Travel Information
23-DEC -23 PF716 11:20 PM 03:20 AM Standard 05-JAN-24 PF717 05:20 AM 12:50 PM Standard
Title Passenger(s) Name CNIC Ticket No. Lahore - Jeddah Jeddah - Lahore
Mrs. ANWAR BIBI 6734001970777 Confirm Confirm
Agent Name :
Thank You for choosing AirSial .
E-TICKET Address : For any flight information please contact
TRAVEL AirSial Call Center 021-111-247-742
AGENT Phone Jeddah Flights operate from/ to the Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz
International Airport , KSA.
Additional fees will be applied for excess baggage . Ticket Modification & Refunds
- Checked Baggage : Free baggage allowance is permissible by fare types . • This policy shall not be effective on the tickets issued against group fares . Tickets
Luggage dimensions should not exceed 54 inches (L+W+H=54). issued on group fare shall not be refunded or modified .
- The infant is not entitled to any free baggage allowance . However , a baby
cot/ pram can be carried free of cost. • For any modification or change of ticket , the passenger shall pay modification
- Checked Baggage Weight Limitation : The maximum 30 kg weight per bag charges plus the difference of fare, if applicable . The same fare is not guaranteed ,
shall be accepted . However , Oversized baggage shall be charged based on and modification charges are non-refundable .
volumetric and calculate with per kg excess baggage rate.
• A refund of the ticket is always accepted and processed at the place of purchase of
Excess Baggage Charges the ticket . The airline shall not refund the Agent's issued ticket . If tickets are issued
Extra baggage , over and above the free baggage allowance , shall be charged as per from AIR SIAL's outlets the refund shall be accepted at any AIR SIAL outlet .
above mentioned rates
• Online tickets issued on Credit / Debit Card , through AIR SIAL's website , shall be
Weight Limitation modified or refunded only at AIR SIAL's City Ticketing Offices & Airport Ticketing
A maximum of 30 kg weight per bag shall be accepted . However , Oversized baggage Offices . However , a refund request through registered email shall be accepted ,
shall be charged based on volumetric and calculate with per kg excess baggage rate. expressly , by email send to webrefund @airsial .com with the transaction details , web
ticket number / PNR , and first six and last four digits of the credit /debit card.
Credit/ Debit Card Policy
• Ticket issued on Credit / Debit Card through POS transaction on AIR SIAL's own
Ticket issued by credit / debit card at Airline's counter outlets shall be modified or refunded on production of Original Credit / Debit Card .
Credit / Debit Cards used for the purchase of air tickets must be presented , in original , Original Passport and/ or CNIC /NICOP with a photocopy is required for modification /
at the check -in counter along with the card holder's photo identification . A copy of the refund of the ticket .
photo ID shall be retained at the check -in counter .
• If the ticket was purchased in cash , it can be modified in cash only; if the ticket was
However , if a traveling passenger is not a cardholder and he/ she has purchased purchased on a card, then the same card shall be used for the modification of that
ticket /s on somebody else's Credit / Debit card from AIR SIAL's Sales Outlets , that ticket . Tickets purchased with a credit card cannot be exchanged for cash .
situation passenger should possess the following documents for presenting at the
check -in counter A photocopy of a Credit / Debit Card used for the purchase of the • The International ticket cannot be refunded or changed 04 hours before or till 06
ticket , duly self-attested , through signature , by the owner of the card. hours after the departure of the flight .
Copy of the photo identity of the Credit / Debit Card holder signed and verified by the • All applicable taxes and fees are collected at the time of purchase of a ticket . Only
cardholder him/ herself . valid tickets can be changed , modified , or refunded with the following applicable
charges :
Passengers shall also present his/her photo identification at the check -in counter .
Ticket Modification & Refunds Modification Refund
Online Purchases through Credit / Debit Card Policy Charges Charges
For international travel , passengers are requested to ensure that details pertaining to
Travel Documents , CNIC / Passport / Visa, and contacts are entered in the reservation Charges As Per Selected
Standard Standard
during online purchase to avoid any inconvenience at the time of travel . Passengers Baggage
can contact our call center to get their details at their destination updated as per More than 120 hours before flight
immigration authority requirements . PKR 9,000 PKR 9,000
Only one card can be used for one transaction at a time. Verification of the Credit / Debit Within 120 hours to 48 hours before
card shall be required at the time of check -in, in case of failure , the boarding of PKR 12,000 PKR 12,000
flight departure
passengers shall be denied by the airline .
Within 48 Hours to 24 Hours before
PKR 14,000 PKR 14,000
flight departure