Grading Rubric Engl 100

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INTRODUCTION— (10%):______Your introduction or opening should include the author and text.
Your opening should pose a question and suggest how you will structure your argument. Your essay
should have a thesis statement, or, at the very least, your introduction must give your reader a sense of
what it is you are going to prove in the body paragraphs of your essay.

TRANSITIONS (10%): _______You must use transitions between sentences, within paragraphs, and
between paragraphs. Transitions help your reader see the logical flow of your argument throughout the
entire body of your essay.

PARAGRAPHS (10%): ________ All of your paragraphs should (ideally) have a recognizable topic
sentence that expresses a sub-point of your main, controlling idea—thesis statement—and every
paragraph needs to be supported with EVIDENCE—quotes, paraphrase, plot summary, other—what this
support does is it shows your reader that you have a coherent, organized, and well developed plan.

EVIDENCE—Quotes/Plot Summary/Other (15%):_________ The EVIDENCE that you provide as

support can be direct quotes of primary/secondary texts, can be paraphrases of plot (but not too much),
and can be other secondary sources (if you are required to do research for the assignment). Evidence
must be properly introduced and smoothly integrated into the body of your paragraphs—follow MLA
format exactly.

ARGUMENT/CRITICAL INSIGHT (15%):________In addition to the EVIDENCE as support in your

essay, you must also interpret this evidence and provide your reader with critical analysis/insight, which
means—interpret the EVIDENCE by offering your reader reasons why you are quoting, paraphrasing or
plot summarizing certain details, and what these items are doing in your paper to help you develop and
support your thesis or central claim. Show your reader in every paragraph the how and why of your use
of EVIDENCE in an analysis of the text.

FORMATTING (20%): __________Your essay should be properly formatted using MLA conventions;
for example, double-spacing of all lies; indentation of all paragraphs; to name a few. Your Essay needs a
“Works Cited” page—make sure your entries are accurate and complete—for a complete description,
with examples, refer to The University of Regina Style Sheet and any other applicable writer’s handbook.

MECHANICS (15%): ________Your essay should be free of serious problems with mechanics (spelling,
grammar, or manuscript format) which hinder the reader of the paper. The reader should be able to read
the paper and not feel hindered or interfered with—they should be able to read the overall effectiveness of
the essay and not have to stop to mentally repair errors in mechanics.

CONCLUSION (5%): ________A good conclusion is one that repeats (in different words) your thesis
and your sub-points of each paragraph. A great conclusion is one that goes beyond the repetition of the
latter and is one that convincingly invites your reader to consider the implications of your argument
beyond your essay.

TOTAL MARKS_________/100

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