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American Journal of Polymer Science and Technology

2020; 6(2): 14-20

doi: 10.11648/j.ajpst.20200602.12
ISSN: 2575-5978 (Print); ISSN: 2575-5986 (Online)

Preparation and Characterization of Bioplastic from

Sorghum Husk
Hannatu Abubakar Sani*, Abubakar Umar Birnin Yauri, Aliyu Muhammad, Yakubu Yahayya,
Mujahid Salau
Department Pure and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Physical Science, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aleiro, Abuja,

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To cite this article:

Hannatu Abubakar Sani, Abubakar Umar Birnin Yauri, Aliyu Muhammad, Yakubu Yahayya, Mujahid Salau. Preparation and Characterization
of Bioplastic from Sorghum Husk. American Journal of Polymer Science and Technology. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2020, pp. 14-20.
doi: 10.11648/j.ajpst.20200602.12

Received: July 31, 2020; Accepted: August 18, 2020; Published: September 10, 2020

Abstract: The increase in global population and advances in technology have made plastic materials to have wide applications
in every aspect of life. However, the non-biodegradability of these petrochemical-based materials, and their increasing
accumulation in the environment has been a threat to the planet and has been a source of environmental concerns and hence, the
driving force in the search for ‘green’ alternatives for which agricultural waste remains the front liner. Sorghum husk, an
agricultural waste with potentials as raw material in production of bioplastic was used in this research to prepared bioplastic using
sulphuric acid catalyzed acetylation process. The prepared bioplastic were characterized by X-ray diffraction and FT-IR. The
FTIR spectra of the product displayed the presence of OH, C-H, C=O and C-O absorption peaks which confirmed the formation
of bioplastic. The new bioplastic obtained was biodegradable and was affected by acid, salt and alkali to a lesser extent, and this
indicated that the produced bioplastic were much closed or has the same chemical resistance test with traditional plastic hence the
prepared bioplastic can replaced the traditional plastic. Therefore, this revealed the new bioplastics with better environmental and
sustainable properties can be produced from agricultural waste which may have application in many industries.
Keywords: Biodegradable, Bioplastic, Traditional Plastic

Examples are paper and wood [3].

1. Introduction Biodegradability depends strongly on the environmental
The global population increase and advances in technology conditions: temperature, presence of microorganisms, presence
have made plastic materials to have wide applications in of oxygen and water [4]. Biodegradable plastic offer a lot of
every aspect of life. However the non-biodegradability of advantages such as reducing greenhouse gas emission, increased
these petrochemical-based materials, and their increasing soil fertility, low accumulation of bulky plastic materials in the
accumulation in the environment has been a threat to the environment and reduction in the cost of waste management [5].
planet and has been a source of environmental concerns and Biodegradable materials already play an important role in the
hence, the driving force in the search for ‘green’ alternatives field of packaging, agriculture, medicine, gastronomy consumer
for which agricultural waste remains the front liner [1]. electronics automotive and other areas [6, 7].
The term bioplastic refers to either the bio-based origin of The most favored end-of-life disposal options for these
a plastic or to the biodegradable character of a plastic [2]. materials are domestic and municipal composition instead of
Bio-based product is a product wholly or partly derived from landfill which is the worst disposal option [8]. Therefore,
biomass. Biomass is material of biological origin, excluding biodegradable polymers can make significant contributions to
material embedded in geological formations and/or fossilized. material recovery, reduction of landfill and utilization of
renewable resources [9].
15 Hannatu Abubakar Sani et al.: Preparation and Characterization of Bioplastic from Sorghum Husk

Agricultural waste are among the causes of environmental

pollution. Their conversion into useful products may solve
the problem the cause [10]. These waste which include cereal,
straw, leaves, corncobs are highly underutilized in Nigeria
Sorghum husk is one of the agricultural residues produced
as by-product during the processing of the grains.
Traditionally grains are prepared by pounding to remove the Figure 1. Sorghum husk bioplastic.
husk. The husk is left on the farm site after harvest. This
resource is costless and zero competition in terms of 2.3. Biodegradability Tests
consumption and usage in Nigeria [12]. 2.3.1. Biodegradation by Composting
The aim of this research, was to use lower cost agricultural Biodegradable composting method was employed to test
waste such as sorghum husk for the production of bioplastic, the biodegrability of the prepared plastic [14]. 2g of prepared
which can help reducing environmental problem that are plastic was vacuum dried for 24h at 45°C and buried in to the
caused by traditional plastic (petroleum based plastic). municipal solid waste mixture (for 15 days) for possible
Bioplastic Production is one of the methods to control and biodegradation. The content was kept in an oven at 55°C, at
minimize petroleum based plastic usage. This research will which the maximum growth of thermophiles microorganisms
helps in promoting a way of synthesizing biopolymer using was occurred. The buried bioplastic sample was weight after
waste from Agricultural activities. It could assist in lowering three days for a period of 15 days in order to determine the
the production cost that restrains a wide synthesis of bioplastic. percentage of weight loss.

2. Experimental 2.3.2. Bench – Scale Simulated Composting

In this test, the compost was consisted of 50% (w/w) cow
2.1. Material and Chemicals manure and garden soil. Three bioplastic samples each of 2g
were used for this analysis and the samples were buried in a
500g of dry sample of sorghum husk was collected separate reaction vessel container consisting of inoculums
randomly from Aleiro Area of kebbi state, Nigeria. The husk (50% (w/w) cow manure and garden soil). For
was washed with water and bleached with 120ml of characterization, the bioplastic samples were removed from
household bleaching agent (5% NaOCI and 5% NaOH), the compost at three day intervals in order to calculate the
thoroughly washed so as to removed dusts and color. The weight loss. The average weight loss of the three bioplastic
husk was dried in a ventilated room away from dust and samples was observed and recorded. Also, the temperature of
direct sunlight. The dried husk was ground to fine powder the compost was measured and recorded daily. Percentage
using mortar and pestle. The ground samples was then weight loss for the materials were measured according to
transferred into separate plastic bags, tied, labeled and stored Khan, et al. 2006, by the following equation:
in a dry place for further work. Bioplastic resistance test was
carried out using acids, alkalis and Salts. Glacial acetic acid, % Weight loss 100 (1)
acetic anhydride, Sulfuric acid, Sodium hydroxide, Sodium
chloride Salt and Lead acetate Salt were all standard and Where:
were of analytical grade. Sulfuric acid was used as a catalyst W1 and W2 were the Samples weight before and after
and also for the acid resistance test. Acetone was used as treatment.
Solvent, glycerol was used as a plasticizer.
2.4. Chemical Tests
2.2. Preparation of Bioplastic
2.4.1. Effect of Acids
35g powder sample of sorghum husk was used. Acetic 2g of the prepared plastic was weight and, then put into
anhydride (100ml), glacial acetic acid (100ml) and sulfuric Sulfuric acid with concentration of 50%. The dried samples
acid (10ml) were mixed and the mixture was cooled in was weight periodically for 4 days. The percentage weight
refrigerator (7°C). Sorghum husk was added slowly to the loss was observed after each time period.
previous mixture with agitation to bring about acetylation
process. The resulting viscous fluid was centrifuged in order 2.4.2. Effect of Alkalis
to separate the final product. Plasticizer Glycerol was added 2g of the prepare plastic was put into alkali solution (sodium
as 25% by volume of the viscous liquid with agitation. The hydroxide) with concentrations (50%). The percentage weight
final product form was dried in an oven at 60°C, until a loss was calculated daily for a period of ten days.
constant weight is obtain in order to get the product ready for
2.4.3. Effect of Salts
use. The product is diluted with acetone to bring it in to the
2g of the prepared plastic were mixed with different solid
form of a viscous fluid which could be poured in a mold or
salts in different container, and left for 5 days, with periodic
on a smooth surface for shaping [13]. The product was mold
weighing every day, and its resistance to the action of salts
in to circular shape as figure 1 below.
American Journal of Polymer Science and Technology 2020; 6(2): 14-20 16

(The sodium chloride, trisodium orthophosphate and lead minor variations in the chemical structure of the Bioplastic
acetate) was observed. produced from the husks.

2.5. Characterization of the Produced Bioplastic

2.5.1. X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

The crystal structure of the prepared plastic was analyze
using X-ray diffract meter instrument PanAnalitical
Empyrean between 5° and 80° at a scanning rate of 2°/min

2.5.2. Fourier Transforms Infrared (FTIR)

The functional group were determined by FTIR to confirm
the structure of prepared plastic by using Shimadzu via the
KBr pressed disc [16].
2.6. Statistical Analysis

The mean value for some of the parameter was calculated.

Calculators was used were necessary. For determining the
Figure 2. Biodegradability test by composting and bench-scale of Bioplastic
significant of inter-group differences, each parameter was sample produced from Sorghum husk.
analyze separately. A software called Origin was used in
making graphs. 3.3. Chemical Tests

3.3.1. Result of the Effect of Acid on the Bioplastic

3. Results and Discussion Produced
3.1. Preparation of Bioplastic The figure 3 and table 1 below shows the results of the
effects of concentrated sulfuric acid (98%) on bioplastic
The experimental results showed that the yield of sample produced from Sorghum husk. The weight loss of
bioplastic obtained from Sorghum husk was 19.0g which is bioplastic produced has a slight increases. However the
equal to 184.2%. In this study. The colour of the viscous fluid bioplastic produced shows a lower % weight loss (7.4%). As
obtain (bioplastics) from the husk is black which shows dark observed on the fourth days from figure 3 and table 1 below,
red when touch or pour in hand or on a surface. Therefore, the % weight loss of Bioplastic from Sorghum husk was
the acetylation process, used in this work, produced a dark 15.2%, this indicated that the bioplastic produced from the
brown residue with bad smell which indicate the formation of Sorghum husks has a very good acid resistance. In general
bioplastic. the bioplastic produced from Sorghum husks are affected to
some extent by acid 14.8% after 2 days, and 14.8% on the
3.2. Results of Biodegradability Tests
third days, compared to commercial polystyrene and
Figure 2, below show the results of biodegradation from polypropylene from table 1 below, that was not affected by
composting and bench-scale simulated composting tests, for acid under the same condition and time (for 4 days).
bioplastics sample from Sorghum husk. The bioplastic sample
from the figure 2 below shows that, in the case of
biodegradation tests from composting (represented by graphic
a in figure 2 below), 2g of bioplastic sample from Sorghum
husk lost 31.5% of its weight after the first three days and then,
the percentage of weight loss continued to increase over time
until it reached 85.0% after 15 days. The results of the bench-
scale simulated composting tests (represented by graphic b in
figure 2 below) show that, 2g of a bioplastic sample from
Sorghum husk lost 45.1% of its weight after the first three days.
And the percentage of weight loss continued to decrease over
time until it reached 13.9% after 15 days (indicated by x-axis
from figure 2 below). The variation in the temperature of the
compost (represented by graphic c in figure 2 below) which
result in an increase in weight loss indicated that, the bioplastic
produced from Sorghum husk is biodegradable by the
thermophiles microorganisms. The bioplastic samples Figure 3. Effect of 50% concentrations of sulfuric acid on weight loss of
produced from husk, has a smooth and slight increase in the Bioplastic Sample produced from Sorghum husk.
rate of biodegradation, hence it may likely be as a result of
17 Hannatu Abubakar Sani et al.: Preparation and Characterization of Bioplastic from Sorghum Husk

3.3.2. Result of the Effect of Alkalis on Bioplastics Produce

The figure 4 below illustrate the results from the effects of
Sodium hydroxide on bioplastic produced from Sorghum
husk. The % weight loss of bioplastic produced from
Sorghum husks increased over time. A maximum weight loss
of 76.0% was observed for bioplastic produced from
Sorghum husk after 10 days treatment. From the first 4 days,
a maximum of 38.5% percentage weight loss was observed
from bioplastic produced from Sorghum husk, compared to
commercial polystyrene and polypropylene which gave 10%
and 30% weight loss under the same condition after 4 days
respectively. The comparison test result from table 1 below
shows that, the resistance of the prepared bioplastic from
Sorghum husk to alkalis was slightly close to the resistance
values of polypropylene but higher than that of polystyrene. Figure 6. Effect of Sodium Chloride Salt and on weight loss of Bioplastic
However the Bioplastic produced from sorghum husk had a Sample produced from Sorghum husk.
poor alkalis resistance when compared to commercial
Bioplastic which have a good resistance factor (=3) for
strong alkalis [17].

Figure 7. Effect of Lead acetate Salt on weight loss of Bioplastic Sample

produced from Sorghum husk.

Figure 4. Effect of 50% concentration of Sodium hydroxide on weight loss of

The result in figures 5, 6, and 7 illustrate the effect of
Bioplastic Sample produced from Sorghum husk.
Trisodium orthophosphate salt, Sodium chloride salt and lead
3.3.3. Effect of Salts on the Bioplastic acetate salt on the produced bioplastic. The test shows that
the salts had minor effects on the produced bioplastic, where
it shows a slight weight loss when mixed with those Salts for
five days. The produced bioplastic can be used for
manufacturing containers for salts and tools for plastic since
salts has minor effect on the prepare bioplastic, hence it can
resist the effect of the salt and it is consistence with the
environmental resistance factors of the commercial bioplastic
for sea water (=5) [17].
3.4. Result of X- ray Diffraction Analysis

Figure 8 below shows the diffract gram of commercial

cellulose acetate bioplastic (represented by diffract gram B),
fresh sorghum husk (represented by diffract gram C) and
prepared Sorghum husk bioplastic (presented by diffract
gram A). The prepared Sorghum husk bioplastic (represented
by diffract gram A) shows peaks around 2Ө=18°, 2°°, 22°,
25°, 26.4°, 49.9°, 59.9°, 68.2°, fresh Sorghum husk XRD
Figure 5. Effect of Trisodium orthoposphate Salt on weight loss of Bioplastic pattern (represented by diffract gram C) shows peaks around
Sample produced from Sorghum husk. 2Ө=16.8°, 2°.8°, 23°, 26.4°, 4°°, 42°, 49.9°, 56°, 59.9°, 64.2°,
American Journal of Polymer Science and Technology 2020; 6(2): 14-20 18

68.1° and commercial cellulose acetate (represented by 3.5. Result of FTIR Spectra
diffract gram B) shows peaks around 2Ө=13°, 16°, 23°, 25°,
28°, 38°, 51°. The cellulose acetate bioplastic shows it first The analysis of FT-IR shows the distinguishing peaks from
two peaks around 13°, 16°, the fresh Sorghum husk diffract bioplastic. FT-IF has ability to measured functional groups in
gram (represented by diffract gram C) shows it first two greater speed and greater sensitivity [21]. FT-IR used it
peaks angle around 16.8° and 19.8°, the prepared sorghum indirect analytical method to study molecular structure 22.
husk bioplastic diffract gram (presented by diffract gram A) Figure 9 below shows the characteristic peaks of fresh
shows it first two peaks around 18°, 2°. The XRD patterns of Sorghum husk (represented by (a) in figure 9 below),
normal Starch in the present of glycerol were about 16.8° and prepared bioplastic from sorghum husk (presented by graphic
19.8°. [15]. Therefore angle around 16°, 19°, indicated the b) and commercial cellulose acetate bioplastic (represented
peaks angle of Cellulose, but after the husks was mixed with by graphic c in figure 9 below). From the figure 9 below
the chemicals (Bioplastic formation), it shows that the peak when comparing the characteristic peaks of the FTIR of the
angles shifted to about 18° and 2°. When the prepared prepared bioplastic and Commercial cellulose acetate, it was
Sorghum husk bioplastic (presented by diffract gram A) was found that there are the same, and when comparing the
compared with commercial cellulose acetate (represented by characteristic peaks of the FTIR of husks (a) and the
diffract gram B), it was found that the only difference produced bioplastic (b), it shows evidence of formation of
between them is change to upper angle as follow [13°(18°), new founctional group C=O. The observations of these
16°(2°), 23°(22°), 25°(26°), 28°(51°), 38°(6°), 51°(68°)], characteristic peaks provide evidence of acetylation. In
hence comparison between the diffract gram of both general the spectra of both bioplastics used from this study
bioplastic (Sorghum husk bioplastic and Commercial displayed the presence of four major absorption peaks which
cellulose acetate bioplastic) from figure 8 below, indicated are O-H, C-H, C=O, and C-O. From this analysis, evidence
clearly that the prepared bioplastic was Cellulose acetate. The from the formation of this four functional group indicate the
change to upper angle implies that the mixed constituent had production of bioplastic. Comparing the FTIR of the
an arranged structure. However, the strong crystalline Produced bioplastic with the FTIR of commercial cellulose
characteristic was showed and the peaks angle of the acetate and others review, qualify the production to be
bioplastic indicated that the additive have a well-arranged cellulose acetate.
structure [18]. The produce diffract gram obtained resemble
with the diffract gram obtained by [19, 2]. The experimental
works suggest the prepared Sorghum husk bioplastic to be
cellulose acetate.

Figure 9. FTIR of Sorghum husk, Sorghum husk bioplastic and Cellulose

acetate Bioplastic.
Figure 8. X-ray diffraction of Cellulose acetate, prepared Sorghum husk
bioplastic and fresh Sorghum husk.
Table 1, Results of Chemical resistance test of Sorghum husk bioplastic.

Bioplastic From Chemical used Initial QuantiTy of Sample (g) Observation 1th day 2nd day 3th day
Sorghum Husk Sulfuric acid 2.00 1.85 1.71 1.70
% Weight Losses 7.40 14.6 14.8
PolyStyrene Sulfuric acid 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Polyethylene Sulfuric acid 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
polypropylene Sulfuric acid 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Sorghum Husk NaOH Solution 2.00 1.55 1.36 1.29
% Weight Losses 22.5 31.9 35.4
19 Hannatu Abubakar Sani et al.: Preparation and Characterization of Bioplastic from Sorghum Husk

Bioplastic From Chemical used Initial QuantiTy of Sample (g) Observation 1th day 2nd day 3th day
Polystyrene NaOH 1.00
% weight loss
Polypropyle NaOH 1.00
% weight loss
Polyethylene NaOH 1.00
Sorghum Husk NaCl Salt 2.00 1.99 1.97 1.94
% Weight Losses 0.7 1.5 2.9
Sorghgum Husk Lead acetate Salt 2.00 1.971 1.89 1.82
% Weight Losses 1.5 5.4 9.0
Sorghum Husk TriSodiumorthoposphatee 2.00 1.432 1.41 1.35
% Weight Losses 28.4 29.8 32.8

Table 1, Continued.
th th
Bioplastic From 4 day 5 day 6th day 7th day 8th day 9th day 10th day
Sorghum Husk 1.69
% Weight Losses 15.2
PolyStyrene 1.00
Polyethylene 1.00
polypropylene 1.00
Sorghum Husk 1.23 1.08 1.06 1.0 0.94 0.61 0.48
% Weight Losses 38.5 45.9 46.9 50 53.2 69.7 76.0
Polystyrene 0.9
% weight loss 10
Polypropyle 0.80
% weight loss 30
Polyethylene 1.00
Sorghum Husk 1.84 1.80
% Weight Losses 7.7 9.6
Sorghgum Husk 1.74 1.58
% Weight Losses 12.9 21.1
Sorghum Husk 1.33 1.30
% Weight Losses 33.4 35.0

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