Congestion Management in A Deregulated Environment Using Corrective Measures
Congestion Management in A Deregulated Environment Using Corrective Measures
Congestion Management in A Deregulated Environment Using Corrective Measures
Abstract: This paper presents a Congestion Management System The functions of the CMS are the detection of multiple con-
(CMS) based on corrective measures. In an unbundled power system gested conditions and the suggestion of corrective measures.
the schedules of the generation units and of the demands are given to Multiple congestion is some of the followings:
thetransmission system operator whohasto realize them. This may
cause multiple congested conditions, which can be eliminated by the a) The maximum flow limit on all lines.
following corrective measures: Adjustment of the network elements b) The upper and lower voltage limit at every node.
like transformer taps or shunt elements, corrective switching, correc- c) a) and b) for the results of the (n-1) contingency analysis.
tive redispatch of generation. Aim of the CMS is to speci~ a state of d) The breaking power at the circuit breakers as a result of the
the transmission system, which represents an undisturbed state and
short-circuit calculation.
enables all schedules. The search for a state of the transmission sys-
tem, which fulfills these requirements, represents a mixed-integer- To observe these requirements of the security analysis the
nonlinear-problem, which cannot be described in an analytical way. transmission system operator search for a system state, which
Particularly the topology changes generate a problem of large
fulfills these requirements. The following measures may avoid
dimension. The paper presents the mathematical model representing a
CMS to formulate an optimization problem and gives exemplary
study results. The described problem is solved by an Evolution Corrective variation of the transmission system control
Strategy. options (e.g.: voltage level, complex transformation ratios
Keywords: Congestion management, power system security, power or settings of the shunt elements).
system operation, corrective switching, Evolution Strategy, Corrective switching [4,7,9] of network elements.
liberalized energy markets. To provide ancillary services the transmission system
operator has concluded contracts with generation
companies. In the margin of these contracts congestion can
be avoided.
If there is no possibility to avoid the congestion the redis-
The deregulation of the electric utility industry causes a fun-
patch of generation maybe permitted.
damental reorganization. Many different structures are arisen
in different regions. Typical is the splitting in the competitive The detection of multiple congested conditions and the
generation market and the transmission system as a regulated search for the considering corrective measure are tasks for an
monopoly. This unbundling of the vertical integrated CMS, which gives proposals to the transmission system
companies generates a new role for the transmission system operator. Because of the discrete topology changes the CMS is
operator. The role depends on the market structure and the a mixed-integer-nonlinear-problem which cannot be described
chosen market rules and gives new tasks to the operator. One in an analytical way.
of these functions is the Transmission Dispatch and Con- This paper presents a new approach based on an Evolution
gestion Management (TDCM) [8]. Strategy (ES) that solves the described problem.
One method to prevent congestion are price signals like
marginal costs [1,2,3]. This method can only be used if the
congestion is permanent and already known. Then the conges-
tion management is a task of power system planning.
To formulate the problem and its solution mathematically,
But how to handle with temporary and unexpected conges-
the following notation is introduced:
tion which arises during operation? In a meshed transmission
system there is no possibility to specify just one originator, a, A index, quantity of contingency cases
who has caused the congestion. So the transmission system b, B index, quantity of circuit breaker
operator has to use all options of the power grid to avoid the
e index of shunt element
congestion. This is a difficulty work, which can be done by a
g, G index, quantity of generation units
Congestion Management System (CMS).
The presented approach of the CMS is independent of the 1,L index, quantity of lines
market structure and the market rules. The assumption is, that nom index of nominal magnitade
all schedules of generations and demands are known by the n, N index, quantity of nodes
transmission system operator. The required information are
r index of transformer
provided by forecasting andlor announcement of the
x index of decision vector elements
IEEE 393
r contingency analysis requirement the current requirement Ii’ at line 1,
Ii’ current requirement
Y short-circuit calculation requirement I + sgn(Il – Il,ma ) ~ (11 – Ii,max )
17[ = (2)
(9 voltage requirement 2 11.max
I current
AS the short-circuit calculation requirement Y at circuit breaker b
P contracted active power for ancillary services
Q contracted reactive power for ancillary service I + Sgn(S~C,b – s~c,b,mu )
Yb =
scheduled active power of the generation (3)
GN * (S;c,b – ‘;c,b,max )
P active power of generation
~GN ‘;c,b,max
redispatch of active power
APLS changing of the active power losses and the contingency analysis requirement r for contingency
Z@ assessed redispatch of active power case a
c coefficient
ra . Zf=l ‘a,. + Zf=l ‘aJl .
v voltage
voltage at reference node Equation (4) is the sum of all voltage and current
S’rse initial symmetrical short-circuit power requirements in the contingency case a. It is not necessary to
~ IR
study all contingency cases A to specifi the security of the
position of the in-phase regulator taps power system [6]. It is sufficient to check the essential
~QR position of the quadrature regulator taps contingency cases.
position of the shunt element taps
B. Decision variables and constraints
position of the switch at lines
SBC The task of the CMS is to find a network configuration that
position of the switch at bus couplers
~ GN fulfills the requirements (l), (2), (3) and (4). The state space,
position of the switch at generation units
where a solution can be found is defined by the continuous
position of the switch at loads vector i
position of the switch at shunt elements
objective function “AS
o P
2 vector of discrete decision variables “AS
i vector of continuous decision variables
; IR
i discrete step size vector
; QR (5)
6 continuous step size vector
ndf normal distribution function ST
rand random function
sgn sign function v
- GN
IEEE 394
0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE
The above described corrective measures to avoid
congestion just only change the configuration of the
The taps of the transformers and shunt elements have con- transmission system. Due to the possible manipulation of the
stmctional boundaries, which should be observed. competitive generation market, it could be very problematic,
to modify the generations. But if all the declared measures do
#R(QRST) ~ ~IR(QRST) ~ ~IR(QR,ST) not suffice to avoid the congestion the transmission system
r(r,e),min — r(r,e) r(r,e),max
operator can redispatch the generation to get a secure system.
The constraints of the voltage at the reference node are the In this case the constraints of the generation units and the
upper and lower voltage limits. balance of the whole system is to consider.
1 + sgn(AP~N )
q . Zjpy * Cg,pos
sgn(@gGN ) – 1
+ Cg,neg
2 activepower
Fig. 1.Representationof the networktopology
In a) the discrete topological variable s~# represents the state
of a switch at a line (resp. at a transformer) which connects a
line 1 with a busbar n. The lines or transformers can switch on
or off and a changing over of lines to another bus is possible. ➤ PgGN
That can also be modeled with “pseudoparallel” lines [5] PgG:iH Pg’’:in Pg’DPgA:ax PgG:a
which is shown in b). In both cases a coupling of the bus bars
by a line or transformer is to beware. So we have to formulate reactive power
for every line 1
That means that the line is switched off or on. In the last case
the line can only be connected with one node. The constraints
of the switches at generations Sn
‘N and loads s~D are similar.
But compared with the switches at lines, they cannot put off, Fig. 2. Generation unit which provides ancillary services
because a break of the load or generation is not permitted.
Shunt elements and bus couplers can put off, so we have to
Because of the assessed redispatch(16) and the constraints (7),
(8), (14) the generation units which have concluded a contract
to the transmission system operator are defined as shown in
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Fig. 2. There is no assessed redispatch of the reactive power.
The transmission system operator can induce values between
the minimal and maximal limit of reactive power, which is
similar with the limits of the reactive power of the ancillary
C. Objective function
IV. SOLUTION TECHNIQUE The handling with discrete decision variables is one prob-
lem of Evolution Strategies. Due to that a special modeling of
A. Base algorithm the network topology is necessary. Differing from the
modeling shown in Fig. 1 a new representation of the topology
The proposed approach is based on an Evolution Strategy. is chosen. The known decision variables s are elements of O
The Evolution Strategies are suitable to solve high and 1 and the constraints (11,12,13) should be fidtilled. In Fig.
dimensional non-linear problems and they have no requisition 4 the decision variables are represented by a rotary selector.
on an analytical description of the problem. The typically ES
occupy only with continuos decision variables. To solve the
described problem of the CMS a specially adapted ES is
developed. The base algorithm is given in Fig. 3. The
Evolution Strategy starts from an initial set of p parents. The
assessing of this start generation is based on the objective
fimction (17) which includes the known approaches of the
security analysis: Load flow calculation (LF), contingency
switch at lines, bus switch at generations
analysis (CA) and short-circuit calculation (SC). The best
couplers or shunt elements or loads
individuals of this population are selected; these are the
parents of the next generation. If one parent with a value of the
Fig. 4. Representation of network topology with rotary selectors
objective function equal zero exists, the approach is finished
because a state without congestion is found. In the case of
congestion a new generation of L children is generated by Because of that the discrete decision variables are no longer
recombination. In the next step the decision variables are only elements of O and 1.
slightly modified by mutation. After that every child is
assessed by the named approaches of the security analysis. On ‘1
‘N, s:crs~ e {O,..., N1} (18)
the basis of the assessing the L best children are selected. They
are the new parents of the next generation. sl‘N, s;D e {O,...N1 –1} (19)
IEEE 396
By this representation fewer discrete decision variables exist V. CASE STUDY
(in a three-bus-station just one decision variable instead of
three). Furthermore this kind of modeling observe the Within the scope of a case study, the presented approach
constraints (11, 12, 13) implicitly. has successfidly been adapted to several various power
systems. To demonstrate that the proposed Evolution Strategy
C. Discrete recombination and mutation is able to handle the complex task of congestion management
a simply structured test system is chosen. The studied test
Two essential parts of the Evolution Strategy are system is a EHV power system (380-kV) with two substations,
recombination and mutation of the children. These parts are each with two bus bars. (Fig. 5).
straightened on continuous decision variables. To recombine
and mutate the discrete vector ; a special strategy is
developed which is adapted on the typical features of the
network topology. Just slightly changes of the network GN1
topology can generate a totally new system state. As a result of [F ~
this only one parent of the p parents is randomly chosen (this BC1
Whereby ndf (O,1) is a normal distribution timction with an Generation unit Redispatch [MW]
expected value of O and a standard deviation of 1. With this GN2 -250
new step size the mutation of the decision variables is done. GN3 +250
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0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE