Lecture 2 Week 3 The Self 2022
Lecture 2 Week 3 The Self 2022
Lecture 2 Week 3 The Self 2022
and Self-Presentation
In turn, we also observe others, where we often try to explain self-
presenters’ actions and gain insight into their motives and beliefs.
Ingratiationis used to
describe behaviours that
are motivated by a desire
to be liked.
Embarrassment is an unpleasant emotion
experienced when we believe that we cannot
perform coherently in a social situation.
An observer of such action might conclude that the decision not to
study was self-defeating.
Putting barriers in the way of your success not only provides you with
an excuse for failure, but also will enhance your self-esteem if success
is secured despite the handicap.
High self-monitors
Impression formation is
the process by which
observers integrate various
sources of information about
others’ self-presentations
into a unified and consistent
judgment(i.e forming
impression on others).