My Qstns
My Qstns
My Qstns
Q. Why MS?
Ans: Northwestern polytechnic University, and I got an acceptance from Gannon university
Q: Will you Work in USA after MS? if you are offered job in Microsoft, USA.
Ans: No Sir. I can easily get a good in my home country after graduating from the reputed US
Q: tell me your subjects you r going to take?
Ans: i) Network engineering, mobile application technologies, java and internet applications,
advanced structured programming and algorithms.
Q) what is computer network?
1. Ans: A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that
allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, networked computing devices pass
data to each other along data connections. Data is transferred in the form of packets.
Q) Network engineering?
Ans: The field concerned with internetworking service requirements for switched telephone
networks and developing the required hardware and software.And it is concerned with the
design and management of computer networks and also concerned with developing
telecommunications network topologies
Now a day’s multimedia application are more popular in wireless mobile networks. And we are
mainly emerging technology to support broad band access and (qos) quality of service for real
time multimedia applications. And our project mainly focus on the path selection problem for
mobile networks where relay stations are used to extend network coverage at that time we have
to explicit delay requirements choosing an appropriate path between any mobile station and the
base station.
It is one of the application used in the android mobiles. With this app it can view latest adds
placed in the local website i.e., used In that application when the customer
clicks on the product in that it can view the price, Description of that product. By using this app
the customer directly contact to vender either by phone or e-mail.