls 9'' to 13-/2 inches thick including
4 14/29 + 27/30 scaffolding, raking out Joints and curing etc completed as directed
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete using screened graded
crushed graded stone 3/4 inch and down gauge having a minimum
works cube crushing strength of 3000 Ibs. per sq inch at 28 days with a
5 9/26
mix not leaner than 1:2:4 in following parts of structure including form
work and its removal, compacting,leveling and curing etc. complete but
excluding the cost reinforcement
1/135+136/15 a.In raft
6 1.66
4/135+136/15 b.In Slab
6 1.02
1/2'' thick cement plaster 1:3 on soffits of ceiling,cantilever slabs, sides
and soffits of beams etc in basement, mezzanine and ground floor
6 2/95 including making edges, corners and curing etc complete
Providing and laying C.I Cover & Frame 24''x 24'' dia weight (50 kg) in
7 25/98+79/103
c.c 1:2:4 2
Providng and laying in situ 1:2:4 cement concrete using crushed graded
stone 3/4 inch and down gauge in foundation, basement and plinth
including form work, compacting, curing and removal of form work
8 26/98+79/103
etc.complete, foundation and basement up to 5 feet depth and plinth up
to 4 feet height from ground level
Providing G.I pipes specials and clamp etc including fixing cutting and
fitting complete with and including the cost of breaking through walls
and roof, making good etc, painting 2 coats after cleaning the pipe etc:
9 166/159
with enamel paint of ICI/Burger and testing ith water to a pressure head
of 200 feet IIL- Medium for 2'' dia pipe.
Providing RCC pipes and collars of class 'A' and fixing in trench
including cutting,fittiing and jointing with maxphalt composition and
10 61A/265 cement mortar 1:1 and back filling the excavated material in trench
including testing with water to a pressure head of 4ft above the top
heighest pipe
300 5646
400 4516
500 2820
4200 5208
130 35456.2
10000 107800
8000 13280
8500 8670
350 13398
6000 12000
8000 1520
900 2880
700 854
Cut Length in Circular Shape…
Radius of Circle. 100.00 Feet
Spacing from center line. 6.00 Inches
Concrete cover. 1.50 Inches
Dia of Bars 4.00 Sooter
No. of Bars 200 Nos
S.No Cut Length Unit weight Total Weight