Classification Puzzle
Category Puzzle
Order Puzzle
Days Order Puzzle
Month Order Puzzle
Date Order Puzzle
Train Order Puzzle
Floor Order Puzzle
Box Order Puzzle
Classification Puzzle
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and
answer the given questions:-
Five friends, P, Q, R, S AND T travelled to five different cities of
Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad by different
modes of transport of Bus, Train, Airplane, Car and Boat from
Mumbai but not necessary in the same order.
The person who travelled to Delhi did not travel by boat.
R went to Bangalore by car and Q went to Kolkata by airplane
S travelled by boat whereas T travelled by train.
Mumbai is not connected by bus to Delhi and Chennai.
Q1. Which of the following combinations of person and mode is
not correct?
(a) P,Bus (b) Q,Aeroplane (c) R,Car (d) S,Boat (e) T,Aeroplane
Q2. Which of the following combinations is true for S?
(a) Delhi,Bus (b) Chennai,Bus (c) Chennai,Boat
(d) Data inadequate (e) None of these
Q3. Which of the following combinations of place and mode is not
(a) Delhi,Bus (b) Calcutta,Aeroplane (c) Bangalore ,Car
(d) Chennai,Boat (e) Hyderabad ,Bus
Q4. The person travelling to Delhi went by which of the following
(a) Bus (b) Train (c) Aeroplane (d) Car (e) Boat
Q5. Who among the following travelled to Delhi?
(a) R (b) S (c) T (d) Data inadequate (e) None of these
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer
the given questions:-
There are six cities A, B, C, D, E and F.
A is not a hill cities.
B and E are not historical cities.
D is not an industrial city.
A and D are not historical cities.
A and B are not alike.
Q1. Which two cities are industrial cities?
(a) A and B (b) E and F (c) C and D (d) B and F (e) A and D
Q2. Which two cities are historical cities?
(a) A and C (b) B and F (c) C and F (d) B and E (e) A and D
Q3. Which two cities are hill cities?
(a) A and B (b) C and A (c) B and D (d) A and F (e) None of these
Q4. Which city is a hill cities and an industrial centre but not a historical
cities? (a) E (b)F (c) A (d) B (e) C
Q5. Which two cities are neither historical cities nor industrial cities?
(a) A and B (b) D and E (c) F and C (d) B and D (e) None of these
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given
5 persons A, B, C, D, E wear 5 different colour shirts namely green, black, red,
blue and white and wearing same colour cap but not necessary in the same
i) B and C not wearing anything in Red and Green colour.
ii) A and D neither wearing Black colour shirt nor Black colour cap
iii) E and A neither wearing Red colour cap nor Red colour shirt
iv) Person who wear Blue colour shirt also wear Black colour cap
v) Person who wear Green colour shirt also wear Blue colour cap
vi) A is not wearing Blue colour cap
vii) Neither C is wearing Blue colour shirt nor E is wearing Green colour cap
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and
answer the given questions:-
Seven Persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live in India. Each one of them
are from different city, work in different Bank, and play a different
instruments, not necessarily in the same order.
R who works in OBC, is from Patna. T and U play Mandolin and
Violin, though not necessarily in that order. P is not from Delhi. The
person from Delhi is work in IOB and play Guitar. The one who
work in BOI plays Sitar. The one who works in BOM from Agra plays
Violin. The one who works in PNBand the one who works in SBI
play Flute and Piano, though not necessarily in that order. U work
in BOB and live in Jaipur. The one who is from Mumbai is work in
PNB. The one who is from Lucknow plays Piano. V who is from
Kolkata, does not play Sarod. Q is working in SBI.
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven friends Seema, Sheetal, Shushma, Sneha, Swati, Shikha and Shreya are
living in different cities Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow and
Varanasi, but not necessarily in the same order. They play different games like
football, hockey, cricket, baseball, tennis, badminton and lawn tennis, but not
necessarily in the same order.
Swati plays hockey but does not live in Kolkata and Delhi. Shushma lives in
Chennai and she plays cricket. Sneha lives in Hyderabad and she plays football.
The one who lives in Mumbai plays baseball. Sheetal plays tennis and does not live
in Lucknow and Varanasi. Shreya lives in Lucknow and plays Badminton. Shikha
does not live in Mumbai. The one who lives in Delhi plays lawn tennis.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given
arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that
1. Swati - Varanasi 2. Seema - Mumbai3. Sherya-Lucknow4. Shikha -
Hyderabad5. Sheetal – Kolkata
Who lives in Kolkata?
1. Shreya2. Sheetal3. Sneha4. Seema5. Shikha
Who plays lawn tennis?
दी गई जानकारी का ध्यानपर् ू क
व अध्ययन करें और ननम्नलऱखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें ।
एक ऩरयवाय के 8 सदस्म A, D, J, M, N, P, W औय X थे, जो भैनचेस्टय (इंग्रैंड) भें बायत-ऩाककस्तान भैच
दे खने गए थे। उन्हें किकेट के भैदान भें इस तयह से फैठामा गमा कक ऩरयवाय के दो सदस्मों को द
पर्ेलऱयन भें फैठा ददमा गमा। ऩरयवाय का सफसे फडा सदस्म अऩनी ग्रैंडडॉटय के साथ द पॉइंट भें
फैठा/फैठी था/थी। ऩरयवाय भें एक वववादहत जोडा है औय वह द मीडडया एंड प्ऱेयसव सेंटर भें फैठे थे।
ऩरयवाय के फाकी सदस्म द ओल्ड ऱॉज में फैठे थे।
J, ऩरयवाय का सफसे फडा सदस्म है औय M औय N के साथ भैच नह ं दे ख यहा था। P, X के साथ भैच दे ख
यहा था, रेककन द मीडडया एंड प्ऱेयसव सेंटर भें नह ं फैठा था। D, A की इकरौती फेट है । P, जो
तराक़शुदा है , उसके दो फच्चे हैं। A औय P दोनों J के फच्चे हैं। A, W से वववादहत है । M औय N, द
पर्ेलऱयन भें फैठे हैं। X, W का बाई है औय वह द ओल्ड ऱॉज भें P के साथ फैठा है । द ओल्ड ऱॉज भें
फैठने वारे ऩरयवाय की कोई भदहरा सदस्म नह ं है । A, M औय N की आंट है ।
Who was sitting at The Point? द प्वाइंट ऩय कौन फैठा था?
1. D and M2. D and N3. J and N4. J and D5. None of these
Category Puzzle
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and
answer the given questions:-
A,B,C,D,E,G and I are sevan friends who study in three different
standars namely 5th , 6th , and 7th such that not less than two friend
study in the same standard each friend also has a different
favourite subject namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi,
Math, and Economics but not necessarily in the same order.
A like Maths and studies in 5th standard with only one other friends
who like Marathi . I studies only with two other friends. Both the
friends who study with I like languages (Here languages include
only Hindi ,Marathi and English )D studies in the 6th standard with
only one person and does not like civics. E studies with only one
friend. The one who likes History does not study in 5th or 6th
standard . E does not Like languages. C does not like English ,Hindi
or and Civics.
Q1. Which of the following is I’s favourite subject?
(1)History(2)Civics(3)Marathi(4)Either English or Hindi(5) Either
English or Marathi
Q2. Who amongst the following studies in the 7th Standard?
(1)G(2)C(3)E(4)D(5)Either D or B
Q3.which of the following combinations is definitely correct ?
(1)I and Hindi(2)G and English(3)C and Marathi
(4)B and Hindi(5)E and Economics
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and
answer the given questions:-
P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z are travelling to three destinations Delhi,
Chennai and Hyderabad in three different vehicles – Honda City,
Swwift D’Zire and Ford Ikon . There are three Females among them
one in each car. There are at least two person in each car.
R is not travelling with Q and W . T a male is travelling withonly Z
and they are not travelling to chennai. P is travelling in Honda City
to Hyderbad . S is sister of P and travels by Ford Ikon . V and R
travel together W does not travel to Chennai.
Q1.Who is travelling with W ?
(1)Only Q(2)Only P(3)Both P and Q
(4)Cannot be determined(5)None of these
Q2. Member in which of the following combinations are trevelling
in honda City?
(1)PRS(2)PQW(3)PWS(4)Data inadequate(5)None of these
Q3. in which car are four member travelling ?
(1)None(2)Honda City (3)Swift D’zire
(4)Ford Ikon(5) Honda City or Ford Ikon
Q4.Which of the following combinations represents the three
female members ?
(4)Cannot be determined(5)None of these
Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and
answer the given questions:-
There are eight employees S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z of a college
working in three departments viz P, Q and R. Each of them has a
different choice of subject, viz Hindi, English, Maths, Science,
History, Sanskrit, Computer and Geography, but not necessarily in
the same order. There are not more than three employees in any
V likes Computer subject and does not work in department R. Z
does not work in department Q and does not like either English or
Science subject. W works in department Q and likes neither Hindi
nor English subject. Y works in department P with only U, who likes
Geography subject. S and X do not work in the same department
as W. The one who likes Hindi subject works in department Q.The
one who likes Maths subject works in department P.Those who
work in department Q like neither Science nor History subject. X
does not like English subject.
Directions (16-20): Study the following information carefully and
answer the given questions:
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are going to perform on three
different days, i.e. Monday, Tuesday and Friday with seven
different dramas i.e. Horror, Inspirational, Comedy, Action, Thriller,
Suspense and Romantic, but there is not less than two and not
more than three performance on each day. After their
performances they get prize according to their heights. F will
perform only with G on Monday and drama is horror. C's height is
more than G but less than F. The performance of comedy is not
planned on Friday and the performance of Romantic is not planned
on Monday. E will perform on Friday and his drama is suspense and
D will perform on the same day on Which E will perform. G's height
is more than A but less than B. C and D will perform on same day
and C's drama is Action. B's drama is thriller and his height is less
than only D's height
Q16.Which day has three performance?
(1) Monday (2) Tuesday (3) Friday (4) Either Monday or Tuesday
(5) Either Tuesday or Friday
Q.11. How many days are there between A's class and D's class?
(1) Two (2) Five (3) Four (4) Three (5) One
Q.12. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus
form a group- Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(1) AT (2) RQ (3) GS (4) FU (5) TC
Direction (1-5): Study following information carefully and answer the questions
given below. Six friends Sugan, Sumi, Sharu, Suvi, Subi and Sudha belong to six
different cities, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Pune, but not
necessarily in the same order. Each of them likes different colors, Red, Green,
Yellow, Orange, Pink and Blue, but not necessarily in the same order. They are
used three different types of transports, Car, Bus and Train, in such a manner
that two persons use the same type of transport but not necessarily in the same
order. They use these transport on six different days in the same week, staring
from Monday and ending on Saturday. Sudha uses the same types of transport
as the person who belongs to Bangalore. Sharu uses the transport on
Wednesday. Sugan uses Car and belongs to Chennai. Only three persons use the
transport between Sumi and Sudha. The one who likes Blue uses Car. Sugan uses
the transport on one of the days before Sudha. Subi does not use the transport
on Saturday. Sugan does not like Orange and Pink. Sharu neither belongs to
Pune nor Delhi. The one who likes Green uses Bus. The one who uses Train likes
Red. Sumi belongs to Mumbai and likes Green. Sugan does not use the transport
on Friday. Subi neither belongs to Kolkata nor Delhi. The one who likes Pink not
uses Car. Suvi uses the transport on one of the day before Sharu. The one who
likes Orange uses Bus. Sumi uses the transport on one of the day before Sudha.
Sharu likes Blue. Sumi does not use the same transport as Suvi.
37) Which of the following combinations is correct?
a) Monday-Sumi-Mumbai b) Suvi-Tuesday-Bangalore
c) Sudha-Friday-Delhi d) Sugan-Thursday-Pune e) None of these
Q.3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so
from a group. which one does not belongs to that group?
(1) A – December (2) F – Poetry (3) D – Hindi
(4) C – September (5) B – Bengali
Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below. Eight of the
students, Ram, Shyam, Santosh, Arjun, Krishna, Nakul, Anuj and Praveen are students of the fifth
class of Indian Vidya School. Each of these is born in different months like Chaitra, Vaishakha,
Jyeshta, Ashadha, Shravan, Bhadrapad, Ashwin and Kartik, according to the Hindi month. But this
is not necessarily the same in that order. The Hindi month starts with the Chaitra month and
Phalguna ends in the month like Chaitra, Vaishakha, Jyeshta, Ashadha, Shravan, Bhadrapad,
Ashwin, Kartik, Agahan, Paush, Magh, Phalgun. Anuj was born neither in the Kartik month nor in
the Chaitra month. Arjun is born in the month which is coming before the two months of the
Shravan month. Krishna is born in the ninth month from the last. The name of the student who
born in Bhadrapad month is Nakul. Praveen has born neither in the first nor in the last of the
given eight months. Ram is born in a month before the Jyeshta month. Santosh is born in the
month of Shravan. Anuj is born in a month before the Ashwin month.
दी गई जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्क व अध्ययन करें और नीचे ददए गए प्रश्न का उत्तर दें ।आठ फारक
याभ, श्माभ, संतोष, अजन ु , कृष्ण, नकुर, अनज ु औय प्रवीण बायतीम ववद्मा स्कूर के ऩांचवी
कऺा के छात्र है । इनभे से प्रत्मेक का जन्भ दहंद भाह के अनस ु ाय अरग-अरग भाह जैसे चैत्र,
वैशाख, ज्मेष्ठ, आषाढ़, श्रावण, बाद्रऩद, आश्श्वन औय कार्तुक भाह भें हुआ है । रेककन इसी िभ
भें ह हो ऐसा जरूय नह ं है । दहंद भाह की शरु ु आत चैत्र भाह से होती है औय पाल्गन ु भाह भें
ख़त्भ होती है , जैसे- चैत्र, वैशाख, ज्मेष्ठ, आषाढ़, श्रावण, बाद्रऩद, आश्श्वन, कार्तुक, अगहन,
ऩौष, भाघ, पाल्गुन। अनुज का जन्भ न तो कार्तुक भाह भें औय न ह चैत्र भाह भें हुआ है ।
अजन ु का जन्भ श्रावण भाह के दो भाह ऩहरे वारे भाह भें हुआ है । कृष्ण का जन्भ अंर्तभ से
नौवें भाह भें हुआ है । बाद्रऩद भाह भें ऩैदा होने वारे छात्र का नाभ नकुर है । प्रवीण का जन्भ
ददए गए आठो भाह के न तो शुरू के औय न ह अंर्तभ भाह भें हुआ है । याभ का जन्भ ज्मेष्ठ
भाह से ऩहरे ककसी एक भाह भें हुआ है । संतोष का जन्भ श्रावण भाह भें हुआ है । अनुज का
जन्भ आश्श्वन भाह से ऩहरे ककसी एक भाह भें हुआ है ।
How many months are between Santosh and Shyam?
संतोष औय श्माभ के फीच ककतने भह ने हैं?
1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four5. None of these
Which option is true?
1. Praween- Chaitra2. Ram- Ashwin3. Arjun- Bhadrapad4. Santosh - Shravan5. Nakul- Ashwin
How many students are born between Vaishakha and Shravan months?
1. Second floor2. Fifth floor3. Sixth floor4. Fourth floor5. None of these
Which of the following colours does D like?
Seven Person M, N, O, P, Q, R and S live on separate floor of a seven floor building. Ground
floor is numbered 1, first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7.
Each of them earn different salaries like 2500, 3500, 5000, 8000, 9500, 11000 and 13000, but
not necessarily in the same order.
The one who earns RS. 8000 lives on floor numbered 5. Only one person sits between O and
the one who earns RS. 8000. The one who earns RS. 5000 lives immediately below O. The
number of person lives between the one who earns RS. 8000 and RS. 5000 is same as the
person lives between O and Q. Only one person lives between S and Q. Only one person lives
between the person who earns RS. 9500 and S. M earns less than Q but is not the least earned
person. M lives on an odd numbered floor but not on the lower most floor. R lives one of the
floor below M. P lives immediately above N. O has more salary than P. N has RS. 2000 more
than O. The one whose salary has least lives immediately above the one who earns RS. 11000.
ननम्नलऱखित जानकारी का ध्यानपर्
ू कव अध्ययन करें और नीचे ददए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें -
सात रोग M, N, O, P, Q, R औय S एक सात भंश्जरा इभायत भें यहते है । सफसे नीचे वारा तर
1, उससे ऊऩय वारा तर 2 औय इसी प्रकाय से सफसे ऊऩय वारा तर 7 है । प्रत्मेक व्मश्तत को
अरग-अरग वेतन जैसे 2500, 3500, 5000, 8000, 9500, 11000 औय 13000 मभरता है ।
श्जस व्मश्तत का वेतन 8000 रूऩए है वह ऩाचवे तर ऩय यह्ता है । O औय 8000 रूऩए वेतन
ऩाने वारे व्मश्तत के भध्म केवर एक व्मश्तत यहता है । श्जस व्मश्तत का वेतन 5000 रूऩए है
वह O के तयु ं त नीचे वारे तर ऩय यहता है । 8000 रूऩए वेतन ऩाने वारा व्मश्तत औय 5000
रूऩए वेतन ऩाने वारे व्मश्तत के भध्म श्जतने व्मश्तत यहते है उतने ह व्मश्तत O औय Q के
भध्म भें यहते है । S औय Q के भध्म केवर एक व्मश्तत यहता है । S औय 9500 रूऩए वेतन वारे
के भध्म केवर एक व्मश्तत यहता है । M, Q से कभ वेतन ऩाता है रेककन वह सफसे कभ वेतन
नह ं ऩाता है । M ववषभ संख्मा वारे तर ऩय यहता है रेककन वह सफसे नीचे वारे तर ऩय नह ं
यहता है । R, M के नीचे ककसी एक तर ऩय यहता है । P, N के ठीक ऊऩय वारे तर ऩय यहता है ।
O का वेतन P से अधधक है । N का वेतन O से 2000 रूऩए अधधक है । श्जस व्मश्तत का वेतन
सफसे कभ है वह 11000 रूऩए वेतन वारे व्मश्तत के ठीक ऊऩय यहता है ।
What is the salary of person who lives in lower most floor?
Q.2) What is the product of floor number of P’s spouse and flat number of the
one who is T’s spouse?
a) 9 b) 12 c) 6 d) 4 e) 3
Q.3) Number of person lives below Y’s spouse is same as number of person lives
above _________?
a)Q’s Spouseb) T’s Spouse c) W’s Spouse d) S’s Spouse e) None of those given as