C - Fluid Mechanics - SP Solution
C - Fluid Mechanics - SP Solution
C - Fluid Mechanics - SP Solution
KE = 8208 W = 8.208 kW
4. Ethylene glycol at 60 C, with a velocity of 4 cm/s
enters a 2.5 cm ID tube. At 60 C the viscosity is
4.75 x 10-6 m2/s, determine the Reynolds
a. 200
b. 210
c. 2000
d. 1200
Solution: Solution:
DV p A + SGw γ w (0.05 m ) + SGmγ w (0.08 − 0.04 m )
Re = − SGoγ w (0.03 m ) − pB = 0
Re =
(0.025 m )(0.04 m s ) = 210.6
4.75 ×10 −6 m 2 s
pB − p A 6.9 ε D 1.11
= (1)(0.05 m ) + (13.56)(0.08 − 0.04 m )
γw f = − 1.8log +
− (0.8)(0.03 m )
Re 3.7
pB − pA 6. 9 0.5 50
= 0.5684 m f = − 1.8 log +
γw 6
1.03 ×10 3.7
( )
pB = 101.325 kN m 2 + 9.81 kN m3 (0.5684 m ) f = 0.038
pB = 106.90 kPa
11. What is the expected head loss per mile of a
8. An iceberg has a SG of 0.922. When floating in closed circular pipe (17 in inside diameter,
sea water (SG = 1.03), its exposed volume in % friction factor of 0.03) when 3300 gal/min of
is nearest to, water flow under pressure?
a. 5.6 a. 38 ft
b. 7.4 b. 3580 ft
c. 8.9 c. 0.007 ft
d. 10.5 d. 0.64 ft
Solution: Solution:
SGiceVice = SG seaVsubmerged 3
1 ft 1min
0.922Vice = 1.03Vsubmerged
Q = 3300 gpm 231 in3 gal )
60 sec
12 in
Vsubmerged = 0.895Vice Q = 7.35243 ft 3 s ec
Vice − 0.895Vice
% exp osed = (100% ) V= =
4Q 4 7.35243 ft 3 s ec )
= 4.6645 fps
πD 2 π (17 12 ft )2
% exp osed = 10 .5%
L V2
9. A 2-m diameter spherical body is placed half hf = f
D 2g
submerged on sea water of relative density
L = 1 mile = 5280 ft
1.03. What is the buoyant force supporting the
body in pounds? 5280 (4.6645)2
h f = (0.03)
a. 1250 17 12 2(32.2 )
b. 3567 h f = 37.78 ft
c. 4750
12. What is the hydraulic diameter of a rectangular
d. 8734.23
air-ventilation duct whose cross section is 1 m
by 25 cm?
4 4 2 4π 3 a. 25 cm
V = πR 3 = π = m
3 3 2 3 b. 40 cm
V c. 50 cm
FB = SG sea γ w Vsub = SG sea γ w
2 d. 75 cm
2π 3 Solution:
FB = 1.03 1000 kg f m3 )
m = 2157.23 kg f
3 4A
Dh =
FB = 2157.23 kg f (2.205 lb kg ) = 4757 kg P
4(100 cm )(25 cm )
10. For flow of water at a Reynolds number of 1.03 Dh = = 40 cm
2(100 + 25 cm )
x 106 through a 5-cm-diameter pipe of
roughness height 0.5 mm, the approximate 13. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of cross
Moody friction factor is sectional area of 20 cm2. At one section the
a. 0.012 cross sectional area is 4 cm2. The pressure
b. 0.018 difference between the two sections is 29.4 psi.
c. 0.038 How many cu. meters of water will flow out of
d. 0.049 the pipe in 1 minute?
Solution: a. 1.208 m3
Use Haaland approximation to Colebrook equation, Re > b. 0.0185 m3
2300 c. 0.493 m3
d. 0.008 m3
p1 p2 V22 − V12 Q = CAV = CA 2gh
− =
γ γ 2g
Q = A1V1 = A2V2 ( )
Q = 0.65 [(5 in )(0.0254 m in )]2 2 9.81 m s 2 (7.6 m )
20V1 = 4V2 Q = 0.1006 m3 s = 0.1006 L s
V2 = 5V1 - End -
V22 − V12 p1 − p2
2g γ
101.325 kPa
p1 − p2 = 29.4 psi = 202.705 kPa
14.696 psi
(5V1 )2 − V12 =
202.705 kN m 2
2 9.81 m s 2 ) 9.81 kN m 3
V1 = 4.11 m s
Q = A1V1 = 20 cm 2 )
(4.11 m s )
100 cm
Q = 8.22 ×10 −3 m 3 s
In 1 min.
Volume = (8.22 x 10-3)(60) = 0.4932 m3