Emerging Tools For Identifcation of Vector
Emerging Tools For Identifcation of Vector
Emerging Tools For Identifcation of Vector
The rapid and reliable identification of arthropod vector species is an essential component
of the fight against vector-borne diseases. However, owing to the lack of entomological
expertise required for the morphological identification method, development of alternative
and complementary tools is needed. This review describes the main methods used for
arthropod identification, focusing on the emergence of protein profiling using MALDI-TOF
MS technology. Sample preparation, analysis of reproducibility, database creation and blind
tests for controlling accuracy of this tool for arthropod identification are described. The
advantages and limitations of the MALDI-TOF MS method are illustrated by emphasizing
different hematophagous arthropods, including mosquitoes and ticks, the top two main
vectors of infectious diseases.
First draft submitted: 22 July 2015; Accepted for publication: 14 January 2016;
Published online: 12 April 2016
Arthropods are metazoan invertebrate animals encompassing more than 1 million species, and they Keywords
represent more than 80% of all living animal species [1] . Some arthropods possess the capacity to • arthropod identification
transmit pathogens, although the proportion of arthropod species known to pose public health • database creation
hazards is relatively small [2] . Currently, the number of arthropods parasitizing humans, domestic • MALDI-TOF mass
animals and wildlife is estimated at approximately 39,000 species. The majority of these arthropod spectrometry profiling
species belong to the class of insects and arachnids including mosquitoes and ticks, respectively [3] . • molecular tools
Mosquitoes are the primary vectors of human infectious diseases, including malaria, dengue • morphological tools
and filariasis [4] . Every year more than 1 million individuals in the world die from mosquito-borne • vector-borne diseases
diseases [5] . With the identification and emergence of borrelioses and rickettsial diseases, ticks have
also been recognized to have major effects on public health [6] . In the last decade, the recent epidemic
of West Nile virus in USA [7] and the Chikungunya outbreaks in the Indian Ocean, Europe [8] and,
more recently, in America [9] are some examples of the expansion of vector-borne diseases (VBD) in
New World areas [10] . The rapid risk changes in VBD indicate that dissemination is now a global
problem. Arthropod monitoring and control of vector populations remain essential to surveying
and preventing VBD. Thus, the reliable and rapid identification of arthropod at the species level
to distinguish vectors from nonvectors is essential [11] .
This review first presents the main and frequently used methods and tools for arthropod identifi-
cation, emphasizing their advantages and limitations, including recent development in morphologi-
cal and molecular tools. In the second part of the review, innovative methods, focusing mainly on the
Aix Marseille Université, Unité de Recherche en Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Emergentes (URMITE), UM63, CNRS 7278, IRD 198
(Dakar, Sénégal), Inserm 1095, Faculté de Médecine, 27 bd Jean Moulin, 13385 Marseille cedex 5, France
*Author for correspondence: Tel.: +33 491 385 517; Fax: +33 491 387 772; philippe.parola@univ-amu.fr part of
10.2217/fmb.16.5 © 2016 Future Medicine Ltd Future Microbiol. (Epub ahead of print) ISSN 1746-0913
Review Yssouf, Almeras, Raoult & Parola
collection and transport. It cannot be applied amplifying DNA under isothermal conditions,
to identification of arthropod vectors without and thus requiring minimal laboratory equip-
wings such as ticks, lice or fleas. Nor can this ment, is perfectly adapted for field analyses.
tool be applied to Diptera species recognition However, the design of primers is complicated
at immature aquatic stages. Thus, the develop- and requires genomic sequence information; one
ment of a new method that was not limited primer system and amplification are needed per
by these factors and that would allow accurate arthropod species investigated. Although the
insect species identification in a short time and LAMP method was successfully applied for
in an economic way was required. distinction between An. gambiae and An. arabi-
ensis mosquitoes [68] , this method was developed
●●Molecular methods more for determination of the infection status of
The sequencing of specific coding and noncod- arthropod vectors [69–71] .
ing regions genetic sequences from some vector
species were designed for species identification, Genetic markers used for mosquito & tick
and played an important role in the development identification
of this approach [39] . The noncoding regions, Ribosomal DNA markers
including the spacer regions, are supposed to be Among the ribosomal DNA markers, the
less affected by adaptive selection and are often Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) and ribosomal
targeted in arthropod molecular taxonomy [40] . subunits are the main ribosomal markers used
Molecular methods present numerous advan- for mosquito and tick identification [40–41,72] .
tages. Insect developmental stages have no effect The ITS2 sequence possesses the greatest inter-
on target genetic sequences, and several sample species divergence and the lowest intraspecies
storage conditions are compatible with DNA variation and was proposed as the most suit-
preservation such as samples stored frozen in able DNA marker for species identification of
alcohol and in some cases even dried [41] . DNA arthropods such as mosquitoes and ticks [51,61] .
extracted from a specimen as small as an egg or To distinguish the species of Anopheles mosquito
the segment of one leg may be directly submit- complex from chromosome forms of An. gam-
ted to molecular analysis regardless of the stage biae ss, the ITS2 sequence is one of the most
of life [42] . In addition, molecular tools require a frequently used [73–76] . The ITS2 marker is also
small amount of biological material and several able to distinguish different Aedes species [48]
steps can be automated, allowing identification as well as Culex species [17,77] down to the sub-
of a large number of specimens. species level [77] . The ribosomal ITS1 gene is
Different genetic markers and molecular sometimes used to distinguish mosquito spe-
strategies have been developed using species- cies [45,48] . ITS2 sequencing has been also used to
specific nucleotide sequences designed mainly discriminate between several species belonging
from nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) or mito- to hard and soft ticks and even the Argas spe-
chondrial rDNA (Table 1) . However, despite cies [62] . However, the ITS2 sequence was some-
the specificity, reproducibility and sensitivity times unable to accurately distinguish closely
of molecular methods, no consensus sequence related arthropod species, and its combination
exists for the identification of all arthropod spe- with other genes such as ITS1 or the COI was
cies. Incomplete or absent DNA sequence infor- frequently reported [58,78–79] . However, several
mation for a larger number of arthropod families other gene sequences have been employed for
are factors limiting the use of molecular biol- their identification or discrimination, such as
ogy methods for arthropod identification [43,44] . domain 3 (D3) of the 28S subunit for mosqui-
Additionally, these molecular methods are gen- toes [45,80] or the 18S rDNA sequence for tick
erally costly and relatively time consuming, thus identification [81] . The Intergenic spacer was for-
hampering their use. merly used to identify the An. gambiae complex
More recently, a novel nucleic acid amplifi- by using different PCR methods [42,50] .
cation method, termed loop-mediated isother- Consequently, among all ribosomal markers,
mal amplification (LAMP), was developed by the ITS2 gene seems the most used to distinguish
Notomi et al. [67] . The LAMP principle relied on species of the Culicidae and Ixodidae family, but
autocycling strand displacement DNA synthesis currently, no single ribosomal DNA sequence
by nucleic acid amplification in one step. This has been shown suitable for identification of all
sensitive, rapid (<1 h) and accurate technique, arthropod species.
ITS2 Standard PCR and ITS2a: 5´-TGTGAACTGCAGGACACAT–3´ Distinction of anopheline sibling species Useful for low-level phylogenetic [45,46]
sequencing ITS2b: 5´-TATGCTTAAATTCAGGGGGT–3´ involved in malaria transmission (An. analyses and to distinguish closely
funestus and nili groups) related species
Standard PCR and 5.8F /5´-TGTGAACTGCAGGACACATG- 3´ Application to identification of Large availability of Genbank [47]
sequencing 28R/5´-ATGCTTAAATTTAGGGGGTA–3´ specimens from Anopheles and Culex sequences
PCR-RFLP 18SFHIN/5´-GTAAGCTTCCTTTGTACACACCGCCCG Identification of subgenus adenine [48]
T–3´ mosquito species (subgenus Stegomyia)
Review Yssouf, Almeras, Raoult & Parola
Multiplex PCR ANU: 5´-GATGCACACATTCTTGAGTGCC3´ Distinction of anopheline sibling species [49]
ANO: 5´AGCACGGTCACCACGGTTCTCC3´ involved in malaria transmission (An. nili
sequencing C1–N–2329 (5´-ACTGTAAATATATGATGAGCTCA–3´ genera and closely related ticks COI gene, a better genetic markers for
Standard PCR/Cloning cox1F/ 5´-GGAACAATATATTTAATTTTTGG–3´ Useful genetic markers for the tick species identification compared [64,66]
and sequencing cox1R /5´-ATCTATCCCTACTGTAAATATATG–3´ specific identification and genetic with the 12S and ITS2
characterization of ticks
16S Standard PCR/ 16S-F/ 5´-TTAAATTGCTGTRGTATT3 Efficient for tick species identification Relevant marker for tick species [64]
sequencing 16S-R1/ 5´-CCGGTCTGAACTCASAWC–3´ identification although for closely
related species but it could be used
Emerging tools for identification of arthropod vectors
with COI
Review Yssouf, Almeras, Raoult & Parola
destruction by the direct laser pulses [101] . The storage in ethanol maintained spectra profiles
desorbed and ionized molecules are then acceler- and permitted unambiguous identification of
ated in an electric field and separated through Culicoides species [93] . Nevertheless, other works
a flight tube in the linear or reflectron mode reported that freshly prepared specimens pro-
according to their mass-to-charge ratio until vided higher average data counts in terms of the
they reach a detector [102–104] . Thus, the time- number and intensity of peaks than specimens
of-flight (TOF) of each molecule is measured by stored in 70% ethanol [93,100] .
MS. Then, the molecular mixture from a sample Similarly, a recent study using MALDI-TOF
is detected on the basis of its TOF and charac- MS for flea identification revealed that the stor-
terized by a mass spectrum composed of peaks age of specimens in ethanol disrupts and influ-
with varying masses and intensities of ions [86] . ences the spectra compared with fresh or frozen
According to the apparatus and machine setting, samples, and dramatically alters the reliability
the window range of mass-to-charge ratio can of identification [110] . Thus, the use of fresh or
vary, but generally solely peptides and proteins of frozen samples of ticks [11] , tsetse flies [97] and
low molecular weight (<25 kDa) were detected. Drosophila species [90] remains the best method
The mass spectra generated are unique protein in terms of peak number, signal intensity and
‘fingerprint signatures’ for reliable species iden- peak resolution [100,101] . Moreover, long periods
tification and taxonomic classification [87,102] and of protein sample storage in ethanol induce pro-
protein identity is usually unimportant [90] . The tein precipitation and decrease protein solubil-
reproducibility of the spectra is a critical parame- ity, which could lead to the loss of qualitative
ter for the creation of a spectra reference database and quantitative spectra profiles [44] . A drying
and accurate species identification. method of preservation was also tested for mos-
quito specimens [107] . The arthropod placed in
●●Preparation of arthropod samples for silica gel with a piece of cotton at room tempera-
MALDI-TOF MS ture for several months did not alter dramatically
Storage conditions & body parts used MS analysis [107] . Thus, storage conditions are an
The mode of sample conservation and the choice important factor in MALDI-TOF MS analysis
of the whole specimen or body parts are crucial of arthropod specimens.
parameters for MALDI-TOF MS analyses. For The second crucial parameter is the choice of
epidemiological studies, arthropods are generally the body parts use for the MS reference database
collected in the field through different methods creation. In contrast to molecular biology analy-
depending on the arthropod family [96] . The sis, where the genome is the same for all cells
methods may include using traps, spraying and of a specimen except the sex cells, the protein
aspiration for insect groups or ectoparasite col- repertoire from arthropods varies according to
lection, including ticks, lice or fleas removed compartment [97] . Thus, it is indispensable to
from vertebrate hosts [11] . In these field condi- initially test the whole specimen and different
tions, samples are generally stored either in 70% body parts to determine which one produces a
ethanol, frozen, dried in silica gel or left at room unique and reproducible protein pattern for each
temperature until further analysis in the labora- species.
tory. Storage conditions can have a deleterious Although pioneering studies used whole spec-
impact on the MS protein pattern; thus, it is imens, it is now well recognized that arthropod
essential to test and determine the consequences abdomens should be excluded from analysis,
of sample storage conditions on spectra prior to especially for mature, hematophagous arthro-
creating a reference library. Fresh [11] or frozen pods (Table 2) . Several studies reported that dis-
specimens [100] are preferred for the evaluation of section and exclusion of the abdomen increased
arthropod identification by MALDI-TOF MS. the reproducibility and quality of the MS spec-
The storage of field samples in ethanol tra [95,99] . The deleterious effects were attributed
remains a common preservation mode. Several to the gut contents, which can differ within a spe-
studies, using exclusively arthropod species cies due to distinct diets [95] . This phenomenon
stored in ethanol, including Culicoides biting is enhanced in hematophagous arthropods [92] .
midges [105] , mosquitoes [95] and Drosophila [44] Consequently, omitting the abdomen appears
species, showed successful identification of spe- to be the better strategy for protein extraction
cies by MALDI-TOF MS (Table 2) [92] . Another for further MALDI-TOF analyses. The abdo-
study confirmed that short periods of sample men can be used for other purposes, including
Mantophasmatodea Fresh specimens Neurohemal α-cyano-4- Voyager DE biospectrometry Neuropeptide MS patterns stable [89]
organs hydroxycinnamic acid workstation (Perseptive between males, females and larvae
Biosystems, MA, USA) per species. Relationship between
geographical location of samples and
peptide sequences
Drosophila Fresh specimens Whole body α-cyano-4- Voyager Elite MALDI-TOF MS Reproducibility of MS spectra from [90]
hydroxycinnamic acid; (Perseptive Biosystems) specimens of the same species coming
sinapinic acid from distinct localities
70% ethanol at RT or Whole body Sinapic acid Ultraflex III MALDI-TOF Storing mode influences quantitatively [44]
-20°C for long storage spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics, (intensity) and qualitatively (peak
period Bremen, Germany) diversity) MS spectra
Aphids Fresh specimens Whole body α-cyno-4- Voyager DE Pro MALDI-TOF MS Presence of peaks specific in each stages [91]
Review Yssouf, Almeras, Raoult & Parola
Emerging tools for identification of arthropod vectors
Review Yssouf, Almeras, Raoult & Parola
MALDI-TOF MS analyses
Arthropod collection
of sample preparation
Field Breeding
Species n°1
Morphological keys
Molecular marker(s) Species n°2 interspecies
Creation and
Blind tests
Reference MS spectra database creation
Threshold identification
Species n°3
Field collection Host collection
Not included
in the database
Figure 1. Overall strategy for the use of MALDI-TOF MS for arthropod identification. The successive steps of arthropod collection (A)
for optimization and evaluation of sample preparation (B), creation and validation of the spectra reference database (C) until its use for
arthropod identification (D) are summarized.
validation of species identification by molecular with beads [93] . Arthropod proteins are generally
methods [93] . However, other body parts can be extracted with a buffer containing a mixture of
used. For example, the high diversity of venom formic acid and acetonitrile [100] or formic acid
peptides resulted in application of MALDI-TOF alone [95] . The role of formic acid is to destroy
MS for the classification of scorpions and ants the cell wall, while acetonitrile ensures protein
using their venom drops and venom glands, extraction [34,110] . Water was also successfully
respectively [111,112] . Similarly, the dissection of tested for protein extraction [93] . The crushing
small neuroendocrine tissues, the neurohemal method in water has the advantage of preserving
organs, from Mantophasmatodea specimens was the DNA, allowing cross validation of arthropod
also sufficient for successful identification by identity by molecular methods [90] .
proteomic tools [113] .
Protein is extracted by crushing the specimen The choice of matrix & MALDI-TOF parameters
in organic solvents. The crushing is performed The choice of matrix is a critical factor in
either manually with a pellet pestle [11,90] or MALDI-TOF analysis because the matrix
automatically with an automatic homogenizer influences the homogeneity of cocrystallization
with the analytes [101] . The quality of co-crys- Tick species identification
tallization determines the efficiency of molec- Two studies evaluated the MALDI-TOF MS
ular ionization and detection [103] . The main approach to distinguishing tick species using
matrices used for arthropod identification are only fresh specimens [11] . Although both stud-
trans-3,5-dimethyloxy-4-hydroxycinnamic acid ies analyzed MS profiles from adult specimens,
(Sinapinic acid or SA) [95,105] and α-cyano-4- Karger et al. were also interested in the conse-
hydroxycinnamic acid [11,97] (Table 2) . The matrix quences of developmental stages on MS protein
is usually dissolved in a mixture of water and profiles [94] . Despite the MS profile changes dur-
organic solvents, including acetonitrile and a ing tick metamorphosis, the ticks were correctly
strong acid, for example, trifluoroacetic acid [86] . classified, first at the species level and second
Different deposition methods exist for loading according to developmental stage. It was sug-
the sample and matrix onto a target plate [114] . gested that some prominent peaks appeared
However, the most frequently used method con- in all the different stages for each tick species,
sists of an air-dried sample overlaid with matrix resulting in correct classification. Interestingly,
solution [96,97] . A high or low protein concen- proteins extracted from tick legs yielded species-
tration in the sample affects the quality of the specific and reproducible spectra resulting in the
spectrum [102,106] . Thus, determination of the creation of a spectra reference database for iden-
optimal protein concentration to deposit on the tification purposes [11] like the one developed for
target plate is required. mosquito specimens [96] . For sample preparation,
Yssouf et al. used classical protocols (i.e., a mix-
Mosquito species identification ture of formic acid and acetonitrile), whereas the
Since the emergence of MALDI-TOF MS eval- Karger group homogenized the tick body with
uation for arthropod identification, five stud- guanidinium chloride solution. Although this
ies used this innovative approach for mosquito last buffer is compatible with DNA extraction,
identification [95–96,102,106–108] . Three studies salts present in the buffer perturb MS analysis,
focused on evaluation of MALDI-TOF MS for and should be removed.
identification of adult mosquitoes [95–96,107] . Interestingly, the simplicity of the standard-
Adult mosquitoes were stored either in 70% ized protocol and the quality of MS spectra gen-
ethanol for several months [95] , or were fresh, erated by tick legs resulted in the transfer of the
frozen or dried with silica gel [107] . All these pres- tick leg reference MS database to the Marseille
ervation modes led to MS spectra of sufficient hospital diagnosis microbiology laboratory
quality to distinguish the mosquito species and for the identification of ticks removed from
complexes. Interestingly, different body parts patients [11] . This procedure identifies in less
were selected. Whole adult mosquitoes without than 1 h without any entomological expertise,
the abdomen were chosen by Muller et al. [95] , which is helpful for physician diagnosis.
while Yssouf et al. demonstrated that legs were
sufficient to obtain specific and reproducible ●●Database creation & blind tests
MS spectra [96,107] . The use of the legs has Prior to the determination of a specimen’s
multiple advantages, including minimal influ- identity based on MS spectra, the creation
ence of mosquito gender, age or diet on MS of a spectra reference database similar to the
profiles, and preservation of other body parts Genbank database is indispensable (Figure 1) .
for complementary experiments, including the An arthropod MALDI-TOF MS database is cre-
detection of micro-organisms [109] . Recently, ated using dedicated software, for instance, the
the MALDI-TOF MS strategy was applied for MALDI-Biotyper (Bruker Daltonic) or Saramis
Aedes species identification using mosquito (AnagnosTec GmbH). The database is created
eggs [108] . More recently, Dieme et al. reported with several representative spectra per species
that MALDI-TOF MS also identified mosquito selected for their consistency and reproducibil-
species at aquatic stages [109] . Insect metamor- ity. At least two distinct specimens per species
phosis has already been described to induce should be included in the reference database;
MS spectra changes [94] . However, appropri- however, to increase the accuracy of identifica-
ate sample preparations and spectra reference tion, it is better to add several specimens per
database creation result in reliable identifica- species. To obtain a representative database, the
tion of immature specimens by MALDI-TOF inclusion of MS spectra from specimens of both
MS [94,99,106] . genders and from different geographical regions
MS spectra
Geographical and storage duration Pathogenic
origin agents
Identification at Trophic
immature and DB creation
adult stages
Reliable Infectious
(correct identification)
Economic status
(<1€/sample) (from 15’ to 45’)
to establish the appropriate sample preservation could appear more laborious. However, once the
conditions. MS database is created, the MALDI-TOF MS
Additionally, during the arthropod life cycle, approach remains the more rapid and economi-
metamorphosis occurs. Karger et al. demon- cal strategy for accurate arthropod identification.
strated that in hemimetabolous arthropods Interestingly, the majority of studies using
(e.g., ticks) morphologic changes induce quali- MALDI-TOF MS for arthropod identification
tative and quantitative modifications of protein were based on the analysis and comparison of
expression at each stage, which results in varia- intact protein patterns. However, this strategy
tions in the protein spectra [94] . Similar observa- could be sometime insufficient to distinguish
tions were reported by Dieme et al., developing very closely related arthropod species due to its
optimal strategies for identification of mos- relative low resolution and limited sensitivity for
quitoes at aquatic stages using MALDI-TOF larger masses.
MS [109] . Thus, the collection of specimens at In such condition, an alternative strategy is
each developmental stage for each species should conceivable by comparing peptide MS spectra.
be included to improve the accuracy of data- This method, known as peptide mass finger-
bases for arthropod identification. Compared printing or shotgun mass mapping, requires
with molecular biology methods, which are not proteolytic hydrolysis (e.g., trypsin) of the sam-
affected by the arthropod specimen develop- ple prior to MALDI-TOF MS reference data-
mental stage, the MALDI-TOF MS approach base creation or interrogation. The advantages
of shotgun mass mapping are the increase in in the near future a reference method for ento-
resolution in the lower mass range (i.e., from mological laboratories possessing an MALDI-
500 to 4000 Da) and the method of obtain- TOF MS instrument. Although the creation of
ing peptide sequence information by analyzing a reference database might be limited, it could
the more stringent peptides with tandem mass subsequently be shared by granting open access
spectrometry. Until now, shotgun mass mapping for routine arthropod identification either for
has been applied one time for arthropod spe- entomological diagnosis or arthropod moni-
cies recognition using Culicoides biting midge toring. More recently, MALDI-TOF MS was
specimens [116] . assessed for the detection of pathogens associ-
ated with tick vectors [117,118] . Therefore, these
Conclusion & future perspective pioneering studies make dual identification
Morphological identification remains a classi- possible and offer new opportunities for medi-
cal taxonomic tool, and the molecular biology cal diagnosis and survey of pathogen circula-
approach is the most widely used alternative tion by focusing vector surveillance. Finally, it
method used to identify arthropods. However, seems likely that MALDI-TOF MS will revo-
MALDI-TOF MS represents an interesting lutionize medical entomology as it has revolu-
approach to arthropod identification and has tionized microbiology diagnostics.
numerous advantages, including simplicity of
specimen sample preparation, a minimum pro- Financial & competing interests disclosure
cessing time and very low consumable costs. This work has been carried out thanks to the support of the
These benefits of rapid arthropod identification A*MIDEX project (n° ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) funded
without entomological skills will likely become by the Investissements d’Avenir French Government
Executive summary
Arthropod identification by morphological methods
●● Although morphological method remains a reference tool for arthropod identification, several factors such as
entomological skill/knowledge or the availability of identification keys limit its use.
●● Morphometric method based on the analysis of the size and shape of biological structures is mainly applied to study
phenotypical evolution and systematics of insect and could distinguish cryptic species which could not be revealed by
traditional morphological approaches.
●● Wing interference patterns are an emerging method based on analysis of the wing color pattern produced and
subsequent restriction to flying arthropods at the postpupal stage.
Arthropod identification by molecular methods
●● Molecular methods for arthropod identification are widely used, notably through progress in arthropod genome
sequencing. It is compatible with several sample preservation modes; conservation time and all arthropod
compartments can be selected.
●● No consensus sequence exists for the identification of all arthropod species and multiple gene sequences are required
for unambiguous arthropod identification.
Arthropod identification by MALDI-TOF MS
●● The MALDI-TOF MS tool is simple, cost effective, rapid for data collection and reliable for arthropod identification.
Unique protein ‘fingerprint signatures’ are generated for accurate species identification against a spectra reference
●● However, sample storage modes influence MS spectra quality, favoring frozen preservation methods for submission to
MALDI-TOF MS. As the MS protein pattern changes according to body parts, one arthropod compartment should be
selected for database creation and further MS queries.
●● MALDI-TOF MS is a competitive method for rapid, reliable and inexpensive arthropod identification and does not
require entomological knowledge.
●● It is likely that MALDI-TOF MS will become soon a reference method for arthropod identification.
program, managed by the French National Research Agency matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from
(ANR). The authors have no other relevant affiliations or those disclosed.
financial involvement with any organization or entity with No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject this manuscript.
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