Zone Based Vehicle Speed Control System

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

Zone Based Vehicle Speed Control System

Mrs. J. Aarthy Suganthi Kani, Amal P V, Monisha D,
Shuchika S, Sarath Babu A S
(Assistant Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering),
UG Scholar, T. John Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

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Date of Submission: 03-02-2023 Date of Acceptance: 17-02-2023
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ABSTRACT This is the idea behind an area-based
In this fast-moving world, where people are always speed control of vehicles using RF transmitter and
in rush which causes a lot of driving errors like receiver modules. The transmitter is installed in
exceedingly dangerous speeds which leads to defined areas where their speed limit of the vehicle
accidents. In India 60% of people die due to road has to be controlled. The transmitter will transmit a
accidents in which 35% of such fatalities die due to signal and the receiver has to be installed within the
over speeding according to the data analyzed by the vehicle for speed controlling purposes. Whenever
Government. To overcome this issue Government the vehicle enters the mapped area, the speed of the
has installed speed limit banners, current speed vehicle is decreased to cutoff speed and kept
display and strict law, yet the number of violations constant until the vehicle leaves that particular area.
which leads to accidents are still high. This project After that, the vehicle can be controlled by the
comes in handy in these situations to prevent driver based on standard traffic rules. This is how
accidents and control the speed that the drivers‟ the project aims at Area based speed controlling
need to maintain in the coming areas like schools, system targeting the importance of road safety in
residential areas and highways. The main motive of the defined areas.
this project is to style a convenient speed control
unit and area monitoring technique in one II. LITERATURE SURVEY
integrated system. This indeed envisions a future 1. Vaishal B. Niranjane, “AUTOMATIC
that is accident-free and stresses the importance of VEHICLE SPEED CONTROL SYSTEM IN A
road safety and rules beyond human errors and RESTRICTED ZONE RF BASED AUTOMATIC
International Journal of Scientific & Technology
I. INTRODUCTION Research February 2020.
In this evolved planet, where vehicle This project has setup device as a
speed maintenance and control is a major problem, transmitter where the multiple devices are
that leads to accidents caused due to rash driving or combined to monitor the speed of the vehicle when
excessive speed. „AREA BASED VEHICLE the vehicle enters the prescribed speed and controls
SPEED CONTROL SYSTEM‟ project is designed it by placing a receiver at the vehicles, based on the
to control the speed of the vehicle in different signals transmitted the speed of the vehicle gets
zones. reduced by interfacing a microcontroller. The
The line of focus of this project is that, current speed of the vehicle is sensed by the dc
this system is designed in such a way that speed is motor and the output of it was given to the
regulated and confined at the particular mapped microcontroller where it compares the speed with
area with the help of the RF module. These areas the prescribed limit and the speed is controlled
are mostly to be schools, colleges, educational automatically. The technology used in this system
institutes, medical institutes, hospitals, crowded to communicate between transmitter and receiver is
markets, highways, residential areas etc. These Zigbee technology, which covers up to 10-100m
zones have the highest human proximity, crowd, within its range.
and traffic as far as the road is concerned. So there
needs to be a systematic solution to ensure the
utmost safety at such zones in the scope of saving
several unnecessary deaths and injuries due to
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 542
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

2. K.Govindaraju,S.Boopathi,F.ParvezAhme waits for certain time for drivers to lower the speed
d,S. ThulasiRam,M.Jagadeeshraja, of vehicle and if it is still not reduced then its
“EMBEDDED BASED VEHICLE SPEED controlled automatically.
TECHNOLOGY”, International Journal of 4. GummarekulaSattibabu,
Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics, B.V.V.Satyanarayan, VV Satyanarayana Kona,
Instrumentation and control Engineering Vol. 2, “AUTOMATIC VEHICLE SPEED WITH
Embedded Based Vehicle Speed Control DELIVERY SYSTEM
System Using Wireless Technology proposed a USING ARM7”, International Journal of
system that has an alerting, recording and reporting Technology Enhancements and Emerging
feature for over-speed violation management. Engineering Research, VOL 2, ISSUE 8,2020.
Zigbee transmitter is used to send the speed limit of In this paper the prototype design of a
the particular lane entered by the vehicle and it also system that can deliver road signs to commuters‟
gives alerts like road works, steep slopes, school vehicles and can control the speed of the
zone in the form of acoustical messages and also in automobile has been demonstrated. This project is
LCD. An increase in the count of violation very simple which is durable and is of low cost.
increases the penalty amount which can be This project consumes less power. This system is
collected in toll gates located nearby. easy to implement on present system which ensures
maximum safety for drivers, passengers and
3. Santhana Krishnan, Mohanraj.S, Mohana pedestrians. The driver can get the information
Deepak, “RF BASED AUTOMATIC SPEED without any kind of distraction. This proto-type
LIMITER FOR VEHICLES”, International Journal works even in bad weather conditions while the
of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) technology of artificial vision-based recognition of
Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 traffic signals might fail if visibility is poor and
This system immediately lowers the speed GPS Navigation.
of overspeeding vehicle, when overspeeding it uses
fuel valve. In the proposed system, the system


Overall Block diagram

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 543
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

The area based vehicle speed control using indicates the speeding range limit so these are
RF is designed to limit the over speed on the road placed at start and end of the restricted areas with a
and avoid injuries and accidents. This proposed threshold speed. In transmitter and receiver ,
system consists of RF transmitter and receiver that Arduino with analog to digital conversion and LCD
is within the range of 433MHz which require to is being used. At the receiver side, HT12D is used
sourcing the battery for usage of long period of as decoder and at the transmitter side, HT12E is
time. RF receiver is included within the vehicle. used as encoder. For the vehicle, prototype DC
After scanning of the signal at transmitting side, the motor is being used. By default, the speed of the
information is passed to the receiver side and the motor is set to cutoff speed, to show over speeding
vehicle receives the signal. In this project, RF of vehicle, increment switch is used.


Flow chart of area based vehicle speed control system

1. When the system is on, the transmitter receives IV. DESIGN REQUIREMENT
the analog signal with the help of RF speeding Arduino UNO
2. The vehicle speed is set using increment
3. If the vehicle is not in the RF range, the
vehicle travels according to the drivers‟
operation and no speed is controlled.
4. If the vehicle is in RF range , the speed is
5. If the speed is more than the cutoff threshold,
speed is controlled.
6. If the speed is not more than the cutoff
threshold, speed is not controlled and it travels
Arduino UNO

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 544
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

Arduino is an open-source platform used for multi- segment light-emittingdiodesand seven

for building electronics projects. Arduino consists segments. The main benefits of using this module
of both a physical programmable circuit board are inexpensive; simply programmable, animations,
(often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece and there are no limitations for displaying custom
of software, or IDE (Integrated Development characters, special and even animations.
Environment) that runs on your computer, used to
write and upload computer code to the physical DC Motor
board It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which 6
can be used as PWM outputs and 6 can be used as
analog inputs), a 16 MHz resonator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an in-circuit system
programming (ICSP) header, and a reset button. It
contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer
with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC
adapter or battery to get started. It simplifies the
process of creating any control system by providing
the standard board that can be programmed and
connected to the system without the need to any
sophisticated PCB design and implementation. It is
an open source hardware, anyone can get the
details of its design and modify it. DC Motor

LCD Display A DC motor is defined as a class of

electrical motors that convert direct current
electrical energy into mechanical energy. DC
motors can vary in size and power from small
motors in toys and appliances to large mechanisms
that power vehicles, pull elevators and hoists, and
drive steel rolling mills. DC motors include two
key components: a stator and an armature. The
stator is the stationary part of a motor, while the
armature rotates. In a DC motor, the stator provides
16X2 LCD Display a rotating magnetic field that drives the armature to
rotate. A simple DC motor uses a stationary set of
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of magnets in the stator, and a coil of wire with a
flat panel display which uses liquid crystals in its current running through it to generate an
primary form of operation. LEDs have a large and electromagnetic field aligned with the centre of the
varying set of use cases for consumers and coil. One or more windings of insulated wire are
businesses, as they can be commonly found in wrapped around the core of the motor to
smartphones, televisions, computer monitors and concentrate the magnetic field. The windings of
instrument panels. LCDs were a big leap in terms insulated wire are connected to a commutator, that
of the technology they replaced, which include applies an electrical current to the windings. The
light-emitting diode (LED) and gas-plasma commutator allows each armature coil to be
displays. LCDs allowed displays to be much energized in turn, creating a steady rotating force
thinner than cathode ray tube (CRT) technology. (known as torque).When the coils are turned on and
LCDs consume much less power than LED and gas off in sequence, a rotating magnetic field is created
display displays because they work on the principle that interacts with the differing fields of the
of blocking light rather than emitting it. Where an stationary magnets in the stator to create torque,
LED emits light, the liquid crystals in an LCD which causes it to rotate. These key operating
produces an image using a backlight. The term principles of DC motors allow them to convert the
LCDstands for liquid crystal display. It is one kind electrical energy from direct current into
of electronic display module used in an extensive mechanical energy through the rotating movement,
range of applications like various circuits and which can then be used for the propulsion of
devices like mobile phones, calculators, computers, objects.
TV sets, etc. These displays are mainly preferred
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 545
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

Motor Driver- L293D Encoders/Decoders, meaning they can transmit 12-

bit a data among them. But your encoder IC should
not communicate with someone else decoder IC, so
an Encoder and Decoder IC pair will share a
common Address which is an 8-bit data. So out of
the 12-bits 8-bits will be used to set address and the
remaining 4-bit will be used to transmit data. With
4-bit data we can create 16 types (2^4 =16) of
combinations. These IC‟s are commonly used with
RF pairs or IR pairs. So if you are working on a
project which has to transmit a 4-bit data from one
end to other CIRCUITeither by wire or wireless
then this IC pair will be best suited for you.

L293D driver module

The L293D is a popular 16-Pin Motor

Driver IC. As the name suggests it is mainly used
to drive motors. A single L293D IC is capable of
running two DC motors at the same time; also the
direction of these two motors can be controlled
independently. So if you have motors which has
operating voltage less than 36V and operating
current less than 600mA, which are to be controlled
by digital circuits like Op-Amp, 555 timers, digital
gates or even Microcontrollers like Arduino, PIC,
ARM etc.. this IC will be the right choice for you.
The L293D IC receives signals from the HT12D
microprocessor and transmits the relative signal to
the motors. It has two voltage pins, one of which is The IC HT12D can be used only with its
used to draw current for the working of the L293D pair HT12E. These two ICs together form an
and the other is used to apply voltage to the motors. Encoder and Decoder pair. They are 12-bit
The L293D switches it output signal according to Encoders/Decoders, meaning they can transmit 12-
the input received from the microprocessor. bit data among them. But your encoder IC should
not communicate with someone else's decoder IC,
HT12E so an Encoder and Decoder IC pair will share a
common Address which is an 8-bit data. So out of
the 12-bits 8-bits will be used to set address and the
remaining 4-bit will be used to transmit data. With
4-bit data we can create 16 types (2^4 =16) of
combinations. These IC‟s are commonly used with
RF pairs or IR pairs. So if you are working on a
project which has to transmit a 4-bit data from one
end to other either by wire or wireless then this IC
pair will be best suited for you.


The IC HT12E can be used only with its

pair HT12D. These two ICs together form an
Encoder and Decoder pair. They are 12-bit

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 546
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

TINKERCAD prototypes can include a microprocessor as part of

the design. Microprocessors are the simplest form
of computer that can be programmed. They can be
programmed to manipulate electronic components
like LED lights and buzzers. Microprocessors can
be programmed to gather information from sensors
and interpret that information. They are used in a
variety of devices all around us. They are in
microwaves, refrigerators, cars, computers and
many other electronic devices. The process used in
TinkerCAD is often used for rapid prototyping.
Prototyping is a process where we can develop
TinkerCAD Logo components in a flexible manner than can be
quickly updated and modified to test a variety of
TinkerCAD is a free online service for options when developing a project or product. We
creating basic 3D shapes and developing digital will use this process of prototyping to learn how to
prototypes of electronic components. These create basic electronic circuits
prototypes include basic circuits with LED lights,
buzzers, switches, and even light sensors. These


RF Transmitter Module

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 547
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

RF Receiver Module

1. The circuit diagram is divided into two stages: bidirectional drive currents can be driven up to
RF Receiver as shown in Figure: 8.1.1 and RF 600mA at a same time. Hence the positive pin
Transmitter as shown in Figure: 8.1.2. of DC motor is connected to L293D pin
2. The RF transmitter uses an HT12E as encoder number 8 and negative pin is connected to
given with an 9V supply. HT12E is an 18 pin L293D pin number 4.
IC which consists of 8 address bits from A1- 6. Arduino uno is an 8-bit ATMEGA328
A8 which should be exactly similar in the microcontroller. It has 14 digital pins as input
decoder to pair them. HT12E also consists of 4 or output out of which 6 are PWM outputs and
data bits from AD0-AD3 and the data sent 6 analogpins which is utilized as ADC.
from transmitter will be decoded at the HT12D 7. A 16x2 LCD is used which is made of 1000‟s
decoder sharing the same address bits. Pin of pixels and pin no 9-12 are given for analog
numbers 15 and 16 have inbuilt oscillators inputs of Arduino.
which can be activated by connecting 1MΩ
resistor.Positive pin of the battery is connected PROCEDURE OF WORKING:
to HT12E pin number 18(VDD) and negative 8. The RF transmitter (HT12E) is placed at the
is connected to HT12E pin number 9(GND) start of the zone.
3. The RF receiver uses an HT12D as decoder 9. The RF receiver (HT12D) is placed in the
given with an 9V supply. HT12D is an 18 pin vehicle and consists of an Arduino uno board,
IC which consists of 8 address bits from A1- DC motor, L293D motor driver, HT12D
A8 which should be exactly similar in the decoder and an LCD display.
encoder to pair them. HT12D also consists of 4 10. The vehicle speed is set.
data bits from AD0-AD3 that decodes the data
sent from HT12E encoder sharing the same
11. When the vehicle is in the RF range, the
vehicle receives the signal from the transmitter
address bits. Pin numbers 15 and 16 have
about the current speed of the vehicle and is
inbuilt oscillators which can be activated by
displayed on LCD.
connecting 1MΩ resistor.
4. It also consists of a prototype DC motor in
12. If the vehicle speed is high, according to
predefined speed then the speed is controlled
order to represent one wheel of the vehicle,
using RF receiver to the defined speed for that
which works on the principle of Lorentz law
particular area.
that describes, when a current carrying
conductor is kept in magnetic field, it gains 13. Once the speed is being controlled the drivers‟
torque and develops a tendency to move, it has no operation of speed.
experiences a mechanical force. 14. If the cut-off speed and the vehicle speed
5. An L293D motor driver is used to drive DC matches then the vehicle will not be controlled
motors, which is a 16 pin IC in which within the RF range.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 548
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

Receiver displaying the name of the project


Vehicle speed showing 100km/hr

The vehicle is in the RF range hence the vehicle current speed is displayed in LCD.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 549
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

Over speeding of the vehicle Transmitter encoding 20km/hr.

When the transmitter is transmitting the signal to the receiver, switch D0 is high in HT12E. The receiver,
HT12D receives the signal to reduce it to 20km/hr. Hence the LCD displays “Over speeding”.

Reduced speed to 20km/hr

Since school zone are defined to 20km/hr speed the vehicle is controlled to 20km/hr from 100km/hr.
• CASE 2:

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 550
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

Over speeding of the vehicle Transmitter encoding 40km/hr

When the transmitter is transmitting the signal to the receiver, switch D1 is high in HT12E. The
receiver, HT12D receives the signal to reduce it to 40km/hr. Hence the LCD displays “Over speeding”.

Reduced speed to 40km/hr

Since residential zone are defined to 40km/hr speed the vehicle is controlled to 40km/hr from 100km/hr.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 551
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

• CASE 3:

Over speeding of the vehicle Transmitter encoding 60km/hr

When the transmitter is transmitting the signal to the receiver, switch D2 is high in HT12E. The receiver,
HT12D receives the signal to reduce it to 60km/hr. Hence the LCD displays “Over speeding”.

Reduced speed to 60km/hr

Since highway zone are defined to 60km/hr speed the vehicle is controlled to 60km/hr from 100km/hr

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 552
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

Over speeding of the vehicle Transmitter encoding 80km/hr

When the transmitter is transmitting the signal to the receiver, switch D3 is high in HT12E. The receiver,
HT12D receives the signal to reduce it to 80km/hr. Hence the LCD displays “Over speeding”.

Reduced speed to 80km/hr

Since highway zone are defined to 80km/hr speed the vehicle is controlled to 80km/hr from 100km/hr

VI. CONCLUSION idea and the review of a Area Based Vehicle Speed
The project presents a solution to control Control System is a relatively more reliable option .
the speed of the vehicle automatically using the RF
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Volume 5, Issue 2 Feb. 2023, pp: 542-554 ISSN: 2395-5252

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DOI: 10.35629/5252-0502542554 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 554

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