Data in Brief

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Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1340–1346

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Data in Brief

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Data Article

Survey datasets on sick building syndrome:

Causes and effects on selected public buildings
in Lagos, Nigeria
David Obinna Nduka n, Babatunde Ogunbayo, Adekunle Ajao,
Kunle Ogundipe, Benjamin Babalola
Department of Building Technology, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: This dataset focuses on the causes and effects of sick building syn-
Received 8 June 2018 drome among users of selected facilities in Lagos. A mixed research
Received in revised form approach of field measurement and cross-sectional survey was adop-
28 July 2018
ted. Descriptive statistics were implemented on the data acquired and
Accepted 29 August 2018
Available online 5 September 2018
are reported on tables and figures. The significance of this data
leverages on providing insight and consciousness of sick building
syndrome to users and occupants of constructed facilities. The survey
dataset when analyzed can show direction on physical quantities
levels that can be experienced in public buildings in tropical region.
& 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access
article under the CC BY license

Specifications table

Subject area Building Maintenance

More specific subject area Facilities Management and Construction Technology
Type of data Table, text file and figure
How data was acquired Field survey
Data format Raw, filtered and analysed
Experimental factors Purposive sampling of selected users and Field measurement

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D.O. Nduka).
2352-3409/& 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
D.O. Nduka et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1340–1346 1341

Experimental features Structured questionnaire and use of instruments (Thermoigrometer and

BK precision Light Meter)
Data source location Lagos, Nigeria
Data accessibility All the data are contained in this data article

Value of the data

 The dataset provided symptoms associated with sick building syndrome and can be adapted for
studies in other facilities, hence relating the results to different building facilities.
 The data signposted the facilities users state of improvement over symptoms of sick building which
can present a debate for further studies in the same or other climatic conditions.
 Understanding the physical properties like temperature, relative humidity and lighting levels
compatible with human comfort in building can guide designers and construction professionals on
materials and construction techniques appropriate for a particular climatic condition.
 The dataset can increase awareness on the negative impact of defects in buildings and the rela-
tionship with emergence of sick building on the built environment.

1. Data

This dataset explores the causes and effects of sick building syndrome on users in public facilities in
University of Lagos, campus. In achieving the objectives of the dataset, opinions of 30 staff of three different
banks and 46 users and worshippers in the university's worship centers in different locations on campus
were sampled through structured questionnaire. Personal data characteristics of the respondents are shown
and summarized in Fig. 1. Additionally, data were collected through field measurement using Thermo-
igrometer instrument for measuring temperature and relative humidity respectively while BK Precision
Light meter instrument was used to measure lighting levels in the internal spaces. The analyzed data

Fig. 1. Summary of personal data of respondents.

1342 D.O. Nduka et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1340–1346

Table 1
Sick building syndromes symptoms experienced in building.

S/N Symptoms Yes (%) No (%) Neutral (%) Ranking

1 Sensitivity to odours 57.7 80.8 14.1 1

2 Sneezing 56.4 28.2 15.4 2
3 Coughing 53.8 35.9 10.3 3
4 Tiredness 52.6 35.9 7.7 4
5 Headache 47.4 48.7 3.8 5
6 Dizziness 38.5 52.6 9.0 6
7 A sensation of difficulty in 36.5 55.5 8.0 7
8 Blocked or stuffy nose 34.6 57.7 7.7 8
9 Watery eyes 30.8 61.5 7.7 9
10 Running nose 26.9 65.4 7.7 10
11 Dry throat 26.9 60.3 12.8 10
11 Difficulty/poor concentration 17.9 71.8 10.3 12
12 Tightness of the chest 12.8 78.2 9.0 13
13 Dryness and irritation of the 11.5 80.8 7.7 14

Fig. 2. Respondent improvement after leaving the building.

identified various symptoms linked to sick building syndrome in selected the facilities as contained in
Table 1. Fig. 2 shows the facilities users state of improvement over the symptoms of sick building syndrome
when not in the building. Further study of the data can offer understanding into the factors that affect the
human comfort in the building and the consequences of defects in building as reflected in Tables 2 and 3.

2. Experimental design, materials and methods

The dataset adopted cross-sectional survey design and physical measurement methods. The data
purposively sampled 100 respondents who were users and worshippers in the church and mosque and
staff of three commercial banks within the University of Lagos, Akoka campus. The sample frame
consists of 76 valid questionnaires comprising 30 bank staffers and 46 worshipers. Recent studies
[1–13] have documented the negative effects of sick building syndrome on human health across climes.
The survey instrument was administered by hand and consists of four parts. Objective assessment on
three physical quantities: temperature, relative humidity and lighting levels were undertaken and
D.O. Nduka et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1340–1346 1343

Table 2
Factors that affect human comfort in buildings.

Factors Mean Rank

Air intake sited away from source of contamination 1.67 36
Positioning of building with the wind direction towards source 2.56 3
(s) of pollution
The use of air filters for the cooling system fitted correctly 1.99 24
Adequacy of windows(s) for ventilation of occupants 1.82 27
The arrangement of furniture's prevents blockage of air cooling 2.50 4
Provision of inlet and extract vents in the rooms 2.37 5
Enduring satisfactory air circulation by air conditioning units 2.00 20
Relative humidity maintained between 40% and 60% 1.94 25
Provision of electricity within the building all the time 2.20 10
The use of specific luminaires to alleviate screen glare on visual 2.30 6
display units (VDUs)
The use of task light lighting (table light) to illuminate the room 2.50 5
Ensuring regular planned maintenance system is in operation 2.10 16
Ceiling and walls regularly decorated 2.10 16
Lighting system regularly maintained 1.80 28
The building fabrics are regularly cleaned including exterior 1.70 31
internal surfaces such as carpets, floors and furniture are reg- 1.70 31
ularly cleaned
Regularly damp dusting on all hard surfaces 1.70 31
Cleaning fluids and chemicals used correctly to manufacturers’ 2.10 16
Regular cleaning of the vents 2.00 22
Regular cleaning of the luminaires 1.80 28
Ventilation ducts inspected and cleaned as necessary 2.20 10
Filing cabinets regularly vacuumed 2.20 10
Use of building
The original occupancy level is achieved 1.90 26
Ensuring non-pasting of posters or any other item on the walls 1.70 31
The use of bin regularly maintained 1.80 28
Building management
Computerized building management systems are in place 2.20 10
The remote systems are avoided 2.30 6
The complaints procedures available to occupants when work- 2.30 8
ing in the environment is unsatisfactory
Glare (excess) light is avoided in office space 2.20 10
Provision of windows shades for natural ventilation are 3.00 1
Obtaining natural day lighting for occupant comfort 2.00 20
Regular refurbishment as part of maintenance 2.00 20
Placement of photocopies and printers in sealed rooms with 2.30 6
their own extract system
Consultation with occupants on furnishings. 2.60 2

presented in Table 4. Temperature and relative humidity were measured using Thermoigrometer
instruments while BK Precision Light meter instrument was used in measuring the internal space
lighting levels respectively. The temperature and relative humidity readings were taken during the day
at 2 h intervals in the month of September in the selected facilities. The lighting levels in the internal
spaces of worship centers only were measured in the daytime at 3 m intervals. The data collected were
coded and keyed into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) IBM v.21 for analysis. Descriptive
statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean and ranking were used to present the data.
1344 D.O. Nduka et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1340–1346

Table 3
Possible defects in building.

s/n Building component/element defects Mean Ranking

A Roof (wooden member)

1 Poor strength and stability of the timber framing 2.90 45
resulting in sagging and spreading of roofs
2 Decay (particularly trusses and facia) 3.20 4
B Roof covering (asbestos)
1 Broken roofing sheets 3.50 2
C Roof covering (Aluminium sheet or corrugated zinc)
1 Roof leakage 3.20 4
2 Corroded or worn out 3.10 22
3 Leaking rain water gutter 3.10 22
4 Faulty roof drainage 3.10 22
D Sanitary fittings and appliance (Plumbing)
1 Septic tank full 3.20 4
2 Inefficient flushing of WC 3.00 34
3 Blocked trap of sanitary appliance 3.00 34
4 Leaking pipes 3.00 34
5 Faulty water taps 3.00 34
6 Worn out drainage board 3.00 34
7 Loose bracket holding pipes to walls 3.10 22
E Electrical
1 Broken switches and sockets 3.00 34
2 Worn out electrical insulated copper wires 3.10 22
3 Loose wall brackets 3.00 34
4 Cutting off electrical supply 3.20 4
5 Damage to luminaires by vandals 3.20 4
6 Loose arrangement of wires 3.20 4
F Staircases
1 Nosing, cracked or missing 3.10 22
2 Worn out nosing, treads, balusters, handrails, loose 3.10 22
newels post
3 Handrail loose and baluster loose in their bases 3.10 22
4 Blocked rain water, gutter and drainage 3.20 4
G Walls (Sandcrete blocks)
1 Settlement cracks 3.20 4
2 Bulging and buckling (external walls only) 3.30 3
3 Dampness of walls 3.00 34
4 General weathering/erosion of wall surface 3.10 22
5 Atmospheric impurities 3.20 4
H Floors/Finishes
1 Spalling (with reinforcement exposed) 3.20 4
2 Movement cracks 3.20 4
3 Worn out screed/finish 3.20 4
4 Dirty terrazzo/granolithic 3.20 4
5 Worn out tiles, ceramic, PVC, clay quarry tiles, marbles, 3.20 4
wood blocks
J Windows/door joinery
1 Decayed frames 3.20 4
2 Sticking of frames 3.20 4
3 Broken glazing 3.00 34
4 Screening noise in doors handles 3.60 1
5 Loose hinges 3.20 4
6 Loose louver blade 3.20 4
K Wall finishes (Paint)
1 Peeling 3.00 34
2 Chipping or flaking 3.10 22
3 chalking 3.10 22
D.O. Nduka et al. / Data in Brief 20 (2018) 1340–1346 1345

Table 4
Physical quantities measurement.

Facilities Physical quantities

Lighting level (Lux) Temperature (°C) Relative humidity (%)

Worship centre 1280 30.5 50

A 202 30.5 50
183 30.5 50
219 30.5 50
750 30.5 50
400 30.5 50
Mean 400 30.5 50
Worship centre 295 30 60
B 370 29 58
295 29.5 59
272 29.5 54
530 28.5 58
565 28 60
274 39 59
311 30 58
910 30 60
813 29.5 59
Mean 464 lx 29 °C 59%
Bank A 29 50
28.5 49
28 49.5
28.5 49
28 50
Mean 27 °C 49%
Bank B 30 49
29 50
29.5 57
30 50
28 50
Mean 28 °C 50%
Bank C 28 48
28.5 49
29 48.5
28 48
Mean 25 °C 48%


The authors of this dataset wish to thank the Centre for Research and Innovation Development
(CUCRID), Covenant University, Ota for their financial sponsorship of this publication.

Transparency document. Supplementary material

Transparency data associated with this article can be found in the online version at http://dx.doi.


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