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1.Which letter will be 5th to the right of 7th from right?

2.Which letter will be 2nd to left of 10th from left?

3. Which letter will be 5th to the right of 7th from left?

4. If the first half of the alphabets is reversed, which letter will be 5th to the right of 10th from



1. In a certain code, “ MANAGEMENT” is coded as “GANAMTNEME”, then how will you

code the word “ BREAKTHROUGH”?

2. In a certain code “MANAGEMENT” is coded as “AAEEGMMNNT” then how will you

code the word “ BREAKTHROUGH”?

3. In a certain code, ROAST is coded as PQYUR, then how will you code the word

4. In a certain code “ SLOPPY” is coded as “ LFJLMW”, then how will you code the word “


1. In a certain language, “123” means “ bright little boy”, 145 means “tall big boy”, 637 means
“beautiful little flower”. Which digit in that language means bright?

2. In a certain language

H E A D -a d e h
N O S E -h n o r
G H O S T -e f n q r
E N O U G H -e f h n o x
M A S T E R -d h p q r s
R O U T I N E -h l o n q s x

What is the code for T, D, S, N, U &R?

How will you write GHEE, HEART?

√ Which subject does B and C take?

 Five friends P,Q,R,S & T from Mumbai travelled to 5 different cities of Chennai,
Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad by different modes of transport of bus, train,
aero plane, car and boat such that each person travelled to only one city and by only one
mode of transport.
 The person who travelled to Delhi did not travel by boat
 R went to Bangalore by Car and Q went to Kolkata by Aeroplane
 S travelled by boat whereas T travelled by Train
 Mumbai is not connected by Bus to Delhi and Chennai

Who travelled to Delhi and what is the mode of transport?

 A,B,C,D,E,F and G are sitting around a circle and are facing the centre
 G is second to the left of C, who is to the immediate left of F
 A is third to the left of E
 B is between D and E.

1. Who is to the immediate left of C?

2. What is the position of D with respect to G?


Study the information carefully and answer the questions.

 A,B,C,P,Q,R and S are seven person sitting on a bench. 4 people face north while
remaining face south direction.
 B and C are at the ends and they face north direction.
 A is exactly between B and C, and R is the immediate right of A.
 There is only one person sitting to the left of S, who is 2nd to the left of A.
 P is to the immediate right of C, who is 5th to the right of S.
 R & A face south direction and Q is to the immediate left of A.

1. Who is seated in the middle and which direction is he facing?

R, north b) A south c) Q north d) S north
2. Who is seated 2 to the right of Q?
a) A b) B c) C d) P
3. Which of the following information is/are true?
a) P North b) S North c) Q north d) Both a & c

Pointing towards Rita, Nikhil said, “ I am the only son of her mother’s son”. How is Rita
related to Nikhil ?

a) Aunt b) niece c) mother d) cousin

2. Pointing to a lady in the photograph, Sangeeta said, ”Her son’s father is the son-in-law
of my mother.” How is Sangeeta related to the lady?

a) aunt b) Sister c) mother d) cousin


One fine morning Anil and sunil are walking in opposite direction (coming towards each
other). It is observed that Anil’s shadow is falling to right of Sunil. Which direction is
Anil Facing.

One fine evening, two persons (Anil & Sunil) are standing facing each other. It is
observed Anil shadow is exactly behind him. Which direction is Anil facing?


1. One day Ravi left home and cycled 10 km southwards, turned right and cycled 5 km
and turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left and cycled 10 km. How many
kilometres will he have to cycle to reach his home straight?

2. Kunal walks 10 km towards North. From there he walks 4 km towards South. Then he
walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his
starting point?


Group of 5 persons would be chosen from four girls Q, R, S and P and five boys G, H, I, J and K.
Some conditions for selection include:

G and S should be together.

P should not be put with R.
Q and J cannot be put together.
I and K should be together.
R cannot be put with H.

1. If 2 of the members need to be boys, the team will consist of :

a) G H S P Q b) G J S Q R c) H J S R Q d) I K S P Q


1. Iron : Copper : Zinc :

a) Ceramic b) Carbon c) Silver d) Coke

2. Violet :Orange : Yellow

A) Purple b) Bluec) White d) Pink

3. Botany : Zoology : Cardiology:

A) Morphology b) Seismology c) Taxonomy d) ornithology


1. A) Zebra b) Lion c) Tiger d) Horse

2. a) January b) May c) September d) December

3. a) Church b) Mosque c) Temple d) Monastery

4. a) Assassinate b) Kill c) Kidnap d) Stab



Indicate your answer as

1. Statement A alone is sufficient

2. Statement B alone is sufficient

3. Either Statement A or B alone is sufficient

4. Both the statements are required

5. Both the statements are not sufficient

1. How many students are there in the class ?

A. Hari ranks 8th from top
B. Hari ranks 15th from bottom

2. In a certain code language “Orange is Sour “ is written as “mod tic bip”. What is the code
for Sour ?
A. “orange is acidic’ is written as “ake mod tic”
B. “ apple is sweet” is written as “rip mod rok”.

3. How is M related to N ?
A. Husband of P is brother of N.
B. P is mother of M’s sister.

4. Which of the villages among P,Q,R,S and T is the smallest ?

A. Village Q is bigger than P but smaller than T.
B. Village R is smaller than S but bigger than T.

5. What is Ram’s rank from the bottom ?
A. There are 45 students in the class.
B. Ram’s rank is 17th from the top.

6. What is the code for “good” in a certain code language ?

A. “ ave kera sam “ means “ good and bad”
B. “gel fire onus “ means “ you must go”.
7. How is K related to A ?
A. A is the father of D, who is the sister of E.
B. E is the son of K.

8. How much is the salary of Harish?

A. Dinesh salary is 50 % of Harish

B. Vignesh salary is 150 % of Harish

9. What is the value of x?

A. x2 = 25
B. X3 =27
10. How many days are there in February of a particular year?

A. 1st February of that year is a Monday

B. There are 5 Sundays in February of that year
11. Who won the elections in a club among A, B and C, where 80 people voted and each people
voted for only one contestant

A. B got more than 50 % of the votes of C

B. C got 30 votes.
12. In a row of five people viz A, B, C, D and E, is B in the middle?

A. D and E are at the ends.

B. C is between A and B
13. Among apples, bananas and oranges, which is costlier?

A. The price of oranges is twice that of apples

B. The price of bananas is twice that of apples
14. Did the company made a profit in 2021?

A. The company made a profit in 2020

B. The company made a profit in 2022
15. Which day of the week is 15th September of a particular year ABCD?

A. January 15th of the year ABCD is Friday
B. March 15th of the year ABCD is Sunday
16. Is x>y?

A. Thrice the value of x equals twice the value of y.

B. X – Y = 8
17. How is F related to P?

A. P has two sisters M and N.

B. F's mother is sister of M's father.

18. How many pages of book X did Robert read on Sunday?

A. The book has 300 pages out of which two-thirds were read by him before Sunday.
B. Robert read the last 40 pages of the book on the morning of Monday.
19. On a T.V. channel, four serials A, B, C and D were screened, one on each day, on four
consecutive days but not necessarily in that order. On which day was the serial C screened?

A. The first serial was screened on 23rd, Tuesday and was followed by serial D.
B. Serial A was not screened on 25th and one serial was screened between serials A and B.

20. A certain amount is divided among A, B and C in the ratio and who got the least share?
A. The ratio between B and C is 3 : 5
B. The total amount is Rs.30 and B got Rs. 9
21. What is the Selling price of a shirt?
A. Cost price of the shirt was Rs. 200
B. The shirt was sold at a profit percentage of 50 %

22. How many pens were sold on Tuesday?

A. On Sunday, 1200 pens were sold, which is 50 % of the sales of Tuesday
B. On Monday, 800 pens were sold, which is 80 % of the sales of Tuesday

23. Is “ M” divisible by 6?
A. “M” is divisible by 3
B. “M” is divisible by 4

24. On which day of the week did Ram celebrated his birthday?
A. Ram celebrated his birthday on Monday last year.
B. Ram will be celebrating his birthday on Wednesday, the next year.

25. What was the temperature on Wednesday of a particular week?

A. The average temperature for the first 3 days was 33
B. The average temperature for the last 3 days was 35


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