Prinect Quick Start 2020 en
Prinect Quick Start 2020 en
Prinect Quick Start 2020 en
Quick Start.
Prinect Manager 2020.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Basic Concept of the Prinect System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Version 2020
Table of Contents
Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Depot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Image Job List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Details about a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
"Devices" (MetaDimension Printmanager) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
"Administration" (MetaDimension Printmanager) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Sample Configuration of the Prinect Cockpit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Poster for Job List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Note: The Prinect Manager represents the Prinect Workflow variant with the highest inte-
gration level. Because this documentation was written not only for the Prinect Integration
Manager but also for the Prinect Prepress Manager, the Prinect Pressroom Manager, the Pri-
nect Postpress Manager, the Prinect One Box and the Prinect Digital Front End (DFE), the
general term "Prinect Manager" will be used in this documentation. A specific variant will
be mentioned explicitly only in special cases.
Further Documentation
You can find more information in the following documentation:
• in the enclosed "How to get started" leaflet
• Quotation marks are used to indicate menus, folders, functions, hardware conditions, switch
settings, system messages, etc.
• A plus sign is used to indicate that several keys have to be pressed at the same time.
Important Information
Important information in the text is indicated by symbols at the side which are used as follows:
Warning: Contains information that must be taken into consideration to protect the user
from injury.
Caution: Contains information that must be taken into consideration to prevent damage to
hardware or software.
Note: Contains important general or supplementary information about a specific topic.
Prerequisite: Lists requirements which must be fulfilled before the steps which follow can
be performed.
8 Version 2020
Prinect engines,
• create jobs, compile job components (input files, sheet layouts), view and monitor jobs, submit
jobs or job data for processing or for approval, check the job status.
A licensed copy of the Adobe Acrobat Professional software must also be installed on each worksta-
tion using the Prinect Cockpit. This software is not included in the shipment of the Heidelberg Prinect
software. The operator of the Prinect software is responsible for seeing to it that Acrobat Professional
is installed on the workstation before installing the Cockpit.
Note: The Prinect Cockpit is the user interface in which a Prinect Manager is set up and
managed in all its details. Tasks like creating new jobs using preconfigured sequence tem-
plates or monitoring running production processes or operation of the Plate Pilot can also
be done in the "Prinect Portal" WEB User Interface. Details about this can be found in the
Online Help of the Prinect Portal.
10 Version 2020
Note: You can find details about licensing in the "Heidelberg Prinect Licensing – User's
Guide" or in the Online Help of the License Manager.
Sequence Templates
In the Cockpit, the processing operations are configured as "sequence templates" that are to run in
the output workflow. By selecting certain preconfigured sequence templates, you can prepare and
output the print jobs in different ways. The option of linking sequence templates lets you run different
output processes, depending on their setup, more or less automatically.
• After the Qualify sequence, the pages can run through a Prepare sequence. This can be neces-
sary, for example, if you wish to reduce transparency elements found in several layers of a PDF
to one layer. The Prepare sequence also gives you the option of using advanced color manage-
ment options.
• There are several proof options offering a preview of the print result to be expected which you
can use before imaging takes place:
· With a "PageProof" sequence, you can print single pages of a document to a page
proofer. Page proofs are mostly used to check the correct color reproduction as a pre-
view of the final product. For this purpose, Color Management that you can configure
especially for this purpose in the PageProof sequence can simulate, for example, also the
colors on the printing material intended for the final product. This means that true-color
page proofing is possible if a suitable calibrated color printer is available.
· With an "ImpositionProof" sequence you can output sheet layouts to a form proofer to
check the imposed sheet layouts. The form proofer can also be used to check color
reproduction if the device is capable of reproducing sufficiently precise colors. For this
purpose, you can also configure Color Management in the ImpositionProof sequence.
Group Templates
To configure automated processing, you can group several sequence templates to "group templates".
In a group template, you can link single sequences by drawing connecting lines between them. These
kind of linked sequence templates can run automatically one after the other without intervention
from the user. You can save different processing setups as different group templates.
Smart Templates
Smart templates are groups of sequence templates that group all the steps required for automated
output workflows ("Smart Automation") as is found, for example, in a web-to-print environment. In
contrast to group templates that are made up of fully setup sequence templates, smart templates
generally just contain placeholders for the different types of sequences that are linked together in the
order they will be processed. These placeholders are characterized only by the sequence type and are
not assigned any parameters when the smart templates are being defined. Only when the job is being
processed are the required parameters sent to the template placeholders. The processing parameters
result from the job properties as defined, for example, in the web-to-print application or in the MIS
(Management Information System).
12 Version 2020
(Qualify, Prepare)
Imposition proof
CTP output
1. In a first step, the documents to be printed are saved as PDF files in the DTP application. As a
rule, the customer does this.
2. A new job is created in the Prinect Cockpit when the input files are on hand. This can be done
either directly in the Cockpit user interface or also in the Prinect Portal, in a web-to-print appli-
cation or in the MIS (Management Information System). If you expect a number of print jobs for
a certain customer, you can create a job group where you can group the jobs of this customer.
Furthermore, it is advisable to enter the customer data (name, contact, etc.) into the Prinect
customer administration and assign the new job to the customer.
3. A print job opens in the Cockpit after it is created. You can now check its settings and, if neces-
sary, change them. For example, you can modify single sequence templates or configure color
settings (color order, handling of spot colors, etc.).
4. When you create a new print job, you can at this stage assign sequence templates or a group
template to the job.
5. After that, the document files are added to the job.
6. Then, processing steps such as page or imposition proof follow.
7. The pages are normally imposed for a CTP output. To do so, the separate pages are assigned to
the page placeholders of an existing layout template. This can occur interactively or automati-
8. After imposition, an imposition proof can be printed if an appropriate proofer is available.
9. When the proofs are found to be OK, CTP output of the imposed sheets can be started with the
ImpositionOutput sequence.
Note: Color proofers and imposition proofers are set up with the "Prinect Color Proof Pro"
software and connected to the Prinect Manager. Linearization and calibration of proofers is
also possible with Color Proof Pro. See also Prinect Color Proof Pro - Online Help.
Platemaking completes the Prepress part of the Prinect workflow. Depending on the configuration of
the Prinect Manager software, additional options for press output and/or finishing can be used apart
from the work steps of a basic workflow.
Set up Customers
Note: The examples shown in this documentation solely demonstrate operation and must
not be understood as imperative instructions.
In daily work with the Prinect Manager workflow, the edited jobs are normally assigned to the cus-
tomers concerned. For this purpose, the Prinect Manager has its own customer administration. Cus-
tomer data are filed in the Master Data Store and are available at various points in the Prinect envi-
Note: Details about customer administration can be found in the Online Help of the Prinect
14 Version 2020
For example, you set up a "virtual customer" to be able to assign a customer to the demo jobs used
in this documentation.
1. Go to "Administration" and click "Customers" (1).
2. Customer administration opens. Click the "New" button. The "Create Customer" dialog opens:
· Sector: Business
· Name: HD Printshop
· Nickname: HDP
· Title: Mr.
· Nickname: WillB
· Language: German
These details about the contact are enough for our purposes. In "Communication Channels",
you can enter data such as phone number, mobile number, e-mail address, fax number or Web
4. The "Customers" window now displays your new customer at the top left of the customer list (1).
16 Version 2020
Mark your customer (1) and fill out the "Address" section (2).
· Street: Hauptstrasse 1
· City: Berlin
· Region: Berlin
· Country Code: DE
· Country: Germany
5. Confirm your inputs with "Save". Close the "Customers" window by clicking "Overview".
Create a Job
All the elements involved in the processing of documents are combined to form "jobs". You are
prompted to enter the following information when creating a new job:
• Basic job data
· Job Number
You must assign a job number to each job. A job number generally consists of a number
of letters and/or digits. The job number identifies each job in the Prinect Manager. For
that reason, each job must have a unique job number. This is checked when you enter a
new job number. If the job number you entered already exists, the number displayed is
red and you cannot enter any more data until you enter a job number that is not yet
· Job Name
The job name is the identifier that is used to display a job in the Cockpit user interface.
The job name, too, must also be unique in the system. This means that you must give
each job a job name that is not yet used as a job name in the system. After you enter the
job number, hit the Tab key. The job number is copied automatically to the "Job Name"
box. You can use the job number also as the job name or you can edit this entry.
· Documents
This is where you can assign document files to the job while you are creating a job. To
do this, click "Browse" and select the document files in the file system. You can also skip
this step and add the document files later after the job is created and opened.
· Job Group
Generally, it is advisable to create each job in a job group. This lets you use, for example,
a separate group for each customer you have. If there is a group structure in the system,
the group that you selected before you click "New Job" is entered in this box. By clicking
"Change", you can select a different, available group or create a new group and select it.
· Job Home
In this box, you set the folder in which all the job-specific data will be filed. Normally,
the job files are filed in the "PTJobs" system folder of the Prinect server and there in the
"Jobs" subfolder. A subfolder with the name of the job group is created below the
"PTJobs" folder. A folder with the job name is created in this subfolder. All the job-spe-
cific data are filed in this folder. You must click the lock icon if you do not wish to use
this default. This releases the linking between job group and job folder and you can use
"Change" to select another folder for the job files. We recommend that you do this only
in exceptional cases because the defaults ensure that the job files can be found fast in
the system. The "PTJobs" folder is shared in the network, meaning that the job files can
be accessed by other computers in the system environment, for example, by other Cock-
pit computers. In addition, the central location of all job files facilitates a backup of the
• Customer Data
Assignment of customer data to a job is optional but we strongly recommend that you use the
Prinect customer administration and assign customer data to each job.
· Customer Job ID
The assigned Prinect job number is entered by default in this box. This is where you can
enter customer job numbers in the case that your customers use their own job numbers
that are different to the Prinect job numbers.
In this step, you can assign one or more sequence templates or group sequences to the job with
"Add". By doing this, you define how the job will be processed in the Prinect system. You can
18 Version 2020
still edit each of the steps set in the sequence templates after the job is created. This is where
you can save the selected sequences as a template for new jobs generated automatically (see
also chapter "Automatic Creation and Output of Print Jobs in the Hotfolder Mode", page 101).
You can skip this step at this point and assign the required sequence templates later in the open
• Scheduling data
In this step, you can enter details about the following scheduling data:
· Due Date
You can select a date for the scheduled due date by clicking the calendar icon.
· Job Priority
You can assign a priority to each job. For example, this lets you set that very urgent jobs
are given a higher priority and are processed before other jobs.
· Planned Pages
Generally, the job data or information from the customer tells you how many pages the
job has. Together with the planned amount, you can estimate how big a job will be.
· Planned Amount
The planned amount indicates how many copies of each page will be printed.
Note: On a Mac Cockpit, this connection will take place automatically, but the folders may
not be visible on the desktop. If you wish to access data in these folders from the desktop,
you need to manually mount these folders before you launch the Cockpit. Or, you can
change the finder preferences on the Mac to show mounted network volumes on the desk-
• You set up proofers with the Color Proof Pro software or in Proofing Engine Manager (for "soft-
proof" output only).
20 Version 2020
1. Expand the Prinect Server in the tree view to the left and select the "CDM" item.
2. Open the context menu and select "Add Device". The "Device assistant" dialog opens.
3. Enter a device name and a device ID for the press. These two fields are mandatory. The device
name can also contain press details such as the number of printing units. Complete the other
fields as required. You can edit all entries later on except for those in the "Device name" and
"Device ID" boxes. For more information on how to connect presses, please refer to the Cockpit
Online Help. Click "Next".
22 Version 2020
4. Select the press type in the "Press selection" list box. The appropriate machine-specific data will
be completed automatically.
Select the control station of the press in the "Control console" list box. You can read the press
serial number at the control console or directly at your press. This data is required for the auto-
matic import of inking characteristic curves from the press and/or for Analyze Point (assessment
of color data).
Also select the language and the version of the control console.
The workplace ID is the unique identifier of the workplace in the Prinect Manager. You must also
specify this ID in the data storage configuration of the control console.
When the press has an Axis Control or Inpress Control option, you can enable the "Enable import
of color data" option and select a color data folder. Click "Next".
5. The "Number of printing units" dialog opens. Specify the respective number here — including
any coating units that may be present.
6. Radio buttons corresponding to the set number of printing units appear where you can specify
the type of printing unit in each case. You can also specify for each printing unit whether or not
a perfector or numbering box is present. You can also delete printing units or add new ones. A
figure of the configured press displays below the options. When you have added or deleted prin-
ting units, you can click the Refresh button to update the view. Click "Next".
24 Version 2020
7. In the "Assigning operation groups" window you define the operation group (cost type group)
available for production data collection. In an operation group, single operations (shop floor
data collection messages) are combined to a group. This gives you a better overview during the
subsequent manual shop floor data collection (PDC) on the press. You can leave the settings
unchanged and continue with "Next" if no special assignment is needed.
8. In the window "Assigning operations", you assign operations (PDC messages) to the operation
groups selected beforehand. This assignment is necessary for each of the selected roles (oper-
ator, assistant or multiple operator). Then click "Next".
26 Version 2020
9. In the "Assigning user groups" window, you must assign one or several user groups defined in
the Prinect User Administration to the assigned press operator roles (operator, assistant or mul-
tiple operator). You must assign the "Operator" at least one user group of the "Operator" type,
e.g. "PressOperator". You must assign an assistant a user group of the "Assistant" type, e.g.
"PressAssistant". You must assign a multiple operator a user group of the "MultiUser" type, e.g.
"PostPressMultiUser". Then click "Next".
10. The "Create variant" dialog opens. A variant is understood to mean a press configuration com-
prising individual modules (such as printing unit, dryer, perfector, coating unit). Depending on
the device class of the configured press, different modules are available for assembling a vari-
ant. Define a variant by giving the new variant a name, assigning it a cost center, and selecting
the existing printing units and assigning them to the press. Then click "Next".
28 Version 2020
11. In the "Summary" window, you can once again check if the press was configured correctly.
Details about the "Pallet sheet" section can be found in the Online Help of the Prinect Cockpit.
12. Click "Finish" to complete the press set-up in Cockpit. The press appears in the tree structure
below the "CDM" item. You can use the context menu command "Edit" to change the configura-
tion settings of the press at a later date.
Setting Up a Proofer
You set up proofers for page and/or imposition proof in the Color Proof Pro software. Color Proof Pro
provides the required drivers and color profiles for supported printers and sends all device informa-
tion automatically to the Prinect Manager.
Prerequisite: To set up a proofer, the device must be ready and either connected to the Pri-
nect server directly (e.g. via USB port) or accessible via the network. In addition, the "Color
Proof Pro" option must be licensed.
1. To install a new proofer, launch "Color Proof Pro" in the Windows Start menu or using the
"Search" charm (Windows 8(8.1)/Windows Server 2012 (R2)): Start > [All Programs] > Heidel-
berg Prinect Workflow > Color Proof Pro.
30 Version 2020
2. Color Proof Pro opens. Open the "Printer Settings" category on the start page.
3. Click "Add". Specify a name for the proofer in the "New output device" dialog (description of the
model). The new printer appears in the "Installed Devices" listbox.
32 Version 2020
4. Select the device type of the connected printer in the "Device type" list box. In "Description" you
can specify a description of the printer.
5. Go to the "Port" tab.
6. This is where you define how the proofer is connected to the Color Proof Pro software:
· if the proofer is connected to the Prinect-Server as Windows system printer, enable the
option "Print to system printer" (1). The printer is available in the list of system printers
and must be selected.
· Enable the option "Print via network" (2) if the proofer has a network interface and is
accessible in the network. In this case, the IP address of the proofer must be known to
you (ask your system administrator if necessary). Most printers can display their own IP
address, for example by printing a configuration sheet (accessible in the Settings menu
of the printer). The "RAW on port" option is enabled automatically. You can leave the
"9100" entry unchanged in most cases.
Click "Test" when you have specified the IP address. Color Proof Pro will the try to estab-
lish a connection with the specified network address. Use the network address only if the
test was successful.
· If the printer is controlled via the "LPR (Line Printer) protocol", you must enable the
"LPR" option and specify the queue name.
· If the printer is connected to the Prinect Server via a local port but is not configured as
system printer, you must enable the "Print via Port" option and select the appropriate
34 Version 2020
7. Go to the "Profiles" tab. In this tab, you can install output color profiles for the different printing
8. Click "Install." The Installer for the proofer profiles starts. This Installer installs the pre-config-
ured printer profiles included in the shipment. Wait until installation is finished. The installed
profiles appear in the "Installed Profiles" list. Click "Refresh list" if the new profiles you installed
do not appear.
Note: For accurate color reproduction, it is essential that you run characterization sepa-
rately for each proofer with the Color Proof Pro software and that you create custom profiles
for the printing materials used, for example, with the Prinect Color Toolbox. You can assign
these profiles to the printer with "Import". You will find details about these topics in the "Pri-
nect Color Proof Pro – User's Guide” or in the Color Proof Pro Online Help.
Installation of the proofer in Color Proof Pro is now complete. Confirm installation with "OK".
The "Printer Settings" close, and the start page of Color Proof Pro Engine Manager appears. Click
9. You must exit the Cockpit if the Cockpit user interface was open during installation of the
proofer. Following that, you must exit and restart the Prinect services with the Prinect Mainte-
nance Center. The new proofer can then be seen in "Administration > System" when you restart
the Cockpit:
10. In "Administration > System", click the small triangle preceding the "Renderer" item in the tree
view. The proofer you installed is shown there.
You can now select the configured proof devices as output device in the respective output sequence
to generate the desired output in the Prinect workflow.
36 Version 2020
2. The "Printing Materials and Substrates" view opens. There is a separate tab for printing materi-
als and for substrates (printing materials for digital printing). Click the "Create Printing Material"
button in the "Printing Materials" tab. The "Create Printing Material" dialog appears. Complete
the fields as shown the screenshot below:
3. Click "OK". The printing material entry is saved and shown in the list:
As the group name "HD_Printing" was specified for the printing material, it is part of this group.
You can define any other group of printing materials in this way.
Click "Save" to save the new printing material you created. The printing material is saved to the
Master Data Store (MDS); this means it is available throughout the entire Prinect Manager envi-
ronment and can be used to set up a print job, for example. Click "Overview" to return to the
Administration master page.
38 Version 2020
2. The "Templates" view opens. Click the folder icon beside "Sequence Templates" to display the
single sequence items.
1. Highlight the "Qualify" sequence type (1) and click "New" (2).
The setup section for a new Qualify sequence opens:
40 Version 2020
7. Type in "Qualify_HDCity" as the name and select "HD Printshop" as the customer with "Edit" in
"Customer ID". Confirm the "Save Template" dialog with "OK".
8. Click "Close". The sequence overview displays.
2. Leave "Color Conversion", "Split Document", "Layout Preparation", "Proofing, "Approve Page"
and "Destination" disabled or as they are.
Edit the following options in the "Imposition" step:
3. Choose "Scale Down to Fit on Media" in the list box "When Media Too Small".
4. Enable the "Color Bar" option and here the "Standard Marks" option, and choose the mark type
"HD Proof". Also enable the option "Use Colormatching for the Color Bar".
5. Leave all other settings of this step unchanged.
Edit the "Rendering" step as follows:
8. Save the sequence template as "PageProof_HDCity" (with customer assignment) and close the
42 Version 2020
2. Leave "Accept approved pages only", "Color Usage", "Color Conversion", "Marks Replacement",
"Ink Consumption Calculation", "Approve Imposition" and "Destination" as they are.
Edit the following options in the "Imposition" step:
3. Choose "Scale Down to Fit on Media" in the list box "When Media Too Small".
4. Enable the "Color Bar" option and here the "Standard Marks" option, and choose the mark type
"HD Proof". Also enable the option "Use Colormatching for the Color Bar".
5. Leave all other settings of this step unchanged.
Edit the "Rendering" step as follows:
8. Leave the settings for the "Proofing" and "Destination" steps unchanged.
9. Save the sequence template as "ImpositionProof_HDCity" (with customer assignment) and close
the window.
2. Leave "Accept approved surfaces only", "Color Usage", "Marks Replacement", "Calibration",
"Sheet Preview Generation”, "Thumbnail Generation", "Halftone Soft Proof", "File Output",
"Image Setting", "Plate Approval" and "Destination" disabled or as they are.
3. Enable "Color Conversion" and set the following options:
4. Set up the parameters in the "Document" tab as follows:
44 Version 2020
In this step, you should be especially careful in "Plate " (1) to select a material matching the
dimensions of the defined sheet layout. In our example, the layout is set up for a Speedmaster
52 with a size of 525.0 x 459.0 mm. This is why "SM52" was selected as the material name.
Leave the "Printer/ECI offset 2007/ISOcoated_v2_eci.icc" default in the "Press Profile" (2) sec-
tion unchanged. Also leave the options "Use Press Profile from Job Settings, if available" and
"Use Embedded PDF/X Output Intent, if Available, as Press Profile" enabled.
Leave the item "1 glossy coated" selected in "ISO Papertype" (3) of the "Press" section
14. Save the sequence template as "ImpositionOutput_HDCity" (with customer assignment) and
close the window.
46 Version 2020
2. Make sure that in "Printing" the "SM52-8P-3L" press is set in the "on" list box. Leave all other
options unchanged.
3. Save the sequence template under the name of "SheetfedPrinting_HDCity" (with customer
assignment) and close the window.
2. Open the "Qualify" folder and select "Qualify_HDCity" (1). Double-click the item or click "Add
Template" (2).
An icon for the Qualify sequence is created in the workspace.
4. In the workspace, select "AutoArrange" in the context-sensitive menu. The icons are placed side
by side and aligned.
48 Version 2020
We will not add any other links between the other sequence icons because we are not going to
configure a fully automated workflow here. Both proofing sequences interrupt the final output
workflow because CTP output and offset printing are only after the proof results have been
6. Save the group template with "Save as" as "Group_Template_HDCity" and close the group tem-
plate window.
All the sequence templates needed for a basic workflow are now configured.
Note: The examples shown in this documentation solely demonstrate operation and must
not be understood as imperative instructions.
52 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
Creating a Layout
We are going to use Prinect Imposition Editor to create the sheet layout. Imposition Editor is part of
PDF Toolbox that is installed on the Cockpit computer as an Acrobat plug-in during installation of the
Note: For more details on the Imposition Editor, please refer to the Online Help of Prinect
PDF Toolbox. You can invoke Help in Acrobat with the menu item "Help > Plug-In Help > Pri-
nect PDF Toolbox 2020".
1. Open Acrobat Pro on the Prinect Server and go to "Plug-Ins > Prinect 2020 > Licenses".
2. In the "License Server" (1) box, type the name of the License Server computer (e.g. the Prinect
server where the basic Prinect Manager software is installed). The message pane (2) displays a
confirmation when the License Server has been detected.
3. Mark the items in the list of tools to be licensed (minimum is an "Imposition Editor" license) and
click "Request". When the appropriate license is found, the licensed item is tagged by a green
checkmark (3). You can also highlight several PDF Toolbox tools at the same time and request
their licenses.
54 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
Note: The layout we want to create with the Imposition Editor here is to be imported at a
later stage into the Prinect Manager workflow as an imposition template. The Imposition
Editor can create importable layouts only if no PDF file is open in Acrobat or Imposition Edi-
1. Open Acrobat Pro on the Prinect Server and select "Plug-Ins > Prinect 2020 > Imposition Editor
> New Layout" — without any document being open.
You must now edit the layout so it matches the conditions of the Prinect workflow.
3. First, set a plate size that matches the press size: In the "Plate Size" list box (1), select "SM52"
if a Speedmaster 52 press is going to be used for printing, like in our example. You can also
select another machine if a different type of machine is used or select "User-defined" and match
the plate size accordingly. Set the plate dimensions as follows:
· Width: 525,000
· Height: 459,000
4. Now set the size of the printing material and select "35x50" in the "Printing Material" list box
· Width: 500,000
· Height: 350,000
5. Leave the setting "Center" in the "Folding Sheet Position" list box (3) unchanged.
6. Leave the setting "Sheetwise" in the "Placement Rule" list box (4) unchanged, and also the
options "Auto Apply" and "Front/Back".
56 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
9. Enable all the marks types in the upper area (1): Folding Sheet Cuts, Cut Marks, Folding Marks,
and Lay Marks Leave the mark details "Offset", "Length" and "Width" unchanged.
Leave the "Ink Pickup Bar" and "Color Bar" options disabled.
Leave the "Register Marks", "Pull Lay" and "Collating Mark" options disabled.
Leave the settings "From PDF" in the "Page Size" listbox, "Width", "Height" and in the "Page Pol-
icies" listbox " (= Center) (1) unchanged.
Leave the option "Automatic calculation of Trim Allowance" (2) in the "Trim Allowance for
Pages" area enabled and specify a value of 3.000 mm for "Bleed" (3).
58 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
12. In the "Scheme" (1) area, select the "F4-1 2x1" scheme. In this scheme, two document pages are
placed on each surface (front and back), arranged in two columns and one row. As the docu-
ment loaded in our example contains only two front and two back pages each, the screenshot
also only displays two pages each per surface.
In the "Master Pages" area (2), leave the "Default" setting as it is.
The graphical preview (3) shows how the pages are arranged. Leave the "Back" option enabled.
Leave the setting "Saddlestitch" in the "Binding Method" list box (1) unchanged.
Specify a creeping value of 0.200 mm. Leave the icon for moving the cut marks (2) unchanged
(for saddlestitching, the cut marks are moved accordingly).
As our sample configuration does not include a saddlestitcher, you must leave the entry "None"
in the "Gripper Collator" listbox unchanged.
Enable the option "AutoArrange Folding Sheets" in the "Press Sheet Layout" (3) area.
14. The definition of the layout template is now complete. You must now save the layout template.
60 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
Click one of the buttons "Save job" (1) or "Save job as" (2). A dialog opens where you can choose
the storage location and where you can specify a name for the layout file.
To quickly identify the layout file in the Prinect workflow, save the layout file as
"SM52_2x1_36pages.jdf" in the "PTDocs\Testjobs\HDCity-36Pages-A4\Layout" folder of the Pri-
nect server (see section "Storing Job Documents on the Prinect Manager Server", page 51). The
file name extension ".jdf" is added automatically. Prinect Imposition Editor always saves the job
files in the "Job Definition Format" with the extension ".jdf". In the Prinect workflow, this file for-
mat is also required for sheet layout files. At the same time, a file named "SM52_2x1_36pag-
es_Marks.pdf" is created that contains the marks defined in the layout template.
This completes creation of the sheet layout for use in the Prinect Manager. You can now quit Imposi-
tion Editor and Acrobat.
· Customer: HD Printshop
Note: The following characters must not be used in job names:
1. In the Prinect Cockpit, go to "Jobs", mark "PRJOBS" (1) in the job list and click "New Job" (2).
The "Create new Job" dialog opens:
62 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
2. This dialog has four views that you can go between with "Next" or "Back". First fill out the boxes
in the "Basic job data" view:
· Assign a job number. You can take the job number, for example, from the job ticket of a
customer job. Job numbers must be unique in the Prinect system. This means that each
job number can be assigned only once. In this example, we will assign "HD0001" as the
job number.
· Your next step is to assign a job name. Job names as well must be unique. When you go
to the "Job Name" box, the job number is copied automatically to this box. Heed the
above notes on characters that must not be used in job names! You can use the job num-
ber as a prefix for the job name or overwrite it. We will assign "HD0001_HDCity" as the
job name.
· In the "Documents" box you can now assign the documents (supplied by the customer)
to the job. You can also do this step later in the created job. We will not assign any doc-
uments at this point.
· By default, "Job Group" and "Job Home" are linked. This means that if you define a new
job group, a folder of the same name will be created automatically for this job group. We
want to create a new job group and click "Change". The "Select Group" dialog opens.
64 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
5. Select "HD Printshop" in the "Customer Name" list box. This item is taken from customer admin-
istration of the Prinect Manager. "Customer ID" and "Nickname" are also taken from there.
"Customer Job ID" and "Customer Job Name" are copied from the basic job data you defined
beforehand. You can overwrite these items if you have other customer job data that differ from
the job data set in the Prinect Manager. We will leave these items as they are.
6. Click "Next" to open the "Processing" view: In this view, you can add prepared sequence tem-
plates to the job. Click "Add". The "Select Templates to Add" dialog opens:
7. Select "Group_Template_HDCity" and click "Add". The group template contains all the sequence
templates needed for processing this job. Leave "Save as default" disabled.
66 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
8. Click "Next". The "Scheduling" view opens. In this view, you can enter a due date and assign a
priority. Leave these settings as they are. Enter "36" in the "Pages" box. Enter "5000" in the
"Delivery quantity" box. These details are for planning only; they do not affect the actual pro-
cessing of the job.
9. All the data needed for creating the new job are now entered. Click "Finish".
The new job is created and opens in the "Job" window. Double-click the caption bar of the "Job" win-
dow to maximize the width of the window. The view in which a job was last open displays at first. You
can switch the job view at any time.
Preparatory Settings
In the top left corner there is an icon with a small arrow pointing down. This arrow represents a list
box for toggling between the sections:
• "Product Description"
• "Processing"
• "Properties"
• "Colors" and
• "Printing Process".
This lets you define preparatory settings for the print job. We are now going to set up the parameters.
Note: If you click the star beside one of the icons, the icon also displays in the workflow bar
to the right of the "Product Description" icon. You remove the icon from the workflow bar
by clicking the star in the list again.
Product Description
In the "Internal Comments" box, you can type information that can help to later identify the print job.
Note: Double-click the "Notes" button (1) to open the "Notes" window where you can enter
comments about the job. These comments are retained while the job exists in the Prinect
Manager. The "Notes" window exists in its own right alongside the "Job List" and "Job" win-
dows and you can close or expand it at any time. You can use the Notes, for example, to
convey important information about the job to other processing stages (press, finishing).
You will find more details about handling the windows in the "Jobs" section and about the
Notes function in the Online Help of the Cockpit (F1 key).
68 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
In this view, the processing sequences necessary for the job are added and configured. An existing
group sequence was assigned to the print job when it was created; for this reason, the sequence is
shown here. With the "Add Template" button, you can add more sequences or group sequences if
As the existing group sequence contains all necessary process steps, we are going to leave the set-
tings as they are.
In this view, you can define or inspect certain properties of the print job such as Due Date, Priority or
planned quantities (Delivery quantity, Planned pages). Delivery quantity and planned pages were
defined when the job was set up. Leave all other settings unchanged.
In this view you can define how the Prinect Manager is to process the colors of this print job. You can,
for example import spot colors, define new spot colors or determine how certain spot colors are to
be mapped to CMYK process colors. You can find details about these options in the Online Help of
the Cockpit (invoke with the F1 key).
Note: You can use Prinect PDF Toolbox, for example to find out which spot colors are
defined in the original PDF files of the print job. To do so, open the PDF files in Acrobat (not
from within the Prinect Manager workflow) and invoke PDF Toolbox: Plug-Ins > Prinect
2020 > PDF Toolbox. Use the "Separation Control" and "Color Management" tools, to find
information about the separations and color definitions in the PDF.
In this step, you will check whether the documents you added have spot colors. To print with CMYK
process colors only, you must map spot colors to process colors. Normally, the PDF files contain the
"recipes" for spot color replacement. Below, we will show how you can define or modify a spot color
replacement in the job settings.
1. Click "New Color".
A new entry is added in the list below the colors.
2. Type "Silver".
Leave the entries in the "Source" (= Job), "Destination" (= Output), "Marks" (= Automatic),
"Type" (= Normal) and "Usage" (= Printing Unit) columns unchanged.
3. If necessary, scroll to the right to edit the other columns, and type the following color values:
C (CYAN): 8, M (MAGENTA): 0, Y (YELLOW): 9, K (BLACK): 19.
4. Leave the other color settings as they are and click "Save".
70 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
Printing Process
In this view, you can define to print the print job with a consistent output profile and with a consistent
process standard.
1. Click "Change..." (1) next to the "Output Profile" box. A file selection dialog opens, showing by
default the "ICC Profiles" in the "SysConfig > Resources" folder on the Prinect server. This folder
contains the pre-installed ICC profile files of the Prinect server. We recommend saving custom
ICC profile files here as well so they can be accessed easily.
2. In this context, we need a press output profile and therefore go to the "HDM Offset 2007" sub-
folder of the "Printer" folder. Select the "HDMcoated.icc" profile and confirm with "Select...".
3. Click "Change..." (2) next to the "Process Standard" box. The "Select Process Standard" dialog
4. In the "Process Standard" list box, select "ISO 12647-2_2007 HDM_BB" and "1 (glossy coated)"
in the "Paper Grade (ISO)" box.
5. Confirm the dialog with "Apply".
The "Consistency Check" (1) table shows whether or not the selected parameters "Output Pro-
file" and "Process Standard" comply with each other. A green dot is shown next to each test cri-
terion if everything is OK.
72 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
In our example, a warning is displayed for the "Press Profile Color Space" (2) criterion. In the
pertaining columns, you can see that there is a press profile color space conflict: the expected
color space (black, cyan, magenta, yellow) differs (seemingly) from the existing color space
(CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, BLACK). You can ignore this warning because the two entries
describe the same color space and differ with regard to small/capital letters and the order of the
color names only.
"Documents" Step
In this step, the document files that will be edited and finally printed are copied to the Prinect work-
74 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
2. Mark "HDCity.pdf", drag it holding down the left mouse button to the "Documents" area in the
open job or to the "Documents" icon and let go of the mouse button. Adding documents using
drag-and-drop to the step icon works even if the step is not open at that moment.
Note: In the workflow bar, small arrows indicate which step can be done next (1). Depend-
ing on what stage your job is at, several steps may be possible next. A tooltip shows you
which action is possible in each case.
2. Move the scrollbar (3) fully to the right until you can see the column for the Qualify sequence.
Click the document icon in this column (4). Acrobat opens with a PDF file containing the Pre-
flight Report:
76 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
In the report you can see, for example, that the warnings refer to the colors of the document file:
the maximum dot area is above the permitted threshold of 300%.
As these messages are warnings only, you can continue processing the document if these warn-
ings do not affect the desired output quality. If this is the case, you ought to recreate the original
PDF document.
Close the Preflight Report and also the "Properties" view by clicking "Close" (4).
"Pages" Step
Go to the "Pages" step.
The list contains only one item at first: "Assign Count: Not Assigned" (1). Click the small triangle pre-
ceding the item to expand the list of all 36 pages contained in the job. Double-clicking a separate
page will open the respective document in Acrobat where you can, for example, once again check the
• by assigning the pages to a sheet layout. In the Prinect workflow, sheet layouts already come
with page placeholders that represent a total of one page list.
Note: If a Prinect Automation Pack is licensed for your Prinect Manager installation, you
can assign document pages automatically to an existing page list as soon as the document
files are added to a job. For this to be done, the file names of the PDF documents are com-
posed by a predefined pattern and given certain delimiters. When these files are added, the
file names are interpreted and used for assigning pages or page ranges automatically to
page list placeholders. This functionality is set up in the "Qualify" sequence in the "Automa-
tic Page Assignment" step. You can find more details about this in the Online Help of the
Cockpit (F1 key).
78 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
As the assignment to a sheet layout is not necessary for the page proof (this is done in a later step),
we are going to create a new page list:
1. Click the "Page Lists" button (1) to go to the "Page Lists" view:
2. Click the "New" button. The "Create Page List" dialog appears:
3. Fill out the dialog as shown (Name: PL_HDCity, Start = 1, Size = 36) and confirm with "OK". The
new page list appears as a drop-down list.
4. Now go to the assignment view by clicking the "Show page list assignment" button (1) and the
"Show Thumbnails" button (2):
This view shows the document pages to the left, and the (initially empty) page placeholders of
the page list to the right.
5. In principle, you could now assign each separate page to a page list placeholder with drag &
drop. You can apply this method if you need a page sequence in the page list differing from the
sequence in the original documents. In our example, we want to accept the original sequence
for the page list. For this reason we will select all original pages by group selection (click any
page and press Ctrl + a) and drag-and-drop the selection to the page list placeholders.
6. All pages are assigned in the original sequence of the page list now:
80 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
Page output
At this point, you can print the assigned pages to the connected page proofer to check the color set-
1. In the page list (right pane), select the page(s) to be printed to the color proofer (multiple selec-
tion is possible).
The proof output (like any other output as well) is triggered in the Prinect workflow by appropri-
ate elements (in this case the document pages) being submitted to an output sequence (in this
case the "PageProof sequence").
2. Holding down the left mouse button, drag the marked pages to the "PageProof_HDCity" item in
the "Submit to" group.
Alternatively, you can also click "Submit" (only available in the pages view (1)) or hit the F12 key
on the keyboard.
Note: You can toggle between the assignment view and the page list view with the F9 key.
3. The sequences that are suited for the selected elements are offered in the upper section (pro-
vided the option "Suppress nonsupported sequences" is enabled). Highlight the "PageProof_H-
DCity" sequence (1) and click "OK".
4. To check the progress of the output, go back to the "Pages" (1) view, expand the page list and
move the image section until the "Status" column can be seen.
82 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
"Imposition" Step
In our example, a layout was created with Prinect Imposition Editor (see section "Creating a Layout",
page 53).
Add a Layout
To add this layout to the job, proceed as follows:
1. Go to the "Imposition" step and click "Import" (1).
Note: You can also drag-and-drop layout files from a Windows Explorer window (or Macin-
tosh Finder window) to the "Imposition" step, either by dragging them to the layout window
or to the "Imposition" icon (see also section "Add documents using drag-and-drop", page
2. In the "Look in" list box, go to the "PTDocs" folder of the Prinect server. In this folder, go to the
"Testjobs" folder, then to the "HDCity-36Pages-A4" subfolder and after that to the "Layout" sub-
folder. Select the "SM52_2x1_36pages.jdf" layout file in the file list. You can view details about
the layout settings in the "Select Layout" dialog. It also indicates whether or not the layout is
valid. This information is important because an invalid layout cannot be used in the Prinect
Manager. Confirm the dialog with "OK".
The "Import Layout" dialog opens.
84 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
3. Because we had already created a "PL_HDCity" page list and this page list matches the layout,
we can use this page list. For that reason, we will leave the "Create New Page List" option dis-
abled. We recommend enabling this option if you do not have a page list so far. We will leave
the other settings as they are and click "Import".
4. A warning could appear before the layout is imported:
This warning informs you that the paper data of at least one sheet is incomplete. Click "OK" to
import the layout in spite of the warning. Next, a note appears that recommends running the
Planning Assistant. Wishing to work without the Planning Assistant in our example, we answer
"No" in this dialog.
The layout is then shown in a list view. In the "Page List" column, you can see that the pages are
already assigned to the "PL_HDCity" page list.
86 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
2. If necessary, you can also assign the pages separately to the various placeholders and, by doing
so, define the page order in the layout as you wish.
You can then check the imposed sheets with an imposition proof.
Note: You can add a new sequence template to the "Proof" step if you keep the "Ctrl" key
pressed down while you are dragging the documents. The selected layouts are processed
automatically by the new sequence.
88 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
In this view, you can check the separations contained in the documents. Click the button "Lay-
outs" (2) to go back to the layout view:
Click "Show Thumbnails" (3) to show the surfaces as thumbnails. Click "Show List" (4) to go
back to the list view.
2. Mark the whole end product, a single layout or a sheet and click "Submit". The "Submit" dialog
opens. The "ImpositionProof_HDCity" sequence is set by default.
90 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
2. Mark the layout, a sheet or a surface (front or back). As we want to output the entire booklet to
the form proofer, we will select the "SM52_2x1_36pages" layout and drag-and-drop it onto the
"ImpositionProof_HDCity" sequence. In our example, a warning displays. In this case, we ignore
the warning and confirm the dialog with "Continue" each time.
When output is complete, you can check the result on the printed proofs.
The Prinect Imposition Editor opens as "Layout Preview" in a separate Acrobat window showing the
sheet layout:
92 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
To start CTP output, expand the "End product" item and drag-and-drop "SM52_2x1_36pages" (1) onto
the "ImpositionOutput_HDCity" sequence. You can also click "Submit" and select the "ImpositionOut-
put_HDCity" sequence. CTP output starts.
After successful imaging, all printing plate items are given the status "OK".
Start printing
When platemaking is finished, go to the "Print" step. The "SheetfedPrinting" sequence starts auto-
matically because we linked the "ImpositionOutput" and "SheetfedPrinting" sequences beforehand in
the group sequence template used. In the print shop, the imaged plates must be loaded to the press
and printing started on the press.
In the "Print" window, you can toggle between the "Print" (1) and "Operations" (2) views. This step is
mainly used to check the press settings you can make in Prinect Cockpit.
In the "Press" view (1), you can click the "Properties" button (2) to view details about the press job
In the left window section, you can select the entire layout or individual separations. Depending on
your selection, the right window section shows information regarding the selected item. You can find
details about these details in the Online Help of the Cockpit (F1 key). Click "Close" to close the Pro-
perties view again.
94 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
Click the "Operations" button (1) to go to the Operations view. Each of the press operations is shown
here. A "real" feedback of the operations from the press is possible only if the press is connected to
the Prinect Manager server, e.g. with a PressCenter Station.
"History" section
The "History" view lists all internal processing steps performed on the open print job. Here you can
review all job processing steps. The "Files" and "Change Order" icons also display when you click the
small arrow in the "History" icon. Click the icon you want to go to that view.
Note: If you click the star beside one of the icons, the icon also displays in the workflow bar
to the right of the "History" icon. You remove the icon from the workflow bar by clicking the
star in the list again.
"Files" view
The "Files" view lists all files and folders relevant for the print job. You can easily see here where any
of the files is stored in the file system.
Close Job
You can close the job (button "Close Job") when processing is finished. The finished job now displays
in the job list., but is not selected The job opens automatically in the "Job" window when you click it
in the job list.
96 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
The jobs last opened are displayed by icons in the "Job" view. You open a job by clicking the job icon
The recently open jobs first display as icons in the new, empty tab. Click a job icon or click an item
in the job list (the empty tab must be marked) to open the related job in this tab.
Note: Short cut: The job opens in a new tab if you click a job in the job list while holding
down the Alt key.
This lets you open several jobs at the same time. You can go to a tab you want fast by clicking the
tab header.
A double arrow icon displays if too many tabs are open for all headers to display in the job window.
When you click this icon, a menu displays, showing all the open job tabs. This is where you can select
the tab that will be shown.
98 Version 2020
Manual Creation of a Print Job
The "Close Job" button and the "X" icon on the tab have the same function: the job and related tab
close. Exception: When you close the last open job tab, a new tab with "Recent Jobs" and the Find
Job function then display.
Note: When you close a job or a tab with an open job and open this job again at a later point
in time, the job opens in the state it had when it was closed.
· A Qualify sequence with an enabled and setup hotfolder option must be available.
· A special hotfolder print job template must be set up in "Administration > Hotfolder".
· The documents to be output must be able to be edited without an error and their page
size must match the sheet layout. The number of pages does not have to match the page
total defined originally in the sheet layout. It will be matched automatically during out-
We will use the "HDCity" booklet print job as our basis, like in the chapter "Manual Creation of a Print
1. Open the "Qualify" sequence type, highlight "Qualify_HDCity" and click "Open". We will modify
this configured Qualify sequence for automated job creation and save it as a new file.
The setup section for the "Qualify_HDCity" sequence opens:
a. In the "Hotfolder" box (1) leave the "$Template" setting as it is. This setting makes sure
that the file names of the job documents are used for the names of the new jobs.
Note: In the "Hotfolder" box, it is also possible for you to set an "External hotfolder location"
instead of "$Template". To be able to do this, a hotfolder location must have been set in the
system settings (Administration > System). This folder must be shared. You will find more
details about this in the Online Help of the Cockpit.
b. Enable the "in...Job Location" option (2). Use this option to file the new jobs below the
"PTJobs" folder (if "$Template" is set) or in the set hotfolder location on the Prinect
c. Enable "Create new job and process document there" (3). When this option is enabled,
new jobs are created automatically when document files are filed in the hotfolder.
Using the settings below, you define how the file name of the PDF documents will be
interpreted to create new print jobs automatically. To this end, you must change the PDF
file names in such a way that various components in the file name are separated by
delimiters and are used for job parameters. This is where you define the rules by which
the file names will be interpreted. You can find more details about the detection rules in
the Cockpit Online Help.
d. Select "the job number" in the "in position 1" list box (4). This defines that the first com-
ponent of the PDF document name will be interpreted as the job number.
e. Enable "from first character" in the first row. As a result, all characters in the file name
up to the first delimiter are interpreted as the job number.
f. Enter the character "#" into the "up to delimiter" box (5). As a result, the file name of
the filed documents is interpreted in such as way that all characters before the "#" in
the file name are interpreted as a job number and are used for the new jobs. The file
names of the filed documents must have this delimiter and appropriate characters for
the job number in order for new jobs to have a job number.
g. Select "the job name" in the "in position 2" list box (6). This defines that the second
component of the file name (after the first delimiter) will be interpreted as the job name.
h. Leave "from first character" in this row disabled.
i. Enter the character "&" into the "up to delimiter" box (7). This character acts as a rear
limitation for the job name. All the characters between the two delimiters "#" and "&" in
the file name of the filed documents are used as the job name.
Example: A document named "1234#Brochure_HD&.pdf" creates a job with the number
"1234" and job name "Brochure_HD".
j. In the "Job group for new job" list box (8) leave "Current job group" set. The new jobs
generated are created in the same job group as the original job.
Caution: Make sure that job numbers in a Prinect Manager environment are always unique.
A new job may overwrite an existing job if the new job is created in the hotfolder mode and
its job number matches that of the existing job! Use the settings below to prevent existing
jobs from being overwritten.
k. Set "Create and use job with a new job number" in the "When job number already exists"
list box (9). If the job number determined from the PDF file name already exists, a new
job number is created by appending an index. The new job created is given this job num-
l. In the "Keep existing process network" list box (10) or using "Generate a new process
network via Smart Automation if a product code is detected", you can define whether a
new process network will be created for each automatically generated job or whether
the process network of the template job will be used for the new jobs. A process network
is a combination of print jobs, sheets or sheet layouts and sheet-processing sequences.
In our example, we will use the process network of the template job and, for that reason,
select "Keep existing process network".
4. Leave the other steps as they are and click "Save as".
5. Assign "Qualify_AutoJob" as the name and, if not already set, select "HD Printshop" as the cus-
tomer using "Select Customer". Confirm the "Save Template" dialog with "OK".
Note: The "Product Codes" and "Product Types" parameters are designed for an automated
workflow ("Smart Automation") with a connected Web shop and/or an MIS. Based on these
parameters, sequences matching certain products will be used for production in an auto-
mated workflow. No data was entered in these boxes in our example.
Note: If required, you can set up a "Prepare" sequence template and use it in the workflow.
This may be necessary, for example, if you wish to use the detailed settings of Heidelberg
Color Management or if you have to reduce transparency elements in the job documents.
You can find details about the various parameters of the sequences in the Online Help of
the Cockpit (F1 key).
6. The external hotfolder location is defined. The green dot indicates that this folder is available as
an external hotfolder location. Confirm the change with "Save" and click "Overview".
This is where you define the job templates that are intended solely for the automatic creation of
new jobs. These job templates do not display in "Jobs" so that they are not inadvertently
3. Click "New". Input boxes now display on the right. Type in the following data:
• Name: Auto-HF01
5. In the first Explorer window, mark "AJ0001#HDCity_A4&P01_P36.pdf" and, holding down the
left mouse button, move the mouse pointer to the second Explorer window, to above the
"\\PTTransfer\External_HF\Auto-HF01" folder in the example. Let go of the mouse button at this
point. The file is moved. To copy it, press the "Ctrl" key at the same time while you are moving
the mouse cursor.
6. Go to the Cockpit again. After a while, a new job group with the date the job was created (1) and
in it a new job "HDCity_A4" (2) with job number "AJ0001" (3) displays in the job list.
7. Click the job in the job list, go to the "Job" window, maximize the width of the window by dou-
ble-clicking the caption bar and go to to "Processing". In this section, add other sequences as
described in section "Preparatory Settings", page 67.
You will find the equivalent of these MetaDimension tabs in "Jobs" in the Prinect Cockpit:
In Process
The "In Process" job list is in principle equivalent to the job list in the Cockpit with the "Active" filter
Requiring Attention
In Prinect MetaDimension, this tab displays jobs where errors occurred.
There is no filter setting for this in the Cockpit, but in the job list you can sort the order in the "Pro-
cessing Status" column to show all jobs with a "Warning" or "Error" status first.
The "Completed" job list is in principle equivalent to the job list in the Cockpit with the "Finished"
filter setting.
The "Depot" job list is in principle equivalent to the job list in the Cockpit with the "Offline" filter set-
ting. The archiving function in the Prinect Manager is equivalent to the depot functionality in MetaDi-
Instead of the "Find" tab in MetaDimension, there is a powerful search function (Find window or
"Find" in the context menu) in the job list and in the "Jobs" view in the Cockpit.
You will find options for configuration of the image size for images contained in the PostScript files in
the "Qualify" sequence in the "Images" tab in the "Normalizing" step. In this tab, you can set with
great precision how different image formats are to be prepared.
In the "Preflight" step, you can set up various check criteria for images to make sure you have smooth
processing matching the quality requirements.
In the Prinect Cockpit, you will find details about a single job in the "Job" view in "Jobs". The job
details display in this view automatically whenever you click a job in the job list. The "Job" view must
be big enough to be able to see the contents.
Job Settings
In MetaDimension, this is where the output settings of the used Output Plan display.
The MetaDimension Output Plans are equivalent to the sequences in the Prinect Manager and conse-
quently you will find the output parameters in "Processing" in the "Job" view. The sequences used in
the job display as graphics in this section. To view or modify the various parameters in these
sequences, double-click the icon of the sequence concerned. When you save any changes you made
to the sequence setup, these changes affect only the current job.
Job Information
In MetaDimension, this is where information about general key data about the job and the job status
displays (also about any errors).
In the Prinect Cockpit, you will find this information in the open job in "Product Description", "Pro-
perties", "Printing Process" and "History".
Job Details
In MetaDimension, this is where you can view details about the processed job, in particular about the
screen settings.
In the Prinect Cockpit, you will find a preview equivalent to the halftone soft proof in the open job in
the "Separations" view (1) in the "Plates" step. You can see the column with the name of the Imposi-
tionOutput sequence if you move the horizontal scroll bar fully to the right in the list view.
When processing of a separation is finished, an icon for the "Renderer" report displays in the row of
the separation concerned. You open the report window by clicking this icon (2):
The details in this window can be compared to the information in the "Job Details" tab in MetaDimen-
In the Prinect Cockpit, you will find a preview equivalent to the halftone soft proof in the open job in
the "Separations" view (1) in the "Plates" step. You can see the column with the name of the Imposi-
tionOutput sequence if you move the horizontal scroll bar fully to the right in the list view.
When processing of a separation is finished, a "Preview (ImpositionOutput)" icon (2) displays in the
row of the separation concerned. You open the preview by clicking this icon.
In MetaDimension, the color separations or plate signatures generated display in this tab. This is also
where you repeat imaging of single plates if needed.
In the Cockpit, you will find a view of the plate signatures in the "Job" view in the "Plates" step. This
view lists all the signatures in the job. You can submit selected signatures, for example, to an Impo-
sitionOutput sequence for plate output or to an ImpositionProof sequence for imposition proofing by
marking single signatures and clicking "Submit".
This tab has the following elements:
• "Output Plan Templates", page 121
• using the "Automatic Paper Stretch Compensation" application. This software starts and runs
separately to the Cockpit.
Page Positioning
In MetaDimension, page positioning templates are used to generate simple sheet imposition layouts
if no special imposition program (Prinect Signa Station) is to be used.
In the Prinect Manager, sheet layouts are not defined in the Cockpit but are always added to the print
job (in "Jobs > Imposition"). If you just need simple sheet layouts, you can create them with the Pri-
nect Imposition Editor (part of the "Prinect PDF Toolbox" Acrobat plug-in).
In the Cockpit, you define the settings for process calibration and linearization in "Administration >
Templates > Sequence Templates" in the ImpositionOutput sequence templates in the "Calibration"
step. The calibration data records are also created with the Calibration Manager/Calibration Tool
software in the Prinect Manager.
Font administration in MetaDimension has no direct equivalent in the Prinect Manager. The Prinect
Manager processes solely documents in PDF format and, for that reason, the required font types are
generally embedded into the PDF files. You define embedding of the font types in the "Qualify"
sequence template in the "Fonts" tab in the "Normalizing" step. You can take the fonts you need from
the Windows system font folder and/or one (or more) additional "Font Search Folders". You set the
font search folders in the Normalizing step as well.
Font search folders are folders in the file system of the Prinect server in which the various font types
are filed. If fonts in the original documents are not found in the font search folders or system font
folder, you can set whether the print job will be aborted, whether a warning will be issued or whether
this error will be ignored. Then the missing fonts are replaced by a different font.
Color Handling
In MetaDimension, you can define, for example, how spot colors will be replaced by other spot colors
or custom CMYK ink recipes.
In the Prinect Manager, you can view the colors of a job in "Jobs > Job" in "Colors" and edit them if
necessary. This is where you can, for example, also define your own spot colors or assign different
spot colors to the job. These settings always only affect the job that is currently open.
Color Tables
In the Prinect Cockpit, color tables are managed in "Administration > Colors and Varnishes".
Printing Materials
In the Prinect Manager, printing materials are managed in "Administration > Printing Materials and
This tab has the following elements:
• "Virtual Printers", page 123
Virtual Printers
There are no virtual printers in the Prinect Manager because of the different concept there. In the Pri-
nect Manager, the combination of virtual printer and Output Plan is represented by appropriately con-
figured output sequence templates. For example, a CTP device is assigned to an ImpositionOutput
sequence. The output options are defined in this sequence.
In the Prinect Manager, other functions like the definition of a hotfolder are set up in a Qualify
sequence and in "Administration > Hotfolder".
Because there is no direct control through a "printer" in the Prinect Manager where document files
(mainly as PDFs) are only added, there is no equivalent to the definitions of a Windows queue or a
BSPP printer port. Jobs that are generated in a Management Information System (MIS) or in a Web
Shop can be transferred to the Prinect Manager via a JDF connection (Job Definition Format). How-
ever, this process cannot be compared with printing through a queue or printer interface because
these jobs are processed later by the Prinect Manager.
In the Prinect Manager, assigning job priorities and the time-controlled start of job processing are
defined when a print job is created. This is done by defining the due date and the earliest start date.
In an open job, you can also define a due date for each step.
You set the the time-controlled storage (archiving) of jobs and deletion of finished jobs in the Prinect
Cockpit in "Administration > Planned Tasks".
You define the creation of sheet preview images and thumbnails in the ImpositionOutput sequence.
In the Cockpit, you will find an overview of the current status of all engines in the Prinect Manager in
"Queues". Engines are hardware and software elements that run functions in the Prinect Manager.
This is where you can, for example, monitor CTP devices or proofers and stop or continue them if
needed. Stopping a queue means that the engine concerned is stopped in the Prinect Manager and,
consequently, no function can run. This does not mean that a device (e.g. a proofer) is shut down or
switched off.
In the Prinect Manager, this concept is more oriented to functions and not as oriented to devices like
in MetaDimension.
Image Directories
The administration of image directories is not applicable in the Prinect Manager because it does not
have an Imagemanager (see section "Image Job List", page 116).
In MetaDimension, various system settings are set up in this section:
• Pause Jobs after restarting the server
There is no equivalent to this option in the Prinect Manager. The Prinect Manager has other
mechanisms that prevent imaging from running automatically if an imagesetter is not ready to
There is no direct equivalent to this option in the Prinect Manager. In "Administration > Prefer-
ences > All Users > System Healthiness", you can enable "Delete ImpositionOutput files after job
is finished" and/or "Delete proof files after job is finished" to prevent the output data of finished
print jobs from filling up the hard disks and blocking the system.
There is no equivalent to this option in the Prinect Manager. CIP3 data are always generated
before final output.
• Create IPR
There is no equivalent function in the Prinect Manager because the Prinect Manager cannot be
driven as a printer.
Depot Directory
In the Prinect Manager, print jobs are filed by default in the "PTJobs" directory on the Prinect server.
If you want something different, in the Cockpit you can define a different job location in "Administra-
tion > System" and, if necessary, user-defined folders in the job folder. This is where you can also
define an external hotfolder location. By default, hotfolders are set up below the job location folder.
See also "Define an external hotfolder location", page 108.
You can find details about the License Server in "Administration > System" after clicking the "System"
element in the tree structure.
These parameters are not needed because the concept of reprints is different in the Prinect Manager
to MetaDimension.
Administration display
The Prinect Cockpit does not have an equivalent function for saving used screen space. Instead, you
can show or hide the various windows in "Jobs" and make each of them bigger or smaller separately.
A network adapter does not have to be defined because the Prinect Manager cannot be driven as a
Drive Monitor
The drive monitor has no equivalent function in the Prinect Manager. You can view the memory utili-
zation of some storage areas with set functions, e.g. "JDF Storage", in "Administration > System >
[Prinect server] > JDF Storage".
Regional Settings
You will find equivalent settings in the Cockpit in "Administration > Preferences".
JDF Portal
You will find settings for the JDF Portal in "Administration > JDF Import". There is no "Connect"
option (this is needed only for clients) because the Prinect Manager operates principally as a JDF
Connector Server service.
You can find details about the Master Data Service in "Administration > System" after clicking the
"System" item in the tree structure. There is no "Connect" option (this is needed only for clients)
because the Prinect Manager operates principally as a Master Data server service.
This tab has the following elements:
• section "Server", page 125
In MetaDimension, this is where the MetaDimension server services available in the network are
listed. In the Cockpit, the Prinect Manager server can be accessed in "Administration > System". All
server and engine computers connected to the Prinect Manager display in this section.
The e-mail functionality is managed in "Administration > E-mail" in the Cockpit.
The "Job List" and "Job" views are open in "Jobs". If needed, you can filter the job list, sort it, give it
a different structure or view certain jobs only with the help of the Search function. You can find
details about this in the Online Help of the Cockpit.
When you click a job, the content of this job displays in the "Job" view. In this view, you can open
several jobs at the same time, each in their own tab. In the "Plates" step, you can display the single
separations, matching the plates, and view details about the screening parameters or invoke the half-
tone soft proof function. To reprint single plates, mark the related separation and submit it to the
ImpositionOutput sequence (using drag-and-drop or by marking it and clicking "Submit").
We recommend using the function of automatic job creation (see "Automatic Creation and Output of
Print Jobs in the Hotfolder Mode", page 101) wherever possible.
In this workflow, Prinect Signa Station is used solely for creating sheet layouts. These sheet layouts
are merely imposition templates and do not contain any content pages but only the page positions,
marks, data about front and back pages, etc. The file format of sheet layouts for the Prinect Manager
is ".JDF" (Job Definition Format).
These sheet layouts are filled with the document pages in the Prinect Manager (see also "Imposition"
Step, page 83). The imposed sheets are then submitted to an ImpositionProof or ImpositionOutput
sequence for output.
Interactive creation of sheet layouts is done in the "Imposition" step:
1. Create a new print job, add the PDF documents needed for it and go to the "Imposition" step.
3. In this dialog, enter only a layout name, in the example "Lay_HDCity". Leave all other parame-
ters as they are. A new page list named "PL_Lay_HDCity" is created automatically. Confirm the
dialog with "OK". A dialog named "Waiting for imposition software" displays briefly. Then Prinect
Signa Station opens.
4. The layout named in the Cockpit (in the example "Lay_HDCity") opens as a new job in Prinect
Signa Station where you can edit it. Make sure that you only create a layout and do not paste
any contents. After you finished and saved the new layout, it is assigned automatically to the
Prinect Manager job and can be used for imposition of the content pages.
5. You can find details about editing layouts in Prinect Signa Station and about the Signa Station/
Prinect Manager workflow in the Online Help of Prinect Signa Station. You will find information
about imposition in the Prinect Manager in section "Imposition" Step, page 83.
Note: As an alternative, you can create a new layout (without content pages) offline on Pri-
nect Signa Station and import this layout (as a JDF) to the "Imposition" step in the Cockpit.
Import is recommended whenever a layout is to be reused. You will find details about the
offline creation of layouts in the Online Help of Prinect Signa Station.
J Job17 R Rendering43, 45
Job colors70
Job Group14 S Scheme58
Job group18 Screening46
Job Home18 Separation Control70
Job list96 Separations88
Job Name18 Sequence Templates11, 38
Job number17 Server-client architecture9
Job Priority19 Sheet layout53
Job properties69 SheetfedPrinting sequence46
Submit with drag-and-drop87
L Layout55, 59
License key11 T Transparency elements11
License Server11, 53
Licensing11 W Workplace ID23
M Marks types57
Master Data Store9
Master Pages57
N Notes68
filters the following job states: another job in the job list.
Setup (changed, new job)
Active (idle, suspended, processing,
• Finished Workflow States*
Self-defined filters Workflow steps available in the job are displayed in color.
by user, by system flagged as “ready”.
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Kurfürsten-Anlage 52 - 60 69115 Heidelberg Germany
Phone +49 6221 92-00
* License-dependent
Open Job - Functionality and Icons.
Prinect Cockpit.
Views Workflow Bar* Submit Elements to another Workflow Step “Job Notes” Window
Progress: The “active” step Counter displays the number of The “next step” arrow
Pages indicates what is the next Submit elements to another workflow step by Notes can be generated for every job. The
Progress in % is displayed in elements (pages, layouts, etc.) inside
light gray step to proceed in the drag & drop: if selected elements are dragged notes survive to every job as long as the
Page lists System reports step as a workflow step. workflow. A tooltip will tell on a suitable workflow icon, the sequences job exists in Prinect Manager.
“ready“ you what is the next action. which are available in that step and which are
Assign pages to page lists The step is flagged as Due Date indicates the able to process the elements, are displayed.
“finally finished” by the user status of the workflow step’s
Layouts A sequence can be selected in the drop-down
due date.
list for submitting. If the elements are dragged
If there is not enough space to show all workflow icons, the icon bar can be A indicates that this workflow step requires
Place pages on a layout just on the icon, the “Submit Elements” dialog
shifted to the left or to the right by clicking on the triangles, or via mouse- user intervention. A tooltip on this icon gives
is opened. If simultaneously the Ctrl key is pressed, an arbitrary sequence template can be
Color separations move. more information.
added to the job.
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Kurfürsten-Anlage 52 - 60 69115 Heidelberg Germany
Phone +49 6221 92-00
* License-dependent
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Kurfuersten-Anlage 52 - 60
69115 Heidelberg
Phone +49 6221 92-00
Fax +49 6221 92-6999
Important Notice:
We are dedicated to improving and enhancing our products. Consequently,
the information in this manual is subject to technical modifications and
other changes without notice. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG assumes
no responsibility for information and description as far as third-party
products are concerned.
The information contained in this manual about performance and speed
as well as technical data concerning application of our products is not
legally binding as it does not constitute a written contract of features. If
any problems occur with the product described in this manual, please
contact the Heidelberg agency which is responsible for you.
Revision 1.0
Version 2020
Fonts: Heidelberg Antiqua Ml, Heidelberg Gothic Ml
Heidelberg, the Heidelberg logotype, Prinect, Suprasetter and
Speedmaster are registered trademarks of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen
AG in the United States and other countries.
Adobe and PostScript and Acrobat are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or
other countries.
PANTONE and Hexachrome are registered trademarks of Pantone Inc.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.