10 11648 J Ajpst 20200602 12
10 11648 J Ajpst 20200602 12
10 11648 J Ajpst 20200602 12
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Received: July 31, 2020; Accepted: August 18, 2020; Published: September 10, 2020
Abstract: The increase in global population and advances in technology have made plastic materials to have wide applications
in every aspect of life. However, the non-biodegradability of these petrochemical-based materials, and their increasing
accumulation in the environment has been a threat to the planet and has been a source of environmental concerns and hence, the
driving force in the search for ‘green’ alternatives for which agricultural waste remains the front liner. Sorghum husk, an
agricultural waste with potentials as raw material in production of bioplastic was used in this research to prepared bioplastic using
sulphuric acid catalyzed acetylation process. The prepared bioplastic were characterized by X-ray diffraction and FT-IR. The
FTIR spectra of the product displayed the presence of OH, C-H, C=O and C-O absorption peaks which confirmed the formation
of bioplastic. The new bioplastic obtained was biodegradable and was affected by acid, salt and alkali to a lesser extent, and this
indicated that the produced bioplastic were much closed or has the same chemical resistance test with traditional plastic hence the
prepared bioplastic can replaced the traditional plastic. Therefore, this revealed the new bioplastics with better environmental and
sustainable properties can be produced from agricultural waste which may have application in many industries.
Keywords: Biodegradable, Bioplastic, Traditional Plastic
(The sodium chloride, trisodium orthophosphate and lead minor variations in the chemical structure of the Bioplastic
acetate) was observed. produced from the husks.
68.1° and commercial cellulose acetate (represented by 3.5. Result of FTIR Spectra
diffract gram B) shows peaks around 2Ө=13°, 16°, 23°, 25°,
28°, 38°, 51°. The cellulose acetate bioplastic shows it first The analysis of FT-IR shows the distinguishing peaks from
two peaks around 13°, 16°, the fresh Sorghum husk diffract bioplastic. FT-IF has ability to measured functional groups in
gram (represented by diffract gram C) shows it first two greater speed and greater sensitivity [21]. FT-IR used it
peaks angle around 16.8° and 19.8°, the prepared sorghum indirect analytical method to study molecular structure 22.
husk bioplastic diffract gram (presented by diffract gram A) Figure 9 below shows the characteristic peaks of fresh
shows it first two peaks around 18°, 2°. The XRD patterns of Sorghum husk (represented by (a) in figure 9 below),
normal Starch in the present of glycerol were about 16.8° and prepared bioplastic from sorghum husk (presented by graphic
19.8°. [15]. Therefore angle around 16°, 19°, indicated the b) and commercial cellulose acetate bioplastic (represented
peaks angle of Cellulose, but after the husks was mixed with by graphic c in figure 9 below). From the figure 9 below
the chemicals (Bioplastic formation), it shows that the peak when comparing the characteristic peaks of the FTIR of the
angles shifted to about 18° and 2°. When the prepared prepared bioplastic and Commercial cellulose acetate, it was
Sorghum husk bioplastic (presented by diffract gram A) was found that there are the same, and when comparing the
compared with commercial cellulose acetate (represented by characteristic peaks of the FTIR of husks (a) and the
diffract gram B), it was found that the only difference produced bioplastic (b), it shows evidence of formation of
between them is change to upper angle as follow [13°(18°), new founctional group C=O. The observations of these
16°(2°), 23°(22°), 25°(26°), 28°(51°), 38°(6°), 51°(68°)], characteristic peaks provide evidence of acetylation. In
hence comparison between the diffract gram of both general the spectra of both bioplastics used from this study
bioplastic (Sorghum husk bioplastic and Commercial displayed the presence of four major absorption peaks which
cellulose acetate bioplastic) from figure 8 below, indicated are O-H, C-H, C=O, and C-O. From this analysis, evidence
clearly that the prepared bioplastic was Cellulose acetate. The from the formation of this four functional group indicate the
change to upper angle implies that the mixed constituent had production of bioplastic. Comparing the FTIR of the
an arranged structure. However, the strong crystalline Produced bioplastic with the FTIR of commercial cellulose
characteristic was showed and the peaks angle of the acetate and others review, qualify the production to be
bioplastic indicated that the additive have a well-arranged cellulose acetate.
structure [18]. The produce diffract gram obtained resemble
with the diffract gram obtained by [19, 2]. The experimental
works suggest the prepared Sorghum husk bioplastic to be
cellulose acetate.
Bioplastic From Chemical used Initial QuantiTy of Sample (g) Observation 1th day 2nd day 3th day
Sorghum Husk Sulfuric acid 2.00 1.85 1.71 1.70
% Weight Losses 7.40 14.6 14.8
PolyStyrene Sulfuric acid 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Polyethylene Sulfuric acid 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
polypropylene Sulfuric acid 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Sorghum Husk NaOH Solution 2.00 1.55 1.36 1.29
% Weight Losses 22.5 31.9 35.4
19 Hannatu Abubakar Sani et al.: Preparation and Characterization of Bioplastic from Sorghum Husk
Bioplastic From Chemical used Initial QuantiTy of Sample (g) Observation 1th day 2nd day 3th day
Polystyrene NaOH 1.00
% weight loss
Polypropyle NaOH 1.00
% weight loss
Polyethylene NaOH 1.00
Sorghum Husk NaCl Salt 2.00 1.99 1.97 1.94
% Weight Losses 0.7 1.5 2.9
Sorghgum Husk Lead acetate Salt 2.00 1.971 1.89 1.82
% Weight Losses 1.5 5.4 9.0
Sorghum Husk TriSodiumorthoposphatee 2.00 1.432 1.41 1.35
% Weight Losses 28.4 29.8 32.8
Table 1, Continued.
th th
Bioplastic From 4 day 5 day 6th day 7th day 8th day 9th day 10th day
Sorghum Husk 1.69
% Weight Losses 15.2
PolyStyrene 1.00
Polyethylene 1.00
polypropylene 1.00
Sorghum Husk 1.23 1.08 1.06 1.0 0.94 0.61 0.48
% Weight Losses 38.5 45.9 46.9 50 53.2 69.7 76.0
Polystyrene 0.9
% weight loss 10
Polypropyle 0.80
% weight loss 30
Polyethylene 1.00
Sorghum Husk 1.84 1.80
% Weight Losses 7.7 9.6
Sorghgum Husk 1.74 1.58
% Weight Losses 12.9 21.1
Sorghum Husk 1.33 1.30
% Weight Losses 33.4 35.0
4. Conclusion
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