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Ingles Trabajo Final

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2. Take the quiz. Personal information.

3. Do you like parties? Why? Which is your favorite party and why?

Yes, I like parties in a moderate way since they are a good way to entertain themselves and they also
serve to spend time with friends and other people outside of everyday life.

My favorite holiday is Christmas because of the atmosphere that is experienced everywhere, the
symbolism that the season brings that begins to be noticed everywhere from social networks to the
streets and normally because of the period of recess and family coexistence that occurs. for these




1. Read about Tania's daily routine. Match the phrases in bold with the
pictures (1-7).
5:45 a.m. She gets up (4) very early. She works out (5) for 30 minutes in the
gym in her garage and takes a shower. (3)
6:30 a.m. She has breakfast with her daughter. She looks at her emails. (7)
(She receives about 500 emails every day!)
8:15-9:00 a.m. She takes her daughter to school and gets to the office. (6)
9:00 a.m.-6 p.m. She works at her desk (1) and has meetings.
6:30-8 p.m. She goes home. She reads to her daughter and puts her to bed.
8:15 p.m. She answers emails and makes phone calls.
10:45 p.m. She goes to bed. (2)

2. What does she do at these times? Check your answers.

9:00 a.m.-6 p.m. She works at her desk and has meetings.


10:45 p.m. She goes to bed.

5:45 a.m. She gets up very early. She works out for 30 minutes in the gym in
her garage and takes a shower.
6:30 p.m. She goes home. She reads to her daughter and puts her to bed.
6:30 a.m. She has breakfast with her daughter. She looks at her emails. (She
receives about 500 emails every day!)
8:15-9:00 a.m. She takes her daughter to school and gets to the office.
8:15 p.m. She answers emails and makes phone calls.
3. Complete the times.





4. Choose a favorite person in your life and write about his/her daily
• She occasionally gets up at 5:00 AM.
• She always takes a shower at 5:15 AM.
• She always goes to the university at 6:20 AM.
• She sometimes eats lunch at 2:00 PM.
• She usually goes home at 03:00 PM.
• She always cooks dinner at 17:00.
• She usually studies for the university at 19:00.
• She occasionally plays basketball at 19:30 with your family.
• She seldom sleeps at 1:00.





Mattery of Curse English

Horas: En punto – O’clock
Para referirnos a la hora en punto solamente debemos decir It’s + la
. hora que es + expresión o’clock.

Por ejemplo. It’s two o’clock, It’s five o’clock o It’s nine o’clock.
. Recuerda que solo utilizamos la forma simple, es decir del 1 al 12.

Existen dos términos para referirnos a las 12, bien sean del mediodía o media noche.

▪ Twelve noon o simplemente noon.

▪ Twelve midnight o simplemente midnight.


Horas: Y Media – Half Past

Cuando queremos decir que es una hora y media debemos decir It’s + la
. expresión half past + la hora que es.

Por ejemplo. It’s half past one, It’s half past seven o It’s half past eleven.


Horas: Y Cuarto – Quarter Past

Para hablar de una hora y cuarto, decimos It’s + la

expresión quarter past + la hora que es.

Ejemplo. It’s quarter past three o It’s quarter past two.

HORAS: Menos Cuarto – Quarter To
En este caso sustituímos “past” por “to”. Cuando antes decíamos algo así
como “un cuarto (de hora) pasado de” ahora decimos “un cuarto (de
hora) para” . Por lo tanto, se formaría con:


It’s + la expresión quarter to + la hora de referencia ( aquella para la que falta un cuarto de
Ejemplo. It’s quarter to twelve, It’s quarter to three o It’s quarter to two.

HORAS : Otras Horas – Other Times

Para el resto de horas aplicamos el mismo principio. Lo único que debemos
saber es si los minutos pasan o no de la hora y media.
En función de eso decidiremos si utilizamos PAST o TO y cúal será
la hora de

Algunos ejemplos:

12.35 – It’s twenty-five to one

08.51 – It’s nine to nine

11.13 – It’s thirteen past eleven



▶ She is wearing a pink, cotton t-shirt and blue denim jeans.

color, pattern and material.

Colour + pattern + material + noun.
She is wearing a blue printed silk dress.





▶ Hardly occur in the continuous form.

▶ Describe states not actions.(believe, hear, hate, like, see,
understand, sound, taste).
▶ I love books! (I’m loving books)



El present simple es uno de los tiempos verbales en inglés. Su uso correcto es muy
importante porque se utiliza para múltiples situaciones, las cuales podrás encontrar un poco
más abajo. Además, en este artículo conocerás sus usos principales, cómo se forma
(estructura), su conjugación y, para terminar, algunas excepciones o casos únicos.

Present simple: cómo se utiliza

El present simple en inglés es el tiempo verbal indicado cuando quieras expresar algunas
condiciones. Ejemplos:

• Guadalajara is the capital of Jalisco.

• Every four years is a leap year.
• I walk to my work.

Tip: Un error común es creer que el present simple sirve para hablar de las acciones o
estados que ocurren en el momento preciso en el que se habla. Esto es incorrecto. Para estas
situaciones se utiliza el presente continuo.

Present simple: estructura

Afirmativa Sujeto + verbo + complemento

Negativa Sujeto + auxiliar do/does not + verbo + complemento

Interrogativa Auxiliar do/does + sujeto + verbo + complemento

Conjugación del present simple

Para utilizar de la forma correcta el presente simple en inglés no basta con conocer su
estructura, sino que también es necesario saber cuál es la conjugación adecuada.

Present simple: conjugación


La tercera persona
Existen 4 reglas del present simple. Las primeras dos afectan a la tercera persona, mientras
las últimas dos afectan a todos los sujetos y conjugaciones. Son las siguientes:

1. A los verbos en present simple en la forma afirmativa se les agrega una -s al

final. En las formas negativa e interrogativa no llevan -s.

1.1. Con verbos cuya terminación es –o, -sh, -ch, -ss, -x, -z, se agrega –es. Aquí algunos


1.2 A los verbos terminados en –y se les cambia esta última letra por –i + -es.

Verbo Tercera persona

To study He studies

To notify She notifies

1.3 Los verbos terminados en –y tienen otra excepción. Si antes de dicha última letra hay
una vocal, la –y se conserva y al final se agrega –s.


Verbo Tercera persona

To buy He buys

To enjoy She enjoys

2. El auxiliar de la tercera persona es does. Primeras y segundas personas del singular y

plural usan do.














3. El verbo to be es irregular, por lo que al ser uno de los más usados es

recomendable aprenderse todas sus formas:


4. Los verbos modales (can, must, may) tienen dos excepciones:

4.1 No se les agrega –s ni –es.

Incorrecto: Your cat cans jump between trees.
Correcto: Your cat can jump between trees.
Incorrecto: She musts be in her office.
Correcto: She must be in her office.

4.2 Las formas negativas e interrogativas no usan auxiliar do/does, sino a sí mismos, es
• Can
Negativo: Your cat can not jump between trees
Interrogativo:Can your cat jump between trees?
• Must
Negativo: She must not be in her office
Interrogativo: Must she be in her office?
• May
Negativo:He may not help you tomorrow
Interrogativo:May he help you tomorrow?


Seguramente hayas visto muchos verbos en inglés que terminan en -ING, ¿qué significa
esto? Los verbos que acaban con el gerundio -ING, que en español pueden traducirse a los
gerundios “-ando” y “-endo”, se asocian al presente continuo, Present Continuous en

¿Qué es el presente continuo y cómo utilizarlo?

Son las cosas que hago en este momento. El Present Continuous es el “aquí y ahora”. A
diferencia con otras conjugaciones y tipos de presente en inglés, esta es la más fácil.
Muchas veces se confunde con el presente simple. Sin embargo, hay diferencias entre
el presente simple y continuo.

La fórmula (estructura) del presente continuo es muy sencilla: Sujeto + am/are/is (verbo
to be) + verbo acabado en -ing.

Describir lo que está ocurriendo aquí y ahora.

• My mum is cooking a dessert for Christmas Eve.

Mi madre está cocinando un postre para Nochebuena.

• I am studying for tomorrow’s exam.

Estoy estudiando para el examen de mañana.

Hablar de algo que está sucediendo ahora pero no necesariamente en ese preciso

• He is currently working at a restaurant.

Actualmente está trabajando en un restaurante.

• Alex is studying to get his driving license.

Álex está estudiando para sacarse el carné de conducir.


Hablar de situaciones pasajeras o planes inminentes.

• I am flying to Los Angeles next month.

Vuelo a Los Ángeles el mes que viene.
• We are getting married in Spain.
Nos vamos a casar en España.

El modo afirmativo (Affirmative)

La fórmula (estructura) del presente continuo es muy sencilla: Sujeto + am/are/is (verbo
to be) + verbo acabado en -ing.


1ST PERSON I am talking We are talking

2ND PERSON You are talking You are talking

3RD PERSON He / She / It is talking They are talking

• They are talking about what they will do for the holidays.
Están hablando de lo que harán en las vacaciones.
• I am making a cake for his birthday.
Estoy haciendo una tarta por su cumpleaños.

El modo negativo (Negative)

En las frases negativas, la fórmula que utilizamos es Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ‘to be’ +
NOT + Verbo + ING.



1ST PERSON I am not talking We are not talking

2ND PERSON You are not talking You are not talking

3RD PERSON He / She / It is not talking They are not talking

Por otro lado, si se trata del verbo to be, no se utiliza el verbo auxiliar, sino que se
añade not al verbo terminado en -ing. También utilizamos la forma contraída de is not
(isn’t) y de are not (aren’t).

El modo interrogativo (Interrogative)

A la hora de hacer preguntas, al igual que en la forma negativa, utilizamos el auxiliar to

be + sujeto + verbo terminado en ‘-ing’.


1ST PERSON Am I talking? Are we talking?

2ND PERSON Are you talking? Are you talking?

3RD PERSON Is He / She / It talking? Are they talking?

1. Add –s or -es to the verbs: 2. Underline the correct variant:
1. see sees 14. wake wakes 1. Tom tidies his room every Saturday.
2. take takes 15. teach teaches a) tidy b) tidies
3. brush brushes 16. lose loses 2. We listen to the music every day.
4. kiss kisses 17. catch catches a) listen b) listens
5. call calls 18. buy buys 3. Mary usually watches TV in the evening.
6. give gives 19. pass passes a) watch b) watches
7. play plays 20. come come 4. The girls often play with the dolls.
8. study studies 21. fight fights a) play b) plays
9. watch watches 22. water waters 5. I swim in the pool on Sundays.
10. help helps 23. choose chooses a) swim b) swims
11. cut cuts 24. fly flies 6. They do their homework every day.
12. cry cries 25. Match matches a) do b) does
13. swim swims 26. carry carries
4. Fill in don’t or doesn’t:
3. Rewrite the sentences with the new 1. Bill doesn't play tennis every Sunday.
subject: 2. We don't go to the park.
1. Kate likes to eat an ice-cream. (I) 3. Kate doesn't like to eat fish.
• I like to eat ice cream. 4. Sue doesn't wear long dresses.
2. We go to the zoo every Sunday. (Sam) 5. I don't like to get up early.
• Sam goes to the zoo every Sunday. 6. My brothers don't like to drink milk.
3. The boys play football well. (Tom) 7. My cousin don't know Italian well.
• Tom plays football well. 8. I don't like to walk with my dog.
4. My brother speaks English well. (They) 9. Pam doesn't go to the gym.
• They speak English well. 10. They don't understand this rule.
5. The girls like to draw dolls. (My sister) 11. We don't often go to the movies.
• My sister likes to draw dolls. 12. Liz doesn't wear shorts at all.
6. I play computer games every day. (Pam) 13. Tim doesn't grow flowers in the
• Pam plays computer games every day. garden.

6. Write questions to the underlined

5. Write Do or Does:
1. Does Kate help her mother every day?
1. Ben sleeps eight hours every day.
2. Do you listen to rock music?
How many hours does Ben sleep every day?
3.1.Does Tom
I like know
to eat ice all the computer
2. We water the flowers in two days.
Sam goes to the zoo every Sunday.
When do we water the flowers?
theyplays football
go to well.on Sundays?
the zoo
3. Mona goes to the club every Saturday.
you speak
like toEnglish
draw well.
How often does Mona go to the club?
My your
sister brother
likes to draw
his car well?
4. They feed the rabbits at 2 o’clock.
the plays
boys computer games
like to plant every day.
When do they feed the rabbits?
8. Does Ben want to find his friends?
5. I enjoy classical music.
9. Do you often call your friends?
What do I enjoy?
10. Does your sister wear nice dresses?
6. Nick seldom plays table tennis.
11. Do they learn to dance at school?
How often does Nick play table tennis?
12. Does Mary spend much time in
shops? 1
I. Write the 3rd person singular of the verbs:

1. I join - he joins 2. I like - he likes 3. I kiss - he kisses

4. I fly - he flies 5. I watch - he watches 6. I enjoy - he enjoys
7. I talk - he talks 8. I go - he goes 9. I teach - he teaches
10. I buy - she buys 11. I finish - she finishes 12. I cry - she cries

II. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences, as in the examples.
1. 1. I live (live) in EdinburghI live (live) in Edinburgh.
2. He does (do) his homework every evening.
3. She’s a teacher. She works (work) at primary school.
4. “Are you a singer?” “No, I’m a pilot. I fly (fly) aeroplanes.
5. Joan washes (wash) her hair every day.
6. The museum closes (close) at seven in the evening.
7. Daniel brushes (brush) his teeth every morning.
8. She studies (study) Science at university.
9. Every Saturday, Paul gives (give) his dog a bath.
10. In the mornings, Betty takes (take) her sister to school.
11. We go (go) to the swimming pool at the weekend.
12. John and Mary have (have) a cup of tea in the afternoon.

III. Use the prompts to write sentences, as in the example:

1. he / every day / work / on the computer → He works on the computer every day.
2. Susana / at the weekend / do her laundry → Susana does her laundry at the weekend.
3. My friends and I / at the weekend / go fishing → My friends and I go fishing at the weekend.
4. he / every morning / read the newspaper → He reads the newspaper every morning.
5. Sharon / exercise / in the morning → Sharon exercises in the morning.
6. dinner / they / at 7:30 / eat → They eat dinner at 7:30.

IV. Write questions and negations as in the example.

1. Tom lives in England. → Does Tom live in England? Tom doesn’t live in England.
2. Mr Simpson teaches Chemistry. → Does Mr. Simpson teach Chemistry? Mr. Simpson doesn’t
3. You like playing computer games. → Do you like playing computer games? You don’t like playing
computer games.
4. John and Sue work in a café. → Do John and Sue work in a café? John and Sue don’t work in a café.
5. We do the shopping on Saturdays. → Do we do the shopping on Saturdays? We don’t do the shopping on
6. The baby cries all the time. → Does the baby cry all the time? The baby doesn’t cry all the time.

V. Fill in do / don’t, does / doesn’t.

1. Sam speaks French, but he doesn't Speak Russian. 2. Ann doesn't like jazz music but she likes pop music.
3. “Does she play the saxophone?” “No, she ……”. 4. Where do you work?
5. He doesn't go to school on Sunday. 6. What do you have for dinner?

VI. Match the questions to the answers.

1. What time does she get up? A. She goes to bed at 10:00.
2. How does she go to school? B. She walks to school.
3. Does she have breakfast every day? C. She gets up at 7:00.
4. What does she do in the afternoon? D. No, she doesn’t.
5. When does she go to bed? E. She does her homework.
☺ Good luck ☺


Daily routines /present simple – adverbs of frequency - time/

Personal routine

• Morning (3 activities):

I always get up at 6:20 for two minutes.

I occasionally eat an apple alone at 6:30 for 5 minutes.

I always brush my teeth at 6:35 for 4 minutes.

• Afternoon (3 activities):

I rarely sleep at 13:00 for 30 minutes.

I usually coook at 14:00 for two hours.

I normally attend classes at 15:00 for two hours.

• Night (3 activities):

I always take a shower at 20:00 for 20 minutes.

I usually call my parents at 20:30 for 20 minutes.

I usually do homework at 21:00 for several hours.

Favorite person’s routine

• Morning (3 activities):

She occasionally gets up at 5:00 AM.

She always takes a shower at 5:15 AM.

She always goes to the university at 6:20 AM.

• Afternoon (3 activities):

She sometimes eats lunch at 14:00.

She usually goes home at 15:00.

She always cooks dinner at 17:00.

• Night (3 activities):

She usually studies for the university at 19:00.

She occasionally plays basketball at 19:30 with your family.

She seldom sleeps at 1:00.

2. Free time activities – likes and dislikes /verbs + ing/

Personal activities

1. In my free time liking watching reels to Instagram because is funny

2. In my free time disliking cleaning my department because is bored

3. In my free time liking watching movies or series because are interested

4. In my free time disliking studyng for the university because is tired

5. In my free time liking walking alone because is relaxing

Favorite person’s activities

1. She in your free time liking watch anime,

2. She in your free time riding the books.

3. She in your free time cooking new plates

4. She in your free time helping in your house

5. She in your free time playing with your family

3. Describing what people is doing and wearing /present


Personal information
2 activities

o I am stilling in the site

o I am seeing the camera

3 clothes

o I am wearing a black plain cotton sleeveless

o I am wearing a black plain denim Bermuda

o I am wearing a black plain cotton sneakers

Favorite person

o She is celebrating

o She is making a victory sign

3 Clothes

o She is wearing a pink printed silk dress

o She is wearing a white plain leather high heels

o She is wearing a yellow plain leather clock

Renee's daily routine

We use present simple to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something
happens all the time or repeatedly.

Remember: I/we/you/they work but he/she/it works.

Renee is 35 and she’s a writer. She lives in a small flat in London. She lives with her two
dogs and a cat. She wakes up late, at 10 o’clock in the morning. She has coffee and a
sandwich for breakfast. After breakfast she goes jogging. After she comes home, she works
in her home office until 6 o’clock in the evening. She never has lunch, but she always eats a
big dinner. She often invites friends over and cooks dinner for them. After dinner, she
usually watches TV or reads a book. She goes to sleep at midnight. At weekends, she visits
her parents in Manchester.

1. What does Renee do?

• Renee is a writer.
2. Where does she live?
• She lives in a small flat in London.

3. Who does she live with?
• She lives with her two dogs and a cat.
4. What time does she wake up?
• She wakes up at 10 o’clock in the morning.
5. What does she have for breakfast?
• She has coffee and a sandwich for breakfast.
6. What does she do after she has breakfast?
• After breakfast, she goes jogging.
7. How many hours does she work?
• She works until 6 o’clock in the evening.
8. What does she have for dinner?
• She always eats a big dinner.
9. What does she do after she has dinner?
• After dinner, she usually watches TV or reads a book.
10. What time does she go to sleep?
• She goes to sleep at midnight.
11. What does she do at weekends?
• At weekends, she visits her parents in Manchester.

Present Continuous

Present Continuous
Present Continuous Present Continuous Negative Question
Affirmative We use “be” followed by
we use “be” + “ing” verbs we use “be” +”not” + “ing” verbs “Pronoun or subject”

I am walking. I am not walking. Am I walking?

She is talking. She is not talking. Is she talking?
He is laughing. He is not laughing. Is he laughing?
It is raining. It is not raining. Is it raining?
They are singing. They are not singing. Are they singing?
We are cooking. We are not cooking. Are we cooking?
You are smiling. You are not smiling. Are you smiling?

A. Fill in the blanks with “is” or “are”. B. Write the correct “ing” verb in the blank.
1) Kate is cooking a turkey for dinner. 1.Kate is preparing dinner (prepare).
2) Mom is setting the table. 2.They are hunting for Easter eggs (hunt).
3) John is making coffee.
3.We are eating turkey (eat).
4) The boys are watching TV.
4.The Easter Bunny is coming (come).
5) It is snowing outside.
6) The baby is laughing. 5.I am making Easter eggs (make).
7) The girls are painting Easter eggs. 6.The children are eating candy (eat).
8) We are eating turkey. 7.You are singing a nice song (sing).
9) The dog is barking. 8.The dog is chasing the cat (chase).
10) They are celebrating Easter. 9.The cat is running (run).
10.He is drinking coffee (drink).

C. Negative form. Fill in blanks with D. Make a question.

“is/ are /not” and/or “ing”verb”
Fill in the blank with “be” and “ing” verb
1. I am not cooking. 1.Am I cooking dinner? (cook)
2. He is not eating. 2.Is Jack baking pie? (bake)
3. She is not laughing (laugh) 3.Are the girls eating? (eat)
4. It is not raining. (rain). 4.Is it raining? (rain)
5. They are not painting Easter eggs. 5.Are they making Easter eggs? (make)
6. We are not eating now. 6. Are you coming? (coming)
7. You are not walking. (walk). 7. Is the dog barking? (bark)
8. Mary is not sleeping. 8. Is she talking?(talk)
9. Kate and John are not watching TV. 9. Is he laughing?(laugh)
10.The dog is not barking. (bark). 10 Are Kate and John sleeping?(sleep) 8

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