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Strike means the stoppage of work by a body of workmen acting in concert with a
view to bring pressure upon the employer to concede to their demands during an
industrial dispute.
Indian Iron & Steel ltd. v/s Its Workmen
Held: Mere cessation of work does not come within the preview of strike unless it can
be shown that such cessation of work was a concerted action for the enforcement of
an industrial demand.
Cessation of work or refusal to work is an essential element of strike. This is the
most significant characteristic of the concept of strike. There can be no strike if there
is no cessation of work.
The cessation of work may take any form. It must however be temporary and not
forever and it must be voluntary. No duration can be fixed for this in fact duration for
cessation of work is immaterial. Cessation of work even for half an hour amounts to

Strike under Industrial Dispute Act, 1947

For strike, the industrial dispute act under 2 (q) defines strikes as “a cessation of
work by a body of persons employed in any industry acting in combination, or
a concerted refusal, or a refusal, under a common understanding of any
number of persons who are or have been so employed to continue to work or
to accept employment”.

Types Of Strike:
1. Economic Strike – Such strike happens due to economic demands like
increment of wages and allowances like house rent allowance, transport
allowances, bonus etc.

2. Sympathy Strike – In such strike union or workers of one industry join the
strikes already hailed by other union or workers.

3. General strike – This strike intended to increase the political pressure in the
ruling party by all unions or members in a region or state.

4. Sit down strike – In such case, workers hold strikes at the workplace and
none of the workers stays absent from duty but they all refuse to work till their
demands are fulfilled.

5. Slow down strike – It means workers or unions don’t refuse to work but put
pressure on industries to get their demand by reducing or restricting the
output of the production of an industry.
6. Hunger strike – It is one of the painful strikes by the striker where workers go
on strike without having food/water to redress the grievances. The employees
of Kingfisher airlines went on hunger strikes for salary dues of several

7. Wildcat strike – Such strike happens by the workers without the consent of
union and authority. In 2004, advocates went on wildcat strike at civil courts in
Bangalore to protest the remarks allegedly made by an assistant
commissioner against them.

Strikes are caused by differences as to:

1. Rates of wages and demands for advances or reductions i.e. Bonus, profit
sharing, provident fund and gratuity.
2. Payment of wages, changes in the method, time or frequency of payment;
3. Hours of labor and rest intervals;
4. Administration and methods of work, for or against changes in the methods of
work or rules and methods of administration, including the difficulties
regarding labor-saving machinery, piece-work, apprentices and discharged
5. Trade unionism.
6. Retrenchment of workmen and closure of establishment.
7. Wrongful discharge or dismissal of workmen.

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