Automatic Vehicle Speed Control System in ARestricted Zone

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Automatic Vehicle Speed Control System In A Restricted Zone

Article in International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research · February 2020

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1 author:

Sathiskumar Saminathan
Kongu Engineering College


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Automatic Vehicle Speed Control System In A

Restricted Zone
Sathiskumar S, Navean G V, Hari Prakash R, Vishnu Praveen S
Abstract: As far as automobiles are concerned, safety is very important to reduce the occurrence of accidents in speed restricted zones . It minimizes
the loss of property and life. According to the recent surveys, in the past few years, an accident near the school zones, hospital zones and sharp turnings
have increased tremendously, because of their hurry to get the targeted place soon. Therefore controlling vehicle speed has b een a crucial issue to be
considered. This paper aims to give a practical, compact and simple design to develop an automatic vehicle speed control syst em, which has to be
quickly get implemented in school, college, hospital, sharp turning zones to reduce the number of accidents. This automated speed controlling system is
built using the microcontroller-based platform of the Arduino Uno board. Here the Arduino is programmed in such a way that, the prescribed speed limit
was incorporated in the transmitter unit which transmits the signals, and it was received by the receiver in the vehicle using Zigbee wireless
communication technology and the speed of the vehicle was automatically controlled by the input signals by the receiver, with the help of speed encoder
sensor. Once this technique was implemented the accidents will be reduced on a larger rate, and also reduce the nuisance by some drivers.

Index Terms: Arduino, receiver, speed control, transmitter, Zigbee,

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The Indian Law Commission has an advisory to limit the speed
at critical zones, to reduce the road accidents and to make a 2.1 LITERATURE INTRODUCTION
peaceful environment for the people. The existing A recent survey shows that the maximum rate of serious road
methodologies can’t able to reduce the accidents still now, accidents are raised due to high uncontrollable speed than
Because of the rash driving of some drivers. Hence speed necessary speed limited in the particular zone and also due to
control is in need to be implemented in all the vehicles. Here is unaware obstacles. Minimizing the number of rate of accidents
the new idea of ours to install an automated speed control and their worst consequences are the most challengeable task
system in the vehicles mainly in the restricted areas. Here for the automotive manufacturer, traffic government authorities
setup device as a transmitter where the multiple devices are and automotive research and development groups. The
combined to monitor the speed of the vehicle when the vehicle important needs for the driver while driving the vehicle is
enters above the prescribed speed and controls it by placing a awareness of the restricted zone in any term either audible or
receiver at the vehicles, based on the signals transmitted the visual alert to insist the driver of the vehicle about the obstacle
speed of the vehicle get reduced by interfacing a in front of the road. And this system is available in today's
microcontroller. The current speed of the vehicle is sensed by vehicle as a special feature in the vehicles market, and the
the dc motor and the output of it was given to the future vehicle requires higher safety in driving controls
microcontroller where it compares the speed with the intelligently in each and every vehicle. Road transport is a
prescribed limit and the speed is controlled automatically. The major type of transport system used in India. India has a huge
technology used in this system to communicate between network of road connects throughout the nation. Our nation
transmitter and receiver is Zigbee technology, which covers up faces the maximum number of accidents and accidental
to 10-100m within its range. This is comparatively cheaper fatalities while comparing to other nations around the world.
than others. Therefore this system controls and monitors the The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways report revealed
overall vehicles in its covered area. By implementing this that India has got one road accident every minute in a year
system the accidents are reduced in this fast-moving world. In which lost one life in 3 minutes. Contrary to popular belief, only
the developed and developing countries, people finds 1.5% of the accidents are caused by defective roads. In the
inconvenience with the road accidents, jamming of vehicles majority of the cases (77%), the driver is at fault. This
because of the drivers who dislike to obey the laws at the becomes more dangerous in populated regions like schools or
restricted zone, where the speed has to be limited as hospitals. In school areas, speed breakers are provided to
prescribed in that zone by using an automated speed control reduce the speed of vehicles, but the drivers do this manually.
system to limit the speed automatically using Zigbee Many times due to driver’s fault speed is not controlled.
• Sathiskumar S is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Automobile Engineering in Kongu Engineering College, India, Amulya A M,, Intelligent vehicle speed controller:
PH‐9042699880. E‐mail:
• Navean G V is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree program in
In this paper, they concentrated to avoid the collision of the
Automobile engineering in Kongu Engineering College, India, E‐mail: vehicle due to its over speed in the speed restricted zones by automatically. This can be done through the embedded
• Hari Prakash R is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree program in systems and the RF transmitter and receiver modules. When
Automobile engineering in Kongu Engineering College, India, PH‐ the vehicle enters the speed, the restricted area driver has to
7904034889. E‐mail: reduce the speed of the vehicle manually. If the driver did not
• Vishnu Praveen S is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree program
in Automobile engineering in Kongu Engineering College, India,
slow down the vehicle, the electronic controller would take the
E‐mail: lead to control and reduce the speed of the vehicle by
receiving the signal from the transmitter in that zone. By that

received signal, the Arduino microcontroller would process to PROBLEM STATEMENT AND MARKET NEEDS
give a signal to the motor to control the speed. Here mainly The main concern of the modern automotive industry is
they use the RF transmitter and receiver to identify the passenger safety and accidents due to drivers' negligence are
restricted zone. [1] one of the problems for the roadside people. This problem is
being partly solved with the use of this vehicle speed control
Vaishal B. Niranjane,, Automatic vehicle speed system. Hence a system that does ensure safety is in huge
control system: demand. Such a system is called the Automatic vehicle speed
They explained the working of their system in three different control system.
zones where the speed wants to reduce automatically by
using Zigbee technology. They are Normal zone, silence
zone, speed limit zone. The speed is reduced by reversing the TARGET SPECIFICATIONS
motor rotating direction through the microcontroller 8051. The After the study of the problem statement and the market needs
Zigbee transmitter is placed at that zone for example hospital for the system, the target specifications for the systems are
while the vehicle reached that area the signal is received by being framed. In this case adaptation of the system, compact
the Zigbee receiver in the vehicle. The speed of the vehicle is to a vehicle, and the process of the system is being defined.
compared with the determined speed in that area. If speed is The main parameters based on which the system is to be
higher for that zone the microcontroller takes in action to designed are as follows
reduce the speed of the vehicle and if it is silence zone it • Reliable
disables to make a horn. • Low cost
• Low power consumption
Amarnarayan,, Automatic over speed controlling of • Quick response
vehicle: • Durability
The main aim of the authors to control the speed of the • Easy adaption in vehicles
vehicle to avoid the accidents in the hospital zone, curve • Compact process
roads and deep cuts due to over speed. This can be done • Highly secured
with the ZigBee technology with the arm-7 microcontroller.
The prescribed speeds at that zone are incorporated in the Research and development
transmitter module and when the receiver in the vehicle The whole system is being controlled by an Arduino uno as a
senses the signal that arm-7 microcontroller would check microcontroller. The main reason for choosing this as a
whether the driver reducing the speed for a limited time. After controller for their advantage of having higher processing
the timer passes the limited time, the microcontroller makes speeds and their ability to handle multiple inputs and outputs
the signal to reduce the speed of the motor, which makes the at the same time without compromising the accuracy and
vehicle decelerate without the action of the driver. precision of the outputs. This Arduino UNO which has enough
capacity to process the input from the Zigbee receiver. The
Gummarekula sattibabu,, Automatic vehicle speed main purpose of the processor is to process the signal from
control with wireless in-vehicle road sign delivery system the Zigbee transmitter which receives by the receiver. By using
using arm 7: these input signals Arduino Uno process these signal and
The objective is to design the electronic display controller for actuate the respective relays and the processor accordingly
Vehicle Speed control and monitor the zones with the help of generates output signals. This specific board can also be
the embedded systems and they designed to display the connected to a computer for easy implementation or
information on the dashboard about the zone. To achieve this modification of the code that basically is the brain for the
they use two units, which are zone status transmitter unit and processor to control the activities. Also, the board’s ability to
electronic display and control unit (Arm-7). Here if the sensible connect with the computer via dedicated software can be used
zone is detected by the receiver in a vehicle the signal to view an analog or graphical representation of both inputs.
processes in the controller and warns the driver by displaying
it and gives a buzzer sound. There is a timer for driver action PROPOSED SYSTEM:
to decrease speed if the time passes then the vehicle Transmitter block diagram:
automatically sets to desired predefined speed.

The above study has a high impact on the design and
components selection of the automatic vehicle speed control
system and inferred that Zigbee wireless communication can
be used instead of RF communication module and RFID tag in
the system for real-time working systems in the vehicle. The
method for recognizing the restricted zone is done through the
Zigbee transmitter in the zone and the Zigbee receiver is
placed on the vehicle which is inferred from the review. The
content from the above-mentioned reviews is taken into
consideration for the design and development of the vehicle
speed control system automatically.
Figure 3.1 transmitter block diagram


The transmitter block consists of the power supply, controller that two-controller were used here one for transmitter
Arduino UNO and Zigbee transmitter. control and other for the receiver and other actions to take
In this block, the Arduino microcontroller was programmed place based on the program set up in the controller. The
with a predefined speed limit and transmits the signal with the transmitter circuit is powered by dc battery is enough for the
help of Zigbee wireless communication. working of Zigbee which is placed near the restricted zones.
Receiver block diagram: The driver of the vehicle will be warned to reduce the speed by
giving warning alerts through visual or audible alerts for
reducing the speed manually by the driver. If the speed of the
vehicle is less than the predefined speed programmed in the
microcontroller no action takes place. If the speed of the
vehicle is greater than the predefined speed then the
microcontroller controls the speed of the vehicle motor by
sending a signal to the motor driver in it and the motor driver
used reduces the speed of the electric motor, if rpm of motor
decreases which automatically reduces the speed of the
vehicle in that particular zone.

Figure 3.1 receiver block diagram

In the receiver section, it receives the speed of the vehicle

through speed encoder input signal, and other components of
the receiver unit are a dc motor, motor driver, LCD display,
Zigbee receiver, Arduino UNO as a microcontroller. Based on
the signal received from the transmitter placed in a special
zone the speed of the vehicles reduces automatically with the
help of these devices.


• There is no time lag for the output signal to reach the
• The average time taken to process the inputs and
outputs by the Arduino is 30ms(approx.)
• The motor driver takes around 10ms(approx.) to
switch the circuits Figure 4.1 transmitter circuit
Therefore, the total delay in the execution of the program will
be, delay = 10+10+30= 50ms (milliseconds)


• Zigbee transmitter and receiver.
• Electric Motor
• Motor driver
• Battery
• Controller
• Vehicle speed encoder.


The main objective of this system is to reduce the accident
rates in the speed restricted zones like school zone, hospital
zone and sharp u-turns due to the negligence of the driver to
reduce the vehicle speed to limited speed as mentioned in the
signboard in that zone. In this automatic vehicle speed control
system, When the vehicle enters the speed limiting zone the
transmitter block starts to work and transmit the signal to the
vehicle receiver which is placed in the vehicle, the Zigbee
receiver which is connected with microcontroller process the
signals and compares the speed of vehicle with the predefined
speed of that particular zone. The Arduino Uno was used as a

Figure 4.2 receiver circuit Issue 5, May2016.

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This study shows the role of reducing vehicle speed
automatically and its contributions to the safety of pedestrians
and road users. It is found that the use of the vehicle speed
control system contributes a lot in minimizing the accident rate
that occurs due to the negligence of the driver to disobeying
roadside signboards in special zones. Though the VSC system
in a vehicle is effective, they help much in terms of improving
safety, keeping both the passenger safety and the pedestrians
on the roads. Considering the automatic VSC system is
incorporate in school zones or hospital zones which allows the
vehicle to act independently to slow down the vehicle when
the vehicle comes at a higher speed which minimizes the
accidents due to negligence of the driver actively and in a way
more effectively. Hence it is concluded from the above study
that the uses of Automatic vehicle speed control systems in
restricted zones minimize unwanted accidents to a great
extent compared to normal behavior.

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[3] Amarnarayan,, Automatic Over speed Controlling of
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