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My Qstns

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1) Why are you going to US?

Ans: To study masters in computer science at Northwestern polytechnic University

Q: Why only US?
Ans: It is the center of excellence in the field of computer science. The US Universities have
gr8 facilities for research. Moreover, an MS degree from a Univ in US has high recognition
back here in INDIA, and would help me to establish myself in a good position after my MS.
Moreover, I will gain international experience and will be a valuable asset when I return to
my country.
Q. Why not in India?

Ans: I have an option to go for the best.

(Very few Universities offer this Unique program/ Very limited seats / No research
facilities and Funding/ courses are not updated and dynamic/ No flexibility in choosing the
core subjects or combination of specialization subjects/ Study not completely based on case
studies and projects)

Q. Why MS?

 Its mainly because of the education system and international exposure.

 More courses which are practical oriented
 Better career opertunities: like better job chances in india after finishing masters.

Q. Why only US and not any other countries?

Ans:Above all US is undisputed in Computers.
2) What's ur plan?
Ans : I would like to pursue MS in Computer Science at Npu.
3) what is ur highest degree of qualification?
Ans: am done with my bachelors ma'am
4) Which universities accepted you?

Ans: Northwestern polytechnic University, and I got an acceptance from Gannon university

And NYIT is in under review.

6) Where did you complete your Bachelor’s degree?
Ans: I graduated from Jawaharlal Nehru University
7) What is your Percentage And What is u r UG?
Ans: 70.47%
Q: What is u r UG course?
Ans: Information Technology
Q:Why you choose NPU?

 Program offered by the university is good and is a match to my area of interest.

 University has a good curriculum and course options in my specialization .
 Active research in my field of specialization is going on.
10) Mention some professor’s names?
 Ans: Dr henry chang, Dr he chester
11) When did you get your bachelor’s degree?
Ans: I graduated in 2012
12) Why did you select this university over other universities and tell me about the university?
Ans:  Outstanding faculty reputation  Active research in my field of specialization  Tuition and
living cost is less compared to other universities and  Certainly a beautiful campus to study
13) How long will you study in USA
Ans: Till January 2017
14) Where did you hear about this university?
Ans: I came to know about this university through my undergrad professor  I came to know about this
university through my senior who graduated from this university.
15) What is your academic background (or) UG?
Ans: I graduated with Information Technology and planning to specialize in computer science
16) Do you plan to study Ph D after MS?
Ans: “NO” I don’t have any such plans at this time
18) Who is sponsoring you?
Ans: I am being sponsored by my father.
19) What does your father do?
Ans: He is a Farmer
17. What is your father’s income?
Ans: He earns 12.3 lakhs per year
18. What is your university yearly expense? Give the exact number as in I-20.

Ans: My Tuition is $ 14000$ and my Total expense is $30000 per year.

19) Have you got any loans?
Ans: NO Sir, I haven’t taken any loans. My dad is sponsoring my education
21) How many brother and sisters do you have?
Ans: I have 1 elder brother
22) Do you have any relatives in USA?
Ans: NO Iam the first one to study in US in my family
23) What is your mother?
Ans: She is a home maker
24) Where did your brothers/sisters complete their studies?
Ans: My elder brother completed his degree in Avanti college
25) Where do your parents live?
Ans: They are live in my village it has been located in nizamabad dist
26) Do you have a brother/ sister, or any other relative already at this university?
Ans: “NO” none of my siblings study in this university
27) Why are you leaving you current job? ( if you are working)
Ans: To do Master’s in computer science at North western polytechnic university
28) Are you planning to work after graduation?
Ans: No. Come back to India and work for a multinational company at mid-level position for 5-7
years and I am planning to start my own software development firm.
29) How a US degree will help you to find a job here?
Ans: Getting an international degree from US will not only heighten my technical knowledge,
but also will give an edge over others when I apply for Jobs here. I will have unique skills and
experience including working in a multicultural environment and strong.
30) What kind of good things do you know about America?
Ans:  Majority of scientists who receives noble price, which is the highest in the world are
from US.
 Interstate highway system that’s been backbone to US economy
 Entrepreneurs who started Google & Facebook are from US.
31) What do you expect after returning back?
Ans: I expect to work for a multinational company at mid-level position for 5-7 years and I am
planning to start my own software development firm.
Q. What is the guarantee that u will return back?
Ans: The sole aim for me is to go to US, do my MS there, but not to work there.
Moreover I have many obligations towards my family and I must return as I need to take care of
them. I expect to work for a multinational company at mid-level position for 5-7 years and I am
planning to start my own software development firm.
32) Why do you plan to do MS?
Ans:  First, I will get the best international education in my field.
 Second, I will posses up-to-date recent technical skills to compete with others here
 Third, my overall personality will improve interacting with professors and students of
international caliber.
33) Why are your GRE/ TOEFL scores low?
Ans: I believe most of it is due to project work load in my office. I dnt have much time to
prepare for GRE/IELTS. That was a good experience and Iam learning how to better manage
multiple things.
35) What do you know about US education?
Ans:  US education is more focused towards practical curriculum than the theoretical
 US education will provide a challenging environment during my course work to come up with
new ideas in my research field
 Public university Student-Professor Ratio is 17:1 which is best compared to any other
36) What will you do after completing MS? What are your plans after graduation?
Ans: My immediate goal is to find a mid-level career position in Hyderabad with a multinational
IT company after completing MS
37) Did you get any scholarship?
Ans: “NO” I didn’t receive any scholarships
38) Have you ever been to US?
Ans: “NO” Sir. This is my first visit.
39) Do you know anyone in your university?
Ans: “YES” one of my senior is majoring in CS in this university and helping me to find
40) What will you do if your visa is rejected?
Ans: I will improve my profile and will apply again (if you are planning to apply again)
41) Will you come home during summer?
Ans: “NO” Iam planning to take courses.
42) Why did you change your field from IT to Computer science?
Ans: Most of the courses Iam planning to take are offered in computer science department such
as embedded system design. I might take very few courses in IT department as well.
Q. Why your Passbook is reflecting the recent transactions?
Ans: Early this money was invested in short-term interest fetching deposits and now for the
purpose of my education we liquidated it. So, that is the reason my bank passbook reflects
recent transactions.
Q. Why study now?
Ans: I strongly realize that unless I pursue my higher studies it will be very difficult to excel in
my field of specialisation.

Q. When did you first decide to study abroad?

Ans: I first thought of higher studies in my Under Graduate days.

Q. without Scholarship, how will you sustain?

Ans: My Parents have sufficient savings and consistent annual income to support my education
till my course completion.
Q. What kind of part time job will you seek after arriving at USA?
Ans: At present I am not keen in taking up any part time job as I would like to completely
concentrate on my studies.
Q. Why did you have arrears in your degree?
Ans: I had relatively few back logs as I have initially struggled with some of my Engineering
subjects but later with the help of my faculty I could improve my subject knowledge and clear
all my back logs in very next attempt.

Q: Is it worth spending this much of money on ur Master’s?

Ans: Looking on Future aspects and Income levels, it’s definitely worth.
My parents do appreciate the importance of Quality education
Q: Give me 3 reasons for giving u a valid visa to u?
Ans: Basically, I have been a performer passing my engg In first class with distinction.
I have flair for higher education with an application angle.
Above all, very supportive school and parents
Q: Will u work while studying?
Yes, if it is related to my studies like graduate assistantship.

Q: Will you work if you get a full time job in USA?

Ans: No. I am not interested sir. I am interested in Education in USA not to work after that.
Q: Will you Work on CPT in a good company?
Ans: If my course work requires and if is helpful to my course work.

Q: Will you Work in USA after MS? if you are offered job in Microsoft, USA.
Ans: No Sir. I can easily get a good in my home country after graduating from the reputed US
Q: tell me your subjects you r going to take?
Ans: i) Network engineering, mobile application technologies, java and internet applications,
advanced structured programming and algorithms.
Q) what is computer network?
1. Ans: A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that
allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, networked computing devices pass
data to each other along data connections. Data is transferred in the form of packets.
Q) Network engineering?

 Ans: The field concerned with internetworking service requirements for switched telephone
networks and developing the required hardware and software.And it is concerned with the
design and management of computer networks and also concerned with developing
telecommunications network topologies



Now a day’s multimedia application are more popular in wireless mobile networks. And we are
mainly emerging technology to support broad band access and (qos) quality of service for real
time multimedia applications. And our project mainly focus on the path selection problem for
mobile networks where relay stations are used to extend network coverage at that time we have
to explicit delay requirements choosing an appropriate path between any mobile station and the
base station.


It is one of the application used in the android mobiles. With this app it can view latest adds
placed in the local website i.e., used everywhere.com. In that application when the customer
clicks on the product in that it can view the price, Description of that product. By using this app
the customer directly contact to vender either by phone or e-mail.

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