Speaking Part 2

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Describe a time when you learnt something new

Vocabular Explanation Examples Vietnamese

y Meaning
Acquire To gain or obtain knowledge I acquired a new language by Học được, thu được
or skills practicing every day.
Grasp To understand or It took me a while to grasp the Nắm bắt
comprehend something concept of advanced mathematics.
Explore To investigate or study I love to explore different cultures Khám phá
something in detail through travel.
Overcome To successfully deal with or I had to overcome my fear of public Vượt qua
overcome a difficulty speaking to excel in my job.
Adapt To adjust to new conditions or Moving to a new country required me Thích nghi
changes to adapt to a different lifestyle.
Master To become highly skilled or After months of practice, I finally Thạo, thành thạo
proficient in something mastered the art of playing the guitar.
Absorb To take in information and Reading books allows me to absorb a Hấp thụ
understand it fully wealth of knowledge on various
Encounter To come across or experience During my travels, I encountered a Gặp phải, trải qua
something unexpectedly unique tradition that fascinated me.
Develop To grow or advance in Joining the debate club helped me Phát triển
knowledge, skill, or character develop strong communication skills.
Expand To increase in scope or size Studying abroad expanded my Mở rộng
horizons and broadened my
Innovate To introduce new ideas or Our team worked together to Đổi mới
methods innovate a more efficient workflow.
Hone To refine or perfect over time I honed my photography skills through Rèn luyện, làm cho
continuous practice. hoàn thiện hơn
Embrace To accept or welcome I learned to embrace challenges as Chấp nhận, đón
something eagerly opportunities for growth. nhận
Enlighten To provide insight or The documentary enlightened me Giáo dục, làm sáng
knowledge about the impact of climate change. tỏ
Ingrain To firmly establish something The experience ingrained the Gia cố, làm cho ăn
in one's mind importance of teamwork in me. sâu vào
Absorb To take in information and Reading books allows me to absorb a Hấp thụ
understand it fully wealth of knowledge on various
Cultivate To nurture or develop a skill It's essential to cultivate a positive Trồng trọt, nuôi
or quality mindset for personal growth. dưỡng
Navigate To find one's way through a Learning to navigate complex Điều hướng, định
challenging situation software was a rewarding experience. hướng
Synthesize To combine different The research required me to Tổng hợp
elements to form a coherent synthesize information from various
whole sources.
Internalize To make something a part of It took time to internalize the Nội hóa, hấp thụ
one's own thinking or principles of effective time vào bên trong
behavior management.
Describe your very first day at school

Vocabulary Explanation Examples Vietnamese

Nervous Feeling uneasy or anxious I was nervous on my first day at Lo lắng, bồn chồn
school, not knowing anyone.
Excitement A feeling of great The excitement of starting school Hứng thú, phấn
enthusiasm and eagerness overshadowed my initial khích
Unfamiliar Not known or recognized Everything seemed unfamiliar to me Không quen thuộc
in the new school environment.
Navigate To find one's way through I had to navigate through the school Điều hướng, định
a new or unknown building to find my classroom. hướng
Overwhelmed Feeling completely The number of new faces and Quá tải, áp đảo
overcome by emotions or information on the first day
situations overwhelmed me.
Establish To set up or create On the first day, I tried to establish Thiết lập, xây dựng
something connections with my classmates.
Commence To begin or start The school year commenced with an Bắt đầu, khởi đầu
assembly in the auditorium.
Curiosity A strong desire to know or My curiosity about my new Sự tò mò
learn something classmates led me to initiate
Adjust To adapt or become It took some time to adjust to the Điều chỉnh, thích
accustomed to new different schedule and routines. ứng
Formative Influencing the The first day at school was a Hình thành, ảnh
development of something formative experience that shaped my hưởng
attitude toward education.
Anticipation A feeling of excitement The anticipation of meeting new Sự hồi hộp, mong đợi
about something that is friends made me eager for school to
going to happen start.
Encounter To come across or meet I encountered friendly teachers who Gặp phải, bắt gặp
someone or something made my first day more enjoyable.
Orientation The process of familiarizing The school provided an orientation Sự định hướng, làm
oneself with a new session to help students get quen với môi trường
environment acquainted with the facilities. mới
Initiate To start or begin something I decided to initiate conversations with Bắt đầu, khởi xướng
my classmates to break the ice.
Reflect To think deeply or carefully After my first day, I took time to reflect Phản ánh, suy ngẫm
about an experience on the challenges and opportunities
Describe your ideal place to study

Vocabulary Explanation Examples Vietnamese Meaning

Serene Calm, peaceful, and My ideal place to study is serene, Yên bình, thanh bình
untroubled away from distractions.
Productive Efficient and capable of I find that a quiet library is a highly Hiệu suất, năng suất
producing good results productive environment for
Secluded Sheltered or private, away I prefer a secluded corner in the Hẻo lánh, tách biệt
from others park for its tranquility.
Ergonomic Designed for efficiency and A comfortable chair and a well-lit Có thiết kế nhằm tăng
comfort in a working desk contribute to an ergonomic hiệu suất và thoải mái
environment study space.
Stimulating Inspiring interest, A room with vibrant colors can be Kích thích, khuyến
excitement, or activity stimulating and enhance creativity khích
while studying.
Distraction- Without interruptions or Noise-canceling headphones help Không làm phiền,
free things that divert attention create a distraction-free zone for không làm xao lạc
focused studying.
Conducive Providing a favorable A well-organized and quiet space is Thuận lợi, có lợi
environment for a particular conducive to effective study
activity sessions.
Ambient Creating a pleasant Soft ambient lighting can make a Môi trường xung
atmosphere, often through room more conducive to studying. quanh, không khí xung
lighting or music quanh
Retreat A quiet and peaceful place The countryside is my ideal retreat Nơi tĩnh lặng, nơi
to which one can escape for immersive and concentrated tránh
Unwind To relax and release tension A cozy reading nook is where I can Nghỉ ngơi, giải tỏa
unwind while studying for long căng thẳng

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