General Assignment Guidelines: 1. Word Count
General Assignment Guidelines: 1. Word Count
General Assignment Guidelines: 1. Word Count
All students are expected to follow the below mentioned general assignment guidelines
throughout their assessments during their MBA Programme. These guidelines are general to
any assignment where they need to submit a report, regardless of the module. Module specific
guidelines shall be instructed by the module leaders during the assignment guideline sessions.
If you find any conflicts with this document and the module leader’s instructions, please
discuss with the programme coordinator.
1. Word Count
Included Excluded
Main body of the report from Title Page or Cover page
Introduction to Conclusion Table of Contents
References List
Different assessments have varying word lengths specified for them; it is important that the
student always keeps to the word length specified for each assessment on the following
• To encourage succinct and clear writing by students.
• To ensure equity between all the students doing that assessment.
In case a range of word count is provided (E.g. 5000 to 6000 words) then the student is
required to maintain the word count within the range without any deviation. If the word count
is fixed (E.g. 5000 words) then the student is allowed a ± 10% tolerance.
If the specified word limit for an assessment has been exceeded, the following penalties would
be applied (as specified in the UWSD Academic Quality Handbook 7.7).
• Up to 10% above the word limit – No deduction off final mark
• Between 10% and 25% above the word limit – Deduction of 5 marks off final mark (or
reduce the mark to the capped mark, whichever is lesser)
• Between 25% and 50% above the word limit – Deduction of 10 marks off final mark (or
reduce the mark to the capped mark, whichever is lesser)
• 50% or more over length – Maximum mark of capped mark
A failure to meet the word limit may result in lower marks based on the quality of the work
because the work may not include the necessary information required for the assessment to
meet the stated learning outcomes.
The main headings should be in size 16, the subheadings in size 14 and any other
subheadings below can be in size 12 as in the main body as appropriate. The consistency
should be maintained throughout the report.
The students can title and structure their report according to the requirements of the
assignment, yet the report’s overall structure should be as follows. (each point is elaborated
Table of Contents
Full list of sections within the academic report with page numbers
Full list of tables used within the academic report with page numbers
Full list of figures / diagrams used within the academic report with page numbers
Executive Summary
The main body of the report will contain theoretical / conceptual approaches, analysis,
discussion, and recommendations.
Organize this section of your academic report into sub-sections, wherever necessary with
appropriate headings. Each sub-section may include further sub-sections with headings, if
Structure of the main body of the report should align with the requirement of the assessment
as well.
Clearly explain the theoretical or conceptual approach that you are going to apply and
why it is relevant for your aims / purpose. Include any debates about, or criticisms and
weaknesses of, the approach.
Systematically apply the analytical approach to your material and explain the findings.
Provide recommendations.
The conclusions (with a maximum of 300 words) comes at the end of the academic report.
The conclusion must abide by the following guidelines:
• Summarize, compare the findings from your analyses, including contradictory
• Relate your findings and discussion to the aims and purpose of the academic report
and specify any conclusions you have reached.
• Your conclusion wraps up your essay in a tidy package and brings it home for your
• Your topic sentence should summarize what you said in your thesis statement
• This suggests to your reader that you have accomplished what you set out to
• Do not simply restate your thesis statement, as that would be redundant
• Rephrase the thesis statement with fresh and deeper understanding
• Your conclusion is no place to bring up new ideas
• Your supporting sentences should summarize what you have already said in the
body of your essay
• If a brilliant idea tries to sneak into the final paragraph, you must resolve it out and
let it have its own paragraph in the body, or leave it out completely
• Your topic for each body paragraph should be summarized in the conclusion
• Wrap up the main points
• Your closing sentence should help the reader feel a sense of closure
• Your closing sentence is your last word on the subject; it is your “clincher”
• Demonstrate the importance of your ideas
• Propel your reader to a new view of the subject
• End on a positive or an encouraging note
• Your closing sentence should make your readers glad they read your paper
References List
University uses the 6th APA Style of Harvard Referencing system: UWTSD Harvard
Referencing Handbook
This is where you can include relevant material about the company, case studies that you
refer to in the main body of your academic report which serves as supplementary material that
is not an essential part of the text itself but which may be helpful in providing a more
comprehensive understanding of the research problem or it is information that is too
cumbersome to be included in the body of the paper.
Never include an appendix that isn’t referred to in the text. All appendices should be
summarized in your paper where it is relevant to the content. Appendices should also be
arranged sequentially by the order they were first referenced in the text [i.e., Appendix 1 should
not refer to text on page eight of your paper and Appendix 2 relate to text on page six].